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Dammit, he's going to get himself killed... He couldn't help but grimace as he was pulled behind the curtains, "I don't know, Slavya..." His hand fell to where he had hung the sword in a belt loop, hand wrapping around the grip, "Maybe I should pull him back in."​
"I'll do it." Semyon declared, heading out as he looked towards Krieg, noticing a obscured figure walking down the hall "We've gotta get the hell outta here! I don't think our weapons are gonna effect whatever... THAT is." he said quietly, trying to pull Krieg towards the room.

"I hope it doesn't take too long..." Slavya whispered quietly, she didn't look very confident about heading out there at this moment.​
Luz had taken a personal vendetta. Who in there right mind could do such a thing? He had done his best to fix up the robot with Shurik and Electronik last night, but today, Shurik was lost in a day? This was personal for Luz, As he begun to search for his body, Garrison cap on his head as he exited the baracks.. Er, cabin.


No body of Shurik has been found yet, so the action of searching specifically for Shurik's body didn't exactly go through.​
Speirs had somewhat enough of the day.. He had danced with Olga the night before, had a nice time, but he had to break the night short when he had found Slavya and Hajime's body. As if though he had to break the bad news, Speirs entered the Administration Building as he took off the Garrison cap. "Olga, I have bad news.. I and some others took the liberty of searching around for Slavya and the other guy.. Hajimu, was it? Hajim, something like that.. Well..." He sighed and slowly let it out. "Slavya and the other.. They're dead." He spoke in forlorn. "Sorry."


Olga sighed, she tried not to blow a gasket or anything as she rubbed her forehead, she was holding back from tears again "Well... We'll lock up Shiki, and, the person who gets the most votes... It's all we can do at the moment..." she said; it was clear that she was stressed out, but, at the very least, she was keeping it together for the moment...
"I'll do it." Semyon declared, heading out as he looked towards Krieg, noticing a obscured figure walking down the hall "We've gotta get the hell outta here! I don't think our weapons are gonna effect whatever... THAT is." he said quietly, trying to pull Krieg towards the room.

"I hope it doesn't take too long..." Slavya whispered quietly, she didn't look very confident about heading out there at this moment.​

Dammit, why do I always get in these weird situations? "Come on, Krieg, you can't beat that thing!" Hajime exclaimed as he tried to pull the ax wielding warrior back into the room, "Listen, I'll find you some meat to chop up later! Just come with us!"

@Krieg @york
"Yep. But I'm not dying in some Russian camp far from home with all these strangers and idiot campers. And I am crazy. I'm not that crazy. Especially when I've been disarmed and I kind of need her/like her. And if it comes down to me and her? The camp goes boom! BOOM BOOM BOOM, BURN DOWN THE CAMP ALL THE WAY. That may end in fucking at the end." :|

"Besides, while I'm wanting to get out, I want my money's worth of entertainment so go ahead and fight her! I'll record. Even mark your grave! What do you want on it?"

"Argonaut Bell...Died doing what he loved" he says bluntly "Throwing myself into situations where I know I can die...and doing it anyway...it's what I do for a living...And let me tell you...I love every second of it" he laughs as his hand starts to sparkle with the beginnings of a charge of Argonaut, the skill named after the young boy who sought to become a hero

"Read about the argonaut sometime...I'm sure you'll enjoy it...That is if you can opapay attention to a book long enough"

He turns to Yulia and sighs "If we don't fight...she might kill more of us...how can we stop her without her attacking someone? She won't go peacefully if we vote for her...I won't look for her...but if she attacks anyone...I'm not going to watch idly by as people die to save us..."

@york @C.T.
"Argonaut Bell...Died doing what he loved" he says bluntly "Throwing myself into situations where I know I can die...and doing it anyway...it's what I do for a living...And let me tell you...I love every second of it" he laughs as his hand starts to sparkle with the beginnings of a charge of Argonaut, the skill named after the young boy who sought to become a hero

"Read about the argonaut sometime...I'm sure you'll enjoy it...That is if you can opapay attention to a book long enough"

He turns to Yulia and sighs "If we don't fight...she might kill more of us...how can we stop her without her attacking someone? She won't go peacefully if we vote for her...I won't look for her...but if she attacks anyone...I'm not going to watch idly by as people die to save us..."

@york @C.T.
"My god, do you have to take a breath every 3 words? What the hell is wrong with you???"
"My god, do you have to take a breath every 3 words? What the hell is wrong with you???"

"Dramatic pauses?" He mutters with a small shrug "I dunno"
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: OrlandoBloomers
"My god, do you have to take a breath every 3 words? What the hell is wrong with you???"
"Dramatic pauses?" He mutters with a small shrug "I dunno"

Talion watched the two quietly for a second. Celebrimbor paced through them- they might feel a slight chill. "Imbeciles." The Wraith's voice rang through his head, making the Ranger's frown deeper.

"Is this at all relevant?"

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: DapperDogman
Gary can't deal with this stress of finding a person he doesn't know and dealing with the deaths. He just decided to sleep in.

Talion watched the two quietly for a second. Celebrimbor paced through them- they might feel a slight chill. "Imbeciles." The Wraith's voice rang through his head, making the Ranger's frown deeper.

"Is this at all relevant?"

"Did you arrive on the bus? I don't think I've seen you before..."

"Dramatic pauses?" He mutters with a small shrug "I dunno"
"No no no! Dramatic pauses lose all effect when you use them so much! God, I'm insane in like six different ways but I at least know that! Except well you know, graffiti. Screw it then."

Talion watched the two quietly for a second. Celebrimbor paced through them- they might feel a slight chill. "Imbeciles." The Wraith's voice rang through his head, making the Ranger's frown deeper.

"Is this at all relevant?"

"No. And it's my cue to go. Bye bye losers."


That guy was accusing her?

...Really? That guy?

Shiki was in the canteen when Hank's announcement hit, seated in the corner with her back facing the door, keeping to herself for the most part and picking at a bowl of soggy cereal with disinterest. Her reaction to being called a traitor wasn't quite as volatile as one would expect; she just paused her eating with the spoon halfway to her mouth, eyebrow slightly raised and gaze inclined upwards while she listened to the message all the way through.

Then, when it was over, she snorted and went back to eating.

There'd be people coming for her soon. She at least wanted to finish her corn flakes.

When they inevitably came, she addressed them without turning around, stirring her cereal around using her spoon as she sat with her elbow on the table, propping up her head and looking disinterested.

"Heh. If you're thinking about "wrestling me to the ground", like that idiot said, I don't really recommend it. It would be extremely painful."

She paused, tapping her spoon against the bowl with a light ding.

"For you."

She indulged herself with a slight, cocky smirk, still not turning around to face any of them.

"Tch... he's caught me in a catch 22, the jerk. I need to make my case to prove my innocence, but if I make my case I'll just appear defensive and suspicious, further muddling my innocence... I guess it's a good thing I'm too lazy to do any of that, then, right?"

That was punctuated by an ironic, throaty chuckle. Then she shrugged, running an unconcerned hand through her hair.

"Whatever. I'm a killer-- there's no question about it. I could easily be the traitor, knowing or not. I'm a murderer and a misanthrope; no matter where I am, I'll always want to kill... for me, it is both an addiction and a basic need. I can go a while without feeding a habit, but there's only so long a human can go without breathing. They are the same for me. Without either, Shiki stops existing. I've been able to suppress my urges for a long time, but I've always known I'd kill someone for no reason one day... I... I accept my fate as a murderer. You'd all be safer if I was locked up. Bind my limbs. Seal my eyes. Imprison me, and throw the key away. Put me in the deepest, darkest hole you can think of, where I'll never see the light of day again... down with the rest of the corpses. It's the only way you'll ever be safe."

She paused, taking a deep breath.

"Unless you just kill me..."

There was an almost suggestive tinge to the end of her statement, but it seemed like she was done talking for now... if there was even anyone around. It was highly possible she just got through delivering a long-winded monologue to her corn flakes.

@anybody @canteen​
Talion paused. "Ah! Yes! My apologies. I am Talion of Gondor. And yourself?"


"Bell Cranel, of...er...The Guild of Adventurers?" he says, trying to keep his hand from hitting the dreaded full stop key once more

"I suppose you're not wrong about it being relevant, but it was distracting me from getting killed. So it was useful, I guess"

"Argonaut Bell...Died doing what he loved" he says bluntly "Throwing myself into situations where I know I can die...and doing it anyway...it's what I do for a living...And let me tell you...I love every second of it" he laughs as his hand starts to sparkle with the beginnings of a charge of Argonaut, the skill named after the young boy who sought to become a hero

"Read about the argonaut sometime...I'm sure you'll enjoy it...That is if you can opapay attention to a book long enough"

He turns to Yulia and sighs "If we don't fight...she might kill more of us...how can we stop her without her attacking someone? She won't go peacefully if we vote for her...I won't look for her...but if she attacks anyone...I'm not going to watch idly by as people die to save us..."

@york @C.T.
@DapperDogman @C.T. @BarrenThin

"At any rate... I think Olga has an plan for Shiki... We can't kill her, but, we can at least keep her from hurting any more people in the meantime..." Yulia said, she was being rather adamanet about the no killing thing.​
@DapperDogman @C.T. @BarrenThin

"At any rate... I think Olga has an plan for Shiki... We can't kill her, but, we can at least keep her from hurting any more people in the meantime..." Yulia said, she was being rather adamanet about the no killing thing.​
"Of course...I've never killed another person, and if I can avoid it...I'd rather not" he nods in agreement and gives a small smile "I mean...she's not even been proven a traitor. That guy could be lying to distract us"


No body of Shurik has been found yet, so the action of searching specifically for Shurik's body didn't exactly go through.​


Olga sighed, she tried not to blow a gasket or anything as she rubbed her forehead, she was holding back from tears again "Well... We'll lock up Shiki, and, the person who gets the most votes... It's all we can do at the moment..." she said; it was clear that she was stressed out, but, at the very least, she was keeping it together for the moment...

Speirs simply looked at Olga, sighing as he sat next to her. he looped his Garrison cap onto his belt, then looked at her without a word. "I'm sorry." Is what he afforded to say, before not wanting to leave her out as he spoke again. "I know what it's like to.. Lose someone like this. I've lost... Many great men. I am sorry for all of this.." He could say, a short and forlorn smile appearing. "Please.. If it makes you feel better.. Then do it." Referencing to her watery eyes.

@Forest People
@Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Others

Like Yellow, Sukuna found herself wandering into a small glade with the sun shining through the tree-tops... It looked like a good place to nap, but, no sign of Shurik here...

"Oh... so he isn't here..." Sukuna mumbled as she decided to stick around at the forest. Well... might as well since she had that tinge of depression still lingering around.

@york @Kaykay

"Oh! Hello there!" Alisa said, she looked a bit startled, but, soon relaxed again, a faint smile crossing her face.​

Neo made a cute little face as she took the last bite of her ice cream sandwich out to show that she was enjoying the treat that she got this morning.


No body of Shurik has been found yet, so the action of searching specifically for Shurik's body didn't exactly go through.​


Olga sighed, she tried not to blow a gasket or anything as she rubbed her forehead, she was holding back from tears again "Well... We'll lock up Shiki, and, the person who gets the most votes... It's all we can do at the moment..." she said; it was clear that she was stressed out, but, at the very least, she was keeping it together for the moment...
Fine then, Luz looked around for Shirik, wherever he is.

"No no no! Dramatic pauses lose all effect when you use them so much! God, I'm insane in like six different ways but I at least know that! Except well you know, graffiti. Screw it then."

"No. And it's my cue to go. Bye bye losers."

Celebrimbor's constant scowl simply deepened at that. All Talion did was frown in confusion. He had no idea what he'd lost.
"Bell Cranel, of...er...The Guild of Adventurers?" he says, trying to keep his hand from hitting the dreaded full stop key once more

"I suppose you're not wrong about it being relevant, but it was distracting me from getting killed. So it was useful, I guess"

@DapperDogman @C.T. @BarrenThin

"At any rate... I think Olga has an plan for Shiki... We can't kill her, but, we can at least keep her from hurting any more people in the meantime..." Yulia said, she was being rather adamanet about the no killing thing.​

"Distractions are exactly what we do not need, Master Bell. Distractions cause mistakes... which may get you killed anyways."


"Perhaps that wouldn't be such a bad thing."

Talion would have responded, but he didn't wish to look crazy.

"I hope it does not come to killing her. Or anyone else, for had matter."

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