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Kyoko let out a soft gasp, before attempting to catch her breath as she'd be caught by Madoka and Zen, though there wouldn't seem to be much time for that as she'd just as soon be thrown through Mason's portal, having her end up in the first room, where others had remained, including Shiki, Remilia, and Sakuya.

When Cheza would hit the button, the vents would do just that; metal plates would suddenly emerge from inside the vents and seal the openings shut, trapping the Chimeras, who would be unable to cut through the metal plates no matter how hard they would struggle against them. For a good few minutes, pounding and screeching would be heard, but after a while, presumably having given up, the Chimeras on the other end would scatter away. In the meantime, it would be then that the second room would begin to clear up of Chimeras with the combined efforts of the combatants.

The whole room just stank of monster blood after that, but at least the swarm was finally over.

Those who remained in the second room, once every Chimera was finally dead, would see the console at the edge of the room beep positively after a while, before new text would appear.

Vent override registered. Access granted.

One could only presume that the system probably believed that whoever had used the computer in the first room had Umbrella clearance somehow, but it would matter little. The door that the console was guarding would begin to hiss open, leading into another room beyond.



That seemed to be that as far as pressing matters in the first room went. Getting up with a sigh, Kyoko would pat herself off of any dirt that would have gotten on her, before clearing her throat.

"Don't mind me. Good work with the vents. Stay here and see if you can dig up any more info about this place... unless you'd rather just come with me and go exploring this place," the leader spoke nonchalantly to everyone in the first room, before heading back over to the second room to regroup with everyone there.

Heading back to the second room, Kyoko would waste no time walking towards the now opened passageway that led into the unknown, patting herself off briefly with a straight expression. One could almost forget that she had just been in a life-threatening situation just a few moments prior.


"Good job, and... thanks for the help, everyone," Kyoko simply said, before continuing on her way forward.


"Well, that was... weird," Shiki could only comment in a somewhat worn out manner, meanwhile back in the first room, letting out a sigh as he'd briefly scratch the back of his head, "But I'm just glad we were able to stop before anyone could have gotten seriously hurt."

"In any case, I suppose I'll just be sticking here. There's gotta be a bunch of interesting info that we might be able to get our hands on here. If you wanna, you guys can go on without me, though you're also more than welcome to stay," he offered, continuing to go through the journal. To anyone who opted to stay, you could peruse the contents of the notebook with him.

Alternatively, there were still a number of options left on the computer, as far as available options went. One could suspect that much of the important data was wiped, or else why would there be a substantial amount of data missing from the security feeds of all the other rooms...

Holding Cell Cameras

Personal Notes

@Kaykay @Takumi @Room 1

@Crow @Bomb @york @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Room 2
Robin decided to follow Kyoko.

He wanted out of that facility as quick as possible, and it seemed to be the best way. Corrin followed along.

Artyom holstered his weapon after the vents had been shut and the seemingly endless army of chimeras were defeated. He followed silently after Kyoko and the others. He noticed Robin and Corrin while walking a decided to make an effort to have a discussion, something that he struggled to do, he kind of wished Train was here, he was at least comfortable speaking to Train.

"So...you must be Robin and um....Corrin, is that right?" He asked awkwardly.
Artyom holstered his weapon after the vents had been shut and the seemingly endless army of chimeras were defeated. He followed silently after Kyoko and the others. He noticed Robin and Corrin while walking a decided to make an effort to have a discussion, something that he struggled to do, he kind of wished Train was here, he was at least comfortable speaking to Train.

"So...you must be Robin and um....Corrin, is that right?" He asked awkwardly.
Robin heard Artyom's voice behind him. He alerted Corrin to him. They both stopped for a second and turned around.

"Yes, I am Robin Aquilus, Secretary-General of the United Nations." He said in a polite, but professional tone. "This is Corrin, she acts as my personal guard for this mission."

Corrin smiled, and nodded. "Hello." She said in her kindest tone. "It's very nice to meet you."
The others followed after quickly, though Leia took a fretfully long time due to her bad leg. On the lowest level, the sharks splashed around helplessly in the ankle-high water, now not even a threat to even Makoto. He led the group to the unmarked room, and to his disappointment found it was little more than an observation room. There was nothing to see of note beyond a dead scientist slumped over a table.


"..." Makoto cautiously touched at the man, worried he could be infected. He fell back harmlessly and landed on the floor. A search of his pockets revealed a keycard... but nothing else. "Something must have happened... an experiment gone wrong? Either way... there's nothing left for us here."

Makoto led the group back out into the drained room, this time leading them to a door across from the observation room. They were just about halfway there when the very room seemed to shudder. Makoto looked up in confusion, but where he should have been looking was below-- rapidly, the water was beginning to rise once again, coming up to everybody's knees and still going. It wasn't long before the harmless sharks were able to swim freely once more.

"The ladder!" Makoto cried, now treading water.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Kyoko let out a soft gasp, before attempting to catch her breath as she'd be caught by Madoka and Zen, though there wouldn't seem to be much time for that as she'd just as soon be thrown through Mason's portal, having her end up in the first room, where others had remained, including Shiki, Remilia, and Sakuya.

When Cheza would hit the button, the vents would do just that; metal plates would suddenly emerge from inside the vents and seal the openings shut, trapping the Chimeras, who would be unable to cut through the metal plates no matter how hard they would struggle against them. For a good few minutes, pounding and screeching would be heard, but after a while, presumably having given up, the Chimeras on the other end would scatter away. In the meantime, it would be then that the second room would begin to clear up of Chimeras with the combined efforts of the combatants.

The whole room just stank of monster blood after that, but at least the swarm was finally over.

Those who remained in the second room, once every Chimera was finally dead, would see the console at the edge of the room beep positively after a while, before new text would appear.

Vent override registered. Access granted.

One could only presume that the system probably believed that whoever had used the computer in the first room had Umbrella clearance somehow, but it would matter little. The door that the console was guarding would begin to hiss open, leading into another room beyond.



That seemed to be that as far as pressing matters in the first room went. Getting up with a sigh, Kyoko would pat herself off of any dirt that would have gotten on her, before clearing her throat.

"Don't mind me. Good work with the vents. Stay here and see if you can dig up any more info about this place... unless you'd rather just come with me and go exploring this place," the leader spoke nonchalantly to everyone in the first room, before heading back over to the second room to regroup with everyone there.

Heading back to the second room, Kyoko would waste no time walking towards the now opened passageway that led into the unknown, patting herself off briefly with a straight expression. One could almost forget that she had just been in a life-threatening situation just a few moments prior.


"Good job, and... thanks for the help, everyone," Kyoko simply said, before continuing on her way forward.


"Well, that was... weird," Shiki could only comment in a somewhat worn out manner, meanwhile back in the first room, letting out a sigh as he'd briefly scratch the back of his head, "But I'm just glad we were able to stop before anyone could have gotten seriously hurt."

"In any case, I suppose I'll just be sticking here. There's gotta be a bunch of interesting info that we might be able to get our hands on here. If you wanna, you guys can go on without me, though you're also more than welcome to stay," he offered, continuing to go through the journal. To anyone who opted to stay, you could peruse the contents of the notebook with him.

Alternatively, there were still a number of options left on the computer, as far as available options went. One could suspect that much of the important data was wiped, or else why would there be a substantial amount of data missing from the security feeds of all the other rooms...

Holding Cell Cameras

Personal Notes

@Kaykay @Takumi @Room 1

@Crow @Bomb @york @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Room 2

Mason stands within the bloodstained room. Enemies gone once again, his Berserker form would find no opponents and would begin to dwindle, but not without consequences. The stench of blood floods his nose and drives his mind to the brink of sanity. The presence of blood combined with the end to the wave of enemies filled his heart with a rage. Howling with fury, many pardons to anyone still in the second room, Mason's aura flares up and burns brighter with rage. "More! C'mon, that can't be it! Give me something else to fight!" The rage begins burning through Mason's aura supply and, had he more energy to spare, would have become a danger to his allies there. Fortunately and unfortunately, Mason's energy reserves are in critical condition, giving Berserker no fuel to power up. Instead, the rage fizzles out and dies, and along with it all the aura constructs Mason had created.

Mason, feeling weak, collapses to the ground. His limbs are shaking and his eyes are almost lifeless and empty. A river of crimson flows from his nose and his hand rises up to stop it. His stomach churns like the waves of the ocean amidst a hurricane. Nausea and dizziness overtake him, blurring his vision and causing him to nearly pass out. He's weak. The power of hs aura draws from his own soul, and he nearly pushed himself too far.

"I'm f-f-fine, everybody," he says with an obvious lie. He struggles to get on his feet and walk over to the computer terminal that now had available access. "Just go on ahead, guys. I'll s-s-stay here and look at this computer." Mason clearly isn't going anywhere, and will stay in room two by the computer.

Mason has exited Berserk Mode
@Room 2
Aura Inv: [Empty]
Aura Power: 05%

Equip: Nothing Useful

@Crow @Bomb @york @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Verite @Minerva
Robin heard Artyom's voice behind him. He alerted Corrin to him. They both stopped for a second and turned around.

"Yes, I am Robin Aquilus, Secretary-General of the United Nations." He said in a polite, but professional tone. "This is Corrin, she acts as my personal guard for this mission."

Corrin smiled, and nodded. "Hello." She said in her kindest tone. "It's very nice to meet you."
Artyom smiled back at Robin and Corrin. "I'm Artyom Chyornyj, Ranger of The Spartan Order, pleased to meet you two." He said.

Mason stands within the bloodstained room. Enemies gone once again, his Berserker form would find no opponents and would begin to dwindle, but not without consequences. The stench of blood floods his nose and drives his mind to the brink of sanity. The presence of blood combined with the end to the wave of enemies filled his heart with a rage. Howling with fury, many pardons to anyone still in the second room, Mason's aura flares up and burns brighter with rage. "More! C'mon, that can't be it! Give me something else to fight!" The rage begins burning through Mason's aura supply and, had he more energy to spare, would have become a danger to his allies there. Fortunately and unfortunately, Mason's energy reserves are in critical condition, giving Berserker no fuel to power up. Instead, the rage fizzles out and dies, and along with it all the aura constructs Mason had created.

Mason, feeling weak, collapses to the ground. His limbs are shaking and his eyes are almost lifeless and empty. A river of crimson flows from his nose and his hand rises up to stop it. His stomach churns like the waves of the ocean amidst a hurricane. Nausea and dizziness overtake him, blurring his vision and causing him to nearly pass out. He's weak. The power of hs aura draws from his own soul, and he nearly pushed himself too far.

"I'm f-f-fine, everybody," he says with an obvious lie. He struggles to get on his feet and walk over to the computer terminal that now had available access. "Just go on ahead, guys. I'll s-s-stay here and look at this computer." Mason clearly isn't going anywhere, and will stay in room two by the computer.

Mason has exited Berserk Mode
@Room 2
Aura Inv: [Empty]
Aura Power: 05%

Equip: Nothing Useful

@Crow @Bomb @york @LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Verite @Minerva
Artyom overhears Mason and turns back to see Mason a little worse for wear. He stopped walking altogether and glanced at Mason, he could't leave an ally behind, it wasn't fitting of a good ranger.

He walked back to Mason, stopping in front of him.

"Do you need help Mason?.....I can carry you if need be, it isn't a good idea to fall behind, especially in a place like this."
Artyom smiled back at Robin and Corrin. "I'm Artyom Chyornyj, Ranger of The Spartan Order, pleased to meet you two." He said.

Artyom overhears Mason and turns back to see Mason a little worse for wear. He stopped walking altogether and glanced at Mason, he could't leave an ally behind, it wasn't fitting of a good ranger.

He walked back to Mason, stopping in front of him.

"Do you need help Mason?.....I can carry you if need be, it isn't a good idea to fall behind, especially in a place like this."
Mason contemplated Artyom's request. On one hand, there was his pride. On the other... He only had 5% of a soul left.

Even the World's Heart couldn't find a good reason to fake strength any longer. With a big piece of humble pie caught in his throat, he says, "Artyom Chyo... Artyom, I really could use the help. I'm gonna need some time to recover and defenses if any more beasts show up."
Robin heard Artyom's voice behind him. He alerted Corrin to him. They both stopped for a second and turned around.

"Yes, I am Robin Aquilus, Secretary-General of the United Nations." He said in a polite, but professional tone. "This is Corrin, she acts as my personal guard for this mission."

Corrin smiled, and nodded. "Hello." She said in her kindest tone. "It's very nice to meet you."
He looks past Artyom towards whom he had been talking to and recognizes a couple friends he had made during his short time at the Coalition before this incident started. Mason fishes for their names for fifteen seconds within his spinning head, and says "Robin, Corrin... I'd appreciate your help too. If either of you brought healing items along, it would help. Maybe staves in the convoy so I can play medic for a bit?" Mason doubted that Robin and Corrin would have any items that their classes wouldn't be able to use , especially with all they had been through, but it was worth asking. At the very least, there was the chance one of the two was carrying a vulnerary or elixir.

@Room 2
Aura Inv: [Empty]
Aura Pow: 05%

Equip: Nothing Useful

@Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters
The others followed after quickly, though Leia took a fretfully long time due to her bad leg. On the lowest level, the sharks splashed around helplessly in the ankle-high water, now not even a threat to even Makoto. He led the group to the unmarked room, and to his disappointment found it was little more than an observation room. There was nothing to see of note beyond a dead scientist slumped over a table.


"..." Makoto cautiously touched at the man, worried he could be infected. He fell back harmlessly and landed on the floor. A search of his pockets revealed a keycard... but nothing else. "Something must have happened... an experiment gone wrong? Either way... there's nothing left for us here."

Makoto led the group back out into the drained room, this time leading them to a door across from the observation room. They were just about halfway there when the very room seemed to shudder. Makoto looked up in confusion, but where he should have been looking was below-- rapidly, the water was beginning to rise once again, coming up to everybody's knees and still going. It wasn't long before the harmless sharks were able to swim freely once more.

"The ladder!" Makoto cried, now treading water.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels

"Everyone go! I'll cover you!" Bekka shouted to the others.

"That wont be necessary." Lois would fly into the air and aim her wind powers at the water to create a funnel to suck all the sharks into it.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Artyom smiled back at Robin and Corrin. "I'm Artyom Chyornyj, Ranger of The Spartan Order, pleased to meet you two." He said.

Artyom overhears Mason and turns back to see Mason a little worse for wear. He stopped walking altogether and glanced at Mason, he could't leave an ally behind, it wasn't fitting of a good ranger.

He walked back to Mason, stopping in front of him.

"Do you need help Mason?.....I can carry you if need be, it isn't a good idea to fall behind, especially in a place like this."
Robin nods. "My pleasure, Mr. Artyom." He shifted uncomfortably in the Umbrella Lab's environment.

Mason contemplated Artyom's request. On one hand, there was his pride. On the other... He only had 5% of a soul left.

Even the World's Heart couldn't find a good reason to fake strength any longer. With a big piece of humble pie caught in his throat, he says, "Artyom Chyo... Artyom, I really could use the help. I'm gonna need some time to recover and defenses if any more beasts show up."

He looks past Artyom towards whom he had been talking to and recognizes a couple friends he had made during his short time at the Coalition before this incident started. Mason fishes for their names for fifteen seconds within his spinning head, and says "Robin, Corrin... I'd appreciate your help too. If either of you brought healing items along, it would help. Maybe staves in the convoy so I can play medic for a bit?" Mason doubted that Robin and Corrin would have any items that their classes wouldn't be able to use , especially with all they had been through, but it was worth asking. At the very least, there was the chance one of the two was carrying a vulnerary or elixir.

@Room 2
Aura Inv: [Empty]
Aura Pow: 05%

Equip: Nothing Useful

@Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters
Robin turned around when Artyom did. Corrin gripped her hand on her sword in case something was attacking. They both noticed Mason had fallen and ran over to help. Robin looked at him, crouched, and reached out his hand. "Come on, I'll help you up. Mr Artyom, grab his other hand, let's help him out here. Someone grab Kyoko." He said. "We need to keep moving."

Corrin had a vulnerary as a cautionary measure for Robin. She grabbed it, and quickly handed it to Mason. "Here, take this." She said. "It should heal you."

@Verite @Kyoko's Team @The hallway
Ruby Rose

@Crow @Bomb @Verite@LuckycoolHawk9 @Sen @The Tactician @Mason Moretti @Minerva
@Room 2

Whew... What a ride, but fortunately it was over, for now. The vents were sealed, and the chimeras were vanquished; looks like Kyoko would be alright, hopefully she wouldn't catch a zombie virus or something from that little nick on her skin. Seeing that she wanted to advance further into the facility, Ruby decided she would follow suit.


"Right, let's go!" She said calmly.

Stowing her crescent rose away on her belt for now, she headed after Kyoko, seeming awfully collected after what had just happened, perhaps her encounters with the Grimm left her a bit... Desensitized?
Artyom holstered his weapon after the vents had been shut and the seemingly endless army of chimeras were defeated. He followed silently after Kyoko and the others. He noticed Robin and Corrin while walking a decided to make an effort to have a discussion, something that he struggled to do, he kind of wished Train was here, he was at least comfortable speaking to Train.

"So...you must be Robin and um....Corrin, is that right?" He asked awkwardly.
Robin heard Artyom's voice behind him. He alerted Corrin to him. They both stopped for a second and turned around.

"Yes, I am Robin Aquilus, Secretary-General of the United Nations." He said in a polite, but professional tone. "This is Corrin, she acts as my personal guard for this mission."

Corrin smiled, and nodded. "Hello." She said in her kindest tone. "It's very nice to meet you."
Artyom smiled back at Robin and Corrin. "I'm Artyom Chyornyj, Ranger of The Spartan Order, pleased to meet you two." He said.

Artyom overhears Mason and turns back to see Mason a little worse for wear. He stopped walking altogether and glanced at Mason, he could't leave an ally behind, it wasn't fitting of a good ranger.

He walked back to Mason, stopping in front of him.

"Do you need help Mason?.....I can carry you if need be, it isn't a good idea to fall behind, especially in a place like this."
Mason contemplated Artyom's request. On one hand, there was his pride. On the other... He only had 5% of a soul left.

Even the World's Heart couldn't find a good reason to fake strength any longer. With a big piece of humble pie caught in his throat, he says, "Artyom Chyo... Artyom, I really could use the help. I'm gonna need some time to recover and defenses if any more beasts show up."

He looks past Artyom towards whom he had been talking to and recognizes a couple friends he had made during his short time at the Coalition before this incident started. Mason fishes for their names for fifteen seconds within his spinning head, and says "Robin, Corrin... I'd appreciate your help too. If either of you brought healing items along, it would help. Maybe staves in the convoy so I can play medic for a bit?" Mason doubted that Robin and Corrin would have any items that their classes wouldn't be able to use , especially with all they had been through, but it was worth asking. At the very least, there was the chance one of the two was carrying a vulnerary or elixir.

@Room 2
Aura Inv: [Empty]
Aura Pow: 05%

Equip: Nothing Useful

@Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters
Robin nods. "My pleasure, Mr. Artyom." He shifted uncomfortably in the Umbrella Lab's environment.

Robin turned around when Artyom did. Corrin gripped her hand on her sword in case something was attacking. They both noticed Mason had fallen and ran over to help. Robin looked at him, crouched, and reached out his hand. "Come on, I'll help you up. Mr Artyom, grab his other hand, let's help him out here. Someone grab Kyoko." He said. "We need to keep moving."

Corrin had a vulnerary as a cautionary measure for Robin. She grabbed it, and quickly handed it to Mason. "Here, take this." She said. "It should heal you."

@Verite @Kyoko's Team @The hallway

"I have that handled, Mr Aquilus," Madoka says, helping Kyoko out and approaching Robin with Kyoko in hand. Light as a feather was what she felt, but Kyoko's injuries and the distance moved added weight over time. "Will Ms Kirigiri be alright?"


"Hello boss," Kido greets Robin upon seeing him, "are you doing fi- IIIIIAAAAUUUGHHH!"

Due to mild injuries on his legs, the young Producer lost his balance, causing his head to come into a collision course with Ruby's back...

"I think during this 'a while' when your injuries are healing, you should latch onto someone," Madoka says, hands still occupied with Kyoko.

"Sorry about that, Ruby. Huh? Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. It's nothing really."

"No you're not. We have a whole corridor to walk."

@Verite @Minerva @Mason Moretti @york @Nater Taters @KyokoKrew @Room2​
Last edited:
The sharks may have been caught, but the water was still rising. Makoto reached the ladder first, though he held off on climbing up, instead opting for the others to go ahead of him. His eyes caught Jude, who was desperately trying to hold on to Leia. "She... She can barely swim with her legs!" he yelled over the sounds of the screeching wind.

"Someone help them!" Makoto yelled back. It took all his effort just to keep hold of the ladder.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Robin nods. "My pleasure, Mr. Artyom." He shifted uncomfortably in the Umbrella Lab's environment.

Robin turned around when Artyom did. Corrin gripped her hand on her sword in case something was attacking. They both noticed Mason had fallen and ran over to help. Robin looked at him, crouched, and reached out his hand. "Come on, I'll help you up. Mr Artyom, grab his other hand, let's help him out here. Someone grab Kyoko." He said. "We need to keep moving."

Corrin had a vulnerary as a cautionary measure for Robin. She grabbed it, and quickly handed it to Mason. "Here, take this." She said. "It should heal you."

@Verite @Kyoko's Team @The hallway

Mason quickly uses (drinks?) the vulnerary and it heals some of his energy. It wasn't enough for him to be battle ready, but it was enough to have him walk under his own power. The rest of his aura he would have to focus on restoring by himself, which wouldn't be swift of easy. He couldn't afford just to take a nap to restore it, either.

Remembering his manners, (and Corrin's status,) he says, "Madame Corrin, thank you so very much for your help. I'm feeling much better. I think I'm fine to start walking along with you. We do have another room to get to. I'll just stand by you in case I need help walking again." Mason walks beside Robin and Corrin, prepared in case his strength fails again.

@KyokoKrew @Room 2 @Room 3
Aura Power: 30%

@Crow @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters @Verite @york
The sharks may have been caught, but the water was still rising. Makoto reached the ladder first, though he held off on climbing up, instead opting for the others to go ahead of him. His eyes caught Jude, who was desperately trying to hold on to Leia. "She... She can barely swim with her legs!" he yelled over the sounds of the screeching wind.

"Someone help them!" Makoto yelled back. It took all his effort just to keep hold of the ladder.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Miko groaned at the liability, handicap, other member at their squad who was injured and moved over. Dropping low in front of Leia. "Get on, or die quickly." She ordered harshly, turning her back to leia as the wheels on her at spun ferociously, pushing away the water around them with a wall of air to free up their movement somewhat, though she clearly seemed to grow exhausted with this action as she maintained it. "I'm the most mobile unit of all of us, so don't worry i can keep up with you all no matter how fast you go. Long as i've got my AT."
@Atomyk @Lower Levels
Robin nods. "My pleasure, Mr. Artyom." He shifted uncomfortably in the Umbrella Lab's environment.

Robin turned around when Artyom did. Corrin gripped her hand on her sword in case something was attacking. They both noticed Mason had fallen and ran over to help. Robin looked at him, crouched, and reached out his hand. "Come on, I'll help you up. Mr Artyom, grab his other hand, let's help him out here. Someone grab Kyoko." He said. "We need to keep moving."

Corrin had a vulnerary as a cautionary measure for Robin. She grabbed it, and quickly handed it to Mason. "Here, take this." She said. "It should heal you."

@Verite @Kyoko's Team @The hallway

"I have that handled, Mr Aquilus," Madoka says, helping Kyoko out and approaching Robin with Kyoko in hand. Light as a feather was what she felt, but Kyoko's injuries and the distance moved added weight over time. "Will Ms Kirigiri be alright?"


"Hello boss," Kido greets Robin upon seeing him, "are you doing fi- IIIIIAAAAUUUGHHH!"

Due to mild injuries on his legs, the young Producer lost his balance, causing his head to come into a collision course with Ruby's back...

"I think during this 'a while' when your injuries are healing, you should latch onto someone," Madoka says, hands still occupied with Kyoko.

"Sorry about that, Ruby. Huh? Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. It's nothing really."

"No you're not. We have a whole corridor to walk."

@Verite @Minerva @Mason Moretti @york @Nater Taters @KyokoKrew @Room2​

Mason quickly uses (drinks?) the vulnerary and it heals some of his energy. It wasn't enough for him to be battle ready, but it was enough to have him walk under his own power. The rest of his aura he would have to focus on restoring by himself, which wouldn't be swift of easy. He couldn't afford just to take a nap to restore it, either.

Remembering his manners, (and Corrin's status,) he says, "Madame Corrin, thank you so very much for your help. I'm feeling much better. I think I'm fine to start walking along with you. We do have another room to get to. I'll just stand by you in case I need help walking again." Mason walks beside Robin and Corrin, prepared in case his strength fails again.
but that wasn

@KyokoKrew @Room 2 @Room 3
Aura Power: 30%

@Crow @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters @Verite @york
Artyom couldn't help but smile when Mason seemed to feel somewhat better, he had feared they would have to help Mason walk, but that wasn't the case. Still, Artyom followed behind the group, glancing over his shoulder to make sure they weren't being followed.
Leia seemed to hesitate, but Jude practically pushed her on to Miko. "Just get on!"

With that, the group was clear to climb the rest of the ladder, though the water was rising fast enough that they would be swimming once again soon enough. Makoto led the charge, running back through to the control room, only to remember the shutter had originally closed on them when they had arrived. "Bekka, Lois, Deoxys-- can one of you slam through the ceiling?" Makoto asked quickly as he moved toward the valve controls. He grunted as he desperately tried to turn them, but they would not budge for anyone at this point.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Leia seemed to hesitate, but Jude practically pushed her on to Miko. "Just get on!"

With that, the group was clear to climb the rest of the ladder, though the water was rising fast enough that they would be swimming once again soon enough. Makoto led the charge, running back through to the control room, only to remember the shutter had originally closed on them when they had arrived. "Bekka, Lois, Deoxys-- can one of you slam through the ceiling?" Makoto asked quickly as he moved toward the valve controls. He grunted as he desperately tried to turn them, but they would not budge for anyone at this point.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels

"The fact that you have to ask is insulting in its own right." Bekka replied before leaping up into the ceiling to break it. Lois in turn would use her power over the wind to scatter any debris that would fall down and leave the group unharmed for their escape.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
Miko kept up her end of the effort, the wall coming to a stop as the water continued to rise, it was already rising towards their feet. Gods help them. A low grunt as Leia was pushed on her back but the woman quickly stood up and wrapped arms behind her to keep Leia aloft with more ease, a half cradle hold as the Piranha Queen hung back. With the opening made she continued to let the whirring sound of her wheels play out as she prepared to ride the ladder side up directly. "Hang tight Leia, it's gonna get rough." She spoke simply, and waited makoto to finish his ascent.
@Atomyk @lower levels
Makoto covered his eyes to block the debris, but there was no need due to Lois's abilities. Though the door to the water tank had held strong before, it seemed the pressure this time had built up enough to be too much for the structure. The shutters and doors groaned against the water as Makoto ushered everyone up the ladder. "We're almost there, everyone!"

As the final member of the group climbed the ladder, the water broke through the control room's barricades and quickly flooded the space. The water was lapping at the group's heels by the time they exited into the hallway they started in.

"The water couldn't possibly flood the hall too, could it?!" Jude asked, sounding unsure he wanted to hear the answer. He looked to Leia with worry, finding she had passed out in Miko's care.


Makoto grimaced once the water in the hall had reached his knees. "We'll have to escape to the upper levels where Kyoko and the others are!"

Doing so would have been a simple run, if not for one final obstacle in the group's path. Behind the group burst forth from one of the walls was a massive mutated creature.


It was a giant alligator, and it moved fast in the water. The more mundane in the group would have no hope of outrunning it in the waist-high water.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
  • Nice Execution!
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Stiles was watching the chaos, looking up from the compute and he couldn't help but chuckle. God, this reminded him so much of home that it kind of hurt. Stuff like this used to happen a lot when Malia had become human, it was almost like training a dog. God, he missed everyone. He really wished that his life hadn't gotten so complicated. " I think Robin meant to bring her back to help with the other boy, not to drag her across the room. "

Scott watched and went over to try and help Mason if he needed it.

I am surrounded by the biggest idiots in the multiverse.

@Crow @Mason Moretti @Minerva @Nater Taters @Verite @york
Shit, i can't help when i'm carrying someone. She thought to herself while pulling back a small deal, she'd have to let Bekka and the others take care of that damned gator. They'd better do it quick, the water is rising still. "Oi, kill that piece of shit so we can get a move on!" She demanded with harsh but worrisome tone while hanging in the back and keeping an eye behind her in case they'd get swamped on both sides.
@Atomyk @lower levels
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Makoto covered his eyes to block the debris, but there was no need due to Lois's abilities. Though the door to the water tank had held strong before, it seemed the pressure this time had built up enough to be too much for the structure. The shutters and doors groaned against the water as Makoto ushered everyone up the ladder. "We're almost there, everyone!"

As the final member of the group climbed the ladder, the water broke through the control room's barricades and quickly flooded the space. The water was lapping at the group's heels by the time they exited into the hallway they started in.

"The water couldn't possibly flood the hall too, could it?!" Jude asked, sounding unsure he wanted to hear the answer. He looked to Leia with worry, finding she had passed out in Miko's care.


Makoto grimaced once the water in the hall had reached his knees. "We'll have to escape to the upper levels where Kyoko and the others are!"

Doing so would have been a simple run, if not for one final obstacle in the group's path. Behind the group burst forth from one of the walls was a massive mutated creature.


It was a giant alligator, and it moved fast in the water. The more mundane in the group would have no hope of outrunning it in the waist-high water.

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels

Bekka's sword would rise once again towards their new foe.


"Come on then! I could use a new pursue!"

Bekka charged forward trying to aim for its eyes and stab it through its head.


"Makoto! Take anyone who can't fight and get out of here. I and Bekka will try and hold off this monster!"

@Josh M @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @darnerdemons @Yun Lee @Verite @LowerLevels
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