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"Meow... Meow.... Meow....."

Well. Tarlotte's little kiss for Jack hadn't gone quite as planned, it seemed. The catgirl appeared to have still crashed yet again after the experience, likely not having gotten quite enough Mana, judging by the fact that she'd been out cold for a while now... No pun intended. In any case, the girl was 'peacefully' sleeping and had been the majority of the time, tail swishing about and soft and adorable 'meows' parting her lips. It really was a wonder that she could be so cute and peaceful when she was so destructive and ran rampant while awake. But it was of no matter. She'd at least been nice and quiet for some time now, unable to cause any trouble in her state.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Meow...?" It was a soft murmur, golden eyes slowly flickering open with mild confusion and disorientation at first. One could practically see the animated question marks pop up around her head as she looked around, completely lost as to where she was. But slowly, mild realization came to her, and she scurried to her feet. And, much to her delight? She was just in time to see some stupid bear punt that dumb rabbit from earlier! A grin of pure glee spread across Tarlotte's face, her eyes glinting as she beheld the sight. "Hahaha! Looks like mew finally got what was coming, meow! Just wait 'til--"

The words trailed off as the female realized something. They weren't in that weird town anymore- they were someplace else. Somewhere that seemed really, really stupid, too! Not only that, but Sojiro was still nowhere in sight... And on top of that, the thing that had delivered the hit on Usami was another dumb plush. And the annoying girl with the stupid hair was still around, as were the others! This was just the worst day ever. So, naturally, she needed to liven it up. In her own, special, Ultimate Tantrum way.



"Mwhat the hell is with this stupid place, anyways?!" she inquired, though there was no time to properly answer. She obviously had no intention of pausing. "I'll crush all of you if we aren't outta here soon, meow! You'll get your..." The girl seemed to falter for a moment. "Your, uh..." Yup. Looked like she wasn't sure of the phrase she was trying to use yet again.

"Meowpance, Miss Tarlotte? Also, please calm yourself. Another trial is in progress, and just as with Klim, I will not hesitate to remove you if necessary to prevent disruption."

Jack, the Ultimate Samurai or the Ultimate Tantrum Wrangler? You decide. :^|​
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Victoria looked surprised. "Close with Mark? Max wasn't really..." She paused, thinking on this more, coming to a conclusion eventually with a nod. "Well, maybe this Max was different than the one I knew. The Max I knew just didn't gel with Mark like I did, I can tell you that."

"Ah... And the fire alarm. That's a good question. Mr. Madsen is... a paranoid man, so he made sure our fire alarms were replaced with ones containing the purple ink. I'm sure you heard of them."

"Whoever pulled that alarm likely did so to lower the amount of possible witnesses for the crime."

"Then you'll be happy to find..." Klim held up his hands, which were perfectly clean. "The ink does not come off for a couple of days, no matter how hard you wash. Mr. Madsen was also responsible for our recent increase in CCTV coverage, though our town sheriff said he was handling that matter."


"The footage is being analyzed as we speak! I'm broadcasting it all directly into Monomi's brain!"

Monomi sat with her face in her hands, silently sobbing.

"... In any case, no footage exists for inside the dormitories. I felt it was too invasive."

Meira's mouth dropped open at Tarlotte's mewling.

"O-Oh... that girl is meowing..."


"Can I pet you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle~"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Victoria looked surprised. "Close with Mark? Max wasn't really..." She paused, thinking on this more, coming to a conclusion eventually with a nod. "Well, maybe this Max was different than the one I knew. The Max I knew just didn't gel with Mark like I did, I can tell you that."

"Ah... And the fire alarm. That's a good question. Mr. Madsen is... a paranoid man, so he made sure our fire alarms were replaced with ones containing the purple ink. I'm sure you heard of them."

"Whoever pulled that alarm likely did so to lower the amount of possible witnesses for the crime."

"Then you'll be happy to find..." Klim held up his hands, which were perfectly clean. "The ink does not come off for a couple of days, no matter how hard you wash. Mr. Madsen was also responsible for our recent increase in CCTV coverage, though our town sheriff said he was handling that matter."


"The footage is being analyzed as we speak! I'm broadcasting it all directly into Monomi's brain!"

Monomi sat with her face in her hands, silently sobbing.

"... In any case, no footage exists for inside the dormitories. I felt it was too invasive."

Meira's mouth dropped open at Tarlotte's mewling.

"O-Oh... that girl is meowing..."


"Can I pet you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle~"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"... Could the killer have had an accomplice pull the alarm for them?"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Victoria looked surprised. "Close with Mark? Max wasn't really..." She paused, thinking on this more, coming to a conclusion eventually with a nod. "Well, maybe this Max was different than the one I knew. The Max I knew just didn't gel with Mark like I did, I can tell you that."

"Ah... And the fire alarm. That's a good question. Mr. Madsen is... a paranoid man, so he made sure our fire alarms were replaced with ones containing the purple ink. I'm sure you heard of them."

"Whoever pulled that alarm likely did so to lower the amount of possible witnesses for the crime."

"Then you'll be happy to find..." Klim held up his hands, which were perfectly clean. "The ink does not come off for a couple of days, no matter how hard you wash. Mr. Madsen was also responsible for our recent increase in CCTV coverage, though our town sheriff said he was handling that matter."


"The footage is being analyzed as we speak! I'm broadcasting it all directly into Monomi's brain!"

Monomi sat with her face in her hands, silently sobbing.

"... In any case, no footage exists for inside the dormitories. I felt it was too invasive."

Meira's mouth dropped open at Tarlotte's mewling.

"O-Oh... that girl is meowing..."


"Can I pet you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle~"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial


"No way..." Nono nervously whimpers, learning that the CCTV cameras were never really accesible to begin with. "If that is the case... hmmm... we need records of every person with dyed blue hair. There's no way there can be that many..."

@Atomyk @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Victoria fixed Honda her best withering look.

"Fine. I don't believe these people when they say he was a creep. Yeah, girls were all over him, but it's whatever. I think he was an amazing teacher with amazing an perspective on the world. He was also nice and sweet. I think these girls here are just jealous because Mark didn't give them as much attention as others."

"Oh you fucking wish."

"Why would he? You apparently are about to get expelled. And Meira... well, I think we know what's up with her."

Meira only shrugged, for her attention was mainly on Kyoko for the moment.

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Honey Lemon would raise her finger to get Victoria's attention. "Umm...I wasn't really into him either. I mean he was a great teacher and it's sad that he's dead...but I mean...he was a teacher. That's inappropriate."

"... Could the killer have had an accomplice pull the alarm for them?"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"Or, and this might be crazy...but gloves? That's still a thing right?"

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Meira only shrugged, for her attention was mainly on Kyoko for the moment.​

Meira's mouth dropped open at Tarlotte's mewling.

"O-Oh... that girl is meowing..."


"Can I pet you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle~"
Kyoko tried slipping over to the next empty booth away from Meira.

@Atomyk </3​
Victoria looked surprised. "Close with Mark? Max wasn't really..." She paused, thinking on this more, coming to a conclusion eventually with a nod. "Well, maybe this Max was different than the one I knew. The Max I knew just didn't gel with Mark like I did, I can tell you that."

"Ah... And the fire alarm. That's a good question. Mr. Madsen is... a paranoid man, so he made sure our fire alarms were replaced with ones containing the purple ink. I'm sure you heard of them."

"Whoever pulled that alarm likely did so to lower the amount of possible witnesses for the crime."

"Then you'll be happy to find..." Klim held up his hands, which were perfectly clean. "The ink does not come off for a couple of days, no matter how hard you wash. Mr. Madsen was also responsible for our recent increase in CCTV coverage, though our town sheriff said he was handling that matter."


"The footage is being analyzed as we speak! I'm broadcasting it all directly into Monomi's brain!"

Monomi sat with her face in her hands, silently sobbing.

"... In any case, no footage exists for inside the dormitories. I felt it was too invasive."

Meira's mouth dropped open at Tarlotte's mewling.

"O-Oh... that girl is meowing..."


"Can I pet you? Pretty please? I'll be gentle~"

@Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial


"No way..." Nono nervously whimpers, learning that the CCTV cameras were never really accesible to begin with. "If that is the case... hmmm... we need records of every person with dyed blue hair. There's no way there can be that many..."

@Atomyk @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Honey Lemon would raise her finger to get Victoria's attention. "Umm...I wasn't really into him either. I mean he was a great teacher and it's sad that he's dead...but I mean...he was a teacher. That's inappropriate."

"Or, and this might be crazy...but gloves? That's still a thing right?"

@ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Stiles watched as Kilm showed that her hands were clean. " Could the rest of you also show your hands?" He asked, looking at Victoria, Bullet, Honey Lemon, Tommy and Meira. " Also, if you own any gloves," he added after hearing Posion.

@Atomyk @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"Wait, what was Max like before you left Blackwell?"
@Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Minerva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @york
Stiles watched as Kilm showed that her hands were clean. " Could the rest of you also show your hands?" He asked, looking at Victoria, Bullet, Honey Lemon, Tommy and Meira. " Also, if you own any gloves," he added after hearing Posion.

@Atomyk @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"If the person who pulled the alarm had gloves, wouldn't they think to get rid of them somehow?" Yurick spoke up, having remained quiet, listening up until now.

He noticed that Tarlotte was up and mentally groaned at that news.

@Atomyk @Hospes @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @The Tactician @Minerva @ShiroKiyoshi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @york @Yun Lee @anybody and everybody
"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dyed white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
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"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dted white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"... Yet why would you wish to kill Maxine? If anything, it seems like you two would be allies as you both seem to distrust Jefferson... Is it possible the fire alarm was just a coincidence that the killer took advantage of?"

"In my eyes, it seems like the only individuals who would wish to kill Max would be the ones who respected Jefferson and did not wish to see his legacy destroyed. Bullet, you and Maxine seemed to wish to bring to light his shadier activity, so perhaps pinning this murder on you... was all an act to eliminate the both of you?"
"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dted white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Contrary perhaps to what might have been expected, Chikage only looked pensive as she considered the incriminating ink on Bullet's wrist. It wouldn't be that simple to catch the murderer, would it? Then again, human carelessness could not be underestimated. Rather than immediately incriminate, it would be best to squeeze what they could out of her while she was on the spot.

"If it wasn't you, then whoever it was must have not premeditated the kill, meaning they had to have gone to get the rope and the drugs on the spot before performing the kill on the spot with the few minutes they had. Or they had a way to kill Max prepared beforehand that did not include the fire alarm. As all the fire alarm did was give us a small number of suspects, I doubt the killer, if it wasn't you, Bullet, wanted the fire alarm to go off. Either that, or you're an accomplice."

The girl furrowed her brows at the delinquent, looking for any reaction to her accusations.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dyed white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Contrary perhaps to what might have been expected, Chikage only looked pensive as she considered the incriminating ink on Bullet's wrist. It wouldn't be that simple to catch the murderer, would it? Then again, human carelessness could not be underestimated. Rather than immediately incriminate, it would be best to squeeze what they could out of her while she was on the spot.

"If it wasn't you, then whoever it was must have not premeditated the kill, meaning they had to have gone to get the rope and the drugs on the spot before performing the kill on the spot with the few minutes they had. Or they had a way to kill Max prepared beforehand that did not include the fire alarm. As all the fire alarm did was give us a small number of suspects, I doubt the killer, if it wasn't you, Bullet, wanted the fire alarm to go off. Either that, or you're an accomplice."

The girl furrowed her brows at the delinquent, looking for any reaction to her accusations.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Yuck, Tarlotte had woken up. She made a face of disgust before trying to ignore the cat girl and pay attention to the trial for a moment.​

"Actually," Zinnia began. "There is a chance it could've been premeditated if someone else knew Bullet was planning to pull the alarm. Bullet, did you tell anyone else that you intended to pull the fire alarm?"

Although she chimed in with a question, she spotted an interesting object in Stiles possession--a plant--and wandered over to it curiously. She looked at the plant like a curious, distracted puppy who wanted something to play with. Hm, I wonder what the leaves on that plant taste like?

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @Atomyk @ClassTrial​
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Reactions: Takumi
"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dyed white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"... Yet why would you wish to kill Maxine? If anything, it seems like you two would be allies as you both seem to distrust Jefferson... Is it possible the fire alarm was just a coincidence that the killer took advantage of?"

"In my eyes, it seems like the only individuals who would wish to kill Max would be the ones who respected Jefferson and did not wish to see his legacy destroyed. Bullet, you and Maxine seemed to wish to bring to light his shadier activity, so perhaps pinning this murder on you... was all an act to eliminate the both of you?"

Contrary perhaps to what might have been expected, Chikage only looked pensive as she considered the incriminating ink on Bullet's wrist. It wouldn't be that simple to catch the murderer, would it? Then again, human carelessness could not be underestimated. Rather than immediately incriminate, it would be best to squeeze what they could out of her while she was on the spot.

"If it wasn't you, then whoever it was must have not premeditated the kill, meaning they had to have gone to get the rope and the drugs on the spot before performing the kill on the spot with the few minutes they had. Or they had a way to kill Max prepared beforehand that did not include the fire alarm. As all the fire alarm did was give us a small number of suspects, I doubt the killer, if it wasn't you, Bullet, wanted the fire alarm to go off. Either that, or you're an accomplice."

The girl furrowed her brows at the delinquent, looking for any reaction to her accusations.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
Honda studied the ink on Bullet. "Well...did you find anything of importance in Rachel's room?" If she did, it would make for an alibi for Bullet.
@Atomyk @Verite @The Tactician @Kaykay @Crow @Jeremi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Minerva @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Yuck, Tarlotte had woken up. She made a face of disgust before trying to ignore the cat girl and pay attention to the trial for a moment.​

"Actually," Zinnia began. "There is a chance it could've been premeditated if someone else knew Bullet was planning to pull the alarm. Bullet, did you tell anyone else that you intended to pull the fire alarm?"

Although she chimed in with a question, she spotted an interesting object in Stiles possession--a plant--and wandered over to it curiously. She looked at the plant like a curious, distracted puppy who wanted something to play with. Hm, I wonder what the leaves on that plant taste like?

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @Atomyk @ClassTrial​
Somehow, Jack could sense Zinnia's special kind of curiosity rising from afar. It was the kind of curiosity that led to danger for them all or just herself, and he had grown used to sensing and putting an end to it before she did anything remotely insane (at least, when he could reach her in time).

"It will taste like a leaf, Zinnia. Please do not lick the potentially poisonous plant."

A day in the life of Jack, the samurai safety monitor. :^|​
"You can't say what Max was going to tell you about Mark. None of us will ever know."

"I mean... I at least know Max liked Mark, from what I recall..."

Jude shook his head. "That is, unless this Max and her situation was different than the one you know, Victoria."

Bullet threw hands up, exasperated.

"Okay, look, if I was going to go out and plan a kill, why the hell would I tell anyone to meet up with me at the dorms? If I had my rope and my drugs and my whatever-the-fuck, why would I not be carrying gloves with me to protect against the ink? You know why, because it was on a whim. I just needed into Rachel's room." She cooled off a little and looked to Zinnia. "No... I didn't tell a soul. I did... I did get something from her room." The girl seemed reluctant, but eventually she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a friendship bracelet. "I made her a few of these... they looked similar, so I... I just thought someone could match them maybe. I have a photo too, with a ring she always wore."

Bullet held up the photo.


Jude stared at it for a moment. "I see. Well. What... and I'm sorry, but what if Maxine really did commit suicide? I mean..."

"You guys said she was acting odd..."

Perhaps still coasting on her earlier annoyance, Bullet shook her head vehemently. "Bullshit. Max wasn't like that... she wouldn't go and kill herself, all right? So don't fucking say it again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"You can't say what Max was going to tell you about Mark. None of us will ever know."

"I mean... I at least know Max liked Mark, from what I recall..."

Jude shook his head. "That is, unless this Max and her situation was different than the one you know, Victoria."

Bullet threw hands up, exasperated.

"Okay, look, if I was going to go out and plan a kill, why the hell would I tell anyone to meet up with me at the dorms? If I had my rope and my drugs and my whatever-the-fuck, why would I not be carrying gloves with me to protect against the ink? You know why, because it was on a whim. I just needed into Rachel's room." She cooled off a little and looked to Zinnia. "No... I didn't tell a soul. I did... I did get something from her room." The girl seemed reluctant, but eventually she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a friendship bracelet. "I made her a few of these... they looked similar, so I... I just thought someone could match them maybe. I have a photo too, with a ring she always wore."

Bullet held up the photo.


Jude stared at it for a moment. "I see. Well. What... and I'm sorry, but what if Maxine really did commit suicide? I mean..."

"You guys said she was acting odd..."

Perhaps still coasting on her earlier annoyance, Bullet shook her head vehemently. "Bullshit. Max wasn't like that... she wouldn't go and kill herself, all right? So don't fucking say it again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

"So, and explain so that the super sexy and great wrestling promoter also understands...who do we think did this, because I'm pretty damn sure Max did not off herself." Poison asked the gathered group. "Who had the most to gain by killing Max?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"Who? Me?" Honey Lemon asked pointing at herself. "I practically live there! And the last time I was in there was today before I had to go and get something to eat, cause I'd forgotten my snacks back in my dorm room, but then I got distracted when I heard people talking aaaaand yeah, haven't been back after that."

Dawning on her why the boy would've asked her this she'd awkwardly scratch her head. "You think I had something to do with this don't you?"

@C.T. @Yang Lee @Kaykay @Chewy Rabbits @Minerva @DapperDogman @Yun Lee @BarrenThin @Krieg @The Tactician @Atomyk @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 @Crow @york @ShiroKiyoshi @Josh M @Crimson Spartan @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @The Spartan Potato @DBZ7 @Nater Taters @Takumi @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Investigation
"Meow... Meow.... Meow....."

Well. Tarlotte's little kiss for Jack hadn't gone quite as planned, it seemed. The catgirl appeared to have still crashed yet again after the experience, likely not having gotten quite enough Mana, judging by the fact that she'd been out cold for a while now... No pun intended. In any case, the girl was 'peacefully' sleeping and had been the majority of the time, tail swishing about and soft and adorable 'meows' parting her lips. It really was a wonder that she could be so cute and peaceful when she was so destructive and ran rampant while awake. But it was of no matter. She'd at least been nice and quiet for some time now, unable to cause any trouble in her state.

But all good things must come to an end.

"Meow...?" It was a soft murmur, golden eyes slowly flickering open with mild confusion and disorientation at first. One could practically see the animated question marks pop up around her head as she looked around, completely lost as to where she was. But slowly, mild realization came to her, and she scurried to her feet. And, much to her delight? She was just in time to see some stupid bear punt that dumb rabbit from earlier! A grin of pure glee spread across Tarlotte's face, her eyes glinting as she beheld the sight. "Hahaha! Looks like mew finally got what was coming, meow! Just wait 'til--"

The words trailed off as the female realized something. They weren't in that weird town anymore- they were someplace else. Somewhere that seemed really, really stupid, too! Not only that, but Sojiro was still nowhere in sight... And on top of that, the thing that had delivered the hit on Usami was another dumb plush. And the annoying girl with the stupid hair was still around, as were the others! This was just the worst day ever. So, naturally, she needed to liven it up. In her own, special, Ultimate Tantrum way.



"Mwhat the hell is with this stupid place, anyways?!" she inquired, though there was no time to properly answer. She obviously had no intention of pausing. "I'll crush all of you if we aren't outta here soon, meow! You'll get your..." The girl seemed to falter for a moment. "Your, uh..." Yup. Looked like she wasn't sure of the phrase she was trying to use yet again.

"Yo, what is this about blue hair dye? I don't recall anything like that. You might think my hair is dted white, but I'm telling you, it's all-natural. Even the eye that got gouged out of my head." Meira pointed to her face, smiling. "In fact, all of me is all-natural, for those who were wondering."

Meanwhile, Victoria was thinking about Honda's question. "Uh, well... I don't know..." Victoria wasn't entirely sure how to describe Max. "Kind of quiet. Kept to herself. Kind of in a stuck-up way, if you ask me. She always carried around this camera taking lame Polaroids. Like, who does that? She just wanted to be unique. It was so hipster. She..."


"I-I mean... I'm sorry. She was nice. Nice, but kind of weird. I didn't think something like this would ever happen to her..."

Concerning the fire alarm talk, Jude spoke up. "An accomplice is certainly possible..."

The principal didn't look too entirely impressed. "Before you accuse me of wearing gloves or having an accomplice, let's continue around the room."

With nothing to hide, all the suspects would reveal their hands to be clean... except for Bullet. She looked ready to argue or beat someone up when everyone looked to her expectantly, but eventually she showed off her hands with an annoyed sigh.

Above a tattoo around her wrist was the unmistakable ink.


"Okay, yeah, I pulled it. But-- But it isn't what you think! I was just trying to... Fuck, I was trying to sneak into Rachel's old dorm, and I couldn't afford to get caught. I wasn't even supposed to be at school, so... so, I just pulled the fire alarm to get everyone to clear out. It's not like they would have suspected me if they didn't even know I was there." Bullet bit her lip, catching the looks of some of the group. "Don't you dare. Don't you fucking look at me like that!"

"You're really saying... it was just a coincidence?" Diana gave Bullet a sympathetic look, but she didn't sound convinced.

@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial
"You can't say what Max was going to tell you about Mark. None of us will ever know."

"I mean... I at least know Max liked Mark, from what I recall..."

Jude shook his head. "That is, unless this Max and her situation was different than the one you know, Victoria."

Bullet threw hands up, exasperated.

"Okay, look, if I was going to go out and plan a kill, why the hell would I tell anyone to meet up with me at the dorms? If I had my rope and my drugs and my whatever-the-fuck, why would I not be carrying gloves with me to protect against the ink? You know why, because it was on a whim. I just needed into Rachel's room." She cooled off a little and looked to Zinnia. "No... I didn't tell a soul. I did... I did get something from her room." The girl seemed reluctant, but eventually she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a friendship bracelet. "I made her a few of these... they looked similar, so I... I just thought someone could match them maybe. I have a photo too, with a ring she always wore."

Bullet held up the photo.


Jude stared at it for a moment. "I see. Well. What... and I'm sorry, but what if Maxine really did commit suicide? I mean..."

"You guys said she was acting odd..."

Perhaps still coasting on her earlier annoyance, Bullet shook her head vehemently. "Bullshit. Max wasn't like that... she wouldn't go and kill herself, all right? So don't fucking say it again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Jack Frost
@Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @Atomyk @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Jack Frost nodded at what Lemon said.

"Well... Who else could have written that note?" He asked.

Well, he wasn't sure if he'd get an immediate answer to his question, but he seemed glad that Tarlotte was back, even if it probably meant more trouble; with all these deaths, Tarlotte's troublesome, yet somehow loveable nature seemed to put him at ease, even if it was just for the moment. Noticing she was stuck trying to finish her sentence, he decided to give her juuust a little help.

"Come uppance?" He whispered, just loud enough for Tarlotte to catch, hopefully.

Clearing his throat, he quickly turned back to the case... The detail that Bullet had pulled the fire alarm well... No pun intended, was a bit alarming for him; though he could understand why Bullet did what she did, the prospect of Max commiting suicide though... Jack Frost frowned...

"If she did... Then... What was that mark on the back of her neck for? And... More importantly, why was there no struggle at all?" Jack said.

It was apparant that he was very adamant that this had all been some elaborate murder, but while he was uncertain about Bullet's complete involvement in this case, at least the detail revealed about the fire alarm lined up with what Meira said, about seeing Bullet walking by when the fire alarm rang as she was going to the bathroom. Though as far as he knew, he wasn't going to make much more headway, not on his own at the moment.

"You can't say what Max was going to tell you about Mark. None of us will ever know."

"I mean... I at least know Max liked Mark, from what I recall..."

Jude shook his head. "That is, unless this Max and her situation was different than the one you know, Victoria."

Bullet threw hands up, exasperated.

"Okay, look, if I was going to go out and plan a kill, why the hell would I tell anyone to meet up with me at the dorms? If I had my rope and my drugs and my whatever-the-fuck, why would I not be carrying gloves with me to protect against the ink? You know why, because it was on a whim. I just needed into Rachel's room." She cooled off a little and looked to Zinnia. "No... I didn't tell a soul. I did... I did get something from her room." The girl seemed reluctant, but eventually she reached into her pants pocket and pulled out a friendship bracelet. "I made her a few of these... they looked similar, so I... I just thought someone could match them maybe. I have a photo too, with a ring she always wore."

Bullet held up the photo.


Jude stared at it for a moment. "I see. Well. What... and I'm sorry, but what if Maxine really did commit suicide? I mean..."

"You guys said she was acting odd..."

Perhaps still coasting on her earlier annoyance, Bullet shook her head vehemently. "Bullshit. Max wasn't like that... she wouldn't go and kill herself, all right? So don't fucking say it again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial

Along with Bullet, Jack shook his head, "It seems unlikely... She had business to take care of, business that involved informing us more on the subject of Jefferson. One wishing to commit such an act usually arranges things before hand so that such things are taken care of before their death or will be after it."

"The fact that she died just as she was to meet us on the roof to tell us... I'm certain that it is too unlikely to be by chance."
"So, and explain so that the super sexy and great wrestling promoter also understands...who do we think did this, because I'm pretty damn sure Max did not off herself." Poison asked the gathered group. "Who had the most to gain by killing Max?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Jeremi @The Tactician @ClassTrial@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Takumi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Hospes @ShiroKiyoshi @Gummi Bunnies @Kaykay @york @Yun Lee @Chewy Rabbits @Crow @DBZ7 @Verite @Atomyk @The Tactician @ClassTrial
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