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"I'm more of a bird really," Kido says as the odd aura vanishes. "Speaking of animal metaphors, I hope you like THIS!"

Using a free hand, Kido swiftly unleashes a poster from his pockets.

"My trump card is unrivalled! Enjoying the event?"

Kido displays the poster shown to the Chimera earlier to the grunt. The poster's contents were so embarassing, the grunt would become ridiculously flustered and unnerved, thus unable to make any choices beyond being frozen in position, unable to move a single millimetre of his body, or running away with a blush on his face.
Behind this poster, however, was a hidden pistol.

Simultaneously, his other hand was unbound, allowing him to grab the gun-hand. He squeezed this gun hand tightly.

"A lot of loyalty for a hired gun. Nihi~"


"Brother! No!" Madoka exclaims with great worry! "Zen, let us hurry."

"I'm good, I'm good," Kido says.

"No, you're not. Zen, cover us, now," Madoka says, preparing to stab the grunt that attacked Kido, right in the skull area no matter what his next choice was. Her very anger fueled the aura of the dagger to the point it would be possible to pierce through the grunt's headgear.

"Threaten family, threaten me. Simple as that."

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew
Scott groaned as he wasn't the biggest fan at being shot out. He did his best to dodge the bullets, as he thought of a plan. He decided to do one of his oldest tricks. He did his Alpha howl, hoping it would either scare the guards or at least distract them.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @Verite @Takumi @Medical Bay
Artyom sighed, once again, blood would have to be spilled to insure the safety of the group. Artyom never enjoyed having to take a life, but..... he paused a moment to think, why was he thinking about this now? He was in danger, his friends were in danger, he had to help, none of the group was going to die on his watch, not if he could help it.

Artyom had always been the protective type

He pulled out his Bastard gun and opened fire on the soldiers.
Zidane hid behind a nearby wall from the gunfire. He wanted to join the battle, but he also can't leave Bibi unattended when Bibi is unconscious.

@bleh @Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Verite @Medical Bay​
A handful of the soldiers would go down easily enough, though fortunately, their numbers weren't too high to begin with. Thanks to the combined efforts of Artyom, Scott, and the Producers, among others, they wouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge, though Krauser, who had been simply standing there, hardly seemed fazed by the sight.

Though a few remained, Krauser would eventually raise his arm with his hand balled into a fist. "Stop," he would firmly command, before any remaining soldiers would suddenly back off from the rest of the group. A somewhat uncomfortable silence followed, as Krauser would let out a pause, before chuckling lowly.

"I guess I shoulda knew better when dealing with people from all across the multiverse. When you want to get something done, you just need that extra... firepower," he spoke, as though the fight was only just beginning, before snapping his fingers, a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "I just hope it won't be overkill. I'd hate for the party to end so quickly..."

"What... What are you talking about?!"

"Ask the big guy."


From the wall behind Kyoko and others, a giant, grotesque-looking humanoid figure would appear, bursting from behind and destroying what came in his way, even sending a poor stray Umbrella soldier flying to the side, presumably killing him like he was nothing. Turning around to face the monster, Kyoko would only gasp upon facing it, taking a step back as she gazed upon it. It was... It couldn't be...



"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what's yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
Last edited:
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Quite a few interesting things would happen when the group would rush towards the ringleader of the small crowd of Umbrella soldiers present. The examination table that Shizuo had grabbed was a decently strong one, mostly made of solid metal, but oddly enough, it wasn't enough to knock the sturdy man out, still remaining perfectly intact and conscious even after he'd be sent into the nearby wall with a loud PANG! from the impact of Shizuo's attack.

Still, he would recover fairly quickly from the ordeal, withstanding Toboe's following bite with a strained "Gnnngh!" though he would manage to remain on his feet, and more than that, Toboe would find that the man's skin was extremely tough, moreso than even a bear's, so penetrating would prove to be quite the task. Gritting his teeth in pain, he moved quickly, meaty fingers clamping onto the wolf's body and digging in to get a good grasp on him, before forcing Toboe off his shoulder. Holding him up with only one arm, it could assume that he had some degree of superhuman strength, as probably expected of a higher-ranking Umbrella member. Without wasting any time, the man would throw Toboe right at Shizuo, intending to have the wolf crash right into the bartender!

After that, he'd let out a grunt when Kido would channel his tunes, though they wouldn't be able to take much effect before one of the idle soldiers in the area would run behind him and restrain him, wrapping a lightly armored arm around his neck while the other hand held a pistol to his back.

"Well, well, what do we got here?! Some stray dogs looking to be put down?!"


"Heh. I prefer to call them reinforcements," Akiko said with a cocky grin, though still held back by her unbreakable bounds. At least she was pleased, apparently not too worried about the potential outcome.

"They're dead is what they are," the man grunted, before shaking his head to recover, "Looks like some rats got loose from the trap. But no matter. I got the perfect poison for pests like you."

Upon getting a better look at him, Kyoko would gasp softly, as though she vaguely recognized him from somewhere. "You... I've seen you before in the files. You're..."


"Jack Krauser. The one and only," he spat, moving about his shoulder in order to walk off the aching pain from Toboe's bite, "Don't know who you are, little missy, and don't care. You and the others shoulda stayed put like good little children, but that's okay. I'm good at... discipline. As are my troops. Like so."

With a few arm gestures, the rest of the soldiers in the room would line up behind the group while the man who called himself Jack Krauser stood in front, drawing weapons of his own, most notably a pistol and combat knife. "Ready, aim, fire!" He would exclaim, giving the rest of the soldiers the signal to open fire, and then once it was given, they would begin to fire their rifles at the group!

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay
At some point Sakuya and Remilia had tagged along with the Medical Bay group, and upon being fired at the maid drew her knives, summoning up a hailstorm of them to match up against the rifles' fire.

"Sorry, but I believe your poison has passed its expiration date."

Her knives flew forth as if they had minds of their own, moving to clash against all of the bullets and ease the rest of the group's movements amidst the bulletstorm. Though Remilia hardly had the patience to aim precisely like that. Her approach was far more direct.


"Pest? You should respect those above you, human."

Flying forth with superhuman speed, the vampire sought to thrust her fingers into Krauser's throat!

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Mason Moretti
The glass shattered brilliantly, turning off the electricity coursing around the base and drenching Makoto in the water. He reached out to grab Wanda, his knees buckling as she fell into his arms. "H-Heavier than you look," he mumbled as he knelt down and placed her on the ground.

Without Wanda, the automated weaponry seemed to relent, not recovering from Saber's attack for the moment.

"Very interesting," said a male voice over an intercom. "We were still in a testing phase, but the lot of you have given us a lot to think about. Now, keep your eyes open--"

The two metallic walls then glowed with a blue hue, signalling the opening of large panels in the walls. Out of them came walking contraptions; robots made of metal and glass, held together by an electrical force that bounced between their limbs.


Out from their hands glowed a brilliant white energy that Saber would feel particularly dangerous to her malevolence-constructed form.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
"Big damn robot!" Miko spoke out with annoyance at the mere sight of it. Time for a little dismantling eh? With her energy regained having stayed in the back safe from the previous attacks in the security station, the crimson haired woman smirked at the robots. Revving up her wheels she launched forward and into the air, insane amounts of speed to her figure as she slammed the wheels right into a blue diamond shaped 'hole' near the top of the robot, presumably where it's 'eye' would be.

@Security station
If Miko went high then Bekka would go low. Brandishing her sword the New God would leap into action by sliding under the hulking mechanical behemoth and slash at its legs with her sword in an attempt to topple it.

Seeing that the two women had everything well in hand Lois would go and check up on Wanda to see if she was relatively unharmed. "Let me help." Lois replied to Makoto as she scanned the witch with her equipment to see that there was no permanent damage.

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @SecurityStation
She had no idea what that....Thing was, but one thing Saber knew for sure was that it was dangerous. To her? Perhaps more so, considering what she was sensing. The irony wasn't lost on her, that the Coalition would be fighting alongside something such as herself, facing off against her opposite in power. Well, whether holy or not? Saber knew there was only one true response.


Saber let out a war cry, charging directly for the other to keep it off her comrades backs as as Excalibur-Fake rippled with Hellfire as she slashed away, aiming for the glass bits as she cried out.



@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Jeremi @SecurityStation​
As Miko would slam into the robot's center glass eye, its right arm moved to swat her away. The glass shattered and fizzled with small bursts of electricity. Likewise, the robot's legs were destroyed by Bekka's sword, letting out electricity that seemed to keep the contraption floating in the air.

The electricity burst out from under the robot, knocking Bekka back. Its glass indents glowed white, projecting a light that Saber wouldn't be able to cross, the light itself seeming to burn at her skin. The electricity it projected bounced across the ground, making its way for Makoto and Wanda.


"L-Lois, she won't be fine if that hits us!"

Meanwhile, the second robot as busy combating with both Jude and Leia. "It's a good thing my legs are doing better!" she yelled, a smile on her face despite the situation.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
"Then let's make sure it doesn't!" Lois grabbed unto Makoto and Wanda and blasted off like, well, a tornado from the oncoming attack with the help of her wind powers.

Bekka would have been knocked into a nearby wall but she quickly recovered and with a shout she leaped with her sword poised to pierce the metallic monstrosities back.

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @SecurityStation
Cosmo, helping Leia and Jude, send a psyche blast at the creature.

"Keep it goink you two! We almost have it!"


Meanwhile, Wanda's eyes open as a magic shield protected her and Makoto. Looking shocked, her eyes darted around.

"Where are they! My babies? I-I couldn't...."

Wanda took a breath, as she seem to gain her wits.

"What happened? Where is Ilona?"

@BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation


Her eyes staring down at the robot aiming for Makoto and Wanda, the fallen knight charged towards it with sword drawn out. While it seemed like she could be easily thrown to the side, she tapped into the power of the Dark El once again. She didn't care if this would lead into a severe situation for herself.


"... brutal... cutter..."

A dark force of energy erupted from her sword, leading for the Crimson Avenger to proceed with slicing up this robot with no mercy or hesitation.

@BarrenThin @Josh M @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
A handful of the soldiers would go down easily enough, though fortunately, their numbers weren't too high to begin with. Thanks to the combined efforts of Artyom, Scott, and the Producers, among others, they wouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge, though Krauser, who had been simply standing there, hardly seemed fazed by the sight.

Though a few remained, Krauser would eventually raise his arm with his hand balled into a fist. "Stop," he would firmly command, before any remaining soldiers would suddenly back off from the rest of the group. A somewhat uncomfortable silence followed, as Krauser would let out a pause, before chuckling lowly.

"I guess I shoulda knew better when dealing with people from all across the multiverse. When you want to get something done, you just need that extra... firepower," he spoke, as though the fight was only just beginning, before snapping his fingers, a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "I just hope it won't be overkill. I'd hate for the party to end so quickly..."

"What... What are you talking about?!"

"Ask the big guy."


"Yeah, big guy for you, that is!" Kido smirks as Madoka helps him up. "Well congratulations, you admitted to getting yourself caught. So, what's the next step of your Master Plan?"


From the wall behind Kyoko and others, a giant, grotesque-looking humanoid figure would appear, bursting from behind and destroying what came in his way, even sending a poor stray Umbrella soldier flying to the side, presumably killing him like he was nothing. Turning around to face the monster, Kyoko would only gasp upon facing it, taking a step back as she gazed upon it. It was... It couldn't be...



"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what'ts yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay


"Oh, that. Guess he's going to crash this place."


"There will be survivors..." Madoka speaks will blood boiling in her. Her eyes began to shine a vibrant colour of chrome while the aforementioned 'Big guy' began to strangle Kyoko.

Upon seeing 'big guy' strangling Kyoko, Kido would feel an extent of rage. "I won't let Kyoko die. Not today, not tomorrow. If I do... well, no time for motivational speeches... or plans for that matter"

Unleashing his gun, Kido shoots the monstrousity on the leg, in hopes of distracting it. He expected the monster to follow him around the room, chasing him...

"Mason!" Kido swiftly passes Mason his Rocket-Propelled Granade Launcher. "I have faith in you!!!"

"A little distraction is neccessary," Madoka nods as he flings the bloodstained aura dagger towards the monstrous being, much like a boomerang. It landed at the front of the beast's leg, as opposed to behind it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​
  • Thank You
Reactions: Mason Moretti
Scott looked at the monster. He didn't have a plan, but he needed something to hurt the monster that would work. He didn't want to shot it, he didn't kill things. He decided that he had an idea. Perhaps if he could get close enough, he could transform some of his memories through his memory transference to calm the monster down and get it to be friendly towards them. It was worth a shot. He tried to get close enough to shot a claw into the monster.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew

Stiles groaned. " Oh come on, there can't be an endless supply things that want to hurt us," he said.

My life sucks.

@BarrenThin @Josh M @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite
@Medical Bay
A collab done with the help of @Ringmaster
Ruby Rose & Lucifer

At some point or another, after everyone was broken free of their illusions, Ruby finally surveyed those that were still stuck in illusions... There were people that didn't make it through their illusions at all, and... One of them happened to be... Her uncle, Qrow!

She found him, just in time to see him get dragged away into another cell by Lucifer. Zwei was still down for the count, but she knew he would be awake again by the time Weiss was, at the very least, so for the time being, she left him to sleep in peace, and rushed off after Lucifer. It was clear she was concerned about her Uncle, and was looking to check up on him before she did anything else.


Student, fellow agent....Friend. This one and another, long ago. He smiled sadly before adding quietly as he arrested himself in his movements and spoke.

"He's alright for now. In a coma, but I managed to move him and the others to a different cell. Won't do much for a systematic search. But I'm hoping they'll presume everyone escaped together."

Ruby nodded, a little, but a look of obvious concern was on her face, as she looked at Qrow's comatose figure for a moment, before she frowned.

"But... But... Shouldn't we take them to the med bay?" She asked.

Though she understood what Lucifer was trying to do, she was clearly worried about Qrow's well being, as well as the wellbeing of the other comatose people... That and she did want to check up on Jennifer too, she really hoped that the intruders in the Coalition hadn't done anything with her...

"Not all of them. And not with the villains we may face."

Lucifer wanted to, but lugging all of them would be a problem, especially encountering enemies. Attempting reassurance, he added.

"This way, at least your uncle and the others will be safe. Everyone left for the med bay, right?"

Ruby thought about this for a moment, remembering that people didn't just depart for the med bay too... There was some other place as well.

"There was the Security Station too... But..." She trailed off, her mind somewhere else.

"We... We need to check on Jennifer..." She said, her voice was a bit quieter.

She looked towards Qrow and the others apologetically, she still felt guilty about leaving them behind, but she realized it would be pretty difficult to run around carrying them too.

"Then to Jennifer we'll go."

Lucifer said with a smile as he flicked out his hands, the hilts of his weapons between his fingers as he prepared himself. As he did so, he looked fondly down at Ruby. How long had it been, since he had seen that face in a situation like this? Sure, it was a different one- And yes, this Ruby Rose was in many respects, other than the one he had fought alongside with.

She had her own experiences of the multiverse, people she had befriended and trusted, that she depended on. Just as he did, throughout the years he had been lost and joined up with this organization. But at her core, she was every bit the huntress he recalled. The heroic soul he adored.

And it would be a cold day in hell, when he wouldn't trust Ruby Rose to watch his back.

"Lets go Ruby."

Ruby nodded... Drawing her crescent rose once more as she began to head towards the med bay. Though she still felt bad about leaving Qrow behind, she knew the least she could do was make sure Jennifer was okay.

Perhaps after they cleared the place of Umbrella personell, she could check back on her comatose uncle once more... Weiss too, who hopefully should be awake by the time she got back.


The way seemed to be nominally clear. Any enemy that was around, seemed to be gone. At least, in the sense that they didn't encounter any patrols. To Lucifer, that boded ill and he frowned.

And then he heard the noise.

Quite a few interesting things would happen when the group would rush towards the ringleader of the small crowd of Umbrella soldiers present. The examination table that Shizuo had grabbed was a decently strong one, mostly made of solid metal, but oddly enough, it wasn't enough to knock the sturdy man out, still remaining perfectly intact and conscious even after he'd be sent into the nearby wall with a loud PANG! from the impact of Shizuo's attack.

Still, he would recover fairly quickly from the ordeal, withstanding Toboe's following bite with a strained "Gnnngh!" though he would manage to remain on his feet, and more than that, Toboe would find that the man's skin was extremely tough, moreso than even a bear's, so penetrating would prove to be quite the task. Gritting his teeth in pain, he moved quickly, meaty fingers clamping onto the wolf's body and digging in to get a good grasp on him, before forcing Toboe off his shoulder. Holding him up with only one arm, it could assume that he had some degree of superhuman strength, as probably expected of a higher-ranking Umbrella member. Without wasting any time, the man would throw Toboe right at Shizuo, intending to have the wolf crash right into the bartender!
"Ruby, armored-piercing. No sense taking chances. I'll flank you."

Fresh and flushed with power from Handsome Jack's blood, Lucifer would tap into his more eldritch powers. And without breaking stride, dove through the floor as he phased through.

After that, he'd let out a grunt when Kido would channel his tunes, though they wouldn't be able to take much effect before one of the idle soldiers in the area would run behind him and restrain him, wrapping a lightly armored arm around his neck while the other hand held a pistol to his back.

"Well, well, what do we got here?! Some stray dogs looking to be put down?!"


"Heh. I prefer to call them reinforcements," Akiko said with a cocky grin, though still held back by her unbreakable bounds. At least she was pleased, apparently not too worried about the potential outcome.

"They're dead is what they are," the man grunted, before shaking his head to recover, "Looks like some rats got loose from the trap. But no matter. I got the perfect poison for pests like you."

Upon getting a better look at him, Kyoko would gasp softly, as though she vaguely recognized him from somewhere. "You... I've seen you before in the files. You're..."


"Jack Krauser. The one and only," he spat, moving about his shoulder in order to walk off the aching pain from Toboe's bite,"Don't know who you are, little missy, and don't care. You and the others shoulda stayed put like good little children, but that's okay. I'm good at... discipline. As are my troops. Like so."

With a few arm gestures, the rest of the soldiers in the room would line up behind the group while the man who called himself Jack Krauser stood in front, drawing weapons of his own, most notably a pistol and combat knife. "Ready, aim, fire!"He would exclaim, giving the rest of the soldiers the signal to open fire, and then once it was given, they would begin to fire their rifles at the group!

Lucifer, regardless of Ruby's own efforts couldn't wait.

And like a ghost, he emerged from the solid floor behind the soldiers, the Burial Agency's signature weapons glinting between his fingers.

"Deus Vult."

And then he began to move.

Conflict and war had been something the Executor had forged himself with, from childhood to adulthood. To an extent that peace had become foreign to him, that nightmares a part of his existence now. It was a price he paid gladly, for those who were innocent to remain so for a long time. In peace, he was different- Awkward and unsure. But confronted with a situation like this?

Oh, he had no hesitation whatsoever as experience won and body memory went to work. Black keys would be thrown into neck areas, always into the soft spots in between the body armor. Also a good way to kill nigh-immediately, if you aimed at the back of the neck. The Medulla Oblongata- Snipers called it 'the sweet spot'. And while not a sniper per se, he had memorized such things in turn. Never knew when it'd be useful.

Which brought him to the second part.

Professional soldiers, led by what looked like a very dangerous man. His little ambush while they tried to shoot him or engage up close after his black keys were thrown had hopefully, bought his companions time. But just in case....

He produced another black key, flinging it in between the bodies to embed itself next to Spider-Gwen.

They'd make their own odds.


Ruby snuck quietly, carefully, with Lucifer, but nonetheless, the two were a bit later to the party. Even so, as she heard the sounds of fighting, she kept quiet as she headed into the med bay, to find Kyoko's group already attacking someone in the middle of the room.

When her eyes fell on Jennifer, something seemed to... Snap in her. The whole situation, Umbrella taking over the facility, the captives... The illusions, she just... Couldn't take it anymore.

She barely registered Lucifer's voice, much less the attack the others had made against a particular target, the leader of the soldiers. As the order was given for the rest of them to fire on the group in the informary, Ruby finally made her move.

Swiftly... Silently, she charged forwards, using her semblance to attempt to swerve past the weapons fire.


As she moved, she swung her Crescent Rose wildly attempting to cleave her way through the soldiers to make her way to their leader, even managing to fire off a few shots from her Crescent Rose in the process.

There was a certain... Intensity in her movements, and a lack of verbal communication. An fierce look was in her eyes, unlike anything that most had ever seen in her, and for the moment, her innocence had more or less vanished, as she had focused all the efforts in her on the battle she was currently taking place in, with one distinct goal in mind; she aimed to take out the leader of these soldiers in the room... Somehow.
A handful of the soldiers would go down easily enough, though fortunately, their numbers weren't too high to begin with. Thanks to the combined efforts of Artyom, Scott, and the Producers, among others, they wouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge, though Krauser, who had been simply standing there, hardly seemed fazed by the sight.

Though a few remained, Krauser would eventually raise his arm with his hand balled into a fist. "Stop," he would firmly command, before any remaining soldiers would suddenly back off from the rest of the group. A somewhat uncomfortable silence followed, as Krauser would let out a pause, before chuckling lowly.

"I guess I shoulda knew better when dealing with people from all across the multiverse. When you want to get something done, you just need that extra... firepower," he spoke, as though the fight was only just beginning, before snapping his fingers, a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "I just hope it won't be overkill. I'd hate for the party to end so quickly..."

"What... What are you talking about?!"

"Ask the big guy."


From the wall behind Kyoko and others, a giant, grotesque-looking humanoid figure would appear, bursting from behind and destroying what came in his way, even sending a poor stray Umbrella soldier flying to the side, presumably killing him like he was nothing. Turning around to face the monster, Kyoko would only gasp upon facing it, taking a step back as she gazed upon it. It was... It couldn't be...



"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what's yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay
But just before she reached their leader... A much bigger, more muscle bound creature grabbed Kyoko. Normally, Ruby would have tried more carefull tactics, but now that she was up close, she had no time...

"HYAAAAAA!" She shouted, launching herself forwards with her Crescent Rose extended.

She intended to hook the scythe's blade around Nemesis's arm that was holding Kyoko, and began firing over and over with her Crescent Rose. Her intentions were clear... She was aiming to try and somehow sever Nemesis's arm.​
One of the robots was cut down by Bekka and Elesis' attacks, exploding into a shower of light and heat that battered at anyone who was battling with it. Steam was released into the air with every robot killed, drenching the room in a humid and heavy mist. Their numbers were dwindling, but the steady stream of them did not seem to be relenting.


Meanwhile Makoto was reeling from the fact that both he and the Scarlet Witch were being propelled into the air by Lois. The experience was more than a little nauseating. "D-Don't worry, Miss Wanda! It's gonna be okay!"

Now that they were in the air, Makoto looked toward one of the metallic walls, realizing he heard something from beyond them. "I think... we need to break down those walls, everyone!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

Suddenly, shots rang out, firing into the ground around Krauser in an attempt to get him to back off from his current engagement. Looking toward the source, one would find a blonde woman in a large pink scarf holding some kind of assault rifle. Beside her was the one and only Ilona, safe and sound.


"Krauser, dear, always one for such brutish tactics. It's clear your second bout of sickness has only made you as arrogant as ever."

Behind her stood Kieran, who was looking a bit flabbergasted to even be escorting the pair. "Turns out Ilona got out on her own. Funny, huh? Listen, some MEU members like Morrigan and Zatanna are taking on some Umbrella soldiers in the hallway. The rest of you keep engaging with these guys!" Kieran then ran off back into the hallway.

The woman placed a comforting hand on Ilona's shoulder. "Gladly. We have business, Krauser. You and that monster too."

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay


Her eyes staring down at the robot aiming for Makoto and Wanda, the fallen knight charged towards it with sword drawn out. While it seemed like she could be easily thrown to the side, she tapped into the power of the Dark El once again. She didn't care if this would lead into a severe situation for herself.


"... brutal... cutter..."

A dark force of energy erupted from her sword, leading for the Crimson Avenger to proceed with slicing up this robot with no mercy or hesitation.

@BarrenThin @Josh M @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
Scott looked at the monster. He didn't have a plan, but he needed something to hurt the monster that would work. He didn't want to shot it, he didn't kill things. He decided that he had an idea. Perhaps if he could get close enough, he could transform some of his memories through his memory transference to calm the monster down and get it to be friendly towards them. It was worth a shot. He tried to get close enough to shot a claw into the monster.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew

Stiles groaned. " Oh come on, there can't be an endless supply things that want to hurt us," he said.

My life sucks.

@BarrenThin @Josh M @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation


"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what's yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.
But just before she reached their leader... A much bigger, more muscle bound creature grabbed Kyoko. Normally, Ruby would have tried more carefull tactics, but now that she was up close, she had no time...

"HYAAAAAA!" She shouted, launching herself forwards with her Crescent Rose extended.

She intended to hook the scythe's blade around Nemesis's arm that was holding Kyoko, and began firing over and over with her Crescent Rose. Her intentions were clear... She was aiming to try and somehow sever Nemesis's arm.
As Miko would slam into the robot's center glass eye, its right arm moved to swat her away. The glass shattered and fizzled with small bursts of electricity. Likewise, the robot's legs were destroyed by Bekka's sword, letting out electricity that seemed to keep the contraption floating in the air.

The electricity burst out from under the robot, knocking Bekka back. Its glass indents glowed white, projecting a light that Saber wouldn't be able to cross, the light itself seeming to burn at her skin. The electricity it projected bounced across the ground, making its way for Makoto and Wanda.


"L-Lois, she won't be fine if that hits us!"

Meanwhile, the second robot as busy combating with both Jude and Leia. "It's a good thing my legs are doing better!" she yelled, a smile on her face despite the situation.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

In the security room, Saber Alter cried out with pain.

In the med bay, Lucifer snarled.

Both limited in their options, both out of time.

To do nothing was to die.

To do nothing was to see others die.

Defeat him/it.


Use it....What you are.

Saber Alter



She was Saber Alter. Shadow of the King of Knights. Despair and Entropy given form. She was power and death and no machine, no creature would deny her that! Because no matter what she was....No matter how much she yearned to be more, she was created to be a monster.

So she gave the creation a monster.



And with an outcry, she aimed for the wall as she unleashed her might.

@Security @Atomyk @Everyone else


Some things were in the blood. And if there was anyone who could attest to that, it was the Lost One. And seeing the creature and Ruby seeking to do her part, he knew there was one thing to do.

Any soldiers distracted by the knives summoned by Sakuya, would be stabbed in the neck by the Executor, taking advantage of the chaos to swarm as a mass of bats, re-materializing to strike as he worked together with the group. Whittle it down to two, and then they can deal with them en mass.

Just as the Coalition was meant to work, as a team.

@Med Bay @Verite @Everyone else
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A handful of the soldiers would go down easily enough, though fortunately, their numbers weren't too high to begin with. Thanks to the combined efforts of Artyom, Scott, and the Producers, among others, they wouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge, though Krauser, who had been simply standing there, hardly seemed fazed by the sight.

Though a few remained, Krauser would eventually raise his arm with his hand balled into a fist. "Stop," he would firmly command, before any remaining soldiers would suddenly back off from the rest of the group. A somewhat uncomfortable silence followed, as Krauser would let out a pause, before chuckling lowly.

"I guess I shoulda knew better when dealing with people from all across the multiverse. When you want to get something done, you just need that extra... firepower," he spoke, as though the fight was only just beginning, before snapping his fingers, a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "I just hope it won't be overkill. I'd hate for the party to end so quickly..."

"What... What are you talking about?!"

"Ask the big guy."


From the wall behind Kyoko and others, a giant, grotesque-looking humanoid figure would appear, bursting from behind and destroying what came in his way, even sending a poor stray Umbrella soldier flying to the side, presumably killing him like he was nothing. Turning around to face the monster, Kyoko would only gasp upon facing it, taking a step back as she gazed upon it. It was... It couldn't be...



"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what's yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

At some point Sakuya and Remilia had tagged along with the Medical Bay group, and upon being fired at the maid drew her knives, summoning up a hailstorm of them to match up against the rifles' fire.

"Sorry, but I believe your poison has passed its expiration date."

Her knives flew forth as if they had minds of their own, moving to clash against all of the bullets and ease the rest of the group's movements amidst the bulletstorm. Though Remilia hardly had the patience to aim precisely like that. Her approach was far more direct.


"Pest? You should respect those above you, human."

Flying forth with superhuman speed, the vampire sought to thrust her fingers into Krauser's throat!

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​


"Yeah, big guy for you, that is!" Kido smirks as Madoka helps him up. "Well congratulations, you admitted to getting yourself caught. So, what's the next step of your Master Plan?"


"Oh, that. Guess he's going to crash this place."


"There will be survivors..." Madoka speaks will blood boiling in her. Her eyes began to shine a vibrant colour of chrome while the aforementioned 'Big guy' began to strangle Kyoko.

Upon seeing 'big guy' strangling Kyoko, Kido would feel an extent of rage. "I won't let Kyoko die. Not today, not tomorrow. If I do... well, no time for motivational speeches... or plans for that matter"

Unleashing his gun, Kido shoots the monstrousity on the leg, in hopes of distracting it. He expected the monster to follow him around the room, chasing him...

"Mason!" Kido swiftly passes Mason his Rocket-Propelled Granade Launcher. "I have faith in you!!!"

"A little distraction is neccessary," Madoka nods as he flings the bloodstained aura dagger towards the monstrous being, much like a boomerang. It landed at the front of the beast's leg, as opposed to behind it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Verite
@Medical Bay
A collab done with the help of @Ringmaster
Ruby Rose & Lucifer

At some point or another, after everyone was broken free of their illusions, Ruby finally surveyed those that were still stuck in illusions... There were people that didn't make it through their illusions at all, and... One of them happened to be... Her uncle, Qrow!

She found him, just in time to see him get dragged away into another cell by Lucifer. Zwei was still down for the count, but she knew he would be awake again by the time Weiss was, at the very least, so for the time being, she left him to sleep in peace, and rushed off after Lucifer. It was clear she was concerned about her Uncle, and was looking to check up on him before she did anything else.


Student, fellow agent....Friend. This one and another, long ago. He smiled sadly before adding quietly as he arrested himself in his movements and spoke.

"He's alright for now. In a coma, but I managed to move him and the others to a different cell. Won't do much for a systematic search. But I'm hoping they'll presume everyone escaped together."

Ruby nodded, a little, but a look of obvious concern was on her face, as she looked at Qrow's comatose figure for a moment, before she frowned.

"But... But... Shouldn't we take them to the med bay?" She asked.

Though she understood what Lucifer was trying to do, she was clearly worried about Qrow's well being, as well as the wellbeing of the other comatose people... That and she did want to check up on Jennifer too, she really hoped that the intruders in the Coalition hadn't done anything with her...

"Not all of them. And not with the villains we may face."

Lucifer wanted to, but lugging all of them would be a problem, especially encountering enemies. Attempting reassurance, he added.

"This way, at least your uncle and the others will be safe. Everyone left for the med bay, right?"

Ruby thought about this for a moment, remembering that people didn't just depart for the med bay too... There was some other place as well.

"There was the Security Station too... But..." She trailed off, her mind somewhere else.

"We... We need to check on Jennifer..." She said, her voice was a bit quieter.

She looked towards Qrow and the others apologetically, she still felt guilty about leaving them behind, but she realized it would be pretty difficult to run around carrying them too.

"Then to Jennifer we'll go."

Lucifer said with a smile as he flicked out his hands, the hilts of his weapons between his fingers as he prepared himself. As he did so, he looked fondly down at Ruby. How long had it been, since he had seen that face in a situation like this? Sure, it was a different one- And yes, this Ruby Rose was in many respects, other than the one he had fought alongside with.

She had her own experiences of the multiverse, people she had befriended and trusted, that she depended on. Just as he did, throughout the years he had been lost and joined up with this organization. But at her core, she was every bit the huntress he recalled. The heroic soul he adored.

And it would be a cold day in hell, when he wouldn't trust Ruby Rose to watch his back.

"Lets go Ruby."

Ruby nodded... Drawing her crescent rose once more as she began to head towards the med bay. Though she still felt bad about leaving Qrow behind, she knew the least she could do was make sure Jennifer was okay.

Perhaps after they cleared the place of Umbrella personell, she could check back on her comatose uncle once more... Weiss too, who hopefully should be awake by the time she got back.


The way seemed to be nominally clear. Any enemy that was around, seemed to be gone. At least, in the sense that they didn't encounter any patrols. To Lucifer, that boded ill and he frowned.

And then he heard the noise.

"Ruby, armored-piercing. No sense taking chances. I'll flank you."

Fresh and flushed with power from Handsome Jack's blood, Lucifer would tap into his more eldritch powers. And without breaking stride, dove through the floor as he phased through.

Lucifer, regardless of Ruby's own efforts couldn't wait.

And like a ghost, he emerged from the solid floor behind the soldiers, the Burial Agency's signature weapons glinting between his fingers.

"Deus Vult."

And then he began to move.

Conflict and war had been something the Executor had forged himself with, from childhood to adulthood. To an extent that peace had become foreign to him, that nightmares a part of his existence now. It was a price he paid gladly, for those who were innocent to remain so for a long time. In peace, he was different- Awkward and unsure. But confronted with a situation like this?

Oh, he had no hesitation whatsoever as experience won and body memory went to work. Black keys would be thrown into neck areas, always into the soft spots in between the body armor. Also a good way to kill nigh-immediately, if you aimed at the back of the neck. The Medulla Oblongata- Snipers called it 'the sweet spot'. And while not a sniper per se, he had memorized such things in turn. Never knew when it'd be useful.

Which brought him to the second part.

Professional soldiers, led by what looked like a very dangerous man. His little ambush while they tried to shoot him or engage up close after his black keys were thrown had hopefully, bought his companions time. But just in case....

He produced another black key, flinging it in between the bodies to embed itself next to Spider-Gwen.

They'd make their own odds.


Ruby snuck quietly, carefully, with Lucifer, but nonetheless, the two were a bit later to the party. Even so, as she heard the sounds of fighting, she kept quiet as she headed into the med bay, to find Kyoko's group already attacking someone in the middle of the room.

When her eyes fell on Jennifer, something seemed to... Snap in her. The whole situation, Umbrella taking over the facility, the captives... The illusions, she just... Couldn't take it anymore.

She barely registered Lucifer's voice, much less the attack the others had made against a particular target, the leader of the soldiers. As the order was given for the rest of them to fire on the group in the informary, Ruby finally made her move.

Swiftly... Silently, she charged forwards, using her semblance to attempt to swerve past the weapons fire.


As she moved, she swung her Crescent Rose wildly attempting to cleave her way through the soldiers to make her way to their leader, even managing to fire off a few shots from her Crescent Rose in the process.

There was a certain... Intensity in her movements, and a lack of verbal communication. An fierce look was in her eyes, unlike anything that most had ever seen in her, and for the moment, her innocence had more or less vanished, as she had focused all the efforts in her on the battle she was currently taking place in, with one distinct goal in mind; she aimed to take out the leader of these soldiers in the room... Somehow.

But just before she reached their leader... A much bigger, more muscle bound creature grabbed Kyoko. Normally, Ruby would have tried more carefull tactics, but now that she was up close, she had no time...

"HYAAAAAA!" She shouted, launching herself forwards with her Crescent Rose extended.

She intended to hook the scythe's blade around Nemesis's arm that was holding Kyoko, and began firing over and over with her Crescent Rose. Her intentions were clear... She was aiming to try and somehow sever Nemesis's arm.​

One of the robots was cut down by Bekka and Elesis' attacks, exploding into a shower of light and heat that battered at anyone who was battling with it. Steam was released into the air with every robot killed, drenching the room in a humid and heavy mist. Their numbers were dwindling, but the steady stream of them did not seem to be relenting.


Meanwhile Makoto was reeling from the fact that both he and the Scarlet Witch were being propelled into the air by Lois. The experience was more than a little nauseating. "D-Don't worry, Miss Wanda! It's gonna be okay!"

Now that they were in the air, Makoto looked toward one of the metallic walls, realizing he heard something from beyond them. "I think... we need to break down those walls, everyone!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

Suddenly, shots rang out, firing into the ground around Krauser in an attempt to get him to back off from his current engagement. Looking toward the source, one would find a blonde woman in a large pink scarf holding some kind of assault rifle. Beside her was the one and only Ilona, safe and sound.


"Krauser, dear, always one for such brutish tactics. It's clear your second bout of sickness has only made you as arrogant as ever."

Behind her stood Kieran, who was looking a bit flabbergasted to even be escorting the pair. "Turns out Ilona got out on her own. Funny, huh? Listen, some MEU members like Morrigan and Zatanna are taking on some Umbrella soldiers in the hallway. The rest of you keep engaging with these guys!" Kieran then ran off back into the hallway.

The woman placed a comforting hand on Ilona's shoulder. "Gladly. We have business, Krauser. You and that monster too."

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay

In the security room, Saber Alter cried out with pain.

In the med bay, Lucifer snarled.

Both limited in their options, both out of time.

To do nothing was to die.

To do nothing was to see others die.

Defeat him/it.


Use it....What you are.

Saber Alter



She was Saber Alter. Shadow of the King of Knights. Despair and Entropy given form. She was power and death and no machine, no creature would deny her that! Because no matter what she was....No matter how much she yearned to be more, she was created to be a monster.

So she gave the creation a monster.



And with an outcry, she aimed for the wall as she unleashed her might.

@Security @Atomyk @Everyone else


Some things were in the blood. And if there was anyone who could attest to that, it was the Lost One. And seeing the creature and Ruby seeking to do her part, he knew there was one thing to do.

Any soldiers distracted by the knives summoned by Sakuya, would be stabbed in the neck by the Executor, taking advantage of the chaos to swarm as a mass of bats, re-materializing to strike as he worked together with the group. Whittle it down to two, and then they can deal with them en mass.

Just as the Coalition was meant to work, as a team.

@Med Bay @Verite @Everyone else

The heat of battle inspires quick action and quick thinking. Kyoko's endangerment, once again, inspires a switch from defense into offense. Mason takes a moment to analyze the situation at hand.
Primary Threat:
Nemesis, choking Kyoko. Kyoko needs to be kept safe, as other allies protected those such as Spider-Gwen.
Allies at Hand:
The Producers distracting Nemesis, Ruby attacking Nemesis with Crescent Rose, and suddenly... Ilona? Alongside a mysterious sniper, who appeared to be friendly. All pieces necessary to create a plan. Nemesis appeared powerful. This is a boss that needs all hands on deck, as well as a healthy dose of creativity.
Tools Available:
Kido's RPG Launcher, Ruby's Crescent Rose, The Lady in the Pink Scarf's Rifle, along with assumed skill to use it, Barriers made by Mason's aura, and several Knives which had found their ways, through allies, into enemy bodies. If necessary, the aura tools could be reabsorbed, as well as about Half Power left to create more.

Only moments to make decisions, and the emotions driving which ones are to be made. It may not be the smartest plan, but it could be effective if executed right. Mason puts his plan into motion: Sever Nemesis' arm and take him out in one move.

First and foremost, protecting Kyoko. Mason takes the
barrier protecting himself and shifts it to protect Kyoko as much as possible from both the blasts of stray fire and the fall if this plan succeeds. Next, helping Ruby cut through the arm. He gathers the multitude of aura knives and reforms them around Crescent Rose to form one sharper, stronger, deadlier blade than before. He explains all that is necessary to Ruby, saying, "Ruby, give her a bit more firepower if you can! I'm helping with my powers. Pretty soon, brace for impact! You can handle it, right?"

Next, he addresses the lady in the pink scarf, asking, "Sniper, how good is your shot? Think you can hit something the size of a grenade?" That moment, he snaps his fingers and a glowing target of aura appears against Nemesis, placed at the point right between Ruby's scythe and Nemesis's shoulder. With proper aim from both the sniper rifle and the grenade launcher, the combined force should free Nemesis's arm from its shoulder joint. It would be bloody and somewhat dangerous, but so far "crazy" seems to work when it comes to the Coalition.

Mason braces the
grenade launcher to prepare for the recoil and takes aim at the aura target. "See the spot? Try to hit and detonate the grenade when is right there! On my mark, Sniper! Ready... Aim... Fire!"

#Med Bay #Kyoko Krew #Free Masons #yay Ilona's back
Aura Inventory: Kyoko Barrier, Crescent Rose Blade Boost, Aura Target
Aura Power: 50%
Equipment: Kido's Rocket Propelled Grenade Launcher, World's Heart

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Sen @Minerva @Crow @Bomb @Takumi @The Tactician @Nater Taters @york @Kaykay @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mason Moretti
A handful of the soldiers would go down easily enough, though fortunately, their numbers weren't too high to begin with. Thanks to the combined efforts of Artyom, Scott, and the Producers, among others, they wouldn't prove to be too much of a challenge, though Krauser, who had been simply standing there, hardly seemed fazed by the sight.

Though a few remained, Krauser would eventually raise his arm with his hand balled into a fist. "Stop," he would firmly command, before any remaining soldiers would suddenly back off from the rest of the group. A somewhat uncomfortable silence followed, as Krauser would let out a pause, before chuckling lowly.

"I guess I shoulda knew better when dealing with people from all across the multiverse. When you want to get something done, you just need that extra... firepower," he spoke, as though the fight was only just beginning, before snapping his fingers, a cocky smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "I just hope it won't be overkill. I'd hate for the party to end so quickly..."

"What... What are you talking about?!"

"Ask the big guy."


From the wall behind Kyoko and others, a giant, grotesque-looking humanoid figure would appear, bursting from behind and destroying what came in his way, even sending a poor stray Umbrella soldier flying to the side, presumably killing him like he was nothing. Turning around to face the monster, Kyoko would only gasp upon facing it, taking a step back as she gazed upon it. It was... It couldn't be...



"I prefer to call him Nemesis myself. Why don't you all say hello?" He asked, evidently more confident in his stance now that his surprise had been sprung.

"Everyone, get ba--Guaagh!"

Kyoko would call out for everyone to move away from the monster known as Nemesis, but she would be silenced quickly when it wouldn't hesitate to grab her by the neck with its powerful hand, lifting her cleanly up from the ground and beginning to choke her out, while Krauser, arms crossed, merely watched.

"Your determination, your conviction, from all of you, I could almost admire it, if it weren't for such a futile and misguided purpose," Krauser said to the rest of you nonchalantly, almost as though ignoring Kyoko getting choked out, "But think about it. What is it you really fight for? Peace? Stability? Some hopeless ideal you couldn't ever achieve? Wake up already! You couldn't even protect what's yours, could you?" He taunted, twirling his weapons in his hands.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Medical Bay

"Yeah, big guy for you, that is!" Kido smirks as Madoka helps him up. "Well congratulations, you admitted to getting yourself caught. So, what's the next step of your Master Plan?"


"Oh, that. Guess he's going to crash this place."


"There will be survivors..." Madoka speaks will blood boiling in her. Her eyes began to shine a vibrant colour of chrome while the aforementioned 'Big guy' began to strangle Kyoko.

Upon seeing 'big guy' strangling Kyoko, Kido would feel an extent of rage. "I won't let Kyoko die. Not today, not tomorrow. If I do... well, no time for motivational speeches... or plans for that matter"

Unleashing his gun, Kido shoots the monstrousity on the leg, in hopes of distracting it. He expected the monster to follow him around the room, chasing him...

"Mason!" Kido swiftly passes Mason his Rocket-Propelled Granade Launcher. "I have faith in you!!!"

"A little distraction is neccessary," Madoka nods as he flings the bloodstained aura dagger towards the monstrous being, much like a boomerang. It landed at the front of the beast's leg, as opposed to behind it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​

"Wow, what an ugly face. Your very presence tarnishes my beautiful face..."
The noises the thing was making was doing it no favours either. But instead, the actor turned his attention to the man who looked and acted all smug, all while Kyoko was being choked right beside him. Zen had almost made a move to approach him, but he stopped himself. That creature was huge, he could snap her neck if he wanted to. Making rash decisions would lead to disastrous consequences. He bit his lip, his manager was going to lecture him on this again, chewing on his lip.

"Sure, we fight for peace. Peaceful days are good. We can all sit down and have a nice lunch, talk about our lives. I get to admire my pretty face... sometimes it gets boring, of course. Oh, not looking at myself, I meant the peace. But seriously, causing trouble doesn't do anything for anyone."

"Troublemakers like you should be locked up. Especially guys who touch a lady like that."
Reloading his handgun quickly, he fired shots at the creature's lower body away from Kyoko. Legs, feet, hips, anything the bullets could reach. While the others could deliver more damaging hits, he had to help distract it.

@Mason Moretti @The Tactician @Verite @Crow @Kaykay @Nater Taters @Sen @Minerva @Bomb @Ringmaster @LuckycoolHawk9 @Takumi @Medical Bay @KyokoKrew​
One of the robots was cut down by Bekka and Elesis' attacks, exploding into a shower of light and heat that battered at anyone who was battling with it. Steam was released into the air with every robot killed, drenching the room in a humid and heavy mist. Their numbers were dwindling, but the steady stream of them did not seem to be relenting.


Meanwhile Makoto was reeling from the fact that both he and the Scarlet Witch were being propelled into the air by Lois. The experience was more than a little nauseating. "D-Don't worry, Miss Wanda! It's gonna be okay!"

Now that they were in the air, Makoto looked toward one of the metallic walls, realizing he heard something from beyond them. "I think... we need to break down those walls, everyone!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

Suddenly, shots rang out, firing into the ground around Krauser in an attempt to get him to back off from his current engagement. Looking toward the source, one would find a blonde woman in a large pink scarf holding some kind of assault rifle. Beside her was the one and only Ilona, safe and sound.


"Krauser, dear, always one for such brutish tactics. It's clear your second bout of sickness has only made you as arrogant as ever."

Behind her stood Kieran, who was looking a bit flabbergasted to even be escorting the pair. "Turns out Ilona got out on her own. Funny, huh? Listen, some MEU members like Morrigan and Zatanna are taking on some Umbrella soldiers in the hallway. The rest of you keep engaging with these guys!" Kieran then ran off back into the hallway.

The woman placed a comforting hand on Ilona's shoulder. "Gladly. We have business, Krauser. You and that monster too."

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay

Seeing as how Saber Alter seemed to have aimed her powers at the wall, Bekka would instead turn her focus against the enemies still attacking them until they had a proper way to escape.

"I'm sorry, we just had to get away fast." Lois replied to Makoto still holding them as they floated up in the air. "The danger still hasn't passed."

The walls were destroyed before Saber's might, the dust clearing to show two more glass cylinders. In them were the Coalition members, Sorey and Mikleo.


"I should have known...!" Makoto pointed down to the two cylinders. "The robots are using their power!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

"Is that how it is?" Disengaging from the fight Bekka would make a beeline towards the cylinders.


"Then I think it's about time to wake them up!" Sword poised Bekka would slash down on both containers and then attempt to rip them open with her bare hands.

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
The two boys tumbled out of the glass cylinders, broken easily by Bekka. As they did, the robots collapsed, seemingly losing their power. The room fell into a heavy silence.

Once Lois landed, Makoto was thankful to jump out of her arms and on to solid ground. "Okay, let's break into the armory now and take these three to the Med Bay. I think..." But Makoto trailed off, realizing that something was stirring above them. He looked up to find one more glass cylinder lowering from a panel in the ceiling, where inside was a teenage girl that Makoto strangely did not recognize at first glance. "Wait a moment, who is that?"


The girl floated quietly in the water, a slight look of discomfort on her face. Sparks of electricity bounced around the cylinder, distracting the group while a man walked out of the armory.


In the man's grip was a second girl, with a gun aimed at her head.


"S-Someone help..."

"J-Junko Enoshima?!"

Makoto took an alarmed step toward the girl, prompting a rough clearing of the hostage taker's throat. He looked around at the people of the room and took a step toward the exit of the Security Station. "I am Frederic Downing. Remember that name, for I was the one to accomplish what the rest of Umbrella couldn't." He gestured up toward the girl in the cylinder. "She's the last piece of my device, but you can have her. She served her purpose. Now, you're going to let me walk out of here, and the reason why is simple."

Frederic pressed the barrel of his gun roughly against Junko's head. "One wrong move and she gets it. The girl above is bound to explode at any moment now, so you'll want to worry about her as well."

The man was almost out of the room now. "Goodbye."

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Jeremi
The two boys tumbled out of the glass cylinders, broken easily by Bekka. As they did, the robots collapsed, seemingly losing their power. The room fell into a heavy silence.

Once Lois landed, Makoto was thankful to jump out of her arms and on to solid ground. "Okay, let's break into the armory now and take these three to the Med Bay. I think..." But Makoto trailed off, realizing that something was stirring above them. He looked up to find one more glass cylinder lowering from a panel in the ceiling, where inside was a teenage girl that Makoto strangely did not recognize at first glance. "Wait a moment, who is that?"


The girl floated quietly in the water, a slight look of discomfort on her face. Sparks of electricity bounced around the cylinder, distracting the group while a man walked out of the armory.


In the man's grip was a second girl, with a gun aimed at her head.


"S-Someone help..."

"J-Junko Enoshima?!"

Makoto took an alarmed step toward the girl, prompting a rough clearing of the hostage taker's throat. He looked around at the people of the room and took a step toward the exit of the Security Station. "I am Frederic Downing. Remember that name, for I was the one to accomplish what the rest of Umbrella couldn't." He gestured up toward the girl in the cylinder. "She's the last piece of my device, but you can have her. She served her purpose. Now, you're going to let me walk out of here, and the reason why is simple."

Frederic pressed the barrel of his gun roughly against Junko's head. "One wrong move and she gets it. The girl above is bound to explode at any moment now, so you'll want to worry about her as well."

The man was almost out of the room now. "Goodbye."

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation

Bekka wasn't about to be intimidated by a man with glasses, even if he was holding a hostage. Sword in hand Bekka would toss it with pin point accuracy at his shoulder holding the gun. She was very tempted to aim it at his head but it was clear that they could get something useful of him if they got him to talk.

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
Bekka wasn't about to be intimidated by a man with glasses, even if he was holding a hostage. Sword in hand Bekka would toss it with pin point accuracy at his shoulder holding the gun. She was very tempted to aim it at his head but it was clear that they could get something useful of him if they got him to talk.

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
Nor was Saber Alter.

The moment the sword flew, she burst into action, dispelling her armor in exchange for speed as she came in low and swung her sword for his legs.

Turning at the last moment to smash his kneecap with the flat of her sword instead of the potentially lethal blow it could have been.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Security​
Just like the rest, the true terror of the piranha queen would show. A low drop she zoomed past both bekka and lois just barely faster than their eyes could trace and a hand smashed the gun out from his hand, following up with a harsh rip off attack of Bayonetta's tetsuzanko, knocking the man flat backwards from his torso as Saber smashed at his kneecaps and legs. "Don't you FUCK WITH ME!I'VE DEALT WITH SHITHEADS FAR WORSE THAN YOU COULD EVER HOPE TO BE!" Her voice chasticed, wheels revving harshly on the ground, the source of her ability as steam escaped it from the sides.She gripped the girl Junko Enoshima and pulled her away from him, only to knock her square on her ass behind her. "Get back, shut up little miss ex hostage. Let this piranha get into a FRENZY." She was absolutely livid right now from all the trouble she'd had to deal with already from being here.

It had been boiling up from the start of the meeting, and now she figured was a good time for some stress relief. A harsh kick directly upwards after the hits to the man were finished, a deep solid swing leading to a strong fang launching directly up, easily shattering the glass letting the woman fall, directly onto Makoto in the process. Looking around for something else she could smash or break outwards towards, the crosses in her eyes glowing with furiosity.

@Fellow piranhas(Security room) @Atomyk

"Now, I said--"

The Umbrella researcher had no idea what hit him. The sword embedded into his shoulder caused his hand to jerk upward, though he didn't take a shot. Junko squirmed out of his grasp as his kneecap was smashed and he began to collapse to the ground, though not before Miko had her share of him. The gun was knocked out of his hand and he was sent violently to the ground where his second kneecap was destroyed.

Junko went tumbling as Miko pulled her away, the girl only getting caught by Jude just in time before she fell to the ground, who stared at her like she was a ghost. The girl above then fell into Makoto's arms, who got drenched with water once again in the process.

"M-My legs!" Frederic screamed. "You fucking shits! I'll never walk again!"

The girl named Junko shivered as she stepped out from Jude's grip. "I-I don't think he would have shot me... he needed me. That's what all this was... a beacon to draw me, I think." The girl sniffled loudly.

"Give her to me!" the man yelled. "You don't understand what she can do. Ilona and her, they're just as powerful as the other! Fuck! Agh..." Frederic groaned pathetically, prompting Junko to raise her right hand to him. A mark across her palm glowed green for a moment, and some dark portal opened up around Frederic. The man screamed as he was plunged into the darkness, only for his cries to soon die out.

As the portal closed, Junko placed her right hand against her chest.


"... I couldn't stand to listen to him any longer."

Junko then sighed, falling backward on to the ground and landing on her behind. She then moved into a fetal position and buried her head between her knees.

@Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @Krieg @darnerdemons @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @Josh M @Ringmaster @SecurityStation
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Jeremi
When first arriving with the others back in the Coalition, Train felt uncertain--the fog of his experience in the illusion worlds still clouding his mind. By the time he awoke from it, the ex-assassin pressed on with the others, drawing Hades and aiding the others in fighting the soldiers they would need to take down.


"It's just one thing after another with this place, isn't it?" he would complain to himself, keeping his pistol raised high as he followed after the others and did his best to help out.

Once Nemesis would rear its ugly mug, Train began scanning it with his gold eyes in order to find a weak spot. He found his scan to be in vain, however, as it was difficult to discern much about a being he knew little about. So, in an effort to at least try and hit something that would do damage to the beast, Train aimed and fired a round towards its chest.

Meanwhile, when Ilona and her rescuer would arrive on the scene, the princess would grip tightly to the blaster gun she had brought with her in case she needed to either help someone or defend herself.


"I wouldn't say I escaped on my own," she corrected Kieran before he would run off. "I had a little help," she added, smiling at the woman who had come to her aide. While the princess really wished to find a way she could better thank the woman, now wasn't the time or place. They needed to secure the area first so they would be safe from Umbrella.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Verite @Medical Bay​
When first arriving with the others back in the Coalition, Train felt uncertain--the fog of his experience in the illusion worlds still clouding his mind. By the time he awoke from it, the ex-assassin pressed on with the others, drawing Hades and aiding the others in fighting the soldiers they would need to take down.


"It's just one thing after another with this place, isn't it?" he would complain to himself, keeping his pistol raised high as he followed after the others and did his best to help out.

Once Nemesis would rear its ugly mug, Train began scanning it with his gold eyes in order to find a weak spot. He found his scan to be in vain, however, as it was difficult to discern much about a being he knew little about. So, in an effort to at least try and hit something that would do damage to the beast, Train aimed and fired a round towards its chest.

Meanwhile, when Ilona and her rescuer would arrive on the scene, the princess would grip tightly to the blaster gun she had brought with her in case she needed to either help someone or defend herself.


"I wouldn't say I escaped on my own," she corrected Kieran before he would run off. "I had a little help," she added, smiling at the woman who had come to her aide. While the princess really wished to find a way she could better thank the woman, now wasn't the time or place. They needed to secure the area first so they would be safe from Umbrella.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Bomb @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Verite @Medical Bay​
"Ilona!" Zidane noticed Ilona when she arrived. Zidane put down Bibi for now, still behind a wall, and rushed over to her.

"Are you alright? Did the enemy do anything bad to you?" Zidane asked her, worried about what could've happened.

@The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Crow @Takumi @Sen @Minerva @Nater Taters @LuckycoolHawk9 @Kaykay @york @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Medical Bay​
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