Murder Series Award Show II [Non-Canon]

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He took a moment to contemplate, rubbing his chin as he leaned back in his chair. That...Was a good question actually. A good writer chose characters they were most compatible with, either this or they made their own. Like how his creator played the Starkiller and later, created him for future use. By sheer gameplay mechanics, both he and his predecessor were flexible for any given situation without the stipulation of being overpowered as his Creator enjoyed. He enjoyed challenges, a trait shared with his creator. As to Frank's writer....Hmmm.

At the least, he'd know what sort of attitude to expect as he smiled.

"Well whoever it may be, I look forward to interacting in future."



"Nice job, though I suppose it's to be expected. Anyone who throws their gun right at Kirei's head while he's monologuing aimlessly deserves that kind of award I suppose," Rin congratulated Frank with a genuine smile.

The old man smiled right back, seeming happy with the complement.

"Huh? What stories? They wouldn't happen to involve you d--"
"This sounds ominous."
"... Sounds complicated. Now I'm a little worried."

The old man winked at her.

Hisfirst reaction, seeing the teenage magus was to rise to his feet respectfully, pulling open a chair still untouched by the chaotic impromptu brawl all around them for.

"Lady Tohsaka. A pleasure. We were just talking about you in periphery when discussing our current lines of work."

He sat down opposite the pair once Rin took her seat.

"I suppose we'll have the pleasure of seeing you more in future?"

He looked at Rin. "My writer has something in store. It'll either be solo or with hers; all up to them."

@Saint Guillotine
His first reaction, seeing the teenage magus was to rise to his feet respectfully, pulling open a chair still untouched by the chaotic impromptu brawl all around them for.

"Lady Tohsaka. A pleasure. We were just talking about you in periphery when discussing our current lines of work."

He sat down opposite the pair once Rin took her seat.

"I suppose we'll have the pleasure of seeing you more in future?"

@BarrenThin @Verite

"Don't act so formal so quickly. It's creepy," was Rin's immediate response, though she would blink and quickly clear her throat, taking something of a less "standoffish" edge and more of a casual one, brushing aside some hair.


"Eh, me? Well... I'm not sure. I don't think my writer intends to bring me back for a Murder Game in the forseeable future, and I hope it stays that way. It'd be really troublesome if I were to get sucked into an event in the middle of my studies at the Association in London where I live now. Especially since Frank here and Emiya-kun become helpless when I'm not around," she said, playfully nudging Frank's arm softly.

"Side-stories are a different thing, but we'll see about that soon, I imagine."

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine
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"Don't act so formal so quickly. It's creepy," was Rin's immediate response, though she would blink and quickly clear her throat, taking something of a less "standoffish" edge and more of a casual one, brushing aside some hair.


"Eh, me? Well... I'm not sure. I don't think my writer intends to bring me back for a Murder Game in the forseeable future, and I hope it stays that way. It'd be really troublesome if I were to get sucked into an event in the middle of my studies at the Association in London where I live now. Especially since Frank here and Emiya-kun become helpless when I'm not around," she said, playfully nudging Frank's arm softly.

"Side-stories are a different thing, but we'll see about that soon, I imagine."

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine

Frank sat up straight, indignance replacing cryptic mystique. "I most certainly am not defenseless!"

@Saint Guillotine
"Your death-to-life ratio in the Games say a different story."

Lucifer remarked slyly, a smirk playing on his face as mischievous as his namesake. To Rin, his smile faded as he closed his eyes.


@BarrenThin @Verite

"Your death-to-life ratio in the Games say a different story."

Lucifer remarked slyly, a smirk playing on his face as mischievous as his namesake. To Rin, his smile faded as he closed his eyes.


@BarrenThin @Verite

"Hey, only two of those deaths were from outside sources! I shot myself the first time." As though that made it better. "And the others were from unavoidable traitor kills."

After a moment, he could be heard muttering to himself about not being defenseless.

@Saint Guillotine
Frank sat up straight, indignance replacing cryptic mystique. "I most certainly am not defenseless!"

@Saint Guillotine

"Sure, sure."

Speaking of the devil, it was then at this moment that a certain Shirou Emiya would pop in, offering a wave to those nearby.


"Yo. Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything, Rin? Mr. Castle?"


"We were talking about how helpless the two of you dogs are without someone like me by your side."


With that, Shirou's expression instantly went from cheerful to more... confused, if only because irritation was too strong of an expression at the moment. "... Huh? I'm not helpless!"

"Remember when you got lost trying to find the dorms? And then that Edelfelt snob tried to snatch you away from me!"

"Huh? Luvia-san? But she seemed like a nice person. I don't know why you two don't get along."

Now it was time for Rin to mumble to herself about things as she looked away with a small, annoyed look, as though the thought of whoever this Luvia was irritated her in an instant.

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine

"Sure, sure."

Speaking of the devil, it was then at this moment that a certain Shirou Emiya would pop in, offering a wave to those nearby.


"Yo. Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything, Rin? Mr. Castle?"


"We were talking about how helpless the two of you dogs are without someone like me by your side."


With that, Shirou's expression instantly went from cheerful to more... confused, if only because irritation was too strong of an expression at the moment. "... Huh? I'm not helpless!"

"Remember when you got lost trying to find the dorms? And then that Edelfelt snob tried to snatch you away from me!"

"Huh? Luvia-san? But she seemed like a nice person. I don't know why you two don't get along."

Now it was time for Rin to mumble to herself about things as she looked away with a small, annoyed look, as though the thought of whoever this Luvia was irritated her in an instant.

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine

Frank shot Emiya a nasty look just for being so dense.

@Saint Guillotine
Stepping back once the swords were away from his neck, Ghostface took his spot at ChromeSkull's side and removed his mask.

"Oh, yeah totally! We heard you loud and clear! We won't try to kill you.."

Reaching into his back pocket, Ghostface pulled out his Glock 15 and held it towards Donny, while ChromeSkull kept the other levied towards Lon'qu.


"We'll just do it."


"Don't worry! What the hell are a bunch of guys from the medieval times are gonna do against us? We're hardened serial killers! Just to let you know! Now, why don't you put those swords down and kick them over to us. Then, get on your knees and start begging. Maybe, just maybe we'll shoot the kid first then."


"I will! I'm just taunting! That's allowed isn't it?"



That was all Jason needed to hear.

Ignoring Kido's response, he made his way past her and stopped once he approached behind both of the 'human' serial killers. His heavy breathing quickly caught their attention as Ghostface slowly turned his head to glance up at the undead murderer who had a body count Mickey could only dream of replicating.

"Oh, hey! Listen, Jason I'm kind of in the middle of something. But, how's about this? You could kill the kid if you want! He's been busy sobbing the whole time anyway!"

But this genuine offer only served to enrage Jason. He didn't harm children, at least not after the epiphany he had come to upon his resurrection. So Jason's simple reply was to grip Ghostface by the head with one hand and pull him off his feet and then just squeeze..

"P-PUT ME DOWN! Chrome! Do something, he's agaaaaah! He's crushing my head!!"

ChromeSkull had a feeling that this was the most likely reaction Mickey would have received from hanging around the Crystal Lake Killer. Aware of Jason's supernatural strength, ChromeSkull took the safer route and held his pistol right under Jason's chin and pulled the trigger.

Bits of brains and black blood splattered onto all those nearby as Jason's massive frame shuddered from side to side. But the bullets had done nothing more than mildly annoy him as he raised his right arm and swung it like a sledgehammer into ChromeSkull's side, shattering a rib and sending the killer flying back into the table Kido had been standing by.

With Ghostface still firmly grasped in his other hand, Jason smashed Ghostface into the closest table, smashing through wood and whatever else. The human killer was still consicious but he was more in disbelief that one of his idols had attacked him.

Drawing his machete from the sheath, Jason propped a boot on Mickey's chest and raised his machete, with the intentions to mutilate him and then move onto ChromeSkull. But, he paused as Ghostface shakily held a couple of certificates up towards the zombie.


"I'm..Not..Exactly sure..What I did to piss you off...But, uh. I got my hands on some awards..And you won one! So, hopefully that'll stop you from killing me...? Please?"

Jason tilted his head to the side and curiously picked up the certificates and looked them over.

Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees - Jon Snow, Max Caulfield, and Chloe Price - Sakuya Izayoi and Erron Black - The Shrek Army
Winner: Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees


OOC COMMENT: I'd just like to say that I'm very proud of receiving this award. I've played Jason many times over the years as he's a character I treasure. But my RPing hasn't always been the greatest so Jason's portrayal suffered as a result going from a nice guy which he certainly isn't in the movies to shipping with Winry Rockbell. So to see that he was good enough to get an award makes it feel like I did a good job with him and that's great for me. I was also able to work on a characteristic of Jason that isn't explored too much in Jason's films: That being he isn't a fan of killing children or animals. Aya worked perfectly with Jason in that regard and might be the closest relationship I've gotten with my slasher characters/it stayed true to Jason since Aya was the only person he desire to harm but he would have liked to kill the others. He just didn't get a chance to. :<

@CCC Kouhai @Me

The award did the job that Ghostface hoped it would. It distracted Jason long enough for Mickey to roll back to his feet and unload onto Jason with his pistol. The bullets tore through Jason's rotting flesh and out through the back, leaving noticeable pin-sized holes on Jason's jacket as he stumbled back from the force of the firearm. But his grip on the second award he'd picked up for the SpringwoodSlasher and his trusty machete remained firm. Tucking the certificate away in his jacket, he'd start towards Ghostface who had picked up another one of the certificates and began reading it off as he pushed a table into Jason's path to give him a brief reprise.

Most Badass Character
Bayonetta - Frank Castle - Revya - Saitama
Winner: Bayonetta


OOC COMMENT: I haven't been around the MGs long but from what I've seen of your Bayonetta, Mari? She was amazing! You did a perfect job of capturing Bayonetta's sassy personality and she didn't take shit from anyone. Someone tried attacking her? She'd deliver a cool one-liner and then went to town on them. I hope to see more of her in the future, Mari. She's one of your more flagship characters and it'd be a tragedy to not see more of her. :>

"Pretty cool isn't it? You got an award, that Bayonetta chick got an award, who knows! Maybe everyone will get an award! Hahahah!" Mickey cackled as Jason swung the machete down, slashing the table right in two. Gripping either chunk of the table aside, he'd fling them aside, not caring who got hit in the fallout as he continued towards Mickey. But the Ghostface Killer was much more agile on his feet than Jason as he backflipped and kept his pistol trained on Jason as the zombie continued forward with annoyed look in his eye.

"Wait, wait! Hold on, big guy! I still got a few more awards to hand out! Stop swinging that pig-sticker for a minute!"

Dodging the next few swings, Mickey pulled out another certificate and began to read it off as blissfully as could be. Almost as if he wasn't being attacked by another undead serial killer.

Most Angsty Character
Aqua - Ridley Duchannes - Ryan Duchannes - Ryner Lute
Winner: Ridley Duchannes


OOC Comment: I hope you don't take this as a negative comment, Sav! Your Ridley was very enjoyable to read. I especially enjoyed the part in the UMG where Ridley got under Max's skin by kissing Chloe.

That said, I feel her interactions with the others in the UMG were pretty well written and the same went for her appearance in Metamorphes despite the 'dubious' quality of that game. You gave it your all and your effort shined through. I hope to RP with her and you some more, Hospes.


@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai
Oh no. Everyone should know better than to nominate Ridley for anything.....



A wide smirk on her cherry-red lips, Ridley casually swung her legs over the side of her seat, climbing to her feet in a single swift and graceful motion. There was no time wasted in her striding up towards the stage, though she totally accentuated her movements. Upon getting there, she gladly 'accepted'(aka overdramatically snatched) her award, casting a playful wink at Jason. "Thanks for holding that for me~" There was a pause, and the Siren grinned even wider, now aiming a wink at the rest of the attendants. "Oh, and you all should know something..."

"I'M NOT ACTUALLY ANGSTY. I'VE SIMPLY TRICKED YOU ALL INTO BELIEVING I AM. IT WAS ALL A PART OF MY EVIL TRAITOR PLOT AND-... Hehe, I'm just kidding~" A pause followed this, and Ridley contentedly got off stage, totally 100% happy with her award. Completely. Totally. She could angst the heck out of anyone any day, and she was totally proud.

Not gonna lie this is really unsurprising. I mean, Ridley was pretty f0ckin' angsty so I'm not going to lie. But, I don't take it as an insult or anything negative. She has lots of reasons to be angsty, and is pretty bitter about her past and such in canon, so I don't really think it's anything to fuss over.

Anyways, it's great to hear you enjoyed her! I have to admit I loved writing that, too.

Max and Rid:

Thank you for the kind words, Mark. And I hope to RP more with you as well. :D

@TheSpringwoodSlasher @Anybody @Everyone @because the rid shitposts must live on
Lucifer smiled fondly, looking at Shirou. It seemed so long ago, didn't it?

The day he was born.

In the beginning, there was nothing. Blank space, infinite and white. A canvas on which to make something, anything. This was a place all characters of fiction knew.

This was the space in which they were born.

And then from the dust, he was formed. A humanoid shape. Two arms, two legs. A torso and a bit more. But there was nothing, not even curiosity. Why should it? It had nothing in which to distinguish itself from anything to compare. Somewhere, a feeling rippled through him and the thing knew awe for the first time. A connection to the Creator. He was amused and it was well pleased by this.

Lets see....A priest you'll be. I always wanted to play an Executioner.

And suddenly, there was knowledge. He knew what he was. A defender of mankind. Someone trained to stand against the dark things of the world.

Brave you'll be....Maybe something extra? Fae? No, too whimsical. Vampire? No, too much...Damphir.

And he knew hunger and sorrow, both allowing him to emphasize with those who were afflicted by them...Including enemies.

Compassion, a bit thick when it comes to social situations....Your blood will be your weakness. Everything else? Ha! I know just what to do.


Yes, Lucifer owed much to his creation thanks to the character known as Shirou Emiya. So he smiled fondly in past memories and of times long past. Adventures that brought out the best and worse as well as those he journeyed with.

It was a journey he'd take all over again.

How time flies, from that formal, awkward hero to...Well, much the same save for his experience.

"Shirou Emiya....Its a pleasure to meet you."

He said warmly.

He also politely clapped for Ridley as she accepted her reward.

@BarrenThin @Verite
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Stepping back once the swords were away from his neck, Ghostface took his spot at ChromeSkull's side and removed his mask.

"Oh, yeah totally! We heard you loud and clear! We won't try to kill you.."

Reaching into his back pocket, Ghostface pulled out his Glock 15 and held it towards Donny, while ChromeSkull kept the other levied towards Lon'qu.


"We'll just do it."


"Don't worry! What the hell are a bunch of guys from the medieval times are gonna do against us? We're hardened serial killers! Just to let you know! Now, why don't you put those swords down and kick them over to us. Then, get on your knees and start begging. Maybe, just maybe we'll shoot the kid first then."


"I will! I'm just taunting! That's allowed isn't it?"



That was all Jason needed to hear.

Ignoring Kido's response, he made his way past her and stopped once he approached behind both of the 'human' serial killers. His heavy breathing quickly caught their attention as Ghostface slowly turned his head to glance up at the undead murderer who had a body count Mickey could only dream of replicating.

"Oh, hey! Listen, Jason I'm kind of in the middle of something. But, how's about this? You could kill the kid if you want! He's been busy sobbing the whole time anyway!"

But this genuine offer only served to enrage Jason. He didn't harm children, at least not after the epiphany he had come to upon his resurrection. So Jason's simple reply was to grip Ghostface by the head with one hand and pull him off his feet and then just squeeze..

"P-PUT ME DOWN! Chrome! Do something, he's agaaaaah! He's crushing my head!!"

ChromeSkull had a feeling that this was the most likely reaction Mickey would have received from hanging around the Crystal Lake Killer. Aware of Jason's supernatural strength, ChromeSkull took the safer route and held his pistol right under Jason's chin and pulled the trigger.

Bits of brains and black blood splattered onto all those nearby as Jason's massive frame shuddered from side to side. But the bullets had done nothing more than mildly annoy him as he raised his right arm and swung it like a sledgehammer into ChromeSkull's side, shattering a rib and sending the killer flying back into the table Kido had been standing by.

With Ghostface still firmly grasped in his other hand, Jason smashed Ghostface into the closest table, smashing through wood and whatever else. The human killer was still consicious but he was more in disbelief that one of his idols had attacked him.

Drawing his machete from the sheath, Jason propped a boot on Mickey's chest and raised his machete, with the intentions to mutilate him and then move onto ChromeSkull. But, he paused as Ghostface shakily held a couple of certificates up towards the zombie.


"I'm..Not..Exactly sure..What I did to piss you off...But, uh. I got my hands on some awards..And you won one! So, hopefully that'll stop you from killing me...? Please?"

Jason tilted his head to the side and curiously picked up the certificates and looked them over.

Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees - Jon Snow, Max Caulfield, and Chloe Price - Sakuya Izayoi and Erron Black - The Shrek Army
Winner: Aya Drevis and Jason Voorhees


OOC COMMENT: I'd just like to say that I'm very proud of receiving this award. I've played Jason many times over the years as he's a character I treasure. But my RPing hasn't always been the greatest so Jason's portrayal suffered as a result going from a nice guy which he certainly isn't in the movies to shipping with Winry Rockbell. So to see that he was good enough to get an award makes it feel like I did a good job with him and that's great for me. I was also able to work on a characteristic of Jason that isn't explored too much in Jason's films: That being he isn't a fan of killing children or animals. Aya worked perfectly with Jason in that regard and might be the closest relationship I've gotten with my slasher characters/it stayed true to Jason since Aya was the only person he desire to harm but he would have liked to kill the others. He just didn't get a chance to. :<

@CCC Kouhai @Me

The award did the job that Ghostface hoped it would. It distracted Jason long enough for Mickey to roll back to his feet and unload onto Jason with his pistol. The bullets tore through Jason's rotting flesh and out through the back, leaving noticeable pin-sized holes on Jason's jacket as he stumbled back from the force of the firearm. But his grip on the second award he'd picked up for the SpringwoodSlasher and his trusty machete remained firm. Tucking the certificate away in his jacket, he'd start towards Ghostface who had picked up another one of the certificates and began reading it off as he pushed a table into Jason's path to give him a brief reprise.

Most Badass Character
Bayonetta - Frank Castle - Revya - Saitama
Winner: Bayonetta


OOC COMMENT: I haven't been around the MGs long but from what I've seen of your Bayonetta, Mari? She was amazing! You did a perfect job of capturing Bayonetta's sassy personality and she didn't take shit from anyone. Someone tried attacking her? She'd deliver a cool one-liner and then went to town on them. I hope to see more of her in the future, Mari. She's one of your more flagship characters and it'd be a tragedy to not see more of her. :>

"Pretty cool isn't it? You got an award, that Bayonetta chick got an award, who knows! Maybe everyone will get an award! Hahahah!" Mickey cackled as Jason swung the machete down, slashing the table right in two. Gripping either chunk of the table aside, he'd fling them aside, not caring who got hit in the fallout as he continued towards Mickey. But the Ghostface Killer was much more agile on his feet than Jason as he backflipped and kept his pistol trained on Jason as the zombie continued forward with annoyed look in his eye.

"Wait, wait! Hold on, big guy! I still got a few more awards to hand out! Stop swinging that pig-sticker for a minute!"

Dodging the next few swings, Mickey pulled out another certificate and began to read it off as blissfully as could be. Almost as if he wasn't being attacked by another undead serial killer.

Most Angsty Character
Aqua - Ridley Duchannes - Ryan Duchannes - Ryner Lute
Winner: Ridley Duchannes


OOC Comment: I hope you don't take this as a negative comment, Sav! Your Ridley was very enjoyable to read. I especially enjoyed the part in the UMG where Ridley got under Max's skin by kissing Chloe.

That said, I feel her interactions with the others in the UMG were pretty well written and the same went for her appearance in Metamorphes despite the 'dubious' quality of that game. You gave it your all and your effort shined through. I hope to RP with her and you some more, Hospes.


@Kaykay @Crimson Spartan @Bomb @The Great Detective @Gen. Magic Senpai

Without anyone noticing, a certain Umbra witch lurking in the background heard her name called out.


"My name? Again? How... bloody interesting that is. Perhaps these people do have an appreciation for the arts after all?" She then smiled a bit, and then made her way towards the person holding the certificate of award. "Well of course not. Unless a taste for guns, roses, and spontaneous dancing might be considered a bloody art?"

And once the certificate was received, she made a move and struck a pose. Not for effect, not for exercise, but because it was the culmination of her emotion at the moment.

Once that was done... she wasn't much for long winded talk, but felt some words to be at least appropriate.

"The second time I've received this award, and it tastes just as sweet as the first. But it's a rather good one, one I shall not be tired of. I know there were others likely close to surpassing me this time around, but perhaps the next time this Umbra Witch will succumb, and the witch hunt will be over. Or... maybe not?" She winked, as she abruptly disappeared. Maybe she was still around, maybe not. But she made off with an award, and that was all that mattered to Cereza... like escaping with a red lollipop.

Like the first time, I am humbled that my Bayonetta would have this award a second time. I want to thank, especially, @ResistingTheEnlightened for his Joshua being the worthy love interest I'd always wanted Cereza to have in a RP, he did very very well and was a true gentleman in every way possible :)

Maybe this will be the last time I have a character win an award here, but if so I will remember this one with fond memory.


A woman stood in front of him, her step heavy. Not from grief or duty, but from sheer weight. She wasn't a mute, but you wouldn't find her talking much more than the Scout. Clasped along her back was a High Frequency blade, and in her hand a futuristic Uzi. It wasn't hers, on loan from a battlefield friend.

Silently, she held it out. She was returning a weapon that had been given to her most graciously.

@DapperDogman @Mighty Roman
A stiff silence grasped the air between the two as his hand moves to take the weapon, a soft chuckle resounding within the helmet at the sight of the weapon​

'Well I'll be...'

'I wasn't expecting to see her here'



A gentle tap at the sight of his helmet quietened the voice of the AI

The trooper gave a small nod as he takes the weapon, holstering it, he hadn't really had a chance to see her again, given the infection he'd contacted during the campaign he'd met her in

There was a gentle sound from within the helmet, almost like someone had begun to speak, before the AI chirped up again


The male smied under his visor, chuckling to himself as he gave a nod


It was about as close to a word as anyone was likely to get

@Thuro 116 Pendragon
"Hey, only two of those deaths were from outside sources! I shot myself the first time." As though that made it better. "And the others were from unavoidable traitor kills."

After a moment, he could be heard muttering to himself about not being defenseless.

@Saint Guillotine
"You know, suicide used to be my number one method of execution..."​

"Not any more, of course, but you get my point"​

The ghost seemed to have lost interest in Kotomine, perhaps because the priest had ignored him? Probably

The devilish gleam in his eye only seemed more vivid than ever "That caster girl...She's not unlike myself, I have questions for her, but I can't help but feel asking them would lead my life in a dark direction once again"

"You ever felt like that? Like knowing something would change the person you are?"

The ominous questions came to an abrupt halt as the male took a deep swig of his drink

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine @Verite
"You know, suicide used to be my number one method of execution..."​

"Not any more, of course, but you get my point"​

The ghost seemed to have lost interest in Kotomine, perhaps because the priest had ignored him? Probably

The devilish gleam in his eye only seemed more vivid than ever "That caster girl...She's not unlike myself, I have questions for her, but I can't help but feel asking them would lead my life in a dark direction once again"

"You ever felt like that? Like knowing something would change the person you are?"

The ominous questions came to an abrupt halt as the male took a deep swig of his drink

@BarrenThin @Saint Guillotine @Verite

"What do you mean?" Came his simple question.

@Saint Guillotine
Having been watching most of the award show from one of the balcony seats, Dr. Frank N. Furter made his way down to the auditorium to (FUCK) greet (SAME THING) some of the (VIRGINS) nominees.


"Don't you just hate the tension (BULLSHIT, IT TURNS YOU ON) of waiting to see who gets (BLOWED?) an award? (SAME THING)" he asked, walking up to the nearest (VIRGIN) nominee.

"It just makes me shiver with antici..."




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Frank just flipped him off.​

"Still hitting your kids?"
Having been watching most of the award show from one of the balcony seats, Dr. Frank N. Furter made his way down to the auditorium to (FUCK) greet (SAME THING) some of the (VIRGINS) nominees.


"Don't you just hate the tension (BULLSHIT, IT TURNS YOU ON) of waiting to see who gets (BLOWED?) an award? (SAME THING)" he asked, walking up to the nearest (VIRGIN) nominee.

"It just makes me shiver with antici..."






Desmond stayed away from the newcomer.​
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"What do you mean?" Came his simple question.

@Saint Guillotine
"Ignorance is bliss" he replies, sneering toward Desmond slightly "Charmed to see you again too, Des"

Turning back to the old man he sighs and rubs his eyes "You of all people know what it's like to suddenly hear something isn't right, don't you? You think everything is going great, and suddenly...there's a disturbance"

The male sighs, sipping his drink again "I get the worst feeling if I ask her where my powers might come from...I'll be back to killing people...Neither of us want that"

"Except maybe an exception or two for the priest" he mutters just loud enough to hear

"So, what do I do, old man, do I leave well enough alone...or dive back into the deep end and risk coming out a threat to the multiverse?"

@BarrenThin @Thuro 116 Pendragon

"Ignorance is bliss" he replies, sneering toward Desmond slightly "Charmed to see you again too, Des"

Turning back to the old man he sighs and rubs his eyes "You of all people know what it's like to suddenly hear something isn't right, don't you? You think everything is going great, and suddenly...there's a disturbance"

The male sighs, sipping his drink again "I get the worst feeling if I ask her where my powers might come from...I'll be back to killing people...Neither of us want that"

"Except maybe an exception or two for the priest" he mutters just loud enough to hear

"So, what do I do, old man, do I leave well enough alone...or dive back into the deep end and risk coming out a threat to the multiverse?"

@BarrenThin @Thuro 116 Pendragon

Taking a cue from Frank, Desmond flipped pretty boy off. He hadn't minded the creepy kid all that much when he'd known him, but after learning how he'd turned on them.... well, its a good thing you can't kill what's already dead. Looking around, he wondered where Lisa was. He could have sworn his second was around here somewhere...


@BarrenThin @DapperDogman
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"Ignorance is bliss" he replies, sneering toward Desmond slightly "Charmed to see you again too, Des"

Turning back to the old man he sighs and rubs his eyes "You of all people know what it's like to suddenly hear something isn't right, don't you? You think everything is going great, and suddenly...there's a disturbance"

The male sighs, sipping his drink again "I get the worst feeling if I ask her where my powers might come from...I'll be back to killing people...Neither of us want that"

"Except maybe an exception or two for the priest" he mutters just loud enough to hear

"So, what do I do, old man, do I leave well enough alone...or dive back into the deep end and risk coming out a threat to the multiverse?"

@BarrenThin @Thuro 116 Pendragon

Frank snorted. "You give yourself too much credit. If you did become some sort of homicidal maniac bent on destroying the multiverse, you'd just stumble around for a little while until some omnipotent being with a God complex, purple skin and a gold glove got annoyed and squashed you before you could monoluge." He shifted his weight. "There are a lot of people out there that could do that to you, PB. So I wouldn't be too worried about it. Go on. Ask."

@Thuro 116 Pendragon
@Saint Guillotine
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