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"Whoa, what the--?!" The first guard would stop, blinking in surprise and stopping, which would cost him as he and the other would be sent flying into the wall from Kaku's projectile... and Joshua's bullet.

Still, it seemed that they were well protected by their armor, though naturally, it was penetrated quite a bit and blood was seeping out their wounds.

"B-Backup, backup! We have an intruder alert!" The first guard would request, before the two of them would continue opening fire, focusing their attention on Kaku, as they believed they had managed to kill Joshua.

@Chris Lang
Kaku then moved at rapid speed. "Shave!" he shouted, zipping at rapid speed to appear next to the guard named Alex.

"Finger pistol!" he shouted, jabbing his finger into Alex's side in an attempt to create an injury similar to the injury caused by the bullet.

He then turned on the other guard. "Tempest kick!" Compressed air went hurtling toward the other guard.

He wondered how good these guards were at fighting close quarters.

"In my universe, there's a giant, purple-armored man that wants to eat the Earth. Not much frightens me in the way of the supernatural. As for why I don't... it's because I like you."


"..Well. That sounds like a real blast. Though, I think I'd prefer that over an insane, revenge-driven Incubus freak that refused to die." Ah, Abraham... Good times. She just raised a brow at him. "'Like me'? That's funny."

@BarrenThin @Verite
Upon Arthur's inquiry as to whether Agent Galahad had been aware of the Coalition organization, he'd reply with an even "No." This launched a lengthy preface into the organization itself and the manner of events revolving around its activities, and beyond.

Naturally this left Hart a bit bewildered as to the presence of an actual multiverse, let alone a functional organization comprised of individual across the stars working in tandem... against those of similar circumstances.

Almost familiar, almost similar. But frankly different.

Indubitably, it came easy to Galahad after a moment's consideration of the facts laid bare before him. It was as it was and it would be; the natural order of things. Or perhaps, unnatural, considering the actual circumstances?

Nonetheless, his was a duty in action, not contemplation. Perhaps the latter could come later over a fine glass of Hirsch Reserve once this was all set and done, in his own time, in his own home.

This was a mission, and it would be incomparable to anything prior. Ever.

Touch the stars indeed; maybe the experience would be incredible.

Though he drooped, very slightly with eyes glancing upward just ever so, at his destination once Arthur'd gotten to the important bits.

"New York. Or some variation thereof; you understand."


So much for touching the stars.

Nothing compared to his lofty London; the English were just somewhat more... composed.


"Ah, this would do. My respects to the proprietor; a shame, its condition however."

A neutral remark in regard to the Wayne Manor's state, as Agent Galahad translocated throughout its chambers. The docket of data he'd received beforehand, as he was somewhat late to the party (hush you), indicated the potential of the Coalition's objective being present within these premises. Emphasis on potential. To what reason, he hardly knew why. The Waynes were a wealthy and philanthropic family, evidently so when they bankrolled much of the goodwill accommodations to the citizens of the city nearby. Good people at heart. A shame, the state of affairs of it all.

Being who he was though, he couldn't help but suspect...

Maybe there was more to this family? Or the Manor specifically---

Others would make their presence known through whatever means, opening a door, footsteps, or such. Galahad turned to face the newcomers, albeit visibly tensed.


He found himself in the foyer of the mansion, rendering it very clear that someone would come through the front door, somehow by one way or another. Just strange that a meeting would occur just now.

He'd break the silence quickly however, at the involved parties' sudden discovery of well... each other.

"Hello, quite the nice post-apocalyptic day to spelunk empty mansions?"

A light joke tossed in within his harmless greeting, followed by a disarming smile.

"You're with the Coalition, yes?"

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Anyone Else AtMansion
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Oh hey, it's one of the two asshole victims. Abel smirked as he cast a Bufu spell to make a thin layer of ice in front of Kalifa's feet. Please let her slip, whatever cosmic force is running the show. Just this for Lapis and I won't ask for anything else.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Chris Lang
Kalifa was almost caught off guard by Abel's ice attack. She struggled to stand as she began to slip. But soon, she leaped through the air. "Moon Walk!"

She floated through the air and landed beyond the ice.

"So, I say one thing you don't like, and you hold it against me. Fine, then." Kalifa said. "Would you prefer my help or would you rather I leave and go with one of the other groups?"

As Kalifa was not obligated by any mission to be with these people in particular, she could easily leave the Wayne Manor group and go with another group instead.

@The Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
"Well, you insulted and belittled the girl I care for, so I think it's up for her," Abel looked to Lapis, "Do you want female asshole victim to come with us, diamond?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Chris Lang
"You know... I am kind of trying to keep myself from pulling the trigger right about now..." Lapis says in a subtle manner. Basically, she was trying not to shoot down Kalifa, but she knew it wasn't worth it. That would be wasting a good bullet there.

@The Tactician @Chris Lang @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"..Well. That sounds like a real blast. Though, I think I'd prefer that over an insane, revenge-driven Incubus freak that refused to die." Ah, Abraham... Good times. She just raised a brow at him. "'Like me'? That's funny."

@BarrenThin @Verite

"You wouldn't prefer it over an omnipotent freak bent on destroying the universe to please his girlfriend. And, yes. I like you. I wouldn't have shown you that note if I didn't."

"Whoa, what the--?!" The first guard would stop, blinking in surprise and stopping, which would cost him as he and the other would be sent flying into the wall from Kaku's projectile... and Joshua's bullet.

Still, it seemed that they were well protected by their armor, though naturally, it was penetrated quite a bit and blood was seeping out their wounds.

"B-Backup, backup! We have an intruder alert!" The first guard would request, before the two of them would continue opening fire, focusing their attention on Kaku, as they believed they had managed to kill Joshua.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Chris Lang
Feeling the pressure of the bullet being stopped, he sighed and groaned, trying to regain his senses as he quickly sat up and fired the last five rounds in the magazine toward the two guards. "Prepare to meet your Maker!" With that, a frown came out as he quickly reloaded the pistol. "Five more magazines in the chest pocket.." He thought to himself
"You wouldn't prefer it over an omnipotent freak bent on destroying the universe to please his girlfriend. And, yes. I like you. I wouldn't have shown you that note if I didn't."


Ridley just grinned at him. "Jeez, your universe sounds a lot more fun than mine. I think I'm jealous," she remarked, gold eyes shining. "You shouldn't like me. Ain't good for ya."


"How much ya wanna bet we're walking in on porno?" This was a bad attempt at a joke.

Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Verite @DapperDogman @Anyone else

Sophie looked a bit worried noticing Elsa's rather negative feelings towards Claire, but, she nodded a little, about to lead Elsa to where Ruby was presumably hanging out... Though, before that could happen, the world suddenly shifted around then, and suddenly... They were in a city. Ruby in the meantime had been feeling a bit worse about what had happened after hearing Frigga's distressed cries, but, soon noticed that the world itself had suddenly changed, noticing how wrecked the buildings were, she drew her Crescent Rose, cautiously preparing to defend herself. A gigantic beast of some sort showed it's face soon enough, proving her instincts to be right... She couldn't stop it from crushing two unfortunate team members, but, she was about to prevent it from doing any more damage, trying to aim for the strange symbol upon it's head. Before she could however, a massive beam of energy plunged straight through it. This immense power seemed to impress Ruby greatly "Whoa!!! Even Glenda couldn't do that!!!" she exclaimed, it definitely looked like she had found herself a new "senpai" or something like that, but, upon realizing that it would draw attention, she let herself be led down into the garage. Sophie herself was there too, though, she was looking around for Elsa who she had lost track of in the commotion for a moment, Ruby in the meantime, appeared to be looking around for Soul, wondering where they should go next.​
Soul would groan as within moments of taking a breather, the world switched to another cityscape, still destroyed "Why can't we have one non ruined city? Is like...that too much to ask?" he watches with mild amusement as Ruby seems impressed by the beam of energy used by the red haired girl "You think that's impressive...wait till you see what I can really do" he wasn't at all jealous of her, why would anyone think that he was envious of how cool that kill looked? That's an outrageous concept, stop being silly

"Well...I can't do it here...I might hurt someone" he bluffs, in truth, he couldn't seem to use those powers very well, probably due to the machine he was forced to use to maintain his form in the world "Also, I'm fairly sure I'd break the VR thingy"

Of course that was the reason, he couldn't do it because of the stupid votes and the stupid VR machine...

@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Ivazel @Chris Lang


Those who would make their way to Wayne Manor would fight a delightfully large and well-kept estate. The manor gave off a classy yet mysterious feel to all who would behold it. So, from the outside, it was most definitely magnificent. Whoever owned this place had some serious cash in their pocket.

The only worrying sight those arriving may see were guards who stood around as if on high alert.


They looked quite dangerous, but they weren't attacking anyone... yet... so maybe they weren't going to harm the group of survivors? Where they around for a different reason? Or maybe they were just waiting for everyone to get closer before attacking? For now, it was unclear...

Approach Wayne Manor?


Oh, Frank was totally asking for it; Rid didn't like being ignored. When her warnings were ignored, she tended to take the route of demonstration. "I think 'ignorant' is more a what you are. Ignorance gets ya into trouble that can be avoided." Like me having to demonstrate why you should stay away.

Without another word, Ridley started going into the room the movie was playing in.

@BarrenThin @Verite
"Ignorance is bliss."

Frank frowned and followed Ridley. "The fuck...?"

"STAY COOL, BIRDBOY," the character in the movie said as they would go in.

Frank and Ridley would be able to overhear laughing in the seats, followed by talking.

"So this movie... Man, I wish it existed in this dimension! You're tellin' me this is what the Bat was like before Bane broke him? No wonder he died out! Look at those goddamn nipples!"

"You're tellin' me! But no, I think our Bat was kinda different. Not like I'd know. He was probably still a bitch if he went down without giving Mr. Bane any trouble."


@Hospes @BarrenThin

Ridley just grinned at him. "Jeez, your universe sounds a lot more fun than mine. I think I'm jealous," she remarked, gold eyes shining. "You shouldn't like me. Ain't good for ya."


"How much ya wanna bet we're walking in on porno?" This was a bad attempt at a joke.


Frank frowned. "Neither is violence. I enjoy that plenty, and I think you're a lot better for me than that."

"I'll give you a twenty if it is."

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"Nope. They say if I get more involved, the so-called influence of the Arch Demon might come over me and I wouldn't even know it. Now that's something I'd rather you worry about instead of my well-being. I can take care of myself. You're such a worry-wart, you know that?" Aoko said endearingly, poking the younger girl on the forehead.

"And well, yeah. I've known him since he was a boy. Half as tall as you are now, I bet," the young woman nodded, putting her hands on her hips, "He's a good person at heart. Even if he still needs some guidance as a young man. But I'll leave that up to his friends, y'know?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Well, I have every reason to worry," replied Aqua, shutting her eyes for a brief moment in order to picture the faces of Terra and Ventus in her head. It had been so long since she had seen them that their faces were almost becoming blurry to her. That very truth hit Aqua like a knife to the heart. She didn't want to lose any more people or forget anymore faces.

"But if you want me not to worry so much, then... share power with me," Aqua suggested. "Keyblade masters have a trick called D-Linking. We can only do it with people who we share strong bonds with. I imagine it would work between us with no problem at all. It's just a way to borrow each other's power when needed. If you do that, I'll be able not to worry. I have to leave soon. I'm with the Coalition and I need to go with my friends. Abel and Naoya are out there. I have to watch out for them, you know?"

In reply to Aoko's comment about Shiki Aqua said, "He does seem like a good person. He helped me out before. Let's just hope he does stay on the right path. He reminds me of... one of the friends I lost, a friend who had potential to do great good or great evil. I hope he doesn't choose evil like my friend did..."
"STAY COOL, BIRDBOY," the character in the movie said as they would go in.

Frank and Ridley would be able to overhear laughing in the seats, followed by talking.

"So this movie... Man, I wish it existed in this dimension! You're tellin' me this is what the Bat was like before Bane broke him? No wonder he died out! Look at those goddamn nipples!"

"You're tellin' me! But no, I think our Bat was kinda different. Not like I'd know. He was probably still a bitch if he went down without giving Mr. Bane any trouble."


@Hospes @BarrenThin

Frank motioned for Ridley to stop and be silent. He drew his D-Eagle and peered into the room.

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Max had so not been ready for a sudden hug attack from her best friend back in the medical tent, and she was hella shy and awkward around other people as it was. So it probably wasn't too surprising when the sole outcome of that PDA outta nowhere was some very embarrassed mumbling and an obscenely meek attempt at reciprocation, Max's cheeks flushing like the basic scrub she was.

They would've flushed about a million times harder had she been even remotely aware of Chloe's... dream? Nightmare? Acid trip? Whatever it was. But, perhaps mercifully, that wasn't the case, so she settled for less mythical levels of flusterment instead, falling into a sheepish silence for the rest of their time in that dimension as she tried to get her mind in the zone for the next leap.

Which actually did a lot to help out this time when the fabric of reality around her shattered away like a picture frame, and she was far less disoriented by the transitional phase of their displacement than she had been last time around. Of course, being "in the zone" didn't exactly help her heart not start beating through her ribcage in terror when she saw the sheer size of Watzilla coming at them, and by the time it toppled over like a tree she couldn't even muster up enough peace of mind to say something sarcastic about them being in another iteration of trashed New York. She did get a rad photo shot of the behemoth before it went down, though. Score.

As the possible destinations were laid out before them by the lady with the red hair, Max's thought process went a little something like this.

Wayne Manor'Too obvious.'

Powers Technology Building'Ugh... too... many... stairs.'

The Docks'Too cliche.'

Alleyway'Too... annoying. The Riddler trophies are a total pain in the ass.'

Hospital'Hmm. Pros: might be the safest, probably not on fire. Cons: might be the setting for every J-horror game ever. Decisions, decisions...'

Welllllll... she had racked up hundreds of hours on Fatal Frame, and if it turned out there were ghosts around she was pretty damn slick with a camera. So when Lisa asked where their destination lay, Max answered after a little thought.

"Let's check out the hospital. Maybe we'll find Doc Riley, PhD a stethoscope or something."

Aaaaand, of course, once they arrived the place completely turned out to be the scary kind of hospital. Yay. Max looked around briefly as they came to an intersection in the hallways.



"Uh... you guys wanna split up, or keep in a group?"

The age-old Scooby Doo dilemma; to keep safe or cover more ground. Whatever they decided, Max herself decided to turn to the right, having no idea how to navigate the hospital corridors anyway. Might as well check everywhere she could.

@Verite my faker @TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @The Silver Paladin @any shucky duckys who mosey on down to hospital town​
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"STAY COOL, BIRDBOY," the character in the movie said as they would go in.

Frank and Ridley would be able to overhear laughing in the seats, followed by talking.

"So this movie... Man, I wish it existed in this dimension! You're tellin' me this is what the Bat was like before Bane broke him? No wonder he died out! Look at those goddamn nipples!"

"You're tellin' me! But no, I think our Bat was kinda different. Not like I'd know. He was probably still a bitch if he went down without giving Mr. Bane any trouble."


@Hospes @BarrenThin

Quietly, Rid produced a lollipop nonchalantly, gold eyes glancing for the source of the laughter.
Frank frowned. "Neither is violence. I enjoy that plenty, and I think you're a lot better for me than that."

"I'll give you a twenty if it is."


She shook her head insistently, frowning. "Doubtedly, really. Pretty sure I'm much worse for the mortal mind than violence.."

"...Dammit. I owe you twenty, then."
Frank motioned for Ridley to stop and be silent. He drew his D-Eagle and peered into the room.


This made Ridley frown, but she shrugged and quietly unwrapped the lollipop, watching Frank absently. She would've tried to follow discreetly.. But you can't really be discreet in designer boots.

She was on alert and ready to manipulate within a second's notice, though.

@BarrenThin @Verite
@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Ivazel @Chris Lang


Those who would make their way to Wayne Manor would fight a delightfully large and well-kept estate. The manor gave off a classy yet mysterious feel to all who would behold it. So, from the outside, it was most definitely magnificent. Whoever owned this place had some serious cash in their pocket.

The only worrying sight those arriving may see were guards who stood around as if on high alert.


They looked quite dangerous, but they weren't attacking anyone... yet... so maybe they weren't going to harm the group of survivors? Where they around for a different reason? Or maybe they were just waiting for everyone to get closer before attacking? For now, it was unclear...

Approach Wayne Manor?

Wesker's sunglasses found their way to his face. "I'll take care of them," he said to the group, walking briskly and directly at the guards so as to get their attention. "Worms!"

"Shoot me!"

He'd try to get them to shoot at him, only to dash to several positions that would allow him to dodge, and then as he approached, he'd snap their necks like twigs if all went to plan.

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@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Ivazel @Chris Lang


Those who would make their way to Wayne Manor would fight a delightfully large and well-kept estate. The manor gave off a classy yet mysterious feel to all who would behold it. So, from the outside, it was most definitely magnificent. Whoever owned this place had some serious cash in their pocket.

The only worrying sight those arriving may see were guards who stood around as if on high alert.


They looked quite dangerous, but they weren't attacking anyone... yet... so maybe they weren't going to harm the group of survivors? Where they around for a different reason? Or maybe they were just waiting for everyone to get closer before attacking? For now, it was unclear...

Approach Wayne Manor?

Not seeming to take in mind the apparent chance of danger, Lapis casually approached Wayne Manor. Heck, she didn't seem to take in mind that she had a hybrid weapon holstered to her belt...

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Ivazel @Chris Lang
Max had so not been ready for a sudden hug attack from her best friend back in the medical tent, and she was hella shy and awkward around other people as it was. So it probably wasn't too surprising when the sole outcome of that PDA outta nowhere was some very embarrassed mumbling and an obscenely meek attempt at reciprocation, Max's cheeks flushing like the basic scrub she was.

They would've flushed about a million times harder had she been even remotely aware of Chloe's... dream? Nightmare? Acid trip? Whatever it was. But, perhaps mercifully, that wasn't the case, so she settled for less mythical levels of flusterment instead, falling into a sheepish silence for the rest of their time in that dimension as she tried to get her mind in the zone for the next leap.

Which actually did a lot to help out this time when the fabric of reality around her shattered away like a picture frame, and she was far less disoriented by the transitional phase of their displacement than she had been last time around. Of course, being "in the zone" didn't exactly help her heart not start beating through her ribcage in terror when she saw the sheer size of Watzilla coming at them, and by the time it toppled over like a tree she couldn't even muster up enough peace of mind to say something sarcastic about them being in another iteration of trashed New York. She did get a rad photo shot of the behemoth before it went down, though. Score.

As the possible destinations were laid out before them by the lady with the red hair, Max's thought process went a little something like this.

Wayne Manor'Too obvious.'

Powers Technology Building'Ugh... too... many... stairs.'

The Docks'Too cliche.'

Alleyway'Too... annoying. The Riddler trophies are a total pain in the ass.'

Hospital'Hmm. Pros: might be the safest, probably not on fire. Cons: might be the setting for every J-horror game ever. Decisions, decisions...'

Welllllll... she had racked up hundreds of hours on Fatal Frame, and if it turned out there were ghosts around she was pretty damn slick with a camera. So when Lisa asked where their destination lay, Max answered after a little thought.

"Let's check out the hospital. Maybe we'll find Doc Riley, PhD a stethoscope or something."

Aaaaand, of course, once they arrived the place completely turned out to be the scary kind of hospital. Yay. Max looked around briefly as they came to an intersection in the hallways.



"Uh... you guys wanna split up, or keep in a group?"

The age-old Scooby Doo dilemma; to keep safe or cover more ground. Whatever they decided, Max herself decided to turn to the right, having no idea how to navigate the hospital corridors anyway. Might as well check everywhere she could.

@Verite my faker @TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @The Silver Paladin @any shucky duckys who mosey on down to hospital town​

Lisa followed her protectively

  • Bucket of Rainbows
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@The Tactician @Gummi Bunnies @Ivazel @Chris Lang


Those who would make their way to Wayne Manor would fight a delightfully large and well-kept estate. The manor gave off a classy yet mysterious feel to all who would behold it. So, from the outside, it was most definitely magnificent. Whoever owned this place had some serious cash in their pocket.

The only worrying sight those arriving may see were guards who stood around as if on high alert.


They looked quite dangerous, but they weren't attacking anyone... yet... so maybe they weren't going to harm the group of survivors? Where they around for a different reason? Or maybe they were just waiting for everyone to get closer before attacking? For now, it was unclear...

Approach Wayne Manor?

"Whelp..." Abel threw his hands up as he walked toward the manor, "We surrender?"

@Chris Lang @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies
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