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Legens Legentis

Deus Ex Machina
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Sci-Fi, Modern, Horror, & Romance

Enter, if you dare.

It's too good to be true, isn't it? Never in your wildest dreams did you think that you would ever win a free pass to an amusement park. The invitation came to you on your doorstep, patiently waiting to be opened and read. Though it seems like nobody in town had ever heard of it before. Not even your friends or family knew anything about some odd place called Horrorland. What follows is the tale of you and the other VIP guests, taking the ride of their lives in the most surreal, most terrifying theme park in history. It is time to unravel the mystery of what is really going on inside Horrorland.

Is it all part of some elaborate joke, or is there something more sinister lurking behind every corner?
What happens to you once you overstay your welcome?
Why are visitors disappearing all around you?
Are the monsters throughout the park real?
Why do they want you to stay... forever?

Even still, you mustn't give up hope. There is one way to escape this dreaded park. You must find the scattered pieces of your ticket in order to leave, whether it be on rides, in shops, or in more forbidden locations that only the strong delve into.
They are watching your every move.
You are never escaping.

There's nowhere to hide.
  • Deadly Doom Slide: One of the park's most popular attractions, featuring a mountain of ten individual slides that lead to your doom! Each slide is differentiated from the next so that the scares always feel fresh. Let us warn you about the ninth slide, which goes on forever, if you're not into that sort of thing.
    Ferris Squeal: Will this modified Ferris wheel break down as you ride it? Yes it will!
    House of Mirrors: Take a look around. Not only do these mirrors reveal your inner demons, they also make a valiant attempt at crushing you once you reach the other side. Our advice is to remain wary of walls.
    Terror Teacups: Rated E for Evisceration.
    Ghost Train: You might imagine that a haunted house ride in Horrorland would be slightly redundant. The twist here is that once you strap yourself in, you have a 50% chance of becoming one of the countless ghosts which haunt the ride. Sometimes the train engineer forgets to stop, so that probability is only going to go up.
    Calamity Canyon: The only roller coaster in the entire park to have never been repaired once. Collapsing boulders, decrepit support beams, and projectile cactuses allow this ride to be one of the most unsafe in Horrorland.
  • Gift Chop: The largest boutique for all your undead souvenir needs.
    Madame Doom: Nobody is entirely sure how this robotic fortune teller ended up in the park. All we know for certain is that her predictions are never wrong, and usually indicate imminent death (if not worse).
    Stagger Inn: Simply put, no one can beat the monstrous amounts of luxury we set aside for our guests in Horrorland. 24/7 house-creeping, slime pool, and unrestricted access to our gym-mausoleum will make you want to stay inside forever. For those who keep asking, yes, every room is haunted. Get over it.
    Ghoul Spa: Unwind after a stressful day of running for your life in the Ghoul Spa! We have sasquatch hair stylists, a zombified masseuse, and wasp acupuncture therapy on standby.
    Haunted Theater: Monsters from all over the world make the trip to Horrorland annually to star in timeless productions such as "Zombies on Ice", "Cyclops Comedy", and the musical rendition of "Please Get That Giant Scorpion Off The Stage". But that's not all! The beautiful and talented Countess Cabaret brings some of Vampire Village's best entertainers for a mesmerizing performance that will leave you stunned.
    Psycho Circus: Mutated elephants, reanimated acrobats, tightrope snakes, oh my!
  • The Vampire State Building: A large workplace/living complex dedicated entirely for vampires. Its primary function for tourists, however, is shopping and entertainment. The services are more niched than in Zombie Plaza.
    Vulture Beach: It's like any regular beach, just without the water. And lots of angry vultures. Consider it a desert with the occasional blood pool here and there from previous visitors.
    The Roller Ghoster: A thrilling off-the-rails experience through a genuine vampire-infested castle. Seatbelts not included. Needless to say, the cart doubles as a coffin. Pay no attention to the blood moat around the castle.
    Bat Barn: Literally just a barn where bats swoop down and attack you. Not much else to it.
    Fang Caverns: Try your luck through a dark tunnel underneath the park with only a flashlight and some garlic against thirsty vampires.
    Tombstone Tilters: Spin around and around on this frightful (and nauseating) fan-favorite, at least until we decide to let you off. The more you spin, the more you win!
  • Loch Ness Lake: An artificial lake shaped like the iconic Scottish water beast. There's even a live monster inside for extra authenticity. If you're up for the challenge, try taking a dive in one of our custom steel underwater cages for the real thrills. The main selling point of the lake are the bottomless canoes that visitors can rent as they explore the area. In the event of a sea monster attack, nobly sacrifice yourself so we don't have to feed it ourselves.
    Alligator Swimming Pond: The second worst idea ever. The slides would be more practical if they didn't lead directly into an alligator's mouth. The diving boards tend to break as well.
    Coffin Cruise: A relaxing trip in one of our hand-crafted caskets is bound to rattle your nerves. Sure, the coffins might close on you and spiders may envelop your entire body, but that's hardly a downside. Not for the faint of heart due to lack of oxygen.
    Quicksand Beach: Step in, and you never step out. At least you'll have a nice view of Loch Ness Lake as you sink. Screaming is also not the preferred method for contacting Horrorland's dedicated Afterlife Guards. They won't help you and your screaming is distracting to the other guests.
    It's Goo for You: Get placed inside a barrel, thrown over a waterfall, and land in a pool of slime! Hopefully...
    Horror Rapids: A log ride that spends more time underwater with piranhas than it probably should.
  • Werewolf Petting Zoo: The worst idea ever with equally terrible results.
    Wolfsbane Forest: Unlike the petting zoo, the wolves here aren't inside cages. Do not leave food out in the open while camping, under any circumstance. There's also rumors of the Headless Horseman stalking anyone who gets lost out there at night. Nobody is really sure because few return to tell about it.
    Lil' Growlers: A classic lycanthrope-owned restaurant where the guests are served (to the wolves, mind you).
    Leap of Bad Faith: Bungee jumping over a pit of werewolves is less fun than it sounds when the rope snaps.
    Silver Bullet Souvenirs: Trust us, you'll need them. Firearms not included.
    Full Moon Drop: What goes up must come back down. In glorious fashion.
  • Happy Tooth Game: Hate the dentist? You'll hate this one a lot more once we drill through your teeth.
    Toxic Dunk: Throw the ball and watch your unfortunate victim melt in a tube of chemicals with names so long that our park technicians have mostly forgotten about them. If you see any leaks, just ignore them.
    Shock Holler: A roller coaster that electrocutes you at every turn!
    Brain Games of Pain: This ride is among the most unique in Horrorland. It's a coliseum-like arena with an immovable cart in the center for the brave (yet foolish) guest who decides to hop in. The cart is fitted with a water cannon that deactivates approaching brain monsters that live in jars. Most of the time. But hey, think of all the prizes you could win!
    Thunder Bumpers: Much like Shock Holler, this infamous bumper-car ride shocks you on impact. In the center of the track lies a gigantic vat of acid that few are keen on falling into.
    Build-An-Abomination: Take a detour into the park's finest genetics laboratory where you can create your own little monster to take home with you! Horrorland is not responsible for any incidents of maiming caused by your personal abomination. Have a nice day.

  • Scarab Racers: Have you ever wanted to enter a go-kart race with giant insects chasing you? No? Too bad.
    Pharaoh's Fairway: A completely non-rigged minigolf course, except that it's inside a pyramid filled with mummies emerging from the shadows. Score a hole-in-one or you're done.
    Sphinx-Go-Round: You won't believe how difficult it was to attach live sphinxes to a merry-go-round machine. You also won't believe how often they escape and start eating people at random.
    The Cursed Coaster: Keeping in the theme of pyramid attractions, the Cursed Coaster offers a specialized curse for whichever numbered cart you end up in. The techniques for getting rid of these curses are written in hieroglyphics, so don't ask us how to end your unexpected 13 years of bad luck or that constant rain cloud over your head.
    Obelisk Swings: It's less of a swing and more of a horizontal catapult if you think about it too much.
    Anubis' Annihilation: A journey to the underworld is precisely what you'll need after you take our sarcophagus cruise down a demonic hippopotamus-infested river.
  • Carnival of Screams: South (entrance area)
    Zombie Plaza: Center
    Vampire Village: East
    Black Lagoon: Southeast
    Mad Labs: Southwest
    Werewolf Borough: West
    Terror Tombs: North
    Exit: ???

  • 1. No snooping.
    2. No monster blood on the premises.
    3. The Monster Police (MP's) reserve the right to harass, make you uncomfortable, stalk, or arrest you at any given time without forewarning or reason.
    4. Know your rights: you have none.
    5. Do not go into Wolfsbane Forest after dark.
    6. In actuality, going out after dark is a bad idea altogether. Don't do it.
    7. No cell phones.
    8. No pinching.
    9. No mirrors.
  • th

    The founder of this accursed park. What does he want with all of us?

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Reactions: YuriLucien
Human or Monster:

1. GM's word is law.
2. All Iwaku site guidelines apply.
3. No godmodding.
4. No harassment or bullying of other players within OOC.
5. No one-liners whatsoever.
6. Always feel free to offer suggestions or to ask questions.
7. I will only allow a maximum of three players to play as monsters (1/3 available).

Co-GM: @YuriLucien
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-slides right in-

I'll work on something as soon as I can

I am finishing some histories for some other characters, so yeah give me a second
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Name: Countess Evangeline Rosalie

"I'd be happy to be your friend. Do not worry, I won't bite... much."
Human or Monster: Monster (vampire)
Age: 244
Personality: Evangeline is highly feared for her temper and deeply beloved for her charm. She often carries a sense of entitlement on everything, and lashing out aggressively to those who disappoint her. Despite her overly-demeaning attitude towards others, she can be selectively helpful for humans that carry out favors for her, giving Evangeline some leverage with the infamous Monster Police. Other than that, she is obsessed with her public image during her performances at the Haunted Theater.

History: What little can be said about Evangeline's past is that she hails from an unknown line of European royalty, one of tremendous wealth and power. In fact, her father was one of the few monsters to provide the funding and architectural plans for Vampire Village, until he was aptly impaled by an infiltrator vampire hunter. Spending as little time as possible mourning his death, Evangeline took over as the countess of Vampire Village immediately, effectively ruling over the section of the park with an iron fist.

But when all was said and done, she suffered from terrible bouts of boredom. It had become apparent that she had everything an undead aristocrat could ask for. So, deciding that enough is enough, Evangeline started her own band called "The Countess Cabaret" that performed nightly at the Haunted Theater. Suddenly her reputation transformed from 'bloodthirsty dictator' to 'bloodthirsty pop star' and hundreds of their albums were sold at the Gift Chop thereafter. Few seemed to mind that the music induced mild hypnosis for listeners.

To this day, the countess lives for the spotlight. Singing in front of a captive audience serves as Evangeline's greatest passion in life. Her other passion consists of mingling with her adoring human fans, mostly when she is in dire need of a drink.

Relations: Horrifico (surrogate uncle)
Likes: Singing, dancing, blackmail, flirtation
Dislikes: Competitors, werewolves, dishonesty, garlic
Trivia: Upon her father's demise, Evangeline was unexpectedly adopted by the owner of Horrorland, Horrifico.
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Reactions: YuriLucien
So Uncle this hits on one of my pet peeves, and I may drop this RP. Because you're the GM I don't want to necessarily argue with you.
So Uncle this hits on one of my pet peeves, and I may drop this RP. Because you're the GM I don't want to necessarily argue with you.
Which pet peeve does it hit?
  • Thank You
Reactions: Sir Salty
Oh, I can change that. I have no issue with live-action pictures.

Oh thank you. Yeah it kind of goes with the whole I am a visual thinker and so I choose pictures based on the era or source material.
Name: Jeremiah Orson

Human or Monster: Human
Age: 29
Personality: Jeremiah can come off as stern and calculating at a first glance. For what he lacks in good impressions, he makes up for with a sharp intellect that helps out greatly when solving complicated problems. He is normally kind to others in action rather than with words. Essentially, Jeremiah is a very detail-oriented person that doesn't take kindly to superstition or ridiculous conspiracy theories. He believes firmly that a rational explanation can be found for any event.

History: While Jeremiah Orson born in Pittsburg, he spent most of his early years travelling alongside his parents during their independent music tours. City to city, town to town, Jeremiah never really had a place to call home outside of his father's RV. The lot of them dedicated their very beings into music. Despite never having many friends or much money, he put in every fiber of his being into honing his skills on the guitar.

When the time came for Jeremiah to go out into the world on his own, he barely managed to get by in numerous coffee houses across the country, working under the pseudonym Monochrome Machine. He was a freelance musician and enjoyed the work wholeheartedly. It was around this time that he also engaged in silly hobbies like cryptozoology or collecting Civil War memorabilia. He needed something to pass the time with, after all.

But when that obscure ticket found its way on his doorstep, Jeremiah was relatively shocked. He had to have been the least-known artist in the world. Yet somehow he was the winner of a VIP ticket to Horrorland, which didn't excite him as much as one might imagine. The nomad never thought highly of, nor had he been to many theme parks during his lifetime. In the end he decided to give it a try. It would've been rude to decline a free vacation, after all.

Relations: Joseph Orson (father), Nina Orson (mother)
Likes: Guitar, piano, poetry, reading
Dislikes: Brutes, superstitious folk, irrationality
Trivia: Secretly fears sharp objects.
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I'll posting my characters Tuesday! :3
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Reactions: Legens Legentis
I'll be making a monster and a human as well. They'll be done as soon as I find a photo for one of them, lol
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Reactions: Legens Legentis
Name: Richard ' Ricky' White
He has brown spiked hair, beautiful grayish blue eyes and a very muscular build (due to working out the gym. ).. He is 6'9. He often wears a pair of black muscle shirts (to show off his abs, duh) and black jeans along with combat boots to get out of tough jams. He also wears black gloves He also wears a glass tube around his neck.
Human or Monster: Human
Personality: Ricky is a horrible human being. He tends to do whatever gets him the most cash. He has virtually no conscience when it comes to dealing with anything that he dislikes and can be quite cruel and harsh but does so in such a way that you still like him somehow. If you somehow befriend him (the chance of getting hit a comet is more likely), he will be kind to you and let you on his schemes and open up to you. He is also a charmer and can hide this all with smooth talk.
History: Richard grew up with his uncle who taught him all of his bad habits from a young age and has always been the way he is. He once killed a small animal, just for the thrill of hurting it. He went to school in small town in the middle of nowhere and was always looking for a quick buck. At the age of 20, after he encountered some weird neighbors, he started to investigate them and assumed they were monsters. He may have sort of scared them away and was nearly arrested for doing that. When he was invited to Horrorland, he jumped at the chance to expose and find real monsters to prove to everyone that he was right.
Relations: He kind of isolated himself from most of his family.
Likes: Money, Fun, Killing things ( mostly small animals) and himself
Dislikes: Supernatural, Monsters, kids, amusement parks, anything that gets in the way of cash.
Trivia: Ricky fancies himself as a monster hunter. He is also an orphan, both of his parents dying.

( I can tone him up or down if you like.)
Name: Richard ' Ricky' White
He has brown spiked hair, beautiful grayish blue eyes and a very muscular build (due to working out the gym. ).. He is 6'9. He often wears a pair of black muscle shirts (to show off his abs, duh) and black jeans along with combat boots to get out of tough jams. He also wears black gloves He also wears a glass tube around his neck.
Human or Monster: Human
Personality: Ricky is a horrible human being. He tends to do whatever gets him the most cash. He has virtually no conscience when it comes to dealing with anything that he dislikes and can be quite cruel and harsh but does so in such a way that you still like him somehow. If you somehow befriend him (the chance of getting hit a comet is more likely), he will be kind to you and let you on his schemes and open up to you. He is also a charmer and can hide this all with smooth talk.
History: Richard grew up with his uncle who taught him all of his bad habits from a young age and has always been the way he is. He once killed a small animal, just for the thrill of hurting it. He went to school in small town in the middle of nowhere and was always looking for a quick buck. At the age of 20, after he encountered some weird neighbors, he started to investigate them and assumed they were monsters. He may have sort of scared them away and was nearly arrested for doing that. When he was invited to Horrorland, he jumped at the chance to expose and find real monsters to prove to everyone that he was right.
Relations: He kind of isolated himself from most of his family.
Likes: Money, Fun, Killing things ( mostly small animals) and himself
Dislikes: Supernatural, Monsters, kids, amusement parks, anything that gets in the way of cash.
Trivia: Ricky fancies himself as a monster hunter. He is also an orphan, both of his parents dying.

( I can tone him up or down if you like.)
Interesting character, but I wouldn't mind if you toned him down slightly if that's alright with you.
Interesting character, but I wouldn't mind if you toned him down slightly if that's alright with you.

I do have a question for you. For my Monster, who basically is a character from a novel series I am writing, but I like to play test them into RPs. He's sort of Jason Vorhees like, what I mean by this is his personality is

"slow and lumber" and kind of idiotic. Like you could shove a door in his face and he decides he doesn't know how to use door handles any more, and just crushed down the door. lol

So, how would you like me to go about his personality?

I never found Jason Vorhees very scary, but I could see how he could be considered intimidating. Its the very fact he doesn't talk or doesn't move without much thought. Like "oh door is locked, no problem I'll just smash it"
Interesting character, but I wouldn't mind if you toned him down slightly if that's alright with you.
Which part would you like to tone down and I will get right on it. I can probably change the killing things, but his personality is kind of fixed for me ( I can tweak it a little, but horrible person is how I will always play him due to the nature of how he was created)
I do have a question for you. For my Monster, who basically is a character from a novel series I am writing, but I like to play test them into RPs. He's sort of Jason Vorhees like, what I mean by this is his personality is

"slow and lumber" and kind of idiotic. Like you could shove a door in his face and he decides he doesn't know how to use door handles any more, and just crushed down the door. lol

So, how would you like me to go about his personality?

I never found Jason Vorhees very scary, but I could see how he could be considered intimidating. Its the very fact he doesn't talk or doesn't move without much thought. Like "oh door is locked, no problem I'll just smash it"
I'd imagine the personality inside a figure like that would be very naïve or childish, doing murderous things for the fun of it.
I'd imagine the personality inside a figure like that would be very naïve or childish, doing murderous things for the fun of it.

He doesn't necessarily do it for fun. Its just something he was "programmed" with when he was resurrected. He really has not much thought. He's less intelligent than Frankstein's monster.

"Kill what gets in your way"
Which part would you like to tone down and I will get right on it. I can probably change the killing things, but his personality is kind of fixed for me ( I can tweak it a little, but horrible person is how I will always play him due to the nature of how he was created)
If the personality in general is fixed for you, I suppose there's no need to change it.
He doesn't necessarily do it for fun. Its just something he was "programmed" with when he was resurrected. He really has not much thought. He's less intelligent than Frankstein's monster.

"Kill what gets in your way"
I take it he's a rigid thinker then. Perhaps a robotic personality with an ounce of dry wit might work?
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