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What... just happened? Claire hadn't expected the vote to turn around quite so fast... or at all, even. No doubt the agents had something to do with this, but did that mean...? "Max." Claire walked over to the girl, a cautious smile on her face. "I still don't feel comfortable with voting, but I'm glad you think something's off with this as well. But..." She glanced off to the side. "He's right that the brain trauma isn't so easily explained by his abilities. I guess the dossier could be vague, but it really did seem like sound waves, or something to that effect." She thought this over for a moment, crossing her arms. She seemed lost inside her head as she said, "Not to ruin your moment, but it's just odd either way. I guess we'll see how this goes..." She managed a small smile toward Chloe to at least acknowledge her existence before moving to find Aqua.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, interrupting the conversation with Legolas. "I'm sorry, I've just been lost all day. I... didn't mean to sleep so long." She looked sheepish-- almost nervous. You wouldn't think Claire was the elder of the two here. She was still feeling the sting of Teresa's injury, and Claire's independent trek across the city had her feeling like she'd let everyone down in some manner. She hadn't been there to help, even if there hadn't been much she could have done about it. In a life she didn't live, she hadn't been there for Steve either. "I won't go so far away again. I promise."

@Wedge Antilles @OrlandoBloomers @TheBlueBurch @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


After the brief moment of silence between Legolas and herself, Aqua was relieved to see Claire approach. She perked up a little, shaking her head to dismiss the woman's apology. "Why would you be sorry for getting well deserved rest? I hope you at least got a chance to eat something I put on the table for you before the... world changed." Claire may not have even noticed, but at least Aqua attempted to take some care of her while she was resting.

Aqua paused for a moment, realizing she had skipped over Claire's question. "Oh, I'm just fine. And you, are you fine?" the keyblade master ran her eyes over Claire, attempting to look for any wounds. "When you came back with Teresa, she was hurt bad. If you have any wounds, show them to me so I can heal them up for you."

Although her eyes were on Claire, she felt them dart away immediately after her last statement. Aqua wasn't sure why, but her own words caught in her throat and she couldn't respond for a second.

"I won't go so far away again. I promise."

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Good, then I wouldn't have to worry about you as much," Aqua replied with a tender smile. "I've had too many people in my life go. I'd like if a few stayed, especially ones like you."

"Now, wounds please?" she asked.

@Atomyk @Wedge Antilles
"I see," Aqua replied with a nod. The explanation didn't tell her much, but at least she knew Frank had cooled down for now. "I was just wary of him because he seemed quite angry with Claire and I don't like people hurting my," she paused, sighing. "...friends?" she said, oddly questioning it.

Speaking of friends, it appeared as if both Chloe and Max had now voted for Naoya. Aqua felt really awkward about it. "Uh, I guess there's no harm in it, I just feel bad to see someone I trust go back to the Coalition. I mean, Naoya and Abel only joined so they could help me. I feel bad something they wanted to do for me is causing them trouble."

"But all this talk of friends makes me wonder," Aqua began, smiling again, "How long have the two of you known each other? You seem to be really close friends."

Aqua glanced at Legolas with surprise. "You're very kind, I appreciate your words." She smiled. "I feel the sam way. Should you ever find yourself in danger, I will gladly come help you. I've failed a lot of my friends, and I want to learn from my mistakes."

"Sorry." Max said again, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Let's just get it cleared up as quickly as possible. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, and that's on me. I just... don't think I am."

Eager to shift from the awkward subject, Max gave a small smile at the mention of Claire, adjusting a few stray locks of hair absently as she replied.


Nice? Was it okay for her to say that? Her instincts all told her to. As far as her own interactions with the woman went, she considered the redhead her friend. But with the nagging knowledge of what she'd done, the stuff Elsa talked about...

...Huh. Weird. It just... didn't really change anything, not from Max's perspective. Claire did what she did for her own reasons, but that didn't change the fact that she'd been good to Max, Chloe and basically everyone else she knew about. Life really was strange.

"Claire's nice. She cares about you a lot, y'know... she was pretty frantic while you were hurt back in ruined world number two."

At the question about her and Chloe, Max looked a bit sheepish as she flashed a nervous smile and rubbed at her elbow, nodding briefly.

"We are. We grew up together, and our hometown's sorta... isolated. When you make a connection with someone in a place like that, it never breaks."

And how. Even after five full years of radio silence when Max moved to Seattle, they were able to reconnect within hours of meeting each other for the first time since they were kids. Blue hair and wicked tattoos aside, it was still the same old Chloe. She spared a glance over at her friend warmly, smirking a little as if privy to a joke no one else could hear.
What... just happened? Claire hadn't expected the vote to turn around quite so fast... or at all, even. No doubt the agents had something to do with this, but did that mean...? "Max." Claire walked over to the girl, a cautious smile on her face. "I still don't feel comfortable with voting, but I'm glad you think something's off with this as well. But..." She glanced off to the side. "He's right that the brain trauma isn't so easily explained by his abilities. I guess the dossier could be vague, but it really did seem like sound waves, or something to that effect." She thought this over for a moment, crossing her arms. She seemed lost inside her head as she said, "Not to ruin your moment, but it's just odd either way. I guess we'll see how this goes..." She managed a small smile toward Chloe to at least acknowledge her existence before moving to find Aqua.


Honestly, Max had been hoping to encourage a voting turnaround like this with her vocal accusation. She was just that convicted, and frankly she was sick of all this death. She returned the smile shyly as Claire spoke, considering her words carefully before she gave a nod.

"Y-yeah... you're right. It doesn't add up 100%, but... all the evidence we have is circumstantial anyway, and I think there's enough here to justify looking into. The last thing I want to do is accuse an innocent guy, but... I just have a gut feeling. I heard there was some tension between him and Alice earlier, too, so that corroborates. I'd feel better if we knew for sure... one way or the other. I hope you can still trust me."

The photographer fell silent, chewing her lip pensively as a thought struck her. Now what Claire was here, it was as good a time to mention this as any.

"Oh, and, um, Claire? I wanted to talk to you privately later, if you don't mind. About what happened with Frank. It can wait until all this crazy shit blows over, but... I'll come find you when I get the time. Or you could come find me, or... whatever."

She wanted to mention what had happened to Claire when Frank shot at her, before Max rewinded, the weird change she'd undergone... she just seemed so horrified by it, not to mention surprised. If it was something she genuinely didn't see coming, Max figured there was no harm in sharing it in case it happened again... that and she was pretty damn curious herself, but that side of her was fueled more by nosiness than concern, so she tried not to acknowledge it. She gave Claire a friendly wave as she departed, taking one more glance back in the direction of Alice's body... yeah no that was still gross.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @TheBlueBurch
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I heard there was some tension between him and Alice earlier, too, so that corroborates.
If Alice came back and those kittens weren't safe that demon lord was dead whether he was the one who killed her or not :|​
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"Yeah, sorry isn't enough."

In her head, the verses were starting to echo, stemming from the deepest darkest parts of her mind. The parts that she never wanted to resurface in her train of thought. It was alike to the dread pitted into her stomach and gut. If she were more transparent of a crystal than she was now, Abel would know that she was the one hurting again. Sadly, as much as she distanced herself away to prevent others from being hurt...she felt herself being tortured by the pain of the harsh truth. It hurt more than being shot in the face, or even more than whatever the damn cause of death of this murder was.

"...I'll be fine, promise... I'm a pain.. in the ass to deal with... those traitors... no, that Arch Demon is big on my hitlist..."

Why the hell am I saying this? I'm not fine at all. I'm hurting all over... It hurts more than the possibility of me being next on the traitor kill list. This hurting pain... and the dread. Maybe it'll stop when he comes back... doesn't matter innocent or traitor... Abel never wished this pain for me... and I'm pretty sure he isn't aware of how much it hurts...

Her two crystals remained intact, but her own crystal in her mental space was fractured. Struggling to keep that luster, her inner crystal is slowly falling apart, the pressure of the pain and truth was too much for her to withstand and endure.

Probably from the stress of the situation, Lapis soon fainted from her mental process, and yet, that dreadful poem continued to repeat in her dreamful nightmare.

There is a thickening darkness...
It crawls up the walls,
Slithers around ankles,
And grows heavy in the corners.

Darkness, layered upon darkness...

There is an impending chill,
It dances up my spine,
Strangles with a shudder,
And silences breath.

Cold fingers, twisting...
A clank of broken bones...

There is mouthless, silent scream,
It travels wordlessly,
Cuts through air,
And stops the world.

Blood curdling, design...
Alarmingly eerie...

There is a thickening darkness...
It crawls up the walls,
Slithers around ankles,
And grows heavy in the corners.

I wish I could imagine
such a world where suffering
wasn't the basis of life
and where we must suffer
to understand the love behind all feelings.
"L-Lapis!" Lapis fell limp in Abel's arms, safe from any sort of physical harm. However, he could feel something was wrong, that she was still in pain, "Please, Lapis... Don't die..." He was beginning to choke up, terrified for his love.​

After the brief moment of silence between Legolas and herself, Aqua was relieved to see Claire approach. She perked up a little, shaking her head to dismiss the woman's apology. "Why would you be sorry for getting well deserved rest? I hope you at least got a chance to eat something I put on the table for you before the... world changed." Claire may not have even noticed, but at least Aqua attempted to take some care of her while she was resting.

Aqua paused for a moment, realizing she had skipped over Claire's question. "Oh, I'm just fine. And you, are you fine?" the keyblade master ran her eyes over Claire, attempting to look for any wounds. "When you came back with Teresa, she was hurt bad. If you have any wounds, show them to me so I can heal them up for you."

Although her eyes were on Claire, she felt them dart away immediately after her last statement. Aqua wasn't sure why, but her own words caught in her throat and she couldn't respond for a second.

"I won't go so far away again. I promise."

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Good, then I wouldn't have to worry about you as much," Aqua replied with a tender smile. "I've had too many people in my life go. I'd like if a few stayed, especially ones like you."

"Now, wounds please?" she asked.

@Atomyk @Wedge Antilles

As Aqua turned to converse with others, Legolas took the opportunity to place his vote. It seemed almost perfectly timed, how others were voting just after the announcement of the "agents" discovering the traitor, that the votes were falling on one person. He used that logic to also place a vote towards Naoya.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk
Riley was back to his usual habit of leaning on a wall and drinking a Nuka Cola Quantum. He was still recovering from his suicide attempt, and he was hoping no one noticed it.
@Anyone and Everyone, I don't care anymore.
"L-Lapis!" Lapis fell limp in Abel's arms, safe from any sort of physical harm. However, he could feel something was wrong, that she was still in pain, "Please, Lapis... Don't die..." He was beginning to choke up, terrified for his love.​
For a moment, Red seemed to be getting a headache for some reason. Hastily typing up a message into his pokedex, he rushed over to Abel and Lapis, showing the device's screen.

[ I can hear her in my head. Like how she can hear me the same way. All I hear from her is a lot of screaming, I can't make out what she's trying to scream out for. A nightmare? ]

The other feeling for this was possibly how she felt about the chances of Abel and Naoya being traitors. Then again, Lapis never showed much trust to anyone in the beginning, only to him because of their strange link. Now that she's shared that trust, it was possible she didn't know how to feel about having her trust betrayed... or that she wanted avoid a past event from repeating itself...

Lapis was beginning to sweat in her unconsciousness. Signs of stress were clearly evident on her...

@The Tactician @everyone basically

@The Tactician
For a moment, Red seemed to be getting a headache for some reason. Hastily typing up a message into his pokedex, he rushed over to Abel and Lapis, showing the device's screen.

[ I can hear her in my head. Like how she can hear me the same way. All I hear from her is a lot of screaming, I can't make out what she's trying to scream out for. A nightmare? ]

The other feeling for this was possibly how she felt about the chances of Abel and Naoya being traitors. Then again, Lapis never showed much trust to anyone in the beginning, only to him because of their strange link. Now that she's shared that trust, it was possible she didn't know how to feel about having her trust betrayed... or that she wanted avoid a past event from repeating itself...

Lapis was beginning to sweat in her unconsciousness. Signs of stress were clearly evident on her...

@The Tactician @everyone basically

@The Tactician
"Y-you can still hear her?" His eyes brightened at that, and he wiped away what tears remained in his eyes. Red can speak to her still... He can help! "Tell her I'm here for her! Traitor or not, I won't let her die, I'll protect her! Please, just say something that make her stop screaming! Please, I need her, Red ! I don't want to be alone without her, not now, not ever! I don't want to lose her again!"​


After the brief moment of silence between Legolas and herself, Aqua was relieved to see Claire approach. She perked up a little, shaking her head to dismiss the woman's apology. "Why would you be sorry for getting well deserved rest? I hope you at least got a chance to eat something I put on the table for you before the... world changed." Claire may not have even noticed, but at least Aqua attempted to take some care of her while she was resting.

Aqua paused for a moment, realizing she had skipped over Claire's question. "Oh, I'm just fine. And you, are you fine?" the keyblade master ran her eyes over Claire, attempting to look for any wounds. "When you came back with Teresa, she was hurt bad. If you have any wounds, show them to me so I can heal them up for you."

Although her eyes were on Claire, she felt them dart away immediately after her last statement. Aqua wasn't sure why, but her own words caught in her throat and she couldn't respond for a second.

"I won't go so far away again. I promise."

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Good, then I wouldn't have to worry about you as much," Aqua replied with a tender smile. "I've had too many people in my life go. I'd like if a few stayed, especially ones like you."

"Now, wounds please?" she asked.

@Atomyk @Wedge Antilles
Claire let out a mix between a laugh and a sigh. "You know what? Me too. It's my own fault, pushing people away... but I won't push you... or the others away. We'll stick together, at least until this is over." Claire looked shy at the mention of the food. She hadn't noticed at all, but she wished she had. It was good to know someone cared to do the little things. She glanced over toward Teresa and shook her head slightly. "I'm fine... that woman didn't touch me. I'm not even sure what she wanted. I could... tell she wasn't a traitor. Don't ask me how. Traitor intuition, I guess." Ugh, that sounded so dumb, didn't it? She'd have Frank trying to shoot her again at this rate.

"There's something I think I wanted to mention, actually... It's kind of why I'm here. I didn't exactly come of my own free will." Claire's voice wavered slightly at the thought of it. The Coalition tried to do a lot of good, but she couldn't help but feel a bitter disgust for them. "My brother... and a friend of mine. The Coalition's keeping them hostage to keep me in line. Honestly, they wouldn't need to do it now, but... I got to keep moving for their sake too." Too many people counting on her. Even more than in Silent Hill-- and yet, Claire wasn't a traitor this time around. Well, as far as she knew. Who would have known?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"H-holy shit!"

Ever since that awkward exchange back at the docks, Max had been almost entirely nonreactive and silent. It was obvious to anyone watching that she was reflecting, sifting through her own thoughts and feelings one at a time to gauge how she felt about the whole Chloe thing, and she was pretty sure nobody wanted to hear that out loud... except maybe Chloe, depending on what conclusion she reached.

Max was a quiet girl by nature, but even she couldn't maintain her silence when they came upon Alice's body, especially in its... state. The poor girl was fucking mangled almost beyond recognition, and Max didn't even wanna question what that stuff coming out of her ears was. Serious ick. The only real interaction they had was Alice threatening her over those stupid dolls, but she didn't deserve this. No one did.

Still, for now, it was time for Max to shift into detective mode. That, she could do.

Max was silent for a few moments, thinking... but not about Chloe's question. She already had a pretty good idea about that, she figured. No, instead she was thinking about her phrasing... because as awful as this murder was, the method was... kind of hilarious. And considering how impermanent the deaths of Kalifa and Kaku had seemed to be, Max didn't feel nearly as bad being a little facetious as she normally would've. The fact was, the way Chloe asked that came with opportunity! She hadn't really left the right impression during their talk before. Maybe... maybe this was her chance. After a few seconds, Max spoke up in response.

"Well, umm... yours is pretty good."






"I'm thinking..."

Max replied solemnly, meekly folding her arms. That other thing sounded good in her head, but... as far as ways to say "I like you back" went, Max was gonna try to think of something a little less stupid. And embarrassing.

She stayed true to her word as Chloe took to conferring with Aqua and Archer, using the opportunity to slip away and lightly pad over to the corpse. She had to suppress the urge to shudder as she drew near, but once she had a better look at the remains, well... everything clicked.

"Hey, everyone?"

That was directed towards the group, the voters, basically anyone nearby who'd listen, Max carefully pacing around the fringes of the crime scene as she rubbed her arms and cast her gaze over the party.

"You all know Nicki Minaj didn't do this, right? I mean, n-not to sound condescending or anything, but it's just so obvious things were set up to look that way. I mean, death by buttcheek? If she was the bad guy here, would she really make things look so blatant? Conan Doyle's spinning in his grave somewhere. Nicki's not stupid enough to set herself up for a fall like this, and she's not smart enough to pull off an "it's too obvious" double-bluff. S-sorry."

That last part was added with a wince in Nicki's direction. Max didn't really wanna offend.

"I know it's tempting to impulse vote for her right off the bat, but that's because it's been set up to look that way. Instead of hearing the words "ass" and "crushed" in the same sentence and immediately suspecting Miss Silicone, we need to be looking at the people who could do something like this and who're smart enough to set Nicki up for the fall. Sooooo... let's think about it for a sec, people. Who could've crushed Alice's brain just by sitting on her? Maybe, ohhhhh, I don't know... the dude with the huge fucking stone golem following him around?"

With a sudden note of accusation tinging her tone and demeanor, the photographer sent a glare in Naoya's direction.


"I know it was you. And since you and your cousin are kinda a package deal, I'm guessing he was in on it. Whether you're voted off this round or not, you've had it, got that? Enjoy that feeling."

Max normally wasn't half this confrontational, but her gut feeling told her this guy was a killer. That pissed her off. Severely. With that said, she placed her vote for Cain and Abel before slinking back to Chloe's side, her outburst finished.

Damn. She had way more backbone than people gave her credit for.

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Proxymoron @Unlimited RP Works @ShadowPrime @literally everyone​
Storm was impressed by Max, probably because this was her own thoughts on the matter. "Ms Minaj is too likely that is for certain. Much like Felix last round she's an easy vote as not to think about things. And between the brothers and her...they seem like the more likely choice." She replied placing a vote on Abel and Naoya.

"Maybe we could check out the golem and see if there's anything on it?" Crusader decided to add in.

@Atomyk @TheBlueBurch @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Tactician @Proxymoron @Unlimited RP Works @ShadowPrime @literally everyone
Joshua's light blue eyes, stared into Cereza's, as a river stuck in time with no movement except of Joshua's. Joshua found no words of any sort, to speak, to stutter, to breathe. He stared blankly, almost as if no feeling came to them. Until his eyes lit up for a moment, and then it happened: Joshua came in and kissed her tenderly, his hands on her neck as his thumbs brushed her chin bone. "I am ready. And.. I.." The word stuck to his mouth for a second before speaking again.

"I love you."

@The Silver Paladin

Bayonetta closed her eyes as Joshua kissed her. All her normally enhanced senses were even more so in this moment between the two of them. Her heart beating even faster and harder, with a passion, her skin feeling every touch of his like it was... something indescribable. Was this what love felt like? She wasn't sure, not having felt it before, not sure if it was what she was feeling right now.

But what she was sure of, she knew as his lips touched against hers so passionately, was that she loved this feeling.

Joshua again reverted his attention to Bayonetta, a sheepish grin appeared. His teeth atleast weren't burned, but he still felt somewhat embarrassed at what he did. "I'm.. Sorry... I had no intention of doing that out of the blue.. I just.. It.. It happened." He slowly reeled back away from her nervously

"No apologies my dear", Bayonetta said similarly in a sheepish tone. "I did not plan on that happening just now, but it happened." She reflected on the kiss from Joshua, the feelings that stirred inside as a result. She then spoke honestly, he was brave enough to venture to her, and brave enough to apologize. She owed him that, she thought.


"And... it was wonderful."

Bayonetta closed her eyes as Joshua kissed her. All her normally enhanced senses were even more so in this moment between the two of them. Her heart beating even faster and harder, with a passion, her skin feeling every touch of his like it was... something indescribable. Was this what love felt like? She wasn't sure, not having felt it before, not sure if it was what she was feeling right now.

But what she was sure of, she knew as his lips touched against hers so passionately, was that she loved this feeling.

"No apologies my dear", Bayonetta said similarly in a sheepish tone. "I did not plan on that happening just now, but it happened." She reflected on the kiss from Joshua, the feelings that stirred inside as a result. She then spoke honestly, he was brave enough to venture to her, and brave enough to apologize. She owed him that, she thought.


"And... it was wonderful."

He had no words to say, entranced by the feel of her smooth lips in a kiss, and only yet again did he feel so little. If anyone watched, It would be a rather strange sight of a man whose body was filled with the Scars of flames embroiled in his body as he kissed the Umbra Witch who was so.. Normal in the most different way. And yet, Joshua Graham, the man whom everybody thought of so differently, found someone different that he loved in the most normal way. It was again that he grinned, then kissed her once more, juuust a little' bit longer than the previous one. "Then... I suppose you wouldn't mind if I did that, once more again." Chuckling, his hands slowly fell to his sides as he scratched the top of his head with his palm.


CONTINUITY ERROR: I had believed in Fallout Lore thinking he was still charred from the burn, but after a recent viewing of a third degree burn survivor, this is not the case. His skin is rather shorter, and marks and scars almost as if one crudely skinned him is what he would look like. Pain would not be felt from touch, but for the sake of Joshua, I will let that small part be.

Somewhat like that, but I didn't want to get an image too unsafe
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"Y-you can still hear her?" His eyes brightened at that, and he wiped away what tears remained in his eyes. Red can speak to her still... He can help! "Tell her I'm here for her! Traitor or not, I won't let her die, I'll protect her! Please, just say something that make her stop screaming! Please, I need her, Red ! I don't want to be alone without her, not now, not ever! I don't want to lose her again!"​
Taking a chance with this, Red focused and tried to send his own thoughts to soothe Lapis from the nightmare she was experiencing. He could had sworn that he had to repeat it over and over, like a mantra. It took a good ten minutes to see that Red wasn't having the signs of a headache, meaning that Lapis had stopped screaming in her nightmare.

[ She's fine now, but I still can't make up what she's trying to say. It's all too fast for me to comprehend. She stopped screaming though, so I hope she'll be fine. ]

@The Tactician
Claire let out a mix between a laugh and a sigh. "You know what? Me too. It's my own fault, pushing people away... but I won't push you... or the others away. We'll stick together, at least until this is over." Claire looked shy at the mention of the food. She hadn't noticed at all, but she wished she had. It was good to know someone cared to do the little things. She glanced over toward Teresa and shook her head slightly. "I'm fine... that woman didn't touch me. I'm not even sure what she wanted. I could... tell she wasn't a traitor. Don't ask me how. Traitor intuition, I guess." Ugh, that sounded so dumb, didn't it? She'd have Frank trying to shoot her again at this rate.

"There's something I think I wanted to mention, actually... It's kind of why I'm here. I didn't exactly come of my own free will." Claire's voice wavered slightly at the thought of it. The Coalition tried to do a lot of good, but she couldn't help but feel a bitter disgust for them. "My brother... and a friend of mine. The Coalition's keeping them hostage to keep me in line. Honestly, they wouldn't need to do it now, but... I got to keep moving for their sake too." Too many people counting on her. Even more than in Silent Hill-- and yet, Claire wasn't a traitor this time around. Well, as far as she knew. Who would have known?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


After hearing what Claire had to say, Aqua felt as if she were a bit less agonized and more determined than before. Maybe it was just because she got some sleep in her and thankfully hadn't received any injuries. The fact she had avoided Aqua's comment about the food led her to believe the red-head hadn't eaten anythin, but she wasn't going to complain on the matter. Aqua didn't want to come across as too... motherly.

"Well, it's good to hear you're still in the mindset of wanting to keep people around. Even going so far as to help ones like Teresa." Aqua frowned. "I don't understand why one of our own would just attack a member of the group without being a traitor." Aqua paused before adding. "But, then again, Frank attacked you. Maybe Teresa was attacked for similar reasons..."

Aqua listened, surprised when Claire opened up about her brother and friend. The keyblade master couldn't help by sympathize for her situation. "I'm honestly not surprised. The Coalition doesn't always use the most noble of methods when it comes to their mission. I mean, they try their best, but I suppose sometimes they get desperate." Aqua smiled gently. "But hey, I'm sure you'll get your brother and friend back. I have people I'm fighting for to."


Reaching into her pocket, Aqua pulled out her star shaped wayfinder charm. "This is my most precious possession. It's a charm. My two best friends have ones just like it that I made for them. They're like... brothers to me. I was raised with them. Right now they're gone, and I don't know where they are, what they're doing, or if they're still alive. But I know if Akibahara destroys all life, I'll never find them. So that's why I'm here," she told Claire, fingering the charm with her thumb.

Aqua wore a bright, determined look on her face. "We have a lot of people relying on both of us, so we can't give up now. And actually... there's something I wanted to speak with you about too," she told Claire.

She wanted to offer Claire the same thing she had offered to Abel and Aoko, a way to help her.

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Ruby Rose & Sophie
@DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wedge Antilles @TheBlueBurch @OrlandoBloomers @The others

Ruby tried to suppress yet another fit of giggles, then, tilted her head "This certainly is a... Strange case..." she said, looking at Alice's body with a puzzles expression, obviously still wondering if even Nikki's rear end could have been big and heavy enough to do what had just happened... Though, perhaps it was some strange power or something?

Sophie in the meantime stood aside near Aqua, frozen in place for the moment as she saw that Teresa had just passed away... The conversations around her sort of faded away from her mind as her mind was clouded with anger, but, that anger soon became determination, adding to her will to defeat this Arch-Demon once and for all. They were loosing too many for all of this to sit very well with her, so much that she had fallen silent temporarily, but, perhaps she'd snap out of this state soon enough>

Soul gives a small laugh "Yeah, this was...odd...but I think maybe the group is onto something...perhaps miss Minaj would be too obvious a choice" he sighs and gives a small nod "I suppose that it's for the best I add my vote to Abel and his brother" he gives the pair a quick glance and gives an apologetic smile "You'll be checked and then your...partner...will be able to know if you're being controlled for real" he says with a small shrug "And...I'm a walking, talking example of what will become of you...as long as you're not being controlled...and if you are...well...I can purge his influence over you...you shouldn't be killed either way"

He turns to Ruby and smiles "Whatever the case may be, I'm sure I've seen the pair who were crushed by a rock, back in the flesh...so yeah...Alice will probably be back alive in a little while..." he smiles and

Ulysses noted how the young woman had passed away, despite the best medical intervention available, and shut his eyes for a moment, before flicking a knife from his belt and cutting a small piece of her hair, twisting it and knotting it in a way that made it resemble the hairs on his own head, before looping it and tying it around his wrist

"My burden to bear" he says with a small frown, before turning away and walking a short distance from the group

@The Tactician
Soul gives a small laugh "Yeah, this was...odd...but I think maybe the group is onto something...perhaps miss Minaj would be too obvious a choice" he sighs and gives a small nod "I suppose that it's for the best I add my vote to Abel and his brother" he gives the pair a quick glance and gives an apologetic smile "You'll be checked and then your...partner...will be able to know if you're being controlled for real" he says with a small shrug "And...I'm a walking, talking example of what will become of you...as long as you're not being controlled...and if you are...well...I can purge his influence over you...you shouldn't be killed either way"

He turns to Ruby and smiles "Whatever the case may be, I'm sure I've seen the pair who were crushed by a rock, back in the flesh...so yeah...Alice will probably be back alive in a little while..." he smiles and

Ulysses noted how the young woman had passed away, despite the best medical intervention available, and shut his eyes for a moment, before flicking a knife from his belt and cutting a small piece of her hair, twisting it and knotting it in a way that made it resemble the hairs on his own head, before looping it and tying it around his wrist

"My burden to bear" he says with a small frown, before turning away and walking a short distance from the group

@The Tactician
Riley looked at Ulysses. "Ulysses, the blood is on my hands. I said I would help her, as my medical duty, and I fail." Riley hung his head. "Earlier, I almost killed myself. Joshua stopped me from doing so. It wasn't over this, but over the other deaths I've committed."
Soul gives a small laugh "Yeah, this was...odd...but I think maybe the group is onto something...perhaps miss Minaj would be too obvious a choice" he sighs and gives a small nod "I suppose that it's for the best I add my vote to Abel and his brother" he gives the pair a quick glance and gives an apologetic smile "You'll be checked and then your...partner...will be able to know if you're being controlled for real" he says with a small shrug "And...I'm a walking, talking example of what will become of you...as long as you're not being controlled...and if you are...well...I can purge his influence over you...you shouldn't be killed either way"

He turns to Ruby and smiles "Whatever the case may be, I'm sure I've seen the pair who were crushed by a rock, back in the flesh...so yeah...Alice will probably be back alive in a little while..." he smiles and

Ulysses noted how the young woman had passed away, despite the best medical intervention available, and shut his eyes for a moment, before flicking a knife from his belt and cutting a small piece of her hair, twisting it and knotting it in a way that made it resemble the hairs on his own head, before looping it and tying it around his wrist

"My burden to bear" he says with a small frown, before turning away and walking a short distance from the group

@The Tactician
Riley looked at Ulysses. "Ulysses, the blood is on my hands. I said I would help her, as my medical duty, and I fail." Riley hung his head. "Earlier, I almost killed myself. Joshua stopped me from doing so. It wasn't over this, but over the other deaths I've committed."

Guys plz.

Teresa was still alive, if only barely. No need to act like you just killed someone. =|​
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