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Yeah, it looked like a certain someone wasn't exactly happy, even when Add explained himself. It appeared that his explanation didn't quite meet her standards, especially when he had that trollish little grin on his face. Yup, she was aggravated, not that it was a difficult emotion to induce in her. But it didn't change that it was how she felt, or that she felt this Add fellow needed a little talking to. Perhaps a nice little lesson on manners while she was at it. In the meantime... "Silence," she cut in with a hard glare. "I did not ask for a lesson on potential reactions to the physical proximity of others," she snapped. "Nor do I care to listen to your pointless yammer. So I suggest you hold your tongue."

There was a pause as she gave Add a look that could most certainly kill before continuing on. "Furthermore, it would be in your best interest to avoid interfering with matters that do not concern you." It looked like her temper was under control, for now, at least. Or, enough to not attempt to strike Add or anything of the like. But if he kept pushing her...

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @york @Library​

Ruby Rose
@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Library

Ruby smiled, reaching for the book that was hovering towards her, being a reserve member of the coalition wasn't all bad!

"Thanks De-...!" She started but suddenly stopped, noticing the tensions between Weiss's sister and the tentacled creature.

Uh oh... And someone else came into the picture!


Just then, the book that had been floating in the air kind of dropped into Ruby's lap, presumably because Deoxys was distracted by the other things going on in the library... And Weiss appeared to be talking to Ren, so... With the remaining option having literally just been dropped on her, Ruby decided to read through that book on the Silent Hill incident.


@Josh M @Others?

"Arf arf! Arf!" Zwei barked, then started panting a little.

Well, looks like Zwei couldn't really talk, but if Cosmo could understand barks, it was pretty clear Zwei wasn't sure how he had gotten here, he had just been sleeping in Ruby's bag for most of the trip here.
With all of the fighting going on, Iroh put down his book and watched closely to what was going on. He would be more than capable to jump in if physical confrontation happened, as he felt that both the creature and the woman with white hair would not respond kindly to peaceful intervention.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @york @Hospes @Library

"Hold my tongue? If we go that route, I don't think you'll like holding my tongue, ma'am. Besides, you seem all restricted by that type of attitude you got there, couldn't hurt to loosen up for just a measly second, you know?"

Clearly not getting the message that he should shut up and given these two their space or whatever, Add didn't wipe that smile off of his face, not really stopping with the words he was using to work up a reaction from anybody present. It was his way of passing time without really... you know, manipulating time much. With that portion done with, Add glanced over at Deoxys, seeing the specimen in some different form than what it was earlier. Interesting...


"... not to be intrusive, but I'm curious on what you are."

Now with the smile going away, Add tried to pinpoint on what Deoxys was, poking the latter with his pointer finger multiple times out of curiosity. This was bound to go well...

@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @york @Yang Lee
Directing his attention to Qrow and Lucifer after they'd say their pieces to him, his expression hardly changed, though he had more to say.

"I may have no reason to tell the truth, but I don't have a reason to lie either. In fact... No, I take it back. Maybe by telling the truth, I can get a nice reward~, so long as the little ocelot stops holding ripe treats in front of me like a dog being teased with a treat," he said, crossing his arms, "But then... I'll assume that none of the Coalition's higher-ups told you about Ilona then? I would have imagined she'd be the talk of the town. It's not every day that someone walks into the base with such a strong aura of potentially evil energy, and--"

"That's far enough, prisoner."

"I think that's up to the others beside you to decide."

Another working theory began to suddenly arise from the words of Hisoka, that strangely began to fit with the current evidence gleaned from before.

Potential. Someone unconsciously radiating this evil source of energy, someone smiling and laughing up above. Was Mary like this too? Was that the reason they arrested her and put her in a cell? If so...Then the reason why she killed herself was perhaps because she was affected by it. And retained enough of her morals to not wish to inflict trouble on anyone. No- I can't believe that. If that were so, then the implication to the Coalition itself would be terrible. It'd mean accepting by extension, the idea that this place makes arrests on false pretenses. That it covers up its mistakes to avoid the consequences. I can't believe that... It goes against every action I've seen them do, in the history of what this place was built for.

In the end, it came down to whether or not he trusted the Coalition.

He knew his answer to that and spoke aloud. His words directed at Hisoka but meant for everyone in the cell block.

"It doesn't matter. If she is radiating this aura we'll help her- Its what we do here."

The Coalition trusted her- Whoever she was within these walls. They trusted her up there in the lounge, to talk and to laugh. Turning to leave, he slipped his hands into his coat pockets and added as an aside over his shoulder.

"I'm going to prove worthy of that trust. Major. Commander. Gentleman."

And off he left the cellblock. There was nothing else to glean here, not after Jack decided to shut up and after learning what he did from Hisoka. One thing was absolutely certain though.

He needed more information, which meant it was time to examine the library once more.

....If they still had time before the recess ended.

@Jeremi @C.T. @The Tactician @Yun Lee @Verite @Melon @Grumpy @Atomyk @Archwar


Well. It appeared the bespectacled one, the young girl, the catgirl and the merchant weren't inclined to speak to a stranger.

This was why Saber Alter advocated the stroke of a sword much more then social situations. Still, she had done (broadly) what she was here to do. She had identified a possible candidate for the person the Jester spoke of. Going from the boys comments alone, there seemed to be some history as well. She would bear this in mind, if not overly dwell on it.

That was her masters job. :|

At any rate, she left the couch and watched as Lucifer emerged from the dungeon, heading off towards the library. He seemed to be in thought, for what reasons she could only guess. So where did that leave her?


Screw subtlety.

Ignorant of the movements of the mighty and of the fact they might not be there, Saber Alter headed for the Command Center.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DBZ7 @Atomyk

As everyone arrived her own voice reached near silence. She knew just enough about the previous incidents through a briefing but not much else.

"Excuse me, Jill. Where can one find the Monokuka and Daughter incident reports? The brefing didn't tell me enough information to really grasp those sotuations." Miko spoke up with a low hum to her voice.
That went well considering Mob's less than stellar history with spirits. Shigeo sighed of relief that the spirit was in fact friendly, actually, it was actually just here to read!...Who figured...Somebody going to a library...To read. Man Mob reminded himself with that small encounter he's not really a sociable kid. Mob stood there at the entrance of the library staring at the spirit as it floated over to a shelf, casually picking out 3 books. Mob looked elsewhere in the library...There were some women in this library.. Really pretty women, ridiculously out of Mob's league. These were the kind of girls Teru would go out with. Mob, blushing at the thought of embarrassing himself in front of one of these women, set his sights back on the spirit.


Mob eventually did work up the nerve to walk over to the spirit while it was reading, but tried to play it cool for the sake of... I don't know, this thing seemed pretty mysterious. That's kinda Mob's type, he couldn't really competently talk to any other kind of person anybody knew about. Mob started to sweat profusely about what to say as the spirit read, shigeo's expression turned wryly. He pulled on his collar, casually picking out Monokuma Incident and blankly staring at one of the pages to act natural. What would Reigen say. What would his ever wise master say in a situation like this... What would he say. wHAT THE HELL WOULD HE SAY? As Mob finally worked up the nerve to speak, it already floated away towards someone else.

"Nice weather we're having."



The boy said as he turned to face the spirit, who was mysteriously gone as much as he mysteriously entered. Mob put the book on under his arm, walking out of the row and looking around to see what his spectral acquiantance could be up to. He was talking. Toanotherprettyladyohmygodwhy. Mob blushed again, slowly turning away from the spirit and towards the corner of the room. There was only one guy over there, even if he did look like a creep.. To Mob, anyway. A wizard robe and white hair. Eh, Mob thought he was overthinking this. The boy walked near the wizard man, taking a seat on the floor across from the shelf the wizard was looking at. He then opened the book and lifted it up to his face as an attempt to not attract attention to himself.


@Minerva @library @Verite



Despite being left alone from Add, Elesis's attention happened to be grabbed by a few barks coming from a dog. Stepping over to where she heard the sound, the fallen knight blankly stared at the group, more importantly at Cosmo and Deoxys. And even then, a bit of Elesis's old personality remained in her, prompting her to lightly pat Cosmo on the head.


"... fluffy."

@Hospes @Verite @Gula Gula @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Yang Lee @darnerdemons @Cirilla @Minerva @york


In turn, a pause came from Weiss, who placed her hands on her hips with a frown. "You weren't even listening, were you?" While she sounded offended and annoyed, it was only to be expected, knowing her team leader. But whatever- a lecture on listening to what other people would simply have to wait. Instead, the heiress just huffed with clear annoyance and stomped after her elder sister and her teammate. What a pain! And to think she'd agreed to help the girl with her Coalition issues and the like. This was going to be a hell of a long trip.

As they reached the library, Weiss found herself in complete and utter awe. Not even her family, or even Beacon, had a library this vast. Never before had she seen so much information all in one place... Surely, she must've died and gone to heaven! If she could read everything, surely she'd learn something worth some extra credit in class, despite having broken rules in coming here. Or maybe she'd even learn some new fighting techniques and info! She couldn't help but get excited, only broken from her trance when she heard a familiar voice, it's owner coming right into her line of vision. At first, pale blue eyes blinked owlishly before she spoke with disbelief in her voice.


"...Ren? What are you doing here?" she queried, obviously just as surprised as he. But there wasn't time to linger, because evidently he revealed the answer quite quickly. Of course it had been Ruby to bring him here... But when? Clearly, it had been only her and Ruby- and, well, her sister -that had departed earlier. And Zwei, though she had yet to realize it. "...You would be correct in that assumption," she confirmed. "But when did you get here, if Ruby brought you? We only just left and arrived..."

"And, uh... Is that like, your mom or something?"

"Mothe--... No, of course not, you dunce. That's my sister, Winter," she corrected, shaking her head. It appeared she was especially defensive at the mention of her mother, for some reason or another.

While her younger sister and Qrow's little niece conversed, Winter herself decided to explore the vast contents of the library, deciding to start by skimming through the multiverse dictionary, skimming throught every entry in hopes of learning more, starting with 'Ultimate Nullifier'. She wasn't liking anything about this situation, but she might feel better after she knew everything she could pick up here. After all, knowledge was power, as the saying went. And with that in mind, Winter was certainly powerful, as was her sister. But there was always more to learn.

Of course, she was keeping an eye on the young huntresses all the while, keen eyes constantly on the lookout for any sign of trouble. The boy that had approached her sister hardly seemed threatening, that much was certain. He even seemed to match the description of one of the acquaintances that Weiss had written about. Perhaps they weren't the only ones here from the lands of Remnant. Less appealing, however, was what she heard- a bark of some sort, it seemed. Upon glancing to the source, Winter spotted that Ruby had a small dog poking out of her backpack.



This was definitely not what she had signed up for.

Even if she had wanted to, Winter didn't linger on it, because something even less appealing was happening. Some odd creature was approaching Ruby, and it most certainly didn't look friendly. It didn't take much to tell this was no grimm, but that didn't stop Winter from being majorly put off. Momentarily, she set the dictionary down, upon Ruby within moments. One hand reached for her weapon, drawing it from it's place on her hip to point it at Deoxys. "Halt." A simple command, but one with purpose.

Oh, goodness, this probably wasn't going to end well.

@york @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @Bomb @Library​
Ruby Rose
@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Library

Ruby smiled, reaching for the book that was hovering towards her, being a reserve member of the coalition wasn't all bad!

"Thanks De-...!" She started but suddenly stopped, noticing the tensions between Weiss's sister and the tentacled creature.

Uh oh... And someone else came into the picture!


Just then, the book that had been floating in the air kind of dropped into Ruby's lap, presumably because Deoxys was distracted by the other things going on in the library... And Weiss appeared to be talking to Ren, so... With the remaining option having literally just been dropped on her, Ruby decided to read through that book on the Silent Hill incident.


@Josh M @Others?

"Arf arf! Arf!" Zwei barked, then started panting a little.

Well, looks like Zwei couldn't really talk, but if Cosmo could understand barks, it was pretty clear Zwei wasn't sure how he had gotten here, he had just been sleeping in Ruby's bag for most of the trip here.​
"Nono Morikubo, Ms Kirigiri," Kyoko's stoic aura affected Kido once again, to the point that he could only say those few words and nothing more.

In the meantime, Madoka decided to browse through some documents, then looks at Add browsing through them. "Fall of Elliot. That must be where the magic happens for my brother. Although..." She reached out to the records that spoke of the Crossed Incident.

"... I wish to see where the magic happens for everyone."

Although a full tour never happened, Iroh still appreciated the time allotted to enjoy some quiet reading time in the library.

Thinkinh to himself much he enjoyed a nice circus, he decided to read on the Carnaval Incident as the incident he would rather read over was currently taken by another being and Iroh would never be rude enough to impeed someone obtaining knowledge. It's not like he was getting older, anyhow.

@Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk@york @Hospes @pubbb @Josh M @BarrenThin @Library
While Morrigan and Wynne would keep going at... whatever the blasted devil they were talking about, Carissa seemed to be somewhat zoning out. Admittedly, it was unprofessional for a refined princess, especially one like her who was renowned for her tactical prowess, but even geniuses needed time to just let their minds wander. And perhaps this was one of the better times for that to happen.

It wasn't so much that she disliked Morrigan though that she was sort of ignoring her at this moment. In fact, during most times, the princess respected her. Though they might not agree on precisely everything, as expected with anyone, Carissa admired her tenacity and willingness to do whatever it took to get what she wanted. She tended to feel this way towards people who believed the ends justified the means. Perhaps it was unpatriotic to say so as a believer that Britain was the superior country in the world, but Carissa always thought the Italian poet Machiavelli had the right idea.

In any case, when Elesis would suddenly appear and pat Cosmo randomly, the British woman would raise an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she'd look at the Crimson Avenger.


"... What are you doing that for? You're probably bothering him," Carissa spoke in an initially lightly scolding manner, putting a hand on Cosmo's fur, moreso a subconscious action, "I mean, how fluffy could he possibly be that's so addictive to tou--Oh, my."


Carissa would proceed to join Elesis in patting Cosmo.

"Bloody hell..."

She was very fascinated by how comfortable Cosmo's fur was.

@Gummi Bunnies @Josh M


"Ruby and Yang brought me and Nora to the Coalition a little while ago... I'd say, a few months by now. Said that we were trustworthy to let in on this secret of theirs, though..." Ren looked around cautiously, before continuing after he had trailed off, "I dunno how they see that in Nora. Especially now that we've learned so much about different worlds, she's been way more excited about everything than she usually is. Keeps making jokes about if there's a world out there where my cooking tastes good."


Ren leaned in for a hot moment, whispering something.

"I'm in the library because she avoids those like the plague, y'know."


And then, in response to the revelation that the other woman was rather her sister than her mother, Ren gave an extremely intelligent reply.

"... Oh."

Meanwhile, speaking of which, if Winter was still inclined to reading up on what the Ultimate Nullifier was supposed to be, she'd find what she was looking for in the E-book about it:

The E-book describes how the Ultimate Nullifier, despite its small size, is an exponentially powerful device that played a pivotal part in aiding the survivors in the defeat of the Arch Demon.

As the name implies, it is fairly self-explanatory, able to instantly nullify the existence of any target and erase them from existence under normal circumstances, making for a convenient device against any powerful threat that would loom over the world. However, during the Arch Demon's Downfall Incident, it was sabotaged in a way that the Coalition cannot repair, though it is still operable. The primary difference now is that the Nullifier in the possession of the Coalition is only able to significantly weaken its target rather than instantly erase them.



Speaking of Ruby, when the girl would read through the Silent Hill Incident, she would look at the following:

The report describes how Claudia Wolf, under the direction of the Arch Demon, lured individuals into her dimension and to the town of Silent Hill to force them into a Murder Game. It's also mentioned how Silent Hill is now known as the epicenter for the world of Silent Earth, a planet ravaged by dark forces and malevolence.

One of the earliest known Murder Games to occur, this event is also considered one of the most violent and brutal, based on the scant information gathered. Only a few survivors of the event is noted to remain, including Bryan Mills, Claire Redfield, Ellie, Raven, and Sophie. The event marked one of the biggest wins for the Arch Demon to date.

Makoto Naegi: Of the known Murder Games we have basically the full story on, this one is probably the worst to date. Such a low survivor count is beyond saddening. It is incidents such as these that both Future Foundation and the Coalition exist. Those who wish to cause harm and those who wish to cause despair need to be stopped, no matter what.

Alvin: "I've met one of the two traitors to survive the event, and let me tell you, she was not in good shape. For her, it'd been about twenty years since the incident occurred, and yet she was still a broken woman. She lost more than she gained, that's for sure. Don't really blame her for doing what she did... I think you guys know I'm not so squeaky clean myself. Let's hope we can avoid stuff like this in the future."

That concluded the report.



Upon the mention of Morikubo's name, Kyoko's expression would seem to soften up just a tad, the woman giving a soft breath as she almost had to stifle a small laugh.

"I see... Hmph. Small multiverse, huh? Or do you simply have big connections," she inquired, before putting a hand on her hip, "So then... How is she doing?"

Meanwhile, when Madoka would look through the report for the Crossed Incident, she would read the following:

The E-book makes mention of how this incident is currently the earliest known and recorded incident, orchestrated by Albert Wesker, the head of the Umbrella Organization, and indirectly, the Arch Demon. The event marks the first appearance of the Crossed, a group of infected, crazed humans used as foot soldiers to stop the Survivors. These Crossed would later appear in the Fuse Incident and the Arch Demon's Downfall.

The survivors were aided by the organization S.H.I.E.L.D., led by Nick Fury. After the (temporary) death of Jack Krauser and Wesker retreating, Nick Fury would make use of an artifact known as the Tesseract to have the survivors return to their home worlds safely.

As for comments, there's the following:

Jill Valentine: Supplementary note. Recently, we've been getting reports of people who appeared there. On top of the ones that died over time due to different circumstances, like Vi, Kiritsugu Emiya, Princess Elsa, and Kinzie Kensington, we've been getting reports that there's been a string of mysterious assassinations on a number of them, including Garrus Vakarian and Molly. Currently, other than Shiki Tohno and myself, everyone else, as far as I'm concerned, is in danger for as long as they're not in protection of the Coalition, as a few others are, such as Chrom, Clementine, and others.

That seems to be it as far as useful info went.


Upon going through the Carnival Incident Report, Iroh would see the following:

The report describes how this event is possibly connected to the Dark Presence. There doesn't seem to be much to say about this, though it does note that the murderer of the event, Hisoka, would eventually be captured and arrested by the Coalition when he would resurface in the following Gravity Falls Incident on account of murder, among other things possibly.

Speaking of which, this incident had ended with the survivors being stranded in the carnival, before the survivors in the following incident, Gravity Falls, would inadvertently set them free.

Comments were as followed:

Spider-Gwen: Figures that a clown would be the killer in a carnival. How did no one pick up on that?

@Yang Lee

Going through the report for the Monokuma Incident, Shigeo would read the following:

The report first begins to explain how an early project for the Coalition was the implementation of a training program for new recruits. Proposed first by Jennifer, then approved by Makoto Naegi and Darth Wrex, the program would place recruits into a Murder Game scenario to prepare them for infiltration purposes.

However, the first use of this program resulted in a true Murder Game. An agent of the Arch Demon's had inserted a virus into the program in the form of the Noob and the Engineer, who corrupted the program. A Monokuma AI was created based upon Makoto Naegi's memories, who wiped the memories of the participants to make them forget anything about the Coaltiion. Many of the recruits went on to become full Coalition agents after the event was over, such as Arya Stark, Bayonetta, Cosmo, Dlanor A. Knox, Frank Castle, Pretty Boy, Ruby Rose, and Yang Xiao Long. It's also noted how Kirei Kotomine first participated int he event, only to go on to eventually mastermind Murder Games of his own. Morrigan, the founder of the M.E.U., is also noted to have been a part of the event.

Kieran: "I didn't have anything to do with this project at the time, but a part of me wonders if it would have gone differently had I been more interested. Hrm. I can't say I'm not disappointed that we've been too afraid to implement new training programs and initiation missions through this technology since then... at least we have the Torch."

Jennifer: "This event forced me to relive many terrible events of my life, most I thought I had buried. That I was willing to use technology capable of such invasive and torturous simulations makes me shudder. The Coalition should never use something such as this ever again."

That concludes the report.


"Hmm? Those old things? Here, lemme find those for you," Jill would say in a friendly enough manner to Miko. Getting up from her seat, the older woman would walk over to the shelves and draw out what she could find, before walking back and handing them to Miko, provided that she was still interested in reading them.

"Here you go. Looks like someone else already managed to nab the Monokuma Incident, so I guess you gotta hunt 'em for it, but I still managed to get the Daughter Incident, at least," she spoke, casually placing her hands on her hips.

The report contained the following inside:

The report goes into an incident involving the Dark Presence, an alien entity. Having allegedly used the Carnival Incident as a training exercise, the being known as daughter, now known to have been Junko Enoshima, orchestrated an event made in the name of her current master, Mother.

Individuals were pulled into the Dark Place, a realm of pure malevolence, where the plan was to force them into a series of Murder Games or "killing games" until their souls were broken down. The event was halted by a mysterious entity known as the Diver who the Coalition currently knows very little about. Previous Coalition leader, Kyoko Kirgiri, ended up pulled into this event, ending her time MIA. Other agents to have been involved in this event included Byakuya Togami and the Scarlet Witch.

Byakuya Togami: "It should be noted that this mysterious Diver was also the reason why the first Dark Presence Incident was halted. It is through him that the participants regained their memories and were able to free themselves of the Dark Place. He can be a valuable ally to the Coalition if only we could track him down."

That concluded the report.


"Hold my tongue? If we go that route, I don't think you'll like holding my tongue, ma'am. Besides, you seem all restricted by that type of attitude you got there, couldn't hurt to loosen up for just a measly second, you know?"

Clearly not getting the message that he should shut up and given these two their space or whatever, Add didn't wipe that smile off of his face, not really stopping with the words he was using to work up a reaction from anybody present. It was his way of passing time without really... you know, manipulating time much. With that portion done with, Add glanced over at Deoxys, seeing the specimen in some different form than what it was earlier. Interesting...


"... not to be intrusive, but I'm curious on what you are."

Now with the smile going away, Add tried to pinpoint on what Deoxys was, poking the latter with his pointer finger multiple times out of curiosity. This was bound to go well...

@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @york @Yang Lee
Oh, surely it was gonna go we--

Deoxys would, without breaking stride, immediately forming two of its tentacles into a humanoid arm and wrapping its large hand around Adds spindly little neck, faster than the Esper could teleport away or react immediately. Quite comically, Deoxys would pull the pitiful human closer, staring at him with its cold, dead eyes.


"Don't touch me."

humanoid (?), Member of the Coalition. Exhibits spatial manipulation abilities, creating rips in localized space-time similar to Hoopa, and utilizing various undefined reality-manipulating capabilities. It is confirmed that nothing would be lost if this specimen was terminated.>

<Considering termination.>

Deoxys had already read Add like an open book, passively reading his mind the moment he came into this existence. Plus, it had seen the Esper around previously about the Coalition HQ. The unpredictable jokes and guise of 'you cannot hurt me!' become less endearing when the jokes are very predictable, and the specimen is very capable of being hurt and killed.

That being said, Deoxys was practically waiting for Add to try and attack it or try and warp away, with a generally bored tone. If Esper didn't immediately warp away after being grabbed, Deoxys would comically strangle him.

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @york @Yang Lee

  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Chewy Rabbits

"WWWhat's going on with you~?"

Popping out of another time rift upside down, Add happened to appear near Robin, which should be a normal thing ever since the time traveler had joined the UN. He would always use his time traveling abilities to startle others for the sake of a good laugh.


"C'mon, you can tell me, Robin~"



Despite being left alone from Add, Elesis's attention happened to be grabbed by a few barks coming from a dog. Stepping over to where she heard the sound, the fallen knight blankly stared at the group, more importantly at Cosmo and Deoxys. And even then, a bit of Elesis's old personality remained in her, prompting her to lightly pat Cosmo on the head.


"... fluffy."

Giving in to his baser instincts, Cosmo's tail wagged.

"Cosmo is more furry than fluffy. Point still taken."​

Morrigan did not look too bothered by any of comments thrown her way. She first looked to Wanda, smiling sweetly, looking almost as if it was practiced. "Yes, I suppose you're more of a Coalition member these days, aren't you?" That Wanda had intended her comment to be an insult had not been lost on the mage, but she seemed content with pretending it was not so.

Back to Wynne, Morrigan resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Mm. I recall you saying something similar toward myself in the past. These things you speak of are just as meaningless now as they were then. No one should need to be mourned once they have gone from this world. One has no need for love and admiration once they are dead." Morrigan seemed satisfied with that at first, but after a moment she turned away, her face showing a hint of something dark on her mind.

"In any case..." Still looking away, Morrigan closed her eyes. "You are wrong about one thing most of all. I have a son. 'Tis all that needs to be said." Wynne would know who she meant, and the implications that came with it. She would not allow the old woman to deny the love between a mother and her child.


"Now--" Morrigan perked up, lifting her head to look about the library. She had come here for quiet, but with such company as this, she figured that was all but lost. "Is there anyone else who would like to join us? Perhaps make further attempts at attacking my character and that of the MEU? I am open for such discourse, if required. I certainly see a lack of books being read."

@Minerva @Crow @Yang Lee @darnerdemons @Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Gula Gula @york @Hospes @Cirilla @Verite @BarrenThin @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Josh M @pubbbb @Library

The old age mage winced when Morrigan mentioned her son. Wynne knew, even if Morrigan and her never saw eye to eye, she wasn't to attack her about her son. However, Wynne did pry Slightly.

"Your son, does he look like his father?"

Reinhardt set Angela down and addressed Wynne. "Well, I'm not so sure about wise, but what is the point of being slow and boring!? There is GLORY to be won, after all! HAHAHA!"

"I am glad to hear it, my friend," Genji glanced pointedly at Reinhardt when he said this, the German man snickering in derision at him. "This place is certainly different than home." The cyborg glanced at Wynne. "If you say things like that, it'll go to his head."

@Verite @Josh M @library

"You call it being "slow and boring". I call it "aches and pains"."

The mage chuckled slightly before pausing slightly,

"So, you're searching for glory? Don't you think it's fair for people of our age to let our younger compatriots have their time for glory? Maker knows I am not getting any younger, and, while it does seem like nothing can stop you , don't you think it is only fair?"
Smiling at genji, Wynne noticed the word he used for Wanda.. quickly smirk, she pried.

"Oh? Friends! Is that's the word they use now? You two do seem rather friendly."

Artyom watched Train as he chugged down the milk, he glanced over at Chisa for a moment before returning to staring at Train

"Christ Train, did you ever get get fed back home?" He asked jokingly

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The ex-assassin noisily slurped down the bottle of milk, tossing it aside after he had drank every last drop. Train then licked his lips and jumped right into eating whatever happened to be spread out on the table, not taking the time to reply to Artyom just yet. Train absorbed every crumb on the table, cleaning it off like a vacuum cleaner. He even gobbled up all of the coffee beans only minutes after having complained he didn't care for them After demolishing all of the food, he finally gave Artyom a reply.

"Hell no! I never got enough food back home! My buddy Sven was a cheapskate. All he ever got around to buying me was scraps! I was starving all the freaking tim--" Train cut himself off, a frown crossing his lips. Sven, I wonder how he's doing? I wonder if he'll... ever wake up?

"Yeah, well, anyhow food is a big deal! Eating is a part of life," he said, a cheesy, food covered grin returning to his lips.

@Nater Taters @Verite
In any case, when Elesis would suddenly appear and pat Cosmo randomly, the British woman would raise an eyebrow, crossing her arms as she'd look at the Crimson Avenger.


"... What are you doing that for? You're probably bothering him," Carissa spoke in an initially lightly scolding manner, putting a hand on Cosmo's fur, moreso a subconscious action, "I mean, how fluffy could he possibly be that's so addictive to tou--Oh, my."


Carissa would proceed to join Elesis in patting Cosmo.

"Bloody hell..."

She was very fascinated by how comfortable Cosmo's fur was.

@Gummi Bunnies @Josh M

"... soft."

It was hard to tell if Elesis was giving a direct answer towards Carissa or not, but the Crimson Avenger simply was entranced with how Cosmo's fur felt. Giving her distant memories of her peaceful life before becoming a knight, the redhead was surrounded by these quaint memories

Giving in to his baser instincts, Cosmo's tail wagged.

"Cosmo is more furry than fluffy. Point still taken."


After giving the other canine some head pats, Elesis silently turned her head to look over Cosmo a second time. Weird that even during peaceful times like this, she didn't seem to show much emotion. Stepping over to Cosmo and crouching down to be head-level with him, the fallen knight would scratch the back of his ears. She felt slightly interested with a dog like Cosmo... for some reason.

@Verite @Josh M
Oh, surely it was gonna go we--

Deoxys would, without breaking stride, immediately forming two of its tentacles into a humanoid arm and wrapping its large hand around Adds spindly little neck, faster than the Esper could teleport away or react immediately. Quite comically, Deoxys would pull the pitiful human closer, staring at him with its cold, dead eyes.


"Don't touch me."

humanoid (?), Member of the Coalition. Exhibits spatial manipulation abilities, creating rips in localized space-time similar to Hoopa, and utilizing various undefined reality-manipulating capabilities. It is confirmed that nothing would be lost if this specimen was terminated.>

<Considering termination.>

Deoxys had already read Add like an open book, passively reading his mind the moment he came into this existence. Plus, it had seen the Esper around previously about the Coalition HQ. The unpredictable jokes and guise of 'you cannot hurt me!' become less endearing when the jokes are very predictable, and the specimen is very capable of being hurt and killed.

That being said, Deoxys was practically waiting for Add to try and attack it or try and warp away, with a generally bored tone. If Esper didn't immediately warp away after being grabbed, Deoxys would comically strangle him.

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @york @Yang Lee


"Er... I guess you don't like subtle curiosities then? Heh heh... maybe I set things off on a wrong footing, eh?"

Despite the situation he got himself into, Add kept a rather confident air around him, but surely the fact that he was held around the neck was just annoying. He had to remind himself that he couldn't really... stick around in physical confrontations, given that he had put all of his efforts in developing the machinery and abilities of time travel at his disposal. After what seemed to be a few minutes, Add was starting to consider getting himself out of this, but time travel or warping wasn't going to cut it... soooo.


"Tch... Elesis... hey, mind lending a hand or something? I wouldn't want this to tense up even more!"

While Add was giving the word over to Elesis that he wasn't in the best of situations right now, the latter simply continued her business with the dogs. Great. Not only was he in a humiliating position in this scenario, but that his partner was entranced by the sight of putrid dogs! He couldn't stand dogs, being a cat person and all, and surely enough this wasn't helping his case at the very moment.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes @york @Yang Lee
After having read the incident she paused to wrap her head all around the information it provided. The key point being the presence that stopped the killing game. Diver.

"Thank you for the report. This Diver seems quite the slippery ally." She commented, returning the report to it's rightful place among the shelves. After a brief few moments she decided to go on her way once more.

Leaving the library and moving towards the lounge. No doubt in her mind the meeting would restart soon and she rather arrive early to get a good front seat. Of course she was still available for chatter in the meantime.
@lounge people

"I am every lady's white knight, of course I should remind you of a hero-" he began, a proud flush on his face as he elegantly swept his hair back...

"Grrr...Certainly not afraid to take compliments that's for sure."

Astaroth had to admit that while at first glance, this guy hadn't seemed so bad. He could have blown a gasket about Nemo annoying him earlier or gotten outraged over Chibi. But hearing that knight line proved to be a bit more than the demon was willing to listen to. "If there's one thing I hate it's braggarts. We get that you're handsome, seem like a decent enough guy beyond that. Well...As far as humans go, anyway."

Bringing up his wariness of humanity as a whole after a convo around Yukin did sting a bit. For Yukin had been one of the few humans beyond Nemo to really earn Astaroth's respect and she'd done so by fighting alongside him in combat. A feat not too many humans would have likely wished to replicate. As his tail idly swung back and forth, he bared his fangs at Zen. He appreciated Nemo getting another opinion on what to do when dealing with women, but he wasn't as glad that the second source was this guy.

"Why don't you take it down a notch, eh, Prince Charming? Spare those who don't wish to bask in your majestic glow."

His two cents tossed in, Astaroth's tail gave the floor a hefty smack to signify his annoyance. In his months of patrolling Tokyo at night, he heard all kinds of people who believed themselves to be God's gift to women everywhere and tried moving in on any woman that walked by. Made for amusing nights when they tried over and over and got rebuffed at every corner. Though while Astaroth had only been able to hear those conversations, now he was living the conversation and the guy was offering advice to his little buddy.

Sheesh, what a shit day this was turning out to be.
He watched the boy shout and stammer with an amused look on his face, furiously denying the fact that he had taken a fancy to are Remilia even though his words completely contradicted what he was trying to convey. "Awh, how can you say that in front of your woman?" he said, forcing a saddened expression, putting acting skills to work. "You don't want to hurt her feelings, right?


Astaroth had said his peace but he couldn't help but shoot a glance over Zen and Nemo's way as the advice continued. Teasing was one thing, he did it all the time. But there was a time and place and he still had his doubts about the vampire girl. Astaroth had died when he was relatively young and as a demon? He didn't have to worry a lick about age but age was no excuse to act like a brat. Though Nemo going around and calling a girl he liked 'his woman' was more than likely going to get his ticket punched rather than anything else.

As for Nemo himself, the boy rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. He really hadn't been expecting such a pointblank and direct question and he really didn't want to snap on this guy again! Not when he had already apologized for doing so earlier.


"I've never really felt this way before and now that I do? I don't know what to do and rushing things seems like a bad choice!" He'd say mainly towards the 'your woman' comment though thankfully it seemed to have blown over Remilia's head as had him staring at her. "Sheesh..." Turning towards Remilia, Nemo held up his hands and shook his head from side to side.

"Nothing you need to worry about! I was just talking with Zen about how...Nice...You looked! Yeah!"

Well, it wasn't exactly a lie since he had mentioned something like that. But it still made him feel somewhat uneasy. Darn these stupid feelings! Darn them right to Hell!

@Kaykay @Wren @Sen @Crimson Spartan
Oh, boy.

Deoxys, from its extensive research and understanding of its own self and its own world, is a Pokemon. A collection of many different species (and, signular organisms such as itself) that all share a unique trait of being found working together with humans. Some interperet this as friendship, the Pokemon and the Trainer forging a strong bond through adventure and battle, forming a unique symbiotic relationship where the Trainer needs its Pokemon to survive, and the Pokemon needs a Trainer to find purpose.

Not unlike the relationship shared between Deoxys and Ryan-- as much as Deoxys itself finds the concept of "friendship" in its own world to be grossly optimistic. By nature, the...common Pokemon are creatures of service-- they rely on humans for purpose, and quickly shift from being free wild creatures to being forever bonded to a human Trainer inside of a Pokeball.

Deoxys was disgusted by this idea. The idea of it serving and organism lesser than itself, one that doesn't even fully comprehend what it can do...a waste of potential, a waste of time. A waste of everything to rely on a Trainer. It believes itself to be an ally of the Coalition, not a servant. Those it fights with are allies of convenience against a common enemy, they are not masters.

Deoxys serves no one.

And it will certainly not listen to an order from this lesser, pitiful waste of intelligence trying to act like its bigger than what it really is. The case of a human thinking its authority from home applies to a vast multiverse, a literal infinity of worlds that it thinks it has any say in, with its shoddy opinion and objectively flawed process of thought.

Like a fucking maggot.


"Are you ordering me?"

Deoxys openly defied her order, ignoring the piece of garbage she has in her hand dropping the book to the floor with a clatter. It stared down Winter, tilting its head slightly as it turned to fully face her.

Her face is so serious.

Her mind isn't.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @Bomb @Library


"Umm... who are you?" Bibi asked Deoxys, not knowing what Deoxys was. Bibi held on his staff in case if Deoxys was a monster that made its way here.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Library @bleh post​

Ignoring the banter going on, Ocelot would take a while to reply to Shizuo's question, practically having a staring contest with Hisoka, the clown himself seeming to come in and out of whatever game he was playing in their head, as his body would almost seem to visibly vibrate, likely out of pure stimulation or excitement, like he was getting goosebumps, when Shizuo would then proceed to make less than friendly exchanges with Handsome Jack, as though Hisoka was personally far more interested in seeing Shizuo make a show out of his strength upon Jack than he was in the conversation he was supposed to be having.

In any case, it wasn't until Lang would essentially repeat Shizuo's question that Ocelot would snap back to reality, shaking his head for a brief moment, before returning to his standard expression of aimless scowl.

"It's..." He began to say, before Hisoka would interrupt him, though it was just as well, as it sounded like he was hesitating to say something.


With a comically smug look, Hisoka would give a small giggle.

"Mmmhmhm... So you haven't told everyone about that darling Ilona girl? Why is that, mister soldier? Are you perhaps afraid of something?"

Directing his attention to Qrow and Lucifer after they'd say their pieces to him, his expression hardly changed, though he had more to say.


"I may have no reason to tell the truth, but I don't have a reason to lie either. In fact... No, I take it back. Maybe by telling the truth, I can get a nice reward~, so long as the little ocelot stops holding ripe treats in front of me like a dog being teased with a treat," he said, crossing his arms, "But then... I'll assume that none of the Coalition's higher-ups, mister soldier included, told you about Ilona then? I would have imagined she'd be the talk of the town. It's not every day that someone walks into the base with such a strong aura of potentially evil energy, and--"

"That's far enough, prisoner."

"I think that's up to the others beside you to decide."

@Ringmaster @C.T. @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Archwar @Holding Cells

... Never thought I would be right about the evil energy inside a girl. Yet again this is coming from a man who dons a color outfit and talking like one of those villains who adores metaphors.

I shook my head. I serious thought that this clown would be right. I then proceeded to type so quickly it appeared as though Usian Bolt was dashing across my keyboard.

"This man is clearly wants attention and therefore we should leave him be!"

@Verite @Ringmaster @Jeremi @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Holding Cells


"Er... I guess you don't like subtle curiosities then? Heh heh... maybe I set things off on a wrong footing, eh?"

Despite the situation he got himself into, Add kept a rather confident air around him, but surely the fact that he was held around the neck was just annoying. He had to remind himself that he couldn't really... stick around in physical confrontations, given that he had put all of his efforts in developing the machinery and abilities of time travel at his disposal. After what seemed to be a few minutes, Add was starting to consider getting himself out of this, but time travel or warping wasn't going to cut it... soooo.


"Tch... Elesis... hey, mind lending a hand or something? I wouldn't want this to tense up even more!"

While Add was giving the word over to Elesis that he wasn't in the best of situations right now, the latter simply continued her business with the dogs. Great. Not only was he in a humiliating position in this scenario, but that his partner was entranced by the sight of putrid dogs! He couldn't stand dogs, being a cat person and all, and surely enough this wasn't helping his case at the very moment.​
A serious gaze was shot Deoxys way from the corner of the room. Mob was watching the whole time, and since he thinks Deoxys is a spirit, spirits who hurt people...Are evil spirits. Evil spirits must be exorcised. Mob was also confused why the other esper wasn't really doing much to the spirit to exorcise it, shouldn't every esper have the ability to purge spirits? Whatever, maybe this weird mojo that this esper was fueled by wasn't spirit-compatible. If he wasn't going to do anything, Mob hasn't been an exorcist for years for nothing. Mob slowly got up, putting the book back on a shelf, the boy starting to emit a purple-green aura while walking towards the strangled esper and Deoxys.

"I see what Deoxys is up to."

Mob's serious gaze went away, having a non-descript expression on his face as usual.

"You're an evil spirit. You're hurting him."

"I'm not sure how your world works. But in my world, I have to exorcise you."





Kyoko just let out a sigh. Why did she attract the weird ones?

(Makoto included.)

"I'm a co-leader of this place... though I've been gone for a small while," she replied to Zidaine, leaning away from him upon instinct, "... Please get away."

Taking a small sigh, she would look at Kido, crossing his arms. "Kirigiri. Kyoko Kirigiri," she answered, tilting her head, "And you are...?"

@Crow @Bomb

"Why? I can always steal your heart~" Zidane continued flirting with Kyoko.

@Crow @bleh post​
A serious gaze was shot Deoxys way from the corner of the room. Mob was watching the whole time, and since he thinks Deoxys is a spirit, spirits who hurt people...Are evil spirits. Evil spirits must be exorcised. Mob was also confused why the other esper wasn't really doing much to the spirit to exorcise it, shouldn't every esper have the ability to purge spirits? Whatever, maybe this weird mojo that this esper was fueled by wasn't spirit-compatible. If he wasn't going to do anything, Mob hasn't been an exorcist for years for nothing. Mob slowly got up, putting the book back on a shelf, the boy starting to emit a purple-green aura while walking towards the strangled esper and Deoxys.

"I see what Deoxys is up to."

Mob's serious gaze went away, having a non-descript expression on his face as usual.

"You're an evil spirit. You're hurting him."

"I'm not sure how your world works. But in my world, I have to exorcise you."




"Umm... who are you?" Bibi asked Deoxys, not knowing what Deoxys was. Bibi held on his staff in case if Deoxys was a monster that made its way here.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Library @bleh post​

"... soft."

It was hard to tell if Elesis was giving a direct answer towards Carissa or not, but the Crimson Avenger simply was entranced with how Cosmo's fur felt. Giving her distant memories of her peaceful life before becoming a knight, the redhead was surrounded by these quaint memories



After giving the other canine some head pats, Elesis silently turned her head to look over Cosmo a second time. Weird that even during peaceful times like this, she didn't seem to show much emotion. Stepping over to Cosmo and crouching down to be head-level with him, the fallen knight would scratch the back of his ears. She felt slightly interested with a dog like Cosmo... for some reason.

@Verite @Josh M


"Er... I guess you don't like subtle curiosities then? Heh heh... maybe I set things off on a wrong footing, eh?"

Despite the situation he got himself into, Add kept a rather confident air around him, but surely the fact that he was held around the neck was just annoying. He had to remind himself that he couldn't really... stick around in physical confrontations, given that he had put all of his efforts in developing the machinery and abilities of time travel at his disposal. After what seemed to be a few minutes, Add was starting to consider getting himself out of this, but time travel or warping wasn't going to cut it... soooo.


"Tch... Elesis... hey, mind lending a hand or something? I wouldn't want this to tense up even more!"

While Add was giving the word over to Elesis that he wasn't in the best of situations right now, the latter simply continued her business with the dogs. Great. Not only was he in a humiliating position in this scenario, but that his partner was entranced by the sight of putrid dogs! He couldn't stand dogs, being a cat person and all, and surely enough this wasn't helping his case at the very moment.

@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes @york @Yang Lee
Deoxys' head twisted around to source out a strong, psychic presence approach it from behind. The aliens gaze fell upon Mob, the child it had seen earlier. Deoxys was slightly interested, but largely unimpressed by the boys psychic power...it was undefined, and certainly greater than any other organism standing in this area, but it still wasn't enough to make Deoxys even flinch in the face of the tiny child.

It was disgusting.


"This isn't your world, human. The authority and power you thought you had is useless, a waste of effort trying to emulate what you once had. But, if you want an illusion to make yourself seem powerful..."

Deoxys would lightly toss Add forward, dropping him infront of the child.

"You may play with this."

"When you are done, maybe you can be useful. Following instinct and blind leads would be the opposite of that."

Deoxys coldly shoved past, ignoring the child tables and chairs pushed aside by an invisible telekinetic force as it strode forward, moving towards the doors of the Library and heading back out into the Lounge. It regarded Bibi for a brief moment before straight up ignoring him and moving past. This was a huge waste of time, and Deoxys has a higher objective on its mind that it must complete.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb@Crow @Bomb @Library @bleh post​

"Ruby and Yang brought me and Nora to the Coalition a little while ago... I'd say, a few months by now. Said that we were trustworthy to let in on this secret of theirs, though..." Ren looked around cautiously, before continuing after he had trailed off, "I dunno how they see that in Nora. Especially now that we've learned so much about different worlds, she's been way more excited about everything than she usually is. Keeps making jokes about if there's a world out there where my cooking tastes good."


Ren leaned in for a hot moment, whispering something.

"I'm in the library because she avoids those like the plague, y'know."


And then, in response to the revelation that the other woman was rather her sister than her mother, Ren gave an extremely intelligent reply.

"... Oh."

Ah, that made sense. "I see. I suppose that time must flow differently throughout the multiverse, then- you couldn't have been gone for that long," the female reasoned, more to herself than anyone else. But as he continued on about how hyperactive Nora had been, especially as of recent, the girl didn't really have much to say or contribute. Especially on the note of Ren being able to cook well in some universe. So, instead, she took the opportunity to ask something else. "...Speaking of Nora, just where is she, if you're here together?" Little more could be said before Ren leaned closer to her, whispering something about how he was hiding here to escape from Nora. The heiress glanced away, casually noting the entrance of a new man who appeared to have come alone, before slowly looking to Ren once more.


"...Right," Weiss replied after a small pause, taking a small step back to regain a comfortable distance after having heard his words. To be honest, Weiss wasn't surprised Ren might want to hide from his partner. She was rather... quirky, er, unique, after all. And extremely hyperactive. At least, from what Weiss had seen of her. She certainly didn't envy being in the boy's position, that much was for sure. Awkward.

@Verite @Ringmaster @Library crew​
Prologue- Scott and Stiles
" You pick up the pieces and keep moving on."

Scott McCall was nearly late for the meeting that had taken place that morning since he couldn't find Stiles anywhere. He hadn't been the same since Lydia had left to make sure that no one else in town had returned since their departure . His mom had been helping with anyone who need medical attention and was busy. He listened to all the circumstances and made notes of all that was going on. It had only been a few days since Stiles had come back, nothing would be the same and he doubted that would changed. It seemed that both him and Stiles had been affected by their 'murder games.'

He had seen it in small ways. Stiles wouldn't sleep.. and if he did, he wake up from nightmares about the bear and all the murders that he had witnessed. It was a lot for one person to take and to be quite honest, nights weren't any better for Scott.

He dreamed about Carol killing Lizzy. That was the thing that haunted him, that and splicers... god damn splicers. He noticed that the meeting had been dismissed and he looked around. There were a ton of options for him to do and he decided to check the library for Stiles.

Interdimensional cell service sucks, this may only be the sixth or so I tried to call Victoria... but I kept getting goddamn static, well guess that isn't going to work... should head to bed.

Stiles woke up on top of that entry in the library. He had accidently fallen asleep while he was writing in his journal about the crummy cell service across dimensions. So many more people had come here since he had fallen asleep and at that moment, overprotect- Scott walked in. He went to duck behind a book, grabbing The Daughter incident and pretend he wasn't sleeping. Hopefully he hadn't missed anything too important or anything.

Scott had come in looking for Stiles and saw him reading a book when he sensed dogs nearby. Well, that was something he was good at, caring for dogs. He went to go and investigate the scent and found Cosmo and Zwei nearby. He knelt down to try to pet one of them.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb @Crow @Bomb @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Library @Meh prologue
As the scarlet haired woman traveled into the lounge a floating figure behind her caught her attention. What was it called again?? Ah right! Deoxys.

What a strange name for an even stranger creature. With a low hum she spoke up while hopping to roll backwards on the motorized Air Treks, facing the red xenomorph.

"Quite the cold one aren't ya? Always looking for more information though, i feel a bit of kinship with ya there."

She started conversation, a flat tone to her as she showed a more serious side. Her ears tuned in naturally to the reverberating sounds so she could turn and stop before crashing into any other lounge members, though she did cut it close a small deal. One thing was certain at this moment..while she didn't show a great psychic prowess, there was a disturbingly strong power emanating from her, especially at her feet where the AT were strapped on.

@lounge members @CrunchyCHEEZIT

Ruby Rose
@Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Library

Ruby smiled, reaching for the book that was hovering towards her, being a reserve member of the coalition wasn't all bad!

"Thanks De-...!" She started but suddenly stopped, noticing the tensions between Weiss's sister and the tentacled creature.

Uh oh... And someone else came into the picture!


Just then, the book that had been floating in the air kind of dropped into Ruby's lap, presumably because Deoxys was distracted by the other things going on in the library... And Weiss appeared to be talking to Ren, so... With the remaining option having literally just been dropped on her, Ruby decided to read through that book on the Silent Hill incident.


@Josh M @Others?

"Arf arf! Arf!" Zwei barked, then started panting a little.

Well, looks like Zwei couldn't really talk, but if Cosmo could understand barks, it was pretty clear Zwei wasn't sure how he had gotten here, he had just been sleeping in Ruby's bag for most of the trip here.
Cosmo listened to little dog as the girls near him petted him. Suddenly, the dog's body shifted. Rather unlike himself, the dog seemed mad, jilted in his tone.


"Bozhe Moi! What does little dog mean he's Ruby's dog?! Ruby Rose has had little dog on side whole time?! Why is Cosmo just now findink out about you? What else is Ruby hidink from Cosmo?! Nyet! Not good!"

@york @Gummi Bunnies @Verite
Deoxys' head twisted around to source out a strong, psychic presence approach it from behind. The aliens gaze fell upon Mob, the child it had seen earlier. Deoxys was slightly interested, but largely unimpressed by the boys psychic power...it was undefined, and certainly greater than any other organism standing in this area, but it still wasn't enough to make Deoxys even flinch in the face of the tiny child.

It was disgusting.


"This isn't your world, human. The authority and power you thought you had is useless, a waste of effort trying to emulate what you once had. But, if you want an illusion to make yourself seem powerful..."

Deoxys would lightly toss Add forward, dropping him infront of the child.

"You may play with this."

"When you are done, maybe you can be useful. Following instinct and blind leads would be the opposite of that."

Deoxys coldly shoved past, ignoring the child tables and chairs pushed aside by an invisible telekinetic force as it strode forward, moving towards the doors of the Library and heading back out into the Lounge. It regarded Bibi for a brief moment before straight up ignoring him and moving past. This was a huge waste of time, and Deoxys has a higher objective on its mind that it must complete.

@york @Verite @Hospes @Atomyk @Yang Lee @Josh M @Gummi Bunnies @Cirilla @Minerva @darnerdemons @pubbbb@Crow @Bomb @Library @bleh post​

While waiting for Shiki to reply, Ilona was shocked to see someone in particular who came into the lounge. "Eh, Sir Deoxys!?" the princess exclaimed with shock. It looked as if someone had just spoken to the pokémon. "I-I saw that good comrade when I was but a girl! He taught me about--"


"Merciful Sun, please spare me from the sin of perversion!"

@Verite @darnerdemons @CrunchyCHEEZIT


"This isn't your world, human. The authority and power you thought you had is useless, a waste of effort trying to emulate what you once had. But, if you want an illusion to make yourself seem powerful..."

Deoxys would lightly toss Add forward, dropping him infront of the child.

"You may play with this."

"When you are done, maybe you can be useful. Following instinct and blind leads would be the opposite of that."

Deoxys coldly shoved past, ignoring the child tables and chairs pushed aside by an invisible telekinetic force as it strode forward, moving towards the doors of the Library and heading back out into the Lounge. It regarded Bibi for a brief moment before straight up ignoring him and moving past. This was a huge waste of time, and Deoxys has a higher objective on its mind that it must complete.​
Mob took Deoxys' gesture as way more thoughtful than he may have intended. Mob has never seen a spirit he confronted actually indirectly listen, letting go of the hostage. Mob let the spirit float away as he didn't really intend more crimes, he was clearly provoked in some way. His tone seemed so...Neutral. It reminded Mob of himself. While Deoxys was busy looking down and underestimating Mob, the boy himself had found something to resonate with within something that didn't seem the least bit human. It gave Mob hope in his situation. Buuut, he had somebody else to worry about. The 2nd Esper. Mob, caught up in thought, blinked twice before looking down at the black-eyed esper.

"U-Uhm, hey. I'm Shigeo. What's up with- Did he hurt you?"

The psychic stumbled over his words as usually Reigen did all the talking for him, which made Mob inept to social confrontation. On the side of literally being incapable of genuine emotion without hurting someone. Reaching down to help the esper, Mob felt like there was somebody he was forgetting. A woman he was forgetting. Mob turned his eyes to in front of him while reaching down to help, before pulling back his arm and looking at the very pretty woman in white. Mob had looked away in thought for a split second before facing the woman with an indifferent frown. Mob would have felt inconsiderate, but, it's not like Deoxys did any real damage, and the woman didn't appear hurt.

"Oh. Sorry. Are you...Okay, too?"

Mob, calmed down by Deoxys' aforementioned hand of kindness in the boy's eyes, had his aura disappear as well as any other visual indicator that he was a psychic.


@CrunchyCHEEZIT @Gummi Bunnies @Library @Hospes
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