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King of Knights
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
  6. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
I enjoy modern fantasy, fantasy, scifi, romance, yuri, romance,adventure, action, all that good stuff. I tend to stay farther away from horror and the like, but thrillers maybe? I guess? I've never really tried so I'd be open to it.
Hello! Firstly, as the title says, I only do fxf RPS and I tend to be the more dominate/masculine.
With that out of the way I'm looking for more partners that would be willing to do FxF RPs! All Iwaku rules apply.

I tend to be somewhat of a grammar freak so please only serious writers. This means grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphs.

I can handle typos of course as long as you don't mind when they are pointed out and of course I'd want the same from my partner. No GodModding please, unless discussed between us, then I would allow it.

And please, no one liners, I'd expect at the least 2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences/paragraph) and I can promise you will have enough to reply to from my posts. I am open to any genre besides furry and horror, they just aren't really my thing. Also, if there is to be romance, I like slow burns. I don't mind doing fluffy Rps, but I'd prefer something more serious. I like a lot of conflict and for characters to work for their romances.

Fandoms: (Blue =my character, Green= your character)

Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami

Avatar the Last Airbender (OCs)

Legend of Zelda (OCs)
Fem Hero of Time x Zelda

Skyrim/Elder Scrolls
Dragonborn x OC/NPC

Final Fantasy
Fang x Lightning
Fang x Serah
Lightning x Aerith (ff7)

Ciri x OC

Wolf's Rain

Harry Potter
Fleur x Hermione

Saber x Irisviel (I will be very picky with this one)

The 100
Lexa x Clarke
Grounder x Skaikru OCs

Mass Effect
FemShep x Liara
FemShep x OC

Kannazuki no Miko
Chikane x Himeko

OC x Moka

Lost Girl
Bo x Lauren
Bo x Tamsin


Werewolf x Vampire
Werewolf x Human
Vampire x Human
Demon x Angel
Archangel x Human
Archangel x Demon
School Rivals (older student x younger student)
Knight x Queen
Knight x Servant
Knight x Commoner

Post Apocalyptic, survival RP:
I've been playing a lot of Horizon lately and now I'd like to try an RP similar to it. Doesn't have to exactly along the same plot line, but basically something happened to the earth, and now humans have to go back to primitive ways of surviving.

Vampire x Human:
A modern day vampire roleplay where my character (vampire) is tired of living in the shadows and longs to be part of the human world. Meets your character and is being threatened by her kin because they're to believe vampires don't exist.

Lycan x Human:
Modern day Lycan x Human where lycans are more inclined to be in a more wolf like form and stay to the forests. Your character (human) gets lost one day and a lycan helps her get back to civilization.

Adventurer x Princess:
Your character (princess) is adventurous and wishes to see the world outside of her castle. My character sees the princess in a bit of trouble and helps her, showing her around and then sneaking her out of the royal city to travel with her. (Think sort of like how Aladdin found Jasmine sort of scenario).

Female Hero of Time x Princess Zelda
I'm looking for a Breath of the Wild plot here, starting before the Hero gets put to sleep for 100 years. PLEASE, YOU NEED TO HAVE PLAYED AND FINISHED BREATH OF THE WILD TO BE ABLE TO RP THIS ONE

There are several I'm leaving out I'm sure I just can't think of them off the top of my head. So if you have anything you'd like to RP don't be afraid to mention it to me. I'm very open to creating a world to fit and RP plot. Also, if you have another other pairings please let me know! I love building worlds and creating characters so I have no problem coming up with original content. Please be an active RPer, I don't want to be the only one offering plot and details. I prefer art for character sheets, anime mainly, but I don't mind other medias. If you're interested don't hesitate to PM me :)

If you lose interest while brainstorming or get busy, please let me know instead of just not messaging me back, I promise no judgment or hard feelings. Thanks :3
Last edited:
Still looking
Oops, double post, sorry about that.

I'd love to do a Knight x Servant or Skyrim RP! Do you have any plots in mind?
Oops, double post, sorry about that.

I'd love to do a Knight x Servant or Skyrim RP! Do you have any plots in mind?
I do! Feel free to send me a message :3
Stares at my hands. We have so many fandoms in common I'm going to die.

I would be very down for:
-KANNAZUKI NO MIKO (Himeko is a character I really relate to)
-Harry Potter OCs
-Skyrim (either)
-Rosario Vampire (I love Moka)
-Any of the knight pairings
-Demon x angel
Stares at my hands. We have so many fandoms in common I'm going to die.

I would be very down for:
-KANNAZUKI NO MIKO (Himeko is a character I really relate to)
-Harry Potter OCs
-Skyrim (either)
-Rosario Vampire (I love Moka)
-Any of the knight pairings
-Demon x angel
Yessss all the fandoms
Shoot me a message and we can brainstorm :D
Still looking
Still looking
Hey, there! I'd love to do a Skyrim RP with you ^_^ hit me up if you're still interested! Hope you're having a good day.
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Reactions: Saber
Hey, there! I'd love to do a Skyrim RP with you ^_^ hit me up if you're still interested! Hope you're having a good day.
I'll send you a PM ASAP

I would be interested in doing some of your pairings that you listed! I would also kill to do an Avatar the Last Airbender rp. That is if you're still looking of course!
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Reactions: Saber

I would be interested in doing some of your pairings that you listed! I would also kill to do an Avatar the Last Airbender rp. That is if you're still looking of course!
I am still looking! Sorry for the late reply I had corrective eye surgery so I've been afk from screens and whatnot. I'll send you a PM so we can brainstorm.
Still looking
Hello, it's nice to meet you! We have a plethora of fandoms in common, which is very nice to see... However, are you still looking for a RP partner? I would be delighted to roleplay with you! ♡
(I have a few questions and concerns, however!)
1) Can you do a slow burn LOZ F X F roleplay (OC x canon)?
2) Are you comfortable role playing suggestive and sexual themes?

Thanks for your time! :)
Still looking
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