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"Oooh, we got a tough guy here! Hey guys look! A tough guy! You wouldn't be talking that shit if there wasn't this barrier between us. Pussy."

"Because if the barrier was gone, I would be making good on my threat and you would need wires to keep your jaw shut, you arrogant son of a bitch!"

Thankfully, before there would be a need to remodel the cells due to Shizuo ripping out the wall to bypass the barrier, the priest had stepped in.

Lucifer spoke calmly in contrast, arms crossed as he finally spoke up after his minor exchange earlier with the commander.

"Its what he wants. He gets off on displays of strength, of comparing might against might. You entering would be his greatest wish, especially after so long. That said...." He now addressed Hisoka directly, including Jack as well.

"You've done nothing but hint and insinuate....And you have nothing to offer us. Unless either of you have something to make it worth our while to remain and more concrete then what you've given us, then you can stay here- Sensing beyond the doors of your cell, stuck in perpetual entrapment from powers you wish to test. And you?"

He turned his gaze to Jack, eyes flaring briefly beneath the shadow of his hat brim.

....He jerked a thumb towards Hisoka.

"You can stay with him." : |


Saber Alter would run through various scenarios, trying to consider ways to be social.

Its easy enough. Lady Zatanna and Master does it often enough. All I have to do is follow my instincts. To be the King that I know I am. You can do this! I can do this!

She opened her mouth, turning a furious glare(what she thought was a look of determination) to those on the couch.

"I am Saber Alter! I swing the sword that chops every head!"

There was a beat in which you could measure in eons before she cleared her throat and tried again, more dignified this time.

"I am Saber Alter. A newcomer to the organization- Excuse me, I....Had something on my mind."

Haha, nailed it.

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7
"Oh, it was interesting. My own father was head bodyguard to our former president. Unfortunately due to a...messy situation he was discharged and our family lost some of our reputation. Which is part of the reason why I'm here. But I can tell you that story later, if you're interested, Mister...ah, Shizuo."

"HEY! Ease it up, prisoner! You won't be getting points for good behaviour pulling stunts like that, and considering your unfortunate living arrangements, I would think of being a bit more subdued if I were you."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Verite @C.T. @Atomyk @Holding Cells

"Tsk, I don't give a damn about the clown right now... But fine."

With that, he stepped back, watching as Lucifer began to speak to the prisoners. It was better this way, letting someone more level-headed coerce their prisoners into releasing more information. Plus, it gave him time to respond to Lang's comment and cock a brow at the title he was given.

"Shizuo's fine. I'm a grunt around here, and I don't deserve the respect to be called by any titles."

I sat and listened half-heartedly to what Makoto Naegi said. I had took a several eons worth of nap-time and even after blazing through countless hordes of Demons, I still had a lot of energy that kept annoyingly poking me to do something psychical, namely rip and tear! Anyways, Makoto was speaking about how great this occasion was... which it was. I may have been in boring meetings before in the Night Sentienals, but never had this much variety in one setting.

So many new people to meet, new allies or foes or rivals! Nothing like a little friendly competition to stir up the destructive juices!

Of course, when the 'Arch Demon' popped out with its, excuse me, his (Demons don't have genders, damn it, they're all chaotic evildoers that must be purged!) mouth opened, I nearly jumped out of my seat to punch it. Then I realized how stupid it was punching a holographic version of the thing.

After that, my interest fluctuated. There was something about sectors being ok, something about despair energy, blah, blah. However, there were also new threats like the Zin Empire and a unknown group recovering fragments of the Demon. Not sure what their intent was, but better keep tabs on any updates incase they pop up again. I would love to introduce them to my chainsaw!

After the first part of the meeting was concluded, me and the others headed off towards the lounge room. From there, some of the higher ranked people headed off. The man known as 'Ocelot' mentioned something about prisoners causing trouble in the holding cells. I guess heading off towards the cells and checking if anything needed a good right hook would do.

It took me a while to reach there as my unfamiliarity with the place had me keep coming back to the armory for some reason. I already had a hyper space one so why did I keep coming back here? Eh, whatever. I asked for for directions and the person pointed me in the right direction.

I entered the holding cells where all sorts of whackos, monsters, and murderers were imprisoned. Some of them had been the masters of these so called 'Murder Games', but instead of being executed, they were left to rot. I wasn't sure which one was better. For them to meet their Maker and be playthings for the Demons of Hell or rot away from boredom.

I eventually found Ocelot with a small group of people speaking to a person dressed in a clown outfit that just screamed 'PAY ATTENTION TO ME!' and inside the same cell was another person. Compared to the jester, he wasn't impressive, but something about his face seemed off, like he was wearing a mask to cover up his ugly scars. His hairdo also screamed, I'm edgy. Sure you are.

I simply walked to the edge of the group, waiting if something needed to be broken. I also seemed to have stumbled upon something alarming, as evidenced by Ocelots face. Huh, maybe the clown said something about a sinister energy dwelling inside a sweet, innocent little girl or perhaps he made a dirty joke that would make lots of people cringe. I simply shrugged.

@Verite @Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Holding Cells

"Hmm? I'm guessing you're one of the guards around here?"
  • Thank You
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Lucifer spoke calmly in contrast, arms crossed as he finally spoke up after his minor exchange earlier with the commander.

"Its what he wants. He gets off on displays of strength, of comparing might against might. You entering would be his greatest wish, especially after so long. That said...." He now addressed Hisoka directly, including Jack as well.

"You've done nothing but hint and insinuate....And you have nothing to offer us. Unless either of you have something to make it worth our while to remain and more concrete then what you've given us, then you can stay here- Sensing beyond the doors of your cell, stuck in perpetual entrapment from powers you wish to test. And you?"

He turned his gaze to Jack, eyes flaring briefly beneath the shadow of his hat brim.

....He jerked a thumb towards Hisoka.

"You can stay with him." : |


Saber Alter would run through various scenarios, trying to consider ways to be social.

Its easy enough. Lady Zatanna and Master does it often enough. All I have to do is follow my instincts. To be the King that I know I am. You can do this! I can do this!

She opened her mouth, turning a furious glare(what she thought was a look of determination) to those on the couch.

"I am Saber Alter! I swing the sword that chops every head!"

There was a beat in which you could measure in eons before she cleared her throat and tried again, more dignified this time.

"I am Saber Alter. A newcomer to the organization- Excuse me, I....Had something on my mind."

Haha, nailed it.

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7

Jack would just shrug to Lucifer. "You can't threaten me with anything, I'm already in my personal hell. And talking to you guys only makes it worse so I'm just gonna sit down on my bed and imagine I'm strangling all of you one by one with my bare hands."

"Oh, it was interesting. My own father was head bodyguard to our former president. Unfortunately due to a...messy situation he was discharged and our family lost some of our reputation. Which is part of the reason why I'm here. But I can tell you that story later, if you're interested, Mister...ah, Shizuo."

"HEY! Ease it up, prisoner! You won't be getting points for good behaviour pulling stunts like that, and considering your unfortunate living arrangements, I would think of being a bit more subdued if I were you."

@The Tactician @Jeremi @Ringmaster @Verite @C.T. @Atomyk @Holding Cells

Jack was too busy strangling them in his head to pay them any more attention.

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @C.T. @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7


He slid his hands by his sides, the King in the North staring down the other man with a bland expression. Underneath his facade the swordsman went through a plethora of inner feelings and turmoil, wondering where his values should lie in and what he should do. Indeed, he was but a stranger to this whole scenario, just another face to be scribbled down on a piece of paper for the maesters to record in the annals of history. What role shall he invoke, what will he do to not only pursue his goals, but to change the course of events?

One man can bear the burdens of the world on his shoulder, as this whole fiasco has shown time and time again. Soldiers marched side by side to war, many of them with little names, few to even be recalled. The Coalition, truly, stood as a frightening beast lacking a head and sense of camaraderie, bearing only a landless and godless title.

"Sometimes friends are enemies, Makoto. A'ye, be careful who you keep close, and those you keep closer." Jon forewarned, a subtle jab of his words hitting the other man. The bastard was far from the players and dancers of the South, with their flowery language yet foul actions. Moreover than not, the regent preferred direct, swift actions, leaving the poetry to Sam.

Glancing over at the strangely-dressed woman, Jon Snow gave a bit of a bow, his crown shimmering against the metals. "My name is Jon Snow, m'lady. I am the King of the North and the Riverlands, the White Wolf and the sworn protector of my lands until a true Stark can be found. So far, I have not found my family...alive, anyways." Jon remarked, glancing over at Makoto, walking slowly over to the man. Clad in his snug leather armor, he narrowed his ash eyes down at Makoto, uttering one simple phrase.

"The only wish I would want from the Coalition is my sister back."

Letting a pause reign between the two, Jon brushed past Makoto, one hand on the hilt of Longclaw.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Library bois and girls.

Bekka would watch Jon Snow leave the group.


"That boy needs to get laid."​

@Krieg @Library

"Don't worry about it. Train Heartnet," the male replied, introducing himself and extending a hand to offer Artyom a handshake. "How long have you been with the Coalition?" he asked. He still wanted to grab a bite to eat, but figured that if this man had been around this place long enough maybe he would know where to go? Unless, that is, he was a new recruit like Train was.

@Nater Taters @Verite
Artyom took Train's hand a gave a few firm shakes, before looking confused, why did everyone assume he was part of the Coalition, was no one else here an independent ally?

"I'm not with the Coalition, well,not really. I'm an independent ally working on behalf of my group, The Rangers of the Spartan Order.I would be willing to help in your quest to find food if you need help though." Artyom said
  • Nice Execution!
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Deoxys intently read the reports, remaining dead silent as it absorbed the information. It was a library, after all, and Deoxys is certainly not known for being one to chat up the first organism it sees. A waste of time for two Coalition members that could be doing some productive or progressive, it is.

Deoxys eyed the picture of the toothbrush and the picture of the hooded skeleton, staring at them for a moment.

Perhaps it isn't important right now, all Deoxys needed was to find some loose piece of info, some reference that the other inferior organisms missed, on the current threats that face the Multiverse. That said, the alien stored away the reports on the Gravity Falls Incident and the Rapture Incident, not even looking as they floated back into place. Rather, Deoxys was staring at a line on the Fall of Elliot.


"...Garrus Vakarian, who was also part of the Crossed Incident, and later was mysteriously assassinated after the defeat of Elliot."

"...mysteriously assassinated."


The pokemon thought on it for a quick moment, deciding to store away that one line in its vast memory. It seems like something it'd have to ask about when the meeting resumes, something that can give it a mission or a purpose. Deoxys thought was interrupted by a familiar voice, whom it promptly twisted its head around to face the source of.

Ruby Rose
humanoid, member of the Strike Team. Organism displays extreme speed, as well as a latent "aura" energy (related to other organisms of similar universal origin). Does not possess any plant matter, contradictory to its title.>

Deoxys eyed its fellow Strike Team member for a moment, listening in as she asked about the Silent Hill Incident. Deciding to be of some assistance for once, Deoxys held out a tentacle and pull out the book from the bookshelf.


"Ruby," an unmistakable eery telepathic voice ringed out to her, and if she were to look, the records of the Silent Hill Incident would be seen hovering towards her like a ghost, followed by Deoxys...who was also hovering towards her.

@Hospes @Verite @Gula Gula @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Yang Lee @darnerdemons @Cirilla @Minerva @york
Cosmo's head turned as the yipping of the littler dog caught is ear.

"Another dog? Hello Comrade! How did you get here?"


Wanda chuckled as she followed Genji's every word.

"I'm good, Genji. I've been knee deep in research, but I am good."

Wynne, on the other hand, laughed loudly at Reinhardt's action.

"My, my,my. Aren't you a character? Look at you! Filled with such vigor and full of energy, yet a man with age and wisdom?"


"WWWhat's going on with you~?"

Popping out of another time rift upside down, Add happened to appear near Robin, which should be a normal thing ever since the time traveler had joined the UN. He would always use his time traveling abilities to startle others for the sake of a good laugh.


"C'mon, you can tell me, Robin~"



Despite being left alone from Add, Elesis's attention happened to be grabbed by a few barks coming from a dog. Stepping over to where she heard the sound, the fallen knight blankly stared at the group, more importantly at Cosmo and Deoxys. And even then, a bit of Elesis's old personality remained in her, prompting her to lightly pat Cosmo on the head.


"... fluffy."

@Hospes @Verite @Gula Gula @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Yang Lee @darnerdemons @Cirilla @Minerva @york


In turn, a pause came from Weiss, who placed her hands on her hips with a frown. "You weren't even listening, were you?" While she sounded offended and annoyed, it was only to be expected, knowing her team leader. But whatever- a lecture on listening to what other people would simply have to wait. Instead, the heiress just huffed with clear annoyance and stomped after her elder sister and her teammate. What a pain! And to think she'd agreed to help the girl with her Coalition issues and the like. This was going to be a hell of a long trip.

As they reached the library, Weiss found herself in complete and utter awe. Not even her family, or even Beacon, had a library this vast. Never before had she seen so much information all in one place... Surely, she must've died and gone to heaven! If she could read everything, surely she'd learn something worth some extra credit in class, despite having broken rules in coming here. Or maybe she'd even learn some new fighting techniques and info! She couldn't help but get excited, only broken from her trance when she heard a familiar voice, it's owner coming right into her line of vision. At first, pale blue eyes blinked owlishly before she spoke with disbelief in her voice.


"...Ren? What are you doing here?" she queried, obviously just as surprised as he. But there wasn't time to linger, because evidently he revealed the answer quite quickly. Of course it had been Ruby to bring him here... But when? Clearly, it had been only her and Ruby- and, well, her sister -that had departed earlier. And Zwei, though she had yet to realize it. "...You would be correct in that assumption," she confirmed. "But when did you get here, if Ruby brought you? We only just left and arrived..."

"And, uh... Is that like, your mom or something?"

"Mothe--... No, of course not, you dunce. That's my sister, Winter," she corrected, shaking her head. It appeared she was especially defensive at the mention of her mother, for some reason or another.

While her younger sister and Qrow's little niece conversed, Winter herself decided to explore the vast contents of the library, deciding to start by skimming through the multiverse dictionary, skimming throught every entry in hopes of learning more, starting with 'Ultimate Nullifier'. She wasn't liking anything about this situation, but she might feel better after she knew everything she could pick up here. After all, knowledge was power, as the saying went. And with that in mind, Winter was certainly powerful, as was her sister. But there was always more to learn.

Of course, she was keeping an eye on the young huntresses all the while, keen eyes constantly on the lookout for any sign of trouble. The boy that had approached her sister hardly seemed threatening, that much was certain. He even seemed to match the description of one of the acquaintances that Weiss had written about. Perhaps they weren't the only ones here from the lands of Remnant. Less appealing, however, was what she heard- a bark of some sort, it seemed. Upon glancing to the source, Winter spotted that Ruby had a small dog poking out of her backpack.



This was definitely not what she had signed up for.

Even if she had wanted to, Winter didn't linger on it, because something even less appealing was happening. Some odd creature was approaching Ruby, and it most certainly didn't look friendly. It didn't take much to tell this was no grimm, but that didn't stop Winter from being majorly put off. Momentarily, she set the dictionary down, upon Ruby within moments. One hand reached for her weapon, drawing it from it's place on her hip to point it at Deoxys. "Halt." A simple command, but one with purpose.

Oh, goodness, this probably wasn't going to end well.

@york @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @Bomb @Library​
Oh, boy.

Deoxys, from its extensive research and understanding of its own self and its own world, is a Pokemon. A collection of many different species (and, signular organisms such as itself) that all share a unique trait of being found working together with humans. Some interperet this as friendship, the Pokemon and the Trainer forging a strong bond through adventure and battle, forming a unique symbiotic relationship where the Trainer needs its Pokemon to survive, and the Pokemon needs a Trainer to find purpose.

Not unlike the relationship shared between Deoxys and Ryan-- as much as Deoxys itself finds the concept of "friendship" in its own world to be grossly optimistic. By nature, the...common Pokemon are creatures of service-- they rely on humans for purpose, and quickly shift from being free wild creatures to being forever bonded to a human Trainer inside of a Pokeball.

Deoxys was disgusted by this idea. The idea of it serving and organism lesser than itself, one that doesn't even fully comprehend what it can do...a waste of potential, a waste of time. A waste of everything to rely on a Trainer. It believes itself to be an ally of the Coalition, not a servant. Those it fights with are allies of convenience against a common enemy, they are not masters.

Deoxys serves no one.

And it will certainly not listen to an order from this lesser, pitiful waste of intelligence trying to act like its bigger than what it really is. The case of a human thinking its authority from home applies to a vast multiverse, a literal infinity of worlds that it thinks it has any say in, with its shoddy opinion and objectively flawed process of thought.

Like a fucking maggot.


"Are you ordering me?"

Deoxys openly defied her order, ignoring the piece of garbage she has in her hand dropping the book to the floor with a clatter. It stared down Winter, tilting its head slightly as it turned to fully face her.

Her face is so serious.

Her mind isn't.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons@pubbbb @Crow @Bomb @Library
Certainly wasn't difficult to tell that this... thing... wasn't happy. Which, considering the circumstances, wasn't exactly surprising. She had just drawn her weapon on it, after all. But, it appeared the thing could communicate, which caused a slight change in matters- though Winter certainly didn't appreciate it's blatant disobedience of her order. "So, you are capable of communication," she observed offhandedly. For the moment, she lowered her weapon, but was clearly prepared to strike at any given moment if any wrong move was made. "Good. Now, then--"

Mid-sentence and without warning, Winter found herself receiving a shove forward. While it may have been impossible to see coming, she didn't stumble, performing a graceful front flip and landing on her feet. Albeit, closer to Deoxys than she wouldn't liked to be to anyone. A fire now burned in her eyes as she quickly withdrew and regained the distance between them with obvious anger. Who would dare to not only interrupt her and shove her, but put her so close to another lifeform? Momentarily forgetting about her not-quite qualm with the tentacle monster, Winter glowered around, not hesitating to speak up. "...I suggest whomever is responsible step forth and claim responsibility for their actions. Now."

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @york @Gummi Bunnies @Library​

"Ah... stuff I probably get the gist of already? Then I'll leave it to you, mister."

Running a hand through his hair, Add saw that Robin was just reading through regular paperwork, not much important stuff he could learn here. While it didn't seem like much, Add did memorize all sorts of paperwork within the UN and a bit from the Coalition, which would come in handy later on. However...


Add only whistled away when he heard that. Not like Winter would realize that he used time rifts to close the distance and make distance between him and her so quickly, but it was nice to whistle a little tune whenever a situation like this came up.

@Minerva @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT
The mischievous trick was successful on Winter, triggering an angered response in her. As per usual...

But, when she looked again, Deoxys seemed to be missing from her personal zone. Oh, that works out again.


Add would probably detect the presence standing directly behind him, and would quickly find Deoxys in its Speed Forme, glaring down at him and seething with a purplish glow. Its tentacles extended and sharpened as it shifted into its Attack Forme.



It wasn't hilarious.

@Hospes @york @Gummi Bunnies @Library


Well, it didn't take a master detective to deduce the culprit, considering all the signs pointed to Add. The whistling immediately following her demand, the way Deoxys was upon him in moments(considering it's obvious telepathic capability, and the fact that the culprit would have been in it's line of sight)- it was easy to figure out. So it was only natural that within mere moments, Deoxys was joined by the military specialist, a glare being cast at the male responsible. He was a disgrace to people with white hair, he was! And he clearly was just as mannerless as that annoying old drunkard, Qrow.

"I don't suppose you'd care to explain yourself."

It looked like Esper had two glowering figures to deal with.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @york @Gummi Bunnies

"Huh? Oh... hey, you look new... hilarious that we haven't run into each other yet."

Idly looking over at Deoxys, Add decided to go along with his oblivious nature instead of just leaving the library immediately. As it was clear that Deoxys wasn't amused by these antics, a strange glow flashed in Add's eyes, signifying that there was something up his sleeve if people weren't so forgiving towards his mischievous actions. Speaking of those unforgiving people, another had come along.


"Alrighty, you got me, miss~ I just saw tension in the room, and I had to make the tension go away. Did you know that all sorts of closeness, like physical proximity, can improve and eradicate tensions? Kekekek..."

Not seeing a reason to hide the truth, Add gave off a smile that would simply infuriate certain people in an instant. It was fun doing this, getting to see people get so worked up and then being unable to relieve their annoyances at that instant. If only Shizu-chan were around, however, then this would be even greater of an experience for the time traveler.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @york @Hospes

Ruby Rose
@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Library

Ruby smiled, reaching for the book that was hovering towards her, being a reserve member of the coalition wasn't all bad!

"Thanks De-...!" She started but suddenly stopped, noticing the tensions between Weiss's sister and the tentacled creature.

Uh oh... And someone else came into the picture!


Just then, the book that had been floating in the air kind of dropped into Ruby's lap, presumably because Deoxys was distracted by the other things going on in the library... And Weiss appeared to be talking to Ren, so... With the remaining option having literally just been dropped on her, Ruby decided to read through that book on the Silent Hill incident.


@Josh M @Others?

"Arf arf! Arf!" Zwei barked, then started panting a little.

Well, looks like Zwei couldn't really talk, but if Cosmo could understand barks, it was pretty clear Zwei wasn't sure how he had gotten here, he had just been sleeping in Ruby's bag for most of the trip here.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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"Hmm? I'm guessing you're one of the guards around here?"
I heard someone guess that another was a guard around here and looking over, I saw the person who said that. The blonde wore dark blue sunglasses and wore a bartender's outfit. He looked at me so I guess he was asking me. I brought up my arm and tapped the device on my wrist which brought up a screen. After quickly typing some letters in, a synthetic voice spoke my answer.

"Nope, just a curious bypasser wondering why there's a clown oozing sexual undertones."

@Verite @Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Holding Cells
Everyone from philosophers to theoretical physicists across the multiverse have debated the placement of closets in terms of just what they might tell us of the nature of the universe and whether or not its trying to fuck us all over.

Sometimes, a closet is indeed just a closet. Stuffed with janitorial supplies, perhaps, or paper. Maybe even something innocuous like a dead body or two. Other times, a closet is a potential treasure trove, filled with all manner of finery and opportunity. And then there's those times when things go wrong for you and the closet seems to know it. Karma perhaps coming back to reflect on you for something you did in the past, or perhaps the closet just doesn't like you for some reason. In those times, you'll find the closet full of all sorts of unpleasantness. Angry rage monsters, gibbering creatures from beyond spacetime, Jehovah's Witnesses.

The closet that Shiro comes to rest next to, however, is none of the above. It is a fourth example, uniquely proposed by one philosopher as a sign of when the universe has given up and gone home for the evening.

Almost as soon as he stops next to it, something emerges from it. Or someone, rather, seems to unfold from it, like an old, battered mattress: it's the sort of motion that would make a dull, wet flopping noise when it lands, if only if were capable of doing so. Said someone instead lands with the crunch of broken glass and the sound of beer bottles desperately escaping their confinement. He's tall, spindly almost, with a backblast of wild, unkempt white hair and a grubby labcoat stained with things people have yet to concoct names for.

He snatches ahold of Shiro's leg, hauling himself unsteadily up until he's level with the man. Wild, rolling eyes come to fix on Shiro's face.

Something rumbles from the closet-man's stomach, belching out and engulfing Shiro in the smell of cheap whisky and poor life choices.
"Alright listen motherfucker, you've got three seconds to hand me back my keys before I go medieval on your ass! GOT-- GOT THAT?!"

In the short time after Train Heartnet had arrived at the lounge, he had already fallen asleep, a string of drool hanging from his lips. At some point, however, the rumbling of his own stomach awoke him and the brown haired male slowly sat up, stretching his arms after letting a long yawn escape his lips. "Ugh, too hungry to sleep. Where's a guy gonna get some food around here? Man..."


The ex-assassin rose to his feet and began to wander around, looking for someone who might be able to help him with his problem. He made his way over to a maid and a man she was talking to, his nose wiggling when he sniffed the smell of coffee in the air. "Yo, maid girl, any idea where this new guy can get some grub around here?" he said nothing, at first, to the man she was speaking to, more interested in filing his gut than holding a conversation.

@Nater Taters @Verite
Artyom accepted the coffee with a warm smile and a quiet thanks. He hadn't had coffee in so long, he almost forgot it existed.

When Chisa asked how he came to know the Coalition, he paused, how was he supposed to answer that? He wasn't sure if Miller would be happy to hear him babbling about The Rangers or anything about the Metro. Still, at the very least, Chisa deserved an answer.

"It's kinda....how do you say.... complicated. I work for an elite group of soldiers known as The Rangers of the Spartan Order, or simply, The Order. While I'm not sure it's my place to tell you this, but... let's just say, where I come from, hope is a four letter word."
He paused, thinking back to home, before getting back to the conversation at hand

"As for coming to be aware of the Coalition,, I can tell you, the Coalition aided us in fight against a supernatural enemy that threatened our very existence. After that situation was dealt with. The Order recommended I return the favor, somehow...so here I am." He finished
When Artyom finished speaking with Chisa for the time being, eh noticed that they had company. A young man walked over to them, ignoring Artyom completely while asking Chisa for food. Artyom was a little put off by this man's personality

"Is that how they say hello where you're from?" He asked in a deadpan tone.

"N-Now now, it's fine, Artyom," Chisa would assure, not perturbed by Train's approach, though it would seem that the two men would manage to work things out by themselves. The way they resolved things quickly brought a smile to the housekeeper's face. Things were nice like this. When friends and comrades put aside their differences, be it in culture or general mannerisms, to protect the multiverse.

It was nice.

That said, in response to Train's request, she would give a nod, gesturing towards a table in the lounge. "Help yourself. We mostly just have some sweets that are normally available to the members. Could I also interest you in a coffee? I... sorta ran out of actual cream for it though, unless you'd be fine with just milk?"

@Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Of course, I can forget all about it! You know something, Zen? You actually reminded me a lot of the hero from one of my stories! He was tall, courageous...Well he wasn't exactly scared of cats. But otherwise you-"

Aaaaaand there went all the goodwill Zen had earned down the drain.


"I-I bet you're not the first person to think that! But s-so what if she wears a cute dress, has cute wings and can fly through the air which is totally awesome, so what if she has cute little fangs? I-It doesn't mean a thing! I mean it's not as if it means I have a crush on her or anything! Pfft, no way no how! Why would you even ask such a ridiculous question???"


"I am every lady's white knight, of course I should remind you of a hero-" he began, a proud flush on his face as he elegantly swept his hair back...

He watched the boy shout and stammer with an amused look on his face, furiously denying the fact that he had taken a fancy to are Remilia even though his words completely contradicted what he was trying to convey. "Awh, how can you say that in front of your woman?" he said, forcing a saddened expression, putting acting skills to work. "You don't want to hurt her feelings, right?

@Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Wren
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Artyom took Train's hand a gave a few firm shakes, before looking confused, why did everyone assume he was part of the Coalition, was no one else here an independent ally?

"I'm not with the Coalition, well,not really. I'm an independent ally working on behalf of my group, The Rangers of the Spartan Order.I would be willing to help in your quest to find food if you need help though." Artyom said
"N-Now now, it's fine, Artyom," Chisa would assure, not perturbed by Train's approach, though it would seem that the two men would manage to work things out by themselves. The way they resolved things quickly brought a smile to the housekeeper's face. Things were nice like this. When friends and comrades put aside their differences, be it in culture or general mannerisms, to protect the multiverse.

It was nice.

That said, in response to Train's request, she would give a nod, gesturing towards a table in the lounge. "Help yourself. We mostly just have some sweets that are normally available to the members. Could I also interest you in a coffee? I... sorta ran out of actual cream for it though, unless you'd be fine with just milk?"

@Nater Taters @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Gotcha. I should've figured people from other organizations were here too. I just guessed you were Coalition since they've taken in a lot of new recruits recently--myself included. What does your organization do?" Train had allied with the Coalition for his own reasons, which he hoped they would help him with at some point, but for now he was willing to help them out with what they needed. Their cause seemed worthy enough. Plus, they gave him free food. That was always a plus in his eyes.


Just when Train was about to take Artyom up on his offer, the maid girl answered his question and showed him where the food was. A wide grin spread across the bounty hunter's face. "Aw hell yeah I'd be fine with just milk! In fact, it's much better that way! Pouring it in coffee only taints it. Gimme!" He slid past Chisa and scooped up whatever happened to be left of the milk bottle, pressing it against his lips to sloppily down the liquid. Now that's what he was talking about! Milk was his absolute favorite!

@Nater Taters @Verite
Miko hummed quietly as her eyes traveled along all the people within the library. They were all so interesting and unique, standing out even amongst those supernatural beings like Deoxys who was preoccupied with information gathering.

"Hmm..i don't really stick out as much here do i??" She thought aloud to herself while wheeling slowly around the area. So many people to meet, so many worlds to learn of. At the least she didn't seem too preoccupied someone couldn't talk to her for the meanwhile.

@library people who want to talk
"... Boss, any idea what he's talking about or who that girl is?" Finally, some goddamn answers. Sort of cryptic as hell, but Shizuo would take them at least to keep from trying to punch the energy barrier.​
"Don't tell me you're gonna listen to this guy. 10 pounds of nuts in a five pound bag. We'd all be better off ignoring him. Great sinister power and no one in here knows? Gotta be lying through his teeth."

"Lang Zi says: 'Only cooperate with those you can trust.' As you can see, this clown here is one of the least trustworthy people down here. Hos words should be taken with a grain of salt. However..."

Lang turned to Ocelot.


"How come Bozo over here got you so worked up? You don't mean to tell us there really IS a very powerful girl walking around unsupervised, do you?"

@Verite @The Tactician @C.T. @Ringmaster @Atomyk @Holding Cells

Lucifer spoke calmly in contrast, arms crossed as he finally spoke up after his minor exchange earlier with the commander.

"Its what he wants. He gets off on displays of strength, of comparing might against might. You entering would be his greatest wish, especially after so long. That said...." He now addressed Hisoka directly, including Jack as well.

"You've done nothing but hint and insinuate....And you have nothing to offer us. Unless either of you have something to make it worth our while to remain and more concrete then what you've given us, then you can stay here- Sensing beyond the doors of your cell, stuck in perpetual entrapment from powers you wish to test. And you?"

He turned his gaze to Jack, eyes flaring briefly beneath the shadow of his hat brim.

....He jerked a thumb towards Hisoka.

"You can stay with him."


Ignoring the banter going on, Ocelot would take a while to reply to Shizuo's question, practically having a staring contest with Hisoka, the clown himself seeming to come in and out of whatever game he was playing in their head, as his body would almost seem to visibly vibrate, likely out of pure stimulation or excitement, like he was getting goosebumps, when Shizuo would then proceed to make less than friendly exchanges with Handsome Jack, as though Hisoka was personally far more interested in seeing Shizuo make a show out of his strength upon Jack than he was in the conversation he was supposed to be having.

In any case, it wasn't until Lang would essentially repeat Shizuo's question that Ocelot would snap back to reality, shaking his head for a brief moment, before returning to his standard expression of aimless scowl.

"It's..." He began to say, before Hisoka would interrupt him, though it was just as well, as it sounded like he was hesitating to say something.


With a comically smug look, Hisoka would give a small giggle.

"Mmmhmhm... So you haven't told everyone about that darling Ilona girl? Why is that, mister soldier? Are you perhaps afraid of something?"

Directing his attention to Qrow and Lucifer after they'd say their pieces to him, his expression hardly changed, though he had more to say.


"I may have no reason to tell the truth, but I don't have a reason to lie either. In fact... No, I take it back. Maybe by telling the truth, I can get a nice reward~, so long as the little ocelot stops holding ripe treats in front of me like a dog being teased with a treat," he said, crossing his arms, "But then... I'll assume that none of the Coalition's higher-ups, mister soldier included, told you about Ilona then? I would have imagined she'd be the talk of the town. It's not every day that someone walks into the base with such a strong aura of potentially evil energy, and--"

"That's far enough, prisoner."

"I think that's up to the others beside you to decide."

@Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Archwar @Holding Cells
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Shiro jumped slightly at the sound of the closet door opening, and then immediately brought a hand up to his face to cover his nose and mouth. The smell of cheap booze and disappointment- or was that urine, was overwhelming as an older, scraggly-looking man fell out of it.

Shiro tensed up as the man grabbed his leg to pull himself up. Shiro uncovered his nose and mouth, "What are you doi-"

Shiro almost gagged as the man belched in front of him. The pungent odor was too much.

"Alright listen motherfucker, you've got three seconds to hand me back my keys before I go medieval on your ass! GOT-- GOT THAT?!"

"Your k-keys," Shiro asked, clearly confused, "what keys?"

"Are you okay? It looks like you had a lot to drink.."

@Grumpy @whoeverisobservingthisshitshow

The hug was welcome, and the cyborg returned it happily. "How are you doing, Wanda? I am still having trouble finding my way around this place, frankly." Genji's smile wasn't visible, but his tone was light and not very serious.

The Crusader elbowed Genji playfully with a less-than-discreet wink before turning back to Wynne. Reinhardt was astonished that Wynne turned down the compliment, truly believing her to be stunning in appearance! That being said, the thought of dating anyone was so far at the back of his mind that it would never even occur to him, so the compliment was more polite than anything."I am REINHARDT!" He slapped his chest with an uproarious laugh. "Nice to meet you!"

Genji and Reinhardt both became awkwardly silent as their fight with Morrigan was revealed to them.

"Ah! Doctor Ziegler! It is good to see you, as always!" Genji turned and moved to Angela, bowing deeply. "I can never thank you enough for what you have done for me." He had, unfortunately, not been very grateful for his escaping death right after it happened. On the contrary, he'd hated himself. Now, though, he was whole again. Now, he felt bad for not appreciating her gift more.

Reinhardt was, as always, less formal than Genji. He stepped forward and went to lift the woman in a crushing hug, as he had with Genji. "Angela! Oh, it has been some time! How are you doing!?"

Genji was, himself, oblivious to the fact that he was being spoken of by Wanda and the other woman.

@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @york @Hospes @pubbb @Josh M @Cirilla @Library​
Angela smiled widely as she was greeted by her friend's "It was my pleasure Genji and you really need to stop thanking me" she chucked to the Shimada. She knew the hardships that the ninja had to endure over the years. If anything she felt guilty that he had temporarily lost touch with himself. Even now she would do anything to help him once again.

right as she turned to speak to Reinhardt he had already pulled her into a crushing hug, one that strangely over the years you had to adapt to. As she was placed down she caught her breath and nodded "it really has been far to long.. I am doing very well and I see you both have been as well" Angela says as she looks at the others around her.

"I am sorry I have been rude I am doctor Zielger the lead Doctor in Overwatch it is a pleasure to meet you all"

@ The library people ^^​

"Oh, it's quite alright, Sir Shiki! I'm certain you had your own path to take just as my parents did," Ilona replied with a smile that faded when she felt a bump from beneath the couch they were sitting on. When the merchant appeared before them, the blonde looked excited. "How very interesting! My name is Ilona of Arendelle. I've never been to see many merchants. What manner of items do you sell?" she questioned.

@Verite @DBZ7

"Huh... Yeah, my own path... That's the most important thing in people's lives, huh?" Shiki repeated, stopping for a moment. The mentioning of the path he walked in life got him thinking again. "Thinking about nothing as usual," Kohaku from back home would always say. What a cruel girl she was. But that was... something endearing about her.

People never realized what they had until they were gone.

Not paying the merchant who would appear out of nowhere too much mind, since she seemed to be surprisingly adept at handling Len, who was usually so stand-offish to others, as demonstrated just a few moments earlier with Ilona, he'd take a breath, stretching his legs out. "The paths that people have to walk down can really be unpredictable, huh? You can never truly know what's about to happen, even despite all the signs life might throw at you," he uttered absent-mindedly, "But even so... They say life's about the journey instead of the destination. And I finally get what it means, y'know?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The wild-eyed trails off, seeming to consider his whereabouts for the first time since regaining consciousness and pioneering a bold new form of verbal assault upon Shiro. The blank stare that follows this surveying of the local landscape suggests he's not exactly on familiar ground.

"...where even fucking is this, huh?"

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"Gotcha. I should've figured people from other organizations were here too. I just guessed you were Coalition since they've taken in a lot of new recruits recently--myself included. What does your organization do?" Train had allied with the Coalition for his own reasons, which he hoped they would help him with at some point, but for now he was willing to help them out with what they needed. Their cause seemed worthy enough. Plus, they gave him free food. That was always a plus in his eyes.


Just when Train was about to take Artyom up on his offer, the maid girl answered his question and showed him where the food was. A wide grin spread across the bounty hunter's face. "Aw hell yeah I'd be fine with just milk! In fact, it's much better that way! Pouring it in coffee only taints it. Gimme!" He slid past Chisa and scooped up whatever happened to be left of the milk bottle, pressing it against his lips to sloppily down the liquid. Now that's what he was talking about! Milk was his absolute favorite!

@Nater Taters @Verite
Artyom watched Train as he chugged down the milk, he glanced over at Chisa for a moment before returning to staring at Train

"Christ Train, did you ever get get fed back home?" He asked jokingly

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Well...you got me there....most people who have insulted me in my time are dead but I know when to pick my battles unlike you apparently..."

"I'd ask fer you to start usin' my name...but 'cowboy' sounds better to me..." Snarky comment aside it seemed everything was calming down....well until this happened. At this point he was really tempted to just shoot the boy and demon so he didn't have to deal with them anymore.

"Looks like you two won some hearts today..... Ain't that beautiful..." Black had spoken in a slightly mocking manor. These two were making fools of themselves with all this love bullshit. Nah, Black never cared for love and thus doesn't need it. Given his choice of life and line of work he couldn't afford to love someone even if he wanted to given that he could be killed at any moment. This cowboy was destined to walk his path alone and that's just how he liked it.

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Chewy Rabbits
"Ahh, all these names to use."

"There are only two which have requested as such so far, milady."

Sakuya shrugged as their two guests had a little squabble about love or something. Though she was apparently a topic among them, she, like Black, had little interest in the matter. Instead, she simply kept her focus on Remilia, in case the vampire needed her suddenly.

"They certainly do like to talk, don't they?"
The thought absolutely chilled him to the bone! If Remilia overpowered him and drank and drank and drank, he'd look like a shriveled up old prune! Only he'd be dead on top of it! Scary stuff for sure... But Nemo's mood quickly took a turn on the upswing as Remilia addressed him by his name! Finally, no more just calling him human or SMALL human! He was slowly on his way to getting some recognition!


"That sounds good to me, Remilia! Nobody calls anybody short and we're all good! Thanks for understanding!" Nemo exclaimed as his jovial mood returned. That was all Nemo had really wanted. Simply bring a stop to the mention of his height and things would have been absolutely grand! He almost wanted to give Remilia a hug for it! But as he looked her over, Remilia might have noticed Nemo staring her up from top to bottom as a blush took over his face again.

"Wow, d-darn it...Why is she so pretty.." Nemo muttered as he blinked.

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Crimson Spartan

"I am every lady's white knight, of course I should remind you of a hero-" he began, a proud flush on his face as he elegantly swept his hair back...

He watched the boy shout and stammer with an amused look on his face, furiously denying the fact that he had taken a fancy to are Remilia even though his words completely contradicted what he was trying to convey. "Awh, how can you say that in front of your woman?" he said, forcing a saddened expression, putting acting skills to work. "You don't want to hurt her feelings, right?

@Chewy Rabbits @Kaykay @Wren

Remilia blinked as she took notice of Nemo's face and Zen's words.


That was about all she managed there.

@Crimson Spartan @Chewy Rabbits @Sen @Wren
With all of the fighting going on, Iroh put down his book and watched closely to what was going on. He would be more than capable to jump in if physical confrontation happened, as he felt that both the creature and the woman with white hair would not respond kindly to peaceful intervention.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @york @Hospes @Library
  • Nice Execution!
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"Because if the barrier was gone, I would be making good on my threat and you would need wires to keep your jaw shut, you arrogant son of a bitch!"

Thankfully, before there would be a need to remodel the cells due to Shizuo ripping out the wall to bypass the barrier, the priest had stepped in.

"Tsk, I don't give a damn about the clown right now... But fine."

With that, he stepped back, watching as Lucifer began to speak to the prisoners. It was better this way, letting someone more level-headed coerce their prisoners into releasing more information. Plus, it gave him time to respond to Lang's comment and cock a brow at the title he was given.

"Shizuo's fine. I'm a grunt around here, and I don't deserve the respect to be called by any titles."

"Hmm? I'm guessing you're one of the guards around here?"
"...you know, I had a hundred men as my suboordinates. I could never bring myself to see them as not deserving respect, same as you. If you prefer I call you Shizuo, fine by me, but don't go around saying you don't deserve respect."
I heard someone guess that another was a guard around here and looking over, I saw the person who said that. The blonde wore dark blue sunglasses and wore a bartender's outfit. He looked at me so I guess he was asking me. I brought up my arm and tapped the device on my wrist which brought up a screen. After quickly typing some letters in, a synthetic voice spoke my answer.

"Nope, just a curious bypasser wondering why there's a clown oozing sexual undertones."

@Verite @Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Holding Cells


Ignoring the banter going on, Ocelot would take a while to reply to Shizuo's question, practically having a staring contest with Hisoka, the clown himself seeming to come in and out of whatever game he was playing in their head, as his body would almost seem to visibly vibrate, likely out of pure stimulation or excitement, like he was getting goosebumps, when Shizuo would then proceed to make less than friendly exchanges with Handsome Jack, as though Hisoka was personally far more interested in seeing Shizuo make a show out of his strength upon Jack than he was in the conversation he was supposed to be having.

In any case, it wasn't until Lang would essentially repeat Shizuo's question that Ocelot would snap back to reality, shaking his head for a brief moment, before returning to his standard expression of aimless scowl.

"It's..." He began to say, before Hisoka would interrupt him, though it was just as well, as it sounded like he was hesitating to say something.


With a comically smug look, Hisoka would give a small giggle.

"Mmmhmhm... So you haven't told everyone about that darling Ilona girl? Why is that, mister soldier? Are you perhaps afraid of something?"

Directing his attention to Qrow and Lucifer after they'd say their pieces to him, his expression hardly changed, though he had more to say.


"I may have no reason to tell the truth, but I don't have a reason to lie either. In fact... No, I take it back. Maybe by telling the truth, I can get a nice reward~, so long as the little ocelot stops holding ripe treats in front of me like a dog being teased with a treat," he said, crossing his arms, "But then... I'll assume that none of the Coalition's higher-ups, mister soldier included, told you about Ilona then? I would have imagined she'd be the talk of the town. It's not every day that someone walks into the base with such a strong aura of potentially evil energy, and--"

"That's far enough, prisoner."

"I think that's up to the others beside you to decide."

@Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Archwar @Holding Cells
Ilona...? Lang barely recognized the name, but that wasn't what was perturbing him. Evil energy...but it couldn't be, not if the prisoner was the one saying it. Yet, Ocelot's responses were too suspicious to ignore.

"Grr...I've had enough of your games, clown! What the hell does that mean, 'potential evil energy'? And how do you know of it if we don't?!"

@Verite @The Tactician @Archwar @Ringmaster @Jeremi @C.T. @Atomyk @Holding Cells

"Huh... Yeah, my own path... That's the most important thing in people's lives, huh?" Shiki repeated, stopping for a moment. The mentioning of the path he walked in life got him thinking again. "Thinking about nothing as usual," Kohaku from back home would always say. What a cruel girl she was. But that was... something endearing about her.

People never realized what they had until they were gone.

Not paying the merchant who would appear out of nowhere too much mind, since she seemed to be surprisingly adept at handling Len, who was usually so stand-offish to others, as demonstrated just a few moments earlier with Ilona, he'd take a breath, stretching his legs out. "The paths that people have to walk down can really be unpredictable, huh? You can never truly know what's about to happen, even despite all the signs life might throw at you," he uttered absent-mindedly, "But even so... They say life's about the journey instead of the destination. And I finally get what it means, y'know?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"I suppose one's path is all they truly have sometimes. Perhaps that's why it's the most important thing in the lives of certain people," Ilona would reply closing her eyes for a moment as she thought over Shiki's words. "Life may be about the journey, but at times I wish my journey would slow down a little so I could actually enjoy my life, you know?" A sad smile crossed her lips. "For you see, I walk a hectic path that takes me all over the place, a path that seems to move so quickly that I haven't the chance to deepen relationships with others or to feel entirely comfortable with who I am."

It's a lonely path. It's one I wish I could escape from. I only wish I could be a hero like my parents, looked at with love by those around me... instead of being looked upon with pity or mistrust due to my powers.

"Do you value your path, Sir Shiki? Is it a path that brings you happiness?" she asked, forcing a smile to her lips. She craved to hear about the happiness of others. It gave her the strength to keep going.

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