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"Bah." Wesker was going to relish in the next conflict he'd take part in. If something wasn't very dead very soon, he would indeed be displeased. However, he listened to Alice for now, pushing the doors to the manor open to see what lay inside.

@Schnee Corp Lawyer @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Allyoupeeps
"... Well, not the most subtle way, though I suppose it's as good as any other way," Shiki would comment, having totally been there with them the entire time, glancing briefly at Plutia and Booker, before shrugging, "Well, I guess there's no time like the present."

As you would all board the elevator, the only way to go was down, which it would. Eventually, you would all be led into what appeared to be a small, underground facility. Once you would reach the destination and step out of the elevator, you'd find yourself in a small hallway that had another door at the end of it, the door having a small TV screen on top of it.

As they would reach the door, Shiki would put his hand on the knob to open it, before a jolt of electricity out of nowhere sent him stumbling back on his ass, and the door would suddenly become closed off by a gate, the two barriers surging with electricity. The TV screen would turn itself on, revealing a man in green with glasses.


"Ah, visitors! Hey diddle diddle. I wasn't expecting anyone, but then again, it's not like you look like one of Bane's goons... But then again, looks can be deceiving. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I can't feel my arm!"

"Ah, you'll feel better in no time."

@Bomb @Nater Taters @People in the facility from the alleyway​
"Ahh! Shiki-kun!" Plutia reacted to the electric door knob. If she only had an Anti-Paralysis or a Paralaxin with her...

"What... are you doing..." Plutia said to the TV screen.


@Nater Taters @Verite
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Frank motioned for Ridley to stop and be silent. He drew his D-Eagle and peered into the room.


Quietly, Rid produced a lollipop nonchalantly, gold eyes glancing for the source of the laughter.

She shook her head insistently, frowning. "Doubtedly, really. Pretty sure I'm much worse for the mortal mind than violence.."

"...Dammit. I owe you twenty, then."

This made Ridley frown, but she shrugged and quietly unwrapped the lollipop, watching Frank absently. She would've tried to follow discreetly.. But you can't really be discreet in designer boots.

She was on alert and ready to manipulate within a second's notice, though.

@BarrenThin @Verite

Wow, that was probably getting annoying. And insulting.

"So where do ya think Riddler is? Bane's apparently been trying to track him down for a week now."

"What about that question mark in the alleyway? Do you figure he might be there?"

"Nah, that's too obvious. At least, that's what the boss says anyway," the second man shrugged, the two of them oblivious to Frank and Ridley, "Still, I know he's somewhere in this city. Kept on finding some weird trophies of his, shaped as green question marks. In the weirdest places too, no less."

"Oh, yeah? Like where have you been finding them?"

"The women's restroom."

"What were you doing in the women's restroom?"


@Hospes @BarrenThin
Max had so not been ready for a sudden hug attack from her best friend back in the medical tent, and she was hella shy and awkward around other people as it was. So it probably wasn't too surprising when the sole outcome of that PDA outta nowhere was some very embarrassed mumbling and an obscenely meek attempt at reciprocation, Max's cheeks flushing like the basic scrub she was.

They would've flushed about a million times harder had she been even remotely aware of Chloe's... dream? Nightmare? Acid trip? Whatever it was. But, perhaps mercifully, that wasn't the case, so she settled for less mythical levels of flusterment instead, falling into a sheepish silence for the rest of their time in that dimension as she tried to get her mind in the zone for the next leap.

Which actually did a lot to help out this time when the fabric of reality around her shattered away like a picture frame, and she was far less disoriented by the transitional phase of their displacement than she had been last time around. Of course, being "in the zone" didn't exactly help her heart not start beating through her ribcage in terror when she saw the sheer size of Watzilla coming at them, and by the time it toppled over like a tree she couldn't even muster up enough peace of mind to say something sarcastic about them being in another iteration of trashed New York. She did get a rad photo shot of the behemoth before it went down, though. Score.

As the possible destinations were laid out before them by the lady with the red hair, Max's thought process went a little something like this.

Wayne Manor'Too obvious.'

Powers Technology Building'Ugh... too... many... stairs.'

The Docks'Too cliche.'

Alleyway'Too... annoying. The Riddler trophies are a total pain in the ass.'

Hospital'Hmm. Pros: might be the safest, probably not on fire. Cons: might be the setting for every J-horror game ever. Decisions, decisions...'

Welllllll... she had racked up hundreds of hours on Fatal Frame, and if it turned out there were ghosts around she was pretty damn slick with a camera. So when Lisa asked where their destination lay, Max answered after a little thought.

"Let's check out the hospital. Maybe we'll find Doc Riley, PhD a stethoscope or something."

Aaaaand, of course, once they arrived the place completely turned out to be the scary kind of hospital. Yay. Max looked around briefly as they came to an intersection in the hallways.



"Uh... you guys wanna split up, or keep in a group?"

The age-old Scooby Doo dilemma; to keep safe or cover more ground. Whatever they decided, Max herself decided to turn to the right, having no idea how to navigate the hospital corridors anyway. Might as well check everywhere she could.

@Verite my faker @TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @The Silver Paladin @any shucky duckys who mosey on down to hospital town​

Riley looked at Max and nodded. "Let's go." He drew his Gauss Rifle in case there was something down the hall, he the. Applied his Power Armor. "I'll lead."

@TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @Verite
Bayonetta smiled at the sight of Pikachu eating. "Eat up little one," she said, "who knows what awaits us?"


"Let's just not have any more drama though, shall we? I've seen and heard enough just among us in the last few hours to last a bloody human lifetime. And that's without any father or mother issues involved."

@Bomb @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Pika pika!" Pikachu happened to share the same sentiment as Bayonetta... especially with occurred with Lapis that indirectly affected Red at the same time.

After finishing up its poffin, Pikachu went ahead of the group, all energized for anything. Red gave a distinct nod to Bayonetta, again being a person unable to talk and that it would take too much time to take out his Pokedex and type out what he wanted to say.

@Mari @Bomb @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Quickly standing up, he patted Kaku before reloading the pistol. "Great job. Stay or fight. I am going to find a way upstairs." And with that, he disappeared from Kakus sight as he began to make his way up a flight of stairs, hoping for no enemies, that is.
@Chris Lang

Kaku quickly followed the strange man. Whoever this man was (as Kaku had not been formally introduced to this man), he seemed less experience in this sort of operation. His initial confrontation with the guards was the work of a rank amateur.


It was a little girl's voice. Claire had known her in the life she'd left behind.

"Sherry, take my hand."

A putrid smell was in the air, and Claire felt as if she was choking on whatever was clogging her nostrils. The little girl whimpered slightly, her small cries sounding terribly loud in the silence of the dead city. The heat was unbearable, and it was contributing to the sickly sweet smell. Claire thought to take her jacket back from the little girl, but when their hands touched, Claire found that she was ice cold.


"Sherry...? Sherry?"

Sherry had frozen solid, and Claire watched as the little girl shattered into hundreds of tiny pieces before her. She screamed--



Claire sat up sharply, finding herself in an unfamiliar bed and in an unfamiliar place. Claire would have found this terribly alarming, but she was used to this sort of thing in these games. The transport must have occurred while she slept, though now she was completely separated from everyone else. Just like old times, Claire thought, moving off the bed and manoeuvring herself toward an open window. Yet another desolate New York, but this one definitely seemed different.

I'm gonna finish this.


Wow, that was probably getting annoying. And insulting.

"So where do ya think Riddler is? Bane's apparently been trying to track him down for a week now."

"What about that question mark in the alleyway? Do you figure he might be there?"

"Nah, that's too obvious. At least, that's what the boss says anyway," the second man shrugged, the two of them oblivious to Frank and Ridley, "Still, I know he's somewhere in this city. Kept on finding some weird trophies of his, shaped as green question marks. In the weirdest places too, no less."

"Oh, yeah? Like where have you been finding them?"

"The women's restroom."

"What were you doing in the women's restroom?"


@Hospes @BarrenThin

For now, Frank just kept listening.

Abel was officially creeped out by the men, "Ah... Yeah, let's just go in, I guess?" With that, he walked in with Naoya behind him, both expecting a trap.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Gummi Bunnies @Ivazel
"It shouldn't be that bad, right? If things go to shit, there's always my crystal dome," Lapis says to them in a way that she was trying to reassure them. Apparently she had none of those worries that Abel and Naoya had.

@The Tactician @Ivazel @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @the wayne manor group​
Kaku quickly followed the strange man. Whoever this man was (as Kaku had not been formally introduced to this man), he seemed less experience in this sort of operation. His initial confrontation with the guards was the work of a rank amateur.

He looked behind him for a moment, stopping at a random door about two stories up. "And to what do I owe you that you continue following me?" The question came out rudely but in reality was supposed to sound normal.

"Pika pika!" Pikachu happened to share the same sentiment as Bayonetta... especially with occurred with Lapis that indirectly affected Red at the same time.

After finishing up its poffin, Pikachu went ahead of the group, all energized for anything. Red gave a distinct nod to Bayonetta, again being a person unable to talk and that it would take too much time to take out his Pokedex and type out what he wanted to say.

@Mari @Bomb @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

And Bayonetta nodded slightly in return to Pikachu, as they approached the docks.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @docksarea
@Those heading to the docks


The city is silent around the docks, the strange colossi lumbering about far from this location. You may think this area is peaceful, until you hear the distant sound of voices. As you get closer, you can tell there seems to be an argument going on.

Looking for the source of disturbance, you'd find three mean wearing masks at the edge of the water.


Two of them have a hold of a fourth man, and are forcing his head underwater. The third masked man yells out, "You fuckin' shit! Not so tough now, are ya? You waterlogged shit! This is what you get for defying Bane, shit-for-brains! You're gonna die! You're gonna die knowin' you royally fucked up!"

@Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
He looked behind him for a moment, stopping at a random door about two stories up. "And to what do I owe you that you continue following me?" The question came out rudely but in reality was supposed to sound normal.
Uylsses would almost materialize out of thin air, his Stealth Boy having worn off.

He just sort of stared at the back of his head until he turned back to him, giving him a small nod and a nearly silent grunt

@Chris Lang
Max had so not been ready for a sudden hug attack from her best friend back in the medical tent, and she was hella shy and awkward around other people as it was. So it probably wasn't too surprising when the sole outcome of that PDA outta nowhere was some very embarrassed mumbling and an obscenely meek attempt at reciprocation, Max's cheeks flushing like the basic scrub she was.

They would've flushed about a million times harder had she been even remotely aware of Chloe's... dream? Nightmare? Acid trip? Whatever it was. But, perhaps mercifully, that wasn't the case, so she settled for less mythical levels of flusterment instead, falling into a sheepish silence for the rest of their time in that dimension as she tried to get her mind in the zone for the next leap.

Which actually did a lot to help out this time when the fabric of reality around her shattered away like a picture frame, and she was far less disoriented by the transitional phase of their displacement than she had been last time around. Of course, being "in the zone" didn't exactly help her heart not start beating through her ribcage in terror when she saw the sheer size of Watzilla coming at them, and by the time it toppled over like a tree she couldn't even muster up enough peace of mind to say something sarcastic about them being in another iteration of trashed New York. She did get a rad photo shot of the behemoth before it went down, though. Score.

As the possible destinations were laid out before them by the lady with the red hair, Max's thought process went a little something like this.

Wayne Manor'Too obvious.'

Powers Technology Building'Ugh... too... many... stairs.'

The Docks'Too cliche.'

Alleyway'Too... annoying. The Riddler trophies are a total pain in the ass.'

Hospital'Hmm. Pros: might be the safest, probably not on fire. Cons: might be the setting for every J-horror game ever. Decisions, decisions...'

Welllllll... she had racked up hundreds of hours on Fatal Frame, and if it turned out there were ghosts around she was pretty damn slick with a camera. So when Lisa asked where their destination lay, Max answered after a little thought.

"Let's check out the hospital. Maybe we'll find Doc Riley, PhD a stethoscope or something."

Aaaaand, of course, once they arrived the place completely turned out to be the scary kind of hospital. Yay. Max looked around briefly as they came to an intersection in the hallways.



"Uh... you guys wanna split up, or keep in a group?"

The age-old Scooby Doo dilemma; to keep safe or cover more ground. Whatever they decided, Max herself decided to turn to the right, having no idea how to navigate the hospital corridors anyway. Might as well check everywhere she could.

@Verite my faker @TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @The Silver Paladin @any shucky duckys who mosey on down to hospital town​
Riley looked at Max and nodded. "Let's go." He drew his Gauss Rifle in case there was something down the hall, he the. Applied his Power Armor. "I'll lead."

@TheBlueBurch @BarrenThin @Verite
As you would make your way to the right, Riley seeming to take the lead, the sounds and small rumbling would continue.

Well, yeah. Not unsettling at all or anything. No biggee. Just--OH SHIT

Before anyone knew it, Max would find herself being grabbed from behind. An older man, with his arm wrapped around Max's neck and a pistol in the other, made himself present to Lisa and Riley.

"Shit, we've been found. I'll have to tell the good doctor about this. Who are you people? Why are you here? Did Bane send you?! 'Cause if he did, you should get out! O-Or else!" He exclaimed, holding Max tight.

@OrlandoBloomers nothin personal bb @BarrenThin @TheBlueBurch @The Silver Paladin
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Uylsses would almost materialize out of thin air, his Stealth Boy having worn off.

He just sort of stared at the back of his head until he turned back to him, giving him a small nod and a nearly silent grunt

@Chris Lang
"In the name of God, where the Hell did you come from, Ulysses?" His eyes popped open in fright for a moment before his attention reverted to the door, not opening it "Fatal Funnel... Keep to the left, I'll take the right flank. Push forward and maintain short controlled bursts. Nothing too fancy."

And Bayonetta nodded slightly in return to Pikachu, as they approached the docks.

@Gummi Bunnies @Bomb @Verite @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @docksarea
@Those heading to the docks


The city is silent around the docks, the strange colossi lumbering about far from this location. You may think this area is peaceful, until you hear the distant sound of voices. As you get closer, you can tell there seems to be an argument going on.

Looking for the source of disturbance, you'd find three mean wearing masks at the edge of the water.


Two of them have a hold of a fourth man, and are forcing his head underwater. The third masked man yells out, "You fuckin' shit! Not so tough now, are ya? You waterlogged shit! This is what you get for defying Bane, shit-for-brains! You're gonna die! You're gonna die knowin' you royally fucked up!"

@Mari @Gummi Bunnies @Bomb
Well... that wasn't good at all, but Red knew that it wasn't good to let these guys do this. Giving Pikachu the gesture, the mouse pokemon knew what that meant.

What will Pikachu do?

>Fight >Bag >Pokemon >Run


>Volt Tackle >Quick Attack >Iron Tail >Thunderbolt

>Quick Attack


Speeding off, Pikachu immediately caught up to high speeds, aiming to tackle one of the masked men holding the poor guy's head into the water with a Quick Attack.

@Atomyk @Mari @Bomb
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