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"You don't make the right decision, you make the hardest? What the hell, what kind of logic is that?!"


"I'm sorry for your sister, your majesty, but what the hell... If you're not making the right decision, then you shouldn't be making that damn choice! You're advocating for a girl's imprisonment under the control of a woman who has consistently gone behind our backs, including her own leader, and has dubious intent based on that fact! No matter what power she has, she doesn't deserve to be locked up and 'trained', whatever the hell that shit means given that it would be training decided by her."

He shot a glare Ritsuko's way once again, making it clear who he meant with that last statement. Once he spoke again, he no longer spoke to just Jon but to all of Makoto's side, "Ilona's stronger than what you people think, not just in power either... Besides, for a group that gets so pissed about the U.N. interfering in your business, you seem quite willing to bend over backwards for the second in command of it when she's almost certainly getting marked a traitor at the end of this. Two of your own leaders are telling you all that this shit is wrong, that it's immoral and goes against what the Coalition stands for... Yet here you people are, bending over backwards to the third guy who's barely beyond being a kid himself and some woman that you all seem to have expressed to not want in your business due to her position in the U.N."

"That's a bit idiotic when you think about it, don't you think? For all that independence you people want for your organization, you're not willing to give it to a kid and you're perfectly willing to give it up for a traitor."

"Mansplaining? Precious female? Christ, both of you are those preachy-types, aren't you?"


"Yeah, she got into the cell back then. Yeah, she had a good reason for doing that then. No, that doesn't mean she's agreed to a life of potentially being incarcerated for this shit until she somehow meets whatever goals you asshats set for her."

"As for why I'm on my side?" Shizuo thought for a moment, then shrugged, "Because I know what it's like when people judge you just for the power you have. Outside of a few precious people, everyone eventually sees you as a freak, trying to tear you down every step you take. They'll want you 'taken care of', 'locked up', and eventually killed because they're afraid of what you've got. No one will want anything to do with you, and you'll constantly be terrified of hurting those you care about... Afraid that the next time you hug someone, they'll snap like a twig because you couldn't control your own strength..."

"It isn't about gender with me. It's about helping a kid not go through the shit I went through, of being something to either observe and test like a labrat or to hunt down like some sort of beast... Because at the end of the day, that's what your path is gonna lead to. Her seeing herself as nothing more than her powers, as being worthless and a danger to everyone, and it'll be your faults."


"If you think I'm wrong for that view, fine, but don't you go distorting me and my viewpoint. I'm doing this to make sure a kid isn't seen as a monster and can be normal if she wants. Not for some garbage about men being superior to women. My morals are my own, and you're not going to twist them around into that horseshit to suit your argument. That just makes you as bad as the people who actually do support that viewpoint, and people like them... They really piss me off and sicken me."


With that, he turned away to rejoin the crowd on Kieran's side, seemingly finished debating once again. However, he paused when a thought popped in his head. He nodded to himself as if to reassure himself and turned back to glare at Bekka once again, "Oh, and the reason why Robin is letting Ritsuko take this beating? It's because she deserves it, because it's a good punishment for being a treacherous shit who went behind our backs and overstepped her authority while defending her own actions as just. Funny that you seemed to forget that when the criminal is a precious female as you would put it, you pretentious bitch."

@Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Krieg @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Ringmaster @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb

Bekka would give Lois a is this guy serious look? "I'm sorry but I'm not the one jumping to conclusions about things just because you don't like how someone looks." Bekka replied motioning towards Ritsuko. "You seem to think that this woman is the devil! And please don't use foul language, that just makes your argument sound like a childish tantrum rather than anything to be taken seriously."

Boy, boy, oh boy. This was getting juicy.

But Madoka preferred dry sugar delicacies to moist ones.


"Remain calm, everyone...." Madoka places a hand on Zen's shoulder, "I can trust you to be calm. Now... where do I be-"


"What's mansplaining?"

"Not now, brother. Both parties do not appear to respect each other's views. Well, for the most part, anyways, and I can see why. A fair deal of the individuals on Makoto's side appear to desire a third choice of sorts, but as long as there are two factions and two factions alone, I have little to no reason to defect," Madoka explains. "I agree with a fair deal of what Shizuo here has said. With a certain someone on the other side, I can see why many would avoid... joining Makoto. It is not up to me to dictate your sense of judgement, and I do not believe it is up to you to dictate ours either. I will refuse to defect as long as the data... isn't taking Illona's rights into account. And as long as we do not have Illona by our side, that is impossible."

"I don't know about that last sentence, sister," Kido indicates, "something is really, really, dictating our choice."

Kido has a thought.​

"Please do not ask me what it is."

"What might it be, brother?"


@Sen @Jeremi @Ringmaster @The Tactician @Crow

"The only 'views' I see from the lot of you are bleeding hearts and jumping to conclusions with out anything backing them." Bekka replied. "Obviously having Illona walk free would be the ideal situation, but do you want there to be more blood on her hands if the same thing happens again and when we wont have the Scarlet Witch protecting us?"


"Mansplaining?" Zen chortled. "Precious female? That has nothing to do with this!" the actor spat out. "A woman or a man or anything in between, I don't stand for them being locked up. You think I want to see jerks take advantage of how selfless this girl is? I hate it when I see that sort of stuff. I agree with Heiwajima-ssi here. Just because she feels guilty over what she's done and would want to give herself in, do you think she wants to be locked up for life and have it be played with?" He glanced over at Lois, "Nobody in this world would want that. That's ridiculous."

"She's still young and easily influenced, you people are putting weird thoughts in her head." He could only nod as Shizuo spoke. Locking her up was going to smash what was left of her. Already traumatised by what she saw, how much was she hurting inside? A girl like her... seeing herself as a danger to society. To the world... he shuddered. "Ilona deserves to be happy."

"I really don't know what I expected from you, Bekka-ssi.
But if you really think that gender matters in this sort of situation, why would you want to lock up a fellow 'girl'?"

He couldn't deny that was getting angrier and angrier as time went on. So maybe it was good timing when Madoka snapped Zen out of the boiling anger inside of him. "Mm~ For you, Madoka PD-ssi. I will be calm." He sighed heavily. "I- I need a breather."

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Krieg @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Ringmaster @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Jeremi @Bomb

"Again as Bekka mentioned...I think people are reading too much into peoples motivations here. Who here has implied that Illona will be abused and manipulated during her incarceration? What I'm seeing here is a lot of gut punch reactions with little fact backing them up."

"Gender doesn't matter." Bekka replied to Zen. "But the implication and tone that some among Kyoko's side is implying...and you if anyone is trying to imply that Illona's easily manipulated. That's a disservice towards her in this discussion. You act like she's just a pet."

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These people were all insane.

Everyone of them, with exceptions. Either too caught up in personal conflict, seeking to undermine each others points or too obsessed with being right and forcing the other to see it. It was times like this, Saber Alter reflected that she was glad she wasn't part of this group- Either of them. Her loyalty was simple, her code even more so. Moreover, this was all something she had seen before...In her memories at least. Camelot had fallen for less and it was occurring all over again. Which was why she spoke in a condescending sneer.

"The evidence of your commitment to the worlds are astonishing to behold. Why do we waste time, doing nothing but spout empty words? Do you truly regard each other as your enemies that much? Will you fall to maul one another like dogs, for a prize not even in hand? Or will you leave your comrades behind should you find a method of escape, simply because you cannot agree? If you feel you are all these things, then I for one want nothing to do with it. Here and now, somewhere in this place and kept by those who delight in making the dead dance to their tune, is a terrified child. I don't need a committee to tell me what to do about it."


Lucifer was thoughtfully quiet, looking at her before finally nodding.

"She's right. Lets move out, see what we can do about it then. We can tear each other down after."

Lucifer gestured and moved out to take point.

Saber moved to do the same thing for her group.

Talk was cheap- That much was agreed on.

Time for action was now.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb
"I just want a kid to not be locked up because someone took her decision under stress as what she wants for the rest of her life..."

At the moment, nothing would shake the distrust Shizuo had for Ritsuko and Makoto. Makoto might have been a naive kid, but he had gone behind everyone's backs including his co-equals and that decision had placed Ilona in a position where none of them could protect her when Umbrella attacked. The bartender didn't want anything to do with that sort of thing whether or not there was some sort of demon involved, especially not when it put innocent people in danger.

And Ritsuko... Ritsuko had gone too far. Right now, they were in a state of emergency, of war if what was going on was big enough for such a term, and while Shizuo had missed a good bit of the regulations and such about the U.N., he did know who had power in a moment like this. At a moment like this, it was the Security Council, represented by Robin, were the ones in charge of the U.N. until the crisis was done with, and seeing as how it was the General Assembly and Ritsuko's fault that Ilona was placed in even greater danger of being kidnapped, there was no way the Council would have her give orders in this situation. She was a traitor to the proper authority of the U.N. and Shizuo wouldn't stand for her way to be taken.

"Whatever, lets just get going. Ilona needs someone to help her."
Continued from here.

Chapter Three
"Flash Point"



Once everyone had been gathered at the rendezvous point, the rest of the hostages recovered along with the equipment stolen from everyone by Umbrella being returned, Kyoko would stand in front of everyone, taking an authoritative stand as she'd make her statement, intending to lead the group and keep them unified, unlike before.

Of those still knocked out, Commander Shepard was first to awake. Her eyes fluttered open and she groggily shrugged out of the grip of those that had been supporting her. She needed a moment to gather herself, but it didn't take long for the woman to listen to a quick explanation and know exactly what was up. She was a woman of action, after all.


"I'll help you manage here, Captain-Commander."

She gave Kieran a reassuring nod before barking out orders like the seasoned commander she was. One would find it hard to believe she'd just spent a significant time unconscious with how she herded the group. "Get into formation and put those who can't fight in the middle! Once we rush those doors, there's no telling what will hit us."

"Okay, everyone. I don't know what Umbrella has planned for us, why we were brought here, or where Ilona is, but we don't have time to stand around and think over it. Not while she might be getting tortured or having her power exploited somewhere else," the young woman said, turning around and beginning to walk, leading the group forward towards the end of the hall.

"Be ready for anything. This all... seems too easy. They have to be setting up some sort of trap somewhere to spring onto us," she would continue warily.

"Might I remind you, I couldn't get past the door that leads outside this hall, and it doesn't look like any of the guards in here had the means to open the door. It's been hermetically sealed to keep people like us from getting out," Ocelot would speak up, following her and the rest of the group, "Whatever they want us here for, maybe they wanted us to hope that we were getting out, tricking us into thinking we could get out of here with something that a guard would have had on them."

Without stopping or wavering, Kyoko replied in turn, eyes filled with determination.

"What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? The answer is quite simply... one party has to surrender. And I won't ever surrender."

With that, the group would continue navigating their way through the empty hall, the effects of the mist slowly but surely wearing off as everyone would slowly manage to get their powers back, before they would be stopped by the aforementioned, unlockable door that stood in their way. Even from a quick glance, it was easy to assume that the door was a sturdy one, and even though everyone's powers had been returning slowly, no one was in a state of getting through it.

Except one person.


Not even a knob or any buttons to open the door with.

Ritsuko would sigh, pocketing her hands as they'd all come to a stop, looking at Kyoko with some irritation. "Alright, then, leader. How do you propose we get past this ordeal? Or did you not consider the reality when making such a cool little speech?"

"I'm not a reckless person, Ms. Akagi. I'm aware of what I said, and I stand by it. After all, there's always a way past the unbeatable. If we don't have a way past this, we'll make a way. Wouldn't you agree... Tohno, was it?" Kyoko would respond, glancing over at Shiki.



Shiki had already been in the process of removing his glasses when Kyoko would pose a question to him. The young man would give Kyoko a nod, drawing his knife, the only item of value that had been put in the Storage Room, later recovered, when everyone had been captured by Umbrella.

"Way ahead of you."

Pocketing his glasses now, his eyes, once a dull grey, were filled with a vibrant indigo. His pupils shone with an ironic light that indicated life. For his eyes were the very essence of death.

Though nothing seemed to change from everyone else's point of view, the world shifted for Shiki. Everything and everyone, from his perspective, had changed. Red, pulsating lines and dots formed all over his vision. Lines and points that, when traced or stabbed, fulfilled the "death" that they symbolized, no matter how powerful they might be on the outside. With these eyes, an artillery tank could be downed with nothing more than a writing pen, if not one's own fingers.

The indestructible door was no exception to the fate of death.


Without missing a beat, Shiki dashed towards the door and swung his knife at the door repeatedly. From everyone else's point of view, it looked like he was randomly scratching at the door with his knife, and one might even call him crazy for expecting something to happen if they weren't aware of his power. Yet, sure enough...

Before long, the door fell apart piece by piece, exactly by the patterns that Shiki had cut it apart with. Each piece of the door would fall to the ground with loud thuds, the entire door itself likely having been hundreds of not thousands of pounds. With a breath, the young man would take out his glasses and put them on again, shaking his head briefly, as if to shake away the lines he had seen before.


"Well, then... We should get going. Shall we?"

"Good work," Kyoko simply said with a nod, before moving forward as suggested, Shiki and Len following her when she would move past them.

However... Even for those anticipating a trap somewhere along the line, no one would be able to anticipate what had been waiting for them in the very next room...

The room beyond was nothing special. Just a blank room with metallic grey walls that was just about big enough to fit the entire group. In fact, its size seemed so perfect, that Shepard quickly felt something was wrong. "Wait, let's leave some back, just in case--"

The woman was cut off by the booming sound of some kind of explosion. A gust of hot air blew those who lingered in the hallway forward, flinging them into the room ahead. The entrance that had been cut open by Shiki was covered by a heavy metal shutter, as if it had been expected of him to have cut through the first door.

"Shiki, can you--!" Makoto began to cry, but he was drowned out by a loud droning sound. Panels in the wall lowered to reveal that the source of the sound were a number of fans that began pumping a mist into the room. There was no time to do anything, as the lingering effects of the fog from outside ensured full exposure to this second round of mist. Not only would those with powers feel it all slip away, but even the most mundane of the group would feel their entire body beginning to shut down. One could barely hold their eyes open as...

More panels in the wall slid open to reveal what appeared to be flamethrowers. They covered every wall of the room, nozzles flickering with flame, ready to burn the group alive.

"Damn it!"


"Not now... not now...!"

The heat was almost impossible to bear, and they flames had yet to even start up. It was only a matter of time now.

... If not for what could only be divine intervention, anyway. Visible streaks of bright electricity flashed from above, coursing down through the walls to shut off both the fans and the flamethrowers. They receded into the wall and the room instantly became cooler as a result.

The divine electricity wasn't done yet, for it then danced around the room, jumping through the fog to dissipate it. It seemed to reinvigorate everyone it passed, removing them of their grogginess and allowing them once again to access their powers.

Once the fog was gone, there was a great cry from a woman in the group.


Channeling lightning between her hands, one might think it was Morrigan who had saved them, but the more observant would know she had still been unconscious when the electricity had shut off the fans.

Morrigan shot the built up magic forward, slamming it into the shutter at the opposite side of the room. It collapsed and was blown backward by the blast, revealing a new hallway beyond.

The mage let out a heavy sigh before she spoke. "Whatever the source of that miraculous recovery, let's not dawdle in this death trap of a room." Shepard quickly agreed and began ushering the group into the next hallway. It wasn't until they came to what appeared to be an empty common room that they stopped once again.

"What is our purpose here?" Morrigan asked no one in particular. "To die? To suffer? I may have only just awoken, but I have to question their motives. 'Twould have been far easier to kill us when they had the chance."

"I don't really care," Kieran said with some degree of annoyance. "We just need to get Ilona and get out of here."

"There could be more trapped... not just Ilona. Other Coalition members."

"Hold on, someone mind telling me what's the plan once we save her? You still arguing what to do with her?"

"Uh... well--"

"Ritsuko's not laying a hand on her, that's for sure."


"This is hardly the time for that! And besides, what would you have me do, let even more people die while you deliberately let power like that go unchecked?!" Ritsuko would snap at Kieran irritably, facing his direction with an angry expression on her face.

"Do I really have to remind you all that three people died when she lost control, and we were lucky it was only three! But next time, it could be six, and then thirty, and then three hundred! That blood would be on your hands, and unless you turn away from the gravity of the situation, I doubt you would be able to handle that burden on your shoulders."

Practically sliding in between Kieran and Ritsuko, the latter of the two marching right over to his direction, Kyoko would give the older woman a fiery look, the blonde stopping in her tracks as the two of them would practically stare each other down for an uncomfortable moment, before Kyoko would speak her piece.


"She is under our protection. And it will remain that way for as long as we deem it necessary."

Hardly fazed by Kyoko's bravado, Ritsuko would clash with the Ultimate Detective, looking down at her like a child.

"So confident in your power... But a lot of things have changed since you've been gone, Miss Kirigiri. I'm afraid that if we can't reach a compromise that yields a satisfactory result... then we cannot continue to cooperate together."

"And just what might you be suggesting?"

"I think you can figure that one out, detective. Or should your friend Naegi spell it out to you? You seem to understand words better when he says them, after all. One could almost think..."

Makoto looked helplessly between the two women, realizing he had to say something to quell the growing tension. Now that the danger had passed, it seemed everyone was reverting back to their earlier tension.


"K-Kyoko... I understand how you feel, but we can't make such claims. Once Ilona is saved, then we can continue this discussion."

"I think it's very clear both you and Ritsuko plan to whisk her away once this is over," Kieran said gruffly, stepping forward so that he was staring defiantly at Makoto. "There won't be a discussion, because why would you both? I don't think I should help you here."

Makoto looked back at his friend with some degree of hurt evident on his face. "... You don't want to work together? We're in the enemy stronghold. We're in danger."

"And maybe the last thing they expect is for us to split up. Makoto, I trust you enough to be safe without me, so this isn't me saying I want you to get hurt. I would just rather, that when we acquire Ilona... that you and Ritsuko not be there. Anyone who agrees with me... join the Captain-Commander's side!"

Kieran stepped away to one side of the room, waiting for those sympathetic to his values follow through. Makoto stared at him, recognizing the reality of the situation. With his shoulders set straight, he defiantly moved to stand at the other side of the room, opposite Kieran.

"So be it."

Cosmo looked at Makoto, then to Kieran. Shaking his head, Cosmo made his way to Makoto's side. "It sadden Cosmo that it comes to this. Makoto is right. Cosmo is with him."

Morrigan let out a sigh. "I don't desire to get in the middle of your petty squabbles, however..." The woman stepped toward Kieran, deciding to take his side. "There's no debate that Ilona is special. Unique magic such as hers... should not be stored away."

Without a word, Kyoko stepped from in front of Kieran to over at his side. Other members stood uncomfortably still at first, before their decisions were made. Shiki and Len also stepped to Kieran's and Kyoko's side, while Ocelot wordlessly sided with Makoto and Ritsuko. One by one, the group began to split, dividing into two groups.

Carissa furrowed her brow, crossing her arms as she'd look somewhat disapprovingly at Morrigan, her ally and fellow MEU representative. "Honestly... Are we not above this? I refuse to allow this group to separate! This is hardly the time to--"

"Strategically, I think splitting up is a more sound tactic," Ocelot would interject, "We can cover more ground while looking for Ilona, divide our forces evenly as to not become too vulnerable, and in the event that one group is captured, the other is at least still out there and able to act," he added, crossing his arms, before clearing his throat, looking at Kieran and the others that took his side somewhat judgmentally, before speaking again, "And besides... We maintain better cooperation within the group that way."

Carissa grit her teeth, conflicted by Ocelot's words, before complying and walking over to Makoto's side, looking at Morrigan. "I'm... sorry, Morrigan, but that power is too dangerous to even risk letting free. You saw what it did to the headquarters..."

Looking at the rest of those who had yet to choose, Ritsuko cleared her throat.

"Well? What about the rest of you? Whose side are you on then?"

There was no third party to form. No neutrality to declare. The intense glares of others waited eagerly for sides to be chosen in order for progress to be made.

Who do you choose to side with?

Cast List
@Gummi Bunnies as Add and Elesis (Elsword)
@DBZ7 as Anna (Fire Emblem)
@Nater Taters as Artyom Chyornyj (Metro)
@Jeremi as Bekka and Red Tornado (DC Comics)
@Wren as Bradley Martin Holland (OC)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Deoxys (Pokemon)
@Archwar as Doomguy (Doom)
@Crimson Spartan as Erron Black (Mortal Kombat)
@dark as Jak (Jak and Daxter)
@Krieg as Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
@Ringmaster as Lucifer Anghelscu and Saber Alter (Murder Series / Type-Moon)
@Crow as Maki Kido and Madoka Karasuma (Idolmaster OC)
@Atomyk as Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
@Mason Moretti as Mason Moretti (OC)
@darnerdemons as Miko Wanijima (Air Gear OC)
@Chewy Rabbits as Nemo and Astaroth (Murder Series)
@Raven as Piper Wright (Fallout)
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Princess Ilona of Arendelle (Murder Series) and Train Heatnet (Black Cat)
@C.T. as Qrow Branwen (RWBY)
@BarrenThin as Reinhardt Wilhelm and Genji Shimada (Overwatch)
@Minerva as Robin Aquilus and Corrin (Fire Emblem)
@york as Ruby Rose and Zwei (RWBY)
@Kaykay as Sakuya Izayoi and Remilia Scarlet (Touhou Project)
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
@Yun Lee as Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney)
@pubbbb as Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama (Mob Psycho 100)
@Verite as Shiki Tohno and Len (Type-Moon)
@The Tactician as Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!)
@Takumi as Toboe (Wolf's Rain)
@Yang Lee as Uncle Iroh (Avatar)
@Hospes as Weiss Schnee and Winter Schnee (RWBY)
@Josh M as Wynne (Dragon Age)
@Sen as Zen (Mystic Messenger)
@Bomb as Zidane Tribal and Bibi Ornitier (Final Fantasy IX)​
@Atomyk @Verite @Hospes @C.T. @Josh M
Ruby Rose

Divided... Even though they had just barely escaped a trap with their lives, they were forced to pick sides... Contain Ilona, or allow her to run free, allow her a chance to live her own life.

The decision was... Difficult to say the least, and even with her Uncle's words, the image of Jennifer's unconscious form was still very prominent in her mind. Cosmo too, as she had bonded with him over the course of many missions throughout the Coalition, but, alas... This, was where they had to part ways for the time being. Despite her inner conflict, deep down, Ruby already knew what to do... Her decision had already been in place long before this moment.


"I... We can't just lock Ilona up" She said a determined look washing across her face.

Ruby turned to look towards Cosmo, but only for a moment... It was apparant that the decision hadn't come easy, at this moment, it was hard to determine which decision was the right one, despite both of them being for the supposed greater good.

"I'm sorry Cosmo... But... I... I'm siding with Kieran." She concluded.

Despite her apparant reluctance, she quietly joined Kieran's side, all she could hope was that her decision was going to be the best one... She glanced at Zwei, wondering if the dog even understood the full extent of what was happening as he lay there in Weiss's arms.


In the meantime, Zwei, while not fully being able to comprehend what was happening, had looked at Ruby, whining a little... Before her turned his attention to Weiss. It looks like he was seeing who Weiss will side with... And whether or not it would be in accordance with what Ruby decided, it appeared that the faithful dog was sticking with Weiss, for the time being anyways. Perhaps he had a better grasp on the situation than one might be lead to believe...​


Well. This was less than appealing, and that was a way of putting it lightly. While Winter may have initially felt better for having her weapon once again, she certainly was feeling less than pleased, now. Were these plebeians for real? Did they have no sense of just how large the stakes of all of this were? This was no game, and no time to split up, either. Of course, that last part was less than important to her, as she was more focused on calmly marching over to join Makoto and company with narrowed eyes. She was hardly a fan of the way they operated, what with having gone behind the group's back before(and she refused to give them an inch of true trust), but she did agree on one thing.

"It is quite clear that this... Ilona, poses a large threat. Ignorance may be bliss, but have you all considered how long that will last until something sets her off and your recommendations of allowing her to be around others costs lives?" she addressed those siding with Kieran. She could've expected as much from Qrow, though it was heavily disappointing to see a Huntsman make such a choice, nonetheless. As for Ruby, though? She'd almost expected better from the child.


And speaking of Ruby... It looked like Weiss was at a loss as her friend began to explain that she couldn't agree to locking Ilona away. There was a long moment of silence in which she only stared as her friend began to walk over to join Kieran and the others, leaving the girl garbed in white to stare and hold Zwei in her arms while she remained unsure of how to react. But eventually, a frown came to her lips, and she managed to address her team leader.


"...Back up. Ruby, you're really going to endorse letting what may as well be a walking time bomb go free, without knowing how to control her abilities?" she inquired with disbelief, cuddling Zwei a bit closer to her almost defensively. "Don't you have any idea of how dangerous she is?" There was a pause, and Weiss momentarily looked sympathetic. "You saw what she did to that friend of yours. What she did to those others we didn't even know. I'm not saying she needs to be locked away forever... But she needs to be away from others until she knows how to control herself."

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @Verite @Josh M @The Tactician @Takumi @Ringmaster @Minerva @Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Archwar @Krieg @Crimson Spartan @dark @Jeremi @darnerdemons @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @Bomb @Raven @pubbbb @Everyboday​

"This is all a game to you, isn't it, Add? This certain someone has enough authority to activate those plans and treat her to possible inhumane methods and tactics, and all in all... that is the opposite of my primary profession."

"A game? Well, I would like to think of this as a game, but that would be an outright stretch to call this a game, doesn't it?"

"Yeah... 'assist'. Mmhmm... I'm... actually very frightened at the thought of what it actually means in your case. You certainly have stricken fear in my heart, if that's your thing," Kido nonchalantly whistles, then turns to Shizuo and whispers, "this guy... he's legitimately going to do that if he's victorious, isn't he?"
"I-I don't know what you guys think Add is planning, but we're not going to let someone do something crazy just because they agree on this decision."


"I have no idea what you guys are thinking either about me, I'm not that bad~! I've been helping out consistently once I joined the UN and lots of other things!"

Add snickered a bit in amusement with how some others were thinking of him, seeing that it was somewhat a waste of time. They did have more crucial things to be handling soon enough after this discussion, but it didn't matter to Add personally. He just loved to work up reactions from people since it was pretty fun!


"But seriously, I personally think that it's best to keep a very very close supervising eye over Ilona. Better than letting her be and causing another accidental disaster, if you ask me! I don't have the resources for a massive Seal of Time rewind, you know?"




"See? Elesis agrees with what I said!"

@Atomyk @york @C.T. @Verite @Josh M @The Tactician @Takumi @Ringmaster @Minerva @Hospes @DBZ7@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Archwar @Krieg @Crimson Spartan@dark @Jeremi @darnerdemons @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @Bomb @Raven @pubbbb
"I just want a kid to not be locked up because someone took her decision under stress as what she wants for the rest of her life..."

At the moment, nothing would shake the distrust Shizuo had for Ritsuko and Makoto. Makoto might have been a naive kid, but he had gone behind everyone's backs including his co-equals and that decision had placed Ilona in a position where none of them could protect her when Umbrella attacked. The bartender didn't want anything to do with that sort of thing whether or not there was some sort of demon involved, especially not when it put innocent people in danger.

And Ritsuko... Ritsuko had gone too far. Right now, they were in a state of emergency, of war if what was going on was big enough for such a term, and while Shizuo had missed a good bit of the regulations and such about the U.N., he did know who had power in a moment like this. At a moment like this, it was the Security Council, represented by Robin, were the ones in charge of the U.N. until the crisis was done with, and seeing as how it was the General Assembly and Ritsuko's fault that Ilona was placed in even greater danger of being kidnapped, there was no way the Council would have her give orders in this situation. She was a traitor to the proper authority of the U.N. and Shizuo wouldn't stand for her way to be taken.

"Whatever, lets just get going. Ilona needs someone to help her."

Bekka groaned aloud at Shizuo. "I'm going to take this very slow with you since you clearly either have a mental deficiency or just hard of hearing. Who. Has, Said. That. Illona. Will. Be. Locked. Up. For. Life?"


"Maybe if the supposed leader of the UN would actually do something other than look at the floor and roll his thumbs, then maybe people don't have to take the hard decisions away from him?"​

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Krieg @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Ringmaster @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Jeremi @Bomb

"With all due respect, Lucifer, you are not in a position of power here. The MEU may have more sway than the UN when it comes to the Coalition, but you are neither a leader of the MEU or the Coaltion. Go off on your own if you so desire, but we move when we say you move."

Morrigan smiled, amused by this. "Really now? Well, I won't complain, though perhaps there is wisdom in ending the argument when it only goes in circles. I can only take others playing the victim for so long."


@Verite @Ringmaster @Jeremi @The Tactician @Hospes @Debate
  • Love
Reactions: Josh M
Bekka would give Lois a is this guy serious look? "I'm sorry but I'm not the one jumping to conclusions about things just because you don't like how someone looks." Bekka replied motioning towards Ritsuko. "You seem to think that this woman is the devil! And please don't use foul language, that just makes your argument sound like a childish tantrum rather than anything to be taken seriously."

"The only 'views' I see from the lot of you are bleeding hearts and jumping to conclusions with out anything backing them." Bekka replied. "Obviously having Illona walk free would be the ideal situation, but do you want there to be more blood on her hands if the same thing happens again and when we wont have the Scarlet Witch protecting us?"

"Again as Bekka mentioned...I think people are reading too much into peoples motivations here. Who here has implied that Illona will be abused and manipulated during her incarceration? What I'm seeing here is a lot of gut punch reactions with little fact backing them up."

"Gender doesn't matter." Bekka replied to Zen. "But the implication and tone that some among Kyoko's side is implying...and you if anyone is trying to imply that Illona's easily manipulated. That's a disservice towards her in this discussion. You act like she's just a pet."

"If gender doesn't fucking matter, then don't bring it up in the first place and act like we did. That sort of shit, especially claiming that we see her as a pet, is a lot of worse than using some fucking languages some high-and-mighty people don't like," Shizuo growled, clearly not pleased by the attitude she and her companion had about the whole situation. "You want to know why I don't trust Ritsuko? She's overstepped her authority, she's gone behind our backs, and right now, in an emergency where Robin is the fucking manifestation of the Security Council's will and thus has ultimate authority over our group's representatives here, she's trying to claim that the General Assembly has a say in this shit."

"Well guess what, if this is the war you're making it to sound like, then neither her nor the damn Assembly have any right to try and stop Robin in leading the U.N. as he sees fit. Only the Security Council does, and I don't see a name tag for any of you saying that you're a part of the the Council."


"Besides that, haven't you thought this whole thing smells of a set-up? The day we have a meeting as a group, that Jill, she's found dead in the meeting place. Guess who just happens to find it first? Ilona does, and it sets her off. She's locked up, kept in a cell, and we're told to clean and go back to the meeting where we can't watch her. Then we're told without any warning that Ritsuko, a member of the U.N. with no authority over Coalition troops or our own people because Robin was in command of everyone here, and Makoto have gone ahead and had Ilona shipped off somewhere where Umbrella just happens to be able to ambush her. None of that strikes you as fucking fishy?"

"Not to mention the fact that now, Ritsuko's trying to act as if she has authority in a situation where only the Security Council and Robin have power over people like me. Have you even begun to think this is a set-up by her in some way? Makoto's too dedicated to doing what's right, so I doubt he's a part of this shit, but Ritsuko has acted without any checking of her power and now, she's pulling Coalition members to her side and under her thumb. Not the Security Council's or Robin's commands, they seem against it and the imprisonment, but only her command with the Assembly as a vague part of it."
Bekka groaned aloud at Shizuo. "I'm going to take this very slow with you since you clearly either have a mental deficiency or just hard of hearing. Who. Has, Said. That. Illona. Will. Be. Locked. Up. For. Life?"


"Maybe if the supposed leader of the UN would actually do something other than look at the floor and roll his thumbs, then maybe people don't have to take the hard decisions away from him?"​

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Krieg @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Ringmaster @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Jeremi @Bomb
"No one, but you don't need to be a fucking rocketeer to know what'll happen if Ilona never satisfies the rogue U.N. agent's criteria of being controlled. Robin's already made his damn position clear, it's Ritsuko who isn't falling into line with the Security Council at this point, or are your ears not able to hear through that helmet of yours?"
"Maybe if the supposed leader of the UN would actually do something other than look at the floor and roll his thumbs, then maybe people don't have to take the hard decisions away from him?"
"With all due respect, Lucifer, you are not in a position of power here. The MEU may have more sway than the UN when it comes to the Coalition, but you are neither a leader of the MEU or the Coaltion. Go off on your own if you so desire, but we move when we say you move."

Morrigan smiled, amused by this. "Really now? Well, I won't complain, though perhaps there is wisdom in ending the argument when it only goes in circles. I can only take others playing the victim for so long."

"In that, we're in complete agreement Lady Morrigan. And with all due respect to you, Captain-Commander- Acts of bluster and cries of authority mean nothing in the field. Stay and argue if you wish. Some of us have jobs to do. Lady Morrigan."

He touched the brim of his hat and spoke to the groups as a whole.

"Those of you who don't feel like you have anything to prove, lets go. We have a girl to save."

And with that, Lucifer moved off with anyone else who came. Saber made a move before Lucifer waved a hand.

"No Saber, your instructions are the same. Protect the leaders."

"My joy knows no bounds Master." :|

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​
"In that, we're in complete agreement Lady Morrigan. And with all due respect to you, Captain-Commander- Acts of bluster and cries of authority mean nothing in the field. Stay and argue if you wish. Some of us have jobs to do. Lady Morrigan."

He touched the brim of his hat and spoke to the groups as a whole.

"Those of you who don't feel like you have anything to prove, lets go. We have a girl to save."

And with that, Lucifer moved off with anyone else who came. Saber made a move before Lucifer waved a hand.

"No Saber, your instructions are the same. Protect the leaders."

"My joy knows no bounds Master." :|

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​
"I'm up for it. Better than bitching in circles. I'll be back in a little bit, Robin, don't let Ritsuko pull this shit anymore if you can."

And with that, Shizuo left the circular debate to go do something useful with Lucifer.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Archwar
"If gender doesn't fucking matter, then don't bring it up in the first place and act like we did. That sort of shit, especially claiming that we see her as a pet, is a lot of worse than using some fucking languages some high-and-mighty people don't like," Shizuo growled, clearly not pleased by the attitude she and her companion had about the whole situation. "You want to know why I don't trust Ritsuko? She's overstepped her authority, she's gone behind our backs, and right now, in an emergency where Robin is the fucking manifestation of the Security Council's will and thus has ultimate authority over our group's representatives here, she's trying to claim that the General Assembly has a say in this shit."

"Well guess what, if this is the war you're making it to sound like, then neither her nor the damn Assembly have any right to try and stop Robin in leading the U.N. as he sees fit. Only the Security Council does, and I don't see a name tag for any of you saying that you're a part of the the Council."


"Besides that, haven't you thought this whole thing smells of a set-up? The day we have a meeting as a group, that Jill, she's found dead in the meeting place. Guess who just happens to find it first? Ilona does, and it sets her off. She's locked up, kept in a cell, and we're told to clean and go back to the meeting where we can't watch her. Then we're told without any warning that Ritsuko, a member of the U.N. with no authority over Coalition troops or our own people because Robin was in command of everyone here, and Makoto have gone ahead and had Ilona shipped off somewhere where Umbrella just happens to be able to ambush her. None of that strikes you as fucking fishy?"

"Not to mention the fact that now, Ritsuko's trying to act as if she has authority in a situation where only the Security Council and Robin have power over people like me. Have you even begun to think this is a set-up by her in some way? Makoto's too dedicated to doing what's right, so I doubt he's a part of this shit, but Ritsuko has acted without any checking of her power and now, she's pulling Coalition members to her side and under her thumb. Not the Security Council's or Robin's commands, they seem against it and the imprisonment, but only her command with the Assembly as a vague part of it."

"No one, but you don't need to be a fucking rocketeer to know what'll happen if Ilona never satisfies the rogue U.N. agent's criteria of being controlled. Robin's already made his damn position clear, it's Ritsuko who isn't falling into line with the Security Council at this point, or are your ears not able to hear through that helmet of yours?"

"Like I said, a lot of what ifs being thrown around." Bekka replied. "And being 'hands-off' is no way for any leader to act in this situation. You seem to be a man of action so I assume you understand that. Like I said the UN seems to not have the back bone to decide on the hard decisions, and you trying to vilify the only member who did stand up for such a thing speaks volumes."

Lois would have listened to the two argue. "Obviously there are other forces at work here. No one with any sense can see that. What is to say however that letting Illona walk free isn't part of their plan? Your entire case hinges on Ritsuko being the key suspect, yet you have nothing to back it up. Basically we have no clue what the traitor among us actually want. You could be eating out the traitors hand right now and have no clue."

"I'm up for it. Better than bitching in circles. I'll be back in a little bit, Robin, don't let Ritsuko pull this shit anymore if you can."

And with that, Shizuo left the circular debate to go do something useful with Lucifer.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​


"And when people have nothing to stand on. They run away. Typical."​

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Josh M
"Defying me is not how you win the Coalition's friendship, Lucifer."

Makoto sighed, shaking his head. "Kieran, listen to yourself. You're so caught up in not letting others dictate you or the Coalition's actions that you won't even listen to their advice. Look, I don't know where this idea came from that Ritsuko is--"

"Boy, do you really think anyone is listening to you?"


"B-But..." Makoto paused, bringing a hand to his chin in thought. "I think we have a matter of misunderstanding... Robin's not in full authority, unfortunately. Besides, even if he was, Kieran would be arguing against Robin in that case. This isn't a matter up for debate, it's simply an obfuscation of the facts. There's also no debate that there was a an enemy lurking within the Coalition, for we know that Jill was killed by someone. If you're suggesting that someone is either myself or Ritsuko, I-I guess... that's a very serious accusation!"

Morrigan sighed. "... Ah, so you don't listen either."

@Verite @Ringmaster @Jeremi @The Tactician @Hospes @Debate
  • Love
  • Useful
Reactions: Josh M and Jeremi
"AGREED!" I typed in response to the man's decision to remove themselves from this unneeded debate."KYOKO, I AWAIT YOUR ANSWER AFTER THIS OPERATION!"

Apparently someone else had enough of this and followed the man's lead. However, someone just had to make a comment that when the side that wanted Ilona's freedom had nothing to 'stand on' they run away. I turned to face her, frowning my displeasure. If these idiots want to squabble now so be it. If they die, then thank God for Natural Selection.


  • Love
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"You might as well try. It'll probably work. I don't exactly need a nap right now, but it wouldn't exactly be unwelcome. If you knew my family, you might not be able to tell some of them apart from wolves. I wouldn't be surprised if any of them were secretly half wolf."

Mason continues rambling as his eyelids grow heavy along with his body in Cheza's arms. He drifts off into a light sleep, still at the ready to wake up in case of danger, like a cat nap. Sleep will do him well and keep his mind off the chaos and his heart focused on the task at hand. Even in slumber, Mason's heart is hard at work, searching for auras as far as it can stretch, looking for signs of danger or signs of Ilona.

@Takumi @Others

Cheza did as requested as Mason tried to rest, softly singing the words to him so he could hear her, even as the others continued their debate. She'd make sure to wake him when it was time to move on.

@Mason Moretti

"In that, we're in complete agreement Lady Morrigan. And with all due respect to you, Captain-Commander- Acts of bluster and cries of authority mean nothing in the field. Stay and argue if you wish. Some of us have jobs to do. Lady Morrigan."

He touched the brim of his hat and spoke to the groups as a whole.

"Those of you who don't feel like you have anything to prove, lets go. We have a girl to save."

And with that, Lucifer moved off with anyone else who came. Saber made a move before Lucifer waved a hand.

"No Saber, your instructions are the same. Protect the leaders."

"My joy knows no bounds Master." :|

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​

"I'm up for it. Better than bitching in circles. I'll be back in a little bit, Robin, don't let Ritsuko pull this shit anymore if you can."

And with that, Shizuo left the circular debate to go do something useful with Lucifer.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​

Toboe followed after Shizuo and Lucifer, hoping to be of some use with them than he was at the debate.

He glanced back to Cheza for a moment. But at her small nod of approval he turned and continued to moving with the small group.

@Ringmaster @The Tactician @Archwar @Atomyk @Verite

"... So much for moral high ground."

@nobody </3​
Last edited:
Saber wondered idly if the Order had any job openings. Because where she stood, there didn't seem to be any discerning differences between either faction now. Team Makoto was bitchy, Team whatsherface was ready to defend till doomsday and everyone was prepared to talk it out over actually doing something.

Maybe it was a bureaucratic thing. You spend enough time pushing paper, you forget how the field worked. What made it even worse?

She had to stick around and listen to these idiots jabber. At least some were actually doing something, rather then stick around in this circle jerk.

Saber Alter went for the only guy staying out of it where she stood, and spoke to Major Ocelot.

"So. What can we expect in the way of enemies? " If she had to stay with these morons, by Grail she'd at least make use of her time.

"Defying me is not how you win the Coalition's friendship, Lucifer."

Lucifer ignored it as he walked cautiously away. The Captain-Commander made his choice, Lucifer made his. If he believed saving face outweighed lives at stake, then so be it. Him? Lucifer wasn't here to make friends.

He did sigh out at the accusations flung.

At the least, some among them seemed to have a modicum of sense.

"Soldier? Shizuo? I'd like you two to take point. Shoot anything that looks undead. Shizuo? Smash anything that gets close."

Looking down at Toboe, his brow furrowed in mild confusion.

"... If you can understand me, take point? Your senses should help give us warning for patrols or help us follow them."

He did a quick head count and frowned.

"Our primary target is Ilona, but its possible others are also captives. We free everyone we can. Beyond that? We'll need off-world transport, big enough for everyone. Finally..."

His expression turned grim.

"Assume our status is compromised and that they know we're free. Prepare for the worst. Move out."

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Lock N'Load, here comes the A-Team.
"In that, we're in complete agreement Lady Morrigan. And with all due respect to you, Captain-Commander- Acts of bluster and cries of authority mean nothing in the field. Stay and argue if you wish. Some of us have jobs to do. Lady Morrigan."

He touched the brim of his hat and spoke to the groups as a whole.

"Those of you who don't feel like you have anything to prove, lets go. We have a girl to save."

And with that, Lucifer moved off with anyone else who came. Saber made a move before Lucifer waved a hand.

"No Saber, your instructions are the same. Protect the leaders."

"My joy knows no bounds Master." :|

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​

"I'm up for it. Better than bitching in circles. I'll be back in a little bit, Robin, don't let Ritsuko pull this shit anymore if you can."

And with that, Shizuo left the circular debate to go do something useful with Lucifer.

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Preacher out, yo.​

"AGREED!" I typed in response to the man's decision to remove themselves from this unneeded debate."KYOKO, I AWAIT YOUR ANSWER AFTER THIS OPERATION!"

Apparently someone else had enough of this and followed the man's lead. However, someone just had to make a comment that when the side that wanted Ilona's freedom had nothing to 'stand on' they run away. I turned to face her, frowning my displeasure. If these idiots want to squabble now so be it. If they die, then thank God for Natural Selection.


Cheza did as requested as Mason tried to rest, softly singing the words to him so he could hear her, even as the others continued their debate. She'd make sure to wake him when it was time to move on.

@Mason Moretti

Toboe followed after Shizuo and Lucifer, hoping to be of some use with them than he was at the debate.

He glanced back to Cheza for a moment. But at her small nod of approval he turned and continued to moving with the small group.

@Ringmaster @The Tactician @Archwar @Atomyk @Verite

Saber wondered idly if the Order had any job openings. Because where she stood, there didn't seem to be any discerning differences between either faction now. Team Makoto was bitchy, Team whatsherface was ready to defend till doomsday and everyone was prepared to talk it out over actually doing something.

Maybe it was a bureaucratic thing. You spend enough time pushing paper, you forget how the field worked. What made it even worse?

She had to stick around and listen to these idiots jabber. At least some were actually doing something, rather then stick around in this circle jerk.

Saber Alter went for the only guy staying out of it where she stood, and spoke to Major Ocelot.

"So. What can we expect in the way of enemies? " If she had to stay with these morons, by Grail she'd at least make use of her time.

Lucifer ignored it as he walked cautiously away. The Captain-Commander made his choice, Lucifer made his. If he believed saving face outweighed lives at stake, then so be it. Him? Lucifer wasn't here to make friends.

He did sigh out at the accusations flung.

At the least, some among them seemed to have a modicum of sense.

"Soldier? Shizuo? I'd like you two to take point. Shoot anything that looks undead. Shizuo? Smash anything that gets close."

Looking down at Toboe, his brow furrowed in mild confusion.

"... If you can understand me, take point? Your senses should help give us warning for patrols or help us follow them."

He did a quick head count and frowned.

"Our primary target is Ilona, but its possible others are also captives. We free everyone we can. Beyond that? We'll need off-world transport, big enough for everyone. Finally..."

His expression turned grim.

"Assume our status is compromised and that they know we're free. Prepare for the worst. Move out."

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Lock N'Load, here comes the A-Team.
Despite lack of supernatural power or above average strength, Lang was more than happy to accompany these few on the rescue mission-after all, why argue Ilona's fate when she was still in danger? And if others were still trapped, his senses could be best used to sniff out any of the captives while others took care of the enemy. Nodding at Lucifer's orders, Lang stayed close, waiting for the right moment to spring into action.
@Ringmaster @The Tactician @Archwar @ATeam
"Guys? Can we stop arguing? We can agree to something later!" Zidane tried to end the conflict.

@bleh shitpost​
Saber wondered idly if the Order had any job openings. Because where she stood, there didn't seem to be any discerning differences between either faction now. Team Makoto was bitchy, Team whatsherface was ready to defend till doomsday and everyone was prepared to talk it out over actually doing something.

Maybe it was a bureaucratic thing. You spend enough time pushing paper, you forget how the field worked. What made it even worse?

She had to stick around and listen to these idiots jabber. At least some were actually doing something, rather then stick around in this circle jerk.

Saber Alter went for the only guy staying out of it where she stood, and spoke to Major Ocelot.

"So. What can we expect in the way of enemies? " If she had to stay with these morons, by Grail she'd at least make use of her time.

Lucifer ignored it as he walked cautiously away. The Captain-Commander made his choice, Lucifer made his. If he believed saving face outweighed lives at stake, then so be it. Him? Lucifer wasn't here to make friends.

He did sigh out at the accusations flung.

At the least, some among them seemed to have a modicum of sense.

"Soldier? Shizuo? I'd like you two to take point. Shoot anything that looks undead. Shizuo? Smash anything that gets close."

Looking down at Toboe, his brow furrowed in mild confusion.

"... If you can understand me, take point? Your senses should help give us warning for patrols or help us follow them."

He did a quick head count and frowned.

"Our primary target is Ilona, but its possible others are also captives. We free everyone we can. Beyond that? We'll need off-world transport, big enough for everyone. Finally..."

His expression turned grim.

"Assume our status is compromised and that they know we're free. Prepare for the worst. Move out."

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Lock N'Load, here comes the A-Team.
Ignoring the debate that still raged on, Lucifer ordered me to shoot anything that moved and Barkeep to smash anything that got close. I took a glance at the blonde-haired man and determined him to be similar in nature to a stickman, but I did see him break somekind of barrier before so he could probably punch through a Undead skull.

I also noticed some others had joined us as well! Good! That meant we could cover more ground if need be and more people I could show my skills too.


And I barged through regardless of the reaction, a forming materializing in the shape of a chaingun. When it was fully formed, I pressed a button and a audible click echoed as the gears shifted, splitting the two barrels into three.


I chuckled. Nothing was going to get passed by me without being fulfilling my dream of making them into Swiss Cheese.

@Ringmaster @The Tactician @Yun Lee @A-Team
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Takumi
Saber wondered idly if the Order had any job openings. Because where she stood, there didn't seem to be any discerning differences between either faction now. Team Makoto was bitchy, Team whatsherface was ready to defend till doomsday and everyone was prepared to talk it out over actually doing something.

Maybe it was a bureaucratic thing. You spend enough time pushing paper, you forget how the field worked. What made it even worse?

She had to stick around and listen to these idiots jabber. At least some were actually doing something, rather then stick around in this circle jerk.

Saber Alter went for the only guy staying out of it where she stood, and spoke to Major Ocelot.

"So. What can we expect in the way of enemies? " If she had to stay with these morons, by Grail she'd at least make use of her time.

Lucifer ignored it as he walked cautiously away. The Captain-Commander made his choice, Lucifer made his. If he believed saving face outweighed lives at stake, then so be it. Him? Lucifer wasn't here to make friends.

He did sigh out at the accusations flung.

At the least, some among them seemed to have a modicum of sense.

"Soldier? Shizuo? I'd like you two to take point. Shoot anything that looks undead. Shizuo? Smash anything that gets close."

Looking down at Toboe, his brow furrowed in mild confusion.

"... If you can understand me, take point? Your senses should help give us warning for patrols or help us follow them."

He did a quick head count and frowned.

"Our primary target is Ilona, but its possible others are also captives. We free everyone we can. Beyond that? We'll need off-world transport, big enough for everyone. Finally..."

His expression turned grim.

"Assume our status is compromised and that they know we're free. Prepare for the worst. Move out."

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Lock N'Load, here comes the A-Team.
Ignoring the debate that still raged on, Lucifer ordered me to shoot anything that moved and Barkeep to smash anything that got close. I took a glance at the blonde-haired man and determined him to be similar in nature to a stickman, but I did see him break somekind of barrier before so he could probably punch through a Undead skull.

I also noticed some others had joined us as well! Good! That meant we could cover more ground if need be and more people I could show my skills too.


And I barged through regardless of the reaction, a forming materializing in the shape of a chaingun. When it was fully formed, I pressed a button and a audible click echoed as the gears shifted, splitting the two barrels into three.


I chuckled. Nothing was going to get passed by me without being fulfilling my dream of making them into Swiss Cheese.

@Ringmaster @The Tactician @Yun Lee @A-Team


"Got it, priest. Buckethead, anything that close enough to you to punch, let me handle. I've got a few tricks for bastards who try to fight up-close, undead or not."

As they walked along, the bartender spotted a trash can next to one of the doors they passed and grabbed hold of it. It might not have been a minigun, but in the hands of Shizuo Heiwajima? It was a lethal projectile of pure, bludgeoning power, and something to be feared.

"Hey, priest, got a question. What's the story with you and that knight of yours?"

@Gummi Bunnies @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Jeremi @Wren @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @dark @Krieg @Crow
@Atomyk @Mason Moretti @darnerdemons @Chewy Rabbits @Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @C.T. @BarrenThin @Minerva @york @Kaykay @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @pubbbb @Verite @The Tactician @Takumi @Yang Lee @Hospes @Josh M @Sen @Bomb @Lock N'Load, here comes the A-Team.​
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