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"That seems to be a very useful necklace. If only there were something I could wear such as that to help me control my own abilities," Ilona replied smiling at the thought. It was a nice thought, but her powers were different. If there were such an object to help her, surely the Coalition would've found it by now.


The explanation of what happen to Mason's home, however, did indeed sadden Ilona. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "I am... very sorry to hear such a thing. I too have run away from my own home, so I understand how you feel. I ran due to feeling ashamed... of being a poor daughter to my parents. If your world is gone, does this mean you have no family left?"

Realizing the male was trying to smile for her, Ilona tried to perk herself up a little. "But coming here to help people is a fine goal indeed! The Coalition is a very noble organization. Those who work with it sacrifice a lot to help the multiverse."

@Mason Moretti

"I suppose I wouldn't have any family left, except... If anyone survived, it would be my older brother. He was always really strong, and someone I looked up to." Mason returns the World's Heart to its place around his neck. His heart aches at the memories of his lost loved ones.

However, he finds solace in the golden-haired princess that stands before him. Locking eyes with her, Mason's face beams with what is the first genuine smile of their conversation. A flash of hope and comfort runs through his aura.

"Here we stand, both gathered to the Coaltion, with similar stories in our hearts. Even though we have lost our families, I say we can find family in each other.

"So, Madame Ilona, is it?"
He searches her face for an approval that he has her name is correct. Once he is sure, he continues. With a small bow and a gentlemanly hand outstretched, he asks, "Might we find comfort in calling each other family? It would be an honor for me, and I'm willing to stand by your side if you need anything."

Mason lifts his head from the bow so that his eyes would meet Ilona's again.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
I felt my shoulders slump as everyone left, not even bothering to answer my question. Well, I guess shooting bullets would make lots of people not want to associate themselves with me. Though I did feel a tiny stab in my heart. I was possibly asleep for eons and the moment I woke up, it was to blaring alarms, murderous Demons, and a scheming robot. I hungered for some social interaction, talking about guns and guts.

Eh, I'll have to go to the lounge then and see if anyone is willing to talk after I do some research.

I begun walking down the aisles, ignoring the occasional, frightful glance from a bypasser. Likely heard the bullets and saw me, but hey, the situation was resolved now!

Looking at the Ebooks, they had all sorts of information on events, history, and other stuff one might expected to find in a library. There was one about a happy little Demon Slayer. I was going to have to read that one later on! However, I wasn't searching for fantasy novels. That'll wait. For now, I needed more info on the 'Murder Games'. It was duel purpose, to learn more and to find out if this 'Ilona' participated in any of them or even existed.

I eventually found it and began looking through the selection of previous Murder Games hosted by the Arch Demon.

@Verite @Library

So, a new kid had approached, letting out an animalistic growl in her direction that hardly seemed to phase Weiss. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, offense taken in that he would dare speak out against her. This place was full of animals and pigs. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this ne'erdowell your friend? Allow me to immediately take back everything I've said about him, for surely the word of some child with the mannerisms of an animal beats out that of a party lacking in the bias that comes with being the companion of someone." Tch, how stupid could these people be? Truly, these were the kinds of people that the Coalition had decided to recruit? They must not reject any help they can get, she thought to herself, bitterly. As for Shizuo...


"How dare you! I refuse to sit back and be spoken to in such a manner by a--"


Glancing over her shoulder, Weiss took notice that another had joined their little party. This time, a girl from the library, who- were she not mistaken -had been to the side of the fight, with the other male involved in her arms. The heiress took the sight of them in, scanning them thoroughly, before finally speaking once again. "He doesn't appear to be wounded, but it would appear your friend's had a toll taken on him, too-"


While she had been intending to give Shizuo a bit of a talking to for how he had spoken to her sister, Winter became distracted by the sight of Add and Elesis, at which point she narrowed her eyes and gave a less than friendly look. "Unsurprisingly," she replied, curtly, to the apology. Who wouldn't be sorry for someone acting in such a manner? Regardless, eyes moved back to Weiss and Shizuo, whom she looked between with no amusement. She started off by addressing her little sibling. "Sister, you and Ruby Rose do recall our conditions, yes?" she asked, staring her sister down. To which Weiss glanced away slightly, looking somewhat sheepish. "Well... Yes, but--"

"Silence!" Winter interrupted, though Weiss hardly seemed to flinch. She must've been used to it, by now. With that out of the way, Winter glanced to Shizuo, not hesitating to address him. "As for you, I do not care for the tone you've taken towards my sibling. I am perfectly capable of keeping my own blood in line, I merely assumed she was capable of staying in line without her supervisor hovering over her. It appears I was sorely mistaken," she continued with a glance at Weiss, before her eyes returned to Shizuo. But then she noticed something peculiar. The boy at Shizuo's side appeared to be... Emitting a rainbow-colored glow of sorts. That was a shock. Never had she seen an aura like that. "...You. Is this aura of yours normal?" Looked like Winter was the odd one out in the worry for Mob. After all, he didn't appear severely injured at all. It just seemed as though he had a few scratches. She was more intrigued by the glow.

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi
"That seems to be a very useful necklace. If only there were something I could wear such as that to help me control my own abilities," Ilona replied smiling at the thought. It was a nice thought, but her powers were different. If there were such an object to help her, surely the Coalition would've found it by now.


The explanation of what happen to Mason's home, however, did indeed sadden Ilona. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "I am... very sorry to hear such a thing. I too have run away from my own home, so I understand how you feel. I ran due to feeling ashamed... of being a poor daughter to my parents. If your world is gone, does this mean you have no family left?"

Realizing the male was trying to smile for her, Ilona tried to perk herself up a little. "But coming here to help people is a fine goal indeed! The Coalition is a very noble organization. Those who work with it sacrifice a lot to help the multiverse."

@Mason Moretti


"Are you one of these so called clingy types?" Ilona asked Zidane, wondering if the young man did anything similar with how flirty he seemed to be.

@Bomb @Lounge​
"Well... not really." Zidane answered.

"N-No, no, it's not what it looks like!" Shiki would exclaim, still trying to shove Anna off him whilst trying to follow Ilona, Zidaine, and anyone else around. In the end, it would only seem that he'd just end up dragging Anna, and by extension Len, along like a big lump of dead weight.

"Some people are too clingy, huh? That's rich coming from the guy running around talking it up with every girl he can find!" He would proceed to yell Zidaine's way, practically limping after everyone else before eventually catching up, panting tiredly like he had just finished quite the work-out.

Taking a sigh once he would catch up, he'd readjust his glasses, looking at the crowd.


"Now then, in any case... We ought to be getting our bearings back sooner or later, right? The meeting should be reconvening in just a few minutes, unless there's some place you wanna look at real quick."

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @DBZ7 @Atomyk

"Ok... maybe a little bit." Zidane quickly corrected himself after hearing Shiki's outburst.


"Maybe we should get back soon..." Bibi said.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @everybody else nearby​

"Actually, that is what we were wondering. They decided to approach Miss Remilia's mansion, for some reason, and we don't know where they came from."

She didn't seem to pay much mind to the offhand compliments sent their way.


"Obviously they couldn't resist my absolute charisma."

@Sen @Wren @Chewy Rabbits @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi
"Gluttons fer punishment if ya ask me.. Shot 'em both and they still hung around..." Black spoke up in his usual sarcastic tone.


Nemo couldn't help but get a wee bit flustered at Remilia's comment having believed it was directed at him. Not too much of a stretch given how he'd been acting. But how was he supposed to act? Things seemed so much easier for The Kid in the stories! He talked to girls, and they fell head over heels for him! After that? Nemo didn't really know what went on. But at the question directed his and Astaroth's way, the boy pressed his pointer fingers together.

"We were messing with something that we probably shouldn't have been. But as it's sitting taking up space in my noggin, I figure we'd give it a go." Nemo explained before gesturing to the demon beside him to take up the speech. "Uh, well, if my appearance wasn't enough to give it away, I'm from Hell. Ended up going there after trying to stop a worse off demon from hurting my buddy here. Long story short, my ex-girlfriend and Nemo here came and saved me. But then I noticed Nemo had a new left eye.."

Lifting his eye patch up, Nemo showed off his Devil's Eye.


"Humans don't really care for Astaroth's kind which is why me and his girlfriend knew about him and his people. Since when other humans did find out? They kidnapped one of my demon friends and tortured him. So, I went to try and save him and they.." Nemo went silent for a moment as he glanced down at the ground. Placing a claw on Nemo's back, the demon knelt down by his side. "If you want me to say it, bud, I will."

"No, no I can say it. They..They beat me up and managed to cut out my left eye. I saved the demon but he and the others felt terrible for me putting myself in harm's way so they gave me the eye of a demon. Looks like a regular eye to my parents but I don't see using it. Instead? I can use it to summon demons to help me if I need it. But there is a saying you're supposed to yell before you use it and I kinda goofed up.." He admited sheepishly before trying to play it off cool and shrugging.

"B-But it's okay! We managed to escape when we almost got dragged down below and ended up at Remilia's place. We didn't know where else to go for help so we tried to get help from them. It took the both of us getting shot-no offense-to get it but well we got your help..."

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Jeremi @Crimson Spartan

"Considerin' you both were askin' fer it. Could've just walked away and everything would've been fine. Wouldn't have had to shoot either one of you...." Black spoke up seeming to not have a care in the world that he was admitting to shooting a kid and a demon. With good reason not to care given how old he is and how much he's seen. Not much this cowboy even cares for anymore.

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Jeremi @Chewy Rabbits
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So, a new kid had approached, letting out an animalistic growl in her direction that hardly seemed to phase Weiss. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, offense taken in that he would dare speak out against her. This place was full of animals and pigs. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this ne'erdowell your friend? Allow me to immediately take back everything I've said about him, for surely the word of some child with the mannerisms of an animal beats out that of a party lacking in the bias that comes with being the companion of someone." Tch, how stupid could these people be? Truly, these were the kinds of people that the Coalition had decided to recruit? They must not reject any help they can get, she thought to herself, bitterly. As for Shizuo...


"How dare you! I refuse to sit back and be spoken to in such a manner by a--"


Glancing over her shoulder, Weiss took notice that another had joined their little party. This time, a girl from the library, who- were she not mistaken -had been to the side of the fight, with the other male involved in her arms. The heiress took the sight of them in, scanning them thoroughly, before finally speaking once again. "He doesn't appear to be wounded, but it would appear your friend's had a toll taken on him, too-"


While she had been intending to give Shizuo a bit of a talking to for how he had spoken to her sister, Winter became distracted by the sight of Add and Elesis, at which point she narrowed her eyes and gave a less than friendly look. "Unsurprisingly," she replied, curtly, to the apology. Who wouldn't be sorry for someone acting in such a manner? Regardless, eyes moved back to Weiss and Shizuo, whom she looked between with no amusement. She started off by addressing her little sibling. "Sister, you and Ruby Rose do recall our conditions, yes?" she asked, staring her sister down. To which Weiss glanced away slightly, looking somewhat sheepish. "Well... Yes, but--"

"Silence!" Winter interrupted, though Weiss hardly seemed to flinch. She must've been used to it, by now. With that out of the way, Winter glanced to Shizuo, not hesitating to address him. "As for you, I do not care for the tone you've taken towards my sibling. I am perfectly capable of keeping my own blood in line, I merely assumed she was capable of staying in line without her supervisor hovering over her. It appears I was sorely mistaken," she continued with a glance at Weiss, before her eyes returned to Shizuo. But then she noticed something peculiar. The boy at Shizuo's side appeared to be... Emitting a rainbow-colored glow of sorts. That was a shock. Never had she seen an aura like that. "...You. Is this aura of yours normal?" Looked like Winter was the odd one out in the worry for Mob. After all, he didn't appear severely injured at all. It just seemed as though he had a few scratches. She was more intrigued by the glow.

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi

"Funny, I didn't care for the tone she took towards me. Weird how her tone got me to take the one I did, isn't it? Also, I wasn't questioning if you could control the kid, I was asking if you would do so because I don't care for her harassing me."

Shizuo's hand reached down to pat the head of Toboe, not considering it weird at all that his friend had just been a human being like him. It was a pretty normal thing in his mind considering that he also hung around with a headless woman who dated an underground doctor. After a moment though, he remembered Mob and his strange appearance as well and cocked a brow.

"Oi, Shigeo, do you always glow like this when you're with a cute girl or something?"

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi
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"N-No, no, it's not what it looks like!" Shiki would exclaim, still trying to shove Anna off him whilst trying to follow Ilona, Zidaine, and anyone else around. In the end, it would only seem that he'd just end up dragging Anna, and by extension Len, along like a big lump of dead weight.

"Some people are too clingy, huh? That's rich coming from the guy running around talking it up with every girl he can find!" He would proceed to yell Zidaine's way, practically limping after everyone else before eventually catching up, panting tiredly like he had just finished quite the work-out.

Taking a sigh once he would catch up, he'd readjust his glasses, looking at the crowd.


"Now then, in any case... We ought to be getting our bearings back sooner or later, right? The meeting should be reconvening in just a few minutes, unless there's some place you wanna look at real quick."

@Bomb @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mason Moretti @DBZ7 @Atomyk
"Well... not really." Zidane answered.


"Ok... maybe a little bit." Zidane quickly corrected himself after hearing Shiki's outburst.


"Maybe we should get back soon..." Bibi said.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @everybody else nearby​
"Oh...if you say so, Shizuo." Toboe replied before letting his disguise as a human drop suddenly. Ears flat, the young wolf would bump his nose onto Shizuo's leg gently. Almost in sympathy and understanding.


At least Shizuo had Toboe and more recently Cheza to believe in him while they were there.

At noticing Mob's reaction, Toboe's ears would perk twitching slightly as he gave a tilt of his head. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or not.

At Elesis' statement, he looked over at her, tail twitching slightly. Yay, no more fighting from Add's side of things. Deep down Toboe hoped Add was okay though. :D

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb @Gummi Bunnies

Cheza turned her head as Shiki struggled. Not at all speaking up about it in the slightest until he waz close enough.

"This one thinks that she is that way due to what he said about money. This one could be wrong, but that is what this one believes." she said to anyone who would listen.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7 @Verite @darnerdemons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @lounge peeps

When Shiki seemed a bit upset, even going so far as to snap at Zidane, Ilona placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sir Shiki, it's all right. He meant no harm. If the merchant woman is bothering you, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to... stand up for yourself. I don't like seeing you so disgruntled."

When Cheza would give her two cents on the situation, Ilona frowned. "Money? I see... but I feel Sir Shiki deserves to be cared for because of who he is, not due to how much money he may have. It is what everyone deserves. But... I suppose it is not for me to decide..."

"Anyhow, I did intend to take a walk, but if it is about time for the meetings to start, perhaps we should simply walk over in that direction?" she suggested.

@Verite @Bomb @Takumi

"I suppose I wouldn't have any family left, except... If anyone survived, it would be my older brother. He was always really strong, and someone I looked up to." Mason returns the World's Heart to its place around his neck. His heart aches at the memories of his lost loved ones.

However, he finds solace in the golden-haired princess that stands before him. Locking eyes with her, Mason's face beams with what is the first genuine smile of their conversation. A flash of hope and comfort runs through his aura.

"Here we stand, both gathered to the Coaltion, with similar stories in our hearts. Even though we have lost our families, I say we can find family in each other.

"So, Madame Ilona, is it?"
He searches her face for an approval that he has her name is correct. Once he is sure, he continues. With a small bow and a gentlemanly hand outstretched, he asks, "Might we find comfort in calling each other family? It would be an honor for me, and I'm willing to stand by your side if you need anything."

Mason lifts his head from the bow so that his eyes would meet Ilona's again.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Ah, well for your sake then I do hope your brother was able to survive. It would be tragic to truly be alone," Ilona replied to Mason. She she would smile back at him when he locked eyes with her, glad their conversation seemed to be keeping a smile on his face. When he would bow to her, however, and ask her if she would like to be his family the young woman blushed and frantically waved her hands.


"S-Sir Mason, I-I don't know what to say. We've only just met. I wouldn't say we know each other well enough to be family. You are too kind! Ah ha ha..." Ilona placed a hand over her mouth and glanced away.

I never even see my real family. I'm just a disappointment to them. The last thing I need is more family to let down. I still deeply fear I may harm others. Getting to close to anyone is a very frightening thing...

"But I would very much like us to be friends! You seem to have lead a very interesting life. I'd love to hear stories about where you come from," she said, the smile returning to her lips.

@Mason Moretti

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At noticing Mob's reaction, Toboe's ears would perk twitching slightly as he gave a tilt of his head. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or not.

"...You. Is this aura of yours normal?" Looked like Winter was the odd one out in the worry for Mob. After all, he didn't appear severely injured at all. It just seemed as though he had a few scratches. She was more intrigued by the glow.​

"Oi, Shigeo, do you always glow like this when you're with a cute girl or something?"

Mob was confused at first. Aura? Mob wasn't using his psychic power- Oh. Oh shit. Mob raised an eyebrow in question, then looked at his hand to see a rainbow hue surrounding it. Mob let out a loud "EEEEEEH?" and waved his hand. Letting Mob know about the aura seemed to increase his stress even more, and after a mini panic, Mob looked up at the group staring down. at him with concerning airs. Mob's eye twitched, and he brought his hand up to his face.



The staring continued, flaring up Mob's emotions inside him more.


Staring. Even more. Shigeo hallucinated as his mind became even more unstable, the figures in front of him becoming looming, tall, and menacing. Mob's hair began to levitate in place, no longer following the laws of gravity. Mob took deep breaths as the figures closed in on him, Mob scrambling to the floor.


"I'm fine..."

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with me...I used the barrier, my bones are..I'm fine!"

Yes, Mob is void of all emotion. But when the emotions locked deep in Mob's heart get too enflamed, they expand little by little. There is a limit to how much his emotions can take before leaking out and running wild.


And now, there is an emotion swirling around within Mob like a hurricane trying to past the limit.


Mob's eyes light up completely as his hair flies upwards, levitating off the ground and filling the hallway/library hall with light and psychic energy, temporarily blinding anyone in range. When the light faded, Mob could be seen with a bit more life in his eyes than before, his clothes waving furiously in the gust of psychic power that was circling around Mob..The scratches on him were gone, and a visible telekinetic barrier could be seen around Mob, an extremely strong one. A red aura surrounded Mob.

Mob looked...Horrified as he stared at the group before him, slightly pushed back by the telekinetic barrier. It also looked like Mob was completely healed. Books on shelves were floating gently in their shelves, dust from the ground collectively raised itself off the ground, and winds circling around Mob could be seen. That emotion that got out was.... Guilt. The guilt of hiding that he was fine just to hang out with people who were clearly above him on the social ladder.


Mob's hair dropped downward, the barrier quickly shattering, the booming tone of glass being broken as everything that was previously levitated was lowered to the ground/shelf. Mob peacefully fell on his feet on the ground, the monotone expression returning. Mob blushed, reaching out to the group with concern, who of which all of their hair would be blown back by now. The emotion of guilt only healed his skin and very temporary injuries, but the real injury...Was in Mob's heart. And his powers, his powers were pretty drained after that.

"I-I'm sorry! I tried to tell you I was fine!"

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?



Mob was confused at first. Aura? Mob wasn't using his psychic power- Oh. Oh shit. Mob raised an eyebrow in question, then looked at his hand to see a rainbow hue surrounding it. Mob let out a loud "EEEEEEH?" and waved his hand. Letting Mob know about the aura seemed to increase his stress even more, and after a mini panic, Mob looked up at the group staring down. at him with concerning airs. Mob's eye twitched, and he brought his hand up to his face.



The staring continued, flaring up Mob's emotions inside him more.


Staring. Even more. Shigeo hallucinated as his mind became even more unstable, the figures in front of him becoming looming, tall, and menacing. Mob's hair began to levitate in place, no longer following the laws of gravity. Mob took deep breaths as the figures closed in on him, Mob scrambling to the floor.


"I'm fine..."

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with me...I used the barrier, my bones are..I'm fine!"

Yes, Mob is void of all emotion. But when the emotions locked deep in Mob's heart get too enflamed, they expand little by little. There is a limit to how much his emotions can take before leaking out and running wild.


And now, there is an emotion swirling around within Mob like a hurricane trying to past the limit.


Mob's eyes light up completely as his hair flies upwards, levitating off the ground and filling the hallway/library hall with light and psychic energy, temporarily blinding anyone in range. When the light faded, Mob could be seen with a bit more life in his eyes than before, his clothes waving furiously in the gust of psychic power that was circling around Mob..The scratches on him were gone, and a visible telekinetic barrier could be seen around Mob, an extremely strong one. A red aura surrounded Mob.

Mob looked...Horrified as he stared at the group before him, slightly pushed back by the telekinetic barrier. It also looked like Mob was completely healed. Books on shelves were floating gently in their shelves, dust from the ground collectively raised itself off the ground, and winds circling around Mob could be seen. That emotion that got out was.... Guilt. The guilt of hiding that he was fine just to hang out with people who were clearly above him on the social ladder.


Mob's hair dropped downward, the barrier quickly shattering, the booming tone of glass being broken as everything that was previously levitated was lowered to the ground/shelf. Mob peacefully fell on his feet on the ground, the monotone expression returning. Mob blushed, reaching out to the group with concern, who of which all of their hair would be blown back by now. The emotion of guilt only healed his skin and very temporary injuries, but the real injury...Was in Mob's heart. And his powers, his powers were pretty drained after that.

"I-I'm sorry! I tried to tell you I was fine!"

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?


"Hey, kid. It's fine, alright?"

He couldn't lie, it was a bit shocking to suddenly see his new friend explode with emotional energy. However, he also wouldn't judge the kid or think bad of him for it. It seemed like something he couldn't really control, like his own anger, and Shizuo knew how much of a pain it was to deal with something like that. Besides, he hadn't hurt them or anything, so there wasn't anything to apologize for.


"I'm guessing you've got the opposite problem or something, where you bottle shit up till it does... whatever that was, right? Well, don't worry about bottling stuff, alright? You didn't hurt anybody with your powers, so you're doing better than me at least. Just calm down and collect yourself a bit."

"I'm not going to judge you for that shit, and anybody who does judge for it can answer to me."

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?
"Oh...if you say so, Shizuo." Toboe replied before letting his disguise as a human drop suddenly. Ears flat, the young wolf would bump his nose onto Shizuo's leg gently. Almost in sympathy and understanding.


At least Shizuo had Toboe and more recently Cheza to believe in him while they were there.

At noticing Mob's reaction, Toboe's ears would perk twitching slightly as he gave a tilt of his head. He wasn't sure if he should be worried or not.

At Elesis' statement, he looked over at her, tail twitching slightly. Yay, no more fighting from Add's side of things. Deep down Toboe hoped Add was okay though. :D

@The Tactician @Hospes @york @pubbbb @Gummi Bunnies

Cheza turned her head as Shiki struggled. Not at all speaking up about it in the slightest until he waz close enough.

"This one thinks that she is that way due to what he said about money. This one could be wrong, but that is what this one believes." she said to anyone who would listen.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7 @Verite @darnerdemons @CrunchyCHEEZIT @lounge peeps

So, a new kid had approached, letting out an animalistic growl in her direction that hardly seemed to phase Weiss. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, offense taken in that he would dare speak out against her. This place was full of animals and pigs. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this ne'erdowell your friend? Allow me to immediately take back everything I've said about him, for surely the word of some child with the mannerisms of an animal beats out that of a party lacking in the bias that comes with being the companion of someone." Tch, how stupid could these people be? Truly, these were the kinds of people that the Coalition had decided to recruit? They must not reject any help they can get, she thought to herself, bitterly. As for Shizuo...


"How dare you! I refuse to sit back and be spoken to in such a manner by a--"


Glancing over her shoulder, Weiss took notice that another had joined their little party. This time, a girl from the library, who- were she not mistaken -had been to the side of the fight, with the other male involved in her arms. The heiress took the sight of them in, scanning them thoroughly, before finally speaking once again. "He doesn't appear to be wounded, but it would appear your friend's had a toll taken on him, too-"


While she had been intending to give Shizuo a bit of a talking to for how he had spoken to her sister, Winter became distracted by the sight of Add and Elesis, at which point she narrowed her eyes and gave a less than friendly look. "Unsurprisingly," she replied, curtly, to the apology. Who wouldn't be sorry for someone acting in such a manner? Regardless, eyes moved back to Weiss and Shizuo, whom she looked between with no amusement. She started off by addressing her little sibling. "Sister, you and Ruby Rose do recall our conditions, yes?" she asked, staring her sister down. To which Weiss glanced away slightly, looking somewhat sheepish. "Well... Yes, but--"

"Silence!" Winter interrupted, though Weiss hardly seemed to flinch. She must've been used to it, by now. With that out of the way, Winter glanced to Shizuo, not hesitating to address him. "As for you, I do not care for the tone you've taken towards my sibling. I am perfectly capable of keeping my own blood in line, I merely assumed she was capable of staying in line without her supervisor hovering over her. It appears I was sorely mistaken," she continued with a glance at Weiss, before her eyes returned to Shizuo. But then she noticed something peculiar. The boy at Shizuo's side appeared to be... Emitting a rainbow-colored glow of sorts. That was a shock. Never had she seen an aura like that. "...You. Is this aura of yours normal?" Looked like Winter was the odd one out in the worry for Mob. After all, he didn't appear severely injured at all. It just seemed as though he had a few scratches. She was more intrigued by the glow.

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi

"Funny, I didn't care for the tone she took towards me. Weird how her tone got me to take the one I did, isn't it? Also, I wasn't questioning if you could control the kid, I was asking if you would do so because I don't care for her harassing me."

Shizuo's hand reached down to pat the head of Toboe, not considering it weird at all that his friend had just been a human being like him. It was a pretty normal thing in his mind considering that he also hung around with a headless woman who dated an underground doctor. After a moment though, he remembered Mob and his strange appearance as well and cocked a brow.

"Oi, Shigeo, do you always glow like this when you're with a cute girl or something?"

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi

Mob was confused at first. Aura? Mob wasn't using his psychic power- Oh. Oh shit. Mob raised an eyebrow in question, then looked at his hand to see a rainbow hue surrounding it. Mob let out a loud "EEEEEEH?" and waved his hand. Letting Mob know about the aura seemed to increase his stress even more, and after a mini panic, Mob looked up at the group staring down. at him with concerning airs. Mob's eye twitched, and he brought his hand up to his face.



The staring continued, flaring up Mob's emotions inside him more.


Staring. Even more. Shigeo hallucinated as his mind became even more unstable, the figures in front of him becoming looming, tall, and menacing. Mob's hair began to levitate in place, no longer following the laws of gravity. Mob took deep breaths as the figures closed in on him, Mob scrambling to the floor.


"I'm fine..."

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with me...I used the barrier, my bones are..I'm fine!"

Yes, Mob is void of all emotion. But when the emotions locked deep in Mob's heart get too enflamed, they expand little by little. There is a limit to how much his emotions can take before leaking out and running wild.


And now, there is an emotion swirling around within Mob like a hurricane trying to past the limit.


Mob's eyes light up completely as his hair flies upwards, levitating off the ground and filling the hallway/library hall with light and psychic energy, temporarily blinding anyone in range. When the light faded, Mob could be seen with a bit more life in his eyes than before, his clothes waving furiously in the gust of psychic power that was circling around Mob..The scratches on him were gone, and a visible telekinetic barrier could be seen around Mob, an extremely strong one. A red aura surrounded Mob.

Mob looked...Horrified as he stared at the group before him, slightly pushed back by the telekinetic barrier. It also looked like Mob was completely healed. Books on shelves were floating gently in their shelves, dust from the ground collectively raised itself off the ground, and winds circling around Mob could be seen. That emotion that got out was.... Guilt. The guilt of hiding that he was fine just to hang out with people who were clearly above him on the social ladder.


Mob's hair dropped downward, the barrier quickly shattering, the booming tone of glass being broken as everything that was previously levitated was lowered to the ground/shelf. Mob peacefully fell on his feet on the ground, the monotone expression returning. Mob blushed, reaching out to the group with concern, who of which all of their hair would be blown back by now. The emotion of guilt only healed his skin and very temporary injuries, but the real injury...Was in Mob's heart. And his powers, his powers were pretty drained after that.

"I-I'm sorry! I tried to tell you I was fine!"

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?


"Hey, kid. It's fine, alright?"

He couldn't lie, it was a bit shocking to suddenly see his new friend explode with emotional energy. However, he also wouldn't judge the kid or think bad of him for it. It seemed like something he couldn't really control, like his own anger, and Shizuo knew how much of a pain it was to deal with something like that. Besides, he hadn't hurt them or anything, so there wasn't anything to apologize for.


"I'm guessing you've got the opposite problem or something, where you bottle shit up till it does... whatever that was, right? Well, don't worry about bottling stuff, alright? You didn't hurt anybody with your powers, so you're doing better than me at least. Just calm down and collect yourself a bit."

"I'm not going to judge you for that shit, and anybody who does judge for it can answer to me."

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?


That was all Elesis could muster up to say as it appeared that Mob's power had suddenly exploded in terms of power. She was well aware of certain things triggering off like this from her fights against numerous demons, but to have it happen out of nowhere, it was surprising. Thankfully she was able to keep Add in her arms, not really dropping him in the process. As it all died down, the Crimson Avenger silently returned to her blank slate of facial expressions.

Isn't that precious, sunshine? Even after all of that ruckus, the boy claims to be fine? Hah! That's almost like how you tried to convince yourself that you were fine after having me become a part of your life, huh? Guess you aren't so alone in this after all, Elesis!

As this other voice echoed inside of her head, Elesis took a moment to refocus herself, ignoring said voice within her. The "phantom" wasn't going to lure her into giving it control of her body again... not now... Yet, the phantom did have a point, that she and Mob had similar traits when it came to things like this. She did try to pass herself to being okay when she was slowly becoming this shell of her former self due to the Dark El. With the little thought processes she had left, Elesis desperately clung to these little things that she managed to keep in her head for so long, like the thoughts of her little brother and the long past times of her knighthood.

Stepping over to Mob as she had Add slung over her shoulder to give herself a free hand, the fallen knight calmly put her hand onto his shoulder.


"Every... th... ing... is... o... kay... you're... ok... ay... we're... okay."

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @pubbbb @library​

When Shiki seemed a bit upset, even going so far as to snap at Zidane, Ilona placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Sir Shiki, it's all right. He meant no harm. If the merchant woman is bothering you, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to... stand up for yourself. I don't like seeing you so disgruntled."

When Cheza would give her two cents on the situation, Ilona frowned. "Money? I see... but I feel Sir Shiki deserves to be cared for because of who he is, not due to how much money he may have. It is what everyone deserves. But... I suppose it is not for me to decide..."

"Anyhow, I did intend to take a walk, but if it is about time for the meetings to start, perhaps we should simply walk over in that direction?" she suggested.

@Verite @Bomb @Takumi


"Ah, well for your sake then I do hope your brother was able to survive. It would be tragic to truly be alone," Ilona replied to Mason. She she would smile back at him when he locked eyes with her, glad their conversation seemed to be keeping a smile on his face. When he would bow to her, however, and ask her if she would like to be his family the young woman blushed and frantically waved her hands.


"S-Sir Mason, I-I don't know what to say. We've only just met. I wouldn't say we know each other well enough to be family. You are too kind! Ah ha ha..." Ilona placed a hand over her mouth and glanced away.

I never even see my real family. I'm just a disappointment to them. The last thing I need is more family to let down. I still deeply fear I may harm others. Getting to close to anyone is a very frightening thing...

"But I would very much like us to be friends! You seem to have lead a very interesting life. I'd love to hear stories about where you come from," she said, the smile returning to her lips.

@Mason Moretti


A bright Crimson floods into Mason's cheeks as well. "Sorry, sorry... I apologize, Madame Ilona. I have a bit of flair for the dramatic. You could say I want to be an actor. Sometimes I take things a bit farther than they need to go."

The truth is that Mason's emotions got the better of him. As much as he tries to hide them, they burst forth and guide his actions more than his head does. Even with strategy and wisdom locked in his head, most of Mason's actions are guided by impulse rather than intellect.

Part of this was due to his gift. Aura is the essence of spirit, and the World's Heart responds much better to feelings than to commands.

After standing upright and gathering his emotions, he responds, "Yes, I think it would be great to be friends. I'd love to spend time with you."

He glances past Ilona and towards her "entourage" of sorts, specifically at Shiki. "It appears your friend wishes to head back to the meeting room. I think we should follow suit. Shall we?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Bomb @Takumi

Great. Another little smartass. Just what she needed. In any case, at least they couldn't be any worse than the one she had to deal with back in Remnant. "Absolutely astounding," she replied with dry sarcasm. How hilarious this man was.... Not. "If that is your question, the answer would be yes." After all, she didn't need Weiss causing any issues while they were here, and knowing her less than competent sister, she would without close supervision. But for now, she was more focused on the odd glow from Mob than anything else.

And then things kind of took a turn.

Apparently, 'Shiego', as the blonde man had called him, felt rather pressured by her question, combined with Shizuo's follow up. A brow was raised as she waited patiently for a reply, but he kept stammering up until he began to outright float upwards, no longer held down by gravity. That was... Surprising. Next he rambled about being alright, which Winter had never doubted in the first place. And then came the explosion of light and psychic energy, threatening to send those without a good stance and foothold flying. Luckily, Winter herself was just fine in those fields.

As was Weiss, who was prepared to assist Ruby should she need it.

Well. That was a new one, in any case. Luckily, it didn't seem either of the sister's were exactly upset, though Weiss was admittedly a bit surprised.

@pubbbb @york @Takumi @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies

"Actually, that is what we were wondering. They decided to approach Miss Remilia's mansion, for some reason, and we don't know where they came from."

She didn't seem to pay much mind to the offhand compliments sent their way.


"Obviously they couldn't resist my absolute charisma."

@Sen @Wren @Chewy Rabbits @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi


Nemo couldn't help but get a wee bit flustered at Remilia's comment having believed it was directed at him. Not too much of a stretch given how he'd been acting. But how was he supposed to act? Things seemed so much easier for The Kid in the stories! He talked to girls, and they fell head over heels for him! After that? Nemo didn't really know what went on. But at the question directed his and Astaroth's way, the boy pressed his pointer fingers together.

"We were messing with something that we probably shouldn't have been. But as it's sitting taking up space in my noggin, I figure we'd give it a go." Nemo explained before gesturing to the demon beside him to take up the speech. "Uh, well, if my appearance wasn't enough to give it away, I'm from Hell. Ended up going there after trying to stop a worse off demon from hurting my buddy here. Long story short, my ex-girlfriend and Nemo here came and saved me. But then I noticed Nemo had a new left eye.."

Lifting his eye patch up, Nemo showed off his Devil's Eye.


"Humans don't really care for Astaroth's kind which is why me and his girlfriend knew about him and his people. Since when other humans did find out? They kidnapped one of my demon friends and tortured him. So, I went to try and save him and they.." Nemo went silent for a moment as he glanced down at the ground. Placing a claw on Nemo's back, the demon knelt down by his side. "If you want me to say it, bud, I will."

"No, no I can say it. They..They beat me up and managed to cut out my left eye. I saved the demon but he and the others felt terrible for me putting myself in harm's way so they gave me the eye of a demon. Looks like a regular eye to my parents but I don't see using it. Instead? I can use it to summon demons to help me if I need it. But there is a saying you're supposed to yell before you use it and I kinda goofed up.." He admited sheepishly before trying to play it off cool and shrugging.

"B-But it's okay! We managed to escape when we almost got dragged down below and ended up at Remilia's place. We didn't know where else to go for help so we tried to get help from them. It took the both of us getting shot-no offense-to get it but well we got your help..."

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Jeremi @Crimson Spartan
"Oh I'll believe you, for now." Bekka replied.

"No kid should have to live through that." Red Tornado said in a somber tone. "You'll get the help you need from here. The Coalition is filled with good people, I'm sure they can figure something out for you."


"Maybe it has to do with those portals that keep opening up, they've been popping up more and more lately, interfering with so many daily lives."​

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. "Makes my life hard too." Being a somewhat recognizable actor was already hard enough, but with so much happening he had to turn down many job offers for good productions and offers to be cast in a television dramas. He shrugged, he wanted to help people achieve their dreams just as his was, it was a worthy enough sacrifice.

"But I feel better now that I get to talk to some cuties~ Absolute charisma indeed~"​


Zen's eyebrow rose at Astaroth's statement. "Hell? Well... " He examined the creature again, taking note of the tail that he spouted, used like an extra limb. What did he expect? He had a skewered, human-created image of hell. What did it look like? What were other demons like? He was curious, but ah, curiosity also killed the cat. "It must have been rough."

He couldn't help but whistle, reaching to ruffle the boy's hair. "I agree, no one should go through that sort of bullshit." The young man closed his eyes, "It must have been traumatizing... I can't even imagine what it must have been like for you..."

"The worse feeling in the world is thinking back and remembering all of that. It's so hard to move on."

"But the Coalition is good to everything. Just ask Bradley here~"​

@Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Wren @Crimson Spartan @Jeremi
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Another woman...Although...Mob loved milk, thus, the color white was more his game when it came to women, so he kept his sights on Weiss despite both of them being very attractive. Such was the thought process of puberty, as his old master would say. It always came down to what color he fancied better. Seeing as the other woman would also be sticking around, Mob lost the sense of private time he had with Weiss, looking away lazily.

Mob then said in an uncharacteristically deep voice, staring forward with an EXTREMELY serious face.

"I think...I need a doctor."


@The Tactician @Hospes @york
Scott had noticed that the two dogs were indeed happy and that made him feel a bit better too at the end of the day. He loved the hyper animals, they were the most friendly and the best ones to pet.

Scott was happy that he had stood still when he tried to pet him and he continued towards his goal to pet his fur. He was happy that the dog stood still. " You are a good dog," he said,a hint of joy in his voice. As a werewolf, dogs had become the easiest thing for him to take care of/ calm down.

@york @Josh M @Around the dogs in the library
So, the boy claimed he was fine. That much was good, at least, but it appeared that Weiss still hardly held an ounce of trust in Shizuo. "You're fine?" she repeated, clearly disbelieving. "You're wounded! And clearly this ruffian is responsible. Surely you must've developed Stockholm Syndrome if you're staking such a claim and actually trusting this... this cretin!" the seventeen-year-old exclaimed with a blatant disregard of the fact that her words might irritate Shizuo. What did it matter, after all? Clearly he was naught but a ne'erdowell, thus his opinions didn't matter. She was merely firing truth from her lips, and he would just have to deal.

However, she most certainly didn't react well to how he responded to her. Brat? Oh, like hell was she going to listen to this. "How dare you! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Clearly, he didn't, or he'd be on his knees apologizing for his words, begging for forgiveness- as he should. Huff- whatever! "If you're not 'in the mood', perhaps you should have thought about that before you began such an assault, you dunce. As for helping..."


"Don't consider my assistance to be for you," she finished with a glare at Shizuo. The kid needed help, but that was the only reason she was sticking around. With that, her attention turned to Mob, who she looked over closely. That was... Odd. "...You. You don't have an aura, do you?" It was a rhetorical inquiry, for Weiss was confident she knew the answer. That was quite the anomaly. But, she supposed it simply came with the fact that different universes must function in different ways. "Hmph. Regardless, surely finding medical assistance should not be a problem. After all, we are in the middle of a Coalition that's acted as a beacon for all kinds of people from all sorts of universes. The chances of there being no one with the abilities needed to assist are next to zero."

Just about then, a familiar face caught up to the three of them as they walked. Unsurprisingly, belonging to Ruby. The girl regarded her teammate with a lack of excitement or happiness, merely sticking up her nose. "It's about time. Are you blind, or just deaf? For someone who's so fast, it's a wonder that it takes you so long to notice an altercation," she chided with clear annoyance.


"Similarly, it's a wonder that both of you have such a blatant disregard of what I thought was a simple set of rules. Clearly, I overestimated your capability to listen. A mistake I will be sure to avoid making again."

...Well shit. Looked like the two students hadn't quite left the library unnoticed. The remark was enough to make Weiss suddenly appear to be at a loss, feeling a wave of disappointment.


@pubbbb @The Tactician @york
"Did someone teach you to run that mouth as much as you do, or were you always this bitchy?"


"I don't give a damn who you are, kid. I've learned something, something very important from being seen as a monster by other people. Don't put much stock into big names and reputations, because in general, that shit doesn't matter when shit gets important. If that means you need to let go of whatever big name you've got and stand on your own, then do it, kid. Else you're gonna get guys like me who don't know or care about your name, and we'll call your bullshit out even if we do know it."

"As for why I'm helping, I've already told you, I fucked up in regards to this kid so I'm setting it right. Beating the shit out of Esper? That's fine, but this kid didn't need to get hurt so I'm helping him get back on his feet. If you've got a problem with that..." With an serene like grace that didn't match his personality or usual actions, Shizuo withdrew his lighter once against along with his pack. Lighting up and taking a breathe of the smoke, the chain smoker finally finished his rebuttal with a sharp glare aimed right back at the girl.

"Then you can kiss my ass. I don't need your assistance, and I don't need your bitchy attitude distracting me from finding a doctor, so shut the hell up."


And oh look, another white-haired, well-dressed woman was approaching them. Shizuo could already guess the headache that he was about be greeted with.

"I'm guessing you're this kid's mom or aunt or something? You mind getting her off my damn case, and maybe teach her manners? She seems to like trying to irritate and jab at guys who are above her weight class, and it's about to get her into trouble."

"Thanks, but don't waste your breathe, Toboe. This kid's got her opinion and she's not going to change it. It's pretty normal when it comes to me."

@Hospes @york @pubbbb @Takumi
Mob's face was a crimson red. A-All these people were just get him a doctor? Why wasn't one of these people a doctor? Were they trying to comfort him? If so, why don't one of them even know where a doctor is? Mob's at the back of his mind were panicking, Mob's eye was starting to twitch from how impatient he was getting about this. He was fine, too! But he wasn't going to speak up about it, I mean, all these people were trying to find him a doctor...It'd be mean to interrupt their search, they're clearly dedicated at this point. That and this is Mob's only excuse to hang out with Shizuo, who reminded him of Reigen, which slightly relaxed him.

Mob looked at Weiss, who was rambling about Mob's well being to Shizuo. Not knowing Weiss' principals, Mob looked forward and started to think about the implications of Weiss acting like this. Was she interested too? Wait, wait a minute...Does this mean... Mob's popular? No, no...He must be imagining things. But then he looked over the figures he was with again. Pretty women...Good looking men...By god, Mob confirmed his suspicions by how attractive the people were around him! Mob had a possi! A...Medical possi! And was popular. Mob then looked forward as his eyes slightly dilated and a serious stare formed, not wanting to say anything stupid to ruin the moment. However, the emotions getting the better of him, Mob started to emit a rainbow-esque aura.



@Takumi @The Tactician @Hospes @york @library? maybe? still?

So, a new kid had approached, letting out an animalistic growl in her direction that hardly seemed to phase Weiss. Her eyes narrowed at the boy, offense taken in that he would dare speak out against her. This place was full of animals and pigs. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this ne'erdowell your friend? Allow me to immediately take back everything I've said about him, for surely the word of some child with the mannerisms of an animal beats out that of a party lacking in the bias that comes with being the companion of someone." Tch, how stupid could these people be? Truly, these were the kinds of people that the Coalition had decided to recruit? They must not reject any help they can get, she thought to herself, bitterly. As for Shizuo...


"How dare you! I refuse to sit back and be spoken to in such a manner by a--"


Glancing over her shoulder, Weiss took notice that another had joined their little party. This time, a girl from the library, who- were she not mistaken -had been to the side of the fight, with the other male involved in her arms. The heiress took the sight of them in, scanning them thoroughly, before finally speaking once again. "He doesn't appear to be wounded, but it would appear your friend's had a toll taken on him, too-"


While she had been intending to give Shizuo a bit of a talking to for how he had spoken to her sister, Winter became distracted by the sight of Add and Elesis, at which point she narrowed her eyes and gave a less than friendly look. "Unsurprisingly," she replied, curtly, to the apology. Who wouldn't be sorry for someone acting in such a manner? Regardless, eyes moved back to Weiss and Shizuo, whom she looked between with no amusement. She started off by addressing her little sibling. "Sister, you and Ruby Rose do recall our conditions, yes?" she asked, staring her sister down. To which Weiss glanced away slightly, looking somewhat sheepish. "Well... Yes, but--"

"Silence!" Winter interrupted, though Weiss hardly seemed to flinch. She must've been used to it, by now. With that out of the way, Winter glanced to Shizuo, not hesitating to address him. "As for you, I do not care for the tone you've taken towards my sibling. I am perfectly capable of keeping my own blood in line, I merely assumed she was capable of staying in line without her supervisor hovering over her. It appears I was sorely mistaken," she continued with a glance at Weiss, before her eyes returned to Shizuo. But then she noticed something peculiar. The boy at Shizuo's side appeared to be... Emitting a rainbow-colored glow of sorts. That was a shock. Never had she seen an aura like that. "...You. Is this aura of yours normal?" Looked like Winter was the odd one out in the worry for Mob. After all, he didn't appear severely injured at all. It just seemed as though he had a few scratches. She was more intrigued by the glow.

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi

"Funny, I didn't care for the tone she took towards me. Weird how her tone got me to take the one I did, isn't it? Also, I wasn't questioning if you could control the kid, I was asking if you would do so because I don't care for her harassing me."

Shizuo's hand reached down to pat the head of Toboe, not considering it weird at all that his friend had just been a human being like him. It was a pretty normal thing in his mind considering that he also hung around with a headless woman who dated an underground doctor. After a moment though, he remembered Mob and his strange appearance as well and cocked a brow.

"Oi, Shigeo, do you always glow like this when you're with a cute girl or something?"

@The Tactician @pubbbb @york @Takumi

Mob was confused at first. Aura? Mob wasn't using his psychic power- Oh. Oh shit. Mob raised an eyebrow in question, then looked at his hand to see a rainbow hue surrounding it. Mob let out a loud "EEEEEEH?" and waved his hand. Letting Mob know about the aura seemed to increase his stress even more, and after a mini panic, Mob looked up at the group staring down. at him with concerning airs. Mob's eye twitched, and he brought his hand up to his face.



The staring continued, flaring up Mob's emotions inside him more.


Staring. Even more. Shigeo hallucinated as his mind became even more unstable, the figures in front of him becoming looming, tall, and menacing. Mob's hair began to levitate in place, no longer following the laws of gravity. Mob took deep breaths as the figures closed in on him, Mob scrambling to the floor.


"I'm fine..."

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with me...I used the barrier, my bones are..I'm fine!"

Yes, Mob is void of all emotion. But when the emotions locked deep in Mob's heart get too enflamed, they expand little by little. There is a limit to how much his emotions can take before leaking out and running wild.


And now, there is an emotion swirling around within Mob like a hurricane trying to past the limit.


Mob's eyes light up completely as his hair flies upwards, levitating off the ground and filling the hallway/library hall with light and psychic energy, temporarily blinding anyone in range. When the light faded, Mob could be seen with a bit more life in his eyes than before, his clothes waving furiously in the gust of psychic power that was circling around Mob..The scratches on him were gone, and a visible telekinetic barrier could be seen around Mob, an extremely strong one. A red aura surrounded Mob.

Mob looked...Horrified as he stared at the group before him, slightly pushed back by the telekinetic barrier. It also looked like Mob was completely healed. Books on shelves were floating gently in their shelves, dust from the ground collectively raised itself off the ground, and winds circling around Mob could be seen. That emotion that got out was.... Guilt. The guilt of hiding that he was fine just to hang out with people who were clearly above him on the social ladder.


Mob's hair dropped downward, the barrier quickly shattering, the booming tone of glass being broken as everything that was previously levitated was lowered to the ground/shelf. Mob peacefully fell on his feet on the ground, the monotone expression returning. Mob blushed, reaching out to the group with concern, who of which all of their hair would be blown back by now. The emotion of guilt only healed his skin and very temporary injuries, but the real injury...Was in Mob's heart. And his powers, his powers were pretty drained after that.

"I-I'm sorry! I tried to tell you I was fine!"

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?


"Hey, kid. It's fine, alright?"

He couldn't lie, it was a bit shocking to suddenly see his new friend explode with emotional energy. However, he also wouldn't judge the kid or think bad of him for it. It seemed like something he couldn't really control, like his own anger, and Shizuo knew how much of a pain it was to deal with something like that. Besides, he hadn't hurt them or anything, so there wasn't anything to apologize for.


"I'm guessing you've got the opposite problem or something, where you bottle shit up till it does... whatever that was, right? Well, don't worry about bottling stuff, alright? You didn't hurt anybody with your powers, so you're doing better than me at least. Just calm down and collect yourself a bit."

"I'm not going to judge you for that shit, and anybody who does judge for it can answer to me."

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?

Great. Another little smartass. Just what she needed. In any case, at least they couldn't be any worse than the one she had to deal with back in Remnant. "Absolutely astounding," she replied with dry sarcasm. How hilarious this man was.... Not. "If that is your question, the answer would be yes." After all, she didn't need Weiss causing any issues while they were here, and knowing her less than competent sister, she would without close supervision. But for now, she was more focused on the odd glow from Mob than anything else.

And then things kind of took a turn.

Apparently, 'Shiego', as the blonde man had called him, felt rather pressured by her question, combined with Shizuo's follow up. A brow was raised as she waited patiently for a reply, but he kept stammering up until he began to outright float upwards, no longer held down by gravity. That was... Surprising. Next he rambled about being alright, which Winter had never doubted in the first place. And then came the explosion of light and psychic energy, threatening to send those without a good stance and foothold flying. Luckily, Winter herself was just fine in those fields.

As was Weiss, who was prepared to assist Ruby should she need it.

Well. That was a new one, in any case. Luckily, it didn't seem either of the sister's were exactly upset, though Weiss was admittedly a bit surprised.

@pubbbb @york @Takumi @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies
Ruby Rose
@The Tactician @Takumi @pubbbb@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library folks


"W-What?" Ruby said, looking quite surprised.

After all, it was her first natural reaction seeing that the injured boy apparantly he DID have an aura, but it didn't seem to protect him... Instead, it created... Explosions? Well, sort of. Hmm... Maybe she should have convinced Yang to come, she... Has a way of blowing up too when worked up too much, except, perhaps she was less on the vulnerable side.

Though, that's when she noticed his aura healing his wounds and injuries... And he apologised, for lying to them... ... Hmm... So his aura did protect him... But, she couldn't quite understand why it took until now for it to activate. Her expression seemed to soften though as she approached him, looking a little bewildered nonetheless, untill it suddenly clicked with her. That burst of emotion, followed by the activation of his aura... Was it triggered by bottled up feelings?

"A-... Are you okay?" She asked tentatively, blinking a few times.

Looks like Ruby was taking this alot better than one would have thought though... Fortunately the stuff that happens in Remnant but, she had to at least check if the boy really was okay; he still looked sort of hurt in a way, even though his injuries had healed.


͏T̪̻̲̹̤̣͓ha̷̜̟͉̜̩̫t ̜w̜̼͈͡a̵͉̘̙̥s̸͙͖̫ a̱̙l͈͡l҉̯̩̘ ̢̥̣El͚̮̤ḙ̱s͏͔̯͔̘iś ͚̟͙̬͝ͅco̫̟͕̹͝u̪̘͍͎̯͟l̠̦ḓ̝ ͉m̺̪͡u͖̖̜̫s͔̠̮̣͝t̫͖̬̗e̩̳r҉̪̱̼̱̮ ̻̼̩̪u̧̼̜̫p̭̺̲̳ͅ ̝̟̘̼͙̤͡t̸o̺͇̳ ̧̭̬̩̘͕͕͔s̼̻̗̟a͕͡y̛̜̭ ̭͈̲͚̝͙̺a̶̤s͍ ̼i̤̭̩̘̭̞̞̕ţ͇̦̪̻̞͕̟ ͓̼̟a̮̜͚͜p̶͓̪̱̣p̖̪ḛa̠̜̕r̤ed̝̯̰͎͖̻̭ ̳̥͕͚t̪h̛̬̦̩͈̭̟a̻ͅt̡̲͈̘͇ ̸M͍͕͕͎o̢̝b̠͚̳͔'̲̙s̘͝ ̰̤͈p̢͔̥̦̱̲ǫ̖͇͇̫w̺̞͖̞̞̲͝e̹̤̯r̜͎̼̫͞ ͝h͈̼̖̠a͝d͓ ̥͚̟͚̱͔s̠̖͇͟u̯̻̞͉̫̫̩͝d̴̘̝͉̩͍͈ͅd̨̰e͔͉͍n̬͘l͔̮͘y̙̺ ̮͍̬͈̲̺e̷̞͍̱͍͎̬x̥̕p͍̠ḷ̣̳̖͉̜̞o͚̟d̢͈̩e̴d̛̮̠͕̗ ̰̫̖̙̬̮̭i̖̥̺n̖̜̖̪͍̙͞ ̩͇̗̬̬͚ͅt͏e̡̺͔͓̱̝͍̞r̝̤̣͉̺͖m̭͍̤̘s̭̹̩̫ ̗͎͔͇̱o̧f ̻̼͖̬͕p̠͉͎̠o̢̜̫̻͇w̝̪̭̹̤͍̜e̴̠͔̭̰̹r̜̮̱̦̟̯̪.̣̞͈̬ ̯͖͔ͅS͍̹̲̳h̘ͅͅe̘̱̯̻ ͏̞̙̺͚w̻̠̜͕̤̱͔a҉̜̪̠̭̪͖ͅs̖͔͈͎̜̀ ̘̹̙̭̜͙w͉͜e̘l͙̖̯̀ḽ̮͓̹͜ ̠͖̦͚̰̤͜a͍̝͜w̨̠͉̖a̦̲͓͙͎̮̝r̵̥͖e̖̝̪͇̣̕ ̱͉̳͈͙o͢f̧̩̦̻̩ ̤͢c͙͟er̕t̙͖̬̻̲̝͇͢a̼̤̰̳i҉̹̼n̴ ̯̗͜ͅt҉͕̫̳̺h͉i̞̖̥͎̗̕n͏̝g̥̳̭͓͞s̹̟̭̫̗ ̙̩̕t͚̼̦̥̯̬ri̩̼͎̬̟̻g̤̗͕̪͞g̙̜e̝r̬͍̥͢i͎͇̫͈̠n̡͖̘͓̮͕g̞̙̥̳ ̥̳̺̀o̹͉̺̰̠̥͡ff̷̯̗̱̗̥̳͔ ͇̺͎͕̙̮̗l̺i͚̖̫̱̼k̜̞͖̬̩̖̻̀e̶̳̱ ̺̲̤̻̼̬͠t͏̠̦̮̗h͕i̠͓̮s̡̙̳̠͓̳̰͚ ̧̳̟͓̟͍̭̻f̠̞̹̭̭̼ͅr͉͖̮͔̮̼͙o͕̪̥̼m̗̘͔͔̫̤͇ ͖h̜̱̻͕͖̣ḛ͚r͓̳̣̳ ̺̲f̥͓͓ͅi̻ģ͈͖͖̳h͔̣̭̟̤̪t͜s̼̺͖̹͚̬ ͎͍̜̪͍̝a͎̺̳͚̪̜̦ga̜̙in̞̬̻̖̹ͅs̳̣̩̗̣t͡ ͈͈̰͠ņ̖͉u̢̝̫̹̭͎ͅm̡̠̤̬͚͔ͅe̻͍̼̰͓̱̕r̻̣̝̖̬̞̩o̬u͙̖̟̯̺̩̮s̩̱̥̻̗͕̩ ̳̲̟̠̠̖ḏ̺e̳̳ͅm̵̰̝̱̖̭̤͉o̤͓͙͉̕n̯̥̤͍̮s͚̻̞̯,̦͕̘̹̯̲̱͢ ̢̻ͅb̡̜u̪͚̱̩̲̬͇̕t̙͉ ̷t̺̙̱̣o̸ ͚̘̝̩͉h̛͓̖͙̖̺̫av̡e͖̬̩̲ ̘̱̲i͜t̵ ҉͍̬̮͎͙̹̫ha̗͉̲͎̩̠͍͝p͇̹̙̬̳p̰͕én͍̻̲͚͖ ̞͔̤̳͓o̟͍ut̝ ̞̤͓̻̕ò͕̱͖̙̟͉ͅf͇̼̜̕ͅ no͍͓̖͝w͔͠h̯̖͚͎̠̯͟e͉̦͔̰͙r̞͇e̜̹̮,̮̫ͅ ̣̪̘͚͎i͖̭̯ͅt̹͈̱́ ̥wa̰̤̺͚͜ś͎̻̰ ̬͖̰͉̝ș̜̝̣̭́ư̭r̘͓̝p̜̖̯̼̹̱͕r͇i͈ͅs̞͎̜̞̠̹i̧̗̣n̜̬g̠. ͉̲̻͠T̛̥̜͙̫͇h҉̞̞̠a͖̣̗̬̭͈ņ̹͓̤͎̰̪͚k͔̱̙͕̟͡f̲͖ṳ̟̙͓̘̰l̰̭͕ͅl̟̦y̮̙̟̟͢ ̤̟̀sh͎̗e҉̪̮͕̼ ̨͈̟̪w̵͍̤͖a̖͔s̫͟ a͈̞̜͚b̫̪̺̝́l̵̘͚̰̰͇͈̩e̛̬̟͔̲͙̼͖ ̛̮͚̼̣̙͙to̩̬̜̺ ̣̱̻̕k̲̙̯̣e͔͍͍̣̞e̵̼p̱̦ ͔A̶̟͍͍͉dd̨̬̗̱͈͉̹̳ ̭̦̜̱̮i̷̝n̷͚̘ ̧h̖̝͈̜̩̠e͎r̝̪͜ ͈̖̩̯̞̥ͅa̞̖̰̼̘͔̳r̘̗̰͕͚͠m̫̱̠̥̫̭s̤̺̗,̹͕ ̴n̙̟͙ǫt̝ ̜͚͖̰r̫̙̀e̵̦͚̩͈̩a̙l̜̜̘̻͍͍ly̷̫̗̝ ̶͉̼̯̰͈d̢̤̭̥͉r̻͘o̙̘̙̮̖̕p̙p̭̥̟͓͘i̙͙̠͖n̛g͇̜͔͕̯̣ ̷̳h̳͘i̲͍̯͚̕m̜͔̻͖̻̫͠ ̸͉i̻̤͍͡n̬̫͓̭̞̤͍ ̴͖̞t̞h͈̠̮̯̪̼e͓ ҉̣͕͓̯̠p̲ŗ͔̯̮̞̟o̷c̱̻̼͇̰̘e̪̪̥̣̣͖̗͘s̖̖͘s͈̣̩.̤̞͠ ̼͔͓͚̲̲̥͜A̶̫͓͉s͚̠̣̝ ̡it̡͖ ̙a̬͙l̗͍̜͎l͖̙͍ ͉̹̜͙̝d̞̖͎͍̦͖͘i̹͔͟e҉̮̲d̘͉͇̲͎̹̖͟ ̘̳̲̜͍d̷̘̣̮̟o̦̯͈͉̖͉͝ẉ̴͇̞̬͕͇͙n̛͚̬̖,̜̙̬͇͡ ̰̱ṯ̕h̖̮̺̙͞ͅͅe̼͡ ̤͜ͅͅC̴̬̩̙͖̠̜r̥̼̟̕i̠͙m͔͉̥s͔̬̞͈̯̯͔on̫̟̠̘͘ ̙̣̗̜͙̺A̯̩̼̤v̨͈͉̭̺̟͖̲e̙̦͎͖̻͉n̗͞g̠̲̱͡er̘̺̠̣ ͕̲͍̻s͟i̦̰l̩̗͟e̻͟n̥̹̳̕t͝l̴͉̻̻ͅy̳͠ ̵r͈̳̘͘e̴͖͚͎̭̮̺ͅt̶̤̜͓̪͍̪͉u̫͓̙̠͓r͔̀n̻͇̟̤͇͇e̪̲͍͢d̤̥̖ ̭͙̼͈̜t͈̻̭̦͉̭͉o҉̗̞̻͕ ͇̻̲͚̙h̫̣͟e̢̞̳̙̦̳̗ͅr ͈̖b̳̳̣l͍̻͍a̘̙nk̛ ̞̟͓s͈̗l͜a̩̮̭͚̭t̡̤̞̻̰͓̩e̵͖ ͏o͉͚͓f҉̟͎̖͍̙͈̗ ͏̩̝͎͖̹f̶̥̗a͍̞̖̻͈͈͠ͅc̭ͅi̡̜͖̜ͅá̯l̯͍͇̰̹͍ ͍͇͈͇͞ḛx̗̜͡pr̺͓̥̤̙e͜s̠͔̤̭̝̫s͈i̸̹͚̤o̶n̫͙̜̣͠ͅs̢͕̩͈̗̮̮̟.̥͕͖̀ͅ
Is̜̙̞̫̪̟̯n̢̮'̠t̹̪̤̲͡ ̵͙̗͙̬̩͖t̷̮̱h͎̯a̪̙̰̝̻̼t̪ ͙̦͖p͚̭͇̮̩ͅre̷̹̹̯͖̤̜ci̡͍͉̺̲̣o̤͈̺̦u̵̞͕̰̣̬͉s͇̣̟̩̘̠, ̧͚̥͓s̶͉̤̼̗͚̜̤u̹̭̦̙̥̕n̴͕s̞̻͖̳̣̲̮̀h̤͔͖̬̰̺͢i̻͔̺n̸̜͎̲͍e͙? ̴̱͕͕̻E̻̼̳v̡̲͈̳̳̰ͅẹ̥ń͍̲̲͇̱ ̙͈̱͖̞̹̥a͇͚͠f͈t̵̖e̳̩̗̦̗r̫̝̱ ̲́ạ̣͍l̩̬͉̼̘͖l̷̞͕̥͖͇̳̳ ̖̰̠͔̟͡o̮͍̹͍̬f̯͎̜̦͜ͅ ̯̭́t̯͓͍͉̭̝͠ḩa͕̙̝̘͞ṭ͚̝̭͠ ͔͓͕̹r̩̼̥̹̕u͏̲̯̞̗̪ͅc̣̦ḳ̡̠̦͙̹ų̻̖s̟̞,̗ t̬͈̝h͓̠̻͈͘ͅę ̤̤͜bo͙͍̮̠̩͚͖y̳ ̤͖̩̣̪c̛͓ͅl̗͇̲̙͝a̲̩͠i̷̩̹͎̜̜̹m͈s̳̱̳̪͔ ̺t̡o̹ ̳̩̭̱͉͞b̧͕̲͍é͇̠̭͓̣͔ ̭̥̘̯͓̙̙f̕i̮̱̩̼͔n͡e̠̻̖̖ͅ?̤̹̺̘̗ ̗̘̪͇͕͇H̹͉̻a̶̘̤̹̣h̯̙ͅ!̨̫̭̦̰̝ ̶͕͈̖͓̖T͏͙͉̞̩͖̯͚h̫̩͓͙̬̳̩a͝ț̳̜'̱̣s͚̺̭ ͙̙̮̺͙͇̠a̲̦̤͞l̛̦͓̠̣̪̻̬m͖ò͖̪st̵̠ ̴̗̠l͖̭͖ͅi̴̬̘̼k̛̗̼̮ͅe̢͕͖̥̲̫̤̺ ̖̰h̙͈̼̯̙o̢̼̼̜̺̘w̵̦͙͎͉͎̤ y͍̙̺̲͓̟͠o̳̯̰̪̫u͔͎̙͔ ͝t̘̳͟r̝̙̙į͉̦̥̣̠ę̼͚̙d̗̳̼͇͓͙ ̘̝̤̰̖͡to̶̘̭ ̨̬͓̰̞̬͚͔c͕̪̻o̜̪ͅn̞̱̝͉̤v̶̥̖i̹̜͈n̜̳͇ͅc͏͖̺ḙ̀ ̷y̨̥o̞u̡̺̗͉̳̬̩r̜s͕el̪͈͇̖f̛̤ ̵t̸͍h̬͓̟͍̗̞ḁ̠̻͈̘̤ͅt̻̖̳͍̠͕ ̘̰y̠̝͇̤͚͇o̼̭̲̳u͈̫̪̜̞ ҉̖͓͖͈w͇ere̠̗̝̞ ̶̦f̳̭̖̭̹͠ͅͅi͍n̲͎͞e̸͉͎̜̞ ͖̮̗͉͙̼͝a͚͜ft͎er͇͉̥ ҉͎h̵̳̹͚̺̖̮ͅa̮̞͘v̩̤͉̘͞in҉g͕̰͎̦͇̻͇ m̸e̱̖̰ ̲̬͔̣̜̩b̬̰̜̩̳ͅe̷̯̫c͉̳͉͕̹̮ó̪͉͚͚̻̞̘m̯̳̳̥̦̰̦ḙ̦̺̦ ͙̘̼̣a͡ ̸̥̘͎͇p͕̤̲̞̹̝͚̀a̘̙͔r̲̟̙t͏̘ ̲̲ơ͕ͅf̧̭ ͙y̲̖̙o̬̗ṳ̧r͉̗̤ͅ ̧̻̞̰l̰̭̖̻͝i̪f̷̪̥̙̭̻̪̙e,̺̤̫̲͎̘ ̛̤̺̘͙̲ḫ̡̬̫̬u̜͇̰͚͍̠h̗̻̹̙?̱̩̕ ̘͙̦́G̮͍͠u͇͙͖e̦̹͕͚̜ͅş̜͕̖s̷̳͇͖ y̨̟̞̯̪ơ̯̬̦̱̝u̩̜ ̧a̸̟͎̟͇̰̯r̺̠̗̼͡e̳̣͙n'̹̺̳̥t̛̼̯ ̮̘̖͟s̮̯̖o̻̣͎͓̥̼ ̵̱̪͇̰a̴̠̣͓͍̩l͓̱͠o̱̠̙n҉͈e̵͉ ̱͈͍̺̤̝͜i̙̮̙̱̬̫̰͡n̺̠̱̗̯ ̵̟t͔͈̟́ḩ̦̗͍̯̹i̻̫͕̥̻̗̤s̤̼ ̼̥̜̖͉̘̮͞a҉f͈͔̤͕̭͟t͚̭̳̦e̱̻͕r̡ ̦̗a̵͓̹͚͓͍l̯̮̘̟͍̬l̳̺̙̙̪͈̪͞,̲̟ Eḽ͝e̪̹s̝̤i̦̜̻̞̣ś̲͉!͈͍̖̗͜

̨͍̤̯̳̞̮A̵̹̯̤͕͎̝̝s̷̯͈̜̘ ̠͇̲ͅt̜͈̞͝h̸͍̥i̛̺s̘̗͔̠̥ ̴̭o̪̞̱t̻̹͈̦he̞̺̝r͚̠͉̻͕͖͖ ̶̟͎v̸̙͚o̗͓̰̙ͅi̹c̠̝͇̠̭e҉̹͔̳̙̣͚̫ ̝͓̗̩̳͍́e͕̦̖̬̬̱̼͝c̡̝͓̜̜̮̝hoe͞d̩ ̘͚̹͚͔͕i̺͙̹̣͙̼͘n̝͈̼̘̪s̻̗̜͙͕̱͚i̴ͅḑ̘͉̪̠͚͎e ̰̲͙̱́ͅo̖̘͓̲̠̩f̦͕̯̰͟ h̗̼̹̭̀e͕͔̙̣͜r ̺̩̝͖͠h̪̥̫e̷̞͔̫ą̥̭d̰̝̺̰̩̫,͎̰̙ ̛̪͉̼̝̼É͈̬̳̣͙̤̮l̷̻e͕̥̬̦̖̟̭ṣ̢̪̗̪i̤̻͎s̲̼̙ ̵̻͖̗̲t̝̻̤̘̱͝o͕͟o̻̭͎͔͙̭͟k̻̱͉̤ ̯̭̰̮a̵̻͎̱͙̝ ͍̘̰͟mo͈͢m̠͇͍̮͖͔̮e̳͔͉n̖t̥̹͇̜̙ ̢̳̙̹͓t͖̙̙̠o͙̬͓ ̨̲͉͙r̙͍e̪̮̜̻̣̳̱̕f̳̭͘o҉̤̼̰̗̩cu̠͖͈̺̥͔͞s̡̙̼̺̟̦ ̧̩h͔͇̟ͅe͚͔̞̜͓͚͢r̫̠͎̮s̛̭̰͇̣̻ḛ̱l̖͔̹̘f̷̦̰͙̗͈ͅ,͉͉̞̹̦ ͕i̥g̱͈ń̩̪̗ó̺̞͎̗ͅr͕̝̥̞̱͇i͏̟̝̗n̙͕͔͚g̮͖͓̼͎͘ ̗̬̤͎̀s͖͚̥̤̥̞͇a̻͉̗̠̳̲̫i̮̰̹̱̼d̙̲͔͍̼ v͉oi̴͉̫̞̱c̝͔͈̹̣͈e̷͙̙̩̦̗ ̟͍͉̭̲͘w̯͠ͅͅi̙t̠̟̦h͓̝͎̪͓i̥̮͓̘̪n͕̬̖̦͍̫ ͙͓͚͕̲h̜͕̩̗e͔͚̯̼͕̼͞ͅr̰͢.̫̗͝ ̡̙͖̪T̟̹̀h̴̝̭̪e͔͈̘͔̬̭̯ ͇͚̜̘͈̼"̗͈̮͔͉p̲̘͠h̟͎̘̜͜a̙̳̺̮̲͈͜ṉ̗̜͎ț̭̦̪ͅo҉̺̤̭ͅm̛̥̙̼̻̙" ̨̮͔̱w̙̩̼̱a͕̖̱̺̗̼̞s̢̟̦̝̖̘̗̳n̮͉̳̫͖̤'̡̹̖ṭ g͓͝ó̦̤̗̗̺̬͓ì̟̹̩͉̠ͅn̤g͕ ̱̣̗̘͘to̧ ̜̺͉l̫̱̠̖u̥͖̰͍̜̝̤͝r͕̫ẹ ̬̼͇ͅhe͏r̯̟̱͕͢ ̳̻̖͙̲͔̦͝i̟̬̰̙̠͙n̗̦̠to̸͉̰̫͙ ̴̞͙g̙̬͈͔̟̰̹i̵v͉̮i̥͚͓̭̜ͅń̠̝͇͖̗͙g̴ i̞̥͉͜t͎̝͎̠͍̟̘ ̥̭c̢o̖͓͙̩͘n̝t̤͚͙͉̻r͈o̖l̤̫̦̳̪̺ ̰̬̕o҉̻̦̬͇f̤͝ ̵̳͖h̰̞͔͖̪͇̭͜e̟̯͈r̵̼ ̱̮͉̪̼̖̀b̳̹o͇d͚̞͇̫̮̲̳y͖̼ ͏͍a͙͍̙̱̤̣g͎̼͟à̠̦͉̼̱̩͉i̪n͍̙͍͎͔͍͔.̯̹̠͔͈.͔̖̬͙͟.͉ͅ ͈n͙o̭͚̹̠͓͚t̯͢ ̰̲̺̠̣͘ǹo͟w̹.̫̬͕̳̝.ͅ.͏͎̭̤̱̮̜ ̳̙̞̯̪̦Y̩̗̕èṯ̸͍̗̮,̗͈ ̺̠̰̜ṱ̘̱̱̜͘h̗̝e̱͙̻͇̪͈̮͝ ̞͙pha̤͜n͓t͏̲̠o͜m̩͝ ͙̺̩d̲͙̙͞id̵̹͚͔̮̱̹ͅ ̠̗̺͖͕̻́h͇͈̲̰͝a͕̖v̙e̟̞̣ ͏a͚ ̶̲̞̹͈͙p̶̺͍̠̹̝̜o͖̯̖i̥̘̻n͓͚͓ț͓̦̤̼͍,̗̜̻͉̮̣̮ ͖̳̹͙t̵̘͖̯h̶͍̥͉a̼̮t͓̥̟ ̸̥͉͈̠s̜h̻̟͖͉͉e͏̲ ̴͚ḁn̨̼d̥ ̧͚̘͍̲̖M̢̠̤o̡̻̣̟b͎͎͉̩̗́ ̵̝̪͇h͓ͅa̰̼̩̼̤̮͎d͞ ̝̥͈̮̼̮͇s͖̜͖͝i̦͡m̙̠̤i̡͔l͠a͓͖̙ͅr͓̪ ̣̮̱̦͚͔t̨͙̮͔̼̣̱ͅr͇̙a̡̭͙i̥̰̭t̥͈̠̤̘͔͝s̢͉̼ ̨͍w̷͚̬̙h̀è̩͓͖n ̗̙̫ị̵̥͈͔t̼̘̖̜̲̣͚ c͎a̤͎̖͓͎͚̲̕m͎̖̮̫e̷ ͓t̳͎o͓̹̩̩̘͢ ͚t͖hi̢̝͚̟̟̰̯̤ṇg̴s̶̩̬͙ ͍̪͉̥̬l̢̞͕̜̮i̯̬̫̘ͅk̳͚͍̼̯ͅḛ̣̺ ̪͕̘͎̝̀t͏̩̞̬͖h̞̟̺ḭs҉͎.͇̼̖̣̝̥ͅ ̺̯̤̭̱̻̙S͎̪̦̼̟h̨̗̦̥̳̖e ̼̱̠̹͍̤͍͞d̪̠̳͢i̛̠̱̩d̛ ̠t̵̤͔̳r͍̫͓̗y̦͎͍̺̼̮ ͔͖t̛͉̱̭̟o̲̳ ͉̤̣̘̰͓̕p̛a̫̗͎̲̬͎͔s҉̱̖̗͈̜s̩̙ ̧̗̮͎h̫̝͜e̠̟̦͉̥͉r̦̲̣̫̗͙͕se͖͔̹̬͓̯͎lf̬̖̱̮ ̦̫̥ṱ̗͓ͅo̪͎͙ ̯̮͔̘b̪̦̲̥͠e̞̟͖i͎͠n͏̦̩g ̬̤̗̗͙̣ͅǫk͕̖̳̙͍ͅa̱̣̭͓̱̜y̧͇̦̱̲͓̥̦ w̨̝̫͔̝͖͖̱h͕͎̻͕̯͝e̢̹n ̤̞͎̼̮̲s̨͇̻h҉e͈̖̞͓ ̥̗̟̱w̵̤͓̯̗̝a̗̣̳͕ș͔̭̬̯͇̭ ̦̩̟͞s̬̰̥̪̣̱l̹o͜w̺̩͉l̦y̴̯ͅ ͡b̲͙̹̞̠̯̭é͓̞͕̖̮co̩̬̹͖mi͙͔̞̻̟̲̦n̤̩̲̲g̗̭̗ ̲̹̫͈ͅt͓͘h͇̭̣͈̜͈i̻̣̜̞s̙͍ ̭̺͚̤͇͔̟s̟̲̗͉̣h͏̳̜͇̱͔̼̬e͔ļ̼̮ḻ͍̻͚͘ͅ ̛̜̰̦̥ó͈̩͖̪͖f̴̫̟̭ ̵̳͔̪͇h͍e̪̗r͢ ̸̤f̻̪̭͈̻͎o̴͙̞̯ͅr͎͈̝͉̻͇̯m̻͈ͅer̯̩͈ ̤̤s̡̘̭̼̯̥͓e͉͇̼͉̹̲͖ḻf̻͚̦͓͚ ͏̞d͕͡u͢ḙ͍ͅ ̨͖t̳͠o ̳̻̹̼̹t̥̻̙͓h̀e̝̠͓̝̯̜͔̕ ̼̯̼D̰̣̀a̗̖̲rk͙̘ ̷̭͎̰̳̤E͕͖͕̻̘ḽ̖. ̸̦̰̮Wi͕̹̖t̞h͜ ̪̥͇̗͓t̤he̯̥̼͟ ͕l̴̥͉͎i̙͢t͏̦̪͚̩t̘̘̺͓ͅl̢e̶͚͙̼̗̮͚ ͖̣͡t̫͙̭̭̖h̘̩o̰̳͉̟͓ṷ̴̗g͕̼͉̮͕̳̝͘h̖̯̺͚ͅt̩̻͖̰̗ ̗̝̬̙̠̟̺p͇̤̙̤̯̦͜r͓̘̹̟̹o̸̠̣͉̝̳c͔̟e͓͍͓͉̖şs̴̗͇̤̮͓̹ͅe͇͚͖͔̜̳͈s̱̀ ̖̼̻̩̩͡s̤͖̭h̥̬̟͔̪e̡̝̙̟̜̻͙̙ ̶͚̘̦h̬͙̘̤̠a̯̠͓͈͘d̘̻͍̣̩̬̩ ̠̬͕̳̣͈́ļe҉f̬ṱ̮̟̲̥̻͕,̩ ̘̬̜̩̩̦͉͜E̫̫̙̣le͕̺̜̹̝̼s̩͖̙̩̖i̲̼̜͚͖̜̭s̢̬̝͙͔ d̰̼̻̱͢e̷sp̵͚̩̦̣̞̮e̩͝ͅͅr̞͉̘̲ͅa̸͇̩t͚͓͍̟̕e̙̠ḻ̸̰͉̟̯ͅy̖ ̼̭̞c͈̪͚͜lu҉̥͈̞̯̩n͇g͈̟̖̼̦ ͈́t̵̘o̡̝͚̯͚ ̬̪͝t̺͢h̦͘e̵̪̪s͇̘͞e͕͖ ͙͕͔̣̹̰͈͟l̩̦i̱͙̳̰t̤͔̖͇͓̥͇t̬̠͉l̦͇e̛̺̜̳̬ ̭̘̺t͎̳̱h̴̰̞͍i̻̼̟͓͢n̬͖̰̜ͅg̸̦͔̲̗̜̞s̷̜͙̱͓̩ͅ ҉̖̬t͓̲̙̀h̶̥̳a̼͍t̘̝͔ ̤̹̪͈̰͟s͕̮͎͓̳̫͓h̴̬̳̺̺͚͖e̺ ̩m̛̠̤͍͙̦̺̙a̸͎ņ̲͙̠̘̲a͉͉g̖e̪͕d ̢̞̫̲̥̪̝̮t̙͡o̵̹̟̝͔̘̪̥ ̫͖͘ke̛̖̟e͖̘̤̼͝p̭͖͉̻̝̯ ̞͕̠̳͉͕̥i̡̜̺̜̤̫n̷̺ ̟h̼̖͉̟͝e͎̗̱̝̼̟̻r̥͝ ̡̖͇͈he̯̲̠̪a̭̫̣d͙̤̞̠̰̩̯ ͓͎͓͍f͏̦̰̰o͔̙͖̕r͎ ̙͎̜̖͠s̟͉͇̼̩̜͔͞o̭͖̼͈̱̪ ̦l̵̮͈̳̘͖̰̰o҉̮͓͉͓̼̝̳ng̸̠̦͙̝̗̻̹,̪ ͇̱̹̯̠̞̳l̬̦i͕̟k̷̮̗͕̰͈̹̳e̴̜̭̪̣̜̱ͅ ̸͎͎̝̟t̴͎͇͙͈̥ͅh̠̗̣͉͓͟e̝ ͈͔̦̝̻ͅt̞̱͉h̪͙̹͈̞̺̱o͕u̹̫͎͔͇̼̪͢g̢͍͖hṭ̟͔̗s͓̯ ̗͎̠̀o̗̣f̡͍͈͈̩ͅ h͉́e͓̟̹͎̦̲̦͢r̢ ͉͖̀l̢̝̰i͝t̷̬͓̦ṱ͇̭͓̯̦l͙̦͎̻̝͡e͓̟ ̖͓b̵̦͔͚r҉͙̥̗͕͕͉o̰t͇̭͈͇̗͠h̺̯̙er͍̹̩̪̱͈̻͝ ̸̻͈̙̜̩̰a͠n̜̦̪̱̤̖͕͞d̹̣͎̻̰̜͞ ̬͔ͅt̝h̩͉̞̪̟̼͇é̞ ͇̜̝̥̝̥͖l͎̟͈͟o̡̯̠̗ņ̻͎g̷̠̖̻͓͎ ̷̠̬ͅp̴̩̮̝͉ͅa̞͇̼̭̥͍̻͞s͎̱̼̲̮̝t̯̖͕͇͉ ̷t̛̳̫̖̠i̛m͏̗͖͓̳e̤̬̰̪̻̜s̴̗̺ ̩͇͘o͙͔͎͓̙̜f̶̫ ̣̹h̰͖͉̱̣͍e͙͚̗͙r ͈̲͝k̨͈n̢̦̫i̝͜ǵ̙̙̝̪ẖ͙̹͎̫̹t̸̮̤̤h̝o̷̰̤̟̱̰̙̦ó̻̖͈̲̜d̪̹̪̰.̘͉
Stepping over to Mob as she had Add slung over her shoulder to give herself a free hand, the fallen knight calmly put her hand onto his shoulder.


"Every... th... ing... is... o... kay... you're... ok... ay... we're... okay."

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @pubbbb @library​

A young Mob looked around in the flashback, bloodied teenagers at his feet. He...He did this. Upon realizing that he heard his brother, Ritsu's voice, he looked around, then laying his eyes upon...

It hurts...Brother...

Mob was looking at...His injured brother. Because of him. Because of his powers... He was bleeding from his head, and his hand reaching out to Mob was also stained. The image was burned into his brain... Then he came back to reality after a red-headed girl

Mob looked blankly at the girl's hand on his shoulder. This being a lifelong issue, but...He's happy that somebody seemed to understand. Even if the girl had trouble moving through that sentence. Mob looked with a smile up at the girl, he seemed to quickly perk up from his flashback.

"T... Thank you."

Is all Mob could utter, breaking a sweat and still being a bit stressed from the last few minutes. Good thing his powers were drained for now, as he couldn't hurt anybody for the time being. Looking at the crowd behind the girl, he gave a reassuring thumbs up.

@york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Takumi @library​
"I did not ask to brought here, Morrigan. I am an old woman whom death has, more than once, had other plans for. If you real want to know, I'll tell you. I died again. My son, the woman he loved, she died, I gave all I had to bring her back for him. I thought my journey was over. However, I awoke in a tower."

Wynne paused, frowning.

"I know the irony before you point it out. As for why death keeps escaping me? I have not a clue. The maker most have plans for me. I am no fool, as much as you'd detest. I know I am no one of importance in the larger sense of the world. However, this reminds me of a story. One day, this young boy walked to beach. In front of him, laying on the sand were thousands of thousands of starfish, beached on the sand, dying.. Near the ocean was older man. One by one, the old man picked up a starfish, and threw it back into the sea. Perplexed, the young stared for sometime for some time. The young would then walk to the old man. "Sir" he said, "What are you doing?". Don't you know what you're doing is pointless? You could spend all day and night here, and you still could save all of these starfish. The old man turned to the boy, looking the young man in his eyes, the old man would speak. "I know I can't throw them all back into the ocean, but it matters to the ones I can."

Wynne's turned away from Morrigan soon after.

As Wanda left, Wynne's eyes turned to Genji, watching the way he watched her. Even with the mask on his face, Wynne could tell something was up. A Cheshire cat like grin appeared on her. She couldn't help but prod at young man.

"Just friends? Hmm, so tell me Genji, was it very friendly to stare at Wanda's hips likle that? Hmm? Is that what friends do."

@Atomyk @Verite @BarrenThin

Reinhardt didn't snicker. No, he couldn't be discreet or anything. Rather, he laughed uproariously, and slapped Genji on the back, sending him sprawling.

From where he lied on his back, Genji muttered something in Japanese that was probably a curse word. "I didn't... I never..." He looked away and stood up.

@Josh M @Library​
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As Bo entered the Command Center, Byakuya turned to him, looking expressionless.

"... I couldn't say why this area is so popular today."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Byakuya." A girl with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes walked in after Bo, moving to take a spot next to Byakuya.

"Well then, you can entertain them, Jennifer."

The girl shrugged and tapped at the keys of the computer. A program started up, showing what looked like a messenger program. Staring at the computer, Jennifer asked, "Is there anything you need?"

@Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @Command Center

Mob was confused at first. Aura? Mob wasn't using his psychic power- Oh. Oh shit. Mob raised an eyebrow in question, then looked at his hand to see a rainbow hue surrounding it. Mob let out a loud "EEEEEEH?" and waved his hand. Letting Mob know about the aura seemed to increase his stress even more, and after a mini panic, Mob looked up at the group staring down. at him with concerning airs. Mob's eye twitched, and he brought his hand up to his face.



The staring continued, flaring up Mob's emotions inside him more.


Staring. Even more. Shigeo hallucinated as his mind became even more unstable, the figures in front of him becoming looming, tall, and menacing. Mob's hair began to levitate in place, no longer following the laws of gravity. Mob took deep breaths as the figures closed in on him, Mob scrambling to the floor.


"I'm fine..."

"I swear, there's nothing wrong with me...I used the barrier, my bones are..I'm fine!"

Yes, Mob is void of all emotion. But when the emotions locked deep in Mob's heart get too enflamed, they expand little by little. There is a limit to how much his emotions can take before leaking out and running wild.


And now, there is an emotion swirling around within Mob like a hurricane trying to past the limit.


Mob's eyes light up completely as his hair flies upwards, levitating off the ground and filling the hallway/library hall with light and psychic energy, temporarily blinding anyone in range. When the light faded, Mob could be seen with a bit more life in his eyes than before, his clothes waving furiously in the gust of psychic power that was circling around Mob..The scratches on him were gone, and a visible telekinetic barrier could be seen around Mob, an extremely strong one. A red aura surrounded Mob.

Mob looked...Horrified as he stared at the group before him, slightly pushed back by the telekinetic barrier. It also looked like Mob was completely healed. Books on shelves were floating gently in their shelves, dust from the ground collectively raised itself off the ground, and winds circling around Mob could be seen. That emotion that got out was.... Guilt. The guilt of hiding that he was fine just to hang out with people who were clearly above him on the social ladder.


Mob's hair dropped downward, the barrier quickly shattering, the booming tone of glass being broken as everything that was previously levitated was lowered to the ground/shelf. Mob peacefully fell on his feet on the ground, the monotone expression returning. Mob blushed, reaching out to the group with concern, who of which all of their hair would be blown back by now. The emotion of guilt only healed his skin and very temporary injuries, but the real injury...Was in Mob's heart. And his powers, his powers were pretty drained after that.

"I-I'm sorry! I tried to tell you I was fine!"

@The Tactician @Takumi @york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library?


Looking at the glass break, Kido said, "wait a damn second, this place isn't in space or something right? What if I- woah!"

Mob's explosive psychic power caused Kido to be tossed right at Genji.

"Sorry Mr Genji- I mean, just Mister. I'll help myself up."

"Brother, are you alright?" Madoka was seen rushing up to him.

"Nothing I can't handle. Hmmm... must've been my weight and size. No wonder you were unaffected."

Madoka points to a giant grand piano in the middle of the room. A giant grand piano that wasn't there before.

"Uh... yeah... that thing popped out of nowhere and protected me..."

Kido shrugs in response. "Everyday life, I guess."

"Apologies, Mister," Kido greets Genji. "You appear to be a little busy for now. Well, see you around."

@BarrenThin @pubbbb @york
As Bo entered the Command Center, Byakuya turned to him, looking expressionless.

"... I couldn't say why this area is so popular today."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Byakuya." A girl with dark blonde hair and hazel eyes walked in after Bo, moving to take a spot next to Byakuya.

"Well then, you can entertain them, Jennifer."

The girl shrugged and tapped at the keys of the computer. A program started up, showing what looked like a messenger program. Staring at the computer, Jennifer asked, "Is there anything you need?"

@Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @Command Center
Bo entered the world of the living and gave a smile to Byakuya before moving out of the way for Jennifer to squeeze into the room. When she booted up the computer Bo's tail flicked upwards and he was already behind her intrigued.

"Not really. Unless you can fight." Bo replied as he watched her screen.

There was a long pause as Bo thought about what to say. He had honestly thought this would be a lot more interesting than what it had turned out to be. When he thought about all of the attempts he made to find something fun he recalled each ending in something like this. It made him chuckle.

"Well, it seems my boredom can never be sated." Bo said.

He leaned over the girl passing through to the astral plane so that he could phase through her. He then shot up and walked around the room in an instant.

"Sorry, if I talk a bit too much. Ever since I graduated my only friends have been walking corpses that follow my orders." Bo said as he simply stared off before he looked over to Byakuya. "Not as thrilling as it seems. Wonder what my old high school buds are up to... So, have any of you actually seen this Arch Demon?"

@Verite @Atomyk @CmdCenter


Sean had found a front row seat in the meeting this time. With the whole place cleared out there was nothing stopping him and he had a bit of quiet. He could still faintly hear voices in the lobby though. Drowning the murmurs out he let his head back and stared at the demon from the bottom of his eyes. Just the word was his trigger. If you had anything to do with it you were his enemy until proven otherwise.

"Doesn't look so tough. Could probably cook it if I wanted."

Great. Another little smartass. Just what she needed. In any case, at least they couldn't be any worse than the one she had to deal with back in Remnant. "Absolutely astounding," she replied with dry sarcasm. How hilarious this man was.... Not. "If that is your question, the answer would be yes." After all, she didn't need Weiss causing any issues while they were here, and knowing her less than competent sister, she would without close supervision. But for now, she was more focused on the odd glow from Mob than anything else.

And then things kind of took a turn.

Apparently, 'Shiego', as the blonde man had called him, felt rather pressured by her question, combined with Shizuo's follow up. A brow was raised as she waited patiently for a reply, but he kept stammering up until he began to outright float upwards, no longer held down by gravity. That was... Surprising. Next he rambled about being alright, which Winter had never doubted in the first place. And then came the explosion of light and psychic energy, threatening to send those without a good stance and foothold flying. Luckily, Winter herself was just fine in those fields.

As was Weiss, who was prepared to assist Ruby should she need it.

Well. That was a new one, in any case. Luckily, it didn't seem either of the sister's were exactly upset, though Weiss was admittedly a bit surprised.

@pubbbb @york @Takumi @The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies
Ruby Rose
@The Tactician @Takumi @pubbbb@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @library folks


"W-What?" Ruby said, looking quite surprised.

After all, it was her first natural reaction seeing that the injured boy apparantly he DID have an aura, but it didn't seem to protect him... Instead, it created... Explosions? Well, sort of. Hmm... Maybe she should have convinced Yang to come, she... Has a way of blowing up too when worked up too much, except, perhaps she was less on the vulnerable side.

Though, that's when she noticed his aura healing his wounds and injuries... And he apologised, for lying to them... ... Hmm... So his aura did protect him... But, she couldn't quite understand why it took until now for it to activate. Her expression seemed to soften though as she approached him, looking a little bewildered nonetheless, untill it suddenly clicked with her. That burst of emotion, followed by the activation of his aura... Was it triggered by bottled up feelings?

"A-... Are you okay?" She asked tentatively, blinking a few times.

Looks like Ruby was taking this alot better than one would have thought though... Fortunately the stuff that happens in Remnant but, she had to at least check if the boy really was okay; he still looked sort of hurt in a way, even though his injuries had healed.


A young Mob looked around in the flashback, bloodied teenagers at his feet. He...He did this. Upon realizing that he heard his brother, Ritsu's voice, he looked around, then laying his eyes upon...

It hurts...Brother...

Mob was looking at...His injured brother. Because of him. Because of his powers... He was bleeding from his head, and his hand reaching out to Mob was also stained. The image was burned into his brain... Then he came back to reality after a red-headed girl

Mob looked blankly at the girl's hand on his shoulder. This being a lifelong issue, but...He's happy that somebody seemed to understand. Even if the girl had trouble moving through that sentence. Mob looked with a smile up at the girl, he seemed to quickly perk up from his flashback.

"T... Thank you."

Is all Mob could utter, breaking a sweat and still being a bit stressed from the last few minutes. Good thing his powers were drained for now, as he couldn't hurt anybody for the time being. Looking at the crowd behind the girl, he gave a reassuring thumbs up.

@york @Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Takumi @library​


Silent from this point, Elesis gave a single nod and worked up a small smile. Ignoring the phantom if it had any snark commentary on this moment, the knight felt relieved to know that her words had gone through to someone, someone that happened to be in a similar case like her. Surely enough, people that were around might check up on Mob, see if he was actually okay, but at least they were both granted that reassurance even if it were for a little moment.

Just a few seconds later, however, Elesis felt that the carried Esper on her shoulder was beginning to wake up, signalling for her to back up and place Add on the ground.


"Zzz... kitties... so many... kitties..."

While it seemed like he was about to get up, Add let out some snores and began to mumble in his state of unconsciousness about cats. Oh dear...

@york @Hospes @pubbbb @The Tactician @Takumi @library​
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