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Elsa nodded, actually agreeing with him. "I know how you feel. We're surrounded by our group of fellow survivors right now and yet I feel very lonely. I suppose it's a likely way for one to feel when they miss those truly important to them." She tilted her head curiously at the word he used. "Ohana sounds familiar. What does it mean?" To the queen, it sounded like a term she had read in one of her books long ago. However, it had been a long time since Elsa had even bothered to sharpen her mind with literature. Most of the time, she was simply too miserable to bring herself to do anything at all.


She nodded meekly in reply to Kaku. "I'm Elsa. And you are?" she asked before she began to mess with her braid again. "I honestly hope you're right about that. It just seems unreal that a demon who had been around for so long might finally be taken down."

Elsa gave Sophie a gentle look, but still couldn't manage a real smile. "I feel the same. I only wish we would've met in another manner. Such as on vacation or somewhere other than a place worse than hell," she said, trying to keep her eyes on Sophie and not glance at the nerve-wracking surroundings she could see.​
"I am Kaku. Kalifa and I are covert agents and assassins that have been recommended to the Coalition. Our own world's World Government has heard of the Arch Demon's atrocities, and placed a bounty of 500,000,000 Beri on his head. At least 199 other governments and organizations all over the Multiverse have done the same." Kaku said.

"We're here specifically to assassinate the Arch Demon." Kalifa added. "He's been around for a long time, though he's only made his presence known within the last five years according to some people's time scales."

Kaku paused. "Kalifa and I read about the events that occured here. No one, and I mean no one, deserves to be put through what you and the others were put through here. It's our goal and the Coalition's to make sure that such things never happen again."

"Not surprising that Arendelle, or some version of it, topped the list of those placing a bounty on the Arch Demon." Kalifa noted. "I think we can show you page 3 of the list now."
  • The Brotherhood of Steel
    The Enclave
    The Brotherhood Without Banners
    The Ministry of Magic
    The Order of the Phoenix
    The Death Eaters (because the Arch Demon's deeds disgust even You-Know-Who)
    The kingdoms of Oz and Ev
    The Nome Kingdom
    The rulers of Wonderland (with instructions from the Queen of Hearts: Off with his head!)
    The Red Queen and White Queen of Looking Glass Land
    The government of The Sub Mariner's Atlantis
    The government of Aquaman's Atlantis
    The government of Every Disney undersea city
    The government of Duloc
    The government of Far-Far-Away
    The Loyal Order of Water Buffalos
    The Cactus Universe (for the Arch Demon has disturbed it but managed to evade the cactus' direct intervention till now)
    The kingdom of Florin (for to let the Arch Demon's atrocities slide would truly be inconceivable)
    The Knights Who Say Ni
    The Princesses of Equestria
    The Chicago PD
    The NYPD SVU (in order to preserve law and order)
    The CSI units of Vegas, NY, and Miami
    The Greek gods of Olympus
    The Amazons of Themyscira
    The State Home for the Ugly
    Deep 13/The Forrester family (for even they wouldn't subject captives to something like Murder III)
    The Easter Bunny (for the bunny and friends know bad eggs when they see them)
    The Pumpkin King, Mayor, and residents of the town of Halloween
    The Iron Bank of Braavos
Source: Page 3 and 4 of the anti-Arch Demon bounties

"So you see, the Arch Demon has gathered the attention of hundreds of forces. All wanting him dead or alive." Kalifa said.

"Except we've determined that 'alive' is less than likely." Kaku added. "We are going to use every bit of lethal force at our disposal against him."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Raven @Everybody


"Well, if you think everyone hates you too much to speak with you, there's always the option of hanging around with a charming angel such as myself," he said, shooting Ridley a wink.

What the hell!? Was Joshua flirting with her? O.O


Well.. This was unexpected. But totally welcomed. Ridley was changing.. But it didn't change she still totally loved flirting with people; but only if it wouldn't actually go anywhere. Considering her conflicted feelings. "Sounds fun to me, Curls." She winked right back, grinning faintly. "Don't mind if I do."

"Of course, assuming you don't mind this Siren sticking with you."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ohmygawdwhateven​
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @The others
Sophie was a little worried about what might have happened to Nicki, but, as soon as the surroundings shifted around her, after an brief encounter with an all familiar face, she stood still as her eyes darted around... Meeting Elsa's, then Claire's for a brief moment. "I guess it ends... Where it begins..." Sophie said, practically whispering, her words were almost carried away by a faint breeze, many memories came back to her; the burning pain as she jumped into the depths of hell... Holding Elsa's hand before they were cast into an seemingly endless lake of lava, that stubborness in her that had long since disappeared in that lonely graveyard. Ruby looked around, not too sure what to make of these bleak surroundings, though, she noticed that Sophie, Elsa, Raven and Claire seemed familiar with the place, noticing the Sophie cast looks towards the other two. However, that figure in the distance, drew her attention the most, but, before they headed there, Ruby tugged on Sophie's hand, leading her gently towards Elsa... It didn't take too long for Sophie to snap out of her thoughts, noticing she was standing in front of Elsa now, she swallowed a little before she spoke, trying to sound as calm as she could, glancing towards Claire, and Raven briefly before fixing her hesitant gaze on Elsa "Will you be... Okay?" she asked, worry creeping into her voice as she spoke softly. Ruby frowned "What is this place?" she asked, thinking out loud as she kept glancing towards that eerie figure in the distance, not sure what to think about it.​
Soul frowns slightly "This place...it's evil...all of it...it's wrong...we shouldn't be here..." he forms his arm into a blade and glances about slowly "This place was in the dossier for the...most infamous of events...the time Akibahara was able to win and achieve his goal...and where none of his traitors were found...he was able to kill everyone in the worlds of the people fighting him...all of them...no matter how vast those worlds may have been..."

He frowns and looks down slowly "Even though two of his own turned on him, the leader of a cult was able to awaken some kind of god...and then used her power to drain the worlds of their people, to feed the demon..."
Somewhere along the way, something had broken...

Legolas wondered why Aqua was started to fade. And where was Claire? Though she was still speaking, she started to lose hope in this life, this second chance at life and at recovering the woman that was Aqua.

"Don't stop trying, Aqua. We're almost there, keep hanging on. Claire should be here any moment. Don't close your eyes, not now..." He panicked. All his talking, all his efforts, looked to lead towards the path of failure yet again.

Not again, he thought. Her soul, her heart, something was wrong. He would do anything to make it right, at least for a little while. Make her want to... live. Just a little longer. But how? He used every word and phrase in the book of Legolas at this point. The next level he could think of was action.

No more words. Though he whispered softly so that even Aqua in his arms would not hear his words. "Forgive me, Fi. I have to give Aqua something to live for, a reason to want to stay. Anything. A first... for her."

He kissed her lips gently.

... and Legolas tried to fix it. Like a hero who would selflessly do anything to save a person's life.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Verite @Kaykay
Ulysses glanced at the elf and gave a stern cough as he leant down "You did this once before...it's not wise you go down that path again, Elf...leave the life saving to someone else...the last time you followed her like a lost puppy...you have a woman to take care of, do you not?" he asks, referring to Fi "Come now...think before you act, you can't make it up to Aqua and be protect Fi too...it's not going to work"

@Wedge Antilles
Last edited:
Link and Fi felt that something was very off about this place. Link notice Stitch talking to Elsa, and would of walked over there but wasn't sure about just dropping in on them. He had noticed the strange figure in the distance and the group approaching them. He debated walking over there or not.

He heard only a bit of this Silent Hill, but not much so he wasn't quite sure where he was...but he didn't like it.

@anybody wanting to talk to my baby Link I guess

Elsa nodded, actually agreeing with him. "I know how you feel. We're surrounded by our group of fellow survivors right now and yet I feel very lonely. I suppose it's a likely way for one to feel when they miss those truly important to them." She tilted her head curiously at the word he used. "Ohana sounds familiar. What does it mean?" To the queen, it sounded like a term she had read in one of her books long ago. However, it had been a long time since Elsa had even bothered to sharpen her mind with literature. Most of the time, she was simply too miserable to bring herself to do anything at all.


She nodded meekly in reply to Kaku. "I'm Elsa. And you are?" she asked before she began to mess with her braid again. "I honestly hope you're right about that. It just seems unreal that a demon who had been around for so long might finally be taken down."

Elsa gave Sophie a gentle look, but still couldn't manage a real smile. "I feel the same. I only wish we would've met in another manner. Such as on vacation or somewhere other than a place worse than hell," she said, trying to keep her eyes on Sophie and not glance at the nerve-wracking surroundings she could see.​
"I am Kaku. Kalifa and I are covert agents and assassins that have been recommended to the Coalition. Our own world's World Government has heard of the Arch Demon's atrocities, and placed a bounty of 500,000,000 Beri on his head. At least 199 other governments and organizations all over the Multiverse have done the same." Kaku said.

"We're here specifically to assassinate the Arch Demon." Kalifa added. "He's been around for a long time, though he's only made his presence known within the last five years according to some people's time scales."

Kaku paused. "Kalifa and I read about the events that occured here. No one, and I mean no one, deserves to be put through what you and the others were put through here. It's our goal and the Coalition's to make sure that such things never happen again."

"Not surprising that Arendelle, or some version of it, topped the list of those placing a bounty on the Arch Demon." Kalifa noted. "I think we can show you page 3 of the list now."
  • The Brotherhood of Steel
    The Enclave
    The Brotherhood Without Banners
    The Ministry of Magic
    The Order of the Phoenix
    The Death Eaters (because the Arch Demon's deeds disgust even You-Know-Who)
    The kingdoms of Oz and Ev
    The Nome Kingdom
    The rulers of Wonderland (with instructions from the Queen of Hearts: Off with his head!)
    The Red Queen and White Queen of Looking Glass Land
    The government of The Sub Mariner's Atlantis
    The government of Aquaman's Atlantis
    The government of Every Disney undersea city
    The government of Duloc
    The government of Far-Far-Away
    The Loyal Order of Water Buffalos
    The Cactus Universe (for the Arch Demon has disturbed it but managed to evade the cactus' direct intervention till now)
    The kingdom of Florin (for to let the Arch Demon's atrocities slide would truly be inconceivable)
    The Knights Who Say Ni
    The Princesses of Equestria
    The Chicago PD
    The NYPD SVU (in order to preserve law and order)
    The CSI units of Vegas, NY, and Miami
    The Greek gods of Olympus
    The Amazons of Themyscira
    The State Home for the Ugly
    Deep 13/The Forrester family (for even they wouldn't subject captives to something like Murder III)
    The Easter Bunny (for the bunny and friends know bad eggs when they see them)
    The Pumpkin King, Mayor, and residents of the town of Halloween
    The Iron Bank of Braavos
Source: Page 3 and 4 of the anti-Arch Demon bounties

"So you see, the Arch Demon has gathered the attention of hundreds of forces. All wanting him dead or alive." Kalifa said.

"Except we've determined that 'alive' is less than likely." Kaku added. "We are going to use every bit of lethal force at our disposal against him."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Raven @Everybody
Soul frowns slightly "This place...it's evil...all of it...it's wrong...we shouldn't be here..." he forms his arm into a blade and glances about slowly "This place was in the dossier for the...most infamous of events...the time Akibahara was able to win and achieve his goal...and where none of his traitors were found...he was able to kill everyone in the worlds of the people fighting him...all of them...no matter how vast those worlds may have been..."

He frowns and looks down slowly "Even though two of his own turned on him, the leader of a cult was able to awaken some kind of god...and then used her power to drain the worlds of their people, to feed the demon..."

Ulysses glanced at the elf and gave a stern cough as he leant down "You did this once before...it's not wise you go down that path again, Elf...leave the life saving to someone else...the last time you followed her like a lost puppy...you have a woman to take care of, do you not?" he asks, referring to Fi "Come now...think before you act, you can't make it up to Aqua and be protect Fi too...it's not going to work"

@Wedge Antilles
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @DapperDogman

Sophie nodded, a faraway look washing over her face as she imagined what a meeting like that would be like... Certainly awkward at first, but, better than having to go through all the torturous events in Silent Hill. Regardless though, she put a gentle hand on Elsa's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze "We'll make it through this..." she said quietly.

Ruby in the meanwhile tilted her head "Oh! I remember now... I read through a few other games once... That one was one of the worst..." she shuddered a little as she remembered what had happened... It was something she had nearly forgotten about until just now.​
Ruby Rose & Sophie

Sophie nodded, a faraway look washing over her face as she imagined what a meeting like that would be like... Certainly awkward at first, but, better than having to go through all the torturous events in Silent Hill. Regardless though, she put a gentle hand on Elsa's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze "We'll make it through this..." she said quietly.

Ruby in the meanwhile tilted her head "Oh! I remember now... I read through a few other games once... That one was one of the worst..." she shuddered a little as she remembered what had happened... It was something she had nearly forgotten about until just now.​
"Correction. It was THE worst." Kalifa said bluntly.

"We read the summary of it, provided by Joshua of the Reaper's Game." Kaku added. "We can only imagine it was worse for those who were actually there. Anyway, even before the Arch Demon used it as his playground, Silent Hill has a bad reputation. We'd best be cautious and not be too trusting of anything in this place."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @DapperDogman
Soul frowns slightly "This place...it's evil...all of it...it's wrong...we shouldn't be here..." he forms his arm into a blade and glances about slowly "This place was in the dossier for the...most infamous of events...the time Akibahara was able to win and achieve his goal...and where none of his traitors were found...he was able to kill everyone in the worlds of the people fighting him...all of them...no matter how vast those worlds may have been..."

He frowns and looks down slowly "Even though two of his own turned on him, the leader of a cult was able to awaken some kind of god...and then used her power to drain the worlds of their people, to feed the demon..."

Ulysses glanced at the elf and gave a stern cough as he leant down "You did this once before...it's not wise you go down that path again, Elf...leave the life saving to someone else...the last time you followed her like a lost puppy...you have a woman to take care of, do you not?" he asks, referring to Fi "Come now...think before you act, you can't make it up to Aqua and be protect Fi too...it's not going to work"

@Wedge Antilles


"Do not lecture me. I carried her from the dead to here, looking for the one person who can not be found, that person who alone could save her. For hours I have tried everything I know just to keep her from fading away into an eternal sleep, and right now I am the only person she knows, the only friend she truly has. If you care so much about her I would suggest you not interfere. I will do whatever it takes to save her, and apologize, and receive punishment later."

"Do not lecture me. I carried her from the dead to here, looking for the one person who can not be found, that person who alone could save her. For hours I have tried everything I know just to keep her from fading away into an eternal sleep, and right now I am the only person she knows, the only friend she truly has. If you care so much about her I would suggest you not interfere. I will do whatever it takes to save her, and apologize, and receive punishment later."
"Because this is some fairytale, right? Where some kiss will have a magical healing power that no known medicine or other magic could do? Killing the Archdemon will wake her, almost assured" Soul mutters as he frowns slightly "Kissing her won't do a damn thing, so how about we focus on killing the big guy, then we work on restoring the dead and healing the wounded"

Ulysses merely shrugs "I'm just saying...this didn't work before, it won't work now, so let's not go down that path again, where you fail and feel the need to have your honor bind you to her once again, she doesn't need a shadow"

@Wedge Antilles

Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @DapperDogman

Sophie nodded, a faraway look washing over her face as she imagined what a meeting like that would be like... Certainly awkward at first, but, better than having to go through all the torturous events in Silent Hill. Regardless though, she put a gentle hand on Elsa's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze "We'll make it through this..." she said quietly.

Ruby in the meanwhile tilted her head "Oh! I remember now... I read through a few other games once... That one was one of the worst..." she shuddered a little as she remembered what had happened... It was something she had nearly forgotten about until just now.​
Soul shudders and shakes his head "We really need to do the task here and get out quickly...this is possibly his strongest realm of all, and staying here too long will likely end with us all dying"

He would focus on listening to the voice of Arya through Bayonetta's transmitter. Joshua grunted, a smirk on his face as he would speak to nobody in particular "Mercy.. Call yourself Mercy. Mercy I will not give when His Righteous Sword clashes down into the heart of a fiend like you, dog." He smirked widely now, "The Almight Hand Of God wins through swift Justice. Mercy is given to those who fall from Heavens ladder, and recover. The only way for you to recover, is when your Blood is spilled due to God's Righteousness."

Somewhere along the way, something had broken...

Legolas wondered why Aqua was started to fade. And where was Claire? Though she was still speaking, she started to lose hope in this life, this second chance at life and at recovering the woman that was Aqua.

"Don't stop trying, Aqua. We're almost there, keep hanging on. Claire should be here any moment. Don't close your eyes, not now..." He panicked. All his talking, all his efforts, looked to lead towards the path of failure yet again.

Not again, he thought. Her soul, her heart, something was wrong. He would do anything to make it right, at least for a little while. Make her want to... live. Just a little longer. But how? He used every word and phrase in the book of Legolas at this point. The next level he could think of was action.

No more words. Though he whispered softly so that even Aqua in his arms would not hear his words. "Forgive me, Fi. I have to give Aqua something to live for, a reason to want to stay. Anything. A first... for her."

He kissed her lips gently.

... and Legolas tried to fix it. Like a hero who would selflessly do anything to save a person's life.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Verite @Kaykay

Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb @Chris Lang @Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​

Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​
Kalifa, at that point, took off after Aqua. She shouted after her. "And you think you'll remember what you've forgotten by running off into some fog? There are people here trying to help you. You should stay and listen to them!"

The fog was thick and deep. Perhaps someone with wind powers could disperse the fog and make it easier for people to track Aqua.

"Is Storm still with us? We have need of her wind powers." Kalifa called out.

@Jeremi @Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb[/USER [USER=17235]@Kaykay @Atomyk[/USER]
Somewhere along the way, something had broken...

Legolas wondered why Aqua was started to fade. And where was Claire? Though she was still speaking, she started to lose hope in this life, this second chance at life and at recovering the woman that was Aqua.

"Don't stop trying, Aqua. We're almost there, keep hanging on. Claire should be here any moment. Don't close your eyes, not now..." He panicked. All his talking, all his efforts, looked to lead towards the path of failure yet again.

Not again, he thought. Her soul, her heart, something was wrong. He would do anything to make it right, at least for a little while. Make her want to... live. Just a little longer. But how? He used every word and phrase in the book of Legolas at this point. The next level he could think of was action.

No more words. Though he whispered softly so that even Aqua in his arms would not hear his words. "Forgive me, Fi. I have to give Aqua something to live for, a reason to want to stay. Anything. A first... for her."

He kissed her lips gently.

... and Legolas tried to fix it. Like a hero who would selflessly do anything to save a person's life.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Verite @Kaykay
It appeared Sakuya had come in at an...interesting time. What was up with him? She was under the impression he liked Fi, not Aqua. Did he have a crush on her, like Riley? Well, she wasn't one to tie herself up in such matters anyhow. Who he liked and kissed wasn't her business, though having her question ignored was a bit annoying, if completely understandable in the situation. Heck, they probably hadn't even heard her.

Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb @Chris Lang @Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​
Well that was strange. Aqua seemed to be in a great deal of pain, though all that had happened was her being kissed. Should she chase her? It wasn't like there was anything more important to do at the moment, and she sort of wanted to satisfy her curiosity about this.

Kalifa, at that point, took off after Aqua. She shouted after her. "And you think you'll remember what you've forgotten by running off into some fog? There are people here trying to help you. You should stay and listen to them!"

The fog was thick and deep. Perhaps someone with wind powers could disperse the fog and make it easier for people to track Aqua.

"Is Storm still with us? We have need of her wind powers." Kalifa called out.

@Jeremi @Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb[/USER [USER=17235]@Kaykay @Atomyk[/USER]
"I cannot assist the removal of the fog, but I can allow us a great deal more time to search if we so desire," Sakuya told Kalifa. "It'll be a bit of a pain to just walk around looking for her, but at least she won't be moving while we search."

@Whoever's here
It appeared Sakuya had come in at an...interesting time. What was up with him? She was under the impression he liked Fi, not Aqua. Did he have a crush on her, like Riley? Well, she wasn't one to tie herself up in such matters anyhow. Who he liked and kissed wasn't her business, though having her question ignored was a bit annoying, if completely understandable in the situation. Heck, they probably hadn't even heard her.

Well that was strange. Aqua seemed to be in a great deal of pain, though all that had happened was her being kissed. Should she chase her? It wasn't like there was anything more important to do at the moment, and she sort of wanted to satisfy her curiosity about this.

"I cannot assist the removal of the fog, but I can allow us a great deal more time to search if we so desire," Sakuya told Kalifa. "It'll be a bit of a pain to just walk around looking for her, but at least she won't be moving while we search."

@Whoever's here
"Do so, then." Kalifa said. "We can't have people just running off into the fog. Especially in a place with a reputation as bad as Silent Hill."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Everyone

Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb @Chris Lang @Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​

As Aqua ran off, Legolas cursed under his breath. "Running away again!? Serves me right to ask for the old Aqua back, she's running off like she's her usual self again!" He pursued her and when he couldn't find her in the thick fog, he yelled out to her.

"I am doing whatever it takes to save you, to keep you from fading into death, so for that I apologize! You're right, I don't know you that well, and you did not know me well either! But my fate is tied to yours now. Whether you like it or not. I am trying my best to bring you to the one you seem to have a bond with, while trying to keep you alive and conscious, but I can not bring you to her if you run off and hide like a scared child!"

This felt like trying to alter the route of a raging river that was determined to go a certain direction. No matter how many stones he tried to place to correct it, it was going to flow a certain way. Aqua seemed determined to perish and no amount of talk or action from him would prevent that outcome.

"And if you pass on now, it seems I am the only one your memories will know to any degree. Sadly. But thank you, for that I am honored. Doomed, but honored."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb @Chris Lang @Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​
Joshua would soon take note of this, knowing she was an important ally, the one who sacrificed herself for the entirety of the group, for the sake of the entire Universe. He looked up at Bayonetta, then at the figure. "Damn!... I-I'm sorry!" He ran after Aqua, even through the dense fog as he pointed at Legolas "Stay there! Stay!" He would proceed to run after Aqua, turning around quickly as to yell "I love you, Cereza!" And thus, in the shadows of fog and darkness, was he gone. "Aqua!? Aqua!?"

@Wedge Antilles
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Do so, then." Kalifa said. "We can't have people just running off into the fog. Especially in a place with a reputation as bad as Silent Hill."

@Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Everyone
Sakuya nodded. "I see. I'd like to know more about Silent Hill, but that shall have to wait." She froze time, only allowing her own and Kalifa's time to continue as normal. "Well, we have all the time in the world to find her, now," she told Kalifa, beginning to move towards the now still fog. She noticed Legolas standing as she walked forward. "Perhaps I should allow him to assist us as well?" she asked.

@Chris Lang @Wedge Antilles

Aqua cupped her ears, wishing she could block out the sound of this group's voices. They were either pressing her to see how they could help, telling her names she didn't know, or questioning her to have her talk about things she knew nothing about. The master wished she could take every thought and voice that was swirling around inside of her mind and eradicate them.

Be quiet, be quiet.

"Claire, Claire, Claire! I don't even know who that is!" she snapped, frustrated with Legolas for his repeated use of the name, especially when it was a name that made her feel... strange to say.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I'm just tired. Can't I close my eyes for just a minute?" she asked, mumbling weakly.

Before she could close her eyes, however, Aqua was met by a surprise. Legolas lips touched her own.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed a scarlet red. She squirmed, actually dropping out of Legolas' arms. As if she had a boost of adrenaline flowing through her after the startle, she managed to stand up on her own. "I-I don't understand why you did that. I thought we didn't know each other that well! P-Please, I'm already confused enough. I just want... to remember... and for the pain to go away..." she said, grasping her heart.

Aqua then took off, rushing away from the group and out into the fog. It would be difficult to find her, as the fog was very thick and very deep. The pain in Aqua's heart deepened as she ran.

This... hurts... make it stop...

@Wedge Antilles @Verite @Bomb @Chris Lang @Kaykay @Atomyk @Anybody who was nearby aqua or whatever. XD​
Joseph watched Aqua run into the fog, and noticed that Legolas was apparently back from the dead. 'How in the world....' In his opinion, it was strange seeing a version of Aqua that wasn't trying to kill him. He clicked his fingers, and sparks flew from his sword and the blade began to glow brightly, making a primitive torch. 'Aqua! Aqua! Where the hell are you going?' He looked at Legolas. 'You want to go after her? I have a feeling that if we survive and leave this place without her, you'll be dead again very quickly. Not that I'm unhappy to see you back. Just a helpful hint on how to make the most of your second life.

My torch may be able to help at least light the bleedin' way.'

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wedge Antilles @Lizzy @FireDrake150
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The final traitor was caught and while neither Storm or Crusader had voted they were reveled that the mystery had aimed most of the group in the right direction.

But now they found themselves some place new and far more sinister than any place they had visited before. "Kalifa's right, do not wander into the fog...It feels...unreal." Even so Storm would try to use her powers to part the fog, but she was sure this wasn't a natural occurrence.

@Atomyk @Everyone
He would focus on listening to the voice of Arya through Bayonetta's transmitter. Joshua grunted, a smirk on his face as he would speak to nobody in particular "Mercy.. Call yourself Mercy. Mercy I will not give when His Righteous Sword clashes down into the heart of a fiend like you, dog." He smirked widely now, "The Almight Hand Of God wins through swift Justice. Mercy is given to those who fall from Heavens ladder, and recover. The only way for you to recover, is when your Blood is spilled due to God's Righteousness."

Bayonetta was still hovering above the rest, and as she heard the familiar voice of Arya, she shook her head. "Not the same girl I once knew. Corrupted, twisted. But if she falls in defense of the demon... so be it." She whispered those words just before she heard her lover speak a similar, but less merciful message. She smiled. They did seem to complement each other very well, like a true couple would. Like how her father and mother did, though Rosa and Balder were more extreme in their backgrounds.

Joshua would soon take note of this, knowing she was an important ally, the one who sacrificed herself for the entirety of the group, for the sake of the entire Universe. He looked up at Bayonetta, then at the figure. "Damn!... I-I'm sorry!" He ran after Aqua, even through the dense fog as he pointed at Legolas "Stay there! Stay!" He would proceed to run after Aqua, turning around quickly as to yell "I love you, Cereza!" And thus, in the shadows of fog and darkness, was he gone. "Aqua!? Aqua!?"

@Wedge Antilles
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Joshua!" she yelled out as he suddenly ran off into the fog. She sighed. Why was he chasing after the damsel in constant distress, she wondered, as she continued on towards the mysterious figure that appeared before them earlier.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wedge Antilles
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Bayonetta was still hovering above the rest, and as she heard the familiar voice of Arya, she shook her head. "Not the same girl I once knew. Corrupted, twisted. But if she falls in defense of the demon... so be it." She whispered those words just before she heard her lover speak a similar, but less merciful message. She smiled. They did seem to complement each other very well, like a true couple would. Like how her father and mother did, though they were more extreme in their backgrounds.

"Joshua!" she yelled out as he suddenly ran off into the fog. She sighed. Why was he chasing after the damsel in constant distress, she wondered, as she continued on towards the mysterious figure that appeared before them earlier.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wedge Antilles
It was dark. Dark and foggy for him. Frightened was he? No, the pistol in his hands oddly was glowing calmly, as the only Light shining in darkness. He had fluorescent paint over the pistol so it would live up to its name. While he couldn't see, his body was shaking in a cold sweat as the entire setting reminded him of a horror holoflick "Should've stayed with Cereza.. Should've, should've, Hell." He sighed with a hint of fright, and fear for his own life, if it was lost, the reunion was cut short.

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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