Not Another Cinderella Story (lxngdon & MaryGold)

"I don't think it would be normal to feel completely comfortable with it." Mason answered honestly, licking his bottom lip delicately. He wasn't one to lie even for one's feelings or his own. And that was why some called him a blabbermouth or rude or sometimes kind and sweet, it went back and forth. But he preferred the truth and was a very open person.

He moved himself slightly, to lean against the bench, folding his arms over his chest. "But since we decided to take things at a steady pace, I don't really see it as a major problem at all. It's your child no matter what you plan to do with it, so, I have no negative feeling toward it if that's what you want to know."

"It's not a big issue, though, we probably shouldn't go public with our relationship until sometime after it's born and given a home." It would be a complicated situation to explain to his fans and the media. Though, to him it wasn't very complicated at all. He liked her, and she liked him and that was that.

Still, it was a good idea to wait before going out and open with her. He wanted to solidify their relationship, have them come closer before she was shoved into the spotlight, and she would be.
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Lainey nodded, satisfied with the answer she received. She hadn't expected Mason to be delighted at her pregnancy and treat the baby like it was his own -- besides, she was giving it up for adoption so she didn't mind what Mason thought of the infant. He or she would be in a loving home soon. It would be better that way.

"I'm fine waiting to go public," Lainey agreed with a nod of her head as she placed one hand over her stomach and felt the baby kick again. It was odd to think that there was a little person inside of her. "It's not fair on you -- everyone will wonder what happened to the kid and you'll get a lot of questions."

Lainey stood on her tiptoes to kiss Mason on the cheek before she took the steak off the pan and dished out dinner -- the steak and the spiced fries. She also added a scoop of mint peas each before handing Mason his plate and leading them both over to the table.

It was weird to think that she was now in a relationship, that this was her home now and that she wasn't just his housekeeper anymore. But it was delightful and wonderful at the same time.

"Should I tell Piper and Vasily?"
"Sure. That's for you to decide, but I think it would be wise to considering everything." Mason shrugged a shoulder, pushing the food around on his plate with a fork. Carefully, he pushed aside the peas and cut into his steak. Admittedly, he wasn't a big fan of anything green and edible, though, not as a good.

"I plan on telling my sister anyway." He wasn't sure how she'd react, however. According to Margaret Mcoy, he had terrible taste in women and never approved of any of his girlfriends, but two. She didn't like Karoline to point she didn't visit much. But she was also just overprotective.

He smiled thinking his older sister as he dug into his food, excluding veggies."Margot is kind of like my mum." He chuckled softly. "Well, she took that role after our real mother left us and out stepmother didn't come in until our teenage years."
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"I'd like to meet your sister," Lainey said to Mason in a quiet tone. She'd heard a lot about Margot but hadn't met her yet. She'd like to, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. What if Mason's sister didn't approve? What if she thought Lainey wasn't good enough for him? She was pregnant with someone else's child, she was a housekeeper ... definitely not the ideal match for Mason Wagner.

But he had chosen her. He had written that beautiful song about her and he had expressed that Lainey being pregnant with Harrison's baby wasn't a big deal for him. So she just had to have faith that he would love her regardless of what his sister said.

"Vasily became like our mother when she died," Lainey offered, since they were sharing stories of their childhoods. "Like, he'd be the one to get us up and make us breakfast and get us to school every morning. Our dad was almost always working since we didn't have a lot of money so Vas became the mama hen and Piper and I were the babies." Lainey chuckled. She hadn't had the most ideal childhood but she still looked back on some components with fondness.

"So if Vasily threatens you a little don't take it personally," she added. "He never liked Harrison but he was never really around to do much about it. But since, you know, I'm pregnant, he's going to come and visit as much as he can."
Mason laughed a little, a mixture of awkwardness and humor. This certainly would not be the first time he was threatened by one's older brother or sister. And if he was to be honest, he didn't mind it all, it meant they cared deeply. Besides, how could he complain if his sister was the exact same way, though, more of a stiff. He smiled at her words.

"Fine by me. He can drop by as much as he likes as long as he calls beforehand."
The Wagner had had enough surprises to last him for a while. And it was not easy to forget them all as well as all the unpleasant events that occurred in his home. It was all one big headache.

"All older siblings are protective whether it's obvious or not no matter how old you become."
It was what family did, he supposed.

He hummed to himself, pondering on the matter. "Maybe I'll invite her over to meet you. She might bring Jenn and Jess with her, my nieces."
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"You have nieces? I'd love to meet them." Kids were sweet. Lainey had always loved them and she had always wanted to be a mother, which was why she was surprised she was so willing to part with the baby currently in her womb. She guessed because she didn't want to expose a sweet and innocent child to such a horrible man, Harrison, and especially not as their father.

But ... Harrison was in prison. He wasn't ever going to see the baby if Lainey had anything to do with it and she did, as she was the mother and she had control over who saw her child. She frowned, placing a hand over her stomach as she chewed her steak and wondered ... could she keep her baby?

No. No, she was with Mason now and no man wanted to raise another man's child. No, she was going to give the baby away to a poor, loving couple who could not have their own children, like she had planned. Maybe, if things worked out, she could have more children with Mason in the future.

When they had both finished dinner Lainey took their plates and rinsed them in the sink before putting them in the dishwasher and turning on the machine. She may be more than just Mason's housekeeper now but she still liked everything around her to be clean.

"Could ..." Lainey licked her lips a little and blushed as she prepared to make her request. "Could I please sleep with you tonight?" she asked in a voice barely above a whisper.
Mason looked at Lainey from his place beside her. He didn't like tidying, he wasn't even that good at it, but he did like watching her work. Anyone could say it was simple, and maybe it was, but she was fast and had skilled hands, hands that used to hold a racket. However, at her request he raised an eyebrow, never suspecting that she may ask to sleep with him so soon. Still, it didn't mean he was against the idea.

It wouldn't be a big deal as long as they didn't do anything. And it would be near impossible to refuse her. He loved her.

"Of course,"
He kissed her cheek sweetly and took her hand to lead her out of the kitchen and up to his room.

A light glow dimly lit his room because of the glow in the dark stickers on the walls and the ceiling taking the shape if stars and a crescent moon hanging above his bed on the wall. Carefully, squinting his eyes, he reached his hand inside the doorway, feeling the wall for the switch and flipping. He sighed lightly and pulled her inside.

"Please don't mind the stickers. They're there to help with my nyctalopia, it sadly does not do a lot."
He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to his nightstand. He only dropped her hand to take out his contacts and place them in their case and replace them with his black glasses.

The bed was already made, of course, but he shook his blanket out anyway and threw a majority of pillows on the side she'd be sleeping on. He had heard pregnant woman had difficulty sleeping in comfort. Heard it? No. He had witnessed it.

"Is this okay? I can get more pillows."
Mason looked back to Lainey.
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"This is perfect," Lainey murmured with a small smile on her thin lips. The tiny Hungarian woman stood on the tips of her toes to kiss her new boyfriend on the cheek. She hadn't had any intentions other than to sleep beside him and that was fine. They were taking it slow, after all.

Lainey was already in clothes that could count as pyjamas so she just slipped into the bathroom to wash her face and hands, and to tie her thick hair up in a bun while Mason got changed. She hadn't gone anywhere recently so she had just been wearing pyjamas most of the time, though that didn't mean she was working any less. No, she was still a clean freak.

Once Mason was in his pyjamas too she came out of the bathroom and softly padded across the carpet to his bed, which she carefully climbed into and positioned the pillows in arrangements she had read about online, in order to support her back and her swollen belly. She nestled into place and left enough space between herself and Mason so they were touching a little bit, but weren't too close.

"I like the stars," she murmured, gazing up at the celestial ceiling. "Do you believe in aliens?" she asked in an amused tone. She wanted to know absolutely everything she could learn about the wonderful Mason Wagner.
Mason settled in on the bed beside Lainey after turning off the lights, though he left the bedside lamp on. He turned on his side to face her and reached to hold her hand just because. He had left his glasses on so he could see her clearly and not as a blurry figure. He smiled humorously.

"No. I don't believe in extraterrestrial life." He answered her, looking to the ceiling where the glowing stars stuck. He brushed his thumb against her fingers soothingly. "I do believe in magic, though. Oh, and monsters." His little smile evolved into a grin.

"Definitely monsters." A soft chuckle escaped his lips. "They come in many forms, shape and sizes."

He licked his lips, intertwining his fingers with hers. "I also believe pigeons are plotting to take over the world. I don't trust those birds."
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Lainey laughed a little at her boyfriend's theories on the common birds. She loved this, she loved just being able to lay in the same bed as someone and talk about nonsense and feel safe and secure. She hadn't had this for the longest time, but now, it seemed that her life was finally falling into place.

Of course, it was too early to judge her future completely but Lainey sure as hell hoped that things would work out between them.

"Monsters are definitely real," she agreed, nodding a little. She had seen quite a few of them, and all monsters were human.

"But, I'm not so sure on this pigeon theory of yours," she teased, poking him on the belly teasingly before wriggling slightly closer to him so her head was resting on his shoulder. "If any animal is plotting to overthrow the human race it's dolphins, haven't you seen that episode of The Simpsons?"
"Dolphins? No way, they are too adorable to be bad." Mason snickered and clicked his tongue, pulling the blanket over his torso. He sighed softly, letting the amazing feeling of peace and happiness settle over on him. It had been so long since he had felt this way in bed or at all. And he knew most of the credit was due to the woman beside him. "I mean, I do think they are obviously more intelligent than humans. I watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

He turned his head once more and kissed the end of her nose and then her lips lightly. It was impossible to not want to kiss her and hold her when she was right there beside him. He only dropped her hand to caress her face, admiring her soft features and beautiful face. His fingers slid into her long brown hair which he twirled around for moment.

"Besides at least they don't poop on people and their cars when they take flight. Damn those pigeons." He smiled, kissing her once more. "You should probably get some shut eye now. You need your rest, you have a baby to think about." His hand moved frown to feel her stomach where the growing infant laid inside.
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Kisses from Mason felt so soft and sweet and Lainey practically melted under his touch. God, he was amazing. He did not fail to make her feel more loved in the couple of hours they had been a couple than the year in which she had been with Harrison. She was so happy, calm and at peace.

Needless to say, she happily kissed him back both times. When he lowered his hand to touch her stomach, the baby inside kicked, as it seemed to do whenever Mason touched her. Lainey laid her hand over his on her belly, rubbing her thumb over the soft skin of his knuckles.

"He or she seems to like you," she said, amused. "But, anyway, I don't know if the baby sleeps when I sleep. I don't even know if he or she can hear in the womb. Maybe you could sing to them," she suggested, smiling. She wasn't sure why she was acting like this was Mason's child, because it wasn't. But ...

No, this wasn't his child.
"I don't know." Mason hesitantly took his hand away and balled it into a fist. "Maybe some other time." If there was some other time. It wasn't his child, she was giving it up and therefore he shouldn't be getting attached to it. He wanted to continue having a healthy relationship with her, but, with how things had started it was sure to be difficult.

He felt more than a little awkward because of himself for even holding the affections he felt for the unborn child. And he knew that he had to distance himself from it to escape any damage his own feelings might cause. Though that would prove to be a difficult considering it would be everywhere Lainey would.

He pulled off his spectacles nd set them on the nightstand. His line of vision was nothing but a blur and it became dark once he shut the lamp off, despite the glowing stickers. He laid his head down on the pillow and pinched his lips tightly.​
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The rejection hit Lainey like a ton of bricks and she knew she had said the wrong thing. They had been so comfortable, and now, with only one off-handed request, she had ruined that. Just like everything else. It was a well-known fact that Lainey Applewhite ruined everything.

She watched as he took his glasses off and turned off the lamp, thus cutting off any of his ability to see. She could still see a little, though, enough to make out the tightness of his mouth and the fact that she had most definitely made him feel less than comfortable.

"I'm sorry." She had had something good and of course she had fucked it up.

Lainey moved off Mason's shoulder and shifted slightly away so she wasn't touching him anymore. She also rolled onto her other side, so she could pretend she wasn't even in the bed anymore. She didn't want to make him feel even more uncomfortable with her being pregnant.

She just hoped this wouldn't ruin everything.
Mason didn't have to see Lainey to know his answer had made her upset. He could pick up and hear the sad notes in her voice as clear as a bell. He had no intentions of making her feel rejected with his reply bu he supposed he should have foreseen it.

He rolled over onto his side so that he was facing her back. "Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." He told, reaching out to rub her back both soothingly and affectionately. "It's just ... ugh." He groaned at himself, unsure how to question her without coming off rude.

When it came to anyone else, he had no problem being straightforward whether it made him sound rude or flirtatious or anything else. He was not one to beat around the bush, he always spoke his thoughts loud and clear. But, he didn't want to be harsh and hurt Lainey. So, he inhaled and thought cautiously before speaking up.

"What do you want to with the baby?" Of course, she had said she was going to give it away, but it didn't seem like that anymore. Anyone could see her feeling toward the child had changed. And he wasn't so sure what she thought anymore. "And please give me an honest answer."
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What did she want to do with the baby? Lainey couldn't deny that she felt differently now than she had at the beginning of her pregnancy. With Harrison out of the picture it was easier to envision a life with her child, to imagine keeping him or her and raising the baby as her own. As their mother.

But she had Mason, and she loved Mason. And no man wanted to raise another man's child, that was just unheard of and she didn't expect Mason to want to do so. Besides, Lainey was in no way ready to be a mother and Mason was not ready to be a father -- they were both still struggling with their addictions, mostly recovering from them, and Lainey wouldn't expose a child to that kind of environment. That would be cruel.

She rolled back onto her other side so she was facing Mason again, but left enough room between them so her belly wasn't touching him at all. The baby was still kicking, though it was soft. She could understand why mothers loved it so much.

"I still want to give it away." And she did. She had made up her mind and she wasn't going to go back on that decision. "I still want to give them to a couple who can't have their own kids and can give this one all the love and care they need. I'm sorry for acting weird, it's just ... I don't know, this is all a new experience for me. I mean, the baby had never kicked before today. Sorry if I overwhelmed you or anything."
"Okay," Was all Mason said at first, All he could think yo say. What else was there to say? He kept his voice neutral because he didn't want to sound relieved, which he strangely wasn't, nor did he want to sound disappointed. So, he offered a comforting smile and rubbed her arm soothingly."It's okay. I just wanted to hear your thoughts."

He leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose affectionately as if to reassure her all was okay. He pulled back and laid his head back onto his pillow, letting himself sink into the softness. The singer wasn't all that tired but he tried to sleep anyway, to get his mind off of the topic of their conversation.

"I'm going to sleep, so I'll see you in the morning?" He kept his arm securely around her. Having another warm body in the bed with him made he feel more at ease and comfortable. Mason hated being alone, even though Karoline was horrible he had missed the feeling of another person beside him at night.​
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"Okay," Lainey murmured, glad that they had patched things up before going to sleep. Her father had always told her to never let the sun set on an argument, and she had held that true for her whole life. Even with Harrison they would always make up before going to sleep -- though, that usually involved Lainey having the crap beaten out of her. She was surprised he hadn't caused her to miscarry.

Lainey nuzzled up against Mason, still making sure her belly wasn't touching him, and kissed him on the cheek. She had missed the feeling of warmth beside her that was basically the only good thing about being with Harrison. Warmth. Even if she was scared that she could get hurt when she woke up, at least she had warmth beside her.

Though, of course, this felt a hundred times better because she knew Mason wouldn't hurt her.

"Mason Peter Wagner." Said Margaret Mcoy, Mason's older sister, through the phone as he spoke to her. Her tone was going low, but dangerous and it was clear that she had the authority of a mother. "I swear to God, if you've gotten yourself into another troubling relationship I will fucking gut you myself."

Mason was sitting on the couch of his living room, rather relaxed despite being threatened. He smiled, amused by his lovely sister's threats despite knowing she had no qualms about hitting him. Because she had and she would hit him, when they were together it was like they were kids again. "Do you kiss your children with that mouth?"

"When I get there, expect a world of pain, Mace."

"Oh! Bring the girls too and Edwin. He's literally my only protection against you." He said lastly before his sister had growled her goodbyes and hung up.

It had been two months since he had been dating Lainey and there was a very evident problem as much as they tried to ignore it. Once could say it was the baby growing larger in her womb, but it wasn't her baby to him. At this point, he could very clearly see that she wanted to keep it, but she never voiced it.

And him?

Well, his heart was saying "why not? Why not keep it?" and he wanted to. It wasn't his child sure, but she wanted it and he wanted what she wanted. Of course, some if not a lot of people would be against the idea, yet, he didn't care.​
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After two months of safety, security, warmth and love, Lainey was completely happy. Well, not completely happy. There was a nagging worry at the back of her mind -- well, in her womb. The baby. The baby that she now wanted so badly it was like an ache in her very bones. She hadn't been expecting to feel this way about the infant when she learned she was pregnant but now she couldn't imagine that she had wanted anything else. Needless to say, her maternal instincts had kicked in, hard.

But there was a problem. Mason. This wasn't his child, this was Harrison's child and there was no changing that. And what man wanted to raise another man's child, a child he would have to pay for and care for and treat as his own? No one did. And as much as Lainey craved this baby, she craved Mason, too.

So, today, she was going to talk to him about it. Like an adult. She walked into the living room with two loaded mugs of hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and chocolate flakes because she had gotten a bit carried away with the procrastination of telling him about her change of mind.

"Mace? Can I talk to you for a second?" Lainey set both mugs down on the coffee table and sat beside him. She was six months pregnant now, her bump well-rounded with shape. There was no hiding it now.

"I ... I know I said I wanted to give the baby away but ... I ... I want to keep it now." Lainey's voice was trembling with emotion and fear that he was going to leave her. She picked at a stray thread on her sleeve as she spoke, forcing herself to look at him with apprehensive eyes. "And I don't expect you to raise him or her like your own so if you ... if you don't want me to ... I'll ... I'll go if you want me to." She let out a small sob and hid her face.