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Jade realized they didn't vote she then looked at Uncle a bit at a wonder what they needed to do.

(sorry crapy post but best I can do before bed)
Dean made himself a Sandwich in the kitchen.


@Anyone @no one @shitpost


"Eggs... tomatos... oh, and this thing that Djeeta gave me just now!"

It was the goddamn Burrito from Chapter 2.

Gran was making a sandwich.

"Hey guys, wanna take this?" Gran offers to share the burrito as an ingredient.

@The Silver Paladin


"I guess this'll drown my sorrows a little..." Djeeta raids the fridge, and surprise surprise, it wasn't alcohol. It was a box of a certain pastry variety. "Oh my~."

Djeeta then exclaims with a little regained glee, "Oh my, I never knew that they had Donuts in this box that explicitly says 'Dunkin Donuts'! Hint hint! Plain sugar is the best flavour for magicians like me, but I guess trying this whole box of different flavours isn't a bad idea!"

@Ringmaster @Verite @T.O.M. @Kaykay @kitchen

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So everyone else was off doing God knows what and what were Lon'qu and inigo up to...


Absolutely nothing of course...

Inigo wandered off into the kitchen to see what's going on while Lon'qu sort of just stood there lost in thought.

Roman helped himself to three doughnuts, some coffee and proceeded to march to the living room as it was crowded in the kitchen now.

Where he promptly took the remote and switched channels to whatever passed for the local news network.

@Hospes @Crow @Yun Lee
"I'm hungry and I don't think any of us have eaten yet."

Roman said bluntly, moving to pick up the drunken, hot Latino over his shoulder as he added.

"Besides, a little calm and maybe we can pool our resources and knowledge too. Now then."

And with a grunt of effort, he moved up the stairs, sidled past those on it and out of the cellar. First to find a handy couch to place the woman to rest her drinks off.

And then to raid the fridge.

@Hospes @Takumi @Everybody​
Jack only smacked aside the chop as he remained determined to protect Mabel from the unjustified attack.​

"You are missing a journal as well?" Jack cocked a brow and hummed for a moment, taking in the information. If both groups were now without their books, there seemed to be some sort of connection, "Perhaps we could help each other in rediscovering our lost things. However, first, do you have a place where I can place Mabel and allow her to rest?"
"She'll get up....eventually." Hatchin replied. Sighing as she stood and brushed herself off.

"I don't know if we're talking about the same Mabel here. But this one is so sweet you'll get cavities...possibly." Hatchin spoke up.

Hatchin noticed when Roman looked to her and frowned before addressing him.

"I may be nine but honestly if you heard some of the things that come out of Michiko's mouth I doubt half of the things you guys would come up with wouldn't phase me..." it was most likely true. Michiko said some rather vulgar things a lot usually.

Hatchin rose a brow at this.

"You're missing a journal?" she asked as Coco mewled happily.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @everyone


"Missing journals? ... I guess it's safe to say that the missing journals are with one single culprit..."

Well, that sounded like a good enough conclusion for Hideo to come up with, so there's that.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​

It appeared poor Gideon was left at a total loss for words as so many members of the group simply brushed by him, going and acting as though they owned the shack. "H-hey, w-wait! I need y'all t' help me find the journal!" he cried, frantically. Just who did this lot think they were, barging in and settling down like this? Oh, Grunkle Bud was going to kill him! "I-I-- Ah!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​

It appeared poor Gideon was left at a total loss for words as so many members of the group simply brushed by him, going and acting as though they owned the shack. "H-hey, w-wait! I need y'all t' help me find the journal!" he cried, frantically. Just who did this lot think they were, barging in and settling down like this? Oh, Grunkle Bud was going to kill him! "I-I-- Ah!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​

Roman flicked his gaze towards him as he spoke deadpan.

"Chill. Have a doughnut. Soon as the sugar kicks in, I want you to tell me just what exactly, goes on in this town."

Sipping his coffee, he added.

"And then tell me all about Mabel around here."

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Midnight Maiden

It appeared poor Gideon was left at a total loss for words as so many members of the group simply brushed by him, going and acting as though they owned the shack. "H-hey, w-wait! I need y'all t' help me find the journal!" he cried, frantically. Just who did this lot think they were, barging in and settling down like this? Oh, Grunkle Bud was going to kill him! "I-I-- Ah!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​
Jack sighed as the boy ignored his question before grunting, "Once I find a place to set Mabel down to rest, I will be able to help, young man. Please, just point me to the place where I can do so."


"Eggs... tomatos... oh, and this thing that Djeeta gave me just now!"

It was the goddamn Burrito from Chapter 2.

Gran was making a sandwich.

"Hey guys, wanna take this?" Gran offers to share the burrito as an ingredient.

@The Silver Paladin


"I guess this'll drown my sorrows a little..." Djeeta raids the fridge, and surprise surprise, it wasn't alcohol. It was a box of a certain pastry variety. "Oh my~."

Djeeta then exclaims with a little regained glee, "Oh my, I never knew that they had Donuts in this box that explicitly says 'Dunkin Donuts'! Hint hint! Plain sugar is the best flavour for magicians like me, but I guess trying this whole box of different flavours isn't a bad idea!"

@Ringmaster @Verite @T.O.M. @Kaykay @kitchen​


Ah, damn. So it turned out that they were wrong to vote out the samurai. On top of that, it was revealed that he was even one of the investigators, along with the other girl that died. Welp, this was taking a turn for the worse. Still, there was no use in being pessimistic about the situation, so Koyomi just shrugged and... went into the kitchen with Shinobu.

Evidently, it seemed that they were... someplace different now, as evidenced by the children dressed up as Dipper and Mabel, but... alas, they were not Dipper and Mabel. As far as he could understand. Alternate, parallel versions maybe?


Koyomi briefly wondered if there was a parallel version of him that turned out to be a foxy lady that he could grope. What would happen if he groped himself? Or herself in this case? Would she like it? Would she try to grope him back? And then promptly get eviscerated by a male Senjougahara? Heh. Thinking deeply about this multiverse system did wonders to the mood.

It did well to distract everyone from the fact that he basically botched the vote. Or at least played a part in it.


It's horrible.


Meanwhile, perhaps as expected by the cunning Djeeta, the exclamation about donuts would quickly garner Shinobu's attention. After all, if there was something a vampire couldn't resist, it was a soft, doughy, and utterly delectable donut with a delicate texture that was just waiting to have eager teeth sink into it and take a bite out of it!~

Because blood was overrated these days.

Without even consulting Koyomi, the little girl would make her way over to Djeeta's position, waddling over like the cute little girl she was. Eagerly looking at the box of donuts, it took a considerable amount of willpower to not drool right there on the spot.




Even when they were several dimensions away from home, Shinobu knew that one thing would always remain constant; donuts would always be the only treat for her! Be it sprinkled donuts, chocolate donuts, donuts with nuts in them, the works, nothing would ever beat the delicious ring-shaped pastries!

"I-I must have some, for I am famished!" She exclaimed, looking up at Djeeta and blinking briefly, before remembering that she still had to maintain the act that she was little more than an ordinary little girl from... Romania.

How uncivilized. Both the act and the country itself. Still, she had to resign to her fate, as if it were discovered that she were more than an ordinary little girl, Master's ordinary life might become just a bit complicated. Still, degrading as this act was, Shinobu couldn't deny the rumbling sound in her tummy, so with a more puppy-dog look in her eyes, forced as it might be, she looked up at Djeeta.

"P-Please... Feed me!"

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M.

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Roman helped himself to three doughnuts, some coffee and proceeded to march to the living room as it was crowded in the kitchen now.

Where he promptly took the remote and switched channels to whatever passed for the local news network.

@Hospes @Crow @Yun Lee
Aran glared at the dandy, who had just changed the channel right when two cheerleaders were going to fight over their mutual boyfriend (who neither knew they were sharing, it was all very interesting). "Hey! I was watching that, ya pansy!" Aran grabbed the remote, not even caring that the news would probably contain plot-relevant information. He wanted to see a girl lose her extensions, dammit!

@Ringmaster @Hospes

Roman flicked his gaze towards him as he spoke deadpan.

"Chill. Have a doughnut. Soon as the sugar kicks in, I want you to tell me just what exactly, goes on in this town."

Sipping his coffee, he added.

"And then tell me all about Mabel around here."

Jack sighed as the boy ignored his question before grunting, "Once I find a place to set Mabel down to rest, I will be able to help, young man. Please, just point me to the place where I can do so."

"Wha--" How on Earth was he supposed to respond to that? Apparently the couch was occupied, his Grunkle would surely kill him if he knew that Mabel had been in the house, period, let alone his bed, and that left him with only...

A heavy sigh passed the boy's lips, and he let his shoulders sag in defeat. "...I guess y' can put her in my bed up in the attic," he stated, reluctantly. This seemed to snap the Pacifica girl out of her daze, and she seemed absolutely repulsed. "Ew, what? Dude, you're gonna get, like, Gleeful cooties! Gross!!!" she exclaimed. "Besides, I agree with weird hat guy - have some sugar! Haha, sugar makes everything better!"


And thus Pacifica shoved a doughnut in the poor boy's facehole, leading to him starting to choke on said doughnut and go into a fit of coughs.

@The Tactician @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan
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"Wha--" How on Earth was he supposed to respond to that? Apparently the couch was occupied, his Grunkle would surely kill him if he knew that Mabel had been in the house, period, let alone his bed, and that left him with only...

A heavy sigh passed the boy's lips, and he let his shoulders sag in defeat. "...I guess y' can put her in my bed up in the attic," he stated, reluctantly. This seemed to snap the Pacifica girl out of her daze, and she seemed absolutely repulsed. "Ew, what? Dude, you're gonna get, like, Gleeful cooties! Gross!!!" she exclaimed. "Besides, I agree with weird hat guy - have some sugar! Haha, sugar makes everything better!"


And thus Pacifica shoved a doughnut in the poor boy's facehole, leading to him starting to choke on said doughnut and go into a fit of coughs.

@The Tactician @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan
"Right then, thank you, young man," Jack bowed in a polite display of thanks for the boy's admission. However, before he could march up the stairs to the attic, Pacifica had begun shoving some sort of bread into the boy's mouth, causing him to begin choking and coughing. The samurai couldn't leave his host to suffer like that, and so as he passed by, he delivered a firm smack to the boy's back. Hopefully, it would be enough to dislodge the dough long enough to allow Jack to tuck Mabel away.​

Roman flicked his gaze towards him as he spoke deadpan.

"Chill. Have a doughnut. Soon as the sugar kicks in, I want you to tell me just what exactly, goes on in this town."

Sipping his coffee, he added.

"And then tell me all about Mabel around here."

Aran glared at the dandy, who had just changed the channel right when two cheerleaders were going to fight over their mutual boyfriend (who neither knew they were sharing, it was all very interesting). "Hey! I was watching that, ya pansy!" Aran grabbed the remote, not even caring that the news would probably contain plot-relevant information. He wanted to see a girl lose her extensions, dammit!

@Ringmaster @Hospes
"Wha--" How on Earth was he supposed to respond to that? Apparently the couch was occupied, his Grunkle would surely kill him if he knew that Mabel had been in the house, period, let alone his bed, and that left him with only...

A heavy sigh passed the boy's lips, and he let his shoulders sag in defeat. "...I guess y' can put her in my bed up in the attic," he stated, reluctantly. This seemed to snap the Pacifica girl out of her daze, and she seemed absolutely repulsed. "Ew, what? Dude, you're gonna get, like, Gleeful cooties! Gross!!!" she exclaimed. "Besides, I agree with weird hat guy - have some sugar! Haha, sugar makes everything better!"


And thus Pacifica shoved a doughnut in the poor boy's facehole, leading to him starting to choke on said doughnut and go into a fit of coughs.

@The Tactician @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan
Guessing that the cat videos were over with, it seemed that Wiruko noticed one thing...



Somehow, Wiruko would cling onto the TV, biting into the screen as if she were trying to suck out the data from it. Well, knowing that she had a physical body for this, she wouldn't be getting any data from the TV this way. Since Wiruko was freaking out again, where was Hideo during all of this?


"... I wouldn't mind hanging myself right about now."

Guess Hideo's snapped by the looks of it. You couldn't really blame him, this whole experience wasn't something that he could take on and tolerate for a good whole while.

@Hospes @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @everybody​
Chapter Three: A Whole New World

While the others had been deciding who to vote for, Mabel simply watched with curiosity, doing her best to block out the mentions of the crude way the boy was murdered. She was so desperate to avoid it, in fact, that she ended up moving around to place some spare scratch-and-sniff stickers around the hospital before finally returning. Much to her luck, it seemed that the decision of who would be checked had finally been made.

"Soooo you got someone picked out, right?" the child inquired, tilting her head. Not really giving anyone the chance to answer, she continued. "Sweet! Let's go!" And, without another word, Mabel turned heel and began to lead the group back towards the shack. She just hoped that Dipper was back and alright by the time they got there...

Not exactly the case, but at least they'd be figuring out if the group had guessed correctly on the murderer, right?

Upon arriving, Mabel didn't exactly waste any time. Considering her Grunkle Stan didn't seem to be in company of the alleged 'Friendship Sceptre' lying on the desk Wendy was sat at, the young brunette didn't really hesitate. "Heya, Wendy! Can you hand me that little gold pony stick thingy?"


"Sure, dude. Just, make sure you use it responsibly and all that," the redhead remarked, picking up the sceptre and handing it to the girl before bursting out laughing. "Haha, nah, man - just kidding. Do whatever the heck you want."

"Thanks, Wendy!" the child replied, cheerfully moving right up to Jack with a bright smile. "Kneel!" she exclaimed to Jack, considering she was too short to reach up terribly high. After he complied, Mabel stood as tall as she could, her eyes closed and her chin held high. "I knight thee..." she started, mockingly mimicking a knighting ceremony and bringing the sceptre down on his shoulders... Just a little too hard. She didn't really seem to notice how strong she was. But hey - the Friendship Sceptre was glowing blue! "...Sir Jack of the..."



"Haha, whatever - blue's good, right? That means you're not a super psycho cray-cray killer!"

Looking rather pleased with this fact (likely not understanding that this meant they all still weren't safe), the young Pines girl glanced over the group before seeming to make up her mind on something. As she stood there, the sceptre in her hand began to glow an even brighter blue than usual. It shone so brilliantly, that Mabel had to gasp. "Woah... does that mean you're, like, one of those investigator peoples the umbrella guy was talking about? Neato." Mabel shrugged, not really getting it. "Anyways, c'mon - maybe Grunkle Ford's figured out how to get you guys back to your weird alien places!"

...And found Dipper.

With that being said, the girl raced down to the lab with the group in tow, glad to see both Mom and Ford were around. Yet, at the same time, her heart sank when she realized she didn't see Dipper. "...Hey, Grunkle Ford! We found the crystals to get the mini bro-bros back to their normal size, and..." A pause. "...Have you, like, figured out some sort of crazy teleporty thingy yet?"

Ford didn't respond at first, his head buried in the story book Mabel had given him. It was only after Lalonde had cleared her throat that he looked up and gave his Great Niece a big smile. "Just in time, Mabel! I have managed to figure out how to isolate young Dipper from this book! However..." Ford picked up the tome and turned it around so that Mabel and the others could see pictures of some of the other characters in the story. "He's not the only one trapped in there. Unfortunately, it will take a great amount of power just to remove Dipper, so I think I could only free one more after him for the time being. Who will that be? Well, there seems to be someone who had died during the story. That means he won't be anchored and it should be easier to get him out than the others!"

"Yes! Thank you thank you thank you, Grunkle Ford!"

Mabel didn't really get the majority of what her Grunkle was saying, but she was visibly excited about the part where Dipper was going to be freed. Her eyes lit up with joy and relief, and she clapped her hands excitedly while she waited eagerly for Ford to place the book on a contraption it looked like he and Lalonde had just built in the portal room. "Now," he said, one hand to his chin. "We should only have to flip this switch, and..."

A great white light burst forth from the book. A wind picked up as the pages of the tome began to flip through rapidly. From the white light came a faint whisper, though no one in the room could discern what it was saying. This continued for what felt like far too long until two glowing bodies were spit out from the book. Once they hit the ground, the glow around them would fade and the group would find the prime Dipper laying on the ground. Beside him was Michaelangelo Scarlatti, otherwise known as Spike.

Once the whispering ended and the wind died down, Ford pressed a button and the light from the book faded. Dipper raised his head from the ground and muttered, "Hey, uh... What's going on...?"


"... Mabel?"

"Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed, wasting no time in tackling the newly-emerged Dipper in what might've been the most affectionate embrace in history. She was so happy and relieved that she felt she could cry. Instead? She settled for snuggling and hugging him tighter than she probably should've.

"Wonderful!" cried Ford. "It's a complete success. Hopefully their molecular structure is still intact!" Ford moved to help Dipper, whom Mabel was still clinging to, up to his feet. Once that was done, he turned back to the group. "Now then, as for the rest--"

But Ford froze when he saw what was happening in the middle of the group. Pearl, defying all logic, had thrust her staff right through poor LeShawna.


"That was... exhilarating! I've never had this much fun before!"

Her voice sounded strange, and the look on Pearl's face was somehow more manic than usual. As others moved to stop her, Pearl's body shifted into a form of pure flame, eliciting a pained reaction from Ford.

"Someone stop that thing!"

The fire floated up into the air, only for it to turn then into Inigo and fall down to thrust the staff into Clarence as well. From there, Inigo's eyes went wide as he searched the room, his eyes eventually landing on one of three numbered books... "Finally!" he yelled, leaping toward the books and turning into an ugly and massive creature.


It grabbed the Journals and started flipping through #3, the one that the Gravity Falls residents knew contained the likeness of one Bill Cipher. In a panic, Ford ran to the controls for the portal. "It can't be allowed to read that book!" The man saw no other option before him and touched at the controls to activate the portal. Lalonde ran to stop him.

"Ford! I don't that's a good idea--!"


The journals in the creature's hands flew from him and into the portal. The creature stumbled after them, only to be pulled in himself. A wind picked up as the portal then refused to close, beginning to pull everyone inside. Dipper was first to be pulled in alongside his sister, followed by Lalonde and Ford.

It was an odd sensation, being sucked through. It almost felt like the molecules of the group, themselves, were coming apart and then being pieced back together. Not that the group would really feel it - it was likely hard to stay conscious through the experience.

When everyone came to, they'd find themselves in a rather dusty and old basement. There was no furnishing, and all kinds of junk was strewn about without a care. What was odd was that the majority of the objects about seemed awfully... strange. Much like the wares of the mystery shack, in fact. From the looks of things, they were the only ones down there, at the moment - and there seemed to be no trace of the shape shifter around. Mabel laid on the floor, unconscious, a box of random objects having toppled onto her. Meanwhile, sounds could be heard coming from the upstairs area of wherever the hell they were. One just had to hope whatever was making it wasn't hostile.


@C.T. as GwenPool [Marvel Comics]
@DapperDogman as Sans [Undertale AU] and Ryner Lute [Legend of the Legendary Heroes]
@T.O.M. as Ougi Oshino and Kanbaru Suruga [Monogatari]
@Crow as Gran and Djeeta [Granblue Fantasy]
@Verite as Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino [Monogatari]
@Kaykay as Karen Araragi [Monogatari]
@Mighty Roman as Thor Odinson [Marvel]
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as Alex Mercer [Prototype]
@Jeremi as Jennifer Walters aka She-Hulk [Marvel Comics]
@Atomyk as Pearl [Steven Universe]
@Gummi Bunnies as Hideo Kawamura and Will.CO21 "Wiruko" [Sentou Jousai Masurawo]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Lorekeeper Zinnia and Aster the Whismur [Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire]
@Melon as Hanzō Urushihara AKA Lucifer [Hataraku Maou-sama!]
@Crimson Spartan as Lon'qu [Fire Emblem Awakening/Murder Games] and Inigo [Fire Emblem Awakening]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Ciri [The Witcher]
@Krieg as Lena "Tracer" Oxton [Overwatch]
@LuckycoolHawk9 as Lincoln Campbell [Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D] and Thomas "Tommy" Merlyn [Arrow]
@Lissamel as RGB [The Property of Hate]
@The Silver Paladin as Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester [Supernatural]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Duke Togo [Golgo 13] and Michaelangelo "Spike" Scarlatti [Flashpoint]
@Ringmaster as Roman Torchwick [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as Da'losen Lyison and Kepti [Original Characters]
@Cromartie Sarkissian as James 'Bucky' Barnes [MCU]
@Gwazi Magnum as Gilgamesh [Fate Series]
@Raven as Uncle Chan and Jade Chan [Jackie Chan Adventures]
@Takumi as Michiko Malandro and Hana "Hatchin" Morenos [Michiko and Hatchin]
@Josh M as Enzo Amore and Colin "Big Cass" Cassady [WWE Kafabe]
@Nater Taters as Kirby [Kirby Franchise]
@Gossamer as Cloud and Light [Original Characters]
@BarrenThin as Artorias [Dark Souls]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Grim and Mandy [The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy]
@york as Max Caulfield [Life is Strange] MURDERED! INNOCENT! DROWNED
@Yun Lee as Aran Ryan [Punch-Out!!!] INVESTIGATED! INNOCENT!
@The Tactician as Samurai Jack [Samurai Jack] INVESTIGATED! INNOCENT!
@Yang Lee as LeShawna [Total Drama] KILLED! INNOCENT! IMPALED
@IntrusivePenDesperateSword as Clarence Irawn [Fallen London] KILLED! INNOCENT! IMPALED
"Alright, y' ready, Pacifica?" An almost nervous-sounding boyish voice could be heard from the other side of the door. "Pfft, I'm always ready!" came another voice, this one sounding louder and holding much more pep to it. "Alright, on th' count a' three, then. One... Two.... Thre--"

And then the door swung open with an audible thud from the opposite side of the door, followed by a louder thud. "Ahhh! My nose!" cried the same male voice from before - the owner of which now sprawled on the floor on his back, hands covering his nose in agony. Immediately, a young girl that had been at his side placed her hands over her mouth with wide eyes, scrambling to the boy's side with a 'Gideon!'. Well, at least introductions on their half were no longer needed, right? Well, that was probably of the least importance, at the moment. To the young boy on the floor(dressed almost identically to Dipper), anyways.


"...J-just who're y'all, anyways? What're y' doin' here? S-stay back!"

@C.T. @The Tactician @Ringmaster @The Silver Paladin @Jeremi @Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Takumi @Yun Lee @Everyone​
Before the boy could manage a response, the young girl at his side practically popped up right between him and the group, an aloof smile on her face.


"Heya! I'm Pacifica. This is my lame nerd cousin, Gideon," she introduced cheerfully, gesturing to the boy behind her. His face seemed to heat up in response, his cheeks puffing out slightly in resent. "Yeah... Right. Ya sure are real smart, Gideon! Thanks for savin' me countless times! ...My pleasure, Pacifica," he muttered to himself using a higher tone to imitate his counterpart before shaking his head, still clutching his offended nose.

"Anyways, y'all didn't exactly say what yer here f--..."

The boy didn't get to finish, because a frown had crossed her face and she didn't hesitate to interrupt. "...Is that Mabel?" she asked, staring at the unconscious girl Jack was carrying. "Ugh, when did she start dressing so well? And more importantly, what did you bring her here for? She's kinda, y'know, a huge jerk?" This only earned a small sigh from poor Gideon.

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​

"Wha- Hey! I'm not a jerk! I'm a good person!" the blonde protested, looking genuinely hurt by the statement. There was a pause, and she cast her gaze to the boy on the floor. "...Right, Gideon? I-I'm... A good person?" she inquired, voice a little quieter and more uncertain than before. The boy frowned, forcing himself to climb to his feet and place his free hand on the blonde's shoulder. "'Course yer a good person, Paz. Don't listen t' these folks - we don't even know what they're here for," he offered, flashing the girl a small smile. In return, the girl mustered a weak smile in return, looking reassured. "..Haha, thanks, 'Cuz."

With a little more certainty, Pacifica slowly looked to Hideo, her smile ebbing away. Now, it was replaced with a frown as she reminisced certain events. "She tried to kill me! I mean, who even does that? How could she not be a huge jerk with having done something like that???"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​
"That's Mabel," Pacifica replied, jabbing a finger in the direction of the child Jack held in his arms. "...Although, she looks a little young to be Mabel..." she observed, slowly narrowing her eyes at the unconscious figure. Whatever thought she was in was interrupted by Roman. "...Not the Mabel we know? What're you talking about, weird hat guy? Are you sayin' they're, like, triplets?" she asked, raising a brow before horror flooded her face. "Oh God, triplets! Just that jerky Dipper and Mabel are bad enough..." she droned on, hands now pressed against her cheeks in panic.

"...Actually, that makes sense," Gideon spoke, seemingly ignoring his cousin's horror with Roman's suggestion. "Yer suggestin' yer from some sorta other dimension, huh? Here, lemme see if the journal has anythin' t' offer on this..." he went on, reaching into his vest. Then, his eyes widened, and he began to pat himself down urgently, growing more and more frantic. "...The journal! I just had it!" he exclaimed, now seeming to join his sister in panic. "Oh goodness oh goodness oh goodness.... What'm I gonna do?"


"...Food? How can ya be thinkin' about food at a time like this??"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone

It appeared poor Gideon was left at a total loss for words as so many members of the group simply brushed by him, going and acting as though they owned the shack. "H-hey, w-wait! I need y'all t' help me find the journal!" he cried, frantically. Just who did this lot think they were, barging in and settling down like this? Oh, Grunkle Bud was going to kill him! "I-I-- Ah!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Everyone​

As once previously mentioned, today was not a good day to be RGB.

He'd remained mostly quiet during the voting phase--He didn't know any of these people, and therefor figured he was in no position to be throwing around names like a hot hash. He didn't know who could fight with only a scalpel and could cut with the accuracy of a master surgeon. And with all the loose ends this story was generating for the walking television--First the gnome, then the cyrogenic holding chambers, and now even every single murder--Really, getting home had gone back to being the first priority. So, he figured, everyone was free to just suppose his name was Mister Cellophane. Look right through him. Walk right by him. Don't even know he's there.

That probably would have worked great...If not for that portal thing.

That portal thing that all but yanked him in.

In the basement the monster had landed on his back again, clumsily. While everyone was collecting their bearings and chatting and...Apparently going around like they owned the bloody place, RGB had to take a moment to just sit up and hold his head and let all of his color settings readjust. He made a silent pact with himself not to ever complain about how things were back home. The monster snatched his cane and hat up from the ground, pulled himself into some semblance of composure, and then stomped up the stairs with a slight sound of static buzzing just behind his head.

"Oh yes, please, this is exactly what I wanted..." He grumbled to himself, breaching the surface to where everyone else had gone off to.


"I don't suppose anybody has an answer about where in the blazes that whirlpool even made us end up--Much less why? And, if I may be such to add a subsequent third question, how we're supposed to go on back in order to solve any previous ordeals of ours?"

Perhaps his plan to be Mister Cellophane had worked too well. This place appeared to be a simple little house, a kitchen to be precise, one with a white-haired boy and a blonde-haired girl and some familiar faces here and there. Nobody he'd grown acquainted to, pity. There was a slight pang in his chest when he remembered the unfortunate situation with Clarence. Yet, in his confusion and slight irritation and more than slight impatience with the company, he didn't have the time to mourn.

Nor did he have the time to berate himself for doing that thing he said he wouldn't do: Get attached.

Guessing that the cat videos were over with, it seemed that Wiruko noticed one thing...



Somehow, Wiruko would cling onto the TV, biting into the screen as if she were trying to suck out the data from it. Well, knowing that she had a physical body for this, she wouldn't be getting any data from the TV this way. Since Wiruko was freaking out again, where was Hideo during all of this?


"... I wouldn't mind hanging myself right about now."

Guess Hideo's snapped by the looks of it. You couldn't really blame him, this whole experience wasn't something that he could take on and tolerate for a good whole while.

@Hospes @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @everybody​
"Now what?!" Aran grumbled as the other psycho ginger in the group started biting the damned television. Naturally, he blamed Hideo again. "Move along, carrot top! I'm trying to see why these girls are acking so cray-cray!" He started throwing cutesy pillows at her to get her away from his stories.

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster
Aran glared at the dandy, who had just changed the channel right when two cheerleaders were going to fight over their mutual boyfriend (who neither knew they were sharing, it was all very interesting). "Hey! I was watching that, ya pansy!" Aran grabbed the remote, not even caring that the news would probably contain plot-relevant information. He wanted to see a girl lose her extensions, dammit!

@Ringmaster @Hospes
"Your taste in network tv is an example to us all." : |

Roman said flatly.
"Wha--" How on Earth was he supposed to respond to that? Apparently the couch was occupied, his Grunkle would surely kill him if he knew that Mabel had been in the house, period, let alone his bed, and that left him with only...

A heavy sigh passed the boy's lips, and he let his shoulders sag in defeat. "...I guess y' can put her in my bed up in the attic," he stated, reluctantly. This seemed to snap the Pacifica girl out of her daze, and she seemed absolutely repulsed. "Ew, what? Dude, you're gonna get, like, Gleeful cooties! Gross!!!" she exclaimed. "Besides, I agree with weird hat guy - have some sugar! Haha, sugar makes everything better!"


And thus Pacifica shoved a doughnut in the poor boy's facehole, leading to him starting to choke on said doughnut and go into a fit of coughs.

@The Tactician @Ringmaster @Crimson Spartan
"Right then, thank you, young man," Jack bowed in a polite display of thanks for the boy's admission. However, before he could march up the stairs to the attic, Pacifica had begun shoving some sort of bread into the boy's mouth, causing him to begin choking and coughing. The samurai couldn't leave his host to suffer like that, and so as he passed by, he delivered a firm smack to the boy's back. Hopefully, it would be enough to dislodge the dough long enough to allow Jack to tuck Mabel away.​
Roman waited patiently for the coughing to subside, even as he tried to ignore the hair pulling on screen and the girl with her mouth all over the screen.

God, he hated this place.

@Hospes @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies
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"Now what?!" Aran grumbled as the other psycho ginger in the group started biting the damned television. Naturally, he blamed Hideo again. "Move along, carrot top! I'm trying to see why these girls are acking so cray-cray!" He started throwing cutesy pillows at her to get her away from his stories.

@Hospes @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster
"Your taste in network tv is an example to us all." : |

Roman said flatly.

Roman waited patiently for the coughing to subside, even as he tried to ignore the hair pulling on screen and the girl with her mouth all over the screen.

God, he hated this place.

@Hospes @Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies


Wiruko really was trying to get the data from the TV, so of course, she refused to get away from the TV.

As Wiruko was doing that, Hideo still walked around with that blanket he managed to find here, stumbling over to the fridge and then finding something that he probably needed a loooong time ago.


"... oh hey, there's some beer here. I needed this."

It was time for Hideo to drink away in order to numb out this entire experience right about now.

@Hospes @Yun Lee @Ringmaster @everybody​
Despite the channel changes that had occurred, it looked like there was something none of them planned on coming up on the screen.

"We interrupt this program to bring you..."

There was a dramatic pause, before a commercial came into play. At first, everything was dark, with two silhouettes- a young man and a girl -slowly becoming visible due to a slight blue-green light beginning to outline them. Briefly, however, the screen flickered - a single eye in the center of a triangle appearing for less than a second before changing images. Instead of the prior darkness, different clips of a pair of twins played, some including them performing various sorts of 'tricks'.

"...So come on down to the Tent of Telepathy today! You won't regret it."

...Odd, those last words seemed to distort slightly, sounding deeper and a tad more frightening.

Luckily for Aran, though, it now reverted to Why You Ackin' So Cray Cray yet again. :|

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster
[BCOLOR=transparent]The woods chirped and buzzed quietly in the small clearing. Elsewhere in Gravity falls intrigue and murder were afoot, but here the peace and tranquility of nature reigned. Save for one grumpy catsune at least.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It glowered at the birds in the tree next to its perch, ears twitching as it debated terrifying the poor avians. Why did they get to be so happy when she was so… not? Why were they happy anyways, it didn't look like [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]they[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] got chosen to help the people investigate this place either. They were just sitting there, stuck doing nothin and being birds. Just like she was. Well, minus the bird thing anyways. She huffed and rolled so her back was flopped across the branch and she was staring at the world upside down. Stupid heroes not picking her. But without a partner she couldn't help, and it wasn't like a partner was just going to appear out of thin air-[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]The catsune screeched and suddenly flailed, falling out of the tree and only barely landing on its feet in its surprise. It dashed behind the trunk just as the growing green light that had been building in the clearing suddenly bloomed in full, and the trees were enveloped in its light.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Ciri felt the familiar tug and pull of another world, but this trip had been far from normal compared to her usual passage through the worlds. Tossed by someone else' spell instead of hopping through herself, she'd been tumbling through the void for what seemed like ages till she finally sensed a world to snag onto. She tumbled through the hole in reality and found herself… on grass. Surrounded by trees. She tried to catch her breath as she whirled around to get her bearings. "Avelloch? Did you come through with me?! AVELLOCH?" [/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]...Was she even still home, on her own world? Nothing here seemed alien, at least obviously, and the birds she recognized… and….[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She frowned and narrowed her eyes at a tree. It had just been a moment, but her keen eyes had caught a flicker of movement behind it, a flash of eyes watching her. She started for it, hand slowly reaching for the hilt of her sword as she started to circle the tree[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"...Hello? I know that probably looked very… strange, but I promise I'm not here to hurt you. I'm not even sure where here [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]is[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. Could you help… me?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ciri stared at the legs that were where she was positive the eyes had been before. Well dressed, black shoes. And up aaaaaaaannnnd…[/BCOLOR]





[BCOLOR=transparent]"...I said boo-"[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]-A few minutes later-[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ciri sat a few feet away from the Catsune, cleaning the tree sap off her sword after it'd be stabbed through a tree in an attempt to kill the 'monster'. The catsune looked apologetic as it pawed the ground.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"So, you're telling me that until we help these people, my powers won't work."[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"And someone's trying to kill us at the same time."[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"And this isn't also joke?"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The catsune shivered "I'm a little too attached to my head to try that again so soon."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Ciri huffed. "Wonderful. You know, one of these days I'll end up on a world that's [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]nice[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. Without the wildhunt trying to kill me at the same time at least."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"The what?" Asked the catsune with its head cocked to the side.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"They're… you know what, don't worry about it. Lets just go."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And so the pair set off to find the others and get this quest underway as Schnee finally got their butt in gear[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Ten minutes later was when they found themselves with the others, Ciri... skeptical to say the least as she looked around at the eclectic group as the talked about whatever they were discussing.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]@Hospes @Atomyk @Jeremi @everyone @I'm just fashionably late[/BCOLOR]​
Despite the channel changes that had occurred, it looked like there was something none of them planned on coming up on the screen.

"We interrupt this program to bring you..."

There was a dramatic pause, before a commercial came into play. At first, everything was dark, with two silhouettes- a young man and a girl -slowly becoming visible due to a slight blue-green light beginning to outline them. Briefly, however, the screen flickered - a single eye in the center of a triangle appearing for less than a second before changing images. Instead of the prior darkness, different clips of a pair of twins played, some including them performing various sorts of 'tricks'.

"...So come on down to the Tent of Telepathy today! You won't regret it."

...Odd, those last words seemed to distort slightly, sounding deeper and a tad more frightening.

Luckily for Aran, though, it now reverted to Why You Ackin' So Cray Cray yet again. :|

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster
Aran stared at the screen, blinking ashe tried to make sense of what exactly that commercial was. "Eh...probably not important!" He reverted his attention back to what WAS important though, aka a girl who had seduced her brother-in-law with free french fries. Now THAT was cray-cray!

@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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Despite the channel changes that had occurred, it looked like there was something none of them planned on coming up on the screen.

"We interrupt this program to bring you..."

There was a dramatic pause, before a commercial came into play. At first, everything was dark, with two silhouettes- a young man and a girl -slowly becoming visible due to a slight blue-green light beginning to outline them. Briefly, however, the screen flickered - a single eye in the center of a triangle appearing for less than a second before changing images. Instead of the prior darkness, different clips of a pair of twins played, some including them performing various sorts of 'tricks'.

"...So come on down to the Tent of Telepathy today! You won't regret it."

...Odd, those last words seemed to distort slightly, sounding deeper and a tad more frightening.

Luckily for Aran, though, it now reverted to Why You Ackin' So Cray Cray yet again. :|

@Yun Lee @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster

Aran stared at the screen, blinking ashe tried to make sense of what exactly that commercial was. "Eh...probably not important!" He reverted his attention back to what WAS important though, aka a girl who had seduced her brother-in-law with free french fries. Now THAT was cray-cray!

@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies


"You're just going to ignore that weird thing that just happened?" Hatchin asked rather bluntly to Aran. She was done with most of this group right now. Most of them were acting more childish than Michiko occasionally did and that wasn't good. That wasn't good at all.

"That could be a possible clue!" she added, practically scolding the man.

Boy. She's a fun one right now, isn't she?

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @everyone
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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