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Storm would just sigh, maybe if there was something more to go on she could vote more clearly.

She'd stare down at the wounds of the bodies.

Could she...

Not thinking about it Storm would cause rain to pour down from the sky. Using her powers of the elements she would direct the water into the wounds and freeze them hopefully getting some sort of mold of the blade to actually remove it and give it a closer inspection.

Obviously the crime scene was contaminated now, but perhaps this could potentially give them some form of idea on the blade that was used.

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Storm would just sigh, maybe if there was something more to go on she could vote more clearly.

She'd stare down at the wounds of the bodies.

Could she...

Not thinking about it Storm would cause rain to pour down from the sky. Using her powers of the elements she would direct the water into the wounds and freeze them hopefully getting some sort of mold of the blade to actually remove it and give it a closer inspection.

Obviously the crime scene was contaminated now, but perhaps this could potentially give them some form of idea on the blade that was used.


The ice would form what appears to be arrowheads.​

The ice would form what appears to be arrowheads.​

Well at least that shed some actual light on the murder weapon...Perhaps she might have to change her vote to Legolas before this was all over...

This made the Siren raise a brow and cross her arms. "..Wow. And I thought Princess had attitude." She quietly shook her head, clicking her tongue with disapproval. "Look, Miss Prissy-Poo, you wanna know why I chose Princess? I don't like suck-ups. I know, that's a shocking plot twist, isn't it?" she remarked, yawning. "That's just reason one. I mean.. You're still getting revived, ain't you? All the others did. You'll be no different. No need for you to bitch and moan and threaten."

Quietly, she folded her hands behind her head. "But wait; there's more!" For a minute there, she sounded like she was off of one of those advertising commercials.. Which was probably her exact intentions. "Yeah, I'm a cold-blooded monster with no sense of remorse and no emotions..." That was a MASSIVE lie. "..but I ain't doin' those other pricks any favors. I don't work in teams, and you better make sure you remember this well..."

"The only team I'm on is my own."

Once again, she yawned, boredly. "No offense, but you kinda sucked at agent-ing anyhow. Princess actually gave a pretty rockin' speech on why it made sense that those little devils did it. You placed a passive, unnoticed, and unhelpful vote. You act like you've done a bunch of good out there and are righteous 'cause you're an agent, but you didn't even utilize your role to do any good. Plus, thing is, Princess can actually do something up there. We've got plenty fighters, yeah, but she's got a brain. She could be went after again for that, and thus waste materials just like you argued you'd do if I sent you back. And you know what else? She can save lives without the combat. She can fix any made mistakes."

"How many lives have you saved, again?"

She seemed to be coming to a close. "So... Yeah. I didn't pick you. Don't be the same baby you're accusin' Princess of being and get the hell over it. Kapeesh, or do I need to say it slowly for you?"

"And if you wanna make my life hell.. Fine. Go ahead an' damn try. You can't make my life any worse than it already is, so I hope you have fun achieving nothing." There came that sweet smile again.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mari @OrlandoBloomers

"...I... w-wait, really?"

Well... that was unexpected. For a moment, Max was too surprised to even resist the noogie, blinking like a deer in headlights for a solid few seconds before she gave a mild "ow" and attempted to squirm away. Straightening up again and coaxing her fringe back into place, she cocked her head at Ridley's explanation, eyebrows raised and mouth slightly ajar as she tried to form a response. She had so not been ready for this.

"I-I mean... thanks! I thought... well, forget it, I guess. Maybe I was wrong about you."

Or maybe not, considering Ridley had been a traitor, as Max had to remind herself. Still, she didn't know how or why that came to be a thing... maybe the siren had her own reasons. Being so quick to judge... probably would've been a hella bitchy thing to do.

Regardless, she gave Ridley a small, grateful smile, sheepishly fixing her hoodie as she quietly waited for Joshua to do his thing and resurrect her. Or at least, that was the plan.

Upon hearing Bayonetta's retort, Max couldn't maintain her silence. She cleared her throat, scratching the back of her head for a moment before speaking.

"Hey, Bayonetta..."

She took a deep, deep breath, and then channeled a little Chloe.


"I'm sorry you didn't get picked and all, but get the fuck over yourself! Good thing you wear glasses, because your "idea" of going back just so you can die again is one of the most short-sighted things I've ever heard in my life. The only thing dumber than trying to predict exactly what the murderers are going to do next is making it supremely fucking obvious that you're an agent, so I guess you're two-for-two now, huh? And just so you know, I don't think the Coalition employ babysitters. If they did, they'd probably have told you and the biblical mummy cosplayer to grow up and stop acting like lovestruck teenagers hours ago. Speaking of which, I'll be sure to tell your "beloved" all about how his sweetheart spent her time in the afterlife complaining, passive-aggressively sniping, and seducing a teenager to get on her good side. Actually, no! You can tell him yourself, since I'm pretty freaking sure he'll still be there when you respawn in an hour after you win a game of fucking HEAVEN MONOPOLY or something! Think you can bottle up the sarcasm until then, you entitled brat?!"

Max wasn't normally this annoyed or outspoken about anything, but she was stressed, Chloe was starting to rub off on her, and she'd just about had it with Bayonetta's crap. She hadn't been this annoyed since going off on Chloe's stepdad back in Arcadia Bay.

Even awkward girls ran out of patience eventually.

@Hospes @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Bayonetta had enough of the "girl talk".

"Oh, spare me the true colors, little girl," she said to Max, "between the whiny baby and big talk girl role, there is precious little middle ground now is there?" In response to her pointing her middle fingers, Bayonetta then pointed her gun at her.


"Unless you want me to give you a present before you go, I suggest you grow up a little and try this role for once: Gracious in Victory."

To Ridley, she held up two fingers. Lives saved, she wasn't keeping count. But here alone, not counting the others, she saved both Ridley and Max by taking on the Shadow creature, even in blindness, while both did nothing to help or defend her.

"You have already made your ruling, 'judge'," she said to Ridley, "so spare me the bloody sermon, but feel free to criticize my work as an agent, as I had investigated and had to sacrifice myself to get one of your little friends."

@Hospes @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Well at least that shed some actual light on the murder weapon...Perhaps she might have to change her vote to Legolas before this was all over...
Kalifa walked over to Storm. "Kaku and I have been talking. The most obvious suspects are Jon Snow, Legolas, Link, and Archer. But at least one of those joined us later in our journey."

"These arrowheads seem to make it clear just what the murder weapon was. The people I just named are good at several forms of combat, especially swordplay and ranging. But can we narrow our suspects down to them, or are there a few we haven't considered?"

@Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Everybody
Kalifa walked over to Storm. "Kaku and I have been talking. The most obvious suspects are Jon Snow, Legolas, Link, and Archer. But at least one of those joined us later in our journey."

"These arrowheads seem to make it clear just what the murder weapon was. The people I just named are good at several forms of combat, especially swordplay and ranging. But can we narrow our suspects down to them, or are there a few we haven't considered?"

@Jeremi @The Silver Paladin @Atomyk @Everybody
"I voted for Desmond and Ezio, but I imagine someone like Snow or Legolas are more likely."

"A bit too likely." Crusader added.

"That is my concern as well."

@Chris Lang
Raynor would close the lighter after Joshua lit his cigar, letting out a few puffs of his own. "I don't think of my faith too often, kind of hard to really discern it when your thousands of light years away from Earth..but everyone needs to have somethin' to put their faith in." Religion among Terrans in the Koprulu Sector is mostly limited to the fringe world colonies, small rural communities reviving the old faiths from Earth like Christianity. Jim himself wasn't a truly holy man, and so many thoughts already cloud his mind that his religious life is neglected.

"If it helps..sure."
Nodding, he would hold onto the cigar from his mouth, taking out the Scripture from his vest pocket, kissing the top of it lightly "It has been awhile. Since.. Since I've done such. It's what keeps me alive sometimes. His Word." Joshua closed his eyes, looking down as he put his hands together in prayer. "Our Holy Lord, who live thou in Heaven, look down upon us with mercy, for our fear, our anger, our sadness, controls the best of us into not performing your Righteousness in it's all effect. We ask that you look at us with Mercy, with Hope, and Compassion. Forgive our sins, and we shall fight for you endlessly. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in God, and in the Holy Spirit, Amen. " He ended the prayer before smoking the cigar again "In God, we trust." If he could, he would place his vote on Legolas
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Meanwhile Plutia doesn't know what was going on during this whole ordeal. Was there a fight?

Whatever she has to vote right, she thought. From what she can see and hear, the weapons are arrows...

She thought about it more.

Link put away the heart potion and shook his head. He didn't know what, or who, this president was. But last he checked, he wasn't them.

Fi left the Master Sword then.

"Are you fine now, Legolas?" She asked.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Fissure peeps

Legolas smiled at the sight of Fi again, after what seemed like a long time. It was not that long ago, but he wasn't sure if it was the numerous events that took place, or something else. "I am doing better," he answered, "the wound is healing quickly. Strength is slowly returning. What of you and your master?", he asked.

He needed to vote, and was thinking of the possibilities as well.

@Lizzy @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Erron was left unsure of who to vote for as he recalled the details of the fight with Vanitas. If he recalled correctly it seemed as if the suspects for him were Link and Legolas. Deciding to sit down he took out a bullet. The one with 'akibahara' carved into it wondering if he would really be of any use in the end. He shruged 'as long as he dies why should I care if I did anything? I still get paid either way." he remarked quietly putting said bullet away. For now he stretched laying back looking at the communicator and voting for Legolas. This was only temporary until he heard more on theories on the murder.

@ Everyone (not really anyone specific for tagging.)
Legolas smiled at the sight of Fi again, after what seemed like a long time. It was not that long ago, but he wasn't sure if it was the numerous events that took place, or something else. "I am doing better," he answered, "the wound is healing quickly. Strength is slowly returning. What of you and your master?", he asked.

He needed to vote, and was thinking of the possibilities as well.

@Lizzy @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ludger and Leia had brought Teresa to the fissure, as that seemed to be the meeting place. While Leia ran around performing her healing arts, Ludger approached Legolas.

"Have you checked the arrow wound?" Ludger asked. "Like with the last murder, you might be able to check if it was shot or stabbed into Lisa."
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Legolas smiled at the sight of Fi again, after what seemed like a long time. It was not that long ago, but he wasn't sure if it was the numerous events that took place, or something else. "I am doing better," he answered, "the wound is healing quickly. Strength is slowly returning. What of you and your master?", he asked.

He needed to vote, and was thinking of the possibilities as well.

@Lizzy @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"We are fine. Any injuries my Master acquired are not serious it seems, and are small." She replied, smiling at him.

She had noticed the votes go to Legolas, and wasn't at all pleased that once again both him and Link were in the line of likely suspects.

But, she also knew the importance of finding out who did the crimes. Didn't mean it ever had to be pleasant, now did it?

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Figuring if Aqua didn't want to reveal her suspect, she couldn't force her to. Sakuya turned to Riley. With the catalyst possibly figured out, what she needed to do was find the traitor.
"Do you have any opinion on the traitor, yet?" she asked. The obvious suspects were the bowmen, but perhaps something had been overlooked.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"We are fine. Any injuries my Master acquired are not serious it seems, and are small." She replied, smiling at him.

She had noticed the votes go to Legolas, and wasn't at all pleased that once again both him and Link were in the line of likely suspects.

But, she also knew the importance of finding out who did the crimes. Didn't mean it ever had to be pleasant, now did it?

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"Excellent", Legolas replied to Fi after hearing both were in satisfactory condition. "We still have trouble ahead of us, so our condition should be considered very important."

Ludger and Leia had brought Teresa to the fissure, as that seemed to be the meeting place. While Leia ran around performing her healing arts, Ludger approached Legolas.

"Have you checked the arrow wound?" Ludger asked. "Like with the last murder, you might be able to check if it was shot or stabbed into Lisa."

"I have not yet had opportunity to examine the bodies," Legolas said, feeling some sadness at the thought of seeing Lisa's body, "but I would like to do so now, if you would lead me there."

He turned back to Fi. "Would you please come along, my lady?", he requested. He was not sure if it were for any reason to ask Fi to come along, the words just came from his voice.

@Atomyk @Lizzy
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Figuring if Aqua didn't want to reveal her suspect, she couldn't force her to. Sakuya turned to Riley. With the catalyst possibly figured out, what she needed to do was find the traitor.
"Do you have any opinion on the traitor, yet?" she asked. The obvious suspects were the bowmen, but perhaps something had been overlooked.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Lizzy @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"As was stated in the last world, anyone can shoot a bow, it takes a master to shoot it from a distance. Depending on the proximity to the killer, anyone could have done it." Riley sighed. "Sorry about going crazy earlier. Lack of oxygen going to the brain from shock does that."
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Nodding, he would hold onto the cigar from his mouth, taking out the Scripture from his vest pocket, kissing the top of it lightly "It has been awhile. Since.. Since I've done such. It's what keeps me alive sometimes. His Word." Joshua closed his eyes, looking down as he put his hands together in prayer. "Our Holy Lord, who live thou in Heaven, look down upon us with mercy, for our fear, our anger, our sadness, controls the best of us into not performing your Righteousness in it's all effect. We ask that you look at us with Mercy, with Hope, and Compassion. Forgive our sins, and we shall fight for you endlessly. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in God, and in the Holy Spirit, Amen. " He ended the prayer before smoking the cigar again "In God, we trust." If he could, he would place his vote on Legolas
Raynor would take his own cigar from his mouth and close his eyes, looking down and putting his hands together. He listened to the prayer and remained in silence as Joshua went on. "Amen" Raynor said he removed his hands and took a few more puffs from his cigar. Its funny, the Protoss always say the Terran faith is weak and inferior, but from seeing Joshua in combat and his overall personality, he could show the protoss some holy righteousness. The thought of who could be the traitor crossed his mind; a blade and an arrow.

Raynor would abstain from the voting for now, but his suspicions suggest Legolas.​
"As was stated in the last world, anyone can shoot a bow, it takes a master to shoot it from a distance. Depending on the proximity to the killer, anyone could have done it." Riley sighed. "Sorry about going crazy earlier. Lack of oxygen going to the brain from shock does that."
"It was...no problem," Sakuya told him. Though his lack of insight on the matter was a bit of a problem. The voting needed to be decided fast. "You're a medic, right? Perhaps you could examine the wounds and find out?"

It was possible someone had simply stolen arrows and used them to make only the bowmen take the blame. However, until that could be proved it meant nothing.
"Excellent", Legolas replied to Fi after hearing both were in satisfactory condition. "We still have trouble ahead of us, so our condition should be considered very important."

"I have not yet had opportunity to examine the bodies," Legolas said, feeling some sadness at the thought of seeing Lisa's body, "but I would like to do so now, if you would lead me there."

He turned back to Fi. "Would you please come along, my lady?", he requested. He was not sure if it were for any reason to ask Fi to come along, the words just came from his voice.

@Atomyk @Lizzy

"I agree." Fi said to Legolas' first statement. After hearing what else he had to say, then his question she nodded.

"Me and my Master will both come along." She answered. She really didn't want to leave Link alone again. Because upon talking about keeping in top condition she realized the teen hadn't ate or slept in who knows how long since they ended up in this mess and that wasn't good.

@Wedge Antilles @The Silver Paladin @Raven @FireDrake150 @Kaykay @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk

The question received a simple nod in answer. "Really really." ...Had she really just quoted Shrek?

Luckily for Max, the Siren let go after only a brief moment.

Rid shrugged off the thanks, on the other hand, though. "Look, Princess, I ain't doin' it for you." Lies. Denial. "..I did it because I had to pick, and you were the better choice. No big deal, and nothing to thank me for. So... Don't think I'm doing you any favors, okay?" Yeah... It wasn't hard to tell she was only saying this to try to uphold her uncaring and cool facade. "..You weren't wrong about me, Princess." It'd be nice if you were.. But there's no changing what I am.

And then... There it was.

Max had just proved Rid was wrong about her, similarly to how Rid had proved that Max was wrong about her, too. The blonde had assumed Max was a shy and stiff child.. But damn, that was great attitude right there. Attitude that shy stiffs didn't possess. And Rid was proud.

"...Wow," was all she could say, at first. There was a long pause... Before Rid grinned widely, giving Max a thumbs up. "Damn, Princess. I guess we have something in common after all, huh?" she mused, trying to hold back a laugh at the thought. "We've both got wicked attitude. Kudos to you." This was the part where Rid would've held up her hand for a high-five... If she were nice like that. But she didn't really do friendly practices such as that.. Considering she'd never had friends to teach her.

Instead, Rid just gave a nod of approval. "Well done. Y'know.. I guess you aren't so bad after all."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mari @OrlandoBloomers

Max was still calming down following her angry tirade, in all honesty, and couldn't really muster up the composure for a proper reply, instead settling for a small smile as she massaged her temple with one hand. This didn't make them friends. She knew that. Whatever the reason, Rid was still one of the killers, and Max was still gonna bare her fangs if she went anywhere near Chloe when they were all alive and good again. But, for now, at least, they were having a moment... a moment of pure, undiluted, united bitchiness. And it was nice.

Guns, on the other hand, were not so nice.
Bayonetta had enough of the "girl talk".

"Oh, spare me the true colors, little girl," she said to Max, "between the whiny baby and big talk girl role, there is precious little middle ground now is there?" In response to her pointing her middle fingers, Bayonetta then pointed her gun at her.


"Unless you want me to give you a present before you go, I suggest you grow up a little and try this role for once: Gracious in Victory."

To Ridley, she held up two fingers. Lives saved, she wasn't keeping count. But here alone, not counting the others, she saved both Ridley and Max by taking on the Shadow creature, even in blindness, while both did nothing to help or defend her.

"You have already made your ruling, 'judge'," she said to Ridley, "so spare me the bloody sermon, but feel free to criticize my work as an agent, as I had investigated and had to sacrifice myself to get one of your little friends."

@Hospes @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Max's eyes widened in mild fear and surprise that what she'd said apparently warranted a gun being pointed in her face, but she didn't react much further beyond an incredulous shake of the head. Exhaling through her nose to help calm herself following her outburst, she decided to swallow her fear of guns and reply as calmly and eloquently as possible, minus the attitude this time. Outbursts were okay, but actually making an enemy of Bayonetta was a dumb idea for about a billion reasons, regardless of how childish and petulant the woman was being. They were on the same side, after all.


"Bayonetta, look... I'm not the one whining here. You can't just attack someone verbally because things didn't go your way. It's so not fair. What I did wasn't "big girl talk", I was mad because the stuff you said was mean and I was sick of it. We've all got shit to do, but for some reason you seemed dead-set on standing around shaming us. Can you not see how fucked up that is? That you plan on making life... or, um, un-life... difficult for Ridley just because she didn't pick you? Like, aren't there more important things to be doing right now? This isn't how an agent should be behaving. You pointing a gun at an unarmed girl who only spoke her mind doesn't make you look powerful, it makes you look like a hypocritical kid. Maybe think about all that next time you decide to stir up some Mean Girls-worthy drama while people's lives are at stake."

Whatever. She'd said her piece, however the umbra witch responded was up to her. Max was beyond ready to go back at this point.

@Hospes @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Bayonetta had enough of the "girl talk".

"Oh, spare me the true colors, little girl," she said to Max, "between the whiny baby and big talk girl role, there is precious little middle ground now is there?" In response to her pointing her middle fingers, Bayonetta then pointed her gun at her.


"Unless you want me to give you a present before you go, I suggest you grow up a little and try this role for once: Gracious in Victory."

To Ridley, she held up two fingers. Lives saved, she wasn't keeping count. But here alone, not counting the others, she saved both Ridley and Max by taking on the Shadow creature, even in blindness, while both did nothing to help or defend her.

"You have already made your ruling, 'judge'," she said to Ridley, "so spare me the bloody sermon, but feel free to criticize my work as an agent, as I had investigated and had to sacrifice myself to get one of your little friends."

@Hospes @OrlandoBloomers @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

This just made Ridley huff with disbelief and roll her eyes with mild annoyance. "Jeez. Aiming at a kid without any means of defense? I thought I was shallow," she tsked, shaking her head again. Though, she got a little more serious again. "But.. Look, Guns-The-Second; Princess ain't the one you should be mad at." Rather nonchalantly, she put herself in front of Max. "...I am. So piss off."

"So, if you wanna have another whiny bitch fest over being the last one picked to play kickball, fine. Be a whiny bitch. In the words of Sia... Fire the fuck away." Well.. Wasn't this an odd scenario? "You wanna hurt someone? Let's play a game of 'pin the bullet in the traitor's forehead'. Although, you may have to get in line; I'm sure my crazy ancestors would want first shot."

"Although, really, dude; you could really use some constructive criticism. If you wanna go around shooting people- who are on your side, nonetheless -like a total bitch, and threatening people, and having a whiny bitch rant; sign up to be a traitor next time. Not an agent." It looked like Ridley, faintly swirling gold eyes focused intently on Bayonetta, was having fun baring her claws at the other female.


Max was still calming down following her angry tirade, in all honesty, and couldn't really muster up the composure for a proper reply, instead settling for a small smile as she massaged her temple with one hand. This didn't make them friends. She knew that. Whatever the reason, Rid was still one of the killers, and Max was still gonna bare her fangs if she went anywhere near Chloe when they were all alive and good again. But, for now, at least, they were having a moment... a moment of pure, undiluted, united bitchiness. And it was nice.

Guns, on the other hand, were not so nice.

Max's eyes widened in mild fear and surprise that what she'd said apparently warranted a gun being pointed in her face, but she didn't react much further beyond an incredulous shake of the head. Exhaling through her nose to help calm herself following her outburst, she decided to swallow her fear of guns and reply as calmly and eloquently as possible, minus the attitude this time. Outbursts were okay, but actually making an enemy of Bayonetta was a dumb idea for about a billion reasons, regardless of how childish and petulant the woman was being. They were on the same side, after all.


"Bayonetta, look... I'm not the one whining here. You can't just attack someone verbally because things didn't go your way. It's so not fair. What I did wasn't "big girl talk", I was mad because the stuff you said was mean and I was sick of it. We've all got shit to do, but for some reason you seemed dead-set on standing around shaming us. Can you not see how fucked up that is? That you plan on making life... or, um, un-life... difficult for Ridley just because she didn't pick you? Like, aren't there more important things to be doing right now? This isn't how an agent should be behaving. You pointing a gun at an unarmed girl who only spoke her mind doesn't make you look powerful, it makes you look like a hypocritical kid. Maybe think about all that next time you decide to stir up some Mean Girls-worthy drama while people's lives are at stake."

Whatever. She'd said her piece, however the umbra witch responded was up to her. Max was beyond ready to go back at this point.

@Hospes @Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Ridley blatantly ignored Max again.. Just in case Bayonetta didn't listen.

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @OrlandoBloomers
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