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"Ilona!" Zidane noticed Ilona when she arrived. Zidane put down Bibi for now, still behind a wall, and rushed over to her.

"Are you alright? Did the enemy do anything bad to you?" Zidane asked her, worried about what could've happened.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay​

"Sir Zidane," the princess would say when she saw her friend make his way over to her. "Fear not; physically, I am unharmed." Ilona held a frown over her lips, tightening her grip on the blaster gun she was holding. "Are you unharmed yourself?"

Mentally, I feel rather uncertain. It appears as if I've been nothing but a bother to my comrades here. If I would not have been here, perhaps Umbrella would have left this place alone. Once this situation is over, I'll have a lot to think about...

@Bomb @Med Bay​

"Sir Zidane," the princess would say when she saw her friend make his way over to her. "Fear not; physically, I am unharmed." Ilona held a frown over her lips, tightening her grip on the blaster gun she was holding. "Are you unharmed yourself?"

Mentally, I feel rather uncertain. It appears as if I've been nothing but a bother to my comrades here. If I would not have been here, perhaps Umbrella would have left this place alone. Once this situation is over, I'll have a lot to think about...

@Bomb @Med Bay​
"I'm fine... It's goos that you're safe..." Zidane sighed with relief. He then refocused his attention to Bibi.

"Bibi is... I don't know what happened to him but... it has something to do with the mist.." Zidane said, pointing out the illusions that everyone had gone through.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @medical bay​
"I'm fine... It's goos that you're safe..." Zidane sighed with relief. He then refocused his attention to Bibi.

"Bibi is... I don't know what happened to him but... it has something to do with the mist.." Zidane said, pointing out the illusions that everyone had gone through.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @medical bay​

"How awful," Ilona replied, a sinking feeling taking over her stomach when she learned about Bibi. "Perhaps when we re-claim this area and all is safe again you should have a doctor look at him," the princess suggested, looking around the area. "Worry not, I'm certain he will be fine in the end." She noticed that some of their other comrades weren't in the med bay, so she wondered if they were all okay or not.


"How awful," Ilona replied, a sinking feeling taking over her stomach when she learned about Bibi. "Perhaps when we re-claim this area and all is safe again you should have a doctor look at him," the princess suggested, looking around the area. "Worry not, I'm certain he will be fine in the end." She noticed that some of their other comrades weren't in the med bay, so she wondered if they were all okay or not.

"Yeah, I hope he'll be ok... "Zidane said, showing concern for him.

@mobile post @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Give her to me!" the man yelled. "You don't understand what she can do. Ilona and her, they're just as powerful as the other! Fuck! Agh..." Frederic groaned pathetically, prompting Junko to raise her right hand to him. A mark across her palm glowed green for a moment, and some dark portal opened up around Frederic. The man screamed as he was plunged into the darkness, only for his cries to soon die out.

As the portal closed, Junko placed her right hand against her chest.


"... I couldn't stand to listen to him any longer."

Junko then sighed, falling backward on to the ground and landing on her behind. She then moved into a fetal position and buried her head between her knees.
Wanda's eye widen as Junko appeared on the scene. A fury of emotions raced over her before the avenger gained control. Wanda felt the differentness from the Junko Wanda me in the past


"Junko. Are you okay?"

So that was her name. Hmm....She turned her gaze towards the fallen girl, trying not to yell. They could have used the information from that man. It was why she aimed to cripple, not kill.

The fact it had all been for naught annoyed her as she stepped away to examine the fallen constructs, pushing one over with an armored foot to examine the workmanship.

That as well as the rest of the stasis tubes, because honestly?

The fact that they were installed into the base already was sending massive warning signs flashing in her mind. Even if she accepted the fact Umbrella hoodwinked them, the idea of them installing these immediately after was absurd, bar some absurd method of construction. So if they weren't responsible....

She placed a hand on the glass of the girl in the school uniform, flicking her eyes to see the reflection of Makoto in it.


For now, she'd keep her silence till they had further proof. And stepping away, she turned to those present as she asked quietly.

"Where are Lady Morrigan and Zatanna?"

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Security​

"Now, I said--"

The Umbrella researcher had no idea what hit him. The sword embedded into his shoulder caused his hand to jerk upward, though he didn't take a shot. Junko squirmed out of his grasp as his kneecap was smashed and he began to collapse to the ground, though not before Miko had her share of him. The gun was knocked out of his hand and he was sent violently to the ground where his second kneecap was destroyed.

Junko went tumbling as Miko pulled her away, the girl only getting caught by Jude just in time before she fell to the ground, who stared at her like she was a ghost. The girl above then fell into Makoto's arms, who got drenched with water once again in the process.

"M-My legs!" Frederic screamed. "You fucking shits! I'll never walk again!"

The girl named Junko shivered as she stepped out from Jude's grip. "I-I don't think he would have shot me... he needed me. That's what all this was... a beacon to draw me, I think." The girl sniffled loudly.

"Give her to me!" the man yelled. "You don't understand what she can do. Ilona and her, they're just as powerful as the other! Fuck! Agh..." Frederic groaned pathetically, prompting Junko to raise her right hand to him. A mark across her palm glowed green for a moment, and some dark portal opened up around Frederic. The man screamed as he was plunged into the darkness, only for his cries to soon die out.

As the portal closed, Junko placed her right hand against her chest.


"... I couldn't stand to listen to him any longer."

Junko then sighed, falling backward on to the ground and landing on her behind. She then moved into a fetal position and buried her head between her knees.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

"We could have questioned him. Maybe he could've told us something about their operation." Lois replied to Junko.

"I think we're beyond any questioning now." Bekka responded in turn. "It's all about scorched earth now. We'll eliminate Umbrella from the face of the multiverse."

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
"Morrigan and Zatanna went with the other group," Makoto said, holding the girl he'd grabbed awkwardly. He looked around, eyeing the unconscious bodies of Sorey and Mikleo. "I'm... gonna need someone to carry them for me..."

Junko had stood up before answering Wanda, turning to her with a blank look. "I'm fine."


Makoto held out a hand. "Ah! Miss Wanda, maybe you've figured it out already, but this is not the Junko Enoshima you met in the Dark Place. It's not the one we know."

Junko crossed her arms. "And you're not the Makoto I knew, I hope."

Makoto frowned back at her. "No... I'm not. Don't worry, we can protect you now that you're here."

"Just as well..." Junko looked down at her right hand, eyeing the mark across her palm. "Whatever that guy did to bring me here, seemed it stopped my random shifting. At least for now. Should be happy about that... but one of those shifts would have helped me escape. I can still open the portals, but, fuck.... I don't really control where they go, you know? Besides, he would have shot me if I tried. You know all this, right?"

"Generally," Makoto said, shrugging. He went over to Shepard to examine her unconscious form. "I'm more surprised at all... this. The robots and materials are from the Coalition, and I guess setting it up here made it easy for them. At some point, I imagine both you and Ilona ended up on Umbrella's radar, and all this was a major effort to capture the two of you, and destroy the Coalition. To do it so cleanly, I'm afraid must have been the result of our traitor."

"A traitor?" Leia suddenly asked.

"Mm... And you said this was a beacon? I have to wonder why they used that girl..." Makoto looked to the brown-haired teen, knowing her to be a past participant of a Murder Game. "Her name is Misaka, I believe"


"Well, she does look kinda familiar, I guess..." Junko looked put off as she looked toward the corner of the room.


"It's a mystery that will have to wait for now." Standing up, Makoto pointed to the armory. "Everyone, equip yourselves now and carry as much as you can. We need to secure Sorey, Mikleo, Shepard, and Misaka as well. Wanda, you be careful, as you're no doubt still weak. The rest of you, some can go now to assist Kyoko's group, while the rest head with me to the lounge. Do you understand?"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
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"Yeah, I hope he'll be ok... "Zidane said, showing concern for him.

@mobile post @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Removing one hand from her weapon Ilona would place her hand on Zidane's shoulder and offer him a small smile. "Sir Zidane, worry not. I'm certain our friend Bibi will be just fine. The Coalition will do everything in its power to save him. For now, we must have faith and trust in Bibi until they are able to provide assistance. He is strong, we must believe that he will fight to wake up."

I certainly hope he awakens. Another innocent doesn't deserve to die in this mess.

@Bomb @Med Bay​
If the lounge is where the action is let me lead the charge. I need to let off some fuckin' steam." Miko pronounced rather crudely, Annoyance clear in her voice and anger on her face while she stretched her legs, quickly popping in to the armory to find a pistol, and the lost leg wrapped hooks she had been missing from her original equipment. Strapping them on and around her legs, letting them loosely trail behind..for now. Almost looking like the spitting image of her father, the only strange part being her crimson long spiky hair, and not wearing an eyepatch.

@Atomyk @Makoto's group
At some point Sakuya and Remilia had tagged along with the Medical Bay group, and upon being fired at the maid drew her knives, summoning up a hailstorm of them to match up against the rifles' fire.

"Sorry, but I believe your poison has passed its expiration date."

Her knives flew forth as if they had minds of their own, moving to clash against all of the bullets and ease the rest of the group's movements amidst the bulletstorm. Though Remilia hardly had the patience to aim precisely like that. Her approach was far more direct.


"Pest? You should respect those above you, human."

Flying forth with superhuman speed, the vampire sought to thrust her fingers into Krauser's throat!

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​


"Oh, that. Guess he's going to crash this place."


"There will be survivors..." Madoka speaks will blood boiling in her. Her eyes began to shine a vibrant colour of chrome while the aforementioned 'Big guy' began to strangle Kyoko.

Upon seeing 'big guy' strangling Kyoko, Kido would feel an extent of rage. "I won't let Kyoko die. Not today, not tomorrow. If I do... well, no time for motivational speeches... or plans for that matter"

Unleashing his gun, Kido shoots the monstrousity on the leg, in hopes of distracting it. He expected the monster to follow him around the room, chasing him...

"Mason!" Kido swiftly passes Mason his Rocket-Propelled Granade Launcher. "I have faith in you!!!"

"A little distraction is neccessary," Madoka nods as he flings the bloodstained aura dagger towards the monstrous being, much like a boomerang. It landed at the front of the beast's leg, as opposed to behind it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​
Scott looked at the monster. He didn't have a plan, but he needed something to hurt the monster that would work. He didn't want to shot it, he didn't kill things. He decided that he had an idea. Perhaps if he could get close enough, he could transform some of his memories through his memory transference to calm the monster down and get it to be friendly towards them. It was worth a shot. He tried to get close enough to shot a claw into the monster.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew

But just before she reached their leader... A much bigger, more muscle bound creature grabbed Kyoko. Normally, Ruby would have tried more carefull tactics, but now that she was up close, she had no time...

"HYAAAAAA!" She shouted, launching herself forwards with her Crescent Rose extended.

She intended to hook the scythe's blade around Nemesis's arm that was holding Kyoko, and began firing over and over with her Crescent Rose. Her intentions were clear... She was aiming to try and somehow sever Nemesis's arm.​

Suddenly, shots rang out, firing into the ground around Krauser in an attempt to get him to back off from his current engagement. Looking toward the source, one would find a blonde woman in a large pink scarf holding some kind of assault rifle. Beside her was the one and only Ilona, safe and sound.


"Krauser, dear, always one for such brutish tactics. It's clear your second bout of sickness has only made you as arrogant as ever."

Behind her stood Kieran, who was looking a bit flabbergasted to even be escorting the pair. "Turns out Ilona got out on her own. Funny, huh? Listen, some MEU members like Morrigan and Zatanna are taking on some Umbrella soldiers in the hallway. The rest of you keep engaging with these guys!" Kieran then ran off back into the hallway.

The woman placed a comforting hand on Ilona's shoulder. "Gladly. We have business, Krauser. You and that monster too."

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay

Some things were in the blood. And if there was anyone who could attest to that, it was the Lost One. And seeing the creature and Ruby seeking to do her part, he knew there was one thing to do.

Any soldiers distracted by the knives summoned by Sakuya, would be stabbed in the neck by the Executor, taking advantage of the chaos to swarm as a mass of bats, re-materializing to strike as he worked together with the group. Whittle it down to two, and then they can deal with them en mass.

Just as the Coalition was meant to work, as a team.

@Med Bay @Verite @Everyone else
The heat of battle inspires quick action and quick thinking. Kyoko's endangerment, once again, inspires a switch from defense into offense. Mason takes a moment to analyze the situation at hand.
Primary Threat:
Nemesis, choking Kyoko. Kyoko needs to be kept safe, as other allies protected those such as Spider-Gwen.
Allies at Hand:
The Producers distracting Nemesis, Ruby attacking Nemesis with Crescent Rose, and suddenly... Ilona? Alongside a mysterious sniper, who appeared to be friendly. All pieces necessary to create a plan. Nemesis appeared powerful. This is a boss that needs all hands on deck, as well as a healthy dose of creativity.
Tools Available:
Kido's RPG Launcher, Ruby's Crescent Rose, The Lady in the Pink Scarf's Rifle, along with assumed skill to use it, Barriers made by Mason's aura, and several Knives which had found their ways, through allies, into enemy bodies. If necessary, the aura tools could be reabsorbed, as well as about Half Power left to create more.

Only moments to make decisions, and the emotions driving which ones are to be made. It may not be the smartest plan, but it could be effective if executed right. Mason puts his plan into motion: Sever Nemesis' arm and take him out in one move.

First and foremost, protecting Kyoko. Mason takes the
barrier protecting himself and shifts it to protect Kyoko as much as possible from both the blasts of stray fire and the fall if this plan succeeds. Next, helping Ruby cut through the arm. He gathers the multitude of aura knives and reforms them around Crescent Rose to form one sharper, stronger, deadlier blade than before. He explains all that is necessary to Ruby, saying, "Ruby, give her a bit more firepower if you can! I'm helping with my powers. Pretty soon, brace for impact! You can handle it, right?"

Next, he addresses the lady in the pink scarf, asking, "Sniper, how good is your shot? Think you can hit something the size of a grenade?" That moment, he snaps his fingers and a glowing target of aura appears against Nemesis, placed at the point right between Ruby's scythe and Nemesis's shoulder. With proper aim from both the sniper rifle and the grenade launcher, the combined force should free Nemesis's arm from its shoulder joint. It would be bloody and somewhat dangerous, but so far "crazy" seems to work when it comes to the Coalition.

Mason braces the
grenade launcher to prepare for the recoil and takes aim at the aura target. "See the spot? Try to hit and detonate the grenade when is right there! On my mark, Sniper! Ready... Aim... Fire!"

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #yay Ilona's back
Aura Inventory: Kyoko Barrier, Crescent Rose Blade Boost, Aura Target
Aura Power: 50%
Equipment: Kido's Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher, World's Heart

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Sen @Minerva @Crow @Bomb @Takumi @The Tactician @Nater Taters @york @Kaykay @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti

"Wow, what an ugly face. Your very presence tarnishes my beautiful face..."
The noises the thing was making was doing it no favours either. But instead, the actor turned his attention to the man who looked and acted all smug, all while Kyoko was being choked right beside him. Zen had almost made a move to approach him, but he stopped himself. That creature was huge, he could snap her neck if he wanted to. Making rash decisions would lead to disastrous consequences. He bit his lip, his manager was going to lecture him on this again, chewing on his lip.

"Sure, we fight for peace. Peaceful days are good. We can all sit down and have a nice lunch, talk about our lives. I get to admire my pretty face... sometimes it gets boring, of course. Oh, not looking at myself, I meant the peace. But seriously, causing trouble doesn't do anything for anyone."

"Troublemakers like you should be locked up. Especially guys who touch a lady like that."
Reloading his handgun quickly, he fired shots at the creature's lower body away from Kyoko. Legs, feet, hips, anything the bullets could reach. While the others could deliver more damaging hits, he had to help distract it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​
When first arriving with the others back in the Coalition, Train felt uncertain--the fog of his experience in the illusion worlds still clouding his mind. By the time he awoke from it, the ex-assassin pressed on with the others, drawing Hades and aiding the others in fighting the soldiers they would need to take down.


"It's just one thing after another with this place, isn't it?" he would complain to himself, keeping his pistol raised high as he followed after the others and did his best to help out.

Once Nemesis would rear its ugly mug, Train began scanning it with his gold eyes in order to find a weak spot. He found his scan to be in vain, however, as it was difficult to discern much about a being he knew little about. So, in an effort to at least try and hit something that would do damage to the beast, Train aimed and fired a round towards its chest.

Meanwhile, when Ilona and her rescuer would arrive on the scene, the princess would grip tightly to the blaster gun she had brought with her in case she needed to either help someone or defend herself.


"I wouldn't say I escaped on my own," she corrected Kieran before he would run off. "I had a little help," she added, smiling at the woman who had come to her aide. While the princess really wished to find a way she could better thank the woman, now wasn't the time or place. They needed to secure the area first so they would be safe from Umbrella.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Verite @Medical Bay​
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

Ilona looked shocked when Krauser would go after her first thing, attempting to kill her with his blade arm. At first, the princess gripped the weapon she was holding, raising it as if she intended to defend herself.

But her mind was changed.

Ilona dropped her weapon without the slightest trace of hesitation or fear on her face and simply stood there without moving.

He's right. I've been nothing but trouble for everyone. I wonder if it'd be better for me to--

Ilona would feel her body knocked to the side by someone, falling to the floor when Train would shove her to safety and raise his gun in a swift motion to block Krauser's blade and shove it to the side.


Afterwards, Train would stand in front of the girl, glaring at Krauser. "Dammit, you could've at least tried to move if you didn't intend to fight back." Sure, she was a princess, but the girl didn't exactly strike the ex-assassin as entirely helpless. Why'd she just stand there?

Once he had blocked the attack, Train then quickly fired a bullet at Krauser's chest, trying to avoid hitting his sword-arm.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay



Toboe would charge at Nemesis, attempting to slam into it and attempt to snap the creatures neck! If all else failed, he'd at least try to distract it from the rest.


Cheza meanwhile would quickly glance to Ilona.

"Ilona--!" she cried out, wanting to warn her before it was too late. Luckily Train made it in time just as Ilona decided to stand there. Cheza was relieved, though bothered.

@Verite @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @The Tactician @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Anybody I missed
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

Ilona looked shocked when Krauser would go after her first thing, attempting to kill her with his blade arm. At first, the princess gripped the weapon she was holding, raising it as if she intended to defend herself.

But her mind was changed.

Ilona dropped her weapon without the slightest trace of hesitation or fear on her face and simply stood there without moving.

He's right. I've been nothing but trouble for everyone. I wonder if it'd be better for me to--

Ilona would feel her body knocked to the side by someone, falling to the floor when Train would shove her to safety and raise his gun in a swift motion to block Krauser's blade and shove it to the side.


Afterwards, Train would stand in front of the girl, glaring at Krauser. "Dammit, you could've at least tried to move if you didn't intend to fight back." Sure, she was a princess, but the girl didn't exactly strike the ex-assassin as entirely helpless. Why'd she just stand there?

Once he had blocked the attack, Train then quickly fired a bullet at Krauser's chest, trying to avoid hitting his sword-arm.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​


Toboe would charge at Nemesis, attempting to slam into it and attempt to snap the creatures neck! If all else failed, he'd at least try to distract it from the rest.


Cheza meanwhile would quickly glance to Ilona.

"Ilona--!" she cried out, wanting to warn her before it was too late. Luckily Train made it in time just as Ilona decided to stand there. Cheza was relieved, though bothered.

@Verite @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @The Tactician @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Anybody I missed

"Ilona!" Zidane reacted too late as Zidane was too focused on Bibi. Luckily Train was there to defend Ilona.

"Ilona! Stay close to us." Zidane said as he would launch an attack of Free Energy at Krauser, trying to repel him alongside with the efforts of Train.


@Verite @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Anybody I missed​
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Ruby Rose
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby's aura was probably the only thing stopping her from getting crushed by Nemesis's grip alone was her aura... But she wasn't about to give up, not just yet.


Concentrating as hard as she could, Ruby attempted to use her semblance, in combination with more shots from her Crescent Rose. It was alot more difficult to manage now that she was pinned under Nemesis, but she had to think of something, after all. Her scythe was still hooked around the creature's arm, so she just might be able to sever the entire arm before it was too late, but if she did miraculously succeed, she would be cutting this pretty close (no pun intended).
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mason Moretti
With superhuman reactions, certainly above what would have been expected from the soldier, Krauser would manage to lift his arm to protect his more vital area. Remilia's fingers would be able to penetrate his arm, causing him to reel back a tad in pain with a groan, but with impressive resilience, he'd bring his other arm around with the intention of backhanding the vampire in the face with what seemed to be superhuman strength, hoping to knock her over to the side, away from her. Ignoring the pain in his arm as blood dripped from it, he gritted his teeth, attention focused on the two newcomers to the playing field.

"Lalonde, you sanctimonious bitch! I should have killed you when I had the chance, especially if I'd have known about the trouble you'd stir up later!" Krauser would exclaim angrily, glaring briefly at Ilona as an example of the progress that had been undone due to Lalonde's schemes.

"I won't make the mistake of letting you live any longer again. It ends here, traitorous worm!" He would continue, and with that, only a few seconds after he'd finish that sentence, his arm, the very same one that Remilia had just penetrated with her fingers, would begin to twitch violently rather quickly, as though some sort of giant worm festered within.

Suddenly, a horrible bursting noise would be heard as his arm would violently morph into what looked like a giant metal blade, courtesy of serums created by Umbrella no doubt. The blade ripped through his clothes, and by the time it had finished morphing, it took the appearance of a rather lethal weapon, sharper and deadlier than his combat knife by a wide margin.


"First things first, though... It looks like little Ilona's becoming too much trouble than she's worth. If we can't have her, then no one will!" He roared, before bolting straight at Ilona herself, dashing at superhuman speeds with his blade-arm raised, before bringing it down, hoping to pierce the girl's very head like a pumpkin!

Meanwhile, with the combined efforts of the group, Nemesis was just barely what one could call overwhelmed, the simplistic monster's attention being drawn all over the place between Kido, Zen, Scott, and Train, among others, though their bullets would do relatively little damage as it were, the bullets either simply bouncing off his body or managing to barely dig into its flesh, though the monster would hardly react to them.

The same went for the shots from Ruby's Crescent Rose, though perhaps surprisingly enough, the scythe would be able to penetrate its arm, though only able to dig halfway through, even with Mason's support. It was then that the monster would finally groan in pain, but one could only assume that it more angered him than anything, as his next instinctive move was to slam his arm down, hoping to smash and crush Ruby, and by extension Kyoko, into the ground! Even despite the barrier put on by Mason, Kyoko would let out a loud, pained gasp, the young woman attempting to pull herself out of the creature's grasp, though to no avail.


Hoping to crush both Ruby and Kyoko under its arm, continuing to apply pressure to the ground, Nemesis would maintain his position, before letting out a low roar as two tendrils would suddenly burst from its back, lunging right at and wrapping around Madoka and Zen tightly at high speeds, lifting them up and throwing them, Madoka at Train and Zen at Mason with the hope of sending them all crashing into the nearby wall!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Ruby Rose
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby's aura was probably the only thing stopping her from getting crushed by Nemesis's grip alone was her aura... But she wasn't about to give up, not just yet.


Concentrating as hard as she could, Ruby attempted to use her semblance, in combination with more shots from her Crescent Rose. It was alot more difficult to manage now that she was pinned under Nemesis, but she had to think of something, after all. Her scythe was still hooked around the creature's arm, so she just might be able to sever the entire arm before it was too late, but if she did miraculously succeed, she would be cutting this pretty close (no pun intended).

The force of Nemesis slamming his arm into the ground shatters Mason's objects made of aura, leaving half of his energy lost for this fight. This limits what Mason can do, but it doesn't make him any less determined.

Zen's body flying straight towards him, however, is a different story. He is unable to completely dodge Zen and instead attempts to catch him. Doing so lessens the blows to Zen, but they both continue with a momentum flinging them backwards until they hit the wall. Mason protects Zen, but somewhat regrets his method of doing so as a loud popping sound is made upon collision with the wall and a searing pain rushes into his left shoulder. In the collision, he drops the
RPG Launcher and it slides along the floor, out of reach.

Gritting his teeth, Mason focuses through the intense pain.
"You okay, pop star?" Mason asks Zen before shifting his focus to Ruby and Kyoko.

From his position, he can't close to aid them, so he is limited to what his aura can create from afar. An idea snaps into his mind.

Beneath Kyoko and Ruby, Mason
forms the base for one portal out of aura horizontally on the ground. Once opened, the forces of gravity and the pressure applied by Nemesis should send the pair of girls through, and eventually Nemesis himself.

Beside Zen and himself, facing away from the wall, Mason
forms a vertical portal tied to the first.

He opens the portals between each other and waits the literal seconds it takes for Kyoko and Ruby to follow through the portal via physics. The instant the two of them are through, and before all of Nemesis can follow suit, Mason deactivates the portals, essentially performing a Portal Cut.

That is, assuming, of course, that Nemesis does not find a way to escape this attack of Mason's.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #Portal Cut #Be there to save you in a sec, Ilona

Aura Inv: [Empty after destroying portals]
Aura Pow:
About 50%
Equip: World's Heart

@Mason Moretti @Verite @Sen @york
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ringmaster @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9

Ilona looked shocked when Krauser would go after her first thing, attempting to kill her with his blade arm. At first, the princess gripped the weapon she was holding, raising it as if she intended to defend herself.

But her mind was changed.

Ilona dropped her weapon without the slightest trace of hesitation or fear on her face and simply stood there without moving.

He's right. I've been nothing but trouble for everyone. I wonder if it'd be better for me to--

Ilona would feel her body knocked to the side by someone, falling to the floor when Train would shove her to safety and raise his gun in a swift motion to block Krauser's blade and shove it to the side.


Afterwards, Train would stand in front of the girl, glaring at Krauser. "Dammit, you could've at least tried to move if you didn't intend to fight back." Sure, she was a princess, but the girl didn't exactly strike the ex-assassin as entirely helpless. Why'd she just stand there?

Once he had blocked the attack, Train then quickly fired a bullet at Krauser's chest, trying to avoid hitting his sword-arm.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​


Toboe would charge at Nemesis, attempting to slam into it and attempt to snap the creatures neck! If all else failed, he'd at least try to distract it from the rest.


Cheza meanwhile would quickly glance to Ilona.

"Ilona--!" she cried out, wanting to warn her before it was too late. Luckily Train made it in time just as Ilona decided to stand there. Cheza was relieved, though bothered.

@Verite @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @The Tactician @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Anybody I missed

"Ilona!" Zidane reacted too late as Zidane was too focused on Bibi. Luckily Train was there to defend Ilona.

"Ilona! Stay close to us." Zidane said as he would launch an attack of Free Energy at Krauser, trying to repel him alongside with the efforts of Train.


@Verite @Mason Moretti @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Anybody I missed​
Ruby Rose
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @Verite @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
@Medical Bay

Ruby's aura was probably the only thing stopping her from getting crushed by Nemesis's grip alone was her aura... But she wasn't about to give up, not just yet.


Concentrating as hard as she could, Ruby attempted to use her semblance, in combination with more shots from her Crescent Rose. It was alot more difficult to manage now that she was pinned under Nemesis, but she had to think of something, after all. Her scythe was still hooked around the creature's arm, so she just might be able to sever the entire arm before it was too late, but if she did miraculously succeed, she would be cutting this pretty close (no pun intended).​

The force of Nemesis slamming his arm into the ground shatters Mason's objects made of aura, leaving half of his energy lost for this fight. This limits what Mason can do, but it doesn't make him any less determined.

Zen's body flying straight towards him, however, is a different story. He is unable to completely dodge Zen and instead attempts to catch him. Doing so lessens the blows to Zen, but they both continue with a momentum flinging them backwards until they hit the wall. Mason protects Zen, but somewhat regrets his method of doing so as a loud popping sound is made upon collision with the wall and a searing pain rushes into his left shoulder. In the collision, he drops the
RPG Launcher and it slides along the floor, out of reach.

Gritting his teeth, Mason focuses through the intense pain.
"You okay, pop star?" Mason asks Zen before shifting his focus to Ruby and Kyoko.

From his position, he can't close to aid them, so he is limited to what his aura can create from afar. An idea snaps into his mind.

Beneath Kyoko and Ruby, Mason
forms the base for one portal out of aura horizontally on the ground. Once opened, the forces of gravity and the pressure applied by Nemesis should send the pair of girls through, and eventually Nemesis himself.

Beside Zen and himself, facing away from the wall, Mason
forms a vertical portal tied to the first.

He opens the portals between each other and waits the literal seconds it takes for Kyoko and Ruby to follow through the portal via physics. The instant the two of them are through, and before all of Nemesis can follow suit, Mason deactivates the portals, essentially performing a Portal Cut.

That is, assuming, of course, that Nemesis does not find a way to escape this attack of Mason's.

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #Portal Cut #Be there to save you in a sec, Ilona

Aura Inv: [Empty after destroying portals]
Aura Pow:
About 50%
Equip: World's Heart

@Mason Moretti @Verite @Sen @york
@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Crow @Ringmaster @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9
With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
  • Like
Reactions: Mason Moretti

Ilona looked shocked when Krauser would go after her first thing, attempting to kill her with his blade arm. At first, the princess gripped the weapon she was holding, raising it as if she intended to defend herself.

But her mind was changed.

Ilona dropped her weapon without the slightest trace of hesitation or fear on her face and simply stood there without moving.

He's right. I've been nothing but trouble for everyone. I wonder if it'd be better for me to--

Ilona would feel her body knocked to the side by someone, falling to the floor when Train would shove her to safety and raise his gun in a swift motion to block Krauser's blade and shove it to the side.


Afterwards, Train would stand in front of the girl, glaring at Krauser. "Dammit, you could've at least tried to move if you didn't intend to fight back." Sure, she was a princess, but the girl didn't exactly strike the ex-assassin as entirely helpless. Why'd she just stand there?

Once he had blocked the attack, Train then quickly fired a bullet at Krauser's chest, trying to avoid hitting his sword-arm.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Artyom seemed to frozen in time when Krauser attacked, how in the world were they supposed to beat this man, this horrible abomination of man and monster. Artyom suddenly felt a familiar chill race down his despair, it was what The Metro had instilled in him. This was where they would die, there was no point in delaying it. Arty pulled out his revolver and cocked the hammer back, he never envisioned himself going out like this, surrounded by people he...cared for.

Friendship was so hard to come by in The Metro, everyone was onlyout to advance their own motives, but some of these people, Mason...Train....hell,even Zen and the producers, they were...good people, they didn't deserve to die like this. Artyom looked up and noticed that, Krauser was attacking Train, one of his friends.

Move Artyom....move!

Artyom couldn't go out like this, he was a survivor, he survived the war that ended the world, he survived twenty years in The Metro...he had to survive, because one day....they would make it back to the surface....they would rebuild....and all would be right in the world of Metro.

Artyom dashed forward, emitting a war cry, he couldn't afford to let anyone die, he was a ranger, this is what he was trained to do.

What he was meant to do.

What he was born to do.

Artyom lept up onto the back of Krauser, wrapping one arm around his neck and pulling back, while using his other arm to try and stab Krauser with his trench knife.
With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

Just as he had done before to protect Ilona, Train raised his gun to block Krauser's attack. His sturdy pistol made of orichalcum was more than strong enough to handle taking blows. After blocking, Train would jump back, pushing Ilona further out from the line of fire with his foot.

Acting carefully because of Arty being on Krauser's back, Train fired several bullets at Krauser this time, aiming one bullet at each area of his body. His bullets never missed, so he was certain they wouldn't touch his friend. It was his hope that the enemy wouldn't be able to block all of them, and at least one of them would hit him somewhere.

While Train defended her, Ilona slowly stood back up and moved away from him. She had never asked for his, Zidane's, or anyone else's protection. Even if she was somewhat grateful, was it really necessary for them to help her? What Krauser had said before was what Ilona had half-felt this entire time. If she caused problems for everyone, maybe it would just be better if she were out of the way. After all, the lives of many were far more valuable than her own, single life.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
Scott and his morals were going to get him every time. He couldn't attack the monster and he wasn't going to hurt it, he hated seeing anything bleed. There had to be something that he could do. He had to think fast. Perhaps he could figure out a plan. He tried his alpha howl again.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay

Stiles listened to Makoto and decided that Scott would be fine. " I shall follow you to the lounge then," he said.

With swift reflexes, Krauser would be able to maneuver his arm to protect himself, the bullet harmlessly bouncing off his arm-blade, though he would manage to be pushed back by the display of Zidane's Free Energy, the man skidding back several feet as though he were on ice, before stopping on his feet with a strained grunt.

"Tch, you'll have to try better than that, rookies!"

After taking a quick breath, the mutated Krauser would penetrate one of the examination tables with his blade, the table sticking on like a kebab, before he would lift it up with superhuman strength and throw it right at Zidane!

Hoping to keep him distracted with that, the man would divert his attention back to Train, seeming to recognize him as the main obstacle in front of Ilona at the moment. With a beastly growl, as though the transformation had made him lose his humanity just a bit, the blonde man would take a running start, before lunging straight at Train with superhuman speed, swinging his blade around, hoping to get a good and deep slash in the former assassin's chest!

Nemesis let out a roar as fierce as Toboe's when he would attack it, but the hulking monster proved to be, astonishingly enough, even more durable than it already looked, reaching over to grab the wolf with his free hand and, when Mason would summon a portal to allow Ruby and Kyoko to escape, throw the wolf through the portal, managing to maintain his balance and not fall into the portal as well.

However, rather than immediately make another move after that, the one-eyed monster would give everyone a deathly look, breathing deeply, as though it needed to catch his breath, before letting out another mighty roar.


"Ggghrrr... Grraaaagh!"

At the very least though, one could make the assumption that Nemesis was gradually being worn down by all the members up against him. But it would take more than that to immediately bring him down! With that, more tendrils would burst from its back, this time with sharper edges akin to blades that would thrust right at everyone around, hoping to impale them!

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

Just as he had done before to protect Ilona, Train raised his gun to block Krauser's attack. His sturdy pistol made of orichalcum was more than strong enough to handle taking blows. After blocking, Train would jump back, pushing Ilona further out from the line of fire with his foot.

Acting carefully because of Arty being on Krauser's back, Train fired several bullets at Krauser this time, aiming one bullet at each area of his body. His bullets never missed, so he was certain they wouldn't touch his friend. It was his hope that the enemy wouldn't be able to block all of them, and at least one of them would hit him somewhere.

While Train defended her, Ilona slowly stood back up and moved away from him. She had never asked for his, Zidane's, or anyone else's protection. Even if she was somewhat grateful, was it really necessary for them to help her? What Krauser had said before was what Ilona had half-felt this entire time. If she caused problems for everyone, maybe it would just be better if she were out of the way. After all, the lives of many were far more valuable than her own, single life.

@The Tactician @Bomb @Atomyk @Verite @Atomyk @Sen @Crow @Mason Moretti @Ringmaster @york @Minerva @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay​
Zidane, utilized his reflexes, and jumped high towards the ceiling that the table went flying below.

Zidane then jumped off the ceiling and attempted an aerial slash at Krauser. However, whether this moves works or not, it puts him at a close distance with Krauser.

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