Murder V: The Reapers' Game Sign-Up Thread

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Age: 21
At first glance, Kamina is boisterous, hotheaded and arrogant. He demands recognition and seems hungry for greatness, illustrated in his tendency to call himself "the Mighty Kamina" and his signature catchphrase, "Just who the Hell do you think I am?!" He is an undetterable idealist, often to the point of ignorance; Yoko has described him as "a man of unlimited stupidity." Kamina is also very perverted, declaring that the urge to stare at beautiful women is the definition of a man.
Kamina is also extremely determined who never lets anything keep him down for long. Even discovering that his father was dead only solemned him for a night or two (visibly at least). He is also devoted to defending and supporting his friends and loved ones, fighting with all his strength to protect them. In turn, he is very charismatic in the heat of battle, able to inspire even the timid Simon to accomplish great feats and almost single-handedly set the foundations for Team Dai-Gurren.
Despite his often insane actions, Kamina is fairly insightful, as his bombast and seemingly blind confidence usually mask his true intelligence in planning and combat; he even personally admits that his bravado and fearlessness is mostly a device he uses to hide his own worries and to support others, and that he thinks people like Simon are the real heroes. He has stated that his drive in the war against the Beastmen was not started for personal glory or vengeance, but a desire to give future generations a world without fear. Despite his often moronic actions, he does have some level of common sense, pointing out that fleeing from Dai-Gunzan would leave them wide open to attack. All this confirms that Kamina has a much more complicated personality than his usual behavior would insinuate.
Strengths: Kamina is an expert on fighting. He is a mastermind and expert tactician. He is a very quick learner on no matter what the subject it. He has amazing endurance and reflexes. He has a fighting spirit that no one can break even in the most dark of times.
Weakness: He actually has none.
Even if shot he will fight till he wins. He knew he was gonna die and even then he didn't quit. After being stabbed through the stomach and bleeding out he kept fighting.
Fear: loosing

Pin 1: Onikiri "It's a if they are giving me my sword back"
Pin 2: Frantic "This outta make my entrance cooler!"

Pin 3: I live fore food "I have no idea what curry is, but it sounds awesome!"
Entry Fee: His sword he got from the first leader.
I agree to play your silly little game!
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The Mad Titan still needs a dance partner.
Oh gosh.. I don't think there's anyone he'd find worthy signed up yet. XD↑

Bakura could probably do it, but Ryou is still connected to him mentally.
Well I thought long and hard on it. And well I couldn't resit I wanted to play Rocket and well my friends and I talked and we decided that it would be fine if I brought her into this as long as I'm cool with possible crying if she dies/when she dies. I had to make the same decisions when I picked Raven for the Silent Hill murder game.

And well Rocket is pretty awesome so yeah... I couldn't resist.

Name: Booker DeWitt

Age: 38

Occupation: Independent Contractor (Originally Worked for Pinkerton Detective Agency)

Bio: Booker's childhood is shrouded in mystery, it is assumed that he was a bastard child who grew up in a group home in South Boston. At age 16, he took part in the Battle at Wounded Knee, where he burned down tepees and slaughtered Indian women and children. Shortly after, he slipped in a deep depression, becoming a gambler and alcoholic. When his wife passed away at age 17 in late 1892, Booker was forced to take a job with the Pinkerton Detective Agency in order to support their infant daughter, Anna. However, Booker's demons came back to haunt him as he slipped further into debt and booze, what was worse he was fired from the Pinkertons in July of 1893 and Booker became a Private Detective in order to pay off his debts. He tried so hard to get away from his troubles in New York, but the debt became so great Booker sold his own Daughter, Anna to relieve himself of his debt on October 8th, 1893.

Nineteen years later, Two individuals came fourth and offered the aging and washed up Booker one last Job to rid himself of his Debt.
Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt.

Strengths: Booker possess the build and wits necessary to deal with even the toughest of enemies. A Career Solider, Booker is a master with any type of firearm or explosive. He is witty, thinks fast on his feet, is resourceful and tough as nails.

Weakness: Suspect to standard attacks as well as bullets, explosives and knives. A little to hot headed at times.

Fears: Something bad happening to his Daughter, Anna DeWitt

Pin 1: Witty

Pin 2: Determined

Pin 3: Resourceful

Entry Fee: Elizabeth/Anna

I agree
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Name: Booker DeWitt

Age: 38

Occupation: Independent Contractor (Originally Worked for Pinkerton Detective Agency)

Bio: Booker's childhood is shrouded in mystery, it is assumed that he was a bastard child who grew up in a group home in South Boston. At age 16, he took part in the Battle at Wounded Knee, where he burned down tepees and slaughtered Indian women and children. Shortly after, he slipped in a deep depression, becoming a gambler and alcoholic. When his wife passed away at age 17 in late 1892, Booker was forced to take a job with the Pinkerton Detective Agency in order to support their infant daughter, Anna. However, Booker's demons came back to haunt him as he slipped further into debt and booze, what was worse he was fired from the Pinkertons in July of 1893 and Booker became a Private Detective in order to pay off his debts. He tried so hard to get away from his troubles in New York, but the debt became so great Booker sold his own Daughter, Anna to relieve himself of his debt on October 8th, 1893.

Nineteen years later, Two individuals came fourth and offered the aging and washed up Booker one last Job to rid himself of his Debt.
Bring us the girl and wipe away the debt.

Strengths: Booker possess the build and wits necessary to deal with even the toughest of enemies. A Career Solider, Booker is a master with any type of firearm or explosive. He is witty, thinks fast on his feet, is resourceful and tough as nails.

Weakness: Suspect to standard attacks as well as bullets, explosives and knives. A little to hot headed at times.

Fears: Something bad happening to his Daughter, Anna DeWitt

Pin 1: Witty

Pin 2: Determined

Pin 3: Resourceful

Entry Fee: Elizabeth/Anna
Your on Michaels hit list

Kidding. She's nice. :3
Silver is, too, if you aren't a nazi or criminal.
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