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Despite the channel changes that had occurred, it looked like there was something none of them planned on coming up on the screen.

"We interrupt this program to bring you..."

There was a dramatic pause, before a commercial came into play. At first, everything was dark, with two silhouettes- a young man and a girl -slowly becoming visible due to a slight blue-green light beginning to outline them. Briefly, however, the screen flickered - a single eye in the center of a triangle appearing for less than a second before changing images. Instead of the prior darkness, different clips of a pair of twins played, some including them performing various sorts of 'tricks'.

"...So come on down to the Tent of Telepathy today! You won't regret it."

...Odd, those last words seemed to distort slightly, sounding deeper and a tad more frightening.

Luckily for Aran, though, it now reverted to Why You Ackin' So Cray Cray yet again. :|​

"So did anyone else just get that ominous, horror movie commercial vibe? Cuz I did. Spooky tents, a pair of twins, that brief illuminati message thing I guess. And the phrasing of that, 'you won't regret it' said in the right way to say you will actually regret it. Nevermind the distortion! Someone's trying to scare us and I don't know about you all but it won't work on me! I ain't afraid of no TV whether it's a walking talking one or a freaky other dimensional one! Because my name's Gwen Poole, it rhymes with cool and I'm not a fool!"

And then she kicked the TV.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Takumi @whoever else​
"Right then, thank you, young man," Jack bowed in a polite display of thanks for the boy's admission. However, before he could march up the stairs to the attic, Pacifica had begun shoving some sort of bread into the boy's mouth, causing him to begin choking and coughing. The samurai couldn't leave his host to suffer like that, and so as he passed by, he delivered a firm smack to the boy's back. Hopefully, it would be enough to dislodge the dough long enough to allow Jack to tuck Mabel away.​

And, with that simple smack, the doughnut went flying out of one unfortunate Gideon's mouth.... And right onto Pacifica's top. The blonde was silent for a moment while the poor boy panted and coughed in attempt to regain air before a disgusted look crossed her face. "Eww... This is grosser than the way my first boyfriend-..." There was a pause. "...boyfriends? Threw up. At least that was rainbows." Could she be talking about that barfing gnome from when they'd first arrived? If so... Ew. Seeming to shake it off, the girl regained a grin, her hands confidently moving to her hips. "No matter! To the changing room!"

And off she went into the bathroom, where a secret stash of her 80s-style outfits were hidden.

Meanwhile, Gideon finally seemed to have caught his breath, though he was still spluttering a little. "Ugh... Th-thank y', s-sir..." Maybe this Jack guy wasn't so bad - toting Mabel around or no.

@The Tactician

"So did anyone else just get that ominous, horror movie commercial vibe? Cuz I did. Spooky tents, a pair of twins, that brief illuminati message thing I guess. And the phrasing of that, 'you won't regret it' said in the right way to say you will actually regret it. Nevermind the distortion! Someone's trying to scare us and I don't know about you all but it won't work on me! I ain't afraid of no TV whether it's a walking talking one or a freaky other dimensional one! Because my name's Gwen Poole, it rhymes with cool and I'm not a fool!"

And then she kicked the TV.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Takumi @whoever else​


Wiruko threw herself to where she tried to catch the kicked TV, totally not realizing the fact that a creepy commercial had occurred on the TV.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @Takumi

And, with that simple smack, the doughnut went flying out of one unfortunate Gideon's mouth.... And right onto Pacifica's top. The blonde was silent for a moment while the poor boy panted and coughed in attempt to regain air before a disgusted look crossed her face. "Eww... This is grosser than the way my first boyfriend-..." There was a pause. "...boyfriends? Threw up. At least that was rainbows." Could she be talking about that barfing gnome from when they'd first arrived? If so... Ew. Seeming to shake it off, the girl regained a grin, her hands confidently moving to her hips. "No matter! To the changing room!"

And off she went into the bathroom, where a secret stash of her 80s-style outfits were hidden.

Meanwhile, Gideon finally seemed to have caught his breath, though he was still spluttering a little. "Ugh... Th-thank y', s-sir..." Maybe this Jack guy wasn't so bad - toting Mabel around or no.

@The Tactician
"There is no need to thank me, child. You required help and it would have been wrong to leave you in such a state when you have aided me."

And just like Pacifica, off Jack went to the attic, hunting down the bed that he was to leave Mabel for the moment.


"You're just going to ignore that weird thing that just happened?" Hatchin asked rather bluntly to Aran. She was done with most of this group right now. Most of them were acting more childish than Michiko occasionally did and that wasn't good. That wasn't good at all.

"That could be a possible clue!" she added, practically scolding the man.

Boy. She's a fun one right now, isn't she?

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Atomyk @Nater Taters @Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @everyone


"So did anyone else just get that ominous, horror movie commercial vibe? Cuz I did. Spooky tents, a pair of twins, that brief illuminati message thing I guess. And the phrasing of that, 'you won't regret it' said in the right way to say you will actually regret it. Nevermind the distortion! Someone's trying to scare us and I don't know about you all but it won't work on me! I ain't afraid of no TV whether it's a walking talking one or a freaky other dimensional one! Because my name's Gwen Poole, it rhymes with cool and I'm not a fool!"

And then she kicked the TV.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Takumi @whoever else​



Wiruko threw herself to where she tried to catch the kicked TV, totally not realizing the fact that a creepy commercial had occurred on the TV.

@Hospes @Ringmaster @C.T. @Yun Lee @Takumi
What was WRONG with these people?! First a gremlin pops up and gets mad at him for not watching a commercial, then the damn ninja kicks the TV, and Carrot Top goes nuts! This dream had gone from weird to downright annoying! He couldn't watch his cray-cray girls in peace!

"AAAAAARGH!! Well, Gizmo," he said, teeth clenched rather frighteningly as he looked at Hatchin. "Looks like I HAVE to care now!"

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster
"I am going to sleep."

Roman said aloud as he got up, drained the rest of his coffee and put it in the kitchen sink. His hands washed the dishes mechanically, and his expression was stiff as he put them in the rack and went to search for a room.


Ten minutes later, he was sleeping on the bed. His hat over his face and feet propped up. Let everyone else run around and act all chaotic. He was going to take a good, long nap away from the antics and then get up and see if he couldn't find something to smack.

God, he missed his cane.

@Hell is other people.​


Ah, damn. So it turned out that they were wrong to vote out the samurai. On top of that, it was revealed that he was even one of the investigators, along with the other girl that died. Welp, this was taking a turn for the worse. Still, there was no use in being pessimistic about the situation, so Koyomi just shrugged and... went into the kitchen with Shinobu.

Evidently, it seemed that they were... someplace different now, as evidenced by the children dressed up as Dipper and Mabel, but... alas, they were not Dipper and Mabel. As far as he could understand. Alternate, parallel versions maybe?


Koyomi briefly wondered if there was a parallel version of him that turned out to be a foxy lady that he could grope. What would happen if he groped himself? Or herself in this case? Would she like it? Would she try to grope him back? And then promptly get eviscerated by a male Senjougahara? Heh. Thinking deeply about this multiverse system did wonders to the mood.

It did well to distract everyone from the fact that he basically botched the vote. Or at least played a part in it.


It's horrible.


Meanwhile, perhaps as expected by the cunning Djeeta, the exclamation about donuts would quickly garner Shinobu's attention. After all, if there was something a vampire couldn't resist, it was a soft, doughy, and utterly delectable donut with a delicate texture that was just waiting to have eager teeth sink into it and take a bite out of it!~

Because blood was overrated these days.

Without even consulting Koyomi, the little girl would make her way over to Djeeta's position, waddling over like the cute little girl she was. Eagerly looking at the box of donuts, it took a considerable amount of willpower to not drool right there on the spot.




Even when they were several dimensions away from home, Shinobu knew that one thing would always remain constant; donuts would always be the only treat for her! Be it sprinkled donuts, chocolate donuts, donuts with nuts in them, the works, nothing would ever beat the delicious ring-shaped pastries!

"I-I must have some, for I am famished!" She exclaimed, looking up at Djeeta and blinking briefly, before remembering that she still had to maintain the act that she was little more than an ordinary little girl from... Romania.

How uncivilized. Both the act and the country itself. Still, she had to resign to her fate, as if it were discovered that she were more than an ordinary little girl, Master's ordinary life might become just a bit complicated. Still, degrading as this act was, Shinobu couldn't deny the rumbling sound in her tummy, so with a more puppy-dog look in her eyes, forced as it might be, she looked up at Djeeta.

"P-Please... Feed me!"

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M.


Mission Cleared, maybe.

Djeeta felt a little better after feeding Shinobu some fine flavoured donuts. Her tears fell, but they soon vanished, as a sign that her sadness was being sapped away.

"Here comes the airship~" Djeeta enjoyed herself. With how much fun she was having, Shinobu's death would put her in a pretty traumatized state.

"I can't help but wonder, how did you meet Ararararara- whoops, I bit my tongue. You both seem pretty close~."​

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Verite

What was WRONG with these people?! First a gremlin pops up and gets mad at him for not watching a commercial, then the damn ninja kicks the TV, and Carrot Top goes nuts! This dream had gone from weird to downright annoying! He couldn't watch his cray-cray girls in peace!

"AAAAAARGH!! Well, Gizmo," he said, teeth clenched rather frighteningly as he looked at Hatchin. "Looks like I HAVE to care now!"

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster


"You guys hungry-"

After making sandwiches, Gran decides to take a whole plate of them to the guys watching TV. While they were arguing, he decides to snatch the remote and shift through the channels.

"It's still functional." Gran says as he looks at the sideways TV. He shifts through the channels...


"That sounds like me," Gran comments on the anime channel. Before shifting the channel once again.


"That sounds like Djeeta," Gran comments on the other anime channel, before changing the channel once again.


"That sounds like Ararararararararagi," Gran comments again, but this time on some odd toothbrush scene from some R-rated show unfit for kids, before changing the channel. It was probably* R-rated, but they changed the channel before anyone could find out. "Give us something good, brown box!"

Gran attempts to change the channel once again...

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster

*it's not​
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"There is no need to thank me, child. You required help and it would have been wrong to leave you in such a state when you have aided me."

And just like Pacifica, off Jack went to the attic, hunting down the bed that he was to leave Mabel for the moment.



The young boy looking to be of no more than nine gave a rather surprised look, as though he weren't entirely used to such treatment. However, he seemed to recover quickly, actually managing to offer a small smile. "..Heh, y-yeah, I guess yer right..." he muttered, rubbing his neck sheepishly. Before he could say more, Jack was off, heading up to the attic to put Mabel to bed.

...I'm in a real load a' trouble, now..

@whoever wants to talk to the poor frantic trash baby​


The young boy looking to be of no more than nine gave a rather surprised look, as though he weren't entirely used to such treatment. However, he seemed to recover quickly, actually managing to offer a small smile. "..Heh, y-yeah, I guess yer right..." he muttered, rubbing his neck sheepishly. Before he could say more, Jack was off, heading up to the attic to put Mabel to bed.

...I'm in a real load a' trouble, now..

@whoever wants to talk to the poor frantic trash baby​
Thankfully, it wasn't hard to discover the bed that their host was willing to loan out to them for Mabel. After a few moments of checking to make sure nothing was prepared to pose any danger to the girl, Jack left her there, tucked safely under the sheets and blankets.

"Once you are ready to speak on finding the journals, I will be outside."

He did not stop as he explained, hand upon his sword's hilt as he walked. There was no reason for him to remain inside any longer than needed, not when his presence would place the others in danger. No doubt remained in his mind that their enemies would soon come after him, and there was no use in endangering the others during whatever clash that would come.


Mission Cleared, maybe.

Djeeta felt a little better after feeding Shinobu some fine flavoured donuts. Her tears fell, but they soon vanished, as a sign that her sadness was being sapped away.

"Here comes the airship~" Djeeta enjoyed herself. With how much fun she was having, Shinobu's death would put her in a pretty traumatized state.

"I can't help but wonder, how did you meet Ararararara- whoops, I bit my tongue. You both seem pretty close~."​

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Verite

Munch munch.

Initially, Shinobu was too busy enjoying some nice donuts to respond to Djeeta's inquiry. That, and she was busy trying to remember the fib that Araragi wanted her to remember. How did it go again? Romania, little sister, and... Ah, yes.

"Mmm... Mmmhm!~" The girl uttered, before responding to the other girl's question.


"Mast--Ah... Mum and papa were on a business trip to my home in Romania where I was born, where they adopted me and took me to Japan where I met big brother, though it wasn't until here that I met big sis Karen!"

There was probably a thing or two about the story that didn't add up, but Shinobu didn't really care. It wasn't her that fabricated such a poorly woven fib, anyway.

Though she really could do without this charade of a performance.


"You guys hungry-"

After making sandwiches, Gran decides to take a whole plate of them to the guys watching TV. While they were arguing, he decides to snatch the remote and shift through the channels.

"It's still functional." Gran says as he looks at the sideways TV. He shifts through the channels...


"That sounds like me," Gran comments on the anime channel. Before shifting the channel once again.


"That sounds like Djeeta," Gran comments on the other anime channel, before changing the channel once again.


"That sounds like Ararararararararagi," Gran comments again, but this time on some odd toothbrush scene from some R-rated show unfit for kids, before changing the channel. It was probably* R-rated, but they changed the channel before anyone could find out. "Give us something good, brown box!"

Gran attempts to change the channel once again...

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster

*it's not​

"I feel like there were some walls broken here that should not have been broken," Araragi simply sighed as Gran flipped through different channels of anime, one of which was strangely reminiscent of his own life. Not that Koyomi would ever describe his own life as an anime.

Because that would just be stupid.

Reluctantly though, he just took a sandwich and silently began eating it, watching Wiruko... be Wiruko.

Such a simple little girl. Ignorance was surely bliss.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T.
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Lincoln took a deep breath as he caught his breath. So apparently, they had been sucked into a parallel dimension where Mabel was evil, like the one that had seperated them, Pearl had been replaced .. . and apparently Jack was one of the remaining two investigators. He looked at the commerical and got this unsettling feeling. " I agree with Gwen Pool, there is something unsettling about that comerical,"he said to her.

Tommy took one of the doughnuts and ate it. So what? It tasted good and he hadn't eaten much since dying.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T.@Verite
She-Hulk had been uncharacteristically silent as she listened to everyone talking. To her it was quite clear what had happened. "Any of you guys ever saw that Star Trek episode where the crew end up meeting their evil goatee wearing counterparts? This is that universe for Mabel and friends."

She'd turn towards Gideon and speak to him directly. "You said the twins weren't good people right? Well back in their universe I imagine you and your friend aren't good people." She'd point towards the unconscious Mabel. "She however is a good kid stuck in a bad situation. So what can you tell us about this place? Who owns the Mystery Shack, what's up with this worlds Dipper and Mabel? What about the journals?"

@Hospes @Everyone
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Meteo just nods and follows Max to the farmhouse. Whether Meteo would find what would fix his despair, who knows?

@Ringmaster @york
A somber pair you could scarcely believe. Not a word spoken at seeing a familiar face, both suspecting heavily of what had actually occurred to them. Were they truly dead? Was this limbo or purgatory, a punishment for whatever they may have done in life? Or perhaps it was just something that would have happened regardless?

The full moon above shone down upon them both.


And dark laughter rang out through the corn field before silence returned.

And was abruptly broken.


Something was coming. And in the skies, crows of all description would be flying over the pair, their harsh intonations like portents of doom. Fight or run the way in the dark, the choice was up to them...

@Bomb @york
Max Caulfield
@Ringmaster @Bomb

"Wait... Maybe-" Max was unable to finish what she was saying as a flock of crows suddenly appeared to fly towards them.


Without thinking, Max, with her lantern in one hand, raised her free hand, seeming to be trying to rewind time... Though, it would appear it was more of a reflex action than anything, something that she didn't even consider if it would work or not... Fortunately though, her lantern might just do the trick, if her powers don't... Though, well, with any luck, she'll also remember her staff of illusions momentarily.


Munch munch.

Initially, Shinobu was too busy enjoying some nice donuts to respond to Djeeta's inquiry. That, and she was busy trying to remember the fib that Araragi wanted her to remember. How did it go again? Romania, little sister, and... Ah, yes.

"Mmm... Mmmhm!~" The girl uttered, before responding to the other girl's question.


"Mast--Ah... Mum and papa were on a business trip to my home in Romania where I was born, where they adopted me and took me to Japan where I met big brother, though it wasn't until here that I met big sis Karen!"

There was probably a thing or two about the story that didn't add up, but Shinobu didn't really care. It wasn't her that fabricated such a poorly woven fib, anyway.

Though she really could do without this charade of a performance.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T.


"It's nice to have a well-knit family, adopted or not. Ah~ Romania is a nice name. Maybe the Roman person lives there." Djeeta proceeds to spoil Shinobu with more flavoured donuts.

And Djeeta's next words... hoo boy.

"Is Romania a vampire country? Or are you a minority by chance?"

She was still sporting her usual smile while saying those words.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Verite

Mission Cleared, maybe.

Djeeta felt a little better after feeding Shinobu some fine flavoured donuts. Her tears fell, but they soon vanished, as a sign that her sadness was being sapped away.

"Here comes the airship~" Djeeta enjoyed herself. With how much fun she was having, Shinobu's death would put her in a pretty traumatized state.

"I can't help but wonder, how did you meet Ararararara- whoops, I bit my tongue. You both seem pretty close~."​

@Crow @Kaykay @T.O.M. @Verite


"You guys hungry-"

After making sandwiches, Gran decides to take a whole plate of them to the guys watching TV. While they were arguing, he decides to snatch the remote and shift through the channels.

"It's still functional." Gran says as he looks at the sideways TV. He shifts through the channels...


"That sounds like me," Gran comments on the anime channel. Before shifting the channel once again.


"That sounds like Djeeta," Gran comments on the other anime channel, before changing the channel once again.


"That sounds like Ararararararararagi," Gran comments again, but this time on some odd toothbrush scene from some R-rated show unfit for kids, before changing the channel. It was probably* R-rated, but they changed the channel before anyone could find out. "Give us something good, brown box!"

Gran attempts to change the channel once again...

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster

*it's not​
Aran took one glimpse of that last show and decided never to brush his teeth again. I mean, he never did much to begin with, but still.


"That sounds like Ararararararararagi," Gran comments again, but this time on some odd toothbrush scene from some R-rated show unfit for kids, before changing the channel. It was probably* R-rated, but they changed the channel before anyone could find out. "Give us something good, brown box!"

Gran attempts to change the channel once again...

@Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster

*it's not

"Somehow, I think something that shouldn't have been seen just appeared."

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  • Love
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Reactions: Crow and Jeremi
A somber pair you could scarcely believe. Not a word spoken at seeing a familiar face, both suspecting heavily of what had actually occurred to them. Were they truly dead? Was this limbo or purgatory, a punishment for whatever they may have done in life? Or perhaps it was just something that would have happened regardless?

The full moon above shone down upon them both.


And dark laughter rang out through the corn field before silence returned.

And was abruptly broken.


Something was coming. And in the skies, crows of all description would be flying over the pair, their harsh intonations like portents of doom. Fight or run the way in the dark, the choice was up to them...

@Bomb @york
Meteo noticed the crows, and realized something dangerous might be coming. He held his Flame Sword in a readying stance, waiting in case there was a fight.

@york @Ringmaster
Max Caulfield
@Ringmaster @Bomb

"Wait... Maybe-" Max was unable to finish what she was saying as a flock of crows suddenly appeared to fly towards them.


Without thinking, Max, with her lantern in one hand, raised her free hand, seeming to be trying to rewind time... Though, it would appear it was more of a reflex action than anything, something that she didn't even consider if it would work or not... Fortunately though, her lantern might just do the trick, if her powers don't... Though, well, with any luck, she'll also remember her staff of illusions momentarily.

Meteo noticed the crows, and realized something dangerous might be coming. He held his Flame Sword in a readying stance, waiting in case there was a fight.

@york @Ringmaster


And from the corn field, having reached them would burst out a massive creature. Fifteen feet tall and gaunt, twisted in nature. It walked like a beast unused to two and with beady, glowing eyes in the night. A beak croaked the language of the crows and in rising and gathering flocks, they began to surrounding the two...Before at another screech, the crows flew downward.

Powers didn't work here, it appeared. No time would rewind for Max.

But she did have to watch out as the crows began to dive bomb the lantern, seeking to shatter it while the rest flapped, pecked and clawed at the two as their dread figure stood out of reach in the shadows.

@Bomb @york
Thankfully, it wasn't hard to discover the bed that their host was willing to loan out to them for Mabel. After a few moments of checking to make sure nothing was prepared to pose any danger to the girl, Jack left her there, tucked safely under the sheets and blankets.

"Once you are ready to speak on finding the journals, I will be outside."

He did not stop as he explained, hand upon his sword's hilt as he walked. There was no reason for him to remain inside any longer than needed, not when his presence would place the others in danger. No doubt remained in his mind that their enemies would soon come after him, and there was no use in endangering the others during whatever clash that would come.

It seems Jack was followed outside but by who...? Turns out it was the one who tried to assure him that death wasn't permanent.


"...Do you..... Have a moment....?" Lon'qu woul speak as he walked over to face Jack. The Swordmaster staring down the Samurai with eyes of regret. Regretting already that he couldn't do more for Jack. Guilty that he was powerless to save the respectful Samurai before him.

@Hospes @The Tactician

Munch munch.

Initially, Shinobu was too busy enjoying some nice donuts to respond to Djeeta's inquiry. That, and she was busy trying to remember the fib that Araragi wanted her to remember. How did it go again? Romania, little sister, and... Ah, yes.

"Mmm... Mmmhm!~" The girl uttered, before responding to the other girl's question.


"Mast--Ah... Mum and papa were on a business trip to my home in Romania where I was born, where they adopted me and took me to Japan where I met big brother, though it wasn't until here that I met big sis Karen!"

There was probably a thing or two about the story that didn't add up, but Shinobu didn't really care. It wasn't her that fabricated such a poorly woven fib, anyway.

Though she really could do without this charade of a performance.


"I feel like there were some walls broken here that should not have been broken," Araragi simply sighed as Gran flipped through different channels of anime, one of which was strangely reminiscent of his own life. Not that Koyomi would ever describe his own life as an anime.

Because that would just be stupid.

Reluctantly though, he just took a sandwich and silently began eating it, watching Wiruko... be Wiruko.

Such a simple little girl. Ignorance was surely bliss.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T.

"It's nice to have a well-knit family, adopted or not. Ah~ Romania is a nice name. Maybe the Roman person lives there." Djeeta proceeds to spoil Shinobu with more flavoured donuts.

And Djeeta's next words... hoo boy.

"Is Romania a vampire country? Or are you a minority by chance?"

She was still sporting her usual smile while saying those words.

@Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Ringmaster @Takumi @Hospes @C.T. @Verite
"...Perhaps you two would like some tea to go with those...?"


Where the hell did Inigo come from. Well he had two cups of tea already made which made to wonder how he even got the cups or made the tea. Either way he offered them tea with that trademark smile of his.

@Crow @Verite
It seems Jack was followed outside but by who...? Turns out it was the one who tried to assure him that death wasn't permanent.


"...Do you..... Have a moment....?" Lon'qu woul speak as he walked over to face Jack. The Swordmaster staring down the Samurai with eyes of regret. Regretting already that he couldn't do more for Jack. Guilty that he was powerless to save the respectful Samurai before him.

@Hospes @The Tactician

"...Perhaps you two would like some tea to go with those...?"


Where the hell did Inigo come from. Well he had two cups of tea already made which made to wonder how he even got the cups or made the tea. Either way he offered them tea with that trademark smile of his.

@Crow @Verite
"I do as long as our foes do not interrupt us, honorable Lon'qu."

Jack wasn't sure why exactly he was at ease with having the fellow warrior accompany him. Nothing in the past had proven his innocence, yet the samurai had no qualms with sharing the tea he had begun to prepare (though where he had gotten the tea set, he would never tell the others. He would enjoy one final comfort before death and he would not be bothered with questions on how). So instead of pushing the man away, he simply scooted to the side to make room on the rock he and the tea kettle and cups sat upon and held one of the cups out to the samurai.

"In fact, you are just in time. I'd just finished preparing this brew and would rather share it with a comrade than allow it to go to waste."
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