Muvluv Ironfront RP OOC

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I forgot about replying. I'll be sure to start on a post first thing in the morning though.
Me too. Both here and Buuhleeeech
@Dahrinn Will be posting tomorrow after Astros and Akashi so they have a chance to interact if they want to.

Got some chills reading that. Could actually imagine him yelling and changing tones, was a good read!
I guess I'll start typing the next part up..
Waiting for @Akashi and @Astros like

I'll see if either will post..if you have something you can post do it. I'm highly disappointed..anyways I'm working on the mission post, but it will leave time and room for you guys to do something..if any of you do.

So it is known, for now I'll "deal with it" but once the mission starts and the events after it, should we have another time delay, I will not skip, I will not ask, I will not double post. I will wait for a week or two saying nothing, then I'll shut it down.

This is not against anyone or aimed at anyone, its simply that time is one of the rarest most valuable things and if its being wasted then the RP should be ended.
Well... As requested. A post is up.
Yeah, no excuse. Nice choice of gif though @FrostedCamel. @Deathwatch101 I thought it would be humorous to have Drago be mistaken for one of Marvus's ghost pals.
Nice choice of gif though
I try my best.

Got a post up for Blake and then sent Kosuke off to the mess to drink and eat with the international squad XD
@FrostedCamel - Just want to let you know that even though I did not detail this in my post, the reason Erika did not say much was because her mind was somewhere else. When the meeting happened, and the name decision for the unit, she was not really there if you catch my drift. More or less, thanks to Petrov, the woman is all too distracted by the meet she had earlier.

Why she didn't really talk much, or say much to Kosuke.
@FrostedCamel - Just want to let you know that even though I did not detail this in my post, the reason Erika did not say much was because her mind was somewhere else. When the meeting happened, and the name decision for the unit, she was not really there if you catch my drift. More or less, thanks to Petrov, the woman is all too distracted by the meet she had earlier.

Why she didn't really talk much, or say much to Kosuke.
I got that, but Kosuke don't know it so no harm in him thinking she was not happy with his giving shit to Blake.
And I need to get Navy man killed off or transferred or something so I actually have a motivation to post... He's just really boring to use that I really haven't wanted to use him or post. I'll start working on a post with him tomorrow, or at least who I'll be replacing him with.
Yeah you don't have to post with him, though I could set up a way to have him killed or removed earlier.
Yeah you don't have to post with him, though I could set up a way to have him killed or removed earlier.
Drunk and disorderly conduct is frowned upon in a war zone, especially by the Soviets.

And they're much less forgiving.
Hmm I'll talk to him on steam with two options I have.
Drunk and disorderly conduct is frowned upon in a war zone, especially by the Soviets.

And they're much less forgiving.
Such a dishonorable way to go. Christopher deserves better for fighting in the name of his imaginary country.

Also, you don't have to kill him just change his personality gradually. Where is your sense of responsibility @EmperorsChosen? Are you willing to simply bring a character to life only to be rid of him as it suits your short attention span? :fryingpan:
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asking the rng generator what name given we only had two votes. Stay tuned.

Hoping its gud
Of all the names

Black Skulls



made it to the semi-final.

Of those Black Skulls and Rosenritters made it to the final, with Rosenritters winning.

Which is German for Rose Knights.

The other two names will be as falvor text for our Sister Squadrons.

We'll be the 531st or 105th Rosenritter Squadron

With the Black Skulls being the 777th
And the Valkyries being the 501st

Call signs I have not decided on and member suggestiosn are fine but these are the most possible in standard naming conventions.

Knight 1-12
Rose 1-12
Ritter 1-12
Thorn 1-12
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Casting my vote for "Ritter"
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