Murder House

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"What? No," Nova replied, looking down at Aleks as she finger-combed her wet hair out, "it's not like you're constantly ogling me, you are just looking. Guys do that. I may be dead, but I'm not clueless. The attention is kinda nice sometimes, anyway."
" I do not always look at you!" Once again another corner. Thanks nova. " I mean I would like too but its strange. And its not like I want to be with your or anything. But it would be cool if you were because you are a nice girl and everything! But.. Uhmmm..." aleks closes his eyes again. just trying to forget what just happened and just let the water fall on him.
" I do not always look at you!" Once again another corner. Thanks nova. " I mean I would like too but its strange. And its not like I want to be with your or anything. But it would be cool if you were because you are a nice girl and everything! But.. Uhmmm..." aleks closes his eyes again. just trying to forget what just happened and just let the water fall on him.
Nova laughed. "I never said you did. I said you did sometimes."
Since the floor of the shower was mostly clean now, she sat down beside him and let the water run over her as well. "Did you just say something about wanting to be with me, Aleks?" she asked when he trailed off.
" I dunno. Its not like it would work. But you are a nice attractive girl.... Like i said I dunno what i was talking about, you keep backing me into a corner. I do not want to insult you but yet I do not want to sound creepy. " Aleks sits up in his soaking clothes, with his eyes still closed but facing the general area where the voice is coming from.
" I dunno. Its not like it would work. But you are a nice attractive girl.... Like i said I dunno what i was talking about, you keep backing me into a corner. I do not want to insult you but yet I do not want to sound creepy. " Aleks sits up in his soaking clothes, with his eyes still closed but facing the general area where the voice is coming from.
"Yeah, that's true. I mean, I'm dead." Nova shrugged, pushing her wet hair out of her face. "You're alive. That'd be kinda fucked up."
" Not really. But a bit yes. " Aleks decides to take off his shirt and throwing it outside of the shower. " Much better..." Letting the rain fall on him and nova right next to him. This was most likely the most he has been relaxed with in the last year or so.
" Not really. But a bit yes. " Aleks decides to take off his shirt and throwing it outside of the shower. " Much better..." Letting the rain fall on him and nova right next to him. This was most likely the most he has been relaxed with in the last year or so.
"Besides, I'm not even sure that spirit/human relationships are physically possible," Nova continued. She had no idea why she was still on the subject, really. She looked over to Aleks, lingering for a moment on his now-shirtless form before turning back to stare at the tile wall of the shower stall.
" Well you can mani-fest no? Are you not now? " He reaches for nova's hair to tuck a bit behind her ear. " I mean I was holding you not but thirty minuets ago. "
" Well you can mani-fest no? Are you not now? " He reaches for nova's hair to tuck a bit behind her ear. " I mean I was holding you not but thirty minuets ago. "
She nodded, still focused on the wall. "Well, yeah, but.... uh..." she trailed off for a moment when she felt his hand move her hair, going a little bit pink. "Why are we still taking about this, anyway? We've established that it's not gonna happen, so..."
Aleks once again props himself up on the wall to once again, hit another button. As the water pressure picks up, it also gets warmer, close to scolding hot. So feeling burning hot water, aleks yelps in pain and gets out of the shower area as soon as he can. "Did I forget to wash any towels?" he says looking around. " Ah whatever. "

Knowing that they have been sitting there for a while, aleks walks over to parker to see how he is doing. " Holy shit man, you look like shit..." Looking over his deep cuts and other wounds, he can already see them getting infected with something. " Man I should have helped you. This is some rough patchwork."
When the water suddenly got hotter, Nova yelped, standing up and jumping out of the spray. She reached over and turned the water off, then walked still dripping and barely clothed out of the bathroom.
"I'm gonna go upstairs... take a real shower...." she mumbled toward the others before trudging up to her bedroom to get some clothes.
Snatching up a tank top and jeans - black, like everything else she owned - she went into the bathroom connected to her room and turned on the shower while she stripped what was left of her wet clothes off. She got in the shower, scrubbing herself raw to get the feeling of someone else's blood off of her. When she was satisfied, she got out and dried off, throwing on the new set of clothes and taking the time to dry and brush out her long dark hair and put on a little bit of makeup including her customary red lipstick.
When she was all finished, she grabbed a pair of socks from her room and slipped them on along with some shoes, remembering the mess that Parker had made of the house in his battle with Richard, and headed back downstairs.
"Aww thank, man. Means a lot." He said sarcastically. Finishing a stitch on his stomach he handed Aleks the needle and thread. "Here. There's a few on my back I can't reach and this last one on my face is too deep for me to do myself." He said gesturing to his face which had been massively swollen His left eye was swollen shut and was filled with blood trapped by the swelling. He was beginning to feel hot. He wasn't sure what it was yet but he knew he was significantly weaker from losing blood. It was the beginning of an infection he would have to try and fight off. "I'll probably need some antibiotics if you got any. And I'm going to need to clean these wounds with some alcohol after they're stitched." He said
Aleks takes the needle and thread and starts with the few on the back, " There is some antibiotics and alcohol in the bathroom. Dude you really fucked up. Do you think that you will be ok? " Now he is getting worried, barbie girl would either finish off parker or go after him next. He heard nova walk back down stairs," Hey thanks for not killing me, and for putting on clothes."

After he finished the stitches, he asked parker a question, " What the hell happened when you were, well I am guessing, fighting barbie girl there? "
"I feel fucked up. Well, I should be fine as long as it doesn't get infected." Parker said. "You all will just have to watch my back for a couple days. Just until I feel up to par." He added, hoping to get some sort of protection should he need it.

"Well, it got freezing in there to begin with. I tried to open the door and it as frozen shut. Then the dick started trying to scare me, so I told him to bring it on. He attacked me, we fought and I kicked his ass I guess." He said with a chuckle. "All of that barbed wire and shit really messed me up though. I'll get a few new scars to talk about, I guess." Gesturing to a few more on his body, he went on to tell Aleks a few stories about how he got them. From bar fights to car accidents to stab wounds but intentionally skipping over the larger ones to keep from talking about his past and his father.
Aleks gets up and walks over to the bathroom while parker rattles off his stories. On the way he pats novas shoulder and whispers " Really, thanks."

Walking back with the alcohol, he twistsed the cap open and held the bottle upright over parkers wounds. " You ready?"
Aleks gets up and walks over to the bathroom while parker rattles off his stories. On the way he pats novas shoulder and whispers " Really, thanks."
"No problem," she replied. "Thanks for, yaknow.." she gestured towards the bathroom. "That."
Annie paced at the bottom of the pit, a frown on her lips. She had used up too much energy earlier for her to get herself out of the pit. Richard wasn't there, so she would be able to sleep, but when she was drained of her powers like this, it would be a deep sleep. She didn't want to risk Richard finding her unguarded. But then again, she was a ghost... What was the worst her could do to her?

The thought of sleep became more and more evident for Annie. Her eyelids started to fall and she laid down. Slowly, slowly, Annie fell into a deep slumber...
Richard returned to the appearance of Phillip and headed back up stairs.
"Guys Annie fell in the basement! She fell into some sort of hole." He was breathing heavily and realized that if one of them came he'd be fine and could scare them with the if especially that Aleks guy. Although he knew it was most likely going to be Nova or someone else. He wasn't entirely sure how he could treat Nova in the basement. He couldn't exactly scare her. Perhaps he could feed on her negative emotions by feeding her more of the truth. She seemed very eager in learning about her own death.
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Richard returned to the appearance of Phillip and headed back up stairs.
"Guys Annie fell in the basement! She fell into some sort of hole." He was breathing heavily and realized that if one of them came he'd be fine and could scare them with the if especially that Aleks guy. Although he knew it was most likely going to be Nova or someone else. He wasn't entirely sure how he could treat Nova in the basement. He couldn't exactly scare her. Perhaps he could feed on her negative emotions by feeding her more of the truth. She seemed very eager in learning about her own death.
Nova looked up. "What the fuck was she doing in the basement?"
She didn't make any move toward the basement door, however. She hadn't been down there for more than ten years - her whole afterlife, really - and swhe wasn't prepared to change that just because a little girl fell in a hole. Annie could take care of herself.
Besides, she wan't going anywhere with that Phillip guy. Bad things seemed to happen when he was around.
"I'm not sure but I though she'd just get her way out but she isn't moving." He started to shake slightly and looked around at both of them before letting out a sigh. "I don't know what to do she's just laying and who knows what Richard will do if we don't get her out of there." His voice trailed off. He knew that she was to powerful for him at the moment but he didn't like having her in his den. She was in his space and he really wanted her out of there.
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