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"That was the first thing I did when I got here." She remarked but decided to humor him. "Jennifer Walters and when I'm working I'm She-Hulk."

After her re-introduction she would silently listen to people throw out theories and votes as her own mind was churning on her own theories on the matter.

And suddenly... "Guys!" She exclaimed trying to get peoples attention. "I don't know why it took me this long to actually think of it but...what if the reason Maxine didn't fight back was because she was drugged with something?"

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @The Tactician
"How would one be able to concoct the potion to do such a thing?" It seemed unlikely for someone to be able to create such a thing under these circumstances in Jack's mind. Even if the necessary herbs could be found in the wild lands around them, when would the killer have had time to secretly prepare their brew? "However... It seems more likely than the manotaur proposal. In fact, perhaps those tracks are the ones that are the tampered-with evidence?"
Max would feel the wind blow gently against her skin, just enough to make her shiver after her excursion in the water. The darkness of the forest obscured what lie beyond, though lights blinked in the distance. Whether they be distant lights or eyes watching from the shadows, it was impossible to tell. The sound of a dog barking in the distance indicated that Max was not alone.

Two options lay before her: go toward the light, or keep on the path of darkness.

"How would one be able to concoct the potion to do such a thing?" It seemed unlikely for someone to be able to create such a thing under these circumstances in Jack's mind. Even if the necessary herbs could be found in the wild lands around them, when would the killer have had time to secretly prepare their brew? "However... It seems more likely than the manotaur proposal. In fact, perhaps those tracks are the ones that are the tampered-with evidence?"

A smirk aimed at Jack. "Jack, back in civilized worlds we got pills for that."
A smirk aimed at Jack. "Jack, back in civilized worlds we got pills for that."
"In the world I come from, Miss Walters, there are pills for it as well. Believe me when I say such a thing does not indicate that your world and time is civilized or not," Jack shot back, remembering the many tools that Aku's servants had employed in the past. "The people here lack their normal tools, like I lack my sword. Even if there is some of these pills you speak of lying around, how do you know the killer would have found them in time?"
"In the world I come from, Miss Walters, there are pills for it as well. Believe me when I say such a thing does not indicate that your world and time is civilized or not," Jack shot back, remembering the many tools that Aku's servants had employed in the past. "The people here lack their normal tools, like I lack my sword. Even if there is some of these pills you speak of lying around, how do you know the killer would have found them in time?"
"Oooh tough crowd..." She-Hulk replied tugging her collar in a joking manner. "Maybe they took like I dunno sleeping pills from the old man's bathroom?"

"They better not have!" Stan growled. "You know how much drugs cost these days? And what's worse I'd have to go into town to get new ones!"

"You're right though Jack, finding some stuff like that would be tricky, which was why I asked if everyone has been accounted for the entire time they have been here." She replied before adding as a joke. "Maybe they drove into town?"
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"Unfortunately we can not ascertain if drugs were used with the resources available to us," said Lalonde, turning to Ford for confirmation.

"Right, something like that was not on our priority list! However, this is the only theory proposed thus far, and it is a possible one!"


Meanwhile, Dipper popped out of Mabel's sweater, looking at RGB with some fear and hesitation. "Uhh..." The boy shook his tiny head quickly. "No, We're-- I'm normally, like, tall! Really really tall! Huge, even! An inch taller than Mabel, I swear!"

@Lissamel @Hospes
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Max would feel the wind blow gently against her skin, just enough to make her shiver after her excursion in the water. The darkness of the forest obscured what lie beyond, though lights blinked in the distance. Whether they be distant lights or eyes watching from the shadows, it was impossible to tell. The sound of a dog barking in the distance indicated that Max was not alone.

Two options lay before her: go toward the light, or keep on the path of darkness.

Max Caulfield

"Lights? Is there someone there?" Max thought to herself.

She squinted at those lights in the distance, trying to make out what they were... But, it was uncertain if those were the eyes of some gruesome horror in the darkness, or distant lights, meaning that she might not be alone... The sound of a dog barking in the distance further indicated the latter, was someone really living out here? In this crazy forest?


Soon enough, either to her own peril, or her own intuition, didn't take long to make the choice of heading towards the light... She was cold, and lonely, and confused... And the sound of a dog barking could only mean that there were others in the area, right? Wandering around aimlessly in the darkness seemed like the least desireable option for Max at the moment, though, in her rush to get someplace warm, compelled by how cold it was out here, only complicated further by the rather... Heavy dampness her clothes still bore from her recent, well, fall into water, she didn't pause for too long to think of the potential threats that may await her, rather than just shelter, warmth, and perhaps even pleasant company.​

"Even if there is a fake clue, it all still makes sense that someone could've taken control of the Manotaurs somehow... which is why I suppose my vote will go towards Aran."

Briefly ignoring Wiruko's attempts to have him smile at this moment, Hideo decided that he'll make use of his vote now, seeing that they didn't have much time to discuss this any further. Any more discussion meant time wasted... which also meant that they'll let the culprits go free and kill another innocent person.


"It might seem a little too good to be true... that it'll be him, but if my time with the group in the caves meant anything, I recall Aran apparently being the "champion" of the Manotaurs. That could mean that they would follow his lead in some way..."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @The Tactician @LuckycoolHawk9
"Woah, woah, woah!" Aran clenched his fist, getting tired of all these damned accusations. "Now you listen here! I rejected going off with those Manotaurs, and I aon't seen 'em since! Also, why would I go after some little girl, eh?! From the looks of her, she don't seem a type to put up a fight, and I don't waste my time with people I know I can beat blindfolded! Finally, drowning?! Ha! That's a cowardly way of killing akin to poisoning! You really think me a coward, lad?!"

Aran turned to the woman with the scarf, deciding to change the subject off anything that could implement him. "As I see it, what really contradicts each other are the handmarks and the fact she wasn't held down. If you ask me, I say the second is untrue, because those handprints seem to pair up with the hooves! That is, IF the Manotaur theory is even legit!"

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah
Lincoln paused as he thought of something else that hindered the investigation, something major that just dawned on him. " Names, it all comes down to the fact that none of us know each others names. We are pointing and other things, but nobody really knows anybody by face," he said. " So, I can't believe I am saying this, but we needed to kow each others names. " I'm Lincoln Campbell," he said, to break that up.

Tommy nodded in agreement with Lincoln. " Thomas " Tommy" Merlyn," he said.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @The Tactician @Jeremi
"In the world I come from, Miss Walters, there are pills for it as well. Believe me when I say such a thing does not indicate that your world and time is civilized or not," Jack shot back, remembering the many tools that Aku's servants had employed in the past. "The people here lack their normal tools, like I lack my sword. Even if there is some of these pills you speak of lying around, how do you know the killer would have found them in time?"
"Oooh tough crowd..." She-Hulk replied tugging her collar in a joking manner. "Maybe they took like I dunno sleeping pills from the old man's bathroom?"

"They better not have!" Stan growled. "You know how much drugs cost these days? And what's worse I'd have to go into town to get new ones!"

"You're right though Jack, finding some stuff like that would be tricky, which was why I asked if everyone has been accounted for the entire time they have been here." She replied before adding as a joke. "Maybe they drove into town?"
Somewhat discouraged by the clueless arguing of the others, Clarence silently groaned in a similar manner to Pearl. It appeared no one knew anything besides the four clues they were presented with, and even one of them were false. She might have been drugged, someone mentioned, someone Clarence didn't take particular notion of. He was far off in his thoughts.

Drugged. She might have been drugged to not be completely in her senses while murdered. Which could explain her drowning without being held down, she'd simply be too dozed off to react to her filling lungs. Although, you'd need a really strong drug for that. Perhaps she wasn't drowned? As one of the clues said she wasn't beaten nor held underwater, that she wasn't drowned would explain that. The possible outcomes were a bit too many for Clarence to keep track of.

"Allow me to intrude in your… factual discussion." He raised a finger, holding it within the immediate eyesight of those discussing the clues. "There is simply too little information to draw a conclusion just yet. As the gentleman over there," notably Gilgamesh, "had noted, would other people in succession be murdered in one such murder game. While this may seem like a sadistic option, I suggest we wait for the murderers' next move, giving us more to work with. There is simply too many options so far. Though for the time being, because it appears we're applying the democratic way of selecting our suspects, I have made my decision to place my vote on the remorseless and apathic person that is Alex!"

"You really think me a coward, lad?!"


"You were ready to use us as a shield back then when you were wailing along with the beastmen, weren't you?" Gran questions, "most close-combat fighter comrades I have met consider this action very cowardly, but I guess you work by a different code of honour as opposed to these comrades I speak of. That's fine, I respect people's code of honour... as long as they are true to it."

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"You were ready to use us as a shield back then when you were wailing along with the beastmen, weren't you?" Gran questions, "most close-combat fighter comrades I have met consider this action very cowardly, but I guess you work by a different code of honour as opposed to these comrades I speak of. That's fine, I respect people's code of honour... as long as they are true to it."

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah
Aran burst into laughter. "What battle were you fighting?! I never need a human shield! And I sure as hell don't need man beasts to fight battles for me! You sods have got me all wrong! I may be a lot of despicable things, but there are two that I ain't: a coward, and a murderer! Now I suggest you save your votes for the actual cowards in this shack, because wasting them on me gets us nowhere!"
Somewhat discouraged by the clueless arguing of the others, Clarence silently groaned in a similar manner to Pearl. It appeared no one knew anything besides the four clues they were presented with, and even one of them were false. She might have been drugged, someone mentioned, someone Clarence didn't take particular notion of. He was far off in his thoughts.

Drugged. She might have been drugged to not be completely in her senses while murdered. Which could explain her drowning without being held down, she'd simply be too dozed off to react to her filling lungs. Although, you'd need a really strong drug for that. Perhaps she wasn't drowned? As one of the clues said she wasn't beaten nor held underwater, that she wasn't drowned would explain that. The possible outcomes were a bit too many for Clarence to keep track of.

"Allow me to intrude in your… factual discussion." He raised a finger, holding it within the immediate eyesight of those discussing the clues. "There is simply too little information to draw a conclusion just yet. As the gentleman over there," notably Gilgamesh, "had noted, would other people in succession be murdered in one such murder game. While this may seem like a sadistic option, I suggest we wait for the murderers' next move, giving us more to work with. There is simply too many options so far. Though for the time being, because it appears we're applying the democratic way of selecting our suspects, I have made my decision to place my vote on the remorseless and apathic person that is Alex!"

Alex heard his name, and he did not like that. He was never the investigative type, which is why he was remaining so silent and apathetic throughout the entire situation, which would be completely fine in his eyes. He doesn't pay attention to details that don't involve him, but now, it looks like someone wants to call him out for something he didn't do.


"Are you fucking serious?" Alex said, approach the rest of the group, an air of something dark surrounding him. "So, that is just it. Not enough information, so the best solution is voting on the first person you see. That is just typical, isn't it?" He approached Clarence, abit too close for comfort, as he was starting to get in his face. "I wouldn't kill somebody if they weren't getting in my way. The only thing that matters is finishing what needs to be done, without involving others, but hey, I won't stop if your going to waste my time and try to stop me. I wish I wasn't here, but I am, and the only thing I need to do is get the fuck out of here. Why would I waste time killing some random girl who wasn't even with my group when we went out to the lake."

"I am not a good person, that is just how it is and I won't deny it. But I am not some bloodthirsty murderer, I'm just a guy who doesn't carry around dead weight and doesn't beat around the fucking bush."

"I was a scientist once, so maby that explains it. Maby, I don't know, I'm still trying to figure all of this shit out."

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah @IntrusivePenDesperateSword
"Woah, woah, woah!" Aran clenched his fist, getting tired of all these damned accusations. "Now you listen here! I rejected going off with those Manotaurs, and I aon't seen 'em since! Also, why would I go after some little girl, eh?! From the looks of her, she don't seem a type to put up a fight, and I don't waste my time with people I know I can beat blindfolded! Finally, drowning?! Ha! That's a cowardly way of killing akin to poisoning! You really think me a coward, lad?!"

Aran turned to the woman with the scarf, deciding to change the subject off anything that could implement him. "As I see it, what really contradicts each other are the handmarks and the fact she wasn't held down. If you ask me, I say the second is untrue, because those handprints seem to pair up with the hooves! That is, IF the Manotaur theory is even legit!"

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"You were ready to use us as a shield back then when you were wailing along with the beastmen, weren't you?" Gran questions, "most close-combat fighter comrades I have met consider this action very cowardly, but I guess you work by a different code of honour as opposed to these comrades I speak of. That's fine, I respect people's code of honour... as long as they are true to it."

@Atomyk @Gummi Bunnies @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah
Aran burst into laughter. "What battle were you fighting?! I never need a human shield! And I sure as hell don't need man beasts to fight battles for me! You sods have got me all wrong! I may be a lot of despicable things, but there are two that I ain't: a coward, and a murderer! Now I suggest you save your votes for the actual cowards in this shack, because wasting them on me gets us nowhere!"

"... did you hear me say that I found my vote and my theory a "little too good to be true?" In a way, I used my vote to get your attention, and to see what you have in mind. Besides, I can't just ignore every single possibility, not at a time like this..."

Some might find it strange that Hideo didn't seem to go with the majority, as others were figuring out things piece by piece... but in his case, Hideo didn't think that going with the bandwagon would be his wisest move. Blindly following the words of others would only mean that he would be following someone else's judgment and not his own. Only when the evidence begins to make sense, then he would reconsider.

Even with the mentions of a possible drugging for Max to be drowned in this manner, it didn't take away the possibility of the apparent marks of "big hands" on the poor girl's body...


"Hate to say it, Aran, but I'll leave my vote as it is."

As Hideo seemed to have this confident air on what his stance was in this investigation, Wiruko was a bit... unnerved by how serious he was getting with this.


"... Master's so scary... if only he would smile..."

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"... did you hear me say that I found my vote and my theory a "little too good to be true?" In a way, I used my vote to get your attention, and to see what you have in mind. Besides, I can't just ignore every single possibility, not at a time like this..."

Some might find it strange that Hideo didn't seem to go with the majority, as others were figuring out things piece by piece... but in his case, Hideo didn't think that going with the bandwagon would be his wisest move. Blindly following the words of others would only mean that he would be following someone else's judgment and not his own. Only when the evidence begins to make sense, then he would reconsider.

Even with the mentions of a possible drugging for Max to be drowned in this manner, it didn't take away the possibility of the apparent marks of "big hands" on the poor girl's body...


"Hate to say it, Aran, but I'll leave my vote as it is."

As Hideo seemed to have this confident air on what his stance was in this investigation, Wiruko was a bit... unnerved by how serious he was getting with this.


"... Master's so scary... if only he would smile..."

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah
Aran would've looooved to hit this kid square in the jaw, but he was still trying out the "think before you act" routine. Hitting him would make Aran more suspicious, and honestly Hideo looked like he was made of glass. No need to actually commit a murder.

Despite this still being a dream, Aran didn't want to die in it, especially for something he didn't do. Instead, all he did was narrow his eyes at Hideo. "Dumb call, lad. Real dumb." He turned away from him-to think he ever lent that kid his banjo! "And anyway, why are we already voting?! We don't know which evidence was faked, which group was really behind it, and how Misty could've been overtaken!" Aran nibbled on the tip of his pipe, trying to figure out how he could convince the denizens of this dream world that this murder had nothing to do with him.

"Wait a second...one of de pieces of evidence is fake? Well I tink it's pretty clear which one's fake! How could de girl be drowned if she wasn't held underwater?" the Reaper pondered aloud, sounding confident, and for a reason, "Dat sounds pretty fishy ta me,"

"Hmmm..." Mandy mumbled, stroking her chin with her eyes locked quizzically on her staff, "Tampered evidence sounds pretty fishy, too...but I think I have a pretty good idea as to how the killer could've done it," she announced, rattling her staff around above her head and summoning a loudspeaker to garner more attention, "To everyone who purchased a Staff of Illusions before splitting up, please step forward and announce your name to the group. This is a matter of life and death, people, so I don't want any lollygagging." the girl ordered, getting some slow applause from her partner in crime, "A genius idea, Mandy!" Grim praised, standing by her side with his hands on his hipbones, "You heard de girl! Form a line, front and centre! We got a job ta do!"

@Absolutely everyone

@No lollygagging!
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Aran would've looooved to hit this kid square in the jaw, but he was still trying out the "think before you act" routine. Hitting him would make Aran more suspicious, and honestly Hideo looked like he was made of glass. No need to actually commit a murder.

Despite this still being a dream, Aran didn't want to die in it, especially for something he didn't do. Instead, all he did was narrow his eyes at Hideo. "Dumb call, lad. Real dumb." He turned away from him-to think he ever lent that kid his banjo! "And anyway, why are we already voting?! We don't know which evidence was faked, which group was really behind it, and how Misty could've been overtaken!" Aran nibbled on the tip of his pipe, trying to figure out how he could convince the denizens of this dream world that this murder had nothing to do with him.

"Wait a second...one of de pieces of evidence is fake? Well I tink it's pretty clear which one's fake! How could de girl be drowned if she wasn't held underwater?" the Reaper pondered aloud, sounding confident, and for a reason, "Dat sounds pretty fishy ta me,"

"Hmmm..." Mandy mumbled, stroking her chin with her eyes locked quizzically on her staff, "Tampered evidence sounds pretty fishy, too...but I think I have a pretty good idea as to how the killer could've done it," she announced, rattling her staff around above her head and summoning a loudspeaker to garner more attention, "To everyone who purchased a Staff of Illusions before splitting up, please step forward and announce your name to the group. This is a matter of life and death, people, so I don't want any lollygagging." the girl ordered, getting some slow applause from her partner in crime, "A genius idea, Mandy!" Grim praised, standing by her side with his hands on his hipbones, "You heard de girl! Form a line, front and centre! We got a job ta do!"

@Absolutely everyone

@No lollygagging!

"It's a matter of time, Aran. Which of these sounds better: taking our time to where the culprit goes and kills another one of us or voting now and finding someone that could be the culprit?"

Hideo left it at this for Aran to consider, seeing that it was probably better to get this done before something else would happen. In the case of a recall of all of the staff of illusion holders...


"Um... Wiruko knows that her Master has one of those illusion staffs... right Ma-"


"I believe everybody can see that, Wiruko..."

As Hideo stepped over to show that he had a staff of illusions to Mandy and Grim, Wiruko stepped back a few, again intimidated by her 'master.' She decided to give him some space for now, considering how much he unintentionally scared her, giving her Catsune some headpats and pulling up some cat videos on Hideo's laptop for now...​
"It wouldn't make much sense for her to have drowned, but have not been held underwater. Given our current evidence, and lack of time I'm going to assume one of those two is what's being tampered with" Gilgamesh stated, trying to then reason through what the remaining hints could indicate. "So we're likely looking at a Beast Master, someone good with gaining the alliance of other creatures like those the Cave group ran into. So, someone in the Cave group would be most likely". Then in contemplation for a second as he ran through the canidates he voted for Zinnia and Aster, pointing at them he accused "Those two, they were in the Caves and have a history with such beast taming, they seem to be the most likely culprit".

With that being decided, Gilgamesh turned his attention to the Samurai questioning Lonqu. With the vote being placed his time would be best invested in informing the others of how this game worked, so interjecting he stated towards Jack "What Lonqu claims is all true. That being said though, if additional roles are in this game it might stand to reason that the old roles are smaller in number. That being said though, worrying about the traitors is not our only concern. If we cannot find the person responsible for this game to start with, our efforts to stop the traitors will be for nothing".

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @The Tactician

"There's some truth to that.... Perhaps the traitors are fewer in number now which makes things a bit harder...... Only a theory...."


"It's a matter of time, Aran. Which of these sounds better: taking our time to where the culprit goes and kills another one of us or voting now and finding someone that could be the culprit?"

Hideo left it at this for Aran to consider, seeing that it was probably better to get this done before something else would happen. In the case of a recall of all of the staff of illusion holders...


"Um... Wiruko knows that her Master has one of those illusion staffs... right Ma-"


"I believe everybody can see that, Wiruko..."

As Hideo stepped over to show that he had a staff of illusions to Mandy and Grim, Wiruko stepped back a few, again intimidated by her 'master.' She decided to give him some space for now, considering how much he unintentionally scared her, giving her Catsune some headpats and pulling up some cat videos on Hideo's laptop for now...​
Where Wiruko backed off due to intimidation Inigo stood his ground though he seemed a bit uneasy albeit still smiling.

"Do you... Scare her off often...? I think that's... Twice now... My you really do need to smile every now and again..." Way to go Inigo... Standing your ground in this war of smiles...


@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Gummi Bunnies @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"It's a matter of time, Aran. Which of these sounds better: taking our time to where the culprit goes and kills another one of us or voting now and finding someone that could be the culprit?"

Hideo left it at this for Aran to consider, seeing that it was probably better to get this done before something else would happen. In the case of a recall of all of the staff of illusion holders...


"Um... Wiruko knows that her Master has one of those illusion staffs... right Ma-"


"I believe everybody can see that, Wiruko..."

As Hideo stepped over to show that he had a staff of illusions to Mandy and Grim, Wiruko stepped back a few, again intimidated by her 'master.' She decided to give him some space for now, considering how much he unintentionally scared her, giving her Catsune some headpats and pulling up some cat videos on Hideo's laptop for now...​
Aran suddenly broke into a grin, auickly turning back to Hideo with malice in his eyes "I couldn't agree more! Let me see, a male with a staff ofillusions what went to the caves... I ain't the only one suspicious here! Plus, you've been acting WAY off ever since we brought you into this!" Aran pointed to Hideo. "If you wanna vote for me on the grounds that I'm suspicious, I vote for you on the exact same grounds, Hideo!!!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Hospes @Jeremi @Anyone really

"There's some truth to that.... Perhaps the traitors are fewer in number now which makes things a bit harder...... Only a theory...."


Where Wiruko backed off due to intimidation Inigo stood his ground though he seemed a bit uneasy albeit still smiling.

"Do you... Scare her off often...? I think that's... Twice now... My you really do need to smile every now and again..." Way to go Inigo... Standing your ground in this war of smiles...


@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Gummi Bunnies @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"Seriously, this isn't the time for smiling right now. We're trying to figure out the culprit for the murder..."

Hideo didn't see a reason to smile.
Aran suddenly broke into a grin, auickly turning back to Hideo with malice in his eyes "I couldn't agree more! Let me see, a male with a staff ofillusions what went to the caves... I ain't the only one suspicious here! Plus, you've been acting WAY off ever since we brought you into this!" Aran pointed to Hideo. "If you wanna vote for me on the grounds that I'm suspicious, I vote for you on the exact same grounds, Hideo!!!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk @Hospes @Jeremi @Anyone really

"... go ahead. I won't stop you. Defending myself isn't that... favorable, because by doing that, more suspicion will be sent my way. We both want to see what's right here... and in all honesty, I'll like to see what your facial expression would be once it's revealed that I have nothing to do with this..."

Hideo stared daggers to Aran, as if he were challenging him.


"Y-yeah! Wiruko is sure that her Master wouldn't do such a thing, because he's too much of a loser to do it!"

Wiruko happens to jump in and say this, and then looking over to Hideo for a sign of affirmation. She did try to help his case, but he didn't seem to say anything to the virus.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah

"Seriously, this isn't the time for smiling right now. We're trying to figure out the culprit for the murder..."

Hideo didn't see a reason to smile.


"... go ahead. I won't stop you. Defending myself isn't that... favorable, because by doing that, more suspicion will be sent my way. We both want to see what's right here... and in all honesty, I'll like to see what your facial expression would be once it's revealed that I have nothing to do with this..."

Hideo stared daggers to Aran, as if he were challenging him.


"Y-yeah! Wiruko is sure that her Master wouldn't do such a thing, because he's too much of a loser to do it!"

Wiruko happens to jump in and say this, and then looking over to Hideo for a sign of affirmation. She did try to help his case, but he didn't seem to say anything to the virus.

@Atomyk @Yun Lee @Jeremi @The Tactician @TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan @Gwazi Magnum @The Silver Paladin @Archmage Jeremiah
"Oh ho, lass, I believe that he was the one who did it BECAUSE he's such a loser!" Aran laughed, jumping up onto the Mystery Shack counter. "I bet it made the poor lad sore thst he wasn't the Manotaur champion, so how else to get revenge than to frame their champion? And I believe I have an idea as to how he did it!" He grinned again at Hideo. "What do you say, lad? Ready to hear my case against you?!"

@Gummi Bunnies @Crimson Spartan @Atomyk @Jeremi @Hospes @Archmage Jeremiah @Crow @Everyone
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