Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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The door would open to reveal...

...a long, long, way down to the ground. No stairs or ledges to help-all there was was a long fall down.
Turn 1: 3/4

@Gummi Bunnies

On the door was this:

What has to be broken before you can use it?

"Only one, huh? Well, shitty rules are what make people cheat." Hina shrugged, not really feeling like digesting the implications in only one person living. When Gon stuck his finger out, she returned a lax smile and took it with her own. "Sure, I may not look it but the yakuza's like my family you know. I'll flip'em upside down and rip their heads off, like a video game." The psychokinetic dragged her finger across her neck.

With that said, it was time to get started on this final game. For now, Hina decided to head towards the Central Door 5.​
The central door would feature this:

They come out at night without being called, and are lost in the day without being stolen. What are they?

"Great! Let's give it our all then!" Gon exclaimed, not seeming to mind the graphic (yet also comedic) words Hina gave, following with her to Central Door 5. There, it seemed that they already stumbled upon a barrier in the form of a riddle.

This was already bad. Gon was too dumb for riddles.


Steam almost seemed to rise from his ears as his brain struggled to even comprehend the question. Coming out at night without being called, and lost in the day without being stolen? What the heck could that be referring to? How do you lose something if it wasn't stolen? Unless...

Gulping, the young Hunter decided to brave a guess, clearing his throat. "I wonder... if the answer to that is stars?"

@Yun Lee @Kaykay
Gon's answer was correct, and would see that the door opened to reveal...

...a wall behind the door. :(

Turn 1: 4/4

Turn 1 was now complete! All screens on the outer doors changed, the symbols moving one spot to the right. f0 became b4, 78 became 3c, and so on.


The trapdoors and center door would stay the same, no change in number.

@Verite @Kaykay

Yamashiro watched as the others went for the trapdoors. She looked around, and decided she would try something different, in more than one way.

She went towards one of the outer doors, and would try opening the one labeled as f0. And, she would try to bring Ernesti with him... after all they had agreed to team up for this final game, so perhaps two people would be better suited to deal with whatever would happen now.

"Ernesti, let's do this together! Would f0 be okay to you?"

@Yun Lee @Crow

On the door was this:

What has to be broken before you can use it?


"Alright then, Yamashiro, let's solve the Sphinx's riddles together!"

This first one stood right before them. f0 it was.

"Glowstick? No, too complicated and modern. I'm thinking something with a shell. Shell... Shellcase...

... an egg! What do you think?"

Granted, his most vivid memory that involved eggs was the more sublime variety.

@Yun Lee @Mari

Yusuke puzzled over the answer he found, not recognizing the name of this girl whom he was supposed to marry. "This is all very peculiar. I never would've guessed that I may be married one week from now. How does one go about preparing for such a thing?" he questioned nobody in particular. The boy seemed rather calm about the whole thing, again, not finding the idea to be odd or creepy. If anything, he seemed rather curious about it, but also somewhat worried that he didn't know very much about being married.

"This isn't good at all... how does one go about treating a fiancee?" Yusuke squirmed uncomfortably. "I should buy them a gift, shouldn't I? Yet, how can I manage this when I barely have enough money to buy my meals? Holding hands could pose a problem as well. Most often, I hold my sketchbook in one hand and a pencil in another. I don't have enough hands for any such contact!" he gasped, suddenly appearing more panicked. "Now that I think about it, the knowledge of giving any sort of physical affection eludes me entirely! This is a crisis!"

The boy glanced to Yato when he would go into a fetal position, seeing that something in the book had probably upset his friend too. "You shouldn't overreact, you know. You're a god so surely you can change any fate you see for yourself in that book. Myself, on the other hand..." Yusuke grabbed the sides of his face. "I'm doomed to be married to a wife I won't know how to please. Why must this book torment me so?!"

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @York @Afterlife​

"Yusuke, how could they have these things mapped out so well? How can Hiyori get married to a gardener?" Yato muttered sadly.

"A whole 500 years of my life in the future, written down in a journal I just happened to find? I don't get it...not one bit." he sighed.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archmage Jeremiah @Kentucky @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Afterlife
Ernesti was right, and the door, now with b4 on it, opened up to reveal a long way down with no stairs or ledges, just like what Maria found.

Turn 2: 1/4

@Mari @Crow
"Yusuke, how could they have these things mapped out so well? How can Hiyori get married to a gardener?" Yato muttered sadly.

"A whole 500 years of my life in the future, written down in a journal I just happened to find? I don't get it...not one bit." he sighed.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archmage Jeremiah @Kentucky @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Afterlife

"That is rather peculiar," Yusuke commented when Yato mentioned Hiyori getting married to a gardener. "Perhaps this book is filled with lies? Would she not wish to be married to you, her lover? I cannot picture you sitting idly by while another man were to take her away, no?" he stated bluntly before tapping his chin. "I should've realized this was strange."

A half-hearted chuckle escaped his lips. "The only person who pursue nuptials with me willingly would likely be one with a lack of preferable options. Unless, of course, it's an arranged marriage." Sure, he was getting a bit down on himself by saying such a thing, but he didn't seem sad when doing so. In Yusuke's mind he was simply stating a fact of his life which he had come to accept over time. He felt the same way when it came to even his friends. Anyone interested in pursuing a friendship with him either had a wealth of free time on their hands or few available choices for other, better friends themselves.

Yusuke gave the box of notebooks a gentle nudge with his foot. "This island holds copious mysteries, these notebooks included. Perhaps we should not allow ourselves to become fixated on them until we've learned the truth." He paused, however, beginning to flip through the notebooks again. "Still, I have to wonder, why would anyone bother to go into such exquisite detail of our future lives? On this island, we have been forced to take part in death games and have been treated from the start as if our lives never mattered. It's baffling..."

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @York @Afterlife​
Gon's answer was correct, and would see that the door opened to reveal...

...a wall behind the door. :(

Turn 1: 4/4

Turn 1 was now complete! All screens on the outer doors changed, the symbols moving one spot to the right. f0 became b4, 78 became 3c, and so on.

View attachment 146931

The trapdoors and center door would stay the same, no change in number.

@Verite @Kaykay
Well, the outer doors changed in terms of labels, which mean that 78 was technically a different door now. Maria figured to check it out, considering that it was probably a good idea to check as much as she could.

@Yun Lee
Gon's answer was correct, and would see that the door opened to reveal...

...a wall behind the door. :(

Turn 1: 4/4

Turn 1 was now complete! All screens on the outer doors changed, the symbols moving one spot to the right. f0 became b4, 78 became 3c, and so on.


Radec waited till the second turn went around and walked toward the new 12c door.

@Yun Lee

"That is rather peculiar," Yusuke commented when Yato mentioned Hiyori getting married to a gardener. "Perhaps this book is filled with lies? Would she not wish to be married to you, her lover? I cannot picture you sitting idly by while another man were to take her away, no?" he stated bluntly before tapping his chin. "I should've realized this was strange."

A half-hearted chuckle escaped his lips. "The only person who pursue nuptials with me willingly would likely be one with a lack of preferable options. Unless, of course, it's an arranged marriage." Sure, he was getting a bit down on himself by saying such a thing, but he didn't seem sad when doing so. In Yusuke's mind he was simply stating a fact of his life which he had come to accept over time. He felt the same way when it came to even his friends. Anyone interested in pursuing a friendship with him either had a wealth of free time on their hands or few available choices for other, better friends themselves.

Yusuke gave the box of notebooks a gentle nudge with his foot. "This island holds copious mysteries, these notebooks included. Perhaps we should not allow ourselves to become fixated on them until we've learned the truth." He paused, however, beginning to flip through the notebooks again. "Still, I have to wonder, why would anyone bother to go into such exquisite detail of our future lives? On this island, we have been forced to take part in death games and have been treated from the start as if our lives never mattered. It's baffling..."

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @York @Afterlife​

"Mine mentioned me traveling to multiple universes and doing tasks, and that's only part of all that I'm supposedly going to do in the next 500 years or so. Maybe instead of lies, these are just possibilities? Sort of like an alternate reality type of thing? Or there might be more to the notebooks and it's just part of something much bigger than what we know right now, like the whole surviving that plane crash at the beginning of this mess." Yato speculated, unmoving from where he laid until he turned to take a look at the tv.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archmage Jeremiah @Kentucky @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Afterlife
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Ernesti was right, and the door, now with b4 on it, opened up to reveal a long way down with no stairs or ledges, just like what Maria found.

Turn 2: 1/4

@Mari @Crow


"Alright, this is going to be a problem," Ernesti grumbles at the ledges. "Take a chance that there's a soft ground down there or pick another door of your choosing? Maybe the current f0?"

@Yun Lee @Mari
Maria found this riddle:

When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look?

@Gummi Bunnies

12c had this riddle for Radec:

Lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward. What is it?


Ernesti would find this riddle:

What goes up and never comes down?

@Crow @Mari
Maria found this riddle:

When you look for something, why is it always in the last place you look?

@Gummi Bunnies

12c had this riddle for Radec:

Lives in winter, dies in summer, and grows with its roots upward. What is it?


Ernesti would find this riddle:

What goes up and never comes down?

@Crow @Mari


Yamashiro was frustrated by the first door, but she kept her calm and smile. When the riddle was found at the next door, she felt that she had heard this question somewhere before, so she decided to give it a try with her answer:


@Yun Lee @Crow
The door would open, revealing the ground below. It was impossible to say if any of these doors led to a soft pad...only one way for you to find out, really.

@Crow @Mari


"May I see those, please?" Ririka picked up one of the notebooks and read through it.

"I should have known they'd do this...! These were...this is the schedule for your life. Anyone who goes in debt at our school...they have their life scheduled for them to pay that debt off. If you all lost these games...what's in these books will come true."

@Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Well. This was gonna be a difficult task, but a Hunter wasn't worth his title if he couldn't hunt a simple flower.

Remembering the envelope in his possession, the boy opened it to see what it even had in it, while also heading to Door 168 to see what was there.

@Yun Lee
The door would open, revealing the ground below. It was impossible to say if any of these doors led to a soft pad...only one way for you to find out, really.

@Crow @Mari

"We're really going to have to plummet, huh?" Ernesti decides to open the envelope to view its contents.

@Yun Lee @Mari
"We're really going to have to plummet, huh?" Ernesti decides to open the envelope to view its contents.

@Yun Lee @Mari

Yamashiro frowned at the thought of dropping into the unknown. Perhaps for Ernesti, he would feel more brave about the situation given his background, but Yamashiro imagined it like sinking to the depths of the sea for the battleship, only worse... no water and perhaps no soft landing at the end. Still, they were running out of possibilities.

"Perhaps we might have to take a chance?"

She would wait to see what the envelope Ernesti had would reveal, though, before she would decide on doing anything else at this time.

@Crow @Yun Lee
Kirari spoke up now. "It seems a few of you are confused. Very well. The outer doors mean nothing. You can only move through the central door amd trapdoor. Alesha is currently in the lead, as she is now on the fourth floor. That is all."

The speakers would go off then.

(OOC Note: You do not have to wait a full turn now! Just keep going!)


Alesha was now on the fourth floor. There was a tube that kept going down where the fifth floor's 2 trapdoor was. She would find two trapdoors, both labeled one and two, but no central door.

@Crow @Mari @Verite @Jeremi @Kaykay @dark @Midnight Maiden @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Khan of the Mardu @LuckycoolHawk9
Yamashiro frowned at the thought of dropping into the unknown. Perhaps for Ernesti, he would feel more brave about the situation given his background, but Yamashiro imagined it like sinking to the depths of the sea for the battleship, only worse... no water and perhaps no soft landing at the end. Still, they were running out of possibilities.

"Perhaps we might have to take a chance?"

She would wait to see what the envelope Ernesti had would reveal, though, before she would decide on doing anything else at this time.

@Crow @Yun Lee
Kirari spoke up now. "It seems a few of you are confused. Very well. The outer doors mean nothing. You can only move through the central door amd trapdoor. Alesha is currently in the lead, as she is now on the fourth floor. That is all."

The speakers would go off then.

(OOC Note: You do not have to wait a full turn now! Just keep going!)


Alesha was now on the fourth floor. There was a tube that kept going down where the fifth floor's 2 trapdoor was. She would find two trapdoors, both labeled one and two, but no central door.

@Crow @Mari @Verite @Jeremi @Kaykay @dark @Midnight Maiden @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Khan of the Mardu @LuckycoolHawk9

"Let's follow Alesha," Ernesti suggests. After doing just that, he evaluates the trapdoor 1 of the fourth floor.

"So, five floors would mean that we have to go through this four times. I think that might be a good start to figuring out how this works."

@Yun Lee @Mari @Khan of the Mardu
"Mine mentioned me traveling to multiple universes and doing tasks, and that's only part of all that I'm supposedly going to do in the next 500 years or so. Maybe instead of lies, these are just possibilities? Sort of like an alternate reality type of thing? Or there might be more to the notebooks and it's just part of something much bigger than what we know right now, like the whole surviving that plane crash at the beginning of this mess." Yato speculated, unmoving from where he laid until he turned to take a look at the tv.

@thatguyinthestore @Yun Lee @Mason Moretti @Archmage Jeremiah @Kentucky @York @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Afterlife

The door would open, revealing the ground below. It was impossible to say if any of these doors led to a soft pad...only one way for you to find out, really.

@Crow @Mari


"May I see those, please?" Ririka picked up one of the notebooks and read through it.

"I should have known they'd do this...! These were...this is the schedule for your life. Anyone who goes in debt at our school...they have their life scheduled for them to pay that debt off. If you all lost these games...what's in these books will come true."

@Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Unsure what else to believe, Yusuke may have agreed with Yato if not for what Ririka suggested next. He frowned and placed a hand on one of his hips. "If that's true, what gives anyone the right to schedule our lives?" he asked the girl. "We never agreed to it. We never agreed to any of this." But then again, Yusuke thought, if their kidnapper cared about what their group was agreeable to, they never would've forced everyone into visiting the island.

@Yun Lee @Archmage Jeremiah @Takumi @Mason Moretti @thatguyinthestore @York @Afterlife​