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"I do not believe you are the killer of Maxine nor are you the one you call... Jason."

The way Jack spoke the name did nothing to disguise his absolute loathing for the creature. After seeing it almost crush the life of the most precious person currently in his life and kill an innocent man by punching his head off, the samurai had no intention of showing the mask-wearing undead any sort of mercy in the near future.

He stepped closer to Mike and Tommy, seeking to act as mediator between them, "I too know of the sort of vagabonds and rogues that Mike speaks of... And you do not strike me as one of the ninja, Tommy. You also lack a motive to strike out at Maxine... In fact, you seem the most likely to shield her from harm."

"As for the accusation of being Jason... You are not him. You are not as he is, rotting, ready to fall apart yet able to easily mend your broken bones," For a moment, Jack paused and smiled at the young man, hoping to keep him calm as he asked next, "Though... Would you be able to present your medicine for the members of this trial to see? It would serve a great deal to wiping away any hint of guilt towards you."

There was that awkward facsimile of a smile again.

"T...Thank you. I've tried so hard to put it behind me. But it's been years and years of different caretakers, different doctors, and Jason still pops up now and again. Then I hear he's plaguing you guys. I'm sorry...I should have made sure I stopped him the last time." Tommy said softly but his tone carried a heavy burden with it. One that reflected how Tommy saw Jason as his responsibility to finish him. More so after he accidentally brought the Crystal Lake killer back to life.

But Mike still wasn't convinced. Gathering his second wind, he shook his head from side to side.

"I don't think you're a bad man, Tommy. I'd probably be messed up too if something like what happened to you happened to me. But you don't need to be a zombie to put on a hockey mask and kill people."

Tommy admitted he didn't quite have a response right at the gate for that. He did have experience with a copycat killer who adopted Jason's M.O. after seeing his son get hacked up to pieces. People suspected it'd been Tommy when it had actually been one of the local ambulance drivers who simply adopted a hockey mask, machete, and blue coveralls.

"But why would I have chose to hurt Max? I did kill an imposter Jason once. But he only became an imposter because his son was killed and he wanted a persona to hide behind. Jason had died pretty recently but was still a big bogeyman among the community. So it was natural to try and piggyback off his success. The goddamn bastard!" Tommy shouted before quickly quieting himself. He hated Jason Voorhees so much...

"Besides, like I said this isn't Jason's style anyway. He would have torn Max limb from limb or thrown her out a window. Not go through the effort of hanging her."

"Uh, hold on?" Victoria had a finger in the air, zeroing in on Jack like she was ready to knock him down a peg. "Most likely to shield her from harm? The kid's right-- This guy is total sketch. Look at him! PTSD? Meds? Sorry if this isn't PC, but that's not someone I can trust in this situation. How do we know the alarm didn't set him off or something?"

Victoria better stop pushing the bull lest she get the horns.

"My medicine helps cut down on stuff like hallucinations, outbursts, and the like. I wouldn't have had any fire alarm or not. Though, instead of pointing fingers at me, aren't you the one who asked for Max's dorm number..?"
"Yet what was his first thought when the fire alarm was set off? To retrieve his medicine, a perfectly rational thing to do when one is aware of their condition. Even if he was experiencing the traumatic events of his past, it would make no sense for him to drug and hang Miss Maxine," Jack seemed certain of his words, a slight smirk pulling at his lips as he continued on, "The murder was too calculated, too well-executed and timed from the evidence we have gathered. If Tommy killed Maxine in a fit of stress, the death would have been messier, the tools less subtle than the syringes hidden behind a panel."

"Finally... The simple fact that the alarm is almost certainly not tied to the memories of Tommy's tormentor. Jason was silent, focused upon stalking his prey and isolating them. An alarm such as the one we heard would not set off a victim of Jason's rampage."

"And that is my piece in Tommy's defense; Your rebuttal, Miss Victoria?"
"..He's right, there. Jason never cared about finesse or taking his time with his killings. Once he got his hands on you, you were dead right there. No dragging you off to do it elsewhere or tying a rope around your neck. Whether it took his bare hands or a machete, he'd make sure that was that. Max's death would have been asking too much of him."

As for his past with Max, Tommy winced.

"I only told Max what I told all of you just now. How I killed Jason and how I brought him back. Nothing I'd want to kill her over.."

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @york

Concerning the syringes, Jude said, "just with a glance, I can tell that the syringes could have made the mark on Max's neck."

Unfortunately, Bullet could only give a shrug concerning the possible connections the girls had to Jefferson. "I wasn't friends with any of them, so I couldn't tell you. But, like our dear principal has said, Jefferson was the big man on campus, so few people here didn't have some kind of connection to him. Pretty much every guy worships him for being, like, a fuckin' cool hip dude or something. Girls too, except they wanted to have sex with him too. Hey, you know what? Probably a bunch of the dudes too."

"It's always the bearded whitebread ones."

"It was just who he was. Just how it was."

Meanwhile, Victoria was not having any of this. Just about every conversation going on was bugging her. "Okay, first of all, so what if some girls liked Mark? People have crushes all the time. There's no one in here who didn't have a crush on an authority figure at some point in their life, and if not, they're lying."

"Miss Lewis does have a great ass. Nice tits too."

"Uh, sure. Anyway, just because people liked Mark Jefferson, doesn't mean he ever reciprocated them, all right?"


"Second... is it really ridiculous for Tommy to have done any of that? Is it less ridiculous if someone else did that? Seems just as ridiculous to me! What if Max knew something about his past? What if it he just had a freak-out moment? You don't know." She paused for Jack then, seeming more agitated as he went on. She was honestly surprised to hear all this from someone she had perceived to have walked out of a more primitive century. "Okay... fair... I guess. I'm not sure you or I could sit here and say exactly what could or could not set him off, but I still..." The girl sighed. "I'm just not convinced. Maybe it's because I'm not an expert on the subject, sorry. An accomplice, maybe? I'm just trying to help out Max here."

"Yeah, that was kind of a shit rebuttal. But hey, I'm not sure I understood what this guy was talking about myself."

Victoria wasn't sure how to respond to that, so she just silently rolled her eyes.

While this was going on, Klim silently agreed to offer a sample of his handwriting. He wrote his name under Victoria's. It would be closer to a match than Victoria's, but still a bit off.

@york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

There was that awkward facsimile of a smile again.

"T...Thank you. I've tried so hard to put it behind me. But it's been years and years of different caretakers, different doctors, and Jason still pops up now and again. Then I hear he's plaguing you guys. I'm sorry...I should have made sure I stopped him the last time." Tommy said softly but his tone carried a heavy burden with it. One that reflected how Tommy saw Jason as his responsibility to finish him. More so after he accidentally brought the Crystal Lake killer back to life.

But Mike still wasn't convinced. Gathering his second wind, he shook his head from side to side.

"I don't think you're a bad man, Tommy. I'd probably be messed up too if something like what happened to you happened to me. But you don't need to be a zombie to put on a hockey mask and kill people."

Tommy admitted he didn't quite have a response right at the gate for that. He did have experience with a copycat killer who adopted Jason's M.O. after seeing his son get hacked up to pieces. People suspected it'd been Tommy when it had actually been one of the local ambulance drivers who simply adopted a hockey mask, machete, and blue coveralls.

"But why would I have chose to hurt Max? I did kill an imposter Jason once. But he only became an imposter because his son was killed and he wanted a persona to hide behind. Jason had died pretty recently but was still a big bogeyman among the community. So it was natural to try and piggyback off his success. The goddamn bastard!" Tommy shouted before quickly quieting himself. He hated Jason Voorhees so much...

"Besides, like I said this isn't Jason's style anyway. He would have torn Max limb from limb or thrown her out a window. Not go through the effort of hanging her."


Victoria better stop pushing the bull lest she get the horns.

"My medicine helps cut down on stuff like hallucinations, outbursts, and the like. I wouldn't have had any fire alarm or not. Though, instead of pointing fingers at me, aren't you the one who asked for Max's dorm number..?"

"..He's right, there. Jason never cared about finesse or taking his time with his killings. Once he got his hands on you, you were dead right there. No dragging you off to do it elsewhere or tying a rope around your neck. Whether it took his bare hands or a machete, he'd make sure that was that. Max's death would have been asking too much of him."

As for his past with Max, Tommy winced.

"I only told Max what I told all of you just now. How I killed Jason and how I brought him back. Nothing I'd want to kill her over.."

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @york
Jack Frost
@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation

"Whoever the killer was... Knew about those hidden syringes, which means they must have found that note before me, or they were involved with the operation before this." Jack Frost paused.

It was apparant that he had suddenly realized something, turning to Honey Lemon, the girl that had popped into Max's room at some point.

"When was the last time you visited the Chemistry Lab?" He said suddenly.​

Jack Frost
@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation

"Whoever the killer was... Knew about those hidden syringes, which means they must have found that note before me, or they were involved with the operation before this." Jack Frost paused.

It was apparant that he had suddenly realized something, turning to Honey Lemon, the girl that had popped into Max's room at some point.

"When was the last time you visited the Chemistry Lab?" He said suddenly.​

"Who? Me?" Honey Lemon asked pointing at herself. "I practically live there! And the last time I was in there was today before I had to go and get something to eat, cause I'd forgotten my snacks back in my dorm room, but then I got distracted when I heard people talking aaaaand yeah, haven't been back after that."

Dawning on her why the boy would've asked her this she'd awkwardly scratch her head. "You think I had something to do with this don't you?"

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @york @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation
Jack Frost
@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation

Jack Frost nodded, rubbing his chin... So it must have been one of the syringes that had done the work; if there was no struggle, this would obviously indicate that Max had been drugged before she was hung from that rope, but... By who? And not just that... But the note he had found that lead him to those syringes had been written at least a few days ago... Hmm... Was it possible that someone had taken one of those syringes? Yes, but, he had a feeling that it would be difficult to tell if that particular syringe had been returned or not. He sighed... There seemed to be alot more to the picture than just the death of Max Caulfield, but for the time being, he would have to focus on this specific case.

"The note I found in the Chemistry Lab that lead me to that panel was written a few days ago." He said.

Hmm... But how would they ever narrow down the list of suspects?

"Whoever that did this... Probably disposed of the evidence, or... Like the last time, they had an accomplice to help them." He added.

Well, now came the difficult part; narrowind down who the real suspect was, and who was just merely an accomplice... If the killer had one.​
Concerning the syringes, Jude said, "just with a glance, I can tell that the syringes could have made the mark on Max's neck."

Unfortunately, Bullet could only give a shrug concerning the possible connections the girls had to Jefferson. "I wasn't friends with any of them, so I couldn't tell you. But, like our dear principal has said, Jefferson was the big man on campus, so few people here didn't have some kind of connection to him. Pretty much every guy worships him for being, like, a fuckin' cool hip dude or something. Girls too, except they wanted to have sex with him too. Hey, you know what? Probably a bunch of the dudes too."

"It's always the bearded whitebread ones."

"It was just who he was. Just how it was."

Meanwhile, Victoria was not having any of this. Just about every conversation going on was bugging her. "Okay, first of all, so what if some girls liked Mark? People have crushes all the time. There's no one in here who didn't have a crush on an authority figure at some point in their life, and if not, they're lying."

"Miss Lewis does have a great ass. Nice tits too."

"Uh, sure. Anyway, just because people liked Mark Jefferson, doesn't mean he ever reciprocated them, all right?"


"Second... is it really ridiculous for Tommy to have done any of that? Is it less ridiculous if someone else did that? Seems just as ridiculous to me! What if Max knew something about his past? What if it he just had a freak-out moment? You don't know." She paused for Jack then, seeming more agitated as he went on. She was honestly surprised to hear all this from someone she had perceived to have walked out of a more primitive century. "Okay... fair... I guess. I'm not sure you or I could sit here and say exactly what could or could not set him off, but I still..." The girl sighed. "I'm just not convinced. Maybe it's because I'm not an expert on the subject, sorry. An accomplice, maybe? I'm just trying to help out Max here."

"Yeah, that was kind of a shit rebuttal. But hey, I'm not sure I understood what this guy was talking about myself."

Victoria wasn't sure how to respond to that, so she just silently rolled her eyes.

While this was going on, Klim silently agreed to offer a sample of his handwriting. He wrote his name under Victoria's. It would be closer to a match than Victoria's, but still a bit off.

@york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial


There was that awkward facsimile of a smile again.

"T...Thank you. I've tried so hard to put it behind me. But it's been years and years of different caretakers, different doctors, and Jason still pops up now and again. Then I hear he's plaguing you guys. I'm sorry...I should have made sure I stopped him the last time." Tommy said softly but his tone carried a heavy burden with it. One that reflected how Tommy saw Jason as his responsibility to finish him. More so after he accidentally brought the Crystal Lake killer back to life.

But Mike still wasn't convinced. Gathering his second wind, he shook his head from side to side.

"I don't think you're a bad man, Tommy. I'd probably be messed up too if something like what happened to you happened to me. But you don't need to be a zombie to put on a hockey mask and kill people."

Tommy admitted he didn't quite have a response right at the gate for that. He did have experience with a copycat killer who adopted Jason's M.O. after seeing his son get hacked up to pieces. People suspected it'd been Tommy when it had actually been one of the local ambulance drivers who simply adopted a hockey mask, machete, and blue coveralls.

"But why would I have chose to hurt Max? I did kill an imposter Jason once. But he only became an imposter because his son was killed and he wanted a persona to hide behind. Jason had died pretty recently but was still a big bogeyman among the community. So it was natural to try and piggyback off his success. The goddamn bastard!" Tommy shouted before quickly quieting himself. He hated Jason Voorhees so much...

"Besides, like I said this isn't Jason's style anyway. He would have torn Max limb from limb or thrown her out a window. Not go through the effort of hanging her."


Victoria better stop pushing the bull lest she get the horns.

"My medicine helps cut down on stuff like hallucinations, outbursts, and the like. I wouldn't have had any fire alarm or not. Though, instead of pointing fingers at me, aren't you the one who asked for Max's dorm number..?"

"..He's right, there. Jason never cared about finesse or taking his time with his killings. Once he got his hands on you, you were dead right there. No dragging you off to do it elsewhere or tying a rope around your neck. Whether it took his bare hands or a machete, he'd make sure that was that. Max's death would have been asking too much of him."

As for his past with Max, Tommy winced.

"I only told Max what I told all of you just now. How I killed Jason and how I brought him back. Nothing I'd want to kill her over.."

@Atomyk @Verite @Jeremi @Yun Lee @The Tactician @york
"Victoria." Honda studied her. "How did YOU feel about Mr. Jefferson?"
Jack Frost
@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation

"Whoever the killer was... Knew about those hidden syringes, which means they must have found that note before me, or they were involved with the operation before this." Jack Frost paused.

It was apparant that he had suddenly realized something, turning to Honey Lemon, the girl that had popped into Max's room at some point.

"When was the last time you visited the Chemistry Lab?" He said suddenly.​

"Who? Me?" Honey Lemon asked pointing at herself. "I practically live there! And the last time I was in there was today before I had to go and get something to eat, cause I'd forgotten my snacks back in my dorm room, but then I got distracted when I heard people talking aaaaand yeah, haven't been back after that."

Dawning on her why the boy would've asked her this she'd awkwardly scratch her head. "You think I had something to do with this don't you?"

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @york @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation
"Well, you are a suspect, Miss Lemon, so we just need to make sure we know everything we can from everyone! But two things: first off, can you give a sample of handwriting, and second, have you noticed any supplies gone missing from the chemistry lab?
@Atomyk @Jeremi @The Tactician @york @Chewy Rabbits
"Uh, okay..."

Victoria wrote down her name as instructed and handed it off absentmindedly as she thought over what Poison was asking Bullet. "I don't know what she's going to say, but I can't think of anything myself. I don't have anything. I was just looking for my dorm room, but I didn't find it. I didn't even see any of these people aside from Tommy."

Victoria's name was written in cursive, naturally. It would not match the note's writing too well, though who among the group could be considered an expert in analyzing that sort of thing?

"No leads... are there?"

Nono, hiding underneath her desk, ponders. Peeping half her head out of her podium, her eyes dart about.


"Umm... we might need every stated suspect to do this..."
While this was going on, Klim silently agreed to offer a sample of his handwriting. He wrote his name under Victoria's. It would be closer to a match than Victoria's, but still a bit off.

@york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Well, you are a suspect, Miss Lemon, so we just need to make sure we know everything we can from everyone! But two things: first off, can you give a sample of handwriting, and second, have you noticed any supplies gone missing from the chemistry lab?
@Atomyk @Jeremi @The Tactician @york @Chewy Rabbits

"Things keep getting so convoluted... Morikubo can't handle this..." Nono utters as she continues to hide underneath her podium.

@york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Hospes @ClassTrial​
Victoria gasped at Tommy, though it was hard to tell if she was genuine. "Huh? Okay, I was only asking for Max's room number 'cause normally it's supposed to be across from mine."

Honey Lemon and all the remaining suspects provided their handwriting (though Meira wrote out something vulgar instead of her name), though none would be an exact match for the suicide note writing. Honey Lemon and the principal's writing would be closest, but it was not easy for the group to tell. "I suppose we shouldn't have expected that to work..." Jude muttered. "If Max didn't write it, the writer probably tried to mask their writing."

"The emergency..." Klim cleared his throat. "My chief security officer called me about the situation in the dormitories about some perceived disturbances. We have had cases of vandalism in the past, and my security simply thought they had an idea of some vandalism in progress. He's not here, but he would certainly back up this claim. Considering the people running around during a fire alarm, I'm sure you can see why there might have been some perceived disturbances. However, I will admit, I never ran into any of the students here until I ran into you all following the murder."

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Continued from here.

In Jefferson's office, Jack Frost would find something was different with the room than when Honda and Bolin had checked it out. A panel at the bottom of the desk was slightly askew. Opening it up further would reveal to Jack a couple of empty syringes left in disarray sat inside. Aside from that, there was nothing left to find.


Before the security office containing the school's CCTV footage could be reached, an announcement was broadcast across the school grounds, even heard in the dormitories despite no announcement system being in place there.

"It looks like you've found all the possible suspects! It's time to begin! Please come to the school's swimming pool for our next school trial!"

On cue, everyone would feel the familiar compulsion, except this time, it would grab hold of the suspects of this case as well. Accompanying the group was the principal, Sigma Klim, as well as Meira and Honey Lemon, who had both ignored the fire alarm. There was also Bullet, who had been trying to sneak into her friend's dorm at the time of the fire alarm, Tommy, who had mysteriously gone off on his own moments before the fire alarm began, and Cole Phelps, the guest detective of the day.

When the group arrived at the pool, the windows had been covered in a red tarp, casting a dull red glow across the pool. Under this red hue, Monomi gathered her strength, wiping away her tears and defiantly marching up to Monokuma. "You stop this right now you bad bear, or I'll--"


Unsurprisingly, Monomi got another hit from Monokuma for her defiance.

"Stop what, Little Sis'? Stop justice? An innocent young girl was murdered, and for once it may not be our group of bloodthirsty ingrates! Why shouldn't we do this right here, right now?! Upupu... Upuhehehe...!"

The ground began to rumble as the pool drained of water. The floor of the pool began to rise up in its place, evening out so that the pool area was a flat, smooth surface. The familiar ring of podiums rose from ground, fitting inside the pool area, just enough for everyone present. Behind the ring rose a large ladder and diving board, where Monokuma decided to perch so that he was staring down at the ring below.


"Yo, and here I thought today would be boring," Meira said, taking a spot at one of the podiums. "Whoever stands next to me, I do warn you, I have very restless hands and feet."

"I, uh... huh..."


Bullet stared inexplicably at the ring of podiums, unsure what to make of all this. The murder, the bear, the pool transforming before her eyes-- This all seemed like something out of a strange dream. "The fuck is all this? Seriously."

"Ah... this is certainly an odd way of going about things, sheriff..." The principal took a place at the ring, nervously touching at the cuffs of his shirt. "Though, I suppose you're an odd one yourself."


"For today's guests, let me fill you in! You're on trial, where you'll have to fight for your life and convince my forensics team that you're not a killer! You see, whoever the killer is... it's you versus everyone. If the killer is caught... he or she will be punished. That's how it works! Simple, eh? Now make sure you scream, shout, and get your claws out!"

"Okay, wait, so..." Jude looked around the ring determining who the new faces were. "So the suspects... are people who were in the dorms during the fire alarm? Well, the principal was there at the time, right? And we found out the girl there was trying to get into her friend's room..."

Meira then gasped, pointing to Bullet. "It's the lesbian!"

"For fuck's sake-- Look, just call me Bullet. Christ."

"Oh... so you shoot it out fast and hard, right?"


"Can... uh, can you tell us where you were during the fire alarm?"

Meira scoffed, crossing her arms. Oh, boys, so naive. "Like I said earlier, me and Bean Pole here were studying. She's too boring and flat for anything more exciting than that."


"And I saw him," Victoria said, looking at Tommy across the ring from her. Her hands gripped the podium like a vice, her face red and blotchy from crying earlier. "He was acting totally sketchy. He also said earlier that he knew Max."

Monokuma waved his hands in the air. "Now, now! Let's not get all bent out of shape so quickly!"

"You're one to talk!" Diana screamed. "The last place I want to be is standing in this fucking ring again!"


Monokuma could only shake his head at the girl, giggling. "Oh... no need for such hysterics! I would have skinned the cat even if they had voted you!" An uproar started at this declaration, mostly from the new faces who seemed alarmed by the word kill, but Monokuma took out his claws and called for silence. "Don't worry about what happens after, start presenting your evidence! It's time to start the trial!"

Case #1: Maxine Caulfield
During the trial for Byakuya Togami's murder, Diana attempted to get the group to vote her as she felt guilty for the crime. Diana had believed Byakuya to be a boy she knew named Brennan from her past and had gone around the camp telling the others this. When she witnessed Neon place the body, Diana blamed herself for telling Neon he was dangerous. However, Monokuma revealed that Byakuya was not Brennan at all, but an imposter. It later came to light that Monokuma had convinced Neon Katt to kill Byakuya by saying he had held her team hostage, rather than Neon killing Byakuya after hearing Diana's warnings.

The group had managed to see through Diana and ended up voting for Neon, who was executed for her crime. After the trial, a masked man came out of the woods to attack the group. His origins and motivations were left a mystery as he vanished after injuring a few members of the group.

The next morning, Blubs and Durland arrived and attempted to arrest the group for the murder of Mark Jefferson, a famous public figure in town. Using the two police officer's lack of wits, Monokuma managed to talk himself into becoming the new town sheriff and reasoned with Blubs and Durland that the group to investigate his murder. If they were not successful in finding the murderer, they would be locked up instead. The group then headed to Blackwell Academy to investigate Jefferson's place of work.

Victoria Chase recognized the school from her home and she tried to see if her dorm room was still there. Diana, Stiles, and Jack Frost accompanied her inside, where she found that a crude girl named Meira was living in her room. Victoria grew annoyed with the girl's antics and ended up running into Tommy, who spoke to Victoria as if hew knew her. When asked, Tommy said that he was friends with a girl named Maxine Caulfield and that she told him about Victoria. Victoria reasoned that this meant she had a dorm room somewhere and went off in search of it. Meira ended up annoying Tommy and a few others, and they attempted to join him as he left, but Tommy started acting odd. He spoke of the masked man, revealing that he had been stalked by the killer in the past. Talking about this upset Tommy, who decided to run off on his own.

Rant and Yurick spoke to the principal of the school, Sigma Klim, who assured the pair they had his full cooperation. He spoke of Jefferson in high regard, saying that the teacher was loved by everyone. He said he had no idea why anyone would have wanted to kill Mark, and admitted that they were friends. The conversation was cut short when Klim's security called him, telling him they had a situation on their hands, which prompted Klim to politely ask Rant and Yurick to leave.

Corrin, Tomoko, Darv, and Sledge ran into a girl named Bullet who was hanging up missing person posters. She boldly stated that the police should instead be focusing on finding her friend, Rachel Amber, and a number of other girls who recently went missing in Bright Falls, instead of investigating Mark Jefferson's murder. Bullet alleged that Jefferson and Rachel had some kind of relationship and that the man was some kind of creep. Corrin and the others said they would help and asked for something about Rachel they could use to look for her, which gave Bullet the idea of sneaking into Rachel's old dorm room and grabbing something from there. She told the group to meet her at the dorms in thirty minutes before she left.

Another group ran into Maxine Caulfield, who was hanging out by herself in an empty classroom. The girl seemed distant and depressed, which the group reasoned to be grief. They asked Max for information about Jefferson, but Max asked them if they could help her have some fun before she talked about it. The group sneaked into the pool and had some fun swimming, which satisfied Max enough for her to be willing to talk about Jefferson. She asked the group to meet her on roof of the dorms in fifteen minutes, but as it would turn out,t he group would never see her alive again.

When it was about time for the group to meet with Max, someone set off the fire alarm in the dormitories, forcing the majority of the students to evacuate. During this time, Max fell from the dorm roof, her neck snapping on a rope tied around her neck. The group rushed to the roof to pull her up, where Monokuma declared that another investigation was to go underway. It was determined that the suspects were those who were inside the dormitories during the fire alarm, though unfortunately the group had little luck in fidning clues in Max's room.

All that was found was a suicide note...

The Evidence

Those suspected in the killing of the young photographer...

- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm to sneak into her missing friend's old dorm room
- Was handing out posting for her missing friend, Rachel Amber
- It's unknown if she knew the victim or not

Honey Lemon
- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm studying with Meira, who decided to ignore the fire alarm
- Says she only knew the victim as an acquaintance

- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm studying with Honey Lemon
- Ignored the fire alarm and convinced Honey Lemon to ignore it as well
- Went to the bathroom during the alarm and spotted Bullet sneaking around
- Says she did not know the victim

Principal Klim
- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm to see to an emergency called in by his security
- Assisted Jude and the others in pulling Max's body back on to the roof
- Knew the victim well as her principal

- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm for unknown reasons
- Spoke of the masked men and was acting oddly
- Was the victim's friend

- Was in the dormitories during the fire alarm searching for traces of her dorm room from home
- Knew the victim well, though they were antagonistic to each other


Maxine was found hanging from the dormitory roof, killed via her neck snapping from the fall she took. The murder happened during a fire alarm, so most of the students were not int he building at the time. There were no signs of a struggle on the body, though Max had a small hole on her neck that could be a birth mark.

A suicide note was found in Max's room, written in cursive. Her journal, camera, and laptop were missing, though the journal was found burned in a trash can in the parking lot behind the dorms. All items from Max's bag aside from school supplies were missing as well.

A panel in Mark Jefferson's office that was closed before the murder was opened, with a few empty syringes inside.

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @york @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @Jeremi @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Remaining silent during this next trial, Lapis listened into what the others had to say on who was behind Max's murder. All this talk about how the suspects knew of the victim and the opened hidden panel in Jefferson's office. The former bounty hunter had a feeling that they were all missing something here, if her mind wasn't playing tricks onto her.

"While you people go and find out who had some involvement in the murder, through questioning their exact locations during the fire alarm, or trying to match their handwriting to that suicide note that we found..."


"Was their any thought in questioning on who was close enough to the late Mr. Jefferson to know of that hidden panel in his office?"

Crossing her arms and thinking it all over, Lapis wondered about a few things as well, regarding the principal of the school.
Victoria gasped at Tommy, though it was hard to tell if she was genuine. "Huh? Okay, I was only asking for Max's room number 'cause normally it's supposed to be across from mine."

Honey Lemon and all the remaining suspects provided their handwriting (though Meira wrote out something vulgar instead of her name), though none would be an exact match for the suicide note writing. Honey Lemon and the principal's writing would be closest, but it was not easy for the group to tell. "I suppose we shouldn't have expected that to work..." Jude muttered. "If Max didn't write it, the writer probably tried to mask their writing."

"The emergency..." Klim cleared his throat. "My chief security officer called me about the situation in the dormitories about some perceived disturbances. We have had cases of vandalism in the past, and my security simply thought they had an idea of some vandalism in progress. He's not here, but he would certainly back up this claim. Considering the people running around during a fire alarm, I'm sure you can see why there might have been some perceived disturbances. However, I will admit, I never ran into any of the students here until I ran into you all following the murder."

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"... your security officer isn't here? Like... right now?"

Lapis just rose an eyebrow at that detail. It just... felt off to her.

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @Atomyk @ClassTrial
While everyone was talking, Zinnia drifted off into a daydream. She pictured Mark Jefferson coming back to life via a strike of lightning just like Jason had in Tommy's story. She pictured that Jefferson had a dirty secret which only Max knew about. So Jefferson would wear a Jason mask and go off to kill Max, hiding the syringes under his own desk.

Jefferson was behind it all! And that's why Tommy had been mumbling about a masked man earlier! Mark Jefferson had been pretending to be like his hero, Jason, who he had a secret thing for. Jefferson was a photographer, right? He probably took secret pictures of Jason in his baseme--

Zinnia shook her head. "Uh."

Heh, I guess I'd better focus so I can come up with something better than just fiction.

@Nobody : |
A better non-shit post will be made later. XD
Victoria gasped at Tommy, though it was hard to tell if she was genuine. "Huh? Okay, I was only asking for Max's room number 'cause normally it's supposed to be across from mine."

Honey Lemon and all the remaining suspects provided their handwriting (though Meira wrote out something vulgar instead of her name), though none would be an exact match for the suicide note writing. Honey Lemon and the principal's writing would be closest, but it was not easy for the group to tell. "I suppose we shouldn't have expected that to work..." Jude muttered. "If Max didn't write it, the writer probably tried to mask their writing."

"The emergency..." Klim cleared his throat. "My chief security officer called me about the situation in the dormitories about some perceived disturbances. We have had cases of vandalism in the past, and my security simply thought they had an idea of some vandalism in progress. He's not here, but he would certainly back up this claim. Considering the people running around during a fire alarm, I'm sure you can see why there might have been some perceived disturbances. However, I will admit, I never ran into any of the students here until I ran into you all following the murder."

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Hey, I have seen this guy since the start. And he is so sketch." Rant folded his arms and glared at Klim. "You said that this guy, Mark, was a beloved man and that no one would touch him. Well, he's dead and some of your students claim he's a creep."

"The dorms and vandalism? I was there with Yurick, Victoria, Diana, and Jack [Frost]. I would hear a window break and you couldn't do anything without passing us five." Rant said pointing to each as he spoke then to the principal. "But, you, you weren't there the entire time and your officer called you sometime ago before the fire alarms went off, you never went to those dorms, sir. If you were, what would I grab on a night raid, can you answer that?"

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Victoria gasped at Tommy, though it was hard to tell if she was genuine. "Huh? Okay, I was only asking for Max's room number 'cause normally it's supposed to be across from mine."

Honey Lemon and all the remaining suspects provided their handwriting (though Meira wrote out something vulgar instead of her name), though none would be an exact match for the suicide note writing. Honey Lemon and the principal's writing would be closest, but it was not easy for the group to tell. "I suppose we shouldn't have expected that to work..." Jude muttered. "If Max didn't write it, the writer probably tried to mask their writing."

"The emergency..." Klim cleared his throat. "My chief security officer called me about the situation in the dormitories about some perceived disturbances. We have had cases of vandalism in the past, and my security simply thought they had an idea of some vandalism in progress. He's not here, but he would certainly back up this claim. Considering the people running around during a fire alarm, I'm sure you can see why there might have been some perceived disturbances. However, I will admit, I never ran into any of the students here until I ran into you all following the murder."

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"How strange... You left with nothing more than a word about the situation to our troupe, to roam the school unseen by anyone but your security officer who just happens to not be here. You would know of any secrets the school held, the entire layout as the principal... You wish to protect Jefferson's name as well, something that might be defamed along with the school's if anything illicit took place... You've also been shown to choose to slander your own student in the name of protecting the image of a prestigious academy..."

The inquisitorial glare sent Klim's way was enough evidence to understand where Jack's mind was focused. The samurai turned to the others, suspects and investigators alike, and asked for assurance that they were close to the end of this case, "Tell all, is there anyone here who can verify Klim's alibi besides the security officer? Does it not seem strange, both his tale and his actions during this trial?"

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Victoria gasped at Tommy, though it was hard to tell if she was genuine. "Huh? Okay, I was only asking for Max's room number 'cause normally it's supposed to be across from mine."

Honey Lemon and all the remaining suspects provided their handwriting (though Meira wrote out something vulgar instead of her name), though none would be an exact match for the suicide note writing. Honey Lemon and the principal's writing would be closest, but it was not easy for the group to tell. "I suppose we shouldn't have expected that to work..." Jude muttered. "If Max didn't write it, the writer probably tried to mask their writing."

"The emergency..." Klim cleared his throat. "My chief security officer called me about the situation in the dormitories about some perceived disturbances. We have had cases of vandalism in the past, and my security simply thought they had an idea of some vandalism in progress. He's not here, but he would certainly back up this claim. Considering the people running around during a fire alarm, I'm sure you can see why there might have been some perceived disturbances. However, I will admit, I never ran into any of the students here until I ran into you all following the murder."

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Remaining silent during this next trial, Lapis listened into what the others had to say on who was behind Max's murder. All this talk about how the suspects knew of the victim and the opened hidden panel in Jefferson's office. The former bounty hunter had a feeling that they were all missing something here, if her mind wasn't playing tricks onto her.

"While you people go and find out who had some involvement in the murder, through questioning their exact locations during the fire alarm, or trying to match their handwriting to that suicide note that we found..."


"Was their any thought in questioning on who was close enough to the late Mr. Jefferson to know of that hidden panel in his office?"

Crossing her arms and thinking it all over, Lapis wondered about a few things as well, regarding the principal of the school.

"... your security officer isn't here? Like... right now?"

Lapis just rose an eyebrow at that detail. It just... felt off to her.

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @Atomyk @ClassTrial
While everyone was talking, Zinnia drifted off into a daydream. She pictured Mark Jefferson coming back to life via a strike of lightning just like Jason had in Tommy's story. She pictured that Jefferson had a dirty secret which only Max knew about. So Jefferson would wear a Jason mask and go off to kill Max, hiding the syringes under his own desk.

Jefferson was behind it all! And that's why Tommy had been mumbling about a masked man earlier! Mark Jefferson had been pretending to be like his hero, Jason, who he had a secret thing for. Jefferson was a photographer, right? He probably took secret pictures of Jason in his baseme--

Zinnia shook her head. "Uh."

Heh, I guess I'd better focus so I can come up with something better than just fiction.

@Nobody : |
A better non-shit post will be made later. XD
"Hey, I have seen this guy since the start. And he is so sketch." Rant folded his arms and glared at Klim. "You said that this guy, Mark, was a beloved man and that no one would touch him. Well, he's dead and some of your students claim he's a creep."

"The dorms and vandalism? I was there with Yurick, Victoria, Diana, and Jack [Frost]. I would hear a window break and you couldn't do anything without passing us five." Rant said pointing to each as he spoke then to the principal. "But, you, you weren't there the entire time and your officer called you sometime ago before the fire alarms went off, you never went to those dorms, sir. If you were, what would I grab on a night raid, can you answer that?"

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"How strange... You left with nothing more than a word about the situation to our troupe, to roam the school unseen by anyone but your security officer who just happens to not be here. You would know of any secrets the school held, the entire layout as the principal... You wish to protect Jefferson's name as well, something that might be defamed along with the school's if anything illicit took place... You've also been shown to choose to slander your own student in the name of protecting the image of a prestigious academy..."

The inquisitorial glare sent Klim's way was enough evidence to understand where Jack's mind was focused. The samurai turned to the others, suspects and investigators alike, and asked for assurance that they were close to the end of this case, "Tell all, is there anyone here who can verify Klim's alibi besides the security officer? Does it not seem strange, both his tale and his actions during this trial?"

@Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"One second! Can we at least check how the writings match to Jack Frost's note? That could give us some insight as to who knew about the panel!"

@Atomyk @Verite @Crow @Jeremi @Kaykay @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @ShiroKiyoshi @Chewy Rabbits
"Well..." It was clear Klim didn't think that detail particularly odd. "Why would my security officer be here?" He gestured to Rant and Yurick. "These two, at least, can confirm I got a call from my security. You might not have heard a window break, but the vandalism frequent throughout the school are acts of spray painting. You may not have seen me go to the dorms immediately, but clearly I was there at the time, responding to a call you heard be made. As for your continued claims that my dead friend is a creepy man, I told you earlier how I had perceived him. If a few students have a different perspective, that is hardly a fault of mine."


"I hardly think my actions could be considered suspicious. I have fully cooperated with everything asked of me. If anything, that I wasn't seen at all should carry less suspicion than all the students here who can be placed at the scene of the crime."

"We already asked who was close to Jefferson, Lapis," Jude said. "It's reasonable anyone here could have known about it."


"Ugh, I know it was asked what I thought of Mark, but so what? He was dead before I even got here." She crossed her arms, still giving Tommy a sour look.

The group would find that the writing on the note from the chemistry lab would be far from the writing of anyone present.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Well..." It was clear Klim didn't think that detail particularly odd. "Why would my security officer be here?" He gestured to Rant and Yurick. "These two, at least, can confirm I got a call from my security. You might not have heard a window break, but the vandalism frequent throughout the school are acts of spray painting. You may not have seen me go to the dorms immediately, but clearly I was there at the time, responding to a call you heard be made. As for your continued claims that my dead friend is a creepy man, I told you earlier how I had perceived him. If a few students have a different perspective, that is hardly a fault of mine."


"I hardly think my actions could be considered suspicious. I have fully cooperated with everything asked of me. If anything, that I wasn't seen at all should carry less suspicion than all the students here who can be placed at the scene of the crime."

"We already asked who was close to Jefferson, Lapis," Jude said. "It's reasonable anyone here could have known about it."


"Ugh, I know it was asked what I thought of Mark, but so what? He was dead before I even got here." She crossed her arms, still giving Tommy a sour look.

The group would find that the writing on the note from the chemistry lab would be far from the writing of anyone present.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Victoria, you're a suspect in a murder. Even if he was dead before you got here, you got pretty defensive when his reputation was called into play! If you want to keep yourself from looking suspicious you need to tell us everytjing you know about your teacher, because Max's death is clearly related! Now, what did you really think about Jefferson?!" An innocent girl was dead, the last thing Honda wanted was to let the bastard of a murderer get away with this!

@Atomyk @Verite @Kaykay @Crow @The Tactician @Jeremi @york @Chewy Rabbits @Gummi Bunnies
Victoria fixed Honda her best withering look.

"Fine. I don't believe these people when they say he was a creep. Yeah, girls were all over him, but it's whatever. I think he was an amazing teacher with an amazing perspective on the world. He was also nice and sweet. I think these girls here are just jealous because Mark didn't give them as much attention as others."

"Oh, you fucking wish."

"Why would he? You apparently are about to get expelled. And Meira... well, I think we know what's up with her."

Meira only shrugged, for her attention was mainly on Kyoko for the moment.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Well..." It was clear Klim didn't think that detail particularly odd. "Why would my security officer be here?" He gestured to Rant and Yurick. "These two, at least, can confirm I got a call from my security. You might not have heard a window break, but the vandalism frequent throughout the school are acts of spray painting. You may not have seen me go to the dorms immediately, but clearly I was there at the time, responding to a call you heard be made. As for your continued claims that my dead friend is a creepy man, I told you earlier how I had perceived him. If a few students have a different perspective, that is hardly a fault of mine."


"I hardly think my actions could be considered suspicious. I have fully cooperated with everything asked of me. If anything, that I wasn't seen at all should carry less suspicion than all the students here who can be placed at the scene of the crime."

"We already asked who was close to Jefferson, Lapis," Jude said. "It's reasonable anyone here could have known about it."


"Ugh, I know it was asked what I thought of Mark, but so what? He was dead before I even got here." She crossed her arms, still giving Tommy a sour look.

The group would find that the writing on the note from the chemistry lab would be far from the writing of anyone present.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Guess I'm a bit drowsy in the head still."

Lapis mumbled that as she was then told that they were through with that part of the discussion, but that wouldn't be a problem as she listened in on Klim's words regarding on what she had said.

"So other than Rant and Yurick, you're saying that your security is the only person that can confirm your alibi up until this whole trial thing? Sure, no one from security is around, I can see that. However..."

For a moment, she glanced over at the group that was looking over the note that was from the chemistry lab.

"... I don't think it's a stretch to say that the writing on that note could be from someone in the security department here, someone that isn't present right now."

@ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Corrin stepped forward. Or, as far forward as she could in her booth.


"Excuse me, but, is there any way to check who caused that alarm? It seems like it was some form of distraction meant to draw people away from the death." Corrin asked the crowd.

@Atomyk @Verite @Class Trial
Victoria fixed Honda her best withering look.

"Fine. I don't believe these people when they say he was a creep. Yeah, girls were all over him, but it's whatever. I think he was an amazing teacher with amazing an perspective on the world. He was also nice and sweet. I think these girls here are just jealous because Mark didn't give them as much attention as others."

"Oh you fucking wish."

"Why would he? You apparently are about to get expelled. And Meira... well, I think we know what's up with her."

Meira only shrugged, for her attention was mainly on Kyoko for the moment.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Honda met Victoria's glare with a stone cold stare of his own.


"Sounds to me like you liked him quite a bit. Tell me: were you as close to Jefferson as Max was?"
@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Crow @Minerva @The Tactician
"Meow... Meow.... Meow....."

Well. Tarlotte's little kiss for Jack hadn't gone quite as planned, it seemed. The catgirl appeared to have still crashed yet again after the experience, likely not having gotten quite enough Mana, judging by the fact that she'd been out cold for a while now... No pun intended. In any case, the girl was 'peacefully' sleeping and had been the majority of the time, tail swishing about and soft and adorable 'meows' parting her lips. It really was a wonder that she could be so cute and peaceful when she was so destructive and ran rampant while awake. But it was of no matter. She'd at least been nice and quiet for some time now, unable to cause any trouble in her state.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Meow...?" It was a soft murmur, golden eyes slowly flickering open with mild confusion and disorientation at first. One could practically see the animated question marks pop up around her head as she looked around, completely lost as to where she was. But slowly, mild realization came to her, and she scurried to her feet. And, much to her delight? She was just in time to see some stupid bear punt that dumb rabbit from earlier! A grin of pure glee spread across Tarlotte's face, her eyes glinting as she beheld the sight. "Hahaha! Looks like mew finally got what was coming, meow! Just wait 'til--"

The words trailed off as the female realized something. They weren't in that weird town anymore- they were someplace else. Somewhere that seemed really, really stupid, too! Not only that, but Sojiro was still nowhere in sight... And on top of that, the thing that had delivered the hit on Usami was another dumb plush. And the annoying girl with the stupid hair was still around, as were the others! This was just the worst day ever. So, naturally, she needed to liven it up. In her own, special, Ultimate Tantrum way.



"Mwhat the hell is with this stupid place, anyways?!" she inquired, though there was no time to properly answer. She obviously had no intention of pausing. "I'll crush all of you if we aren't outta here soon, meow! You'll get your..." The girl seemed to falter for a moment. "Your, uh..." Yup. Looked like she wasn't sure of the phrase she was trying to use yet again.

"... I don't think it's a stretch to say that the writing on that note could be from someone in the security department here, someone that isn't present right now."

@ShiroKiyoshi @Atomyk @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial


"Speaking of people not here... Meira mentioned someone with blue hair..."

The voice was Nono's, but all that was seen was an unoccupied podium.
Corrin stepped forward. Or, as far forward as she could in her booth.


"Excuse me, but, is there any way to check who caused that alarm? It seems like it was some form of distraction meant to draw people away from the death." Corrin asked the crowd.

@Atomyk @Verite @Class Trial


"Shimada-san and Morikubo were going to check the CCTV room to find such... but before we could... we were called here..."

@Atomyk @Minerva @Verite @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Yun Lee @Yang Lee @ShiroKiyoshi @Chewy Rabbits @DBZ7 @CLASSTRIAL​
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