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"I...." Meteo looked very dejected. "I was with the people... who went to the cave..." Meteo seems like he lost all his spirit.

@Crow @ResistingTheEnlightened @others​

"Before you continue, he has an alibi. Two alibis. Three, four, or more. One of them is me. He was not very active while present in the caves, staying near a singular spot," Djeeta said. She figured that the officer-man needed information of these 'alibis' everyone was speaking of. "He was kinda staying there and not moving too much while we were in the caves. Is that correct?"



Everything was going absolute bollocks in Gran's head.

Last edited:
"It seems you are the one who lacks respect, believing you deserve mine, child. You come here, demonstrating strange magics of travel when no one else has been able to use their powers and carrying suspected tools of the murder, and yet you believe yourself above answering our questions?"

Jack was duly unimpressed by both newcomers, drawing his sword of flames once again with a flourish.


"I give those of your character no respect."

The samurai would not back down and allow these two to sow chaos among them with their powers.

"You sorcerers have one last chance to either leave this place or to answer our questions. If you act otherwise, I and my ally will be left no choice other than to use force."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan
Kepti wasn't against violence; however he wasn't for it either. It found it funny when mortals called him a child; he knew that he appeared to be a child; and to his people he was also a child, but he never felt like one. Especially during the Creation War. Deciding not to go into battle just yet; Kepti let out a sly smile,

"Fine, fine. I'll answer your fucking question." spoke Kepti in a dismissive and demeaning tone.

"What was it again?" he asked with a far more sarcastic and teasing tone then what a person who generally needed to know would ask.

@Crimson Spartan
Kepti wasn't against violence; however he wasn't for it either. It found it funny when mortals called him a child; he knew that he appeared to be a child; and to his people he was also a child, but he never felt like one. Especially during the Creation War. Deciding not to go into battle just yet; Kepti let out a sly smile,

"Fine, fine. I'll answer your fucking question." spoke Kepti in a dismissive and demeaning tone.

"What was it again?" he asked with a far more sarcastic and teasing tone then what a person who generally needed to know would ask.

@Crimson Spartan

"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."

Both Mandy and Grim found themselves waiting for the gnome to recover for quite some time. With their arms folded, and a scowl on their faces, they waited...

...and waited...

...and waited.



"Uhh...Grim?" piped up Mandy, her brow raised at the immortal embodiment of death itself in question. He turned his head with a similar expression, "Yes Mandy?" he inquired, for a simple point at a steady stream of grey sand flowing out of his robes to be his only answer. Grim gasped and scrambled to rummage through his robes, eventually procuring a large case; the cause of the little leak, if the single sandy hole in it was anything to go off of.

As he flung it open, it was a sight to behold. It was collection of dozens of different hourglasses, each with different amounts of sand, both in their tops and their bottoms. Even stranger yet, were the labels placed upon each. Everyone from Alex Mercer to Zinnia was found inside, though the one labeled "Max Caulfield" was shattered, and all the sand once stored inside it, now vanished. Even the amount that had leaked. Grim was visibly beginning to panic, "This doesn't bode well..." Mandy snuck a peek into the case, before looking back up at Grim, "Some girl died, so what? she commented, oblivious to what the shattered hourglass signified. Grim snapped at her, "Ya don't understand! People's hourglasses aren't supposed ta just explode like dis! Sometin' freaky's goin' down!"

Bark! Bark! Grim beamed at the sound of his trusty new companion. Surely, of all creatures, a wolf would be able to find a body the quickest, "Take us to her, boy! We got a case ta solve!" Grim bellowed bravely, following behind Hati as Mandy rolled her eyes and followed suit.

Upon arriving at the scene of the crime, the two of them were surprised to see the body had already garnered so much attention.

Or that it was even a crime scene to begin with.

"Oh. She was murdered. Case closed; let's go reap her soul." Mandy said, strangely swift to dismiss the mystery as she pushed past the crowd to stand face-to-face with the body. Grim grunted, seamlessly weaving through the crowd to come stand beside his friend-master at the foot of scene, "It ain't dat easy, girl, a murder only empties de victim's hourglass, it doesn't shatter it! Humph...anyway..." Grim snapped his fingers, and a scroll appeared and unfurled before him, "Hmm, let's see here...ah!" he mumbled, running his bony finger down a list of M names before stopping on Max's, "De late Max Caulfield, age eighteen, on de brink of adulthood. A pity ta be taken so early in life, but, haha~..." Grim released something of a gleeful chuckle; bending down to shut her eyes, "My job's my job!"

After another fit of dark laughter, Mandy chimed in, looking a little impatient, "Ahem." Grim spun his head back around to lock eyes with Mandy's impatient glare, before cracking a nervous smile, "O-Oh, yes, her soul, right!" he stuttered, clearing his throat soon after and conjuring up a swirling green portal over the corpse's belly and reaching inside. He seemed pretty confident at first, but soon started to struggle the longer he dug around. Mandy's patience was certainly being tested, "Well? Where is it?" she inquired, tapping her foot against the ground, and her fingers against her arm. Grim didn't respond for some time, before panicking again, "I don't know; she's empty!"


Grey sand spilled out of the Reaper's robes again, as if to taunt him this time, as he sat there in complete confusion. "You're kidding, right?" Grim merely responded with a death glare so powerful, that only Death itself could muster one. For once, Mandy looked visibly shaken by the expression. Albeit, not by much, it was still a feat to get Mandy to emote at all.

Just what the hell was going on here?

@Atomyk @Hospes

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Lissamel @Crimson Spartan @Crow @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @The Tactician @Kaykay @Investigation
The--What would he call it?--Collection process was admittedly something that interested RGB. His eyes had skimmed over the hourglasses in their containment (he wondered if he had one, but couldn't see it); he'd leaned closer to the scroll as Grim read it off; he'd pulled back as he and his child proceeded in their pondering. Others had already left to better investigate a variety of areas. RGB pulled lightly on his collar.

Death didn't know what was going on here.

That was probably a very bad sign.

The monster's antennae sort of drooped as he turned his head away. While he was assured in his own innocence, he wasn't entirely confident in the strangers off investigating or otherwise, and being killed wasn't...

This couldn't have been happening. Surely this was some sort of horrible prank. Her great uncle and the new arrivals must've planned this all while she was out in the forest. After all, there was no way anyone here would've murdered anybody - especially not someone as sweet and friendly as Max seemed, even if she let a curse slip once. No, this wasn't right!

...But the body lying there...


Slowly, Mabel sank to the ground, beginning the descent into sweater town. But this became difficult, considering the fact that she had a book in her arms... And a little guy hanging out on her.

"Woah, hey-! Careful, Mabel!" the unfortunate not-so-fun-sized boy spoke, struggling to keep his balance. But no response came from Mabel, and he could only sigh.


"...Look, Mabel - I know you're upset, but now's not the time to do... That."

Still no response.

"Hey, why don't you show.. Uhh... The guy you wanted to show the book to... The book?" he suggested, hoping this would help spark something. It was slow and hesitant, but Mabel finally replied. Just, not in the Little Dipper's direction.

"...Grunkle Ford?"

@Atomyk @anybody​
...Was that pity in his chest? Was he pitying? How on earth could he be--


Ah. Right. Her. The image of the looming Greif drowning him in tears was still vivid in his memory, and anything connected to a memory of yet another death and then the realization that his hero had saved him (so he presumed) by moving him near a near-dead tree was bound to make him pitying. What a mushy sap he could be, for a monster, anyway.

RGB, one finger pulling on the hem of his glove and the rest of his hand tightly clutching his cane, strolled up nearer to Mabel. She even looked a little bit like Hero, if he was willing to suspend his disbelief a bit. He came up to her back-right, staying quiet for a moment, looking down upon her as she called for 'Ford'. How does he console? He'd never...Consoled.

"...Hello," He offered, cautiously. What was he supposed to say? This was a mistake. He immediately regretted this decision. But he couldn't just run away and back up and avoid what he just did. Sigh.

"...Grim times we're having, hmm?"

[ @Hospes @Anyone else for that matter ]​
Aran really could not register what the hell was going on with this dream. Some kid was murdered, and he was accused?! He glared at the twerp, not liking the insinuation that he would kill someone.

" What?! I never went near a lake! I was at a cave with the Thief Queen and her brood!" He looked to Zinnia. "Ain't that right? I was the Manotaur champion, we danced to pop songs..."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gwazi Magnum @Cave people who would love to help Aran not get wrongfully lynched

"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."


It seemed Aran had an alibi, not many others from his supposed cave group supported it, directly. But they didn't deny it, and proceeding to talk as if they were there together which made enough reassurance to determine Aran wasn't guilty. He gave him a brief look before saying "I see, Surely you understand I must cover our angles though, no?".

Then redirecting his attention to the others he nodded at She-Hulks statement agreeing "That would be accurate, assuming the killers had such a means of doing so. From my prior experience they do not, for if they did Lonqu would have been killed back in our first game together. This instance was simple luck, we should not expect them to always be so fortunate". Though the news of a new role in the game, those who would tamper evidence? That spread some worry, concerned Gilgamesh took another glance at both She-Hulk and Aran before saying "If that man is right though, if we are contending with more than just killers. Then we can't simply allow one or two alibi's to be enough for suspects. It'd be too easy for those guilty to band together, and we can't simply test over time either! Or we doom ourselves to failing by the time a pattern is found. Therefore, we still need to resort those who fit the hints the best given our lack of powers. And simply eliminate the one hint that doesn't match the others... And so far, it all points to either the Caves or one's own strength".
As the events unfolded in front of Da'losen and Kepti; they both kept a soild and emtionless expression. They both knew of the murder game before they arrived, they even knew that it was ran by a outside force. However they did not know that there would be people who had the power to sniff out the Killers; no previous records spoke of such a thing.

"It seems like we are in quite the situation," spoke Kepti as he took a step towards Da'losen, whos back was facing him.

"I am curios to know what being is pulling the strings behind this game." admitted Da'losen to Kepti.

"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."


It seemed Aran had an alibi, not many others from his supposed cave group supported it, directly. But they didn't deny it, and proceeding to talk as if they were there together which made enough reassurance to determine Aran wasn't guilty. He gave him a brief look before saying "I see, Surely you understand I must cover our angles though, no?".

Then redirecting his attention to the others he nodded at She-Hulks statement agreeing "That would be accurate, assuming the killers had such a means of doing so. From my prior experience they do not, for if they did Lonqu would have been killed back in our first game together. This instance was simple luck, we should not expect them to always be so fortunate". Though the news of a new role in the game, those who would tamper evidence? That spread some worry, concerned Gilgamesh took another glance at both She-Hulk and Aran before saying "If that man is right though, if we are contending with more than just killers. Then we can't simply allow one or two alibi's to be enough for suspects. It'd be too easy for those guilty to band together, and we can't simply test over time either! Or we doom ourselves to failing by the time a pattern is found. Therefore, we still need to resort those who fit the hints the best given our lack of powers. And simply eliminate the one hint that doesn't match the others... And so far, it all points to either the Caves or one's own strength".

"You've got to be kidding me... one of the clues happens to be some sort of red herring? Isn't this investigation a headache enough?"

Hideo wasn't really happy to hear that piece of news. Not only that, but it seemed like Max was one of the key people that could rat out the killers. Oh wait, there is more than one killer on the loose. Oh god... Hideo wished that he was back at his apartment right about now...

@Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum
"...Grim times we're having, hmm?"
Grim perked up at the mention of his name, and spun his head around to find the telly-head that addressed him.

...Wait, he didn't just make a pun with his name, did he? Grim immediately dimmed again, staring RGB down with a frown worse than Mandy's, "Oh haha, real funny mon. Make fun a de Reaper 'cause he can't do his job." he commented, coldly and sarcastically, but it didn't make him feel any better. He just sighed sadly, and held his skull in his hands, "Oh, what am I goin' ta do..."

Mandy, however, didn't know the meaning of hopeless. Even if she couldn't reap an innocent soul...who's to say she couldn't reap a guilty soul? A gnarled grin made its away across her features, and she roughly grabbed Grim by the collar of his robe, dragging him over towards where the investigators were regrouping, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Can't you see I'm tryin' ta mope in peace?!" Grim shouted in protest, flailing wildly in his futile attempts to wriggle free of Mandy's iron grip, "No time for moping; we have murderers on the loose with two express tickets to Hell."

"...well, three if you count the mutt."

Ruff ruff!


Some amount of time walking later...


Mandy dropped Grim against the cold hard ground, and stood herself right in between all the gathered adults that towered over her, but with the same confidence as them. With her arms folded, Grim groaned, and slowly stood himself back up beside her as she spoke up, "Okay people, what are the clues so far? Me and my accomplice were late due to..."

Grim and Mandy shared an odd look, recalling the incident with the gnome, before Grim eventually finished her thought, "...close encounters of de colourful kind." Mandy quirked a brow at him, to which he simply had a shrug to answer. Mandy didn't argue. She wanted to forget that ever happened. All the colours made her sick.

@Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk


Kepti was the one to answer Jack; but the answer was rather a cold chilling laugh. After his sinister and almost hollow laugh was over; he looked to the man with the white robe,

"Me? Explain myself?" asked Kepti as he pointed to himself.

"I dont think so; especially since I have yet to get respect from you. Hasn't anyone told you to respect your Elders?" questioned Kepti towards the man, it seemed the young boy demanded respect before he complied with anyone.

When another man approached them; that's when Da'losen attention was caught. Da'losen towered over most people; he was 7 feet tall after all. Quickly walking towards the black haired gentlemen; Da'losen smiled with his beak as he was a mere foot in front of him,

"Suspicion is a key element in investigations; however I feel as if you our only aiming this suspicion at us due to our arrival. That is lack of evidence; and will more then likely cause you to catch the wrong person." simply put Da'losen.
"It seems you are the one who lacks respect, believing you deserve mine, child. You come here, demonstrating strange magics of travel when no one else has been able to use their powers and carrying suspected tools of the murder, and yet you believe yourself above answering our questions?"

Jack was duly unimpressed by both newcomers, drawing his sword of flames once again with a flourish.


"I give those of your character no respect."

The samurai would not back down and allow these two to sow chaos among them with their powers.

"You sorcerers have one last chance to either leave this place or to answer our questions. If you act otherwise, I and my ally will be left no choice other than to use force."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Crimson Spartan
Lon'qu merely looked up at Da'losen with that same cold expression. Not even flinching when Da'losen approached.

"There... Is some truth to that.... Still showing up right after someone in the group was cut down is a little suspicious... The swordsman here has a right to be wary..." Lon'qu would point out though given his past experience with Murder Games he didn't think it was them.
"Ohhhh... Okay, Wiruko understands now. You're like Wiruko's Master, Inigo..."

Again with Wiruko's childish behavior, but she did see some similarities in how Hideo and Inigo were trying at this moment. Though, the virus noticed Lon'qu off to the side.

"... is that your friend over there, Inigo? He looks lonely."

Wiruko would lean over to whisper this question, holding the laptop in her hands while her Catsune was resting on her head.

@Crimson Spartan @Archmage Jeremiah
"Hm? Ah yes but no need to worry about him... Lon'qu's always been a bit distant I suppose it's natural for him to be given how he's been like that for so long.." Inigo spoke coming up with something to attempt to not tell the truth about Lon'qu to Wiruko just yet.

"Your 'master' could use some smile practice though... I do not think i've seen him smile at all so far..."

Inigo added trying to change the subject.

"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."

"Standard setup with an even greater cliche than the last Murder Game I was in..."

Lon'qu is not amused...

@Gummi Bunnies @TheColourlessRainbow @The Tactician @Those around
Grim perked up at the mention of his name, and spun his head around to find the telly-head that addressed him.

...Wait, he didn't just make a pun with his name, did he? Grim immediately dimmed again, staring RGB down with a frown worse than Mandy's, "Oh haha, real funny mon. Make fun a de Reaper 'cause he can't do his job." he commented, coldly and sarcastically, but it didn't make him feel any better. He just sighed sadly, and held his skull in his hands, "Oh, what am I goin' ta do..."

Mandy, however, didn't know the meaning of hopeless. Even if she couldn't reap an innocent soul...who's to say she couldn't reap a guilty soul? A gnarled grin made its away across her features, and she roughly grabbed Grim by the collar of his robe, dragging him over towards where the investigators were regrouping, "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! Can't you see I'm tryin' ta mope in peace?!" Grim shouted in protest, flailing wildly in his futile attempts to wriggle free of Mandy's iron grip, "No time for moping; we have murderers on the loose with two express tickets to Hell."

"...well, three if you count the mutt."

Ruff ruff!


Some amount of time walking later...


Mandy dropped Grim against the cold hard ground, and stood herself right in between all the gathered adults that towered over her, but with the same confidence as them. With her arms folded, Grim groaned, and slowly stood himself back up beside her as she spoke up, "Okay people, what are the clues so far? Me and my accomplice were late due to..."

Grim and Mandy shared an odd look, recalling the incident with the gnome, before Grim eventually finished her thought, "...close encounters of de colourful kind." Mandy quirked a brow at him, to which he simply had a shrug to answer. Mandy didn't argue. She wanted to forget that ever happened. All the colours made her sick.

@Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Gummi Bunnies @Atomyk



"From what I can recall... er, there wasn't any wounds on Max at all, she was held around the waist with what seems to be really big hands... um, not being held down while she drowned, so she probably had no idea what was going on... anddd these footprint trail that leads to the forest, to this cave, and then to the murder site at the lake... I'm not exactly sure on what's the fake clue here... I'm still trying to grab a hold of all these things..."

Hideo was trying at least, and he did remember the crucial parts of the investigation. His details may not be the best thus far, however.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk
"Hm? Ah yes but no need to worry about him... Lon'qu's always been a bit distant I suppose it's natural for him to be given how he's been like that for so long.." Inigo spoke coming up with something to attempt to not tell the truth about Lon'qu to Wiruko just yet.

"Your 'master' could use some smile practice though... I do not think i've seen him smile at all so far..."

Inigo added trying to change the subject.


"Oh... okay."

With the mentioning of Hideo not "smiling" as much, it seemed like it sparked some interest in Wiruko.


"Now that you mention it with how... um, Lon'qu is distant, Master's always been like this too, just how Wiruko met him a day ago or two. Master doesn't seem to be that talkative, seems pretty distant... and in the first five minutes Wiruko meets him at his apartment, Master tried to hang himself to commit suicide..."


"Good thing the noose Master was using wasn't exactly hanging material... and that Wiruko talked Master out of it... for now Wiruko guesses."

With Hideo out doing the investigation for now, Wiruko didn't seem to hesitate to talk about Hideo's apparent suicidal want, almost like a death wish.

@Crimson Spartan
  • Useful
Reactions: Archmage Jeremiah

It seemed Aran had an alibi, not many others from his supposed cave group supported it, directly. But they didn't deny it, and proceeding to talk as if they were there together which made enough reassurance to determine Aran wasn't guilty. He gave him a brief look before saying "I see, Surely you understand I must cover our angles though, no?".

Then redirecting his attention to the others he nodded at She-Hulks statement agreeing "That would be accurate, assuming the killers had such a means of doing so. From my prior experience they do not, for if they did Lonqu would have been killed back in our first game together. This instance was simple luck, we should not expect them to always be so fortunate". Though the news of a new role in the game, those who would tamper evidence? That spread some worry, concerned Gilgamesh took another glance at both She-Hulk and Aran before saying "If that man is right though, if we are contending with more than just killers. Then we can't simply allow one or two alibi's to be enough for suspects. It'd be too easy for those guilty to band together, and we can't simply test over time either! Or we doom ourselves to failing by the time a pattern is found. Therefore, we still need to resort those who fit the hints the best given our lack of powers. And simply eliminate the one hint that doesn't match the others... And so far, it all points to either the Caves or one's own strength".

"There's nothing fortunate about the traitors getting rid of an advantage we could have to survive." She-Hulk remarked. "So of we're under the assumption that something we've found during our investigation is fake...are we really any closer to a proper suspect?"


"From what I can recall... er, there wasn't any wounds on Max at all, she was held around the waist with what seems to be really big hands... um, not being held down while she drowned, so she probably had no idea what was going on... anddd these footprint trail that leads to the forest, to this cave, and then to the murder site at the lake... I'm not exactly sure on what's the fake clue here... I'm still trying to grab a hold of all these things..."

Hideo was trying at least, and he did remember the crucial parts of the investigation. His details may not be the best thus far, however.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk


"Oh... okay."

With the mentioning of Hideo not "smiling" as much, it seemed like it sparked some interest in Wiruko.


"Now that you mention it with how... um, Lon'qu is distant, Master's always been like this too, just how Wiruko met him a day ago or two. Master doesn't seem to be that talkative, seems pretty distant... and in the first five minutes Wiruko meets him at his apartment, Master tried to hang himself to commit suicide..."


"Good thing the noose Master was using wasn't exactly hanging material... and that Wiruko talked Master out of it... for now Wiruko guesses."

With Hideo out doing the investigation for now, Wiruko didn't seem to hesitate to talk about Hideo's apparent suicidal want, almost like a death wish.

@Crimson Spartan

"Like I said earlier. If we figure out why she didn't need to be held under water we're on step closer to solving this. So anyone have any ideas regarding that?"


"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."

Lon'qu merely looked up at Da'losen with that same cold expression. Not even flinching when Da'losen approached.

"There... Is some truth to that.... Still showing up right after someone in the group was cut down is a little suspicious... The swordsman here has a right to be wary..." Lon'qu would point out though given his past experience with Murder Games he didn't think it was them.

"Hm? Ah yes but no need to worry about him... Lon'qu's always been a bit distant I suppose it's natural for him to be given how he's been like that for so long.." Inigo spoke coming up with something to attempt to not tell the truth about Lon'qu to Wiruko just yet.

"Your 'master' could use some smile practice though... I do not think i've seen him smile at all so far..."

Inigo added trying to change the subject.

"Standard setup with an even greater cliche than the last Murder Game I was in..."

Lon'qu is not amused...

@Gummi Bunnies @TheColourlessRainbow @The Tactician @Those around
"You have been a part of one of these games before, my friend?" Jack sheathed his blade, seeing as the two they had been questioning had proven completely and utterly pointless in questioning. It would seem that regardless of their status as an enemy or an innocent, the two newcomers would be unwilling to help them and Jack would not deal with their triviality any longer. Instead, he focused on his fellow warrior regarding him with a contradicting air of suspicion and respect, "Perhaps you could tell us more of that time, if you are willing. It may help us all to know of past events."

While waiting for Lon'qu's response, the samurai also thought on what the doctor had said about the event. Three had been given the power to investigate one individual absolutely and without fail each round? It would be dangerous for them to give out their identity, meaning they would have to be careful with who they trust... Maxine being one of them might have been the reason she was killed.

"Perhaps the false clue this time are the hand-prints that have driven our investigation so far? It seems there isn't any way for one to control the beasts of this land to commit such an act..."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk
"Whatever it was it can wait. Come on gang let's head back to the Shack, maybe with some more people we can figure this out." Or make it worse She-Hulk thought to herself as she lead everyone back to the Mystery Shack.

Once back however they'd find that the rest of the group were standing outside listening to someone new. "Ah good everyone's here. Allow me to introduce myself."


"I am Doctor Henry Killinger und zis is my magical murder bag." He'd hold up the bag for everyone to see before continuing. "I have been contacted to act as a mediator between you and members in your group. Three among you have been given the power to deduce the identity of the killers among you who are being lead by a mysterious force."

With his umbrella he'd point towards the body of Maxine. "Maxine Caulfield was one of them, two are still among the living. They have made their guess and it was...incorrect. To continue the bad news there are forces other than the killers in your group helping them by causing misdirection. One clue that will be given to you when a murder happens will be a fake. Use your mind to look through the illusions and conquer them."

He'd look down at his watch. "Before I go, on top of the killers among you I'd suggest you'd put some thought in who is the force behind your misfortune." Opening his umbrella the winds would carry Killinger into the air. "I will return when I am needed again. Farewell." And soon enough he would be gone.


"Well, that seems pretty ludicrous."

She-Hulk turned to the rest of the group. "Mister Murder Poppins just dropped a massive info dump on us and just left? Despite that though...I think I trust the guy. It's not like some random old guy has a reason to just pop up and lie us right in the face." She'd then turn her attention towards Maxine. "So Maxine could sniff out the killers huh? I wonder if that's why she was targeted."


So that was a murder game? Twisted little thing, especially the set up. Like one of those tea cozy mysteries with the old lady sleuths and the really, really slow car chases. On the one hand, it seemed slanted in favor of the players. There could only be so many killers and they had the help of agents as well as power to turn upon any suspected.

Until Roman thought of the secrecy and denial each would give, as well as the fact people would lie. He scowled, his hand itching to grab a cigar but he wanted to make them last.

And then he considered the following.

"....Say, could she have been dead before we found her?"

Kepti was lost in a daydream as any and all events went on; he dreamt of The Darkness, he dreamt of Sister.

"Why are you doing this?" was the frist thing Kepti ever said to the entity; and its hollow and femine voice still sends chills down his skin.

"Because this is what i was created to do." was what Sister replied with, its mist pouring into 3 billion nameless race civilians. That was when the children were called into battle; and when Kepti lost all his playfullness and innocence. Kepti's mind kept reliving all his terrible memories as he stood in a daydream, blocking out all of the noise of the investigation.


"From what I can recall... er, there wasn't any wounds on Max at all, she was held around the waist with what seems to be really big hands... um, not being held down while she drowned, so she probably had no idea what was going on... anddd these footprint trail that leads to the forest, to this cave, and then to the murder site at the lake... I'm not exactly sure on what's the fake clue here... I'm still trying to grab a hold of all these things..."

Hideo was trying at least, and he did remember the crucial parts of the investigation. His details may not be the best thus far, however.

@Archmage Jeremiah @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk


"Oh... okay."

With the mentioning of Hideo not "smiling" as much, it seemed like it sparked some interest in Wiruko.


"Now that you mention it with how... um, Lon'qu is distant, Master's always been like this too, just how Wiruko met him a day ago or two. Master doesn't seem to be that talkative, seems pretty distant... and in the first five minutes Wiruko meets him at his apartment, Master tried to hang himself to commit suicide..."


"Good thing the noose Master was using wasn't exactly hanging material... and that Wiruko talked Master out of it... for now Wiruko guesses."

With Hideo out doing the investigation for now, Wiruko didn't seem to hesitate to talk about Hideo's apparent suicidal want, almost like a death wish.

@Crimson Spartan
"E-Er... I wouldn't think suicidal events should be talked about so casually... This is bad Wiruko.... We need to cheer up your 'master' at once..."


And suddenly Inigo had a mission.... To cheer up Hideo..... This was not going to end well....

Well at least Lon'qu was actively trying to figure something out...
"You have been a part of one of these games before, my friend?" Jack sheathed his blade, seeing as the two they had been questioning had proven completely and utterly pointless in questioning. It would seem that regardless of their status as an enemy or an innocent, the two newcomers would be unwilling to help them and Jack would not deal with their triviality any longer. Instead, he focused on his fellow warrior regarding him with a contradicting air of suspicion and respect, "Perhaps you could tell us more of that time, if you are willing. It may help us all to know of past events."

While waiting for Lon'qu's response, the samurai also thought on what the doctor had said about the event. Three had been given the power to investigate one individual absolutely and without fail each round? It would be dangerous for them to give out their identity, meaning they would have to be careful with who they trust... Maxine being one of them might have been the reason she was killed.

"Perhaps the false clue this time are the hand-prints that have driven our investigation so far? It seems there isn't any way for one to control the beasts of this land to commit such an act..."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk
"....If you think it would help...."


"Lets see... I was there with my friend Donnel.... The structure of the game was indeed similar to this one though.... The only difference was straight traitors and detectives... None of this 'tampering evidence' deal. In particular Donnel and I were both detectives so it's a safe bet that the detective range is about....3 to 4 people... The traitor count for that game was....about 4..... Technically 5 but one didn't seem aware of it..."

Lon'qu spoke to Jack but took a moment to pause as despite his attempts to hide it. One with a sharp eye would notice the toll these memories were taking on him.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician
Jade was quiet and stood where Uncle left her right next to Dipper and Mabel. She was silent and simply stood her hands in her pockets she wished whatever dark forces was behind this weren't planning to take yet another's life but she knew that was hard telling. She knew Shendo wanted to start with all of Asia but this wasn't the works of him not since Jackie stopped the dragon twice. Perhaps it was something else.

Uncle listened and sighed not sure if any of the groups answers really painted him a clear picture. "Uncle must do research." He finally said looking around. He knew about some of the leads the others had so he deiced to try and put pieces together like he often did inscriptions.

@Hospes @Atomyk @EVERYONE ELSE

Slowly and hesitantly, Mabel let a small part of her face emerge from her sweater, the saddened look in her eyes accentuated by the tears slowly building up there. She didn't seem too bothered by RGB's choice of wording, but she did seem unsure of what to say - if anything at all. Or perhaps she just didn't want to speak.


"..Sorry, she gets like this sometimes... I think," the boy on her shoulder apologized. "..But you're right. It's.. Quite the scene to come back to..." he trailed off, gaze slowly drifting downwards. It looked like the whole ordeal laid rather heavily on all present - including the residents of this place. Despite, though, the male slowly seemed to grow more serious. Likely to try to support Mabel. "...But don't worry. We'll find who did this, alright?"

@Lissamel @Raven @Whoever​

Well at least Lon'qu was actively trying to figure something out...

"....If you think it would help...."


"Lets see... I was there with my friend Donnel.... The structure of the game was indeed similar to this one though.... The only difference was straight traitors and detectives... None of this 'tampering evidence' deal. In particular Donnel and I were both detectives so it's a safe bet that the detective range is about....3 to 4 people... The traitor count for that game was....about 4..... Technically 5 but one didn't seem aware of it..."

Lon'qu spoke to Jack but took a moment to pause as despite his attempts to hide it. One with a sharp eye would notice the toll these memories were taking on him.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician


"Can we reverse-tamper this 'tampered evidence' you speak of?"
"E-Er... I wouldn't think suicidal events should be talked about so casually... This is bad Wiruko.... We need to cheer up your 'master' at once..."


And suddenly Inigo had a mission.... To cheer up Hideo..... This was not going to end well....

"Oh... is it not? Wiruko thought that her Master was going through that mid-life crisis that he'll get over with..."

Wiruko wasn't exactly sure on what were things that she shouldn't talk about so casually or not, but she got one thing straight...


"Oh hey! Let's go cheer up my Master now!"

Wiruko cheered as she headed over to where Hideo was, where she was holding her laptop and having her Catsune follow her.
"You have been a part of one of these games before, my friend?" Jack sheathed his blade, seeing as the two they had been questioning had proven completely and utterly pointless in questioning. It would seem that regardless of their status as an enemy or an innocent, the two newcomers would be unwilling to help them and Jack would not deal with their triviality any longer. Instead, he focused on his fellow warrior regarding him with a contradicting air of suspicion and respect, "Perhaps you could tell us more of that time, if you are willing. It may help us all to know of past events."

While waiting for Lon'qu's response, the samurai also thought on what the doctor had said about the event. Three had been given the power to investigate one individual absolutely and without fail each round? It would be dangerous for them to give out their identity, meaning they would have to be careful with who they trust... Maxine being one of them might have been the reason she was killed.

"Perhaps the false clue this time are the hand-prints that have driven our investigation so far? It seems there isn't any way for one to control the beasts of this land to commit such an act..."

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk
"....If you think it would help...."


"Lets see... I was there with my friend Donnel.... The structure of the game was indeed similar to this one though.... The only difference was straight traitors and detectives... None of this 'tampering evidence' deal. In particular Donnel and I were both detectives so it's a safe bet that the detective range is about....3 to 4 people... The traitor count for that game was....about 4..... Technically 5 but one didn't seem aware of it..."

Lon'qu spoke to Jack but took a moment to pause as despite his attempts to hide it. One with a sharp eye would notice the toll these memories were taking on him.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician

"Can we reverse-tamper this 'tampered evidence' you speak of?"

"I don't think reverse-tampering the tampered evidence is kinda hard to do, but picking out the fake evidence is possible... I guess... I don't really know."

Hideo was pretty unsure on some things still, but hopefully they'll figure this one out soon.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician

"Can we reverse-tamper this 'tampered evidence' you speak of?"
"I.... Do not think that's possible..." Lon'qu slowly stepped back from the girl.

"Oh... is it not? Wiruko thought that her Master was going through that mid-life crisis that he'll get over with..."

Wiruko wasn't exactly sure on what were things that she shouldn't talk about so casually or not, but she got one thing straight...


"Oh hey! Let's go cheer up my Master now!"

Wiruko cheered as she headed over to where Hideo was, where she was holding her laptop and having her Catsune follow her.


"I don't think reverse-tampering the tampered evidence is kinda hard to do, but picking out the fake evidence is possible... I guess... I don't really know."

Hideo was pretty unsure on some things still, but hopefully they'll figure this one out soon.

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Crimson Spartan @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician
"Aha... Hideo.... C'mon put a smile on your face.... Sure things are bad but they'll get better..."


Never argue with the smile....

@TheColourlessRainbow @Archmage Jeremiah @Gummi Bunnies @Yun Lee @Gwazi Magnum @Atomyk @The Tactician
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