Naruto - Squad 13's Journey

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No I mean that after you said your going to the sewers in your post the next few sentences down say that you were heading to the hot springs unless I'm reading it wrong.
Oh, shit, right. I originally intended to go for the springs, but Tim posted before I did.

I shall edit.
No problem but Hill may want to double check your posts today if you make more before you post it. Just a friendly suggestion.
Yours Tim your guy hasn't headed towards his location.
Vance do you think you can post? I kinda just want to get an idea on how I should make this next post. Once I see yours and get an idea I'll make a long post in which I go to my location and look for the note. If that's okay with you?
Alright I did so and just to say there should be a note addressed from our sensei with a keyword, which you don't need to make just either look at it in confusion or whatever, and bring it back to Mitsuhide whom will open up the area. Then we'll rely continue towards the ending of the prologue which will happen soon enough as soon as we get done the next part of it then there will only be one more part before we go to chapter 1.
Okay sounds good, I'm going to take time for this reply. I want it to be as good as possible.
I have a couple problems with it. The first being why are there traps in a public hot spring? Mitsuhide's trip was out in the middle of a park where ninja normally trained. It weird that there are traps that could hurt a person in such a public area. Also paper bombs don't have chakra unless they're manually triggered. The last being the sharingan's ability to see chakra which you likely don't have with a one tomoe sharingan.
The paper bombs were in a clearing in the area so it wasn't near any of the buildings or people. The kunai traps were on the roof so again not near anyone and I was pretty sure even with just one tomoe the sharnigan could see chakra
I still view it as dangerous and unorthodox to have weapons like that in a public place like that. What if a repairman needed to get up on the roof? And explosive tags don't exactly leave just a mild scrape. A genjutsu trap would be easier to deal with for a ninja nearby and leave no real impact on a normal person. Explosive traps in a hot springs is something I wouldn't want as a manager and to set all of up Mitsunari would have likely needed to ask the manager to do so unless he incurred the wrath of the higher ups.

I'll allow you to keep the post as it is after considering it a bit further however it just seems like something really dangerous to me.
Hey Hill we're waiting on you.
Yeah, about that.

Due to unforeseen changes in my life, I will have to pull out of this Roleplay. Terribly sorry for wasting everyone's time.
This is really unfortunate timing. I can do some major horseshoeing IF you're still interested Tim.
I'll see if I can get the person who was interested in on this if not I'll try to invite my friend.
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