Murder Tale II: Eden and the Forgotten People

  • Thread starter TheColourlessRainbow
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A very cheeky little bad, yet lone wolf skipped after the humans and other creatures, amusing herself with their conversations. She said nothing to them, instead staying behind and following them to the stone stage that seemed to be the current hot spot for activity. She playfully danced over to the sign up sheet she heard a boy talk about and simply looked at it to burn her name across it with her powers, signing up without even learning what its purpose was. She was certain it would be a howling good time. "So little boy, what is this tournament's purpose?" she asked, amusement quite obvious in her voice.

The boy looked to the girl who approached the stage, his smile was gone and his face sat in a blank expression.

"Welcome, you should join the tournament, the sign ups are over there," said the boy in a monotone voice as he pointed to the nearby table with the sign ups and instructions.
"A... tournament?" Zero blinked at that. As much as she wanted to know where she was... this idea of a tournament interested her. Maybe she could test out if her magic was actually affected combat-wise from that potion. Then again...

"It's not every day that some random person goes up to me to say there's some tournament. Usually people just run away from the sight of me. Besides, any other reason to try and get some outsider to join this tournament?" Zero said with great curiosity, brushing some of her bangs away from her flower eye.

This was going to be an interesting experience.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @anybody here
It was in an instant that she felt the parasite die down inside of her, great! She could try and kill it now... Oh wait... it was inside of her, and she couldn't regenerate without it either because the only way to kill it was to kill herself. Fan-fucking-tastic. With an annoyed sigh, it turns out that this was only a temporary fix, as the parasite would probably recover in some time where the potion would wear off.

Seeing the others go for the stone stage, Zero decided to bring her curiosities there. Might as well because she had no idea where she was...

@TheColourlessRainbow @Savvy Savant @Emperor of Gallifrey @anybody at the stone stage
Artoo whistled happily as he followed her. He was programmed to help people, ever droid's basic programming was to help others. Whenever Artoo did helped people, he always felt quite fulfilled. However, he was sure no droid has ever helped a person who can't stop singing.


This was going to be quite the interesting adventure. He couldn't wait to tell Threepio of what wonders he might experience in Eden, if he ever gets back that is.

Following the odd woman with the flower embedded in her eye socket with clear aggravation with the newly-acquired curse, Princess Yum Yum came to a halt at in front of the stone stage, addressing the man in front of the stage. "Excuse me, but can you please help me with this dreadful curse~?" she asked, still singing to her despise.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Everyone else​
"Indeed...these new...companions of yours are really something" he says with a smile "Where are we?" he asks bluntly, assuming he was behind the entire event "And I should probably add...when are we?"

He sees The Doctor handing over his coat and chuckles a little "You don't look like yourself without the coat" he says, before turning to Yvaine "Name's Jack" he says, offering a handshake

@Emperor of Gallifrey
@Savvy Savant
"Stop it." The Doctor told Jack, giving him the stern look a father would give to a misbehaving son. The last he needed was a needed was a pregnant woman on his hands because Jack was unable to keep his junk where it was supposed to be.

The Doctor sighed, looking around as he stratched the back of his neck, "I am just as lost and confused as you and anyone else here, Jack." he stated before widening his eyes upon spotting an all to familiar blonde.



@Savvy Savant @DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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The Knight stood up to his full height, at 10 feet tall, he towered over everyone else who had showed up. He held his massive Greatsword over his right shoulder almost casually, his gigantic shield held infront of him protectively, although no one here seemed a threat. Most of them seemed human. A few strange metal creatures there were, however. They all dressed in strange garb, and carried strange weapons, which made him much confused. The Wolf Knight nodded, accepting this new challenge. It was better than the Abyss, after all, was it not? He heard others discussing a tournament, and wondered if he should join. Tournaments were always entertaining. These lot didn't look that strong, although his experiences with.......... a certain other had proved that size doesn't matter all that much in a fight. I gained a few hornet stings from that experience, he thought to himself, with a chuckle. He saw a human female carrying a strange weapon, and approached. "Greetings," he said casually, gazing down at the human with her strange garb and strange weapon.

@CCC Kouhai
~Getting Together~

"Hmph, lovely, two suitors." Coco remarked sarcastically, facing the two men with stern eyes underneath her aviators. Briefly, however, in the corner of her eyes, she could spot a hunched up form upon a branch, a female to be exact. She was roughly a few years older than her, with a strange tattoo and nimble stature. Granted, Coco was never one to be swift, but how could she deal with the burden of ruining her simply gorgeous clothing? After all, Velvet was the most nimblest and swiftest in her squad, one of the few benefits being a Faunas has over normal, boring mankind. Flinching, wondering what the rest of her squad was doing, the captain felt a pang of guilt and remorse, wishing she could at least tell them that she was safe.

Spotting a newcomer, or rather more accurately, an offended electronic bucket, Coco casually strolled between Naoki and Robin, briefly pausing to look at Naoki. "Not sure how heavy, but pretty heavy I imagined." Coco chirped, her sassy attitude both alluring and annoyingly lovable at the same time. Focusing on Zero, Coco looked down upon the supposed Maverick, only catching his last name and promptly raising an eyebrow towards it.

"Zero? Really? At least you have a sense of style, Bass-and-Drums." Coco smirked, clearly having a very relaxed and collective personality, perhaps a bit too relaxed. After all, being a captain required a very eased mindset, and with the battles and weaponry she had dealt with, Coco has certainly harden since her greenhorn days. "Actually, if you could answer me that question, it'd be great. Bad enough my purse isn't working...and I chipped a nail." Coco noted, lifting up her lift hand, growling as the fashionista was utterly distressed over this scenario.

Giving up in annoyance, the fashionista began to stomp off continuing down the winding dirt road, shooting the cloaked figure in the trees a brief waving gesture before trying to vainly repair her precious nails.

@york @The Pimp Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @DapperDogman @Verite @Anybody want to go on winding dirt road adventures I don't feel like tagging anybody else sowwie.
Naoki frowned at her words, "Oh come on, I need to know the weight. Force equals mass times acceleration, meaning I need to know the weight and divide it by gravity's acceleration to find mass. From there, I can find the needed acceleration for making that thing into a bone-crushing weapon!" It seemed this was going to be one of the few times the hidden intelligence within him showed. Then again, it was for beating people so it may have just been luck he knew that. Either way, he followed along behind Coco, looking as though he was going to begin begging, "Please, think about it, please? One swing and -whack!- monster sans head!"

~Getting Together~

"Hmph, lovely, two suitors." Coco remarked sarcastically, facing the two men with stern eyes underneath her aviators. Briefly, however, in the corner of her eyes, she could spot a hunched up form upon a branch, a female to be exact. She was roughly a few years older than her, with a strange tattoo and nimble stature. Granted, Coco was never one to be swift, but how could she deal with the burden of ruining her simply gorgeous clothing? After all, Velvet was the most nimblest and swiftest in her squad, one of the few benefits being a Faunas has over normal, boring mankind. Flinching, wondering what the rest of her squad was doing, the captain felt a pang of guilt and remorse, wishing she could at least tell them that she was safe.

Spotting a newcomer, or rather more accurately, an offended electronic bucket, Coco casually strolled between Naoki and Robin, briefly pausing to look at Naoki. "Not sure how heavy, but pretty heavy I imagined." Coco chirped, her sassy attitude both alluring and annoyingly lovable at the same time. Focusing on Zero, Coco looked down upon the supposed Maverick, only catching his last name and promptly raising an eyebrow towards it.

"Zero? Really? At least you have a sense of style, Bass-and-Drums." Coco smirked, clearly having a very relaxed and collective personality, perhaps a bit too relaxed. After all, being a captain required a very eased mindset, and with the battles and weaponry she had dealt with, Coco has certainly harden since her greenhorn days. "Actually, if you could answer me that question, it'd be great. Bad enough my purse isn't working...and I chipped a nail." Coco noted, lifting up her lift hand, growling as the fashionista was utterly distressed over this scenario.

Giving up in annoyance, the fashionista began to stomp off continuing down the winding dirt road, shooting the cloaked figure in the trees a brief waving gesture before trying to vainly repair her precious nails.

@york @The Pimp Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @DapperDogman @Verite @Anybody want to go on winding dirt road adventures I don't feel like tagging anybody else sowwie.
Naoki frowned at her words, "Oh come on, I need to know the weight. Force equals mass times acceleration, meaning I need to know the weight and divide it by gravity's acceleration to find mass. From there, I can find the needed acceleration for making that thing into a bone-crushing weapon!" It seemed this was going to be one of the few times the hidden intelligence within him showed. Then again, it was for beating people so it may have just been luck he knew that. Either way, he followed along behind Coco, looking as though he was going to begin begging, "Please, think about it, please? One swing and -whack!- monster sans head!"


Faith Connors
@Krieg @The Pimp Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow[/USER] @DapperDogman @Verite @Anyone else

Faith blinked, obviously surprised when that purse wielding girl actually waved at her, she did indeed look like she was cloaked up in the trees, even if she was wearing clothing that shouldn't normally resemble a cloak in any manner... That was in the city after all, where lighting was no problem and visuals were always rather clear. Realizing her cover was blown at any rate, she suddenly hopped down in the middle of the group, rolling and standing upwards again. What drew her attention had to be someone talking about physics and pondering how heavy the purse was that the girl that had waved at her was carrying, she looked towards the young man who had asked this before turning to that girl again, studying the purse closely, it was a curious thing indeed.
The boy looked to the blond women,

"The point is to see everyone's strength." said the boy as he turned to look at the other girl,

"I requests strangers all the time to join, its rather fun that way," said the boy as he turned away from the two strangers, only to have YumYum approach him, and yet again ask him a question like all the others.

"No, I cant, curses and potion effects are beyond my abilities."

@Anyone speaking to the boy on the stage
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"Stop it." The Doctor told Jack, giving him the stern look a father would give to a misbehaving son. The last he needed was a needed was a pregnant woman on his hands because Jack was unable to keep his junk where it was supposed to be.

The Doctor sighed, looking around as he stratched the back of his neck, "I am just as lost and confused as you and anyone else here, Jack." he stated before widening his eyes upon spotting an all to familiar bonde.



@Savvy Savant @DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Evidently, the girl was confused by the doctor's statement to Jack. "Stop.. What?" she asked, confusedly. She looked between the two males, unsure what she had missed. Though, this feeling was something she'd grown used to in the last couple days, mostly due to her encounters with the odd beasts and House's references. Then there was the fact the woman was overly innocent and fairly naive.

She tilted her head at the Doctor's inquiry, glancing in the direction he was looking. "You.. Know her?" she asked, softly, with interest. Aside from House, there was nobody here she knew.. Unless Art and Ray had somehow survived..

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman
"Eh? What's a talking trashcan doing in the middle of the forest?" Naoki seemed to have left his filter at home again. Either way, the trashcan had asked him a question so he needed to answer. "No idea, Mister Trashcan, just got here and signed up for a tournament. Simple as that," he explained with bored shrug.
"That's Commander Zero to you, civilian," the red android said with a disgruntled tone at the rude human, "Jeez, and they say it's unlawful for a Reploid to attack a human. No wonder Reploids often go Maverick..." Zero muttered to himself facetiously, before the cocoa bean looking lady would begin to speak.

~Getting Together~

"Hmph, lovely, two suitors." Coco remarked sarcastically, facing the two men with stern eyes underneath her aviators. Briefly, however, in the corner of her eyes, she could spot a hunched up form upon a branch, a female to be exact. She was roughly a few years older than her, with a strange tattoo and nimble stature. Granted, Coco was never one to be swift, but how could she deal with the burden of ruining her simply gorgeous clothing? After all, Velvet was the most nimblest and swiftest in her squad, one of the few benefits being a Faunas has over normal, boring mankind. Flinching, wondering what the rest of her squad was doing, the captain felt a pang of guilt and remorse, wishing she could at least tell them that she was safe.

Spotting a newcomer, or rather more accurately, an offended electronic bucket, Coco casually strolled between Naoki and Robin, briefly pausing to look at Naoki. "Not sure how heavy, but pretty heavy I imagined." Coco chirped, her sassy attitude both alluring and annoyingly lovable at the same time. Focusing on Zero, Coco looked down upon the supposed Maverick, only catching his last name and promptly raising an eyebrow towards it.

"Zero? Really? At least you have a sense of style, Bass-and-Drums." Coco smirked, clearly having a very relaxed and collective personality, perhaps a bit too relaxed. After all, being a captain required a very eased mindset, and with the battles and weaponry she had dealt with, Coco has certainly harden since her greenhorn days. "Actually, if you could answer me that question, it'd be great. Bad enough my purse isn't working...and I chipped a nail." Coco noted, lifting up her lift hand, growling as the fashionista was utterly distressed over this scenario.

Giving up in annoyance, the fashionista began to stomp off continuing down the winding dirt road, shooting the cloaked figure in the trees a brief waving gesture before trying to vainly repair her precious nails.

@york @The Pimp Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @DapperDogman @Verite @Anybody want to go on winding dirt road adventures I don't feel like tagging anybody else sowwie.
"Chipped a nail? Lady, I was once cut in half. And your purse is not working...? I didn't realize they integrated technology into purses themselves. I guess I need to catch up on what's hot in the latest technology news," Zero murmured to himself, before briefly shaking his head and clearing his throat, "Regardless, I imagine I'm just as in the dark as you. I suggest we stick together if we want to maximize our chances of getting outta here alive. Though I think some people would be better off like that..."
Naoki waved off Zero's compliant, "Yeah, whatever, Bolt Bucket. Doesn't matter if you're some kind of android with self-aware AI or a military machine, you're just another fight to me. Trust me, you wouldn't win against me, Loose Wires."

"A... tournament?" Zero blinked at that. As much as she wanted to know where she was... this idea of a tournament interested her. Maybe she could test out if her magic was actually affected combat-wise from that potion. Then again...

"It's not every day that some random person goes up to me to say there's some tournament. Usually people just run away from the sight of me. Besides, any other reason to try and get some outsider to join this tournament?" Zero said with great curiosity, brushing some of her bangs away from her flower eye.

This was going to be an interesting experience.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @anybody here
"Stop it." The Doctor told Jack, giving him the stern look a father would give to a misbehaving son. The last he needed was a needed was a pregnant woman on his hands because Jack was unable to keep his junk where it was supposed to be.

The Doctor sighed, looking around as he stratched the back of his neck, "I am just as lost and confused as you and anyone else here, Jack." he stated before widening his eyes upon spotting an all to familiar blonde.



@Savvy Savant @DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Quite odd, isn't it? They know little about us and yet they ask us to join a tournament without even attempting to learn if we're qualified--even if it is to test our strengths. Strengths in what though? Fighting? Sewing? Competitive eating?" she guessed, replying to Zero with a snicker. She obviously knew none of those things were the case, but a few creative ideas always made conversing more interesting for herself.

She turned her head instantly, however, hearing the name Rose called out gently in the open. The voice was familiar to her; her heart, soul, and the very core of her being adored the owner of it. "My Doctor," she said, lifting a hand to gently wave at him. She noticed Jack standing next to the Doctor as well, but of course--to her--The Doctor always came first.

@DapperDogman @Emperor of Gallifrey @Gummi Bunnies @TheColourlessRainbow

The Knight stood up to his full height, at 10 feet tall, he towered over everyone else who had showed up. He held his massive Greatsword over his right shoulder almost casually, his gigantic shield held infront of him protectively, although no one here seemed a threat. Most of them seemed human. A few strange metal creatures there were, however. They all dressed in strange garb, and carried strange weapons, which made him much confused. The Wolf Knight nodded, accepting this new challenge. It was better than the Abyss, after all, was it not? He heard others discussing a tournament, and wondered if he should join. Tournaments were always entertaining. These lot didn't look that strong, although his experiences with.......... a certain other had proved that size doesn't matter all that much in a fight. I gained a few hornet stings from that experience, he thought to himself, with a chuckle. He saw a human female carrying a strange weapon, and approached. "Greetings," he said casually, gazing down at the human with her strange garb and strange weapon.

@CCC Kouhai

She stood ten inches above five feet, which was nearly half of the male's height. The "strange garb" was a simple Gothic Lolita style of clothing which by the looks of the knight, there was a possibility that he didn't know what "style" was. Without mocking him, she would have replied to him as he approached her. "Hello," this was the only polite word contained in her personal vocabulary. It wouldn't be wise to start using vulgarity on strangers that she did not know about. The female caught his glance at her weapons which made the right corner of her black-painted lips rise into a smirk.


"Interested about my weapons? I custom made it myself," She held out two exact replicas, allowing the male to observe it. With the flick of her wrist, she swung them away from his sight, winking playfully. "There's a limit on how long you can look at them~ Wouldn't want you to copy my style."

The boy looked to the blond women,

"The point is to see everyone's strength." said the boy as he turned to look at the other girl,

"I requests strangers all the time to join, its rather fun that way," said the boy as he turned away from the two strangers, only to have YumYum approach him, and yet again ask him a question like all the others.

"No, I cant, curses and potion effects are beyond my abilities."

@Anyone speaking to the boy on the stage

"Dammit..." And still, her voice came out in song. Her frustration with this seemed to have no end.

Giving up, she decided to sign up to enter the tournament. After all... What could go wrong?

@Anyone since I'm lazy​
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The boy looked to the blond women,

"The point is to see everyone's strength." said the boy as he turned to look at the other girl,

"I requests strangers all the time to join, its rather fun that way," said the boy as he turned away from the two strangers, only to have YumYum approach him, and yet again ask him a question like all the others.

"No, I cant, curses and potion effects are beyond my abilities."

@Anyone speaking to the boy on the stage

"...alright, count me in," Zero had a smile appear on her face as she went to sign up. It was always like her to be involved in matters that resulted with bloodbaths... if that would be the case here. Or at least she could test out if her magic with blood still works with this potion in effect.

"Then you're in for an entertaining tournament... meh, not going to even ask for your name," the Intoner said with an amused tone, twirling her dragonbone sword with her fingers, not caring if she could accidentally hit herself or the people around her.

Though, for a moment, she paused as she heard someone say the name 'Rose,' which she assumed to belong to the blonde next to her. She shook her head, she buried her original name in bodies and blood of those she's killed in the past. She was Zero now, the one that had nothing left, or the one that was born from nothing.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Savvy Savant @Emperor of Gallifrey @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman
She stood ten inches above five feet, which was nearly half of the male's height. The "strange garb" was a simple Gothic Lolita style of clothing which by the looks of the knight, there was a possibility that he didn't know what "style" was. Without mocking him, she would have replied to him as he approached her. "Hello," this was the only polite word contained in her personal vocabulary. It wouldn't be wise to start using vulgarity on strangers that she did not know about. The female caught his glance at her weapons which made the right corner of her black-painted lips rise into a smirk.


"Interested about my weapons? I custom made it myself," She held out two exact replicas, allowing the male to observe it. With the flick of her wrist, she swung them away from his sight, winking playfully. "There's a limit on how long you can look at them~ Wouldn't want you to copy my style."

He nodded simply at her greeting, eyes on the weapon. He couldn't tell exactly what in Gwyn's name it was supposed to be. But when she said it was custom made, he grew more interested. As she winked and informed him of her limit, he chuckled under his helm. This one seemed interesting. [BCOLOR=#000080]"My apologies. But I quite have my own style,"[/BCOLOR] he said, holding his massive greatsword. Hem oved it down, holding it horizontally, one hando n the hilt, another on the blade. The whole thing must've been 7-8 feet long, and it's edge was clearly razor sharp. [BCOLOR=#000080]"I custom-made mine as well, you could say."[/BCOLOR] he said, mirth in his voice. [BCOLOR=#000080]"But I should remember my courtesies. I am Knight Artorias,"[/BCOLOR] the knight said, with a bow. [BCOLOR=#000080]"And you are?"[/BCOLOR]
The boy left the stage, and down to the sign up sheets, he examined the names and determined who would match up with who. After a long 10 minutes, he looked over and shouted at the top of his lungs,

"MATCH ONE!" he started,

"ROBIN VS BAD WOLF!" he shouted before stepping up onto the stage, then standing in the middle.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@The Pimp Tactician
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Naoki waved off Zero's compliant, "Yeah, whatever, Bolt Bucket. Doesn't matter if you're some kind of android with self-aware AI or a military machine, you're just another fight to me. Trust me, you wouldn't win against me, Loose Wires."

"Tough talk from a human. Wanna put that to the test when the tournament comes? Good dogs have better bites than barks, after all," Zero shot back, crossing his arms.

"Always the peacemaker, huh? Jeez, what would Dr. Cain think?" X would ask upon approaching the scene with Zero, Naoki, and Coco, "Trouble is the last thing we need. Right now, we need to stay calm and stick close together. I have a bad feeling about this place..."

@The Pimp Tactician @Krieg
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