Murder House

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"Don't be a pussy." Was all Parker could think to say to Aleks. "He's not that tough. Just.. Pointy." He said while prodding at the stitches up and down his body. Sitting back down into his bloodied chair, he groaned and felt the fever start to set in. He had been patching up his own wounds for years but never had to deal with an infection. He didn't know what one felt like so e just brushed it off as his body healing itself.
"Don't be a pussy." Was all Parker could think to say to Aleks. "He's not that tough. Just.. Pointy." He said while prodding at the stitches up and down his body. Sitting back down into his bloodied chair, he groaned and felt the fever start to set in. He had been patching up his own wounds for years but never had to deal with an infection. He didn't know what one felt like so e just brushed it off as his body healing itself.
Nova eyed Parker - he was in terrible shape. Cut up, probably infected...
"Aleks, you need to get him some medical attentrion. Like, oustide the house." She turned to the blonde, an uncharacteristically concerned look on her face. "The sooner the better."
"Looking at parker, he would need professional medical treatment. I could walk out of the house in expense of pain the farther I walk and the longer I stay out. But there is no way that the house would let parker out... Right?" Aleks said, thinking out loud. At this point aleks is getting a bit stir crazy trying to understand all of this information, and the potential life on his hands. "I..I have no idea what we could do. We cant get parker out of the house until..." Aleks pondered, with the fighting going on its really a gamble, The house could either like it and atleast let me and parker out, but with the price of the pain. Or the house could be even more agitated, making us stay in here longer.

Now, deciding to test the house, aleks walks over to the main doors with a semi-scared look on his face and leans on the closed and locked doors. They seem to hold and make a soft creek once pressure was placed on them. So far, the house has not completely locked them in.
"Looking at parker, he would need professional medical treatment. I could walk out of the house in expense of pain the farther I walk and the longer I stay out. But there is no way that the house would let parker out... Right?" Aleks said, thinking out loud. At this point aleks is getting a bit stir crazy trying to understand all of this information, and the potential life on his hands. "I..I have no idea what we could do. We cant get parker out of the house until..." Aleks pondered, with the fighting going on its really a gamble, The house could either like it and atleast let me and parker out, but with the price of the pain. Or the house could be even more agitated, making us stay in here longer.
Now, deciding to test the house, aleks walks over to the main doors with a semi-scared look on his face and leans on the closed and locked doors. They seem to hold and make a soft creek once pressure was placed on them. So far, the house has not completely locked them in.
Nova stepped back a bit, allowing her full view of the doorway as Aleks tested the door. Since he was able to push on it, she concluded that what she'd deduced was right - because violent acts were again happening inside, the house was letting up a little. It was happy.
"Looks like she's in a better mood," Nova remarked, placing her hand on the nearest wall. "You gonna let us out soon, od girl? Now that you're seeing some action?"
With a smirk, she turned to the others. "I hope so. My one day of freedom is coming up."
"I'd be careful the house doesn't really, well, I don't know." He scratched the back of his head. Not even Richard knew where the house had gotten its personality it had just developed its own. Yet it was violent and liked violence much like himself. "We shouldn't travel to far. It'll upset Richard if you leave." He was really trying to point that out. He didn't want his toys to leave the house. He'd be stuck with the ghosts and that was a bore. He wouldn't be able to scare, scar, or harass them. Perhaps Richard had the power to manipulate the house? After all he was the first to be bound to it and the houses personality must have developed after his death. Or maybe the house had always had the personality and it drove him to kill... That was a scary thought even for him.
"We really should stay here." He took a long hard drag off the cigarette that finished it off. He was starting to fake a little shaking. He couldn't really understand the house or why it would let them leave but he didn't like what was happened at all. With a snap of his fingers the fire went out again and a cold breeze started to feel the room. He was weak from the fight but without Annie here he could do whatever he wanted.
Eve read silently near the fire place. At first she came to like at least one person in the house. Trust them even. But Parker turned out to be just like the rest of them. Simply ignoring the slightly nerdy quiet girl in the back ground. She flipped a page ignoring her twin as he came down the stairs.

Jacob started down the stairs holding up the empty toilet paper roll. "Uh guys..were out and.. I have to take a crap." The British prep crosses his arms leaning against the wall. He had on no shirt, as always. He looked to Eve. "Whats with you?"

Eve shrugged not looking from her book. She gave up trying to speak to her brother around these people a long time ago. They were a bad influence on him but he didn't even care
"I'd be careful the house doesn't really, well, I don't know." He scratched the back of his head. Not even Richard knew where the house had gotten its personality it had just developed its own. Yet it was violent and liked violence much like himself. "We shouldn't travel to far. It'll upset Richard if you leave." He was really trying to point that out. He didn't want his toys to leave the house. He'd be stuck with the ghosts and that was a bore. He wouldn't be able to scare, scar, or harass them. Perhaps Richard had the power to manipulate the house? After all he was the first to be bound to it and the houses personality must have developed after his death. Or maybe the house had always had the personality and it drove him to kill... That was a scary thought even for him.
"We really should stay here." He took a long hard drag off the cigarette that finished it off. He was starting to fake a little shaking. He couldn't really understand the house or why it would let them leave but he didn't like what was happened at all. With a snap of his fingers the fire went out again and a cold breeze started to feel the room. He was weak from the fight but without Annie here he could do whatever he wanted.
"Man, fuck that dude," Nova retorted. "Halloween's the only day I get to leave, and I'm taking advantage of it." She was getting irritated with Phillip and his worrying, and turned to Aleks to avoid continuing conversation with the jittery bastard. "Hey, Allie, how much money we got? I'mma need about a hundred - gonna go on a little supplies run of my own."

Eve read silently near the fire place. At first she came to like at least one person in the house. Trust them even. But Parker turned out to be just like the rest of them. Simply ignoring the slightly nerdy quiet girl in the back ground. She flipped a page ignoring her twin as he came down the stairs.
Jacob started down the stairs holding up the empty toilet paper roll. "Uh guys..were out and.. I have to take a crap." The British prep crosses his arms leaning against the wall. He had on no shirt, as always. He looked to Eve. "Whats with you?"
Eve shrugged not looking from her book. She gave up trying to speak to her brother around these people a long time ago. They were a bad influence on him but he didn't even care
Nova's mood instanly darkened when she heard the annoying, accented voice. "Did you check under the sink? Or in the other bathroom?" She asked, in a tone meant specifically to belittle. "Or does all logic escape you?"
"Man, fuck that dude," Nova retorted. "Halloween's the only day I get to leave, and I'm taking advantage of it." She was getting irritated with Phillip and his worrying, and turned to Aleks to avoid continuing conversation with the jittery bastard. "Hey, Allie, how much money we got? I'mma need about a hundred - gonna go on a little supplies run of my own."
Nova's mood instanly darkened when she heard the annoying, accented voice. "Did you check under the sink? Or in the other bathroom?" She asked, in a tone meant specifically to belittle. "Or does all logic escape you?"
"Yes I did. Im not that much of an idiot you know. Fine. Ill use this." Jake pulled out a hundred dollar bill and headed back up the stairs. It wouldn't be a bother. He would just return to the bank when he got out of here. Him and Eve would go on like non of this happened. Then he went into the bathroom shutting the door.

Eve looked after her brother taking her glasses off and setting them beside her lowering her book. This was insane. How crazy could he be? What if they needed that for gas? Or new tires? The last ones had been stolen. She looked to Nova in silence.
"Yes I did. Im not that much of an idiot you know. Fine. Ill use this." Jake pulled out a hundred dollar bill and headed back up the stairs. It wouldn't be a bother. He would just return to the bank when he got out of here. Him and Eve would go on like non of this happened. Then he went into the bathroom shutting the door.
Eve looked after her brother taking her glasses off and setting them beside her lowering her book. This was insane. How crazy could he be? What if they needed that for gas? Or new tires? The last ones had been stolen. She looked to Nova in silence.
Actually using her otherworldly powers for something, Nova vanished from where she stood by the opposite wall and materialized beside Jake in the bathroom, smacking him upside the head snatching the bill from his hand.
"Are you fuckin' loopy?" she snapped, stuffing it in first in her shirt, but then in her jeans pocket when she remembered she hadn't put on a bra today.
"Ah!" Jake grimaced rubbing his head and looking up at her. "Don't use that freaky ghost shit on me. Whats your problem? A little privacy please. If you wanted some money you could of just asked when I was out." he murmured pulling out another bill and covering his privates his cheeks red.
Actually using her otherworldly powers for something, Nova vanished from where she stood by the opposite wall and materialized beside Jake in the bathroom, smacking him upside the head snatching the bill from his hand.
"Are you fuckin' loopy?" she snapped, stuffing it in first in her shirt, but then in her jeans pocket when she remembered she hadn't put on a bra today.
He made the show of undoing his belt so she'd get out.
"Uhh yea I think I have a bit... And my name is not Allie!" Aleks huffs as he slides his arm down to his pants, he nudges the door handle and that sends the door open with his body weight still on the door, and then sending aleks down onto the outside steps.

Were the hell am I...And what the hell did I do? Aleks thought to himself, with his eyes shut and his body in excruciating pain. Refusing to move, and the pain getting stronger by the minute aleks lays there silent, the house refusing him to speak.
"Mr.Aleks are you okay?" Eve calls from the otherside of the door witnessing everything. She stands at the door struggling with the door knob. She'd seen everything yet still she thought. How did he get out there? She kicked the door in irritation. And sighed. "Im getting help!" she said to him doubting he could hear her, her voice so soft.

"Nova!" she shouted up the stairs. "Jake!"
"Ah!" Jake grimaced rubbing his head and looking up at her. "Don't use that freaky ghost shit on me. Whats your problem? A little privacy please. If you wanted some money you could of just asked when I was out." he murmured pulling out another bill and covering his privates his cheeks red.
He made the show of undoing his belt so she'd get out.
She rolled her eyes as he made a big deal of her popping in, as predicted, and snatched his second hundred. "If you want something to wipe with I'll find you some sandpaper, but you aren't using cash. Not in this house."
Since he'd complained about her 'freaky ghost shit', she blasted the door open and walked out without shutting it. "Rich bitch."

"Uhh yea I think I have a bit... And my name is not Allie!" Aleks huffs as he slides his arm down to his pants, he nudges the door handle and that sends the door open with his body weight still on the door, and then sending aleks down onto the outside steps.
Were the hell am I...And what the hell did I do? Aleks thought to himself, with his eyes shut and his body in excruciating pain. Refusing to move, and the pain getting stronger by the minute aleks lays there silent, the house refusing him to speak.

"Mr.Aleks are you okay?" Eve calls from the otherside of the door witnessing everything. She stands at the door struggling with the door knob. She'd seen everything yet still she thought. How did he get out there? She kicked the door in irritation. And sighed. "Im getting help!" she said to him doubting he could hear her, her voice so soft.
"Nova!" she shouted up the stairs. "Jake!"
Nova knew that if the girl was speaking up, there was definitely something wrong. Since sheseemed to be using her ghost mojo today, she appeared by the door with her. "What's going on? What happened?"
She rolled her eyes as he made a big deal of her popping in, as predicted, and snatched his second hundred. "If you want something to wipe with I'll find you some sandpaper, but you aren't using cash. Not in this house."
Since he'd complained about her 'freaky ghost shit', she blasted the door open and walked out without shutting it. "Rich bitch."
Nova knew that if the girl was speaking up, there was definitely something wrong. Since sheseemed to be using her ghost mojo today, she appeared by the door with her. "What's going on? What happened?"
"Aleks fell outside the door." she murmured shyly looking down. "I-I cant open the door." Eve gave a slight shrug blue eyes watering. She hoped she wouldn't get yelled at.
"Aleks fell outside the door." she murmured shyly looking down. "I-I cant open the door." Eve gave a slight shrug blue eyes watering. She hoped she wouldn't get yelled at.
"He fell.. outside?" Nova repeated, grabbing at the doorknob. Turning, jiggling, pushing on the door with her shoulder. "Goddamn it... come on, open up!" she pleaded with the house. "Fucking house!"
Eve watched the scene in front of her fold out. She couldn't imagine how it would feel if Jake fell out there. She would be completely lost. She wrapped her arms around herself as she watched her brother come downstairs.

"What the hell is going on?" Jake grumbled. Eve was talking?? To Nova? Something was up and it worried him a lot. He looked to Eve. She was unharmed. "What happened?" he asked looking to Nova stuggling with the door. "If you haven't noticed by now..the house is sourt of closed.." he chuckled awkwardly
Eve watched the scene in front of her fold out. She couldn't imagine how it would feel if Jake fell out there. She would be completely lost. She wrapped her arms around herself as she watched her brother come downstairs.
"What the hell is going on?" Jake grumbled. Eve was talking?? To Nova? Something was up and it worried him a lot. He looked to Eve. She was unharmed. "What happened?" he asked looking to Nova stuggling with the door. "If you haven't noticed by now..the house is sourt of closed.." he chuckled awkwardly
Nova looked over her shoulder, glaring at Jake. "Do me a favor and shut the fuck up, if you aren't gonna be useful!" she barked, probably a little harsher than necessary, still struggling with the door. Backing up, she kicked it a couple times. "Come on, you fucking bitch! Open!" she shouted, pounding the door with her fist.
Nova looked over her shoulder, glaring at Jake. "Do me a favor and shut the fuck up, if you aren't gonna be useful!" she barked, probably a little harsher than necessary, still struggling with the door. Backing up, she kicked it a couple times. "Come on, you fucking bitch! Open!" she shouted, pounding the door with her fist.
Jake held back laughter. It was sourt of funny to watch a strong headed women like Nova struggle like she was doing. This was definitely love. "Someones inlooove." he sang taking a spot next to her trying to open the door.
Taking a risk, aleks decides to open his eyes to see were he is. He is greeted with much pain, and a orange sky mixed with purple. How did it get so late? Aleks ask himself, trying to speak. He slowly gets up and looks towards the house, watching eve hug herself though the window. God, if she is up and about they must know that I am gone. Aleks once again wonders to himself.

As he tries to actually walk towards the door, he cant seem to move his leg. After a bit it, he cant move his arm either, almost like he is paralyzed. Once again looking around, its almost like the world has gone mute. There was no sound from the wind, or any sound when he got up.

It was like he was a spirit that lost its way.
Jake held back laughter. It was sourt of funny to watch a strong headed women like Nova struggle like she was doing. This was definitely love. "Someones inlooove." he sang taking a spot next to her trying to open the door.
Taking a risk, aleks decides to open his eyes to see were he is. He is greeted with much pain, and a orange sky mixed with purple. How did it get so late? Aleks ask himself, trying to speak. He slowly gets up and looks towards the house, watching eve hug herself though the window. God, if she is up and about they must know that I am gone. Aleks once again wonders to himself.
As he tries to actually walk towards the door, he cant seem to move his leg. After a bit it, he cant move his arm either, almost like he is paralyzed. Once again looking around, its almost like the world has gone mute. There was no sound from the wind, or any sound when he got up.
It was like he was a spirit that lost its way.

"I swear to whatever fucking god you believe in, kid, if you don't can it..." Nova went over to the window and looked out seeing Aleks standing there, seemingly unable to move. The sight fueled another assault on the door, yanking and twisting on the handle and slamming herself into the door.
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