Murder XIX: Trouble in Paradise

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Question: Which Traitor in When The Corpses Cry had made their Murder debut earlier?


Question: Tdue or False: Shiki is the only living Progenitor.


Question: In The Ultimate Game, why did The Lone Wanderer reject Junko Enoshima?

Shantae and Yusuke would both reach a draw, while Yumeko, choosing green, and The Doctor would both earn a point.

@Crow @Mari @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi

Question: Which Traitor in When The Corpses Cry had made their Murder debut earlier?


Question: Tdue or False: Shiki is the only living Progenitor.


Question: In The Ultimate Game, why did The Lone Wanderer reject Junko Enoshima?

Shantae and Yusuke would both reach a draw, while Yumeko, choosing green, and The Doctor would both earn a point.

@Crow @Mari @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi

Hina hit the 1 button again, deciding to just solve easy puzzles for now.

@Yun Lee

Yusuke grumbled, one of his gray eyes twitching, when his third button press would also result in a draw. "My luck is appalling," he added, shaking his head.

No matter; he would press on!

Yusuke pressed the blue button once, but then pushed the blue button again. He was gonna make something happen, even if he lost both points in the process. There was always the option of trivia if he were to fail yet again, but he wanted to triumph over the color game first.

@Yun Lee
"I believe he saw her as a liability as she wasn't the same woman that he fell in love with."

Rita wasn't confident in that puzzle and regardless of hitting or not, she would press the easier green button.

Question: Which Traitor in When The Corpses Cry had made their Murder debut earlier?


"I never knew idols were a popular thing in Hong Kong. Not my cup of tea, anyways."

@Yun Lee
Shantae, deciding to go back to trivia and earn points that way, did so and pressed the number 2 button.

@Yun Lee

Question: Which character is the only one to have the Mercenary role?

Rita and Ernesti would receive points for their answers.


Question: Which Murder Game is not technically considered a Murder Game in-universe?

Yusuke would lose a point, then gain it back. Still a draw, but hey! At least something happened!


Question: In Fusion, rather than solve a puzzle, what alternate method did Kotomine use to open a locked door?

@Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @thatguyinthestore
Rita Hanson

" Murder game XV: Civil War." Rita pressed the green button again afterwards, seeing as she didn't want to risk herself losing her points.

@Yun Lee
Rita would earn a point.


Question: True or False: Sans the skeleton made his Murder debut in War of the Universe.

Rita Hanson

" False. He debuted in Right Hand of the Crimson Moon." Despite gaining more confidence, she still went for the easy green question again. It was safer.

@Yun Lee

Question: Which Traitor in When The Corpses Cry had made their Murder debut earlier?


Question: Tdue or False: Shiki is the only living Progenitor.


Question: In The Ultimate Game, why did The Lone Wanderer reject Junko Enoshima?

Shantae and Yusuke would both reach a draw, while Yumeko, choosing green, and The Doctor would both earn a point.

@Crow @Mari @LuckycoolHawk9 @thatguyinthestore @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi

Being mighty pleased with himself the Doctor once again picked red.

@Yun Lee
Rita earned a point, as did The Doctor. Yumeko, now extremely excited about this game, picked red, blue, green, blue, red, and would find her score stayed the same.


Question: Who killed Lucy the Wood Elf?
@LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi
Rita Hanson

" Harley Quinn murdered Lucy." Rita pressed another one point green question for safety.

@Yun Lee
Yusuke pressed the blue button two more times. While irked about this, he was persistent.

@Yun Lee
Rita Hanson

" Murder Game XIII: Restless in Rapture." Rita wasn't going to play it risky, hitting the green button again after her hit landed or missed.

@Yun Lee
Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief when he finally earned a point. Now he pressed once on the green button and once on the red button.

@Yun Lee
Rita earned her point.

Question: What was the first game to featire no predetermined Traitors?

The Doctor would find himself at a draw, Yusuke would earn a point, and Risky would lose one, bringing her to one point. Yumeko, picking green, blue, and red, would earn one point.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Archmage Jeremiah

As her cart rattled yet again, Risky Boots dramatically threw her head back and kicked one leg out over the hood of the cart. "Nooo! Once again, I've been defeated; my wit outwitted, my underhandedness out-underhanded!" the villain exclaimed, "Bested by the brats at their very own game: rock, paper, scissors!"

A long silence ensued, until eventually Risky peeked down at her display, to notice she still had one point left. Scowling, she pressed the red button one more time.

@Yun Lee