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"...Huh. Not as many as I expected but still should be something. Been a long while since I've killed aliens." He grinned, thinking back to the great war, matching Locus kill for kill. This was still going to be fun. "I call dibs on the ugly one!" He remarked. And since they were all ugly as fuck, he just waited for one to step up, readying his blades and guns. Some mano e mano action...great.

And once one did...he whirred into motion, launching a knife blade thrown at it's torso.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @other fighters
Two damage is done to the Chitauri:

Chitauri HP: |

Your HP: |||

Whether the alien hits or not, you manage to strike again and kill him!


A. Fight again
B. Leave

Edit: Looks like the alien did hit, but it hardly left a scratch on you! One damage was taken.​
"Good luck with yours, Red!" Lapis says before she goes ahead.

Red figured that he didn't want to tire out two of his Pokemon, so he sends Blastoise back, planning to use the fire-type Pokemon, Charizard, instead.




Pokemon Trainer Red & Charizard HP: | | |

What will Charizard do?

>Fight >Bag >Pokemon >Run


>Flare Blitz >Air Slash >Blast Burn >Dragon Pulse

>Flare Blitz

Charizard began to fly towards the nearest alien to Red, the flying lizard being engulfed by raging flames with the clear intent to tackle into one of the Chitauri aliens! This move was no other than Flare Blitz.

~Dice Roll~
1-3 - One Line of Damage Depleted From Chitauri Alien
4-6 - Two Lines of Damage Depleted From Chitauri Alien

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Bomb @Sandra @The Tactician @others in the fight​

Charizard's Flare Blitz does one damage to the Chitauri alien!

Chitauri HP: ||
Your HP: |||

The alien prepares to fire its laser gun at Charizard...

Edit: Two damage is done to Charizard!

Chitauri HP: ||
Charizard HP: |

Red better hope that his next attack roll would be a two...​
Plutia rolled a six! Her attack does two damage.

Chitauri HP: |

Plutia HP: | | |

The Chitauri rolls for an attack...

It points a powerful alien laser gun at her...

Edit after the dice roll: The Chitauri hit does two damage to Plutia!

But with another attack--whether she rolls a one or two for hit damage, she wins!

Options after winning:

A. Fight Again.
B. Leave
Screenshot 2015-06-11 11.33.jpg

So yea, Plutia finds another alien and uses "Fancy Rain?", an alternate version of "Fancy Rain!"

HP: |||

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Charizard's Flare Blitz does one damage to the Chitauri alien!

Chitauri HP: ||
Your HP: |||

The alien prepares to fire its laser gun at Charizard...

Edit: Two damage is done to Charizard!

Chitauri HP: ||
Charizard HP: |

Red better hope that his next attack roll would be a two...​
The Chitauri alien uses its Laser Gun.

Its super effective!

Charizard HP: |

What will Charizard do?

>Fight >Bag >Pokemon >Run


>Flare Blitz >Air Slash >Blast Burn >Dragon Pulse

>Blast Burn

Given that Charizard's Flare Blitz didn't do as much as expected to the alien, Red figured that they had to use the trump card move or else Charizard might as well faint! Getting the message from Red that they needed to end this quickly, Charizard builds up the fiery rage in its mouth, and then releases a powerful blast of flames towards the Chitauri alien. This move was no other than Blast Burn, and if it hits or not, Charizard would be out of the count if they were to fight again.


~Dice Roll~
1-3 - One Line of Damage Depleted from Chitauri
4-6 - Two Lines of Damage Depleted from Chitauri

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

(Almost forgot, and yep, Red be blacking out. XD)​
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As Jon regathered himself, thanks partially to Loras, the time for idle chatter was but short. Only managing to get out a nod to Ser Loras, the Snow renowned for being a man of little words, the bastard truly wished to challenge the Knight of Flowers. However, such a fought of trivial duels evaporated, the sworn brother staring ahead as the world began to heave and collapse. Reality itself twisted and warped, every fragment of light, every particle of matter, swiftly and surely gone, the unending abyss hurling itself closer and closer. At first, Jon ran, but soon, he gave in, and like every other of his companions, was swept away in this maddening rush of darkness.

Game Over.

At least, that is what Jon thought. So ends the noble tale of the Bastard of Winterfell, he thought, alongside his companions of egotistical killers, seductresses, teen-aged girls, survivalists, and members of this "Coalition". As he swam through the abyss, his body like a feather, Jon would soon be brought back into this new world, this fresh anew start. But before that could happen, before the next act of this dance could commence, trouble was once again afoot. Another vision, another whisper in his head, another voice of this Stranger egging him on.


"Tick, tock, tick, tock..."


Jon murmured to himself, feeling his back rest upon what almost felt like a bed of rusty nails, looking up to see a hellish setting. Crimson and rust mingled against steel walls and beams, an almost demonic appearance emitting from his new environment. Marble tiles of once pearly white had been sullied, grime, filth, and rot coating the flooring. Banners of a kingdom hung upon the walls of this rather small room, Jon just beginning to recall the symbol from the first time he had received the visions from "the Stranger". Arising onto his feet, the bastard was startled to see a young, cloaked figure standing before a small counter. Judging by it's physique, the individual seemed female, holding a sacrificial dagger in her left hand as the scent of two burning candles filled the cramp room, drowning out the stench of rotting flesh and waste.


Bewildered and sicken, Jon flinched, staring at this robed girl, a hand carefully on the hilt of Longclaw, his legs feeling frozen. The girl, no older than sixteen years, stood, whispering a language long dead, wiping the blade of the dagger against the fabrics of her clothing. Upon careful, intent listening and general assumptions, the Snow mentally declared this was the origin of the whispers in his head from the moment Cosmo sent him the telepathic messages concerning Arya. Feeling the bitterness and anger crawl within him, the honorable bastard soon barked out, furious, but genuinely frighten of the horrific, nightmarish world he found himself encased in.

"You...?! Are you..are you a shadow?!"

The robed girl briefly glanced over, chuckling lightly, her voice carrying a firm echo, sounding like a thousand trapped souls in a singular form.

"Shadows...is that what they call us now? The Others?" she sounded amused, daring not to face Jon, staring before whatever foul work the occultist was working on the counter. Sounds of mutilated flesh and bone could be heard, her dagger twisting into some organic, fleshy bit of matter. Pausing briefly, the robed enigma continued, going onto a rather eerie, unsettling ramble. A ramble, that, whilst many of it went over Jon's head, made the sworn brother of the Night's Watch truly fearful of the occultist before him.

"I am no ghost, but many of died here. Such is the prize of progress. The Coalition has sent many here, all in their little crusade, with half of these 'liberators' not even knowing the organization's intentions. Few return, which each dance, with each game, the clock ticks and tocks, yet everything is the same. Names change, places change, but it is all the same in the end. Death is but null, nothing more than a plot point, and when there is no death...there cannot be any life." the girl of a thousand voices uttered, her fair-skinned hands clenching the counter before her. "We are many, Jon, you are but one of the few. Why deny the tides of fate? The war will end, there is no changing the inevitable. It will all end soon...trust me...promise me..." the robed girl whispered, the Snow having enough, beginning to run towards the occultist, screaming.


Before Jon could reach the robed girl, she vanished in a puff of smoke, leaving Jon to witness a mound of rotting flesh, a dagger dug deep into it. Yet, oddly, in that festering pile of filth, the hilt of his sword could be found protruding from it. Shakily throwing himself away, looking down at his own sword and realizing the hilt was gone, Jon could only stare at the ornate head of a white wolf, modeled after his direwolf Ghost. Feeling his heart race and his vision begin to blacken, the Snow began to fall unconscious, the occultist speaking one final time to Jon. Her voice of a growl, one, lone, ominous phrase replayed on a loop in the black-haired warrior's mind, like that of a constant threat...

"I am Mercy."


Jon ran.

He didn't know where he was going, where he was at, who was with him, what time of day it was, or what threat was exactly after him.

But the bastard ran, his thoughts a blur, the whispers in his head, ripping and clawing him apart. He could feel them, he could see Her. Her constant gaze, those black robes and scarlet eyes. Her unsettling voice, her dagger glistening in her left hand. The symbols flashing before his eyes, the thumping of his heart and the pumping of his blood. All it rushed like a mad descent into the realm of Hades, and before Jon knew it, he fell, nearly unconscious, his hands grasping at the sides of his head, tugging at his hair.

He had seen Mercy.

@Running squad don't have time for tags @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Josh M @Jenny @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @fuck gotta go for early dinner.

Chapter 2: Broken Shield
As the votes were finalized, it became clear that Ulysses and Soul would be the ones being sent back to the HQ. Ludger nodded and talked into his communicator. Everyone's communicators would beep as a flash of light would surround the pair. They appeared to stretch, their bodies being pulled up ward to a single point above their head. All at once, they seemed to snap into this point, and disappear.
"We'll know the results soon enough!" Leia exclaimed. "And, hopefully, they'll be back by our side soon enough as well. Now... we gotta explain a few things! Ludger, I assume the shadow is the divergence catalyst?"
"That's right," Ludger said, nodding.
"Right, okay, you see..." Leia looked around at everyone. "Most worlds are parallel version of other worlds... In fact, there's very few that aren't, when it comes down to it. This one's no different, and so it has something divergent about it, something that's like... the source of an alternate universe's alternate history, or a person that's totally different than their counterparts. This is the divergence catalyst, and it's really gotta be found and destroyed so we can leave!"
"If the dimension is prime, I can move freely from it, if it's parallel, this process must be done. In this case..." Ludger stood at the ready, for he could sense what was on the horizon. Thomas' shadow appeared over the village, and was aiming to move toward the huts.
"It's the shadow, whatever it is. It must be killed so we can leave."
Ludger's form changed before your eyes, what appearing to be a kind of exoskeleton shell appearing over his right arm and leg.

A spear formed in his hand, and the man made a yelling leap toward the shadow. "I got this one!"
The shadow cared little for the Coalition soldiers, allowing Ludger to easily strike through it. Passing through to the other side, a glowing object was now impaled on the end of Ludger's spear. The object shattered, leaving a shadowy residue.

And just like that, the shadow, the village, and the entirety of ruined New York broke away around you like glass.
The blackened clouds flickered with static, appearing like sparks in the sky, and a great wind ripped through the atmosphere. The clouds seemed to align afterwards, forming an image or dark red, white, and blue rings—a star at its center. The group didn't have long to admire the eerie view before the shattering world around them broke faster and faster into more pieces.

Whether you tried to run away for your dear life or ignore the world shattering around you, eventually you found your attempts to escape the abyss in vain. Blackness engulfed your vision and you found yourself frozen in place until the world suddenly began to reform before your eyes.
In the blink of an eye, a new world appeared before you. It was a city—similar to the last one the group had been in—but different. To any members of the group who were familiar with the planet Earth, they would immediately recognize it: the city was that of New York. Wait... hadn't they just been in New York?

The sky was dark. Ash rained from the clouds and the city was quiet, like a barren wasteland. The tall buildings looked ravaged, war-torn, and deteriorated. The only newer looking structures that could be seen were foreign looking towers—emanating a glowing light—that did not seem to be human in origin. No signs of life could be seen anywhere at first, until the sound of feet marching toward the group could be heard.

A strange group of alien creatures suddenly appeared from dusty streets of the city pointing mysterious weapons at the group. One of the members of the group, Emily Grimes, was a little too close to the aliens at them of their arrival. Wary of her, they instantly shot her with one of their weapons, a fine green beam vaporizing her body into dust instantly. Afterwards, the group moved forward and spoke in a language unrecognizable to anyone. One of the aliens stepped forward, translating so that everyone could understand them.
"All of you are unidentified life forms. We demand each of you to immediately surrender yourselves to the Chitauri and forfeit your weapons to us. Should you resist, you will be executed immediately. Should you comply, you will be escorted to our holding chamber for unidentified life forms, located in Central Park. What say you?" the alien asked, looking out toward the group.
There were a few likely options the group had to decide upon. What would they select?
A. Fight the Chitauri aliens For all you know, they could be defeated in battle. If so, you would be free to explore the city a bit longer. Unless more aliens came to attack you or you were injured, of course…
B. Surrender to the Chitauri Nobody in the group has a clue how many aliens they might face. It could be a long, difficult battle. And should they succeed, what would they do next? Just because they could explore the city didn't mean they would find anything. And the alien's offered to escort them somewhere that might be useful…
C. Run You many not be strong enough to fight the aliens, but you don't want to be captured by them either. After all, they just killed Emily! Plus, who knows what kind of dangerous place they could be taking you to?!
Players, you may each select one option to start. The option you select will determine what will happen to you as you start off in the city. A map of all possible places of exploration will be revealed shortly. Good luck.
Also, Coalition communicators may now be used to contact Makoto whenever you wish. They also may be used between duos for the two to communicate between each other. But ONLY duos.

Welcome back to the Big Apple
@Atomyk as Claire Redfield [Resident Evil]
@FireDrake150 as Izana [Original Character] and Ace [Final Fantasy]
@Gummi Bunnies as Red [Pokemon] and Rinato Dormi [Original Character]
@BarrenThin as Lisa Castle and Frank Castle [Marvel Comics]
@The Tactician as Kazuya 'Abel' Mineshigi and Naoya 'Cain' Mineshigi [Devil Survivor]
@Verite as Shiki Tohno [Type-Moon]
@Krieg as Jon Snow [Game of Thrones]
@Bomb as Plutia [Hyperdimension Neptunia] and Gnar [League of Legends]
@Emperor Palpachu as R2-D2 [Star Wars] and The Doctor [Doctor Who]
@Emperor Palpachu as
@ShiroKiyoshi as Chung Seiker [Elsword]
@Mari as Bayonetta [Bayonetta]
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty as Aqua [Kingdom Hearts]
@Hospes as Teresa Agnes [Maze Runner] and Ridley Duchannes [The Caster Chronicles]
@york as Sophie [Cry of Fear] and Ruby Rose [RWBY]
@TheColourlessRainbow as The Charmed Ones [Charmed]
@Mighty Roman as Joseph Aniphage [Original Character/The Noble Magi]
@DapperDogman as Soul 'Eater' Evans [Soul Eater] and Ulysses [Fallout]
@Proxymoron as Nicki Minaj [Real Life]
@Nassi as Dante [Devil May Cry]
@MrDubWubs as Vi [League of Legends]
@Thuro Pendragon as Ezio Auditore and Desmond Miles [Assassin's Creed]
@Infinatis as Grail Trigadon [Original Character] and Specter Knight [Shovel Knight]
@M a r s as Lucy Heartfilia [Fairy Tail]
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko [Original Character]
@Josh M as Travis Touchdown [No More Heroes]
@Jenny as Margaery Tyrell and Loras Tyrell [Game of Thrones]
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap [Borderlands]
@Librarian Cat as Corvo Attano [Dishonored]
@Raven as Jake Long [American Dragon] and Stitch [Lilo and Stitch]
@TheBlueBurch as Chloe Price [Life is Strange]
@Jeremi as Storm and Crusader [Marvel Comics]
@SirDerpingtonIV as Nito [Dark Souls]
@Wedge Antilles as Legolas Greenleaf [The Lord of the Rings]
@Sandra as Sylveon and Umbreon [Pokemon]
@Dinoteen as Cell [Dragon Ball Z]
@OrlandoBloomers as Maxine Caulfield [Life is Strange]
@Schnee Corp Lawyer as Alice Margatroid [Touhou]
@ShadowPrime as Felix [Red vs Blue]
@Banana Soiree as Harry Hart/Galahad [Kingsman: The Secret Service]
@OrionsHammer as Belphegor [Dark Souls]
@Unlimited RP Works as Archer [Type-Moon]
@SPARTAN Bennett as John-117 [Halo] and Merick Rashaud Bennett/SPARTAN-B312 [Original Character/Halo]
@Mirage as Naoto Shirogane [Persona] and Kurumi Tokisaki [Date a Live!]
@Meira as Revya [Soul Nomad & The World Eaters]
@Pharozonk as Element Lad [Adventure Comics]
@FancyForrest as Wander [Shadow of the Colossus]
@The Silver Paladin as The Lone Wanderer/Riley [Fallout]
@Mtntopview as Frenzy [Transformers]
@Nater Taters as Booker DeWitt [Bioshock]
@ResistingTheEnlightened as Joshua Graham [Fallout]
The Dead
@Emperor Palpachu as Darth Vader - DIED! INNOCENT! GUNNED DOWN
@Chris Lang as Kalifa and Kaku - MURDERED! INNOCENT! CRUSHED
@Maddeline as Emily "Hunter" Grimes DIED! INNOCENT! VAPORIZED!
@Option A: Challenge the Chitauri aliens

Those who bravely stood forward to challenge the Chitauri aliens were met with a small hoard of them. There was at least one alien for every person to fight, maybe more. It was a smaller hoard than expected, but it was still quite possibly a dangerous fight.

Oh, and those who attacked already or flirted with the aliens did no damage yet. Silly humans, wait for instructions! ;)


"Foolish humans. You really think you can take us on? Face our wrath! Chitauri, get them!" cried the leader of the small pack. Wielding strange guns and rods of some sort, the Chitauri came toward those who challenged them!

Rules: Each challenger will face a single chitauri alien. The players will have an HP bar consisting of three lines, as will the aliens.

Example: | | |

Each player will role the forum dice. 1-3 will be a 1 damage attack and 4-6 will be a two damage attack. Once the player has rolled, the chitauri will roll, and so on. Every time a hit occurs, the player or the chitauri will take away one line from their HP bar. The first to lose all three lines is defeated. (Players will only be knocked out) If the player wins and chooses to fight another alien, their HP bar will be restored to normal. If more than one player challenges only one chitauri, another single chitauri will join the fight to make it a fair number. But if at all possible, lets try to keep it 1 V.S. 1. This will be a fairly quick event.

Let the battles begin, and good luck!
Ruby Rose & Sophie
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Anyone

Ruby looked a little upset when Soul suddenly disappeared, but, soon enough, the world changing around her distracted her from that, just for the moment, noticing the strange aliens stepping up, threatening them, she looked towards Sophie. Sophie nodded a little "I'm fighting." she said, drawing her glock, Ruby nodded in return "Then... So am I! Let's do this!" she said, expanding her scythe once more, backing up a little as she jammed it into the ground. They both prepared to fight the Chitauri, each waiting for just the right moment before they started to fire upon their ranks, their shots seeming to compliment one another; Ruby's shots did more spash damage when they hit, but, Sophie's shots were going for the vitals.

How will their attack do?
Desmond and Ezio were scouting when they darkness came. Ezio warily drew his dagger. Desmond merely closed his eyes and spread his arms. Here it came. Death for the third, and hopefully final time. He was ready.

Then the darkness receded. Desmond lowered his arms and looked at Ezio. The old man hadn't noticed. Then the armor clad men killed the woman right in front of them. Both Desmond and Ezio turned and surveyed the environment. Fight, surrender, or run. Ezio, always the proud warrior, simply drew his Hidden Blades...


And ran full bore at the Chitauri, intending to wipe them out.

Desmond was slower to action. He'd had enough killing, and was loathe to put more blood on his hands. But there were others there, others that could be hurt, that could be killed.
Was it a greater sin to kill, or allow others to be killed?

Desmond flicked his left hand, and a singular Hidden Blade slipped out and pivoted sideways.


He then proceeded to attack them with the uncanny precision and power of his forebearers, Ezio Auditore and Ratohnhaké:ton.​
@Option A: Challenge the Chitauri aliens

Those who bravely stood forward to challenge the Chitauri aliens were met with a small hoard of them. There was at least one alien for every person to fight, maybe more. It was a smaller hoard than expected, but it was still quite possibly a dangerous fight.

Oh, and those who attacked already or flirted with the aliens did no damage yet. Silly humans, wait for instructions! ;)


"Foolish humans. You really think you can take us on? Face our wrath! Chitauri, get them!" cried the leader of the small pack. Wielding strange guns and rods of some sort, the Chitauri came toward those who challenged them!

Rules: Each challenger will face a single chitauri alien. The players will have an HP bar consisting of three lines, as will the aliens.

Example: | | |

Each player will role the forum dice. 1-3 will be a 1 damage attack and 4-6 will be a two damage attack. Once the player has rolled, the chitauri will roll, and so on. Every time a hit occurs, the player or the chitauri will take away one line from their HP bar. The first to lose all three lines is defeated. (Players will only be knocked out) If the player wins and chooses to fight another alien, their HP bar will be restored to normal. If more than one player challenges only one chitauri, another single chitauri will join the fight to make it a fair number. But if at all possible, lets try to keep it 1 V.S. 1. This will be a fairly quick event.

Let the battles begin, and good luck!

Ryu turned just as Teresa did to the sights of everything around them suddenly seeming to crumble and disintegrate... Before he became face to face with a new world... And threat. "What the fu-" he stopped as these.... Strange creatures spoke. Ryu smirked as he cracked his knuckles. "Don't count me out Teresa." he said as a small flame wisped around his fist. "I can finally give you a demonstration of my true abilities. Flames and all." he said as he stepped forward by her side. He didn't have any swords... Nor did he have any other weapons... Hand to hand combat it is then. He thought with a grin. He lunged forward at one of the Chitauri, hoping to land a solid blow.

@Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Before Teresa could say much more to Ryu, she found the world falling apart around her. Eyes wide, she watched with awe as it shattered like glass, jaw dropping slightly. At least Teresa's innocent eyes didn't notice Ridley and Chloe smoochin' in the back of this.. She wasn't big on public displays of affection. Even not, if she had seen it, she would've luved it =|

When the world re-materialized, Teresa still didn't recognize the ruined city.. But it did look pretty similar to the last. Weird. Not that she cared... Her focus was more on the horde of weird-looking six-fingered alien freaks threatening them! Aw heeeeeeeelllllll to da no. Bishes don't threaten Teresa Agnes and get away with it!

Teresa had chosen to fight the Chitauri. "I ain't gonna leave these people ta fend these things off alone.. You can stay or go, shuck-face," she told Ryu, much more serious than she had been mere minutes ago. With that, she pulled out Eyes Full of Light, clutching it tightly. Soon enough, her eyes were unleashing a ray of light focused on one of the Chitauri, *hopefully* blinding them.. Just to make them vulnerable for the roundhouse she delivered next.


Oh yeah, Teresa kicked some ass!

2 Damage attack!

Teresa HP: |||
Chitauri HP: |

The Chitauri attack as well, but whether or not they do a one damage or two damage attack, Teresa strikes again and wins!


A. Fight again
B. Leave
  • Love
Reactions: Midnight Maiden
Riley looked through the scope of his gauss rifle. "You're going down, you bastard!" He looked at Joshua Graham. "To everything, there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3." He pulled the trigger.

Riley's attack does two damage!

Chitauri HP: |
Riley's HP: |||

Whether or not the alien managed to hit Riley with his attack, Riley downs it with his next shot!



A. Fight again
B. Leave
Alice's dolls raised their spears, charged...

and found one probably terrified alien all that was not already being taken care of by another.

o_o x100 @( ゚ Д゚)x1

"...Well this hardly seems fair. Shoo everyone" she said with a snap of her fingers, and the majority of the dolls faded from existence again. A small group remained to float off to the side, their weapons lowered for now as Hourai stood alone to face the alien, floating a few feet away from it for a moment as if debating


The doll sniffed and tossed its lanced to the side, and instead took up a boxing pose, bobbing and weaving in the air as her sisters on the sideline spectated the match. One producing a bell and giving it a DING DING before Hourai zipped forward like a rocket to try and belt one straight into the Chitauri's face, hitting with FAR more force than anything that size should have been hitting with if it connected

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @other fightclub members


And it's a one damage hit!

Chitauri HP: ||
Your HP: |||

The Chitauri attacks this time, firing a laser beam at the girl...

Edit: The Chitauri's attack hits and does two damage!

Chitauri HP: | |
Your HP: |
Two damage is done to the Chitauri:

Chitauri HP: |

Your HP: |||

Whether the alien hits or not, you manage to strike again and kill him!


A. Fight again
B. Leave

Edit: Looks like the alien did hit, but it hardly left a scratch on you! One damage was taken.​
My HP: ||


He stood stock still for a moment, another knife embedded in the alien's skull...and it tipped over, dead. "Hells to the yeah, I still got it!" He grinned, proud of his ability. He may have used both but he did believe in the old adage "Guns for a show, knives for a pro."

"Shit, barely got hurt too." He snickered, kicking the dead Chitauri in the skull before yoinking the blade out, shaking the blood off. "Oh, we're just getting started. Who's next?" He eyed the field, looking for another Chitauri to kill. And if found, charged it regardless of gun fire, aiming to get up close and personal.

Ryu turned just as Teresa did to the sights of everything around them suddenly seeming to crumble and disintegrate... Before he became face to face with a new world... And threat. "What the fu-" he stopped as these.... Strange creatures spoke. Ryu smirked as he cracked his knuckles. "Don't count me out Teresa." he said as a small flame wisped around his fist. "I can finally give you a demonstration of my true abilities. Flames and all." he said as he stepped forward by her side. He didn't have any swords... Nor did he have any other weapons... Hand to hand combat it is then. He thought with a grin. He lunged forward at one of the Chitauri, hoping to land a solid blow.

@Hospes @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Oh yeah, Teresa kicked some ass!

2 Damage attack!

Teresa HP: |||
Chitauri HP: |

The Chitauri attack as well, but whether or not they do a one damage or two damage attack, Teresa strikes again and wins!


A. Fight again
B. Leave

Teresa could only grin slightly at Ryu, nodding in approval. This proved to be no real challenge for the Glader; she'd faced much worse enemies. "Yeah, well, I ain't believin' it 'til I see it," she mused, finishing off her own Chitauri.. And promptly moving onto another one, whom she used the same tactic of blinding momentarily with Eyes Full of Light. Her next move, was more calculated.

In a burst of speed, Teresa ran at the Chitauri, demonstrating great agility and speed.. Before launching into the air, aiming a blow right at the Chitauri's face! Uh oh... Poor guy!

Finally, something to do. While the prior events had given him a lot of amusement, as well as allowed him to gauge his fellow comrades, this? Now this was something more his style. He could fight and most likely win, but seeing Max and Chole running off, Archer....Reverted to spirit form and immediately followed them to run away.

He had grown as fond of them as could be in these circumstances and would be somewhat affected if they died.

So he fled and shadowed the runners, acting as the invisible protector and preparing to come out fighting if they ran into danger.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Other Runners
  • Like
Reactions: OrlandoBloomers
With an accompanying flash of light, twin guns appeared in Ludger's hands.


In a fit of agility beyond that of most normal humans, Ludger leapt from car to car, firing his guns as he did so. "Raaagh!"

"I'm not backing down either!"


Perhaps rather recklessly, Leia leapt into the fight, her staff twirling every which way, creating shock waves and blasts of energy.

(Not rolling for them, as they aren't counting toward the fight.)

And thus, an epic battle ensued!


^Not so epic gif interpretation. :)
Riley's attack does two damage!

Chitauri HP: |
Riley's HP: |||

Whether or not the alien managed to hit Riley with his attack, Riley downs it with his next shot!



A. Fight again
B. Leave

Riley stood up from his cover. HE decided to make a dash to a building right next to him. He held his Gauss Rifle at ready to fire position near his chest, and he ran into the building.
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"Abel, you take the one on the left. I can handle myself," Naoya instucted as he stepped off to face his enemy. Deciding to start the battle simply, he kept his distance from the beast, "Time to burn, Agilao!" A number of fireballs flew from a raised hand, aiming to damage the enemy in one strike.

Abel nodded with a smile, "Got it, Naoya!" He charged towards his foe, Blitzkrieg activating as he went. Strength would be the deciding factor overall in the fight, but he was at least going to put his speed to use. Slipping behind his target, he aimed a heel straight for the small of the alien's back.

(Both have separate aliens. First die roll will be for Naoya and the second roll will be Abel.)

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Naoya hit and struck a two damage hit!

Abel hit and struck a one damage hit!

The chitauri attacking Abel and Naoya each rolled for damage, their guns ready as they charged toward the two...

Naoya HP: |
Chitauri HP: |

Abel HP: |
Chitauri HP: ||

Lapis Lazuli HP: | | |

"Alright freakface, hope you can keep up!" Lapis shouts out as she closes in the distance on one of the Chitauris near her. While her crystal mark was activated with a part of her hair and her eyes glowing blue, Lapis pulls out her katana-shotgun hybrid, wanting to avoid abusing her mark. Once close enough, she gets to the ground, sliding past the Chitauri and aiming a single shot with her weapon to its leg. With that done and that she was behind the Chitauri, she aims her weapon to the ground, shooting once to give herself a boost into the air by a few feet. However, it was enough for her to aim for a swift drop kick right at the Chitauri's head, and to really do damage (which she hoped for), her foot that would make physical contact with its head in this kick was encased in crystal. Not to mention that her crystallized foot's properties were like hard diamonds.

Once that was done, she smoothly landed on her feet, spinning around so she could be looking at her opponent in case it weren't done yet.

"How's that? Lead and crystals do mix together well, you know?"

~Lapis's "Glistening Cleaver" Ammo Status~
3 rounds loaded (90 rounds available for reload)

~Dice Roll~
1-3 - One Line of Damage Depleted from Chitauri
4-6 - Two Lines of Damage Depleted from Chitauri

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @ppl fighting​
//ooc: Btw, everyone, I'm gonna be a bit lazy with my wording on these since I have a lot of them to do right now. lol. :) And this is mostly just a mini-game anyhow...​

Lapis rolled a one for damage.

The chitarui attacks...

Lapis HP: ||
Chitauri HP: ||​
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Gnar ran off, and lept and bopped off an Alien's head. Oh Gnar you sly yordle~

With that he delivered a small gash with his bone boomerang. Whether it would bleed out or not is left up to the wound's severity.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Gnar totally owned the alien!

Chitauri HP: |
Gnar's HP: |||

Whether or not the alien hit with his next attack, Gnar's next strike managed to kill it and he his victorious! He is free to leave the battle area and walk ahead toward a clear area with the others.​
Frank and Lisa both growled at all this. Then Emily was shot and they saw red. The two were weak, but they stood their ground, challenging the Chitauri.They ducked behind cover and selected a target. Lisa peaked out and fired a few shots at the Chitauri. "Moving!" Frank shouted. He got behind cover and proceeded to fire. "Set!"

Lisa shouted back and moved to him, as well, looking for the best angle. "Moving! Set!"
Frank and Lisa's attack ended up being a one damage hit on the alien.

The alien attacks next...

Edit: The Chitauri rolled a one damage hit!

Frank & Lisa HP: ||
Chitauri HP: ||​
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