Murder III: Welcome to Silent Hill Sign-Up Thread

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Uhh... A character...a character...
No ideas yet. But I've checked the list and I'll make sure not to copy anyone.
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*has a few ideas, but doesn't want to tell anyone who to play*
Oh hey, I'm all open to suggestions as long as I've watched/played/whatever with the characters before.
Certainly not going into this without knowing the character better than my own mother.
Oh hey, I'm all open to suggestions as long as I've watched/played/whatever with the characters before.
Certainly not going into this without knowing the character better than my own mother.
Well, a little more testosterone couldn't hurt...

You could play Isaac Clarke, Alan Wake, or any one of the other Horror Game Protags out there CX
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The more the merrier for once we close that door and take a ride on the NOPE train.
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Well, a little more testosterone couldn't hurt...
I would totally go with Princess Peach right now if that didn't mean my character would die the first day.
Seriously though, I want this to be a good experience for me. It'll be my first RP in this place.

Thanks Dapper but, much unfortunately, I don't know any of those. I will check out the horror games characters!
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I would totally go with Princess Peach right now if that didn't mean my character would die the first day.
Seriously though, I want this to be a good experience for me. It'll be my first RP in this place.
Thanks Dapper but, much unfortunately, I don't know any of those. I will check out the horror games characters!
You'd be surprised. Xibilation was Ariel who was pretty dang helpless and... yeah... she got tortured a lot, but she definitely didn't die on the first day. She lasted a really long time actually. :3 And she's back for this rp! lol.
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Ib's better than the usual kid at keeping her cool and has a way with puzzles and riddles. However, she lacks speed, strength or stamina, making her a boringly easy target for anything after her as well as a liability to anyone trying to protect her.

Quiet and brave, Ib's expression remains solemn even during the some of the worst events, never revealing too much emotion. She's as gullible and naive as any other kid though. Has a compassionate side that will probably make her care more than she should if she wishes to survive.

Deceased loved one & Reason for entering Silent Hill
A couple of months after his death, Ib curiously hears Garry's voice beckoning her. Faint at first but eventually reaching the point where she couldn't help but let herself be pulled into Silent Hill.

Posting Speed
Depends on what will be required of me. The smaller the posts, the quicker I'll be. Usually, it takes me a couple of hours to write a post of 600-1000 words.

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6 spots left!
This OOC moves faster than the rate of Aki's PM invites :o aki, who is your favorite?
Am I accepted? like both characters?
I don't think there's anything wrong with the characters, but Aki doesn't accept multiple characters for one player :(
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