Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Teresa's eyes narrowed at the statement, and cold rage seared beneath her skin. "He obviously does, and you're obviously hiding something by not letting him say it," she retorted, annoyance now laced through her voice. Apparently, this man was finally getting on her nerves. "Alright, guy.. Listen here; I'm n-"

Before she could finish the thought, the man went on, and the female's jaw dropped.


"Little Guy!" she exclaimed, a variety of emotions too potent and overwhelming to try to identify and separate them. The strongest in the bunch were rage, joy, and fear; her friend was okay. John had taken him from her. What would he do to him, if she didn't comply..? What could she do, but help the man she refused to trust in hopes of getting her companion back safe and sound. The girl wanted to say something, to object and demand the wolf be released, but nothing came out.

And before she could manage to utter the word her mind was screaming at her, the world dropped out from under her.

And to her surprise, the girl found herself with the others again.


For a moment, the 17-year-old just remained sat on the floor, staring on blankly with shock. Her mind was desperately scrambling to piece together what had just happened. Had she just been... Threatened? Suddenly, the shock was replaced with sheer rage. Nobody threatened Teresa Agnes and got away with it well-off... And John wasn't about to change that; especially not by threatening the one remaining creature she was close to.

After all.. She hadn't found Ash. The others back home- no... It wasn't her home. Home was somewhere you were welcomed -from her world, hated her.. She didn't see Jenny. Hurley wasn't in sight, and those who had witnessed her death and stuck by her side hardly seemed to notice her now, now that her one heroic act had passed. But then, something came to her..

A certain someone was in her debt.

Climbing to her feet, posture and expression painted with only sheer determination, the young woman cracked her knuckles. Her rage coursed through her, only fueling the desire to make John suffer. Joshua's words resonated in her head, and she already had her mind made up from the minute Mimoto revealed there was a way to destroy John.

Calmly, the female approached Ryu, stopping in front of the male and crossing her arms. "Hey, remember me?" the question was rhetorical, and thus, she didn't bother waiting for an answer. "Good. Now... I think that an apology is in order, right? Something to make up for the people you- er.. the other guy -killed. A way to redeem yourself in a sense.... Right?" Again, she gave no time for an answer. "Good. I hoped you packed your hiking shoes, 'cause we're going on a trek. Now, then..."

Turning her attention away from the past traitor, the glader looked to the crowd of people gathered around, whistling loudly. "All right, ladies and gents.... I know you're all a bit busy trying to kill each other and all, but I'd like your attention for a moment," she announced. Oddly enough, the female had taken on a calm sense of authority. Hell, she almost seemed like a real leader.

"Now, let me ask you all something... Do you want to go home, at the price of destroying a child who only wishes to give everyone a chance, but keep the world balanced at the price of only giving life back to a handful of the dead? A boy that thought he was doing what's right, but has his actions turned against him like he's a villain? Or... Will you risk it all, trying to bring down a man who's only care in life is power? A man who has no regard for what is just, and will likely toss you aside once you've done his bidding, stomp you out of existence like a bug after he's gotten what he wanted?"

There was a brief pause, before the girl continued. "I dunno about all of you.. But I'm not some pawn. I'm not going to let this man use me and toss me out like yesterday's trash once he has what he wants. Whether or not you let him use you... Is up to you. But if you'll excuse me... I'm gonna go risk my ass trying to save the world from this abomination. If you follow.. So be it. If not? Well, have fun playing your hand in the destruction of the world."

It seemed that was all she had to say. And with that, she started to explore the area in search of John's power source, going to drag Ryu along with her.

@Ryu Keiko @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Librarian Cat @ResistingTheEnlightened @BarrenThin @Yiyel @Mari @Wedge Antilles @Gummi Bunnies @SirDerpingtonIV @DapperDogman @Krieg @Everyone in the basement that I missed​


He honestly had no words to say. He couldn't think clearly. One part was because her words had struck him and the other because she was alive. "Fancy seeing you again, Teresa." He gave a quick smile, again thinking to himself. "Pawn... Pawn.... Are we really playing pawns? Am I really just a piece in a game, not really closer to home?" Frank sighed, rubbing his lips with his fingers as he spoke up again:


"Agh, what the hell." He stepped up and walked beside her, intent on her cause. Frank put on the service cap, before quickly taling it off and looking at the brim of it. "Here." He specifically pointed at the spot of blood on it. "I thought about how you died ever since that day. Living with the fact that you died and are here again is... It was traumautizing. And I feel that it's my duty to keep you safe this time."


He smiled at her, nodding before handing the cap toward her "It served as a reminder to keep others safe. Keep it." He coughed and sniffled, pointing outside.

"Lets go."
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"Jeez, what a pain. I just wanted to rescue a friend and I end up having to save the world while I'm at it? Or did I mishear?" Shiki sighed, beginning to walk, "Why can't anything be simple these days? And I just know that once I'm outta here, I'll have to make another testimony to the Association about the appearance of another Murder Game..."

"A... Murder Game? What's this about the Association? Do you know something about Arch Demon Akibahara?" Ciel questioned Shiki, alarmed. In response, the boy simply sighed, running a hand through his short hair.

"It'll all be clear to you soon, Ciel-senpai. I'm... not in the mood to explain the rundown again," he said. Try as Ciel might to press more information out of Shiki, it seemed that he was unwilling to give out any more info. It frustrated her to no end, but she knew that there was always later. After all, it wasn't an if she was getting out, it was a matter of when she was getting out.

The two of them would side with Joshua, promptly following Minato, Teresa, and Asha.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Yiyel @Savvy Savant

As did Thanos. Mostly because he felt that John wasn't worthy of the position he was in right now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Yiyel @Savvy Savant @Verite
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@Verite @Mari @Jeremi @Xibilation @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel

All that had happened in front of him made Crono freeze in place as he watched the ensueing chaos... As it turned out, Yuka had been a traitor, or at least was one, but, strangely enough, that wasn't the thing that bothered him the most. Despite there being only one final traitor left to uncover, their event host, John, seemed less than trustworthy to say the least, the general way he'd been running things themselves seemed... Off to say the least, as Asha, his partner had pointed out. This in itself made him feel inclined to side with Joshua for now. Though he kept an open mind for any other possibilities out there, however, before he did anything else, he approached Yuka without saying anything, noticing that she wasn't too much shorter than him really. The height difference didn't bother him too greatly though as he reached down and patted her on the head, it was as if he was trying to say everything would be alright now.​
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Marcus Wright looked in utter disbelief at Yuka. Much of their time here, he was her virtual protector. Did she just admit she was guilty of killing?

He wanted to participate in whatever it was the rest of them wanted to do. He really wanted to, he felt a desire at his heart to end Yuka.


But, his mind wasn't letting him be that cruel. He had spent so much effort, both physical and mental, towards protecting her, that he couldn't simply turn on her in return despite all she was guilty of. And, he looked at Marie. He wondered, what would she think of him if he decided to cut Yuka up until there was nothing left?

"Marie," he asked, "what do you think we should do?"

@Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @york @Yiyel @ResistingTheEnlightened
Marcus Wright looked in utter disbelief at Yuka. Much of their time here, he was her virtual protector. Did she just admit she was guilty of killing?

He wanted to participate in whatever it was the rest of them wanted to do. He really wanted to, he felt a desire at his heart to end Yuka.


But, his mind wasn't letting him be that cruel. He had spent so much effort, both physical and mental, towards protecting her, that he couldn't simply turn on her in return despite all she was guilty of. And, he looked at Marie. He wondered, what would she think of him if he decided to cut Yuka up until there was nothing left?

"Marie," he asked, "what do you think we should do?"

@Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @york @Yiyel @ResistingTheEnlightened
Marie had silently gasped when Yuka admitted to being a traitor. Distrust flickered in her eyes, and she took an unnoticeable step back. When Ciel and Pyrrha had attacked her, Marie had jumped forward, though not directly getting into the conflict. Now, she had backed so she was standing next to Marcus again. At first, he was silent. Her fingers causally found his, and she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Not that she felt reassured herself. When he did speak, she thought for a bit.

"I..... I-I do not not know." She knew that the 12 year old was young, and easy to manipulate, which was how John must have made her become a traitor. After all, he had even tricked Marie- a lady. At the same time, she didn't want to trust the young girl. Another traitor had killed Marie. A traitor that had probably worked with Yuka.

She looked at the young girl, analyzing her. "What do you think you deserve?" Marie was polite enough to not have an open conversation about the girl right in front of her.​


Asha looked at Mari, tilting his head. "I didn't expect difficulty to be part of the equation. To me, John cannot be an option."

He held a finger up. "He betrayed the controller of this world to further his own goals - I have no indication he will not betray us."

And another. "He promised us something that, should we not be defeated - and so far all of us technically haven't been - we would have gotten anyway. Why would he need to specifically bribe us should he be right? Joshua has been straightforward with the rules of this world."

And a third. "He killed two innocent Reapers who talked too much. Anyone who silences people for not doing as they say is not to be trusted."

And finally, his thumb. "Joshua created this world to give the early dead a second chance. John, if I'm not mistaken, plans on taking control of it to create himself a world to his desire. Even if WE get out right now, the people after us might pay for it. And, in time, we may very well return here."
Marie nodded. She still felt incredibly guilty for capturing Joshua without knowing the real reason, and the reasons Asha stated.​

He turned back, following Minato and Teresa. "And THAT is why I cannot side with John, and will show no mercy to those who do and oppose us."

Minato raised his head for a moment, his expression without hope, "I don't... Joshua. I need to make up for capturing him." He had almost caught himself saying that phrase again. He couldn't despair yet. Ciel still needed him. For now though, he simply wanted there to be silence, "Hey, can you... Just leave me alone for a bit? I need some time to think..."


She nodded again. Minato had the same idea as she.

"I understand those of you who are not reapers and your want to be alive again, but as Asha said, John is not very trustworthy. As for those of us who are reapers," she gestured to Chandra and Minato, "We'll have a game to run after this. I would like to keep things in order when John is defeated and others are revived."

//ugh tags @Verite @Mari @Jeremi @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel
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Regardless of why she was a traitor, Yuka felt the guilt eating her up from the inside, a dead expression on her face as she knew that most did not trust her anymore. Looking over at the two that she also happened to know during this time here, Yuka gave a straight forward response,"... I don't know. Maybe...maybe that person I met before coming here to this game was right... I only caused problems wherever I go..."

Yuka didn't seem to stutter as much as before, as if she had nothing to be nervous about anymore since the truth had been let out for awhile now. Though, she did say one more thing before falling silent again.

"I'm not even sure if...I'll be any kind of help to anyone. I'll just get people in problems and have people against me... I might as well stay here... Be alone... And die alone..."

With that, the little girl hugged her knees to her chest as she sat down on the ground, not even bothering to look at Marcus and Marie. She already could tell that they were in disbelief and anger for betraying their trust.

@Wedge Antilles @Xibilation
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Marcus Wright looked in utter disbelief at Yuka. Much of their time here, he was her virtual protector. Did she just admit she was guilty of killing?

He wanted to participate in whatever it was the rest of them wanted to do. He really wanted to, he felt a desire at his heart to end Yuka.


But, his mind wasn't letting him be that cruel. He had spent so much effort, both physical and mental, towards protecting her, that he couldn't simply turn on her in return despite all she was guilty of. And, he looked at Marie. He wondered, what would she think of him if he decided to cut Yuka up until there was nothing left?

"Marie," he asked, "what do you think we should do?"

@Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies @Verite @york @Yiyel @ResistingTheEnlightened
Marie had silently gasped when Yuka admitted to being a traitor. Distrust flickered in her eyes, and she took an unnoticeable step back. When Ciel and Pyrrha had attacked her, Marie had jumped forward, though not directly getting into the conflict. Now, she had backed so she was standing next to Marcus again. At first, he was silent. Her fingers causally found his, and she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. Not that she felt reassured herself. When he did speak, she thought for a bit.

"I..... I-I do not not know." She knew that the 12 year old was young, and easy to manipulate, which was how John must have made her become a traitor. After all, he had even tricked Marie- a lady. At the same time, she didn't want to trust the young girl. Another traitor had killed Marie. A traitor that had probably worked with Yuka.

She looked at the young girl, analyzing her. "What do you think you deserve?" Marie was polite enough to not have an open conversation about the girl right in front of her.​

Marie nodded. She still felt incredibly guilty for capturing Joshua without knowing the real reason, and the reasons Asha stated.​

She nodded again. Minato had the same idea as she.

"I understand those of you who are not reapers and your want to be alive again, but as Asha said, John is not very trustworthy. As for those of us who are reapers," she gestured to Chandra and Minato, "We'll have a game to run after this. I would like to keep things in order when John is defeated and others are revived."

//ugh tags @Verite @Mari @Jeremi @Wedge Antilles @ResistingTheEnlightened @Xx420BLAZEITxX @Yiyel
Regardless of why she was a traitor, Yuka felt the guilt eating her up from the inside, a dead expression on her face as she knew that most did not trust her anymore. Looking over at the two that she also happened to know during this time here, Yuka gave a straight forward response,"... I don't know. Maybe...maybe that person I met before coming here to this game was right... I only caused problems wherever I go..."

Yuka didn't seem to stutter as much as before, as if she had nothing to be nervous about anymore since the truth had been let out for awhile now. Though, she did say one more thing before falling silent again.

"I'm not even sure if...I'll be any kind of help to anyone. I'll just get people in problems and have people against me... I might as well stay here... Be alone... And die alone..."

With that, the little girl hugged her knees to her chest as she sat down on the ground, not even bothering to look at Marcus and Marie. She already could tell that they were in disbelief and anger for betraying their trust.

@Wedge Antilles @Xibilation
Crono looked at Marie and Marcus for a moment before looking back at Yuka, standing next to her without a word... He wasn't sure what to say in a situation like this, and he couldn't really think of anyone who would... Well, maybe Marle actually, if only she were here right now... It didn't feel right to kill Yuka as Marie and Marcus intended to, but, they were reapers now, and, well... He wasn't too sure if he could do much to stop them, but, would he? Could he? He felt an urge to protect Yuka, but at the same time, a lingering pang of guilt for feeling that urge due to what Yuka had done, but, even so... She didn't seem to be very proud of that.
Marcus looked at Marie as she asked Yuka what she thought she deserved. He was glad Marie seemed to be on the same page as him, and he held Marie's hand a little tighter. Her hand felt so... warm, tender, and caring, he thought to himself.

"If we take away Yuka's pins, and her charm," he thought out loud to Marie and Yuka, "would that pretty much guarantee she won't be able to kill any more?" He looked at Yuka. "She deserves whatever fate is handed to her, but I can't bring myself to do it." As if some part of him felt sorry for her, or was it some force of habit that continued to compel him to look out for the young girl?

@Xibilation @Gummi Bunnies
"Jeez, what a pain. I just wanted to rescue a friend and I end up having to save the world while I'm at it? Or did I mishear?" Shiki sighed, beginning to walk, "Why can't anything be simple these days? And I just know that once I'm outta here, I'll have to make another testimony to the Association about the appearance of another Murder Game..."

"A... Murder Game? What's this about the Association? Do you know something about Arch Demon Akibahara?" Ciel questioned Shiki, alarmed. In response, the boy simply sighed, running a hand through his short hair.

"It'll all be clear to you soon, Ciel-senpai. I'm... not in the mood to explain the rundown again," he said. Try as Ciel might to press more information out of Shiki, it seemed that he was unwilling to give out any more info. It frustrated her to no end, but she knew that there was always later. After all, it wasn't an if she was getting out, it was a matter of when she was getting out.

The two of them would side with Joshua, promptly following Minato, Teresa, and Asha.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Yiyel @Savvy Savant
Minato noticed that Ciel and Shiki had joined their party, wanting to fight John as well. For a moment, he wondered if he could still trust Ciel, especially after the truth of Yuka's status as a traitor. She's the one you love, correct? Then even if you're afraid, you should stand by her. Didn't your friends stand beside when you faced Nyx? Well then, do the same for her!

Listening to the voice inside his head, the corners of Minato's lips twitched upwards as his feet slowed. Soon, Ciel and Shiki had caught up to him, the young woman at Minato's side. Wrapping his hand with hers, the small smile turned into a one that beamed joy, "I'm glad you came along with me, Ciel-chan."

~The Last Hope~


Her world, her life, her entire backstory was coated in that damning crimson. From her timid ages as a young child, unsullied and pure to the world, death had stalked her at every moment. It was only until that curse touched her own flesh, spilled her own family's crimson, did the crestfallen soldier truly realize the nature of the world. Misery and sorrow was but at every corner, men clinging to such petite concepts such as love and religion to distract themselves from the true tragedy that danced around them like wildfire. It was evident how they acted before the Titans invaded, like mindless sheep, unaware of the wolves preying at their walls. The world is beautifully tragic, but in the traitor's eyes, there was a hope to end the cycle entirely, starting with the games themselves.

From the shadows of the basement, a husk of her former glory stumbled into the light, her swords limply hanging at her sides, her clenched hands lacking the strength. Raven hair, matted and filthy, twirled at odd ends, her face bleak and on the brink of losing all hope. With each passing step, the soldier heaved and huffed, on the verge of nearly collapsing and vomiting onto the marble flooring below her booted feet. Her clothing, whilst mostly repaired, held marks of being scorched, pearly white shifting into a charred black and her skin suffering from several burns. Slowly raising her head, feeling that accursed crimson trail down her forehead, the soldier cringed, looking at the players, especially the ones on the verge of leaving.

"Stop," Mikasa pleaded, her voice strong, but at it's breaking point. Weakly lifting her swords, holstering them, the last of her clan balanced herself on a nearby stroller propped against a wall, the traitorous murderer beginning to utter once more. "Let me ask you a simple question, do you know what would exactly happen if you helped Joshua?" Mikasa proposed to the group around her, before proceeding to spit onto the floor, her feeble body trembling.

"The c-cycle will c-continue...a-another game will be played out. Y-Your lives aren't being judged, nono, they are being toyed with." Mikasa spoke, her voice slightly delirious, but her words showing evident belief behind them. "Humanity are but props in this demented play, the players blinded by this falsehood of hope..." the soldier stared upon the ground, clenching her free right fist before roughly punching it into the wall, her head shooting up to face everyone, her voice full of fury, vengeance, and redemption.


Silence followed uneasily, Mikasa shoving herself off the wall, beginning to regain control of her shaken body, walking slowly towards the group for a few steps before pausing, her shoulder slacking and her gaze apathetically unnerving.

"There are two choices- accept the order of this deranged game...or destroy it."

Mikasa fell onto her knees, using the sword in her left hand to prop herself upwards from collapsing into the abyss.

@Yiyel @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Savvy Savant @Jeremi @Raven @The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Mari

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After a few minutes, Minato stood up and followed Teresa out of the door, "I'm coming along. I can't let John get away with this." He wasn't waiting for Ciel to follow along. He couldn't trust anyone but those who had died, and he also didn't want to discover her to he a traitor. One heartbreak was bad enough.

@Savvy Savant @Verite

Asha looked at Mari, tilting his head. "I didn't expect difficulty to be part of the equation. To me, John cannot be an option."

He held a finger up. "He betrayed the controller of this world to further his own goals - I have no indication he will not betray us."

And another. "He promised us something that, should we not be defeated - and so far all of us technically haven't been - we would have gotten anyway. Why would he need to specifically bribe us should he be right? Joshua has been straightforward with the rules of this world."

And a third. "He killed two innocent Reapers who talked too much. Anyone who silences people for not doing as they say is not to be trusted."

And finally, his thumb. "Joshua created this world to give the early dead a second chance. John, if I'm not mistaken, plans on taking control of it to create himself a world to his desire. Even if WE get out right now, the people after us might pay for it. And, in time, we may very well return here."

He turned back, following Minato and Teresa. "And THAT is why I cannot side with John, and will show no mercy to those who do and oppose us."
"Jeez, what a pain. I just wanted to rescue a friend and I end up having to save the world while I'm at it? Or did I mishear?" Shiki sighed, beginning to walk, "Why can't anything be simple these days? And I just know that once I'm outta here, I'll have to make another testimony to the Association about the appearance of another Murder Game..."

"A... Murder Game? What's this about the Association? Do you know something about Arch Demon Akibahara?" Ciel questioned Shiki, alarmed. In response, the boy simply sighed, running a hand through his short hair.

"It'll all be clear to you soon, Ciel-senpai. I'm... not in the mood to explain the rundown again," he said. Try as Ciel might to press more information out of Shiki, it seemed that he was unwilling to give out any more info. It frustrated her to no end, but she knew that there was always later. After all, it wasn't an if she was getting out, it was a matter of when she was getting out.

The two of them would side with Joshua, promptly following Minato, Teresa, and Asha.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @Yiyel @Savvy Savant

He honestly had no words to say. He couldn't think clearly. One part was because her words had struck him and the other because she was alive. "Fancy seeing you again, Teresa." He gave a quick smile, again thinking to himself. "Pawn... Pawn.... Are we really playing pawns? Am I really just a piece in a game, not really closer to home?" Frank sighed, rubbing his lips with his fingers as he spoke up again:


"Agh, what the hell." He stepped up and walked beside her, intent on her cause. Frank put on the service cap, before quickly taling it off and looking at the brim of it. "Here." He specifically pointed at the spot of blood on it. "I thought about how you died ever since that day. Living with the fact that you died and are here again is... It was traumautizing. And I feel that it's my duty to keep you safe this time."


He smiled at her, nodding before handing the cap toward her "It served as a reminder to keep others safe. Keep it." He coughed and sniffled, pointing outside.

"Lets go."
As did Thanos. Mostly because he felt that John wasn't worthy of the position he was in right now.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty@The Pimp Tactician@Yiyel@Savvy Savant @Verite

She nodded her approval back to Minato, not pausing in her walking though. "Glad you're on my side," she mused. "Err.. Not really my side, I guess. 'I may be on the side of the angels.. But don't think for one second I am one'." Sherlock Holmes. One of few quotes I actually remember, she thought, idly.

Suddenly, she found a familiar man at her side; the male who'd been at her side for her downfall. Frank.. That was his name. She offered a small smile at this.


"I could say the same," she replied, tilting her head. Though, admittedly, an ache of guilt filled her chest, and she had to look away. She hadn't imagined she'd have hurt a stranger- a man she'd met only in her hour of death -in her 'last' act of bravery. No.. Stupidity, she thought, bitterly. If she'd have just gone with instinct, she wouldn't have died.

But that wasn't how it played out.

"I, uh.. I-" she seemed to be struggling with what she wanted to say, shaking her head and sighing. "..I'm sorry about that.. But I'm fine, now. And I can make up for it, now," she stated, firmly. She was confident in that. When the cap was offered, she shook her head again. "I- I can't accept that.." she replied, sheepishly. "And you don't needa worry 'bout me," she assured.

A single glance over her shoulder showed that the small 'motivational speech' she'd given had gotten her something of a following. No; not her... Joshua. The boy who'd given them all a chance. Who wasn't trying to destroy the world. At the words of the boy with short, dark hair behind her and the blue-haired girl with him, she only shook her head and shrugged. "Well, if you'd rather try to destroy it, be my guest," she deadpanned. Admittedly, the words of 'murder games' and the 'association' had her curious, but it wasn't the time for questions.

But, there was one important one..

Now that they'd made it outside, the young woman glanced over those who had joined her in going against John, eyes flitting over them in a quick once-over. "A bit of a rag-tag bunch, but I suppose this'll do," she murmured, sarcastically. Someone had to crack a joke to lighten the mood.. Right?


"So..." she spoke, turning on her heel and walking backwards, facing the group as she addressed them. "Any of you have a bright plan? A suggestion of which part of this wasteland to search through first? Even a trace of suspicion of whom among you may be a traitor?" she inquired. "We need somewhere to start.. And the faster this deed is done, the sooner we- you -'ll all be brought home.." There was a pause, before she continued. "Splitting up to search may very well be our best option.. As much as I don't wish to make this some episode of Scooby Doo."

@Ryu Keiko
Hrist was many things, but foremost among them was loyalty and camaraderie. ... She would follow Susan. "Susan, I'm not going to simply abandon my path. You've been my ally, and I will be yours. We will get out of this, and anything that stands in our way will be trampled or pushed aside." Although authoritative and harsh as always, her words were rather... sweet. Towards Susan, anyways. Everyone else, she was completely willing to... well, trample or push aside. Very violently. This was the final round. There was no purpose in holding back. There was no reason to hide her goal, or to not ruffle feathers.​
Her goal was in reach. She would ruffle all the feathers. She followed Susan to the Neon City.

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~The Last Hope~


Her world, her life, her entire backstory was coated in that damning crimson. From her timid ages as a young child, unsullied and pure to the world, death had stalked her at every moment. It was only until that curse touched her own flesh, spilled her own family's crimson, did the crestfallen soldier truly realize the nature of the world. Misery and sorrow was but at every corner, men clinging to such petite concepts such as love and religion to distract themselves from the true tragedy that danced around them like wildfire. It was evident how they acted before the Titans invaded, like mindless sheep, unaware of the wolves preying at their walls. The world is beautifully tragic, but in the traitor's eyes, there was a hope to end the cycle entirely, starting with the games themselves.

From the shadows of the basement, a husk of her former glory stumbled into the light, her swords limply hanging at her sides, her clenched hands lacking the strength. Raven hair, matted and filthy, twirled at odd ends, her face bleak and on the brink of losing all hope. With each passing step, the soldier heaved and huffed, on the verge of nearly collapsing and vomiting onto the marble flooring below her booted feet. Her clothing, whilst mostly repaired, held marks of being scorched, pearly white shifting into a charred black and her skin suffering from several burns. Slowly raising her head, feeling that accursed crimson trail down her forehead, the soldier cringed, looking at the players, especially the ones on the verge of leaving.

"Stop," Mikasa pleaded, her voice strong, but at it's breaking point. Weakly lifting her swords, holstering them, the last of her clan balanced herself on a nearby stroller propped against a wall, the traitorous murderer beginning to utter once more. "Let me ask you a simple question, do you know what would exactly happen if you helped Joshua?" Mikasa proposed to the group around her, before proceeding to spit onto the floor, her feeble body trembling.

"The c-cycle will c-continue...a-another game will be played out. Y-Your lives aren't being judged, nono, their being toyed with." Mikasa spoke, her voice slightly delirious, but her words showing evident belief behind them. "Humanity are but props in this demented play, the players blinded by this falsehood of hope..." the soldier stared upon the ground, clenching her free right fist before roughly punching it into the wall, her head shooting up to face everyone, her voice full of fury, vengeance, and redemption.


Silence followed uneasily, Mikasa shoving herself off the wall, beginning to regain control of her shaken body, walking slowly towards the group for a few steps before pausing, her shoulder slacking and her gaze apathetically unnerving.

"There are two choices- accept the order of this deranged game...or destroy it."

Mikasa fell onto her knees, using the sword in her left hand to prop herself upwards from collapsing into the abyss.

@Yiyel @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Savvy Savant @Jeremi @Raven @The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Mari

Minato stopped in his tracks at the girl's words. Turning his head to the side, he gave her a cold stare, as if evaluating her. Then, his voice came out, chilled with distrust, "Think of it this way. That man has betrayed his master for his own power. He does not care for others, he simply cares for his throne. This game we're playing isn't just something we can stop. It's both a chance for the good who died young to be revived, but it's also a way to measure one's worth."

"Here in this game, you are being judged as a great balancing act takes place, no matter what you say. Joshua wishes he could send us all back, but that's not possible as it would ruin the cycle of life and death, destruction and rebirth. Tell me, what would happen if no one ever died? Mass starvation, drought due to overdrinking, diseases from overpopulation, and war for resources all come about. While cruel, this game is needed and for it to exist, Joshua is needed."

"I owe him an act of kindness for my earlier mistake of capturing him. He only wished to help us and give us a chance to return to our loved ones. Now, though, because of my mistake, his work is being destroyed. I can't allow that to happen, and whether or not you're my enemy, I will do it," with that, Minato turned his head back and continued to walk on. They didn't have time to spare.​
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She nodded her approval back to Minato, not pausing in her walking though. "Glad you're on my side," she mused. "Err.. Not really my side, I guess. 'I may be on the side of the angels.. But don't think for one second I am one'." Sherlock Holmes. One of few quotes I actually remember, she thought, idly.

Suddenly, she found a familiar man at her side; the male who'd been at her side for her downfall. Frank.. That was his name. She offered a small smile at this.


"I could say the same," she replied, tilting her head. Though, admittedly, an ache of guilt filled her chest, and she had to look away. She hadn't imagined she'd have hurt a stranger- a man she'd met only in her hour of death -in her 'last' act of bravery. No.. Stupidity, she thought, bitterly. If she'd have just gone with instinct, she wouldn't have died.

But that wasn't how it played out.

"I, uh.. I-" she seemed to be struggling with what she wanted to say, shaking her head and sighing. "..I'm sorry about that.. But I'm fine, now. And I can make up for it, now," she stated, firmly. She was confident in that. When the cap was offered, she shook her head again. "I- I can't accept that.." she replied, sheepishly. "And you don't needa worry 'bout me," she assured.

A single glance over her shoulder showed that the small 'motivational speech' she'd given had gotten her something of a following. No; not her... Joshua. The boy who'd given them all a chance. Who wasn't trying to destroy the world. At the words of the boy with short, dark hair behind her and the blue-haired girl with him, she only shook her head and shrugged. "Well, if you'd rather try to destroy it, be my guest," she deadpanned. Admittedly, the words of 'murder games' and the 'association' had her curious, but it wasn't the time for questions.

But, there was one important one..

Now that they'd made it outside, the young woman glanced over those who had joined her in going against John, eyes flitting over them in a quick once-over. "A bit of a rag-tag bunch, but I suppose this'll do," she murmured, sarcastically. Someone had to crack a joke to lighten the mood.. Right?


"So..." she spoke, turning on her heel and walking backwards, facing the group as she addressed them. "Any of you have a bright plan? A suggestion of which part of this wasteland to search through first? Even a trace of suspicion of whom among you may be a traitor?" she inquired. "We need somewhere to start.. And the faster this deed is done, the sooner we- you -'ll all be brought home.." There was a pause, before she continued. "Splitting up to search may very well be our best option.. As much as I don't wish to make this some episode of Scooby Doo."

@Ryu Keiko
He shook his head, nodding as he put the service cqp on. "Then there is not a younger person who has succesfully made me follow them as a leader. And I'm glad to follow." He looked at her, a gentle smile appeared before slowly pulling back down. He listened to her explain the plan before shaking his head. "No. What I mean is, we can't do that. We split up, we cause more damage toward ourselves. I suggest going to find the main source, destroy it for once and for all, in a group. Have a tactical column with spacing so if we're hit, it won't hit at once." His voice was that of a drill seargents, his war veteran coming out. "And then we look around for those power spheres..."
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Minato noticed that Ciel and Shiki had joined their party, wanting to fight John as well. For a moment, he wondered if he could still trust Ciel, especially after the truth of Yuka's status as a traitor. She's the one you love, correct? Then even if you're afraid, you should stand by her. Didn't your friends stand beside when you faced Nyx? Well then, do the same for her!

Listening to the voice inside his head, the corners of Minato's lips twitched upwards as his feet slowed. Soon, Ciel and Shiki had caught up to him, the young woman at Minato's side. Wrapping his hand with hers, the small smile turned into a one that beamed joy, "I'm glad you came along with me, Ciel-chan."

"Yes, I wouldn't have it any other way," she said, not rejecting his hand. She thought about this young boy that had affected her life, or technically afterlife, and how he somehow managed to find his way through her and unlock the one thing that she had kept hidden for as long as she could remember. Emotions. Feelings. Humanity. If Ciel had never formed those relationships and friendships with others like Yuka, she would never have acted so emotionally as she did before as Thanos and Asha had pointed out. She had wanted to say something for some time now, but only now had she realized what exactly she wanted to ask Minato. Now that this so-called Murder Game was coming to an end, there was no better time than now to ask.

"Minato-kun... this is a lot to ask, and I'll understand if you say no, but... would it be alright if I had you co--" She began to ask, before the young Asian girl known as Mikasa Ackerman began screaming.
~The Last Hope~


Her world, her life, her entire backstory was coated in that damning crimson. From her timid ages as a young child, unsullied and pure to the world, death had stalked her at every moment. It was only until that curse touched her own flesh, spilled her own family's crimson, did the crestfallen soldier truly realize the nature of the world. Misery and sorrow was but at every corner, men clinging to such petite concepts such as love and religion to distract themselves from the true tragedy that danced around them like wildfire. It was evident how they acted before the Titans invaded, like mindless sheep, unaware of the wolves preying at their walls. The world is beautifully tragic, but in the traitor's eyes, there was a hope to end the cycle entirely, starting with the games themselves.

From the shadows of the basement, a husk of her former glory stumbled into the light, her swords limply hanging at her sides, her clenched hands lacking the strength. Raven hair, matted and filthy, twirled at odd ends, her face bleak and on the brink of losing all hope. With each passing step, the soldier heaved and huffed, on the verge of nearly collapsing and vomiting onto the marble flooring below her booted feet. Her clothing, whilst mostly repaired, held marks of being scorched, pearly white shifting into a charred black and her skin suffering from several burns. Slowly raising her head, feeling that accursed crimson trail down her forehead, the soldier cringed, looking at the players, especially the ones on the verge of leaving.

"Stop," Mikasa pleaded, her voice strong, but at it's breaking point. Weakly lifting her swords, holstering them, the last of her clan balanced herself on a nearby stroller propped against a wall, the traitorous murderer beginning to utter once more. "Let me ask you a simple question, do you know what would exactly happen if you helped Joshua?" Mikasa proposed to the group around her, before proceeding to spit onto the floor, her feeble body trembling.

"The c-cycle will c-continue...a-another game will be played out. Y-Your lives aren't being judged, nono, they are being toyed with." Mikasa spoke, her voice slightly delirious, but her words showing evident belief behind them. "Humanity are but props in this demented play, the players blinded by this falsehood of hope..." the soldier stared upon the ground, clenching her free right fist before roughly punching it into the wall, her head shooting up to face everyone, her voice full of fury, vengeance, and redemption.


Silence followed uneasily, Mikasa shoving herself off the wall, beginning to regain control of her shaken body, walking slowly towards the group for a few steps before pausing, her shoulder slacking and her gaze apathetically unnerving.

"There are two choices- accept the order of this deranged game...or destroy it."

Mikasa fell onto her knees, using the sword in her left hand to prop herself upwards from collapsing into the abyss.

@Yiyel @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Savvy Savant @Jeremi @Raven @The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Mari


It was a simple sound. It was a simple gesture. But to Shiki Tohno, it was everything. He had effectively slapped Mikasa in the face.

The moment he had realized Mikasa was back, many different emotions rushed through his head. Confusion. Relief. Happiness. Despair. Was this truly the same girl that he had fallen in love with back then? During that different time? Was this the Mikasa Ackerman that shared a soft, peaceful moment with Shiki Tohno under the beautiful full moon after the end of the Crossed Incident? He couldn't say for sure. Resurrection seemed to be commonplace in this sort of world. He was happy to see Mikasa was, for all intents and purposes, "alive" again. But at the same time, he was in utter despair knowing that she was suffering like this.

The boy began to cry again. He didn't know what to feel. But there was one thing he wanted to feel. The warmth of Mikasa Ackerman. So he reached out to her. He wrapped his arms around the young girl and hugged her tightly. A gesture of love that he had not expressed ever since he had murdered ________ all those months ago.

"Don't say things like that... hope is not a falsehood. It's not a lie. To believe in that... makes all the difference in the world. Hope only works if you believe in it... so don't say such depressing things, Mikasa. I..."

I want to protect you.

He was a killer who wanted to protect. The person who took lives yearned to give life. A cruel irony for someone who failed on multiple accounts to do this. To escape his own cycle. But he was determined to break it. He had to protect those he cared for, and he couldn't stray from his path for those he had left behind, like ________-san.

"I love you. Please... we can get through this. You're not the only one trying to end this cycle... these Murder Games. So please don't try to shoulder the burden all to yourself. You don't have to try to be strong all the time," the young boy spoke, tears flowing down his cheek, "Come on, look at me. Don't you remember the Crossed? We put an end to that game, and we can put an end to this one, and all of the ones that might happen in the future! You can't give up hope! I believe in you!"

A pause. He didn't know what else to say, but he wanted to say so much more. So Shiki did what everyone else might strike as odd.

Pulling away from the hug, he took off his glasses, his eyes shining blue in contrast to its usual gray briefly. Shiki awkwardly showed them off to Mikasa, as if expecting these to ring some bells.

"Do you remember... back then? During the Crossed Incident, we switched bodies. But I still needed my glasses, so I had to go around walking around in your body with my glasses on. We both agreed they looked pretty cute on you. Don't you remember that? Because that's it... remembering the good times is what gets me by these days. It's what stops me from succumbing to the bad times."

"After that incident, I'd stay up and look at the full moon every night, and even if you weren't actually there, it felt like you were there with me, looking up. I want to make that a reality. And I will. Help us... help me. We can end the cycle together."

@The Pimp Tactician @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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"Yes, I wouldn't have it any other way," she said, not rejecting his hand. She thought about this young boy that had affected her life, or technically afterlife, and how he somehow managed to find his way through her and unlock the one thing that she had kept hidden for as long as she could remember. Emotions. Feelings. Humanity. If Ciel had never formed those relationships and friendships with others like Yuka, she would never have acted so emotionally as she did before as Thanos and Asha had pointed out. She had wanted to say something for some time now, but only now had she realized what exactly she wanted to ask Minato. Now that this so-called Murder Game was coming to an end, there was no better time than now to ask.

"Minato-kun... this is a lot to ask, and I'll understand if you say no, but... would it be alright if I had you co--" She began to ask, before the young Asian girl known as Mikasa Ackerman began screaming.


It was a simple sound. It was a simple gesture. But to Shiki Tohno, it was everything. He had effectively slapped Mikasa in the face.

The moment he had realized Mikasa was back, many different emotions rushed through his head. Confusion. Relief. Happiness. Despair. Was this truly the same girl that he had fallen in love with back then? During that different time? Was this the Mikasa Ackerman that shared a soft, peaceful moment with Shiki Tohno under the beautiful full moon after the end of the Crossed Incident? He couldn't say for sure. Resurrection seemed to be commonplace in this sort of world. He was happy to see Mikasa was, for all intents and purposes, "alive" again. But at the same time, he was in utter despair knowing that she was suffering like this.

The boy began to cry again. He didn't know what to feel. But there was one thing he wanted to feel. The warmth of Mikasa Ackerman. So he reached out to her. He wrapped his arms around the young girl and hugged her tightly. A gesture of love that he had not expressed ever since he had murdered ________ all those months ago.

"Don't say things like that... hope is not a falsehood. It's not a lie. To believe in that... makes all the difference in the world. Hope only works if you believe in it... so don't say such depressing things, Mikasa. I..."

I want to protect you.

He was a killer who wanted to protect. The person who took lives yearned to give life. A cruel irony for someone who failed on multiple accounts to do this. To escape his own cycle. But he was determined to break it. He had to protect those he cared for, and he couldn't stray from his path for those he had left behind, like ________-san.

"I love you. Please... we can get through this. You're not the only one trying to end this cycle... these Murder Games. So please don't try to shoulder the burden all to yourself. You don't have to try to be strong all the time," the young boy spoke, tears flowing down his cheek, "Come on, look at me. Don't you remember the Crossed? We put an end to that game, and we can put an end to this one, and all of the ones that might happen in the future! You can't give up hope! I believe in you!"

A pause. He didn't know what else to say, but he wanted to say so much more. So Shiki did what everyone else might strike as odd.

Pulling away from the hug, he took off his glasses, his eyes shining blue in contrast to its usual gray briefly. Shiki awkwardly showed them off to Mikasa, as if expecting these to ring some bells.

"Do you remember... back then? During the Crossed Incident, we switched bodies. But I still needed my glasses, so I had to go around walking around in your body with my glasses on. We both agreed they looked pretty cute on you. Don't you remember that? Because that's it... remembering the good times is what gets me by these days. It's what stops me from succumbing to the bad times."

"After that incident, I'd stay up and look at the full moon every night, and even if you weren't actually there, it felt like you were there with me, looking up. I want to make that a reality. And I will. Help us... help me. We can end the cycle together."

@The Pimp Tactician @Krieg @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sighing as Ciel-chan was interrupted by Mikasa as well, Minato put on a smile for the woman at his side, "Don't worry, I think I know what you were saying, Ciel-chan. If it's about me coming with you, then yes, I'll go with you. I love you with my entire being and soul, and only want you to be happy now, though... Do you mind if we quickly stop by my world? I want my adopted family to know that I'm okay." He wasn't referring to any actual family. Instead, he was referencing the friends he had made in the year before his death, both those who fought at his side and those who remained unknowing of the Dark Hour.​
Garrus, having woke up from his unconsciousness, realized its been so long since he killed someone...bummer, but at least made some new friends, Bakura and that other one who keep arguing with each other, he noticed someone finally took action and went against John, it's better to attack someone than stay here and wait to die after all! So thus, he followed suit with Teresa to attack John, urging his friend Bakura to come with him.

@Savvy Savant @Verite
@Catwoman surpreme
~The Last Hope~


Her world, her life, her entire backstory was coated in that damning crimson. From her timid ages as a young child, unsullied and pure to the world, death had stalked her at every moment. It was only until that curse touched her own flesh, spilled her own family's crimson, did the crestfallen soldier truly realize the nature of the world. Misery and sorrow was but at every corner, men clinging to such petite concepts such as love and religion to distract themselves from the true tragedy that danced around them like wildfire. It was evident how they acted before the Titans invaded, like mindless sheep, unaware of the wolves preying at their walls. The world is beautifully tragic, but in the traitor's eyes, there was a hope to end the cycle entirely, starting with the games themselves.

From the shadows of the basement, a husk of her former glory stumbled into the light, her swords limply hanging at her sides, her clenched hands lacking the strength. Raven hair, matted and filthy, twirled at odd ends, her face bleak and on the brink of losing all hope. With each passing step, the soldier heaved and huffed, on the verge of nearly collapsing and vomiting onto the marble flooring below her booted feet. Her clothing, whilst mostly repaired, held marks of being scorched, pearly white shifting into a charred black and her skin suffering from several burns. Slowly raising her head, feeling that accursed crimson trail down her forehead, the soldier cringed, looking at the players, especially the ones on the verge of leaving.

"Stop," Mikasa pleaded, her voice strong, but at it's breaking point. Weakly lifting her swords, holstering them, the last of her clan balanced herself on a nearby stroller propped against a wall, the traitorous murderer beginning to utter once more. "Let me ask you a simple question, do you know what would exactly happen if you helped Joshua?" Mikasa proposed to the group around her, before proceeding to spit onto the floor, her feeble body trembling.

"The c-cycle will c-continue...a-another game will be played out. Y-Your lives aren't being judged, nono, they are being toyed with." Mikasa spoke, her voice slightly delirious, but her words showing evident belief behind them. "Humanity are but props in this demented play, the players blinded by this falsehood of hope..." the soldier stared upon the ground, clenching her free right fist before roughly punching it into the wall, her head shooting up to face everyone, her voice full of fury, vengeance, and redemption.


Silence followed uneasily, Mikasa shoving herself off the wall, beginning to regain control of her shaken body, walking slowly towards the group for a few steps before pausing, her shoulder slacking and her gaze apathetically unnerving.

"There are two choices- accept the order of this deranged game...or destroy it."

Mikasa fell onto her knees, using the sword in her left hand to prop herself upwards from collapsing into the abyss.

@Yiyel @Verite @Gummi Bunnies @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Savvy Savant @Jeremi @Raven @The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Mari

Mikasa was alive?! Those words she had uttered brought in only more pressure it seemed, but, this showed that death may not be as it seemed here... Though he wasn't sure how likely it was for someone to remain existing in a world like this, but, something felt different about Mikasa. Though he couldn't really say it was a bad nor good thing, in the end, her final words before her supposed death rung through is head over and over; "The cycle must be stopped." "The cycle must be stopped." "The cycle must be stopped!". For a moment, he forgot about Yuka who he was standing next to as he clutched his head a little, attempting to clear his mind again again as he looked around, breathing deeply a few times. He still felt conflicted even if he stuck with his decision to go against John for the time being, he was still unsure of alot of things, like for example; which person they chose would destroy this game, and which one will cause this twisted game to continue? And even if he knew... He wasn't sure which one was better, in either case, they'd be losing something, but... Maybe, ending the cycle may just be the only way to truly ensure no more twisted games like this will be played, but, what then? Will the deceased ever have another chance to return to their worlds? Would he? Eventually, he sat down on the ground as he thought about this, abruptly remembeing that Yuka was not too far away from him.​
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Sighing as Ciel-chan was interrupted by Mikasa as well, Minato put on a smile for the woman at his side, "Don't worry, I think I know what you were saying, Ciel-chan. If it's about me coming with you, then yes, I'll go with you. I love you with my entire being and soul, and only want you to be happy now, though... Do you mind if we quickly stop by my world? I want my adopted family to know that I'm okay." He wasn't referring to any actual family. Instead, he was referencing the friends he had made in the year before his death, both those who fought at his side and those who remained unknowing of the Dark Hour.​
"I... Jeez, you never cease to amaze me, do you, Minato-kun? Yes, if we are able to, we could stop by your world. It's the least I could do after asking such a demanding thing from you. It'd be a shame if I'd have to leave behind the first person I've come to love ever since my... recruitment," Ciel spoke, briefly clearing her throat. She would stop a bit, looking back at Shiki, who seemed to still be dealing with Mikasa, as if waiting for him to continue along with them.


She nodded her approval back to Minato, not pausing in her walking though. "Glad you're on my side," she mused. "Err.. Not really my side, I guess. 'I may be on the side of the angels.. But don't think for one second I am one'." Sherlock Holmes. One of few quotes I actually remember, she thought, idly.

Suddenly, she found a familiar man at her side; the male who'd been at her side for her downfall. Frank.. That was his name. She offered a small smile at this.


"I could say the same," she replied, tilting her head. Though, admittedly, an ache of guilt filled her chest, and she had to look away. She hadn't imagined she'd have hurt a stranger- a man she'd met only in her hour of death -in her 'last' act of bravery. No.. Stupidity, she thought, bitterly. If she'd have just gone with instinct, she wouldn't have died.

But that wasn't how it played out.

"I, uh.. I-" she seemed to be struggling with what she wanted to say, shaking her head and sighing. "..I'm sorry about that.. But I'm fine, now. And I can make up for it, now," she stated, firmly. She was confident in that. When the cap was offered, she shook her head again. "I- I can't accept that.." she replied, sheepishly. "And you don't needa worry 'bout me," she assured.

A single glance over her shoulder showed that the small 'motivational speech' she'd given had gotten her something of a following. No; not her... Joshua. The boy who'd given them all a chance. Who wasn't trying to destroy the world. At the words of the boy with short, dark hair behind her and the blue-haired girl with him, she only shook her head and shrugged. "Well, if you'd rather try to destroy it, be my guest," she deadpanned. Admittedly, the words of 'murder games' and the 'association' had her curious, but it wasn't the time for questions.

But, there was one important one..

Now that they'd made it outside, the young woman glanced over those who had joined her in going against John, eyes flitting over them in a quick once-over. "A bit of a rag-tag bunch, but I suppose this'll do," she murmured, sarcastically. Someone had to crack a joke to lighten the mood.. Right?


"So..." she spoke, turning on her heel and walking backwards, facing the group as she addressed them. "Any of you have a bright plan? A suggestion of which part of this wasteland to search through first? Even a trace of suspicion of whom among you may be a traitor?" she inquired. "We need somewhere to start.. And the faster this deed is done, the sooner we- you -'ll all be brought home.." There was a pause, before she continued. "Splitting up to search may very well be our best option.. As much as I don't wish to make this some episode of Scooby Doo."

@Ryu Keiko
Ryu looked over to Teresa as she asked the group about any plans. "I agree on splitting up. We can cover more ground." He said softly as he scratched his head. He had some thinking to do. "Only problem is how to communicate." He said softly. "If anything were to happen to one group, we need to think of a way to alert the others, just in case." He spoke, his words seemingly sincere, though his deep purple eyes were a mystery of emotions.

@Savvy Savant
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