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The appearance of Shiki was a bit overwhelming to Aqua. She stared at him blankly, rubbing her eyes for a second. He spoke of so many things she couldn't understand that Aqua almost felt her head spin. She touched the sides of her face, feeling an overload of information hit her. The overload almost caused her to faint under the pressure. Aqua took a few deep breaths however, and attempted to compose herself. She sat up in Legolas' arms and peered at Shiki carefully.

"Are you one of my friends? And the "sensei" you mentioned? I'm... so sorry," she said with a frown. "I apologize for dying and causing you to worry about me. Also, at the moment, I have no memories." She placed a hand over her heart, pressing over it as if she could dull the pain coming from inside her. "My spirit was shattered when I died. It needs to get fixed or else I'll die again."

Aqua glanced to Legolas. "Maybe this young man can help you find who your looking for?" she asked, gesturing to Shiki

@Wedge Antilles @Verite
Plutia notices that Aqua is back.

"Oh hey Aqua-chan! Over here!" Plutia said as she runs towards Aqua.

"I guess you were revived, right?"


@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @those who will join.
Joshua stole a moment of his attention, still walking toward the figure. "Probably Hell. Place seems desolate..." He took a moment to look around him, and eyes back to the man "God has not shed his light in this place in a long time. I intend to be Gods soldier and bring His light here.." He stated rather aggressively "What be your name?"
Ryu jumped slightly at the sudden sound of someone speaking to him. He turned his head to the, strange man, if anything, and kept his distance. "Ryu... The name's Ryu." He said softly as he continued to look around, still having the same eerie feeling he has been having. "Who might you be anyway?" he asked softly. "And what do you mean, God's Soldier?"

"Pumped up, and ready to go.. As you English say it." He chuckled, looking into her eyes as she helped wrap Joshua up in gauze, before sneaking a quick kiss on her neck. He then began looking at her free form in the air "Cereza, darling.. Try to fly low.. Don't want to attract so much attention." He took out the Light from its holster, not pointed at the man but just out near his leg.

Bayonetta then adjusted her altitude, bringing her a little closer to the ground. Normally, anyone else making that statement to her would draw a sharp comeback in return. But not for Joshua, though.


"How's this, love?", she asked.


Afterlife Update


"Ah, well, enough chatter, it appears as if my powers have recharged," Joshua told the group. "Everyone close your eyes. You all are about to be back with the others in just a moment..."

With a wave of his hand, Ridley, Legolas, Aqua, and himself were engulfed in a while light. They then disappeared, reappearing a moment later at a new location with the group...


The composer folded his arms, walking forward.

I suppose I'll need to remain in my powerful form for this. I can tell already that this place is. dangerous

"Well, Legolas, you have a Job to do. But you, Ridley, are free to go return to the others. Do whatever you wish."

The time was approaching.

Akibahara would soon be near.

@Wedge Antilles @Hospes

"Aww, gotta love reunions. So beautiful. So.. Touching." She was grinning widely, hands on her hips as she looked around at their new surroundings, sighing with content. She then stretched quietly, slipping on her sunglasses with a grin. Despite the fact there was no real sunlight. It was probably just to conceal her golden eyes.

She tilted her head at Joshua, raising a brow. "I'm free, huh? You sure that's a good idea? Since, y'know, I kinda killed people. Pissed everyone off. All that jazz." She shrugged, as though this were no big deal. Of course, considering the world she came from, and what she'd have to face if she went back.. It wasn't, to her.

Elsa glanced down at Stitch, finally taking a moment to view him properly. She had never seen a creature quite like him before, but she honestly wasn't surprised by anything after all that she had seen in her tortured life. "You're scared and lonely?" Elsa frowned, fingering her braid. "I know the feeling. You can stay with me then, if you want. I-I don't know if I'll be good company though. It's hard for me to even smile these days," she said with a sigh, feeling bad that she was unable to laugh at Stitch's comment.

Elsa glanced to Sophie when she stepped forward, not answering her question. "This place... is where we met, Sophie," Elsa said, sighing. "Meeting you was the only good thing that came of me arriving here."

Elsa felt selfish to admit it, but she rather would've not gone to Silent Hill and never met Sophie rather than gone and lost her husband, daughter, and happiness.

@york @Raven
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @DapeprDogman @The others

Sophie smiled, but, there was clear pain in that smile "There's alot that... I wish didn't happen..." she said softly, though, looking at Ruby briefly, who seemed to be staring at that figure, still innocent as she could be... An old feeling ignited within her, something she had thought Silent Hill had robbed her of; determination. A different look spread across her face, mixing in with that bitter-sweet expression already there, a look that seemed to radiate determination "But... One of the things I've always treasured... Was meeting you." she said, and for a moment there, a proper, blissfull sort of smile crossed her face. She knew she had to figure out some way to fix all of this, somehow... Even dimensional travel had it's limits, but, just maybe, Elsa still had a chance at living a happy life, if not in Ruby's world, then, somewhere else perhaps, but, they'd figure all of this out after the defeat Akibahara, and finally banish the menace that had brought all of this pain upon them... Ruby in the meanwhile had decided to peer closer at the figure in the distance, not stepping closer yet, but, trying to make out some finer details, she began to notice the strange crow-like mask it bore...​
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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The appearance of Shiki was a bit overwhelming to Aqua. She stared at him blankly, rubbing her eyes for a second. He spoke of so many things she couldn't understand that Aqua almost felt her head spin. She touched the sides of her face, feeling an overload of information hit her. The overload almost caused her to faint under the pressure. Aqua took a few deep breaths however, and attempted to compose herself. She sat up in Legolas' arms and peered at Shiki carefully.

"Are you one of my friends? And the "sensei" you mentioned? I'm... so sorry," she said with a frown. "I apologize for dying and causing you to worry about me. Also, at the moment, I have no memories." She placed a hand over her heart, pressing over it as if she could dull the pain coming from inside her. "My spirit was shattered when I died. It needs to get fixed or else I'll die again."

Aqua glanced to Legolas. "Maybe this young man can help you find who your looking for?" she asked, gesturing to Shiki

@Wedge Antilles @Verite
Plutia notices that Aqua is back.

"Oh hey Aqua-chan! Over here!" Plutia said as she runs towards Aqua.

"I guess you were revived, right?"


@Verite @Wedge Antilles @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @those who will join.
Well, that was... troubling.

And a little out there.


His relieved smile turned into a small frown, somewhat displeased by the revelation before him of course, but... well, at least she was still alive, right? Amnesia was a tricky thing... On one hand, Shiki could probably at least take a look at her and try to "kill" the amnesia, and yet, at the same time, who knew what would happen if he were to try? He could kill vampiric influence and poisons, but something on the level of a state of mind? Perhaps that was... far beyond his capabilities.

Still, at least she was alive.

Though he was never particularly close to Aqua, Shiki felt somewhat obligated to maintain her life, if only because of her connection to Sensei. Well, he had to start somewhere, right?

"I see... Well, at least you're alive. I'm sure your memories will be back soon enough," he spoke with a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair, "How much do you remember, at least?"

When Plutia came, he'd attempt to have her stand behind him, as if shielding her from whatever might be in front. Or maybe it was an instinctive thing. Who knew?

"Don't get too excited. She doesn't have her memories with her. Dunno if it had something to do with the way she... died, or something in that Reaper place, but it is what it is."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb
Stitch gave a nod. "Well Stitch feels lonely but Stitch not really alone Stitch guess" He replied. He missed Lilo and so far everyone here he hadn't felt he fit in with. He knew later he'd have to be with the others but he needed a break from the American Dragon. "Stitch mainly miss Ohana. Along with others" He stated but smiled. "Stitch glad you will let him come along" He commented.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york

Elsa nodded, actually agreeing with him. "I know how you feel. We're surrounded by our group of fellow survivors right now and yet I feel very lonely. I suppose it's a likely way for one to feel when they miss those truly important to them." She tilted her head curiously at the word he used. "Ohana sounds familiar. What does it mean?" To the queen, it sounded like a term she had read in one of her books long ago. However, it had been a long time since Elsa had even bothered to sharpen her mind with literature. Most of the time, she was simply too miserable to bring herself to do anything at all.
Kaku turned to Elsa. "So you're Elsa? This ... cannot be pleasant for you. But one thing I promise you. Over 200 different governments and organizations have placed bounties on the head of the Arch Demon, and I give you my word that tonight, we will destroy the Arch Demon and put an end to his evil forever."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @york @The Silver Paladin @Thuro Pendragon @Atomyk @Verite @Bomb @Everyone


She nodded meekly in reply to Kaku. "I'm Elsa. And you are?" she asked before she began to mess with her braid again. "I honestly hope you're right about that. It just seems unreal that a demon who had been around for so long might finally be taken down."
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @DapeprDogman @The others

Sophie smiled, but, there was clear pain in that smile "There's alot that... I wish didn't happen..." she said softly, though, looking at Ruby briefly, who seemed to be staring at that figure, still innocent as she could be... An old feeling ignited within her, something she had thought Silent Hill had robbed her of; determination. A different look spread across her face, mixing in with that bitter-sweet expression already there, a look that seemed to radiate determination "But... One of the things I've always treasured... Was meeting you." she said, and for a moment there, a proper, blissfull sort of smile crossed her face. She knew she had to figure out some way to fix all of this, somehow... Even dimensional travel had it's limits, but, just maybe, Elsa still had a chance at living a happy life, if not in Ruby's world, then, somewhere else perhaps, but, they'd figure all of this out after the defeat Akibahara, and finally banish the menace that had brought all of this pain upon them... Ruby in the meanwhile had decided to peer closer at the figure in the distance, not stepping closer yet, but, trying to make out some finer details, she began to notice the strange crow-like mask it bore...​

Elsa gave Sophie a gentle look, but still couldn't manage a real smile. "I feel the same. I only wish we would've met in another manner. Such as on vacation or somewhere other than a place worse than hell," she said, trying to keep her eyes on Sophie and not glance at the nerve-wracking surroundings she could see.​
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Bayonetta then adjusted her altitude, bringing her a little closer to the ground. Normally, anyone else making that statement to her would draw a sharp comeback in return. But not for Joshua, though.


"How's this, love?", she asked.

"Perfect." He would state, stopping for a moment as he simply stared at Cereza in such a majestic state. That's when Joshua began thinking... He himself strayed from his mission. He fell in love with her, Cereza.. A Witch . Joshua simply stared at her but in a trance, and yet in question. Was he really Gods soldier, if he went with a Witch, something he knows is against His Holy Word? Joshua dismissed the topic, trying to think positively but the idea still mounted his head. "M-My lovely Witch.." Joshua said, but this had something.. Odd when he said it.

Well, that was... troubling.

And a little out there.


His relieved smile turned into a small frown, somewhat displeased by the revelation before him of course, but... well, at least she was still alive, right? Amnesia was a tricky thing... On one hand, Shiki could probably at least take a look at her and try to "kill" the amnesia, and yet, at the same time, who knew what would happen if he were to try? He could kill vampiric influence and poisons, but something on the level of a state of mind? Perhaps that was... far beyond his capabilities.

Still, at least she was alive.

Though he was never particularly close to Aqua, Shiki felt somewhat obligated to maintain her life, if only because of her connection to Sensei. Well, he had to start somewhere, right?

"I see... Well, at least you're alive. I'm sure your memories will be back soon enough," he spoke with a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair, "How much do you remember, at least?"

When Plutia came, he'd attempt to have her stand behind him, as if shielding her from whatever might be in front. Or maybe it was an instinctive thing. Who knew?

"Don't get too excited. She doesn't have her memories with her. Dunno if it had something to do with the way she... died, or something in that Reaper place, but it is what it is."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb
"Really? Hmm... is there anything we can do?" Plutia asked, wanting to help Aqua with her amnesia.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Aww, gotta love reunions. So beautiful. So.. Touching." She was grinning widely, hands on her hips as she looked around at their new surroundings, sighing with content. She then stretched quietly, slipping on her sunglasses with a grin. Despite the fact there was no real sunlight. It was probably just to conceal her golden eyes.

She tilted her head at Joshua, raising a brow. "I'm free, huh? You sure that's a good idea? Since, y'know, I kinda killed people. Pissed everyone off. All that jazz." She shrugged, as though this were no big deal. Of course, considering the world she came from, and what she'd have to face if she went back.. It wasn't, to her.



"Well, if you think everyone hates you too much to speak with you, there's always the option of hanging around with a charming angel such as myself," he said, shooting Ridley a wink.

What the hell!? Was Joshua flirting with her? O.O


Elsa nodded, actually agreeing with him. "I know how you feel. We're surrounded by our group of fellow survivors right now and yet I feel very lonely. I suppose it's a likely way for one to feel when they miss those truly important to them." She tilted her head curiously at the word he used. "Ohana sounds familiar. What does it mean?" To the queen, it sounded like a term she had read in one of her books long ago. However, it had been a long time since Elsa had even bothered to sharpen her mind with literature. Most of the time, she was simply too miserable to bring herself to do anything at all.


She nodded meekly in reply to Kaku. "I'm Elsa. And you are?" she asked before she began to mess with her braid again. "I honestly hope you're right about that. It just seems unreal that a demon who had been around for so long might finally be taken down."

Elsa gave Sophie a gentle look, but still couldn't manage a real smile. "I feel the same. I only wish we would've met in another manner. Such as on vacation or somewhere other than a place worse than hell," she said, trying to keep her eyes on Sophie and not glance at the nerve-wracking surroundings she could see.​
Stitch paused to explain and let Elsa speak with the others. Then he stood to reply. "Ohana means family. And well Stitch's adopted family taught Stitch that family mean's no one get's left behind or forgotten." He answered then looked to his feet. "Yeah... But Stitch feels Stitch left Lilo behind..." He stated. "And Stitch not sure if Stitch glad." He stated. "Even after Stitch hearing what you all seem to know of this man and place. Sounds to Stitch similar to Hamsterville" He commented only knowing of one villain in his life other than an evil scientist that was no longer evil.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Many others
The appearance of Shiki was a bit overwhelming to Aqua. She stared at him blankly, rubbing her eyes for a second. He spoke of so many things she couldn't understand that Aqua almost felt her head spin. She touched the sides of her face, feeling an overload of information hit her. The overload almost caused her to faint under the pressure. Aqua took a few deep breaths however, and attempted to compose herself. She sat up in Legolas' arms and peered at Shiki carefully.

"Are you one of my friends? And the "sensei" you mentioned? I'm... so sorry," she said with a frown. "I apologize for dying and causing you to worry about me. Also, at the moment, I have no memories." She placed a hand over her heart, pressing over it as if she could dull the pain coming from inside her. "My spirit was shattered when I died. It needs to get fixed or else I'll die again."

Aqua glanced to Legolas. "Maybe this young man can help you find who your looking for?" she asked, gesturing to Shiki

@Wedge Antilles @Verite

Legolas listened to Aqua as she was still carried in his arms. "Understood, my lady. Perhaps you are right." He then turned to Shiki, and to Plutia. "I understand your need to talk to Aqua and to be happy at the sight of her, but I need to bring her to Claire. Else this effort will be for naught and she will be lost yet again. Help me find Claire and bring her to Aqua."

He then turned to Aqua again, looking down on her in his arms. "Hang on my lady, just a little longer. I shall reunite you with your love. And your soul shall be whole once again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Bomb
Well, that was... troubling.

And a little out there.


His relieved smile turned into a small frown, somewhat displeased by the revelation before him of course, but... well, at least she was still alive, right? Amnesia was a tricky thing... On one hand, Shiki could probably at least take a look at her and try to "kill" the amnesia, and yet, at the same time, who knew what would happen if he were to try? He could kill vampiric influence and poisons, but something on the level of a state of mind? Perhaps that was... far beyond his capabilities.

Still, at least she was alive.

Though he was never particularly close to Aqua, Shiki felt somewhat obligated to maintain her life, if only because of her connection to Sensei. Well, he had to start somewhere, right?

"I see... Well, at least you're alive. I'm sure your memories will be back soon enough," he spoke with a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair, "How much do you remember, at least?"

When Plutia came, he'd attempt to have her stand behind him, as if shielding her from whatever might be in front. Or maybe it was an instinctive thing. Who knew?

"Don't get too excited. She doesn't have her memories with her. Dunno if it had something to do with the way she... died, or something in that Reaper place, but it is what it is."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb
"Really? Hmm... is there anything we can do?" Plutia asked, wanting to help Aqua with her amnesia.

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Legolas listened to Aqua as she was still carried in his arms. "Understood, my lady. Perhaps you are right." He then turned to Shiki, and to Plutia. "I understand your need to talk to Aqua and to be happy at the sight of her, but I need to bring her to Claire. Else this effort will be for naught and she will be lost yet again. Help me find Claire and bring her to Aqua."

He then turned to Aqua again, looking down on her in his arms. "Hang on my lady, just a little longer. I shall reunite you with your love. And your soul shall be whole once again."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Bomb

Aqua's head only began to spin more at the sight of Plutia. All of these new, yet familiar, faces made things very confusing for her.

Another friend? Ngh, I only wish I could remember all of them.

"I don't remember anything at all. Nothing. I didn't even remember my name when I first woke up, but Legolas told me what it was. The only thing I realize is that you look familiar to me," she said, pointing toward Shiki and Plutia. She then glanced at Legolas. "And he looks familiar to me too. But I don't remember anything about any of you. The reaper who patched me up said it had something to do with my soul being shattered when I died." Aqua shrugged. "And... I'm not sure if there is any way you can help me. Other than, well, I need to have my spirit patched up, or, something... so that I won't die. Legolas is trying to find someone who can do it. I've fainted a few times so... I haven't caught all of the details."

And right now, I'm so tired. I feel like I just want to close my eyes and never open them again.

She glanced at Legolas and nodded, unsure entirely what he meant. Everything was still a bit... overwhelming and confusing.

@Bomb @Verite @Wedge Antilles
Joshua would look back for a moment, chuckling at the timidness of the young man. "Ryu. My name is Joshua Graham, Mormon." Upon receiving the question of what he meant by God's Soldier, he would turn around and show him the pistol, the Light Shining In The Darkness

"And the Light Shineth In Darkness, and the Darkness does not comprehend." He smiled at the Biblical passage of the Mormons before speaking up again. "I am a Mormon, and I have been selected as one of God's Soldiers to fight for Heaven, for the Good, to defeat the forces of Darkness. I spread His Word, and His Faith, to those in need, dear child." Joshua smiled at Ryu, nodding at him before he pointed up at Bayonetta "Just.. Watch what you do around me and her." He said with the same complimentary smile, albeit the idea of religious morals between him and her still clouding his mind.

@Mari @Ryu Keiko
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Joshua would look back for a moment, chuckling at the timidness of the young man. "Ryu. My name is Joshua Graham, Mormon." Upon receiving the question of what he meant by God's Soldier, he would turn around and show him the pistol, the Light Shining In The Darkness

"And the Light Shineth In Darkness, and the Darkness does not comprehend." He smiled at the Biblical passage of the Mormons before speaking up again. "I am a Mormon, and I have been selected as one of God's Soldiers to fight for Heaven, for the Good, to defeat the forces of Darkness. I spread His Word, and His Faith, to those in need, dear child." Joshua smiled at Ryu, nodding at him before he pointed up at Bayonetta "Just.. Watch what you do around me and her." He said with the same complimentary smile, albeit the idea of religious morals between him and her still clouding his mind.

@Mari @Ryu Keiko
Ryu didn't understand what he had meant about watching out what he did around the male and the female but he shrugged it off as a friendly joke and smiled at them both. "I see." was all he said when the male spoke of religion. Ryu was not exactly a religious person, but he respected other's choices. He turned to the female that was spoken of and smiled a bit. "What's your name?" He asked softly, hoping not to come across as rude. He seemed to be getting more comfortable around these two, but still didn't feel comfortable in this God forsaken world.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Mari
Stitch paused to explain and let Elsa speak with the others. Then he stood to reply. "Ohana means family. And well Stitch's adopted family taught Stitch that family mean's no one get's left behind or forgotten." He answered then looked to his feet. "Yeah... But Stitch feels Stitch left Lilo behind..." He stated. "And Stitch not sure if Stitch glad." He stated. "Even after Stitch hearing what you all seem to know of this man and place. Sounds to Stitch similar to Hamsterville" He commented only knowing of one villain in his life other than an evil scientist that was no longer evil.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Many others


"Family?" Elsa questioned, her blue eyes involuntarily watering at the sound of the word on her lips. "You should be glad you left her behind. It's dangerous here. But when it's over, you can go back to her. You have no idea how lucky you are, Stitch. I... don't have a family anymore." She clenched her fists at her side, hanging her head with a shadowed face. Flurries of snow began to float over her head, representing how emotional she felt in that moment. "They've all died, every single one of them." She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but wiped the blood away with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry," she said, apologizing for her behavior. "I just... really miss them." Elsa wished that at least one of the people in her family would've lived. Would that have been asking for too much?

@Chris Lang @york @Raven


"Family?" Elsa questioned, her blue eyes involuntarily watering at the sound of the word on her lips. "You should be glad you left her behind. It's dangerous here. But when it's over, you can go back to her. You have no idea how lucky you are, Stitch. I... don't have a family anymore." She clenched her fists at her side, hanging her head with a shadowed face. Flurries of snow began to float over her head, representing how emotional she felt in that moment. "They've all died, every single one of them." She bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, but wiped the blood away with the back of her hand. "I'm sorry," she said, apologizing for her behavior. "I just... really miss them." Elsa wished that at least one of the people in her family would've lived. Would that have been asking for too much?

@Chris Lang @york @Raven
Stitch looked to Elsa he noticed the snow something he only had seen once before. The shook his head. "Stitch sorry if Stitch upset you." He paused then took Elsa's hand. "But Lilo once told Stitch when he thought he had no family that Stitch's new friends were family." He glanced at those around. "Maybe like Stitch you don't feel you fit in here. But Stitch knows you can find family. Ohana" He said. "Stitch not sure what happened here. But maybe you made friends? Lilo says friends are family too" He said then paused. "Like Nani, Plekly, David" He said.


@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Chris Lang
~̴͏͠I̶̡͘N̸̶̷̛C̨͝Ò̡͞M̵͏I̵̡̨̕͡Ņ̶̧G̷͘͠͏ ̸M̷̵̨͝E҉̧̛͟͟S̕͟Ş̀Ą̸̸̛͡G̨̡̨̛̕E̷̶̴̕͠~̕

"How have you come this far?"

"Why do you still fight?"

"What do you hope to accomplish?"

"You are standing upon a legacy of sand, ready to crumble at any moment."


A frantic hissing of a distinct voice broke anew through the communicators, masked by the fleeing crackle of white noise. No video was displayed upon the communicator itself, but the voice was unmistakably Mercy. It had been awhile since she had directly contacted the players from within this "ultimate game", the loyal subject to the Arch-Demon concerned with her own agenda and plans. Yet, by the tone of her voice, the teenager was but shocked, seeing before her scarlet eyes many of whom who still lurked, especially that of a certain black-clad swordsman. An uneasy silence fell, as if Mercy was silently processing everything before her, only the soft inhales and exhales of oxygen reassuring the players that she was still hacked into their communicators.

"Stubbornness, I should of expected. Sometimes I wonder who are the real zealots here. Not sure to call you admirable for getting this far or foolish..." she softly whispered, and lo, the screens on the communicators began to flash alive.


Her image appeared, corrupted, lines running diagonally and fragments of video fractured, giving the scarlet-eyed girl the illusion that her form was that of broken glass. With a tang of irony in the imagery, the servant continued, her voice soft, although sounding confused more than anything.

"You will not win, and even if you do, no happy endings will grace you." Mercy elaborated, raising a lit wax candle in her right hand, illuminating the world around her. It was reminiscent of a time before when Mercy contacted the players, with strange, grey architecture alit with a blue hue of sunlight, the distant howls of winter's wind pounding upon what appeared to be stained glass. "Many of you have already endured the lies of the Coalition, one of who was once a servant to his Grace. But now she stands among you, despite the Coalition feeding her lies and entrapping her into a deal she never agreed to. Yet she denies Paradise, she denies her dearest friend, and thinks that her quest is somehow valorous. I once was like that, briefly, but my list is still not finished, and I will make sure every ounce of it is drained from Him" Mercy softly hissed, almost ominously referencing Claire, the girl all-knowing of the events occurring, fully thanks to the gifts the Arch-Demon had blessed the child of vengeance.

"Another has lost her father, another his lover, and another is close to my own heart. And yet you still fight, to live in a world where ghosts of your past haunts you. You fight so that you can die in some faraway corner in the Multiverse, with not a single soul giving you even a gaze long after. You fight so that murderers and scum can walk freely in this universe, because fear drives you from change, from reclaiming what has been lost in all of our hearts. You fight to suffer, no matter how you paint the picture." Mercy pointed out, the video growing more distorted, before the eventual demise of pure static thanks to the Coalition forcefully purging Mercy's control over the communicators. But before she left, one final time, the servant ushered forth a final message.

"This game is soon over, and I will change the Order, whether you like it or not. For there is no mercy, only justice...for my family, for my namesake, for my Ellie."

The static hissed one last time, the picture fading.

The last message of Mercy


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Sakuya looked around, quite confused as to the shift. More people seemed to have appeared, including people who were supposedly dead. Well, time to figure things out again.

She approached the group of Aqua, Legolas, and the others around there. "Pardon me. My name is Sakuya Izayoi. What's Silent Hill, and what's going on here?" she asked to anyone. "I don't mean to seem rude, but I was under the impression some of you had, well, died."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @Wedge Antilles @Bomb
Aqua's head only began to spin more at the sight of Plutia. All of these new, yet familiar, faces made things very confusing for her.

Another friend? Ngh, I only wish I could remember all of them.

"I don't remember anything at all. Nothing. I didn't even remember my name when I first woke up, but Legolas told me what it was. The only thing I realize is that you look familiar to me," she said, pointing toward Shiki and Plutia. She then glanced at Legolas. "And he looks familiar to me too. But I don't remember anything about any of you. The reaper who patched me up said it had something to do with my soul being shattered when I died." Aqua shrugged. "And... I'm not sure if there is any way you can help me. Other than, well, I need to have my spirit patched up, or, something... so that I won't die. Legolas is trying to find someone who can do it. I've fainted a few times so... I haven't caught all of the details."

And right now, I'm so tired. I feel like I just want to close my eyes and never open them again.

She glanced at Legolas and nodded, unsure entirely what he meant. Everything was still a bit... overwhelming and confusing.

@Bomb @Verite @Wedge Antilles

Somewhere along the way, something had broken...

Legolas wondered why Aqua was started to fade. And where was Claire? Though she was still speaking, she started to lose hope in this life, this second chance at life and at recovering the woman that was Aqua.

"Don't stop trying, Aqua. We're almost there, keep hanging on. Claire should be here any moment. Don't close your eyes, not now..." He panicked. All his talking, all his efforts, looked to lead towards the path of failure yet again.

Not again, he thought. Her soul, her heart, something was wrong. He would do anything to make it right, at least for a little while. Make her want to... live. Just a little longer. But how? He used every word and phrase in the book of Legolas at this point. The next level he could think of was action.

No more words. Though he whispered softly so that even Aqua in his arms would not hear his words. "Forgive me, Fi. I have to give Aqua something to live for, a reason to want to stay. Anything. A first... for her."

He kissed her lips gently.

... and Legolas tried to fix it. Like a hero who would selflessly do anything to save a person's life.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Verite @Kaykay
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