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"That's right! No voting from you, fun stuff! These chumps will have to get by without following your voting lead!"

"There's no harm in going over testimony again," Jude said, looking to Gumshoe. "Wanda was talking to Honda, but something caused her to become... I don't know, worked up? Do you have any idea, Honda?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @ClassTrial
"Can't say I do, Doc. Though...Shane saw Wanda and I, but I didn't see him. I don't know if Wanda saw him."
@Atomyk @Verite @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi
Honda's arm shook-no, his whole body trembled upon hearing Zenyatta's words. As much as his grief and anger boiled inside him, did he really want to kill Shane? No. He didn't. He didn't want anyone to die, but he knew what was coming next. Whoever killed Wanda was going to be executed in front of them all, and they'd have to watch, even if it was someone like Daniel Cain or Neon Katt, someone who had been trying to do the right thing in the wrong way. Like Wanda had done...God, it was hard to admit that she did assist in Bolin's death. It was so easy to blame the bear...

Dear Lord, he was doing exactly what Monokuma wanted him to do.

With that mortifying realization, Honda unceremoniously dropped Shane to the ground, looking at Zenyatta. "Forgive me," he said, anger and passion subdued for the time being. "I've lost two people I considered good friends back to back...but that doesn't excuse me lashing out. Sorry you all had to see that." No apology went to Shane, however.

Honda went back to the body of his friend, the shame he felt last night returning to him. Wanda wouldn't have wanted him to act like this...what he needed to do was channel his grief to give her justice. If he was so passionate about finding the killer of Roy Burns, then Wanda deserved every ounce of that passion. Taking a minute to steady himseld with some deep breaths, the sumo wrestler again kneeled beside Wanda, bringing himself to lift up her cape to look for burns on her body.
"Say, Doc...do these gunshots look like they were done far away or close up?"
@Atomyk @Josh M @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crow @Kaykay @BarrenThin @Gummi Bunnies

Zenyatta gave the Sumo a respectful bow, respect for his control and respect for his actions. His supportive hand rested on his shoulder once more, reassuring his large comrade, "You are always forgiven, my friend. There is no judgement for what you think or feel, there is only judgement for what you do. For that, I believe you've been doing the right thing."

Just as he taught Genji, forgiveness is a strong action. One does not forgive because the other deserves forgiveness for their actions, rather, one forgives because both sides deserve peace after the storm.
Continued from here.

The next diary entry read:


Poor Max. Before she died, I swam with her. At the time, I felt a tickle on the back of my neck. Should I have known? Is there a time never not to know?

But I still see her. Her and Neon. They don't blame me. But I do. They're trapped here like us. In death, there is no escape.

'The cosmic tragedy goes on.'

... In lighter news. A man asked me on a date. He didn't seem that foolish before that."

After reading the entry, an announcement would echo throughout the hotel.

"Come on down to the cafeteria again for some more fun time! Don't you love these bonding moments?"

Victoria sighed. "Ugh, well, better bring this diary with us and read it more when we get there."


Honda would find no burns on Wanda's body.


Monokuma waved his arms in the air to get the attention of everyone gathered around the body. "Stop acting like nosy flies, it's time to go! Meet me in the cafeteria!" Monokuma waddled inside, and soon enough an announcement followed.

The group would be compelled like usual to head to the cafeteria, though this time it probably did not take much prodding. Wanda was a friend, so figuring out who killed her was a priority for many within the group. Once they had arrived, they found that the tables and chairs had been cleared, the room ready for the ring of podiums. The stage was still set up, so Monokuma hopped on to it to look over the podiums.


Monokuma looked content as he rubbed his belly. "All we have this time is a nosy detective! Nosy detectives are always figuring out things they shouldn't, so I'm not even gonna bother explaining how a class trial works to him!"

"Now... some of you are probably wondering who the suspects are this time around. Couldn't anyone have done this? Huhu... no. The omnipresent bear sees all, and what he saw was a series of people interacting with the Witch before her demise!"

The display was showing up early this time, appearing on the stage to show five distinct faces: Honda, Shane, Jude, Monokuma, and Monomi.

"One of these five did the dirty deed!"


"Oh, no... This is terrible!"

Jude looked concerned at being a suspect. It was the first time for him, after all.


"I think... we should go over what we believe Wanda's last moments were, first of all."

Case #3: Wanda Maximoff
During the trial to discuss Roy's killer, the group became confused as they tried to piece together the order of events. It was eventually reasoned that the murder was premeditated, and the group guessed at Daniel to be the killer, considering him the most suspicious. They turned out to be right.

After the trial, Wanda confronted Monokuma, asking him to tell the group the truth. She reasoned that it was supposed to be Ruby Rose who ended up in the game and not herself. Monomi confirmed this to be true, stating that as part of her plan to protect the group, she interfered and had Wanda pulled in instead, thinking the Scarlet Witch's magic could be enough to protect the group. Monokuma boasted that they were still powerless before him, which prompted Wanda to declare her magic was soon to be reawakened. Monokuma attacked Wanda and she blocked the attack, only for it to be redirected to hit and kill Bolin.

The group were then brought to the Great Northern Hotel for the night. Monokuma put on a comedy show, where Wanda became agitated by the antics. Monokuma threatened her for being uppity before retiring for the evening. The night was uneventful otherwise, but something was happening after everyone had gone to sleep...

In the early hours of the morning, fireworks went off and woke the group up. They later discovered the dead body of Wanda Maximoff. As tensions and accusations began to fly, Monokuma decided to start the fourth trial...

The Evidence

Those suspected in the murder of the Ultimate Witch...

Edmond Honda
- Was talking with the victim before her death in the cafeteria
- Something spooked the victim and made her flee the cafeteria

Jude Mathis
- Witnessed victim arguing with Shane
- Intervened witht he fight and got punched for his efforts
- Tried to follow victim, but claims he couldn't find her

- A very beautiful bear
- The powerful headmaster
- Is suspected despite no one having any idea if he encountered the victim the night before

- Was patrolling the perimeter of the hotel
- Found the victim's body and first told Jude

Shane Walsh
- Had anargument with the victim
- His gun was stolen by the victim and he gave chase, though he claims he could not find her
- Believed the victim to be a danger


Wanda was found outside the hotel in the grass. She was naked with burned clothing and ash surrounding her. She was covered modestly with her cloak, which was wet. She had been cleaned and made to look presentable, as if ready to be put into a coffin. She was shot twice by Shane's gun, which was evidently taken by Wanda after an altercation she shared with Shane. The gun was tossed into the foliage nearby.

There is no evidence of fireworks around the hotel and no burns on Wanda's body. Wanda was noted to be agitated the night of her death.

@C.T. @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Periodically Incorrect @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"That's right! No voting from you, fun stuff! These chumps will have to get by without following your voting lead!"

"There's no harm in going over testimony again," Jude said, looking to Gumshoe. "Wanda was talking to Honda, but something caused her to become... I don't know, worked up? Do you have any idea, Honda?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @ClassTrial
"Can't say I do, Doc. Though...Shane saw Wanda and I, but I didn't see him. I don't know if Wanda saw him."
@Atomyk @Verite @Josh M @ShiroKiyoshi

Zenyatta would stride over to a seat at the podium, sitting cross-legged. The previous trials, the monk had remained dead silent and almost inactive, simply observing the arguements go down and abstaining from the vote. However, something about the death of a close ally pushed the monk to take further action.


"Perhaps, the presence of Honda caused her to remember Bolin...?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @ClassTrial


Zenyatta gave the Sumo a respectful bow, respect for his control and respect for his actions. His supportive hand rested on his shoulder once more, reassuring his large comrade, "You are always forgiven, my friend. There is no judgement for what you think or feel, there is only judgement for what you do. For that, I believe you've been doing the right thing."

Just as he taught Genji, forgiveness is a strong action. One does not forgive because the other deserves forgiveness for their actions, rather, one forgives because both sides deserve peace after the storm.

Zenyatta would stride over to a seat at the podium, sitting cross-legged. The previous trials, the monk had remained dead silent and almost inactive, simply observing the arguements go down and abstaining from the vote. However, something about the death of a close ally pushed the monk to take further action.


"Perhaps, the presence of Honda caused her to remember Bolin...?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @ClassTrial

Honda thought it over, but shook his head. "Nah, we talked about him, and she was fine the whole time! Really hope I didn't scare her away...she may have seen or felt a reason to leave. Didn't even say goodbye..."
@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ShiroKiyoshi @Verite @Josh M
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"So, Wanda was talking to Honda, became agitated somehow, then ran into Shane and argued with him... I intervened and she ended up with Shane's gun. Then she ran off..." Jude paused, brow furrowing. "Then, she ended up dead outside later. What could have happened between these moments...?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
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"So, Wanda was talking to Honda, became agitated somehow, then ran into Shane and argued with him... I intervened and she ended up with Shane's gun. Then she ran off..." Jude paused, brow furrowing. "Then, she ended up dead outside later. What could have happened between these moments...?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"Well, the 'fireworks' for one...say, where was everyone when those went off? I'd gone back to my room by then."
@Atomyk @Josh M @Verite @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ShiroKiyoshi
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"So, Wanda was talking to Honda, became agitated somehow, then ran into Shane and argued with him... I intervened and she ended up with Shane's gun. Then she ran off..." Jude paused, brow furrowing. "Then, she ended up dead outside later. What could have happened between these moments...?"

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
"Oi. I saw Wanda. She was pissed after talking to a log. Some lady was carrying it, but after our pot incident who's to say the log didn't make fun of her ridiculous outfit." Rant added.
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The next diary entry read:


Poor Max. Before she died, I swam with her. At the time, I felt a tickle on the back of my neck. Should I have known? Is there a time never not to know?

But I still see her. Her and Neon. They don't blame me. But I do. They're trapped here like us. In death, there is no escape.

'The cosmic tragedy goes on.'

... In lighter news. A man asked me on a date. He didn't seem that foolish before that."

After reading the entry, an announcement would echo throughout the hotel.

"Come on down to the cafeteria again for some more fun time! Don't you love these bonding moments?"

Victoria sighed. "Ugh, well, better bring this diary with us and read it more when we get there."
Stiles was listening to the trial as he looked to see if the diary shed any light on anything in entry 6. He did this quietly so he didn't get it taken by the bear.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @ClassTrial/ diary reading
"U-Uh... a log, a pot, and a lamp...? I don't really get tit. I guess it had something to do with this place and how it was affecting Wanda..." Jude crossed his arms. "I suppose we'll have to take your word at face value. Of course, mine too. Anyway, those fireworks... Anyone have an idea about those?"

When Stiles read the next entry, it said:


Shane scares me. In my dreams, they have told me Edmond Honda and Shane have been meeting with spirits. I don't fear Edmond. He's not weak enough for them. Edmond doesn't get it... But Shane? He's a powder keg. My fear is simple; the fire is coming.

While I am here, I must admit I miss my friends. Wish I could talk to Carol, Jen or Jan. They've always been stronger than me. Sure, I've been a leader, but I feel I am regressing. If the people here knew all of me, would they even put up with me? Can't they see I am a threat?

My thoughts also go to Ruby. Such a sweet girl. I hope she's not worried about me."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
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When Stiles read the next entry, it said:


Shane scares me. In my dreams, they have told me Edmond Honda and Shane have been meeting with spirits. I don't fear Edmond. He's not weak enough for them. Edmond doesn't get it... But Shane? He's a powder keg. My fear is simple; the fire is coming.

While I am here, I must admit I miss my friends. Wish I could talk to Carol, Jen or Jan. They've always been stronger than me. Sure, I've been a leader, but I feel I am regressing. If the people here knew all of me, would they even put up with me? Can't they see I am a threat?

My thoughts also go to Ruby. Such a sweet girl. I hope she's not worried about me."
Stiles arched an eyebrow and wondered what she meant by the fact that Shane and Honda were meeting with spirits. Could that be important to the case? It at least make sense for the time that she missed her friend and the Ruby girl. He made a note that Shane and Honda were indeed both suspects. What if a maloevent spirit wanted her dead- and made him forgot.. he trailed off from his dark thoughts and went to entry 7.

@Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @ClassTrial
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The next entry read:


I can't sleep again, so I'll write.

A wise man once said, 'no one ever will know the real you.' That's sad, but maybe it's true. Your truths are your own, but not someone else's.

... I did have a thought earlier that I never wrote down. The man in the red lodge, we have been mediating while I stay there. He knows Billy, my son. The man was sent to look through the spirit world. We're brainstorming ideas for to get out of the dark place. He told me I should 'slip into the void, become air.' The man... Zaheer... He's a piece of work. He is so detached from our earthly world, no wonder he found me."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @ClassTrial
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The next entry read:


I can't sleep again, so I'll write.

A wise man once said, 'no one ever will know the real you.' That's sad, but maybe it's true. Your truths are your own, but not someone else's.

... I did have a thought earlier that I never wrote down. The man in the red lodge, we have been mediating while I stay there. He knows Billy, my son. The man was sent to look through the spirit world. We're brainstorming ideas for to get out of the dark place. He told me I should 'slip into the void, become air.' The man... Zaheer... He's a piece of work. He is so detached from our earthly world, no wonder he found me."
Stiles thought upon reading the first sentence. A kindred insomniac, I thought I was the only one who had trouble falling asleep around here. Also Zaheer.... perhaps he knows something. He made a note of that as he went on to see about entry 8.

@Atomyk @Classtrial
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The final entry read:


Today is my reckoning.

I killed a boy. Bolin. I mean, it wasn't just me, but the bear too.

Still, I am the worst hero ever. I'll fix it, however. The plan is simple. I'm going to fully tap in to the magic available to me when I get a moment of control over it. Zaheer will see the signal, give it to my son, and we'll try to make contact.

I have to go. Edmond is at my door. He wants to talk. I just hope he doesn't want to kill me for what happened to Bolin..."

At the back of the notebook was one last entry in scratchy ink, however, it isn't clear if it was written after entry eight or written at some other time:


@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial
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Continued from here.

The next diary entry read:


Poor Max. Before she died, I swam with her. At the time, I felt a tickle on the back of my neck. Should I have known? Is there a time never not to know?

But I still see her. Her and Neon. They don't blame me. But I do. They're trapped here like us. In death, there is no escape.

'The cosmic tragedy goes on.'

... In lighter news. A man asked me on a date. He didn't seem that foolish before that."

After reading the entry, an announcement would echo throughout the hotel.

"Come on down to the cafeteria again for some more fun time! Don't you love these bonding moments?"

Victoria sighed. "Ugh, well, better bring this diary with us and read it more when we get there."


Honda would find no burns on Wanda's body.


Monokuma waved his arms in the air to get the attention of everyone gathered around the body. "Stop acting like nosy flies, it's time to go! Meet me in the cafeteria!" Monokuma waddled inside, and soon enough an announcement followed.

The group would be compelled like usual to head to the cafeteria, though this time it probably did not take much prodding. Wanda was a friend, so figuring out who killed her was a priority for many within the group. Once they had arrived, they found that the tables and chairs had been cleared, the room ready for the ring of podiums. The stage was still set up, so Monokuma hopped on to it to look over the podiums.


Monokuma looked content as he rubbed his belly. "All we have this time is a nosy detective! Nosy detectives are always figuring out things they shouldn't, so I'm not even gonna bother explaining how a class trial works to him!"

"Now... some of you are probably wondering who the suspects are this time around. Couldn't anyone have done this? Huhu... no. The omnipresent bear sees all, and what he saw was a series of people interacting with the Witch before her demise!"

The display was showing up early this time, appearing on the stage to show five distinct faces: Honda, Shane, Jude, Monokuma, and Monomi.

"One of these five did the dirty deed!"


"Oh, no... This is terrible!"

Jude looked concerned at being a suspect. It was the first time for him, after all.


"I think... we should go over what we believe Wanda's last moments were, first of all."

Case #3: Wanda Maximoff
During the trial to discuss Roy's killer, the group became confused as they tried to piece together the order of events. It was eventually reasoned that the murder was premeditated, and the group guessed at Daniel to be the killer, considering him the most suspicious. They turned out to be right.

After the trial, Wanda confronted Monokuma, asking him to tell the group the truth. She reasoned that it was supposed to be Ruby Rose who ended up in the game and not herself. Monomi confirmed this to be true, stating that as part of her plan to protect the group, she interfered and had Wanda pulled in instead, thinking the Scarlet Witch's magic could be enough to protect the group. Monokuma boasted that they were still powerless before him, which prompted Wanda to declare her magic was soon to be reawakened. Monokuma attacked Wanda and she blocked the attack, only for it to be redirected to hit and kill Bolin.

The group were then brought to the Great Northern Hotel for the night. Monokuma put on a comedy show, where Wanda became agitated by the antics. Monokuma threatened her for being uppity before retiring for the evening. The night was uneventful otherwise, but something was happening after everyone had gone to sleep...

In the early hours of the morning, fireworks went off and woke the group up. They later discovered the dead body of Wanda Maximoff. As tensions and accusations began to fly, Monokuma decided to start the fourth trial...

The Evidence

Those suspected in the murder of the Ultimate Witch...

Edmond Honda
- Was talking with the victim before her death in the cafeteria
- Something spooked the victim and made her flee the cafeteria

Jude Mathis
- Witnessed victim arguing with Shane
- Intervened witht he fight and got punched for his efforts
- Tried to follow victim, but claims he couldn't find her

- A very beautiful bear
- The powerful headmaster
- Is suspected despite no one having any idea if he encountered the victim the night before

- Was patrolling the perimeter of the hotel
- Found the victim's body and first told Jude

Shane Walsh
- Had anargument with the victim
- His gun was stolen by the victim and he gave chase, though he claims he could not find her
- Believed the victim to be a danger


Wanda was found outside the hotel in the grass. She was naked with burned clothing and ash surrounding her. She was covered modestly with her cloak, which was wet. She had been cleaned and made to look presentable, as if ready to be put into a coffin. She was shot twice by Shane's gun, which was evidently taken by Wanda after an altercation she shared with Shane. The gun was tossed into the foliage nearby.

There is no evidence of fireworks around the hotel and no burns on Wanda's body. Wanda was noted to be agitated the night of her death.

@C.T. @Yun Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Periodically Incorrect @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Monokuma it's rather obvious why you're up there... Given earlier interactions between you and her before the murder... and given that you probably got some crazy stuff hidden in that stuffin' of yours.. Not to mention... Killin' her is an easy was to demoralize all of us and even inspire despair.... Something i've notice you crave like a sick fetish...."

After that Sledge paused before glancing at Monomi...

"You were.... Patrolling diligently last night I suspect...? Did you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary...? Any information would be very helpful..." Sledge spoke to her in a much calmer voice compared to how he spoke to Monokuma..

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @ClassTrial

"Upu..." Monokuma blushed at Sledge's words. "Thank you for being so kind! I am truly a despairing bear, aren't I? However, saying I would do this to demoralize you... you guys do that well enough on your own! Am I the only one surprised the mouse hasn't showed up dead yet? You'd probably be thanking me if it was him."

"U-Uh, hm..."


"Monomi was... patrolling around the hotel, trying to clear my head! I never noticed anything strange, not until those fireworks appeared. I ran as fast as I could, but poor Wanda was dead before I arrived! M-Monomi has failed you all once again..."

@Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

"Monokuma it's rather obvious why you're up there... Given earlier interactions between you and her before the murder... and given that you probably got some crazy stuff hidden in that stuffin' of yours.. Not to mention... Killin' her is an easy was to demoralize all of us and even inspire despair.... Something i've notice you crave like a sick fetish...."

After that Sledge paused before glancing at Monomi...

"You were.... Patrolling diligently last night I suspect...? Did you happen to notice anything out of the ordinary...? Any information would be very helpful..." Sledge spoke to her in a much calmer voice compared to how he spoke to Monokuma..

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @ClassTrial


"Upu..." Monokuma blushed at Sledge's words. "Thank you for being so kind! I am truly a despairing bear, aren't I? However, saying I would do this to demoralize you... you guys do that well enough on your own! Am I the only one surprised the mouse hasn't showed up dead yet? You'd probably be thanking me if it was him."

"U-Uh, hm..."


"Monomi was... patrolling around the hotel, trying to clear my head! I never noticed anything strange, not until those fireworks appeared. I ran as fast as I could, but poor Wanda was dead before I arrived! M-Monomi has failed you all once again..."

@Crimson Spartan @LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @ClassTrial

"Huh. You didn't even see Wanda and Shane fighting, Monomi?"
"This is bullshit I ain't losing sleep over her dying, but this bullshit.."

Shane leaned against the podium, rolling his.

"Look, as cop, I know how to shoot. I'm a damn good shot, I might add. Ya'll remember the wall from when I woke after the fat kid go killed. All the shots were closely grouped. Now, what we know 'bout the witch's death? Two shots. One to the belly, one to the chest. I'd like to point out somethings that are important. "

Shane straightened up as he went on.

" Let's say I was going after her. If the academy taught me one thing, its that you pick your shots. When you get a good view on them, you aim for the head, then group towards the chest. You empty your clip, you don't give the perp a chance to get up. If you want to lay them down, they stay down. Another thing I noticed, only two shots? Chest and belly. Now a belly shot? I don't think that would kill. It'd be fuckin' painful, but it'd take hours, if not a day for her to bleed out. The other was chest shot. Look at the wound, she'd bleed out for this in a bit, but should make a bunch of noise. If I am tryin to kill someone who, let's face the facts, could kill me in one shot, why would not empty my clip out and shoot the bitch In the head! I wanted her dead, all admit that. I wouldn't want her to suffer. Too much wiggle room. She could come back at me. So, that being said, this was someone who, in my opinion, was a novice with a gun, or wanted Wanda to suffer, because she would with these shots. If she didn't black out from the blood loss, she was awake the whole time she was dying."

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Yun Lee @Verite @ShiroKiyoshi @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Atomyk @Jeremi
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