Murder Series Award Show II [Non-Canon]

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Who was she looking at? Curious at what took Neos attention more than the rumble and screams occurring, Torchwick turned on his bar stool. Huh. Looks like kitty made some new friends..... Though there was something familiar about the one dressed in the kimono. Hmmm....

It was a silence reminiscent of the one that had descended when Blake first announced her presence to the Flock, nothing but the steady pitter-patter of rain that had seemed to up in tempo and intensity as the night went on as it dinged against the hoods of cars all around them. The girl didn't so much as flinch as Blake tore her down, eyes remaining locked on the ninja's and mouth gradually easing into a very small frown as she listened intently to every word. Merlo himself had sunk back into his chair at this point, watching the exchange between the two females with narrowed eyes and a deathly glower.

Once Blake was finished, nobody spoke.

The flock themselves were flabbergasted, in complete and utter shock-- and, in the case of the supporters Blake had managed to garner amidst her speeches, complete and utter concernedhorror-- as she not only bit back against Merlo, but against... well... her.

The her in question didn't respond for a time, either, giving Blake's words the amount of time they deserved to sink in as she mulled them over. She eventually pushed off the van, eyes drifting shut and hands in her leather pockets as she slowly, calmly started walking towards Blake, paying no attention to Gambol if it was leveled at her as she slowly opened her gray, clouded eyes and looked at her again, features intent but composed as she finally spoke again.

"I like you, you know. You call it how it is, or at least how you see it, and that's not so bad. Just a little naive. I think we could've been friends, in some kind of twisted-up alternate timeline."

She slowly, deliberately drew her hands out of her pockets, each one grasping the hilt of a short blade that looked simple, unadvanced and almost ancestral-looking.

Until she pushed a button under the crossguard.


A coating of superheated energy leaped into existence all around the exterior of the blades, the girl spinning them in her hands as a warm-up to create what almost looked like a pretty light-blue neon lightshow as she cracked out her neck.

"I can't really disprove a lot of what you said, but there is one thing I know for sure isn't true."

The spinning stopped, one of her legs shifted back and she held up one blade horizontally in a ready stance, the other behind her hip in a reverse grip.



"The bit about you being able to take out every single one of us if you wanted."

"What makes you think she'd be doing it alone?"

It seemed to be a night of dramatic instances....As a very familiar voice to one in particular echoed from one of the hooded and cloaked personages among those who had come to watch tonights shenanigans. And as the voice continued to echo in the sudden stillness, something changed.

The posture went from subservient to straight.

Hands reached up to fling the disguise off....

And in its place, a white Grimm mask would meet those of the Flock as its owner made his own path. Slowly, taking his time as if he had all the time in the world and the Flock, mere annoyances on his way. He had stayed silent for the majority of the time, his own investigations one of idle curiosity and just a little disgust.

And then Blake had appeared. Given her speech, said what she truly thought of the cause she had once given her all. She may be lost to them and him forever now, that was just how it was.

But no, she wouldn't stand alone as he stepped into the light and ominously, tapped the sheath of his weapon against the ground, ignoring Blake to stare at the person she was facing.


"I wasn't talking to you" she said simply, drawing her sheathe for the other hand as she ran through the dust order in her head. "You're far worse than any of these if you actually know how to fight. Beacon, the military, any other hunting academy. But while I couldn't kill you so called protectors, there simply wouldn't be anything you could do to stop me from ignoring you and diving into these guys."

"Except basic morals, but what I will and can do are two different points."

The last part was delivered with what little sarcasm Blake could muster as angry and depressed this whole meeting had left her, and she flicked her eyes to the rain steaming off the blade for just a moment before she shrugged and took a stance.

"And I think you might be surpri-"

She stopped. She even took her eyes off her foe, a dumbfounded turn of the head as a heady mix of dread, confusion, and memories of loyalties and friendships crashed against the sides of her mind like a tidal wave.





It was a very slow, very rhythmic round of applause that came from the clearing's podium as Merlo, at last, had seen fit to rise... bat tucked underneath his arm, expression shadowed and inscrutable as his longcoat flapped in the night breeze. After a fashion, the clapping stopped, their vestigial remnants echoing around the clearing even as he slowly raised his gaze, eyes gleaming in the light of the burn barrels.


His voice had shifted again, taken on a darker, more guttural tone as his eyes gleamed red.


He was suddenly in their midst (the clearing rapidly, well, clearing, as street punks and flock members scrambled to either watch from the safety of the metal jungle or book it entirely), standing at what would've been the western point to Blake's east, Adam's north and Shiki's south, baseball bat lightly indenting the mud at his feet as he darkly smirked and flicked his eyes towards Shiki.

"Shall we?"[/spoili]

Eh, was most likely nothing. So instead, he touched the brim of his hat in greetings to Blake with a trademark smirk.

"Evening kitty. I'd say nice to see you and your new squad, but its not like any of this is canon, right? And you'll see more of me in future, if Alex chooses you over the blonde bimbo anyway. "

He glanced at Neo.

"So wanna tell me who kittys new Ya Ya Sisterhood is? That one looks like you killed her dog or something."

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer


"Oh, you're so brave. But I said "fight", not "kill", so is it bravery or stupidity?" Shiki replied with her typical brand of dispassionate sarcasm, seeming more exasperated by him trying to defuse the scene than offended by his remarks. "If I wanted that one dead... she'd be dead. The same applies for you, the kitten, and everyone else in this room. Sorry if that unnerves you, but your best bet is to just suck it up and live with it."

She tilted her head to one side, though her attention was still focused on Neo rather than him.

"Unless your manhood is as small as those muscles you like showing off?"


"Hey, you ruined your dress..."

Shiki actually looked surprisingly despondent at that, eyeing the slice Blake made in the side of the skirt with her peripheral vision. She wasn't half as shallow as a lot of people; her sense of style was more peculiar than most, but she still had one. She was still a person who could appreciate a nice dress when she saw it... Cutting it up like that was so wasteful. Wouldn't it have been better to just get it tailored for free movement like she herself did with her kimonos?

She had no comment on the other thing. Not like it was even necessary. Sheesh, she wasn't a dog who needed to be muzzled or a cat in need of spritzing; If they were so suspicious they should've gone the full mile and sent her off to jail or something.


"Are you just gonna stand there and make references to old crap no one knows about but us, or do you want in on this? I'm not giving you long to decide."

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective
"I'm a lover, not a fighter as Neo here can share."

Roman remaked with an innocence that didn't become him before pausing as that statement suddenly hit him.

"... Well damn, that came out wrong. Still, if its fisticuffs you want?"

He inhaled deeply, letting out a content sigh as cigar smoke filled the air.

".... Can we do it away from the bar?" : |

Above all else, booze must be preserved.

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Oh well, excuse me all to hell for thinking a murderer like yourself wouldn't know the difference. Even if you're reformed." He shot back. "And fine, whatever you say. All live and die based on your whims. I can live with that, but maybe you should have just stayed in whatever hole you were in for those months of silence I heard about--"


"What the fuck did you just say?!"

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective

Neo simply sat there, somewhat enjoying where this was going. :D

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @C.T.


Another Pikachu made its way out of Yellow's pokeball.

"Chuchu! You want to play, huh?"

The pikachu nodded as did Yellow, and Chuchu approached Red's. In the meantime, Yellow extended a hand to Red.

"Um, I'm Yellow," she introduced herself, feeling a little awkward doing introductions with someone who looked so close to someone she knew.

@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ryu Keiko @The Great Detective
Deoxys eyed the other pikachu

"Another electric-type?"

"Why is the electric-type so appealing to humans? The pikachu species, especially."

"What, do you humans use them as mascots of some sort?"

Deoxys was offended.

@Hospes @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ryu Keiko @The Great Detective


"Pika pi!"

Sounds like Pikachu was happy to see another Pikachu like Chu here.


"... Red."

With a faint smile on his face, Red took Yellow's hand for a handshake. Well, this is the most that he's spoken out before.

@Hospes @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ryu Keiko @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Some of Gnar's cats were nearby from where Add dissappeared.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai @The Great Detective @C.T.


Add appeared once again, only to snatch up those cats. Well... this insane time-travelling Esper had a soft spot for cats, snuggling and cuddling them as much as possible. Surely enough some would be confused with his behavior given by how he acted moments earlier.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @Gen. Magic Senpai @The Great Detective @C.T.

Neo simply sat there, somewhat enjoying where this was going. :D

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @C.T.


"Pika pi!"

Sounds like Pikachu was happy to see another Pikachu like Chu here.


"... Red."

With a faint smile on his face, Red took Yellow's hand for a handshake. Well, this is the most that he's spoken out before.

@Hospes @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ryu Keiko @CrunchyCHEEZIT



Add appeared once again, only to snatch up those cats. Well... this insane time-travelling Esper had a soft spot for cats, snuggling and cuddling them as much as possible. Surely enough some would be confused with his behavior given by how he acted moments earlier.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @Gen. Magic Senpai @The Great Detective @C.T.

Gnar confused.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What's with the sudden hostility from you two?" Mickey questioned as he let Double D drop to the floor and held his hands up.

"I'm just trying to teach our friend here an important lesson. That being, you don't spill water on someone and run off without consequences. I would have just disemboweled him and left it at that! But, now you had to go and bring out your pointy swords. Chrome?"


Stepping towards Lon'qu and Donny, ChromeSkull drew a pistol and aimed it towards Donny, while holding his cellphone out with the other hand.


Mickey's face was obscured by the Ghostface mask but he was still rather alarmed at ChromeSkull's order.


"You're just going to let him walk away from me? Chrome, I know you're trying to save my life here and all but that's bullshit! The kid should take responsability for his actions, good or bad!"



"Blondie's got a point, kid! What kind of man depends on others to do his fighting for him? You ought to be finding some kind of flight or fight motivation right about now! Adrenaline's gotta be coursing through your veins, prodding you to lash out at your attacker. Or run screaming to the hills like a little girl. Which one are you?"

ChromeSkull didn't type up a message towards Double D, but he hoped the kid chickened out. He had finally gotten some downtime after the debacle with Kido and he didn't need Mickey stirring the pot when they could have gone without it. Nevertheless, he kept his pistol drawn just in case he had to bail Mickey out.

Double D had crumpled to the ground and had pulled his knees up to his chest as he sobbed. He had been chased by the other kids in the cul-de-sac and beaten up. But, he always seemed to recover minutes later. This man didn't seem like he was joking around. When he meant to hurt somebody, he didn't hold anything back. Much like Yuno in that regard. Now, he was being pushed to try and fight off his attacker?

True, his body's systems wore working overtime to prevent him from having a panic attack but this was a grown man! There was no way he could muster up any kind of conceivable strength to take down Mickey and the intimidating man who seemed to be his partner.


"I..I'm just unsure of what I did to offend you, sir. I know I spilled my water balloon on you. But, you were not my intended target rest assured. The fact that you got caught up in all that was just an unfortunate consequence that I did not calculate for. Please, I'm sorry. I would hope that's enough and you don't need to threaten me or have your partner wave his gun around."

Shakily rising to his feet, Double D took hesitant steps towards Ghostface until he finally reached his hand out towards the serial killer.

"I'd like to start over if you'd give me a chance. I'm Edd but you can call me Double D if you'd like."

Both ChromeSkull and Ghostface were briefly taken aback.



@Bomb @Crimson Spartan @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai



"This boy is now under our protection while we are here. if I see you or your friend here try to kill him then both of you will be without a head. That... 'thing' won't save you from both of us...." Lon'qu spoke to Chromeskull removing his sword from Ghostface's neck but he didn't sheath it. Well that could be explained by the only two sheaths he had currently having two swords already in them. Of course both Lon'qu and Donny don't know what a pistol or even guns in general were hence Lon'qu calling it a 'thing' .


Donny having sheathed his sword had given Ghostface a glare before he turned his focus on Chomeskull and Double D. "All of this cause he spilt water on yer friend 'ere? That ain't right ta try and kill a kid over..." Donny had spoken still seeming visibly upset over all that's happened.

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Bomb @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai

"Oh well, excuse me all to hell for thinking a murderer like yourself wouldn't know the difference. Even if you're reformed." He shot back. "And fine, whatever you say. All live and die based on your whims. I can live with that, but maybe you should have just stayed in whatever hole you were in for those months of silence I heard about--"


"What the fuck did you just say?!"

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective


"You're one to talk about holes, you ass. You heard me just fine."

Surely he wasn't expecting a murderer like herself to be polite, was he? Shiki couldn't care less about his opinion of her. She stepped away from the pest without so much as a sideward glance in his direction, ignoring him completely in favor of Torchwick and his little accomplice as she approached and stood before their barstools relaxedly. It was an impressive feat in and of itself, to appear casual and unconcerned even with her hand clenched around the handle of a knife waiting to be drawn.

Neo simply sat there, somewhat enjoying where this was going. :D

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @C.T.
"I'm a lover, not a fighter as Neo here can share."

Roman remaked with an innocence that didn't become him before pausing as that statement suddenly hit him.

"... Well damn, that came out wrong. Still, if its fisticuffs you want?"

He inhaled deeply, letting out a content sigh as cigar smoke filled the air.

".... Can we do it away from the bar?" : |

Above all else, booze must be preserved.

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer


"Ah, aren't you the considerate criminal." Ethereal blue eyes conjured from the void itself pulsed with brilliant pink-and-red colors, skimming over Neo to settle on the obvious spokesman of their partnership. "You're almost making it difficult to pick a fight with you. So. Which of you is more likely to come to the other's aid under duress? The lover?"

Her knife whisked out in a blur accompanied by a sharp breeze, the lit half of Roman's cigar falling cleanly away to reveal a neat slice bisecting it, the blade now held lackadaisically to the side of his neck as she glanced back over at Neo.

"Or the fighter?"

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective

"Ah, aren't you the considerate criminal." Ethereal blue eyes conjured from the void itself pulsed with brilliant pink-and-red colors, skimming over Neo to settle on the obvious spokesman of their partnership. "You're almost making it difficult to pick a fight with you. So. Which of you is more likely to come to the other's aid under duress? The lover?"

Her knife whisked out in a blur accompanied by a sharp breeze, the lit half of Roman's cigar falling cleanly away to reveal a neat slice bisecting it, the blade now held lackadaisically to the side of his neck as she glanced back over at Neo.

"Or the fighter?"
"That was Vacuo imported."

Roman said flatly regarding the cigar, his manner entirely calm as his features displayed an almost weary expression to the knife to his neck. Almost as though he had been here before. Speaking of which, he flicked his gaze to Blake and gave a coy wink before glancing at Shiki as he said almost sweetly.

"Hon, I'm a criminal. Crim-in-al. Say it with me now. I avoid fights when I can, I go for profit when it most suits me and I always protect my interests."

What that meant would be clear in a moment, as while he was talking, he angled his own weapon to the ground near Shiki's feet before pulling the trigger.

Cue huge explosion akin to the trick he pulled to escape from Blake the first time at the docks, the intent being to blast them back long enough to get some breathing space. If successful, he'd smile and rise from his stool, taking a last swig from his glass before putting it on the bar counter.


Let the bar brawl begin.

"Neo, if it looks like I'm in any kind of danger?"

He turned slightly to meet her gaze, expression completely serious.

"....I want you to get me the Hell out of there." : |

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective

What the fuck is going here?



Oh, look, the mute was here

Best hope Neo stays away from him, cause this mute doesn't play those games

@The Great Detective @TheSpringwoodSlasher @Gen. Magic Senpai @Bomb @C.T.


A woman stood in front of him, her step heavy. Not from grief or duty, but from sheer weight. She wasn't a mute, but you wouldn't find her talking much more than the Scout. Clasped along her back was a High Frequency blade, and in her hand a futuristic Uzi. It wasn't hers, on loan from a battlefield friend.

Silently, she held it out. She was returning a weapon that had been given to her most graciously.

@DapperDogman @Mighty Roman
"Oh well, excuse me all to hell for thinking a murderer like yourself wouldn't know the difference. Even if you're reformed." He shot back. "And fine, whatever you say. All live and die based on your whims. I can live with that, but maybe you should have just stayed in whatever hole you were in for those months of silence I heard about--"


"What the fuck did you just say?!"

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective

Neo simply sat there, somewhat enjoying where this was going. :D

@OrlandoBloomers @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @C.T.

"You're one to talk about holes, you ass. You heard me just fine."

Surely he wasn't expecting a murderer like herself to be polite, was he? Shiki couldn't care less about his opinion of her. She stepped away from the pest without so much as a sideward glance in his direction, ignoring him completely in favor of Torchwick and his little accomplice as she approached and stood before their barstools relaxedly. It was an impressive feat in and of itself, to appear casual and unconcerned even with her hand clenched around the handle of a knife waiting to be drawn.
Blake arched an eyebrow at the two, one hand resting lightly on Gambol Shroud's hilt but otherwise looking surprisingly relaxed for being across from Torchwick and Neo again. "So am I joining in the fight with the two current and known criminals or am I gonna sit on the sidelines while my friend and a guy who at least looks and sounds very similar to my other friend fight?"
"I'm a lover, not a fighter as Neo here can share."

Roman remaked with an innocence that didn't become him before pausing as that statement suddenly hit him.

"... Well damn, that came out wrong. Still, if its fisticuffs you want?"

He inhaled deeply, letting out a content sigh as cigar smoke filled the air.

".... Can we do it away from the bar?" : |

Above all else, booze must be preserved.

@C.T. @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer
"Ah, aren't you the considerate criminal." Ethereal blue eyes conjured from the void itself pulsed with brilliant pink-and-red colors, skimming over Neo to settle on the obvious spokesman of their partnership. "You're almost making it difficult to pick a fight with you. So. Which of you is more likely to come to the other's aid under duress? The lover?"

Her knife whisked out in a blur accompanied by a sharp breeze, the lit half of Roman's cigar falling cleanly away to reveal a neat slice bisecting it, the blade now held lackadaisically to the side of his neck as she glanced back over at Neo.

"Or the fighter?"

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective
"That was Vacuo imported."

Roman said flatly regarding the cigar, his manner entirely calm as his features displayed an almost weary expression to the knife to his neck. Almost as though he had been here before. Speaking of which, he flicked his gaze to Blake and gave a coy wink before glancing at Shiki as he said almost sweetly.

"Hon, I'm a criminal. Crim-in-al. Say it with me now. I avoid fights when I can, I go for profit when it most suits me and I always protect my interests."

What that meant would be clear in a moment, as while he was talking, he angled his own weapon to the ground near Shiki's feet before pulling the trigger.

Cue huge explosion akin to the trick he pulled to escape from Blake the first time at the docks, the intent being to blast them back long enough to get some breathing space. If successful, he'd smile and rise from his stool, taking a last swig from his glass before putting it on the bar counter.


Let the bar brawl begin.

"Neo, if it looks like I'm in any kind of danger?"

He turned slightly to meet her gaze, expression completely serious.

"....I want you to get me the Hell out of there." : |

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective
Well that answered her question, and when the smoke and explosions filled the air their was a brief twang in the air of metal sliding against metal as gambol shroud was drawn and... and well initially nothing. Whatever Shiki, Sting, or Neo did in reaction to the explosive start, the kitty in the dress was just gone-



Blake was still surprisingly calm about the whole situation. Sure Torchwick was one of the people who had seemingly been involved with steering the White Fang even farther off the right path than they'd been when she left, and sure Neo was the girl who had thrashed and almost killed her exhausted (Seriously Yang wouldn't shut up for almost two weeks about how 'she totally had that ice cream midget if she'd been able to catch just ten more minutes of Zs' (Which Blake didn't necessarily agree with but hey whatever made Yang feel better about it)) partner, but that wasn't why they were all here. They were all here because they presumably got dragged through the same crap she did with these crazy games, and while they clearly were handling better than her, that didn't mean she couldnt' feel a bit of sympathy for even them.

But she'd be lying if she didn't admit that they both still had some really punchable faces :|

The sword flicked down, the hook on the edge slashing across Torchwick's throat, which would have been horrifically brutal and uneccesary if the criminal didn't have aura, before blake twisted into a combination of slashes from both blades while Torchwick was hopefully still spinning from the first slice.

"You're gonna need that suit drycleaned. again."

@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @C.T.

Gnar confused.



Just let Add cuddle Gnar.



"You're one to talk about holes, you ass. You heard me just fine."

Surely he wasn't expecting a murderer like herself to be polite, was he? Shiki couldn't care less about his opinion of her. She stepped away from the pest without so much as a sideward glance in his direction, ignoring him completely in favor of Torchwick and his little accomplice as she approached and stood before their barstools relaxedly. It was an impressive feat in and of itself, to appear casual and unconcerned even with her hand clenched around the handle of a knife waiting to be drawn.


"Ah, aren't you the considerate criminal." Ethereal blue eyes conjured from the void itself pulsed with brilliant pink-and-red colors, skimming over Neo to settle on the obvious spokesman of their partnership. "You're almost making it difficult to pick a fight with you. So. Which of you is more likely to come to the other's aid under duress? The lover?"

Her knife whisked out in a blur accompanied by a sharp breeze, the lit half of Roman's cigar falling cleanly away to reveal a neat slice bisecting it, the blade now held lackadaisically to the side of his neck as she glanced back over at Neo.

"Or the fighter?"

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective
"That was Vacuo imported."

Roman said flatly regarding the cigar, his manner entirely calm as his features displayed an almost weary expression to the knife to his neck. Almost as though he had been here before. Speaking of which, he flicked his gaze to Blake and gave a coy wink before glancing at Shiki as he said almost sweetly.

"Hon, I'm a criminal. Crim-in-al. Say it with me now. I avoid fights when I can, I go for profit when it most suits me and I always protect my interests."

What that meant would be clear in a moment, as while he was talking, he angled his own weapon to the ground near Shiki's feet before pulling the trigger.

Cue huge explosion akin to the trick he pulled to escape from Blake the first time at the docks, the intent being to blast them back long enough to get some breathing space. If successful, he'd smile and rise from his stool, taking a last swig from his glass before putting it on the bar counter.


Let the bar brawl begin.

"Neo, if it looks like I'm in any kind of danger?"

He turned slightly to meet her gaze, expression completely serious.

"....I want you to get me the Hell out of there." : |

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective

Neo just nodded in response. As if she's never done that before for Roman. ;3
Blake arched an eyebrow at the two, one hand resting lightly on Gambol Shroud's hilt but otherwise looking surprisingly relaxed for being across from Torchwick and Neo again. "So am I joining in the fight with the two current and known criminals or am I gonna sit on the sidelines while my friend and a guy who at least looks and sounds very similar to my other friend fight?"

Well that answered her question, and when the smoke and explosions filled the air their was a brief twang in the air of metal sliding against metal as gambol shroud was drawn and... and well initially nothing. Whatever Shiki, Sting, or Neo did in reaction to the explosive start, the kitty in the dress was just gone-



Blake was still surprisingly calm about the whole situation. Sure Torchwick was one of the people who had seemingly been involved with steering the White Fang even farther off the right path than they'd been when she left, and sure Neo was the girl who had thrashed and almost killed her exhausted (Seriously Yang wouldn't shut up for almost two weeks about how 'she totally had that ice cream midget if she'd been able to catch just ten more minutes of Zs' (Which Blake didn't necessarily agree with but hey whatever made Yang feel better about it)) partner, but that wasn't why they were all here. They were all here because they presumably got dragged through the same crap she did with these crazy games, and while they clearly were handling better than her, that didn't mean she couldnt' feel a bit of sympathy for even them.

But she'd be lying if she didn't admit that they both still had some really punchable faces :|

The sword flicked down, the hook on the edge slashing across Torchwick's throat, which would have been horrifically brutal and uneccesary if the criminal didn't have aura, before blake twisted into a combination of slashes from both blades while Torchwick was hopefully still spinning from the first slice.

"You're gonna need that suit drycleaned. again."

@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @C.T.

Once Blake would proceed with that, Neo simply stood there and let things occur. With that done... a sharp cracking noise could be heard, shattering of glass. Roman would be seen a few feet away from that slashing that Blakewas done, showing that her illusions took affect again.

@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @C.T.



"You're one to talk about holes, you ass. You heard me just fine."

Surely he wasn't expecting a murderer like herself to be polite, was he? Shiki couldn't care less about his opinion of her. She stepped away from the pest without so much as a sideward glance in his direction, ignoring him completely in favor of Torchwick and his little accomplice as she approached and stood before their barstools relaxedly. It was an impressive feat in and of itself, to appear casual and unconcerned even with her hand clenched around the handle of a knife waiting to be drawn.​

He had to admit, she had a point. He had heard her. Still very, very annoying, but if what they said was true, then any annoyance would be better channeled to the still bad people instead of the reformed killer.​
Blake arched an eyebrow at the two, one hand resting lightly on Gambol Shroud's hilt but otherwise looking surprisingly relaxed for being across from Torchwick and Neo again. "So am I joining in the fight with the two current and known criminals or am I gonna sit on the sidelines while my friend and a guy who at least looks and sounds very similar to my other friend fight?"

"Well, let's just make it pointedly clear. You sure know how to pick 'em with friends. Miss Prickly over the hell you manage that--"
"Hon, I'm a criminal. Crim-in-al. Say it with me now. I avoid fights when I can, I go for profit when it most suits me and I always protect my interests."

What that meant would be clear in a moment, as while he was talking, he angled his own weapon to the ground near Shiki's feet before pulling the trigger.

Cue huge explosion akin to the trick he pulled to escape from Blake the first time at the docks, the intent being to blast them back long enough to get some breathing space. If successful, he'd smile and rise from his stool, taking a last swig from his glass before putting it on the bar counter.


Let the bar brawl begin.

"Neo, if it looks like I'm in any kind of danger?"

He turned slightly to meet her gaze, expression completely serious.

"....I want you to get me the Hell out of there." : |
Well that answered her question, and when the smoke and explosions filled the air their was a brief twang in the air of metal sliding against metal as gambol shroud was drawn and... and well initially nothing. Whatever Shiki, Sting, or Neo did in reaction to the explosive start, the kitty in the dress was just gone-



Blake was still surprisingly calm about the whole situation. Sure Torchwick was one of the people who had seemingly been involved with steering the White Fang even farther off the right path than they'd been when she left, and sure Neo was the girl who had thrashed and almost killed her exhausted (Seriously Yang wouldn't shut up for almost two weeks about how 'she totally had that ice cream midget if she'd been able to catch just ten more minutes of Zs' (Which Blake didn't necessarily agree with but hey whatever made Yang feel better about it)) partner, but that wasn't why they were all here. They were all here because they presumably got dragged through the same crap she did with these crazy games, and while they clearly were handling better than her, that didn't mean she couldnt' feel a bit of sympathy for even them.

But she'd be lying if she didn't admit that they both still had some really punchable faces :|

The sword flicked down, the hook on the edge slashing across Torchwick's throat, which would have been horrifically brutal and uneccesary if the criminal didn't have aura, before blake twisted into a combination of slashes from both blades while Torchwick was hopefully still spinning from the first slice.

"You're gonna need that suit drycleaned. again."
Neo just nodded in response. As if she's never done that before for Roman. ;3


Once Blake would proceed with that, Neo simply stood there and let things occur. With that done... a sharp cracking noise could be heard, shattering of glass. Roman would be seen a few feet away from that slashing that Blake was done, showing that her illusions took affect again.​
"...Huh." Sting actually grinned at the display that unfurled before him. The guy's cane with the explosive blast, the practically ninja like moves Blake pulled off...and the piercing sound of glass breaking. Almost totally like it. The ginger criminal was now a few feet out of reach, totally safe. Well, nah. Just unscratched. "I'd be lying if I didn't say that was very amusing. Well done. And fill me in if I'm wrong, but I coulda sworn I heard the ginger in the hat say he was a criminal outright. Hell, not only said it even, but said it with something like pride? Ahahahahahahahaha. Good enough for me." He cracked his knuckles. "I make a living on criminals, bagging them are some of the most lucrative jobs!"

In truth, the one thing so far that intrigued him the most was Neo's contribution. "That was cool, not gonna lie." He shot over to the ice cream criminal. "Hallucinations? Illusions? Something like that? Like magic, almost? I can do that too!" Sting focused his magical power, coalescing into one glowing fist before lunging forward at her and Roman.



@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer

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Once Blake would proceed with that, Neo simply stood there and let things occur. With that done... a sharp cracking noise could be heard, shattering of glass. Roman would be seen a few feet away from that slashing that Blakewas done, showing that her illusions took affect again.
Roman shot his partner-in-crime a wink. Even if they weren't from the same dimension, or from some strange alternate one? Neo would always be Neo. And Roman, his usual, charming and dapper self.

Its what made them work so well together.

Melodic Cudgel sang as it spun once, Roman using his cane to hook a beer glass, sending it flying in the direction swiftly of the Monkey wannabe Mark II.


And fill me in if I'm wrong, but I coulda sworn I heard the ginger in the hat say he was a criminal outright. Hell, not only said it even, but said it with something like pride?

"You ain't nothing if you don't keep up an image."

Roman said sweetly, before calling to Neo.

"Be a dear and handle Kitty and Classy? The Bimbo is mine."

Opponents chosen, he rushed into the brawl, a grin on his face and hat cocked at an angle, the remains of his cigar still in his mouth as he rushed the Dragon Slayer.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective

Just let Add cuddle Gnar.



Neo just nodded in response. As if she's never done that before for Roman. ;3


Once Blake would proceed with that, Neo simply stood there and let things occur. With that done... a sharp cracking noise could be heard, shattering of glass. Roman would be seen a few feet away from that slashing that Blakewas done, showing that her illusions took affect again.

@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @C.T.

"Let... those kitties... go..." Chung said, resisting the temptations of the cuddles.

Roman shot his partner-in-crime a wink. Even if they weren't from the same dimension, or from some strange alternate one? Neo would always be Neo. And Roman, his usual, charming and dapper self.

Its what made them work so well together.

Melodic Cudgel sang as it spun once, Roman using his cane to hook a beer glass, sending it flying in the direction swiftly of the Monkey wannabe Mark II.


"You ain't nothing if you don't keep up an image."

Roman said sweetly, before calling to Neo.

"Be a dear and handle Kitty and Classy? The Bimbo is mine."

Opponents chosen, he rushed into the brawl, a grin on his face and hat cocked at an angle, the remains of his cigar still in his mouth as he rushed the Dragon Slayer.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective
The impromptu projectile shot through the air, bound for his head and...


Sting simply caught it out of the air.

Just slightly bemused and still very amused as he tossed the caught glass to the side. "I hope you weren't expecting that to work, by any stretch of the imagination. If you were, welp. Guess I gotta teach ya why my friends look up to me enough to name me guildmaster of Sabertooth." He flashed another grin. It quickly faded at Torchwick's next words, affixing the criminal with a smoldering glare.


"To make skies roar, to make earth boil, to make seas silent. That is Sabertooth. Rest assured there are no bimbos in my guild. In fact, the only bimbo I see here, is you. Let's go then." He remarked, standing straight and letting Torchwick have the first blow, free of charge.

@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective

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It was probably a long time since Captain Speirs and Tech. Sargent Luz would be there again. It was most definitely weird though, being at this place where so much was going on. Neither knew what to say to anybody. Though Speirs did sit down quietly, keeping the Olive Drab dress uniform tidy as he sat down with a small smile. He somewhat liked this madness.

But as George did not sit down, he did notice Neopolitan, the woman he saw back in that Soviet camp.. Though he couldn't come up with what they really did there at all. He was senseless to say the least, as he straightened his own dress uniform, coughing slightly as he fixed his hair. At the end of it though, he did see her giving a short and embarrassed smile before speaking in a very hazy German.


Yet what he didn't expect was a full blown fight to happen. He put his hand over the holsters flap to his Colt, yet didn't remove it. "What the hell is going on already?"​
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Roman cocked an eyebrow....And finally shrugged.

Who was he to turn down a free opportunity?


Melodic Cudgel pointed at his face.

Melodic Cudgel aimed to crotch level.


He pulled the trigger and flicked a glance to George, smelling awkward wannabe permeating in the direction of his partner as he glanced him over.


"He with you?"

He asked politely in contrast to their smack talk from before to Sting, gesturing towards the one making eyes at Neo like a thirsty man in the desert confronted with water.


"Because its fun."

Duh, Torchwicks expression seemed to say.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT

He had to admit, she had a point. He had heard her. Still very, very annoying, but if what they said was true, then any annoyance would be better channeled to the still bad people instead of the reformed killer.​

"Well, let's just make it pointedly clear. You sure know how to pick 'em with friends. Miss Prickly over the hell you manage that--"

"...Huh." Sting actually grinned at the display that unfurled before him. The guy's cane with the explosive blast, the practically ninja like moves Blake pulled off...and the piercing sound of glass breaking. Almost totally like it. The ginger criminal was now a few feet out of reach, totally safe. Well, nah. Just unscratched. "I'd be lying if I didn't say that was very amusing. Well done. And fill me in if I'm wrong, but I coulda sworn I heard the ginger in the hat say he was a criminal outright. Hell, not only said it even, but said it with something like pride? Ahahahahahahahaha. Good enough for me." He cracked his knuckles. "I make a living on criminals, bagging them are some of the most lucrative jobs!"

In truth, the one thing so far that intrigued him the most was Neo's contribution. "That was cool, not gonna lie." He shot over to the ice cream criminal. "Hallucinations? Illusions? Something like that? Like magic, almost? I can do that too!" Sting focused his magical power, coalescing into one glowing fist before lunging forward at her and Roman.



@OrlandoBloomers @Saint Guillotine @The Great Detective @Schnee Corp Lawyer

Roman shot his partner-in-crime a wink. Even if they weren't from the same dimension, or from some strange alternate one? Neo would always be Neo. And Roman, his usual, charming and dapper self.

Its what made them work so well together.

Melodic Cudgel sang as it spun once, Roman using his cane to hook a beer glass, sending it flying in the direction swiftly of the Monkey wannabe Mark II.


"You ain't nothing if you don't keep up an image."

Roman said sweetly, before calling to Neo.

"Be a dear and handle Kitty and Classy? The Bimbo is mine."

Opponents chosen, he rushed into the brawl, a grin on his face and hat cocked at an angle, the remains of his cigar still in his mouth as he rushed the Dragon Slayer.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective
The impromptu projectile shot through the air, bound for his head and...


Sting simply caught it out of the air.

Just slightly bemused and still very amused as he tossed the caught glass to the side. "I hope you weren't expecting that to work, by any stretch of the imagination. If you were, welp. Guess I gotta teach ya why my friends look up to me enough to name me guildmaster of Sabertooth." He flashed another grin. It quickly faded at Torchwick's next words, affixing the criminal with a smoldering glare.


"To make skies roar, to make earth boil, to make seas silent. That is Sabertooth. Rest assured there are no bimbos in my guild. In fact, the only bimbo I see here, is you. Let's go then." He remarked, standing straight and letting Torchwick have the first blow, free of charge.

@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective

Looking over at her opponents after Roman had decided to take on one of them, Neo didn't seem to do anything rash just yet. Just like that fight she had with Yang, she would... rather play around with her opponents and figure out their traits in battle while they go all out on her. It wasn't like they would have much edge against her anyways...


For now, she's just gonna get that umbrella out, because Neo's gotta look fab for this. :3
It was probably a long time since Captain Speirs and Tech. Sargent Luz would be there again. It was most definitely weird though, being at this place where so much was going on. Neither knew what to say to anybody. Though Speirs did sit down quietly, keeping the Olive Drab dress uniform tidy as he sat down with a small smile. He somewhat liked this madness.

But as George did not sit down, he did notice Neopolitan, the woman he saw back in that Soviet camp.. Though he couldn't come up with what they really did there at all. He was senseless to say the least, as he straightened his own dress uniform, coughing slightly as he fixed his hair. At the end of it though, he did see her giving a short and embarrassed smile before speaking in a very hazy German.


Yet what he didn't expect was a full blown fight to happen. He put his hand over the holsters flap to his Colt, yet didn't remove it. "What the hell is going on already?"​
Neo didn't really say anything towards George other than giving him a subtle wave. Well, she was busy after all.
Roman cocked an eyebrow....And finally shrugged.

Who was he to turn down a free opportunity?


Melodic Cudgel pointed at his face.

Melodic Cudgel aimed to crotch level.


He pulled the trigger and flicked a glance to George, smelling awkward wannabe permeating in the direction of his partner as he glanced him over.


"He with you?"

He asked politely in contrast to their smack talk from before to Sting, gesturing towards the one making eyes at Neo like a thirsty man in the desert confronted with water.

"Because its fun."

Duh, Torchwicks expression seemed to say.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT
Neo gave a distinct nod. She didn't need to say anything anyways. :D

@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT
"Let... those kitties... go..." Chung said, resisting the temptations of the cuddles.


"Noo, my kitties!!"

Welp, Add's gone broke because of cute kittens. This Esper proceeded to run off with these adorable felines in his arms, because he really did want to snuggle them in peace.

Raynor and Gordon both looked up from their occupations


"What the hell..?"


*disgruntled look*

Raynor sighed and took a swig from his canteen-- bar fights were pretty common, anyway. Considering how these weren't his men, it wasn't his business. Plus, he wasn't drunk enough to have fun with it anyway.

Gordon doesn't want to break his glasses. That's pretty much the only reason why he wouldn't fight.

@C.T. @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @The Great Detective @ResistingTheEnlightened @Saint Guillotine
Looking over at her opponents after Roman had decided to take on one of them, Neo didn't seem to do anything rash just yet. Just like that fight she had with Yang, she would... rather play around with her opponents and figure out their traits in battle while they go all out on her. It wasn't like they would have much edge against her anyways...


For now, she's just gonna get that umbrella out, because Neo's gotta look fab for this. :3

Neo didn't really say anything towards George other than giving him a subtle wave. Well, she was busy after all.

Neo gave a distinct nod. She didn't need to say anything anyways. :D

@Saint Guillotine @Schnee Corp Lawyer @OrlandoBloomers @C.T. @ResistingTheEnlightened @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"Noo, my kitties!!"

Welp, Add's gone broke because of cute kittens. This Esper proceeded to run off with these adorable felines in his arms, because he really did want to snuggle them in peace.

Gnar was also taken.

"COME BACK HERE! EVERYONE, WE NEED TO RESCUE THE KITTENS!" Chung yelled out to pretty much everyone involved in the awards show and ran after Add.


"Was Gnar-y taken? I think I need to go after this person too..." Plutia was getting mad... Gnar was one of Plutia's first partners in the UMG so naturally Plutia went off with Chung.


"Pea will come too! I want a kitten!" Peashy chimed in, joining the search.

"What's going on over there?" Karin would ask others near her.


"Ethel wants the cats." Ethel said, going after Add as well.

"Well, guess I'll come too, in case." Karin would then follow alongside Ethel on the search for 9 kittens.


"... should I be concerned?" Gary said while watching all this shit go down.

Roman cocked an eyebrow....And finally shrugged. Who was he to turn down a free opportunity?

Melodic Cudgel pointed at his face.

Melodic Cudgel aimed to crotch level.

Boom. He pulled the trigger and flicked a glance to George, smelling awkward wannabe permeating in the direction of his partner as he glanced him over. Huh.

"He with you?" He asked politely in contrast to their smack talk from before to Sting, gesturing towards the one making eyes at Neo like a thirsty man in the desert confronted with water.​
He tilted his head to the side, tracing the sight lines off that cane...clearly aimed there. Sting shook his head. So like a criminal, going for the low blows. The moment the trigger was pulled, Sting's magical aura flared up, bright and shining white light.

"White Dragon's..."



Sting let loose on his turn, an encompassing blast intended to swallow up the cane shot and smash into the ginger's face, testing limits. I think you should shut up and keep your focus on me, bowler hat.

@Saint Guillotine


Oh, was there fighting going on?

How cute.​
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