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My Little Pony: The New Elements (OOC-Sign up)

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Hey AllThePasta might wanna put a rule about not making neon colored oc's that would require sunglasses to look at safely.
Why's that?

Neon oc's are usually not allowed in roleplays because some GM's think that bright rainbow neon ocs would be a bit attention seeking (In character i mean) considering they stand out a lot from the crowd.

Plus looking at one can give you a headache... seriously rainbow neon colored oc's look like the creator just went "fuck this" and threw paint all over the place and just called it a day.
Neon oc's are usually not allowed in roleplays because some GM's think that bright rainbow neon ocs would be a bit attention seeking (In character i mean) considering they stand out a lot from the crowd.

Plus looking at one can give you a headache... seriously rainbow neon colored oc's look like the creator just went "fuck this" and threw paint all over the place and just called it a day.
I actually spent a lot of time color coding it. I can see where you're coming from, but I tried to make mine not as er... Headache causing? It's not like I'm spewing neon blue all over the place then adding neon green., which can strain someone's eyes real bad. I mixed lights with darks so it's easier on the eyes. I also wasn't doing it for attention. I was doing it because music comes in various "colors" , per say, and Sweet Beats is a musical pony. And in character, she's not going to be attention seeking either. She's a laid back pony who tends to just go with the flow unless something rubs her the wrong way. I don't mean to sound jerky or anything, but I honestly took my time creating this character so it's enjoyable to me, and to others. Yes, I did use a pony creator, but that's temporary. I had just finished drawing her out on paper. And I had gone back and edited this picture so it wasn't as bright, because the pony creator only gives you a few options to choose from. I'm one who's eyes strain easily, so I took that into consideration. The drawing I'm making of her will be a bit more subtle, being as I'm using color pencil to shade it in. Again, I really don't want to sound rude or mean, but I honest to truly spent a lot of time thinking about how she should look and why.
I actually spent a lot of time color coding it. I can see where you're coming from, but I tried to make mine not as er... Headache causing? It's not like I'm spewing neon blue all over the place then adding neon green., which can strain someone's eyes real bad. I mixed lights with darks so it's easier on the eyes. I also wasn't doing it for attention. I was doing it because music comes in various "colors" , per say, and Sweet Beats is a musical pony. And in character, she's not going to be attention seeking either. She's a laid back pony who tends to just go with the flow unless something rubs her the wrong way. I don't mean to sound jerky or anything, but I honestly took my time creating this character so it's enjoyable to me, and to others. Yes, I did use a pony creator, but that's temporary. I had just finished drawing her out on paper. And I had gone back and edited this picture so it wasn't as bright, because the pony creator only gives you a few options to choose from. I'm one who's eyes strain easily, so I took that into consideration. The drawing I'm making of her will be a bit more subtle, being as I'm using color pencil to shade it in. Again, I really don't want to sound rude or mean, but I honest to truly spent a lot of time thinking about how she should look and why.

I wasn't talking about your oc sorry if i sounded rude.

Your oc looks really good actually.
I wasn't talking about your oc sorry if i sounded rude.

Your oc looks really good actually.
Sorry for going off like that ^^' I ended up taking it a little the wrong way because I had just mentioned Sweet Beats was neon. Sorry If I sounded rude or anything. Like I said, I took it the wrong way and got a little offended because of how much work I put into her. I also hadn't had the best of days, and that makes me a little easier to rant and go off, since hardly anything went my way today -///-'
Well that's kind of sad Anastia, hope you feel better and have better luck later on ^^
Added the drawn pic and her history ^^ Hopefully they're good
Thank you ^^ I thought of it when I was drawing the pic. Sorry the picture's quality isn't great. My room's lit by a lamp. I really like her ^^ I've only made two other OCs (one for a story and the other was me as a pony) but I really like Sweet Beats over both of my other two :3
Name: Two Buck (Buck)
Gender: Cisgender Stallion

Cutie Mark: Atom
Special Talent: Biological engineering with magick
Type of Pony: Unicorn
Age: 24
Job: Scientist, Science Teacher
Current Home: He lives in a cabin close to the Everfree Forest so that he can always collect specimens
Element of Harmony: Magic
Likes: Biology, studying, tea, coffee, reading, writing, love. His likes vary like any pony.
Dislikes: Laziness, rude ponies, arrogant ponies that think they are better than others, various.
Dream/Aspiration: He wants to make it to Royal Engineer someday
Personality: He's a pretty quiet guy for the most part and very busy. He always seems to be up to something, but that's how he prefers it. He's loyal and cunning, but not without strength. He's been through a lot in his life, so he's learned how to cope with loss and struggle. He's rather good at giving advice but not following it. He's stubborn and strong willed, which lands him in hot water often. He can be unsociable at times and can come off as dismissive. But he tries his best to be kind to others, but he is shy (though he'd never admit it)
Past: He was born to Orange and River Buck, but his father Orange ran off with another mare. That left him, his little brother Reven Buck, and his mother alone to handle a ranch. It foreclosed and they had to move to Ponyville, where his mother, after a few months, disappeared in the Everfree forest. She was a scientist and had disappeared one night. So, that left sixteen year old Buck to care for his little brother. But his aunt and uncle came to get them both, but Buck refused. So, Reven was taken away and since then, Buck has been building a life for himself in Ponyville. He was the last pony to get his cutie mark (he got it in high school) and was bullied horrendously for his stutter. While it appears that he doesn't have it now, it does come out every once and a while when he talks. He was the top of his class and soon went to college and graduated. Now he's the science teacher at that high school.
Well i don't wan this to die guys.

Perhaps we should start even if we don't have all the elements heck that could make things more interesting them looking for the rest of the elements of harmony @AllThePasta

By the way instead of having Luna and Celestia go away due to old age change it to where they got killed by something else instead. Both of them dying of old age makes so sense especially Luna that is suppose to be younger.
Well that'd be interesting to see ^^, just a quick note, i will be having surgery tomorrow so i'll be out of it most of the day, so if i miss anything than i apologize ^^

We haven't started either due to, as you mentioned @ResolverOshawott , all the Elements of Harmony not being here yet or due to the fact, @AllThePasta has had surgery a few days ago. Surgery takes a while to recover from, even if it's minor. The post above was on Sunday. They may need at least a week. I should know. I myself have had surgery only a few months ago and I'm still in the process of healing and mine was minor. I don't want this to die either, but, Real Life before RP.

As for the Luna and Celestia thing, yes Luna was indeed younger, but they never specified by how long. It could have been a year or two or ten. The dying of old age still works. Being killed by something would be more interesting, but dying from old age still works, so it's completely up to @AllThePasta for that because they probably had something planned out by saying the Princesses died from old age. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but they way it came across was a little controlling. You could have said "I have an idea" instead of "They should have been killed by something" because the latter is less imposing and seems more open to compromise. I'm not trying to sound rude or jerkish or anything, I'm just stating how I read it and how others can misinterpret it to save you some trouble :3

As for the me sounding a bit controlling and such. Thanks for pointing it out i usually don't notice it (English is not my first language) since my grammar is a bit on the sloppy side.

In the mean time would you like a 1x1 mlp rp that has nothing to do with this? C:.

As for the me sounding a bit controlling and such. Thanks for pointing it out i usually don't notice it (English is not my first language) since my grammar is a bit on the sloppy side.

In the mean time would you like a 1x1 mlp rp that has nothing to do with this? C:.
English can be a difficult language to learn ^^ Heck, it is my first language and I'm still learning! As for the 1x1, shoot me a PM with your idea.
((An old picture of a early design of her, but it carries the general look of her over. Sorry I don't have a better image. I'd love any kind of comments on it, especially constructive criticism ones!))

Name: Ink Plot
Gender: Female
Appearance: Ink's base coat is a pale grey color, solid throughout her body, although there's evidence of dyed fur around her front hooves. She has turquoise blue eyes, and a splash of freckles right below her left one. Her mane and tail are both cut short and are a darkened purple color, with hhighlightsof a bright light blue. (I can add more details to this if you wish)
Cutie Mark: A quill and ink
Special Talent: Being able to weave stories together, bring mystery and wonder to all ponies through her words.
Type of Pony: Pegasus
Age: 20
Job: Freelance author
Current Home: Ponyville. She moved in recently, and doesn't have a house just yet. But she enjoys sleeping up in the clouds.
Element of Harmony: Honesty
Likes: Tea, writing, cats, strawberries, sunrises, thinking, history, imagination, creativity, cloud shapes,
Dislikes: Close-minded people, dishonesty, oranges, large cities, formality
Dream/Aspiration: To become a world recognized author
Personality: She's a very adventurous pony, loving to go exploring places she hasn't previously seen, and has been all over Equestria. She enjoys making new friends, and is easily able to talk to people. She tends to have rather sarcastic remarks, although she doesn't mean to, and sometimes comes off as more rude than she means to. She's worried that she's sometimes too outspoken, and that she should keep her opinion to herself, as she was raised to act. So there are times when she draws silent and listens to the opinions of others, simply quietly nodding along and agreeing with them, not realizing entirely what she's doing. When she meets people, they tend to stick in her mind, and become inspiration for a story that she creates. She tends to write about events that shes' experienced in her life, only changing names and faces so that it can't be linked back to anyone. She loves creating her own stories though, filled with magical creatures that no ones though of, with lands filled entirely with water and all of the inhabitants are fish creatures. Imagination is one of the favorite parts that her job entails, since she gets to voice her mind and create whatever she wants to happen, something she always longed to do as a child. Since she lived most of her younger life hiding things from her parents, she now hates dishonesty. She knows how much trouble it can create, and how it can hurt someone to hide the truth for so long. Therefore, she now makes it her goal to be honest to everyone, and convince others to do the same.
Past: Ink lived with a very conservative family is Cloudsdale through her childhood. She'd always wanted to go on adventures but was never able to. She was stuck studying in school, her parents determined for her to have an amazing and powerful life. But she just wasn't up for it. There were a few times she snuck away, getting caught practically every time, so she instead turned to writing. Most of her childhood is filled with her writing notebook after notebook of stories and poems. She was around 11 when she realized that she wanted to be an author, and her cutie mark appeared shortly after. Her parents never seemed to approve of the life that was set out for her, both of them being prominent business ponies after all. Once she turned 18, she declared she would be leaving home and going to become an author. There was expressed concern from her parents, want for her to stay, to go to a better, more business oriented life. She could write advertisements for their company after all, but she refused and left home. Ink wanted to become her own person, not living in the fancy, overbearing shadow of her parents, and so she changed her name to the name she had begun to use as her author alias, Ink Plot (Not 100% sure on her old name yet) But she hasn't talked to her parents since she left. She hasn't managed to work up the courage.
Theme Song: (WIP) Currently: Poet- Bastille
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Thanks! :D I based her off of my love of writing, hehe. I never created so much information for her though, so I had to make a lot of it up on the spot
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