Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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"I'll break you if I have to," Neku shot back to them. "Listen, Josh is a complete dick, but he isn't the bad guy here. If you help out that John White guy and you kill Josh, all of you are gonna be screwed. If you don't believe me, I'll take all of you down right here and now," he said, balling up a fist. "Is that what you want? A fight?"

"I don't care about sides. I've come here to end this. That's what we're all here to do. If you want to prolong this nightmare... Then fight us, if you dare."

She glanced toward Rhyme and gave the girl a nod. "Don't put yourself in harm's way. Don't be reckless."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ziogen @Mari @Raven
Uzuki fixed Minato with a grin of demonic proportions, a large toothy grin overcoming his visage. He jumped into the air to avoid Minato's charge, but was surprised to find that Minato wasn't aiming to hit him. He landed shakily, unable to turn around before Minato's twin attacks slammed into him. He flew forward, the clothing at his back disintegrating to reveal blotchy, burned skin. Despite this, Uzuki spun in the air, his guns replaced with a larger weapon-- a sleek white rifle. Out from it burst a dazzling array of lasers, all of them aiming for Minato.

@The Pimp Tactician

The beast aiming for Crono was repulsed by his attack, but the attack unfortunately did little damage. It's ferocity rising, the beast opened its mouth to shoot acid of all things in Crono's direction. Shiki, who controlled the puppets, raised her hand in tune with the attack.


"I guess you can't keep me down!" Cole yelled toward John. Ice burst forth from the ground, propelling Cole into the air. He jumped off the wall of the barrier to rise high into the sky. Electricity rained down from his hands, exploding into the noise that managed to survive Chandra's flames. Using a rope of electricity, Cole threw himself toward John. "I'd like to return the question!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty


Dodging the laser blasts easily, Minato growled as he charged up another attack. It was time to end this pointless contest, as Uzuki looked ready to keel over. Aiming straight for his head, the teen threw another pair of fire and lightning blasts, looking to score a kill.

Managing to evade Kariya's attack, Ciel would dash to the side and focus on the enemy's shadow, as she was still somewhat blinded. This worked against her and put her in something of a disadvantage as usual, but with her fighting experience and luck, she should be able to get Kariya from her position, right?

With that, in retaliation, using her Natural Magnum pin, she would fire her own projectiles at him, aiming for the chest.

Hit = Odd
Miss = Even

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Regardless of what people did before leaving her behind, Yuka stayed there, sitting on the ground with distant eyes. It didn't make sense to her, and it hurt. Maybe it's what she gets for even agreeing to the task, but... she had no say in the matter. In frustration, Yuka took her emptied good luck charm and threw it to the ground, having the glass jar shatter into millions of pieces, it's aroma escaping out to this confusing world.

"... big brother... Satoshi... you'll never... forgive your... little sister now..." Yuka said to herself, as if she were talking to her brother. It was all her fault for being foolish, to think that she would get her big brother back after using him as an entry fee, for betraying everyone's trust by being a traitor, and many other sins that she couldn't even count. All because she wanted the selfish reward of going home... What if the Sachiko Ever After charm was never performed? Would there be some happiness there if it did never happen in the first place? It was all in the past now, she couldn't change it now, and that is what was killing her inside the most.

All alone and with no one to look out for her, Yuka hung her head down, wishing that someone would just end her misery already. Then a voice rung in her head... a familiar voice. It chanted the same phrase over and over again, and soon, she would be faintly whispering the same thing to herself. An ominous mist of shadows coming from her, and she didn't even realize it.

"I t h u r t s . . . i t h u r t s . . . i t h u r t s . . . i t h u r t s . . . i t h u r t s . . ."​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

Asha attempted firing his Natural Magnum pin directly at the fire to dispel it.
The fire burns strong, continuing its descent to envelop Asha. You can hear screaming coming from Kariya's direction.

With that, in retaliation, using her Natural Magnum pin, she would fire her own projectiles at him, aiming for the chest.
Turning, Kariya deftly diodges to the right, rising into the air as she becomes akin to a living fireball. The visage of a pheonix is imprinted on your eyes as she charges in your direction with a steady scream.


Dodging the laser blasts easily, Minato growled as he charged up another attack. It was time to end this pointless contest, as Uzuki looked ready to keel over. Aiming straight for his head, the teen threw another pair of fire and lightning blasts, looking to score a kill.
Uzuki landed, his grin long gone. A low rumble could be heard, as the strange laser rifle began to flash red rapidly. With a yell, Uzuki fired the rifle, laser blasts firing every which way to counter the incoming lightning and fire blasts. The attacks collided mid-air, creating a dazzling display of fireworks. Then, firing into the air, Uzuki poured what little remained of his power into one more attack. From the sky rained a storm of laser bolts, strong enough to create explosions as they hit the ground. A multi-hit attack of epic proportions!

@The Pimp Tactician

Hit = Odd
Miss = Even
Uzuki fixed Minato with a grin of demonic proportions, a large toothy grin overcoming his visage. He jumped into the air to avoid Minato's charge, but was surprised to find that Minato wasn't aiming to hit him. He landed shakily, unable to turn around before Minato's twin attacks slammed into him. He flew forward, the clothing at his back disintegrating to reveal blotchy, burned skin. Despite this, Uzuki spun in the air, his guns replaced with a larger weapon-- a sleek white rifle. Out from it burst a dazzling array of lasers, all of them aiming for Minato.

@The Pimp Tactician

The beast aiming for Crono was repulsed by his attack, but the attack unfortunately did little damage. It's ferocity rising, the beast opened its mouth to shoot acid of all things in Crono's direction. Shiki, who controlled the puppets, raised her hand in tune with the attack.


"I guess you can't keep me down!" Cole yelled toward John. Ice burst forth from the ground, propelling Cole into the air. He jumped off the wall of the barrier to rise high into the sky. Electricity rained down from his hands, exploding into the noise that managed to survive Chandra's flames. Using a rope of electricity, Cole threw himself toward John. "I'd like to return the question!"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty



Crono managed to dodge the creature's retaliating attack before he raised his hands again, this time he attempted to form an expanding wave of electricity starting from underneath the creature... He hoped he could hit it this time, he knew he had to focus on John soon enough.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss


"D'aw.. You're jus' sayin' that," she replied, bashfully. "You shouldn't go around tossin' compliments to me. You'll just boost my ego," she replied with a sheepish grin. Err.. That was the closest word that could be used to describe it. Because in all honesty, the female had no idea how to respond. She wasn't used to being complimented.. Nor did she believe she deserved it.

She seemed to consider this for a moment, before nodding slightly. "..I guess that makes sense. I just figured it'd make the group a less easy target...-" before she could finish what she'd been saying, Ryu chimed in as well. There was a pause, before she shrugged. "We've got our cell phones, remember?" she said, holding up the device. "..But it looks like we'll be sticking together," she finished.


Mikasa, whom she was about to address, now seemed to be occupied with the dark-haired boy from earlier. Thus, she shook her head, deciding to stay out of it.

Her face, however, lit up upon spotting the large glowing orb radiating power upon the rooftop. "..Bingo," she muttered to herself. The cocky grin now settled on her lips didn't last long, however, as she knew this wasn't going to be some walk in the park. So, she began addressing the 'troops' that had gathered. "Alright, there's our target..." she pointed to the sphere. "..Now, we need to figure ou-.."


"...Oh, shit."

Well.. At least she'd seen this much coming. At least, the counter-force. A giant, raging lava monster? ...Not so much.


Forcing her gaping jaw shut, she quickly checked the text, hurriedly voting for Emma.. For now. And, immediately after, she sent those who had agreed to oppose John a text reading "Alright.. Guess the moment's upon us. We don't have long, so here goes nothing.. We need a distraction. A group to keep John occupied while I lead a team of us to infiltrate the building and head to the top. Those who aren't coming up, or trying to keep the lava man occupied..? Just do me a favor and try to survive. I may not know you all personally, but.. I sincerely wish you all the best of luck. -Teresa" Teresa then leapt into action immediately; there was no time to waste. She turned to Reagan, offering her hand hurriedly. "Quick; partner up with me!" she ordered, surprisingly composed for their current situation. If he shook her hand and partner with her, she'd then turn to Ryu, gently taking him by the collar of his shirt. Clear blue eyes searched his calmly, with the slightest trace of desperation hidden behind them.


"Ryu.." she started, voice soft but firm. "...I need you to tell me who the last traitor is. Please.." she asked, though, it surprisingly wasn't a demand. It sounded more like... A plea?

But.. Teresa didn't plead.... Did she?

Regardless.. Time was running out. They needed to act.. Now.

For now, if Reagan had agreed to partner with her, she'd take out her Sexy D pin and try to make a telekinetic shield around the group to keep them from being harmed by the noise or John. It seemed the girl didn't want to hurt the creatures... Odd.

Please be okay, Little Guy... PLEASE....

@Librarian Cat @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Everyone opposing John​
Reagan had no idea this would begin. In utter shock, he looked at Teresa, his more familiar fatherlike nature dissapearing as he nodded. Immdediately, he grabbed her hand and smiled, activating his Go 2 Hell pin as the axe would appear in his hand. He looked high at the plush dolls and nodded back at her.

"Lets get these sons o' bitches!" And began slashing at those adorable fucking dolls of death before quickly texting Emma.

@Verite @Savvy Savant
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"I guess you can't keep me down!" Cole yelled toward John. Ice burst forth from the ground, propelling Cole into the air. He jumped off the wall of the barrier to rise high into the sky. Electricity rained down from his hands, exploding into the noise that managed to survive Chandra's flames. Using a rope of electricity, Cole threw himself toward John. "I'd like to return the question!"


The Beast reached out one of his giant hands and grabbed Cole.

"How are you even alive? Your life ended when mine did; when you sacrificed the lives of all of our kind just to end me."

With a mighty throw, he tossed Cole back down to the ground, intending to hit Crono with him.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss

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Garrus decided to pitch in and help by firing his Natural magnum at the demon-looking dude, hoping that it will in the least, distract him toward garrus.

He also voted for ciel, so he can actually vote on someone for once!
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With a click of the tongue, Ciel dashed a few meters away from the flaming opponent, attempting to create distance and put up something of a defensive fight. As long as her luck and faith would stay to help him out, she was sure to win this!

With that, she'd give Kariya another shot with Natural Magnum! Oh, and somewhere around that, she'd also vote for Emma Frost.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss

The fire burns strong, continuing its descent to envelop Asha. You can hear screaming coming from Kariya's direction.


Turning, Kariya deftly diodges to the right, rising into the air as she becomes akin to a living fireball. The visage of a pheonix is imprinted on your eyes as she charges in your direction with a steady scream.


Uzuki landed, his grin long gone. A low rumble could be heard, as the strange laser rifle began to flash red rapidly. With a yell, Uzuki fired the rifle, laser blasts firing every which way to counter the incoming lightning and fire blasts. The attacks collided mid-air, creating a dazzling display of fireworks. Then, firing into the air, Uzuki poured what little remained of his power into one more attack. From the sky rained a storm of laser bolts, strong enough to create explosions as they hit the ground. A multi-hit attack of epic proportions!

@The Pimp Tactician

Hit = Odd
Miss = Even
"Dammit, just die already!" Minato gritted his teeth as he was forced to take one of the hits. The heat burned his hands a bit and a few medium-sized pieces of concrete hit his chest, knocking the wind out of him and hitting him to the ground. With the heavy breathing he was doing now, the guess was that at least one or two ribs were cracked or fractured from the attacks. Thankfully though, it seemed Uzuki had wasted the last of his energy and Minato took back to the air with a frown, "Idiots..."

Seeing as Kariya was attacking Ciel, that made the former Reaper priority number one. With a snarl, he aimed straight for her, ready to unleash holy retribution. From his hands flew flames and bolts, ready to incinerate any who dared attack the woman he loved.

Trying to hit Kariya.
Rocket looked to Coco and Jack with a smile. "That's alright." She stated to Coco. Then she looked more to Jack. "And thanks." She replied then looked back at her accuser. "He may be the wrong side in your eyes. But I have followed what most find as the trouble makers all my life. What would one more change?" She asked then took a deep breath. "And at least he promises me a chance at seeing my sister and maybe my friends again." She said in a threatening voice.

@Those after Josh Group
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

"I don't care about sides. I've come here to end this. That's what we're all here to do. If you want to prolong this nightmare... Then fight us, if you dare."

She glanced toward Rhyme and gave the girl a nod. "Don't put yourself in harm's way. Don't be reckless."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ziogen @Mari @Raven

"Prolonging the nightmare? If that's what you think I'm doing, feel free to think that way. Joshua revived me to prevent the nightmare from even starting. Which is what I'm doing by protecting him."

Neku tossed up a fire pin to show the others before creating a ring of fire that surrounded the rooftop. The ring slowly closed in on them. Then, with a telekinesis pin, he caused a rain of sharp projectile weapons to fall among the players. Afterwards, he targeted both Rocket and Susan each with a bullet from a Natural Magnum pin.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss​
Landing on the rooftop, Susan gently floated her friends, Hrist and Rhyme, down next to her. She stepped forward to stand next to Rocket, the wind blowing at her sweater and hair. She'd never felt more alive. "I'm sure you would," she said. She eyed the boy warily-- she recognized him to be the first murdered in this strange game. Was he truly alive again, or just some puppet thrown against her? "I'm not turning back, no matter what you say. Or do. Poison me. Stab me. Choke me. Shoot me. Break me. It doesn't matter-- I have many lives to spare." She raised her hands, chains of a foul purple color appearing in them. The natural wind began to pick up as Susan's Frantic kicked in. Her chains, carried by the winds, wrapped around her, inches from her body.

"I'm the Cat Lady. Now, please move."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Ziogen @Krieg @Mari @Raven


-- the sounds of an electric current --

-- wind whispering in the air --

-- a clap of thunder --


A 23 year old male soars through the sky, a great amount of light blue electricity emanating from his body as he crashes down into the rough pavement. Tendrils of electricity explode out from him, going every which way, some of the currents jumping up off the ground to envelop some of the noise coming for the group. Rising from his crouched position, he's positively glowing, his features becoming clear-- shaved head, light stubble, tattoos running up and down his arms. The man's fists course with electricity as he pounces on another noise, causing it to shake and shiver from electrocution.

"How many times do we have to do this, John!" the man yells toward your adversary. Crackling with energy, he then turns to Chandra. "... Huh. Nice work."

The telekinetic barrier is weak, to say the least, but with the combined efforts of Chandra, Teresa, and the newcomer, it seems you don't have to worry about the noise. But who knows how long it will last?

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Reginald VonBarkingsworth

Unfortunately for Minato, Uzuki is ready for him. With surprising dexterity, he pulls out a pair of small handguns, aiming them in Minato's direction. He fires-- missing, but throwing the boy off course. Jumping away from the crowd, the gunslinger then spins back around to aim at Minato once again. This time, he intended to hit~

@The Pimp Tactician

Meanwhile, Kariya was ready to fight fire with fire. Her hands raised, fire burst forth from them, spiraling into the sky before aiming to crash down on Ciel, Asha, and Teresa.

@Verite @Yiyel @Savvy Savant

Finally, Shiki's powers were a bit less direct. She seemed to stand there for a moment, unmoving, before-- "...!" Demonic cat plushies began to fall from the sky, seemingly appearing from the darkening clouds above. Black teeth barred, they landed gracefully, prepared to strike at Thanos, Crono, and Frank.

@Jeremi @york @ResistingTheEnlightened

Aiming to hit

(Prepare for major dice roll spam)
Minato let out a pained, "Ugh!" as the shot struck into his sword arm, causing his grip on Onikiri to loosen and disappear. The blade dropped from his digits, lost for the moment into the oncoming storm of Noise that were attacking his comrades. Grimacing as he clutched his wounded arm, he tried to block out the pain as he flew from Uzuki's sights for a moment. Diving down with his wings, Minato began picking up speed as if to ram his foe before zooming around behind him, attacks from both Fire! and Lightning Storm charged in his palms.

"I'm not going to lose here!" He roared out, firing his fireball and chain of lightning at Uzuki's exposed back. He had to end this quickly before the others were worn out by the attacks.

Trying to hit Uzuki

@Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The Beast laughed in the face of the barrier.


With a giant fist he began to pound against it, slowly putting cracks in it with the intent of shattering it.
John could hear the faint, familiar shout of man coming toward them in the distance.

"Macgrath, how many times must you plague me before you finally stay dead?" he hissed, sparing the man a glare. He wondered of Cole's return was Joshua's doing or if he had returned in some other manner...

@Atomyk @The Warrens​


The Beast reached out one of his giant hands and grabbed Cole.

"How are you even alive? Your life ended when mine did; when you sacrificed the lives of all of our kind just to end me."

With a mighty throw, he tossed Cole back down to the ground, intending to hit Crono with him.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss​
Reagan had no idea this would begin. In utter shock, he looked at Teresa, his more familiar fatherlike nature dissapearing as he nodded. Immdediately, he grabbed her hand and smiled, activating his Go 2 Hell pin as the axe would appear in his hand. He looked high at the plush dolls and nodded back at her.

"Lets get these sons o' bitches!"


"Good to see we've got some sort of help..." The brunette muttered, idly, letting go of Ryu's shirt reluctantly with a small sigh. It seemed the newcomer was familiar with John.. Something that would hopefully prove quite useful in the battle. She smiled back at Reagan, giving a slight nod. "Let's." Upholding the telekinetic wall, Teresa was an easy target; wide open for attack. Which, it seemed was taken advantage of.

A cry of pain was torn from the young woman's lips as she was blasted with flames, a slight whimper following suit. Her grip on the Sexy D tightened, and she tried to uphold the wall despite the pain. However, she quickly gave in, the wall breaking as a result. Rather, a wave of telekinetic energy was released straight from her skin, an attempt to push away the flames dancing on her. And, it worked;

..But she had failed to realize this action would rip her clothes, on top of this, as a result. "Oh, for fucks sake..!" she growled, shaking her head and cringing, laying still for a minute while trying to regather her bearings. Luckily, she managed to recover fairly quickly, gritting her teeth in agony as she tried to re-gather her bearings. She also narrowly managed to use the Sexy D to mend the ripped clothes and re-situate herself in them, the threads tying themselves back together before a good look could be taken.

Growling in frustration, the female rolled to her feet unsteadily, wincing at the movement. She glanced up at Minato, relieved to see someone trying to distract one of the threats. "I hope you can keep some support from up there," she called in a deadpan, rolling her shoulder 'til it felt as though it were in place again. She then glanced at Reagan and Ryu, giving a small nod gesturing them to follow. "I'd appreciate you guys following.. But help out here is good, too," she said to the two, offering a tight smile. Another lingering glance was cast on Ryu, and the pleading expression on her features never fell. "And I hope you'll do the right thing," she stated, softly, in reference to her prior plea for a revelation of who the final traitor was.

"Wish me luck..." she muttered under her breath, before trying to make her way to the building where John's power source was, pin's back in her pocket where her hand was ready to grab them if needed. Her body was sore and blistered from, but she seemed to be trying desperately to ignore this searing pain.


@Ryu Keiko @The Warrens/Everyone against John​
Chandra threw up a large wave of flames, taking off into the sky to engage the Noise with Worldfire, which caused waves of flame to burst from her body every few seconds

She then set her eyes on John

He was made of fire or something...not good for him...

She began to siphon the power from his body into her own

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I'll be okay," Marcus said as he took out his Happy Beam pin and had it ready in case. "Be careful. I'll cover you if anything tries to attack you up there."

And he blew a kiss towards Marie.
The kiss caused her cheeks to go back to being red again. Dieu ait pitié....

With a flap of her massive wings, Marie shot into the sky, she soared far away from the beast, keeping a safe distance. She flew up, up, up, until The Beast looked like he was almost a normal size and everybody else were dots. Then, she dove, screeching repeatedly with her Shout pin, hopefully hitting John in the face and making him stumble.

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
///gosh fucking dammit

Marie's Shouts were unsuccessful, the Noise animals taking the brunt of her hits. The rest of them attacked her, making her cry out. She Shouted over and over to try and get the Noise to go away, even blasting them with Cornered Rat a couple of times.
Frank nodded as he followed behind her, spinning gracefully in the air, the axe cutting the little shits in rapid succession. He yelled angrily, using his happy beam pin as he fired it at those still attacking. Franks body remained gruff and high as he covered her, deflecting the turds around them. One had gotten on his shoulder, quickly killing it with the Happy Beam before wincing and puckering his face at the sharp pain.

"Go! Go, I'll cover and follow!" Frank groaned a little, still following behind "You get to his power supply, and I'll try to keep you covered as much as I can!"
///gosh fucking dammit

Marie's Shouts were unsuccessful, the Noise animals taking the brunt of her hits. The rest of them attacked her, making her cry out. She Shouted over and over to try and get the Noise to go away, even blasting them with Cornered Rat a couple of times.

Marcus saw Marie in trouble, and used the happy beam pin to try to lay cover fire for her escape.

Kariya was a sharp flier in this form, able to dodge Ciel's attack once again with ease. Of course, Minato's attack was a surprise. Who knew Uzuki would go down so quickly? The attacks collided with Kariya's form, setting off a burst of energy that hit Ciel due to her close distance to Kariya. From the explosion came steam, and Kariya stepped out from it, covered in burns. Unlike Uzuki, Kariya still had energy to spare.

She was a woman on fire, after all.

From the darkening clouds above came a red-hot streak of lightning that crashed down on Minato. Could he dodge in time?

@The Pimp Tactician @Verite

Meanwhile, with Cole and Chandra distracted, they could not protect the barrier, causing it to weaken even further. Cracks opened in the walls, letting noise through as they converged on Marie and Marcus in particular. Though Marcus was able to get them away from his friend, the noise, much like a collected wave, fell upon him in a flurry of scratches and bites.

@Xibilation @Wedge Antilles

Outisde of the barrier's protection, Frank and Teresa had it even worse. While Frank managed to pull most of them closer toward himself, a few still attacked at Teresa.

@ResistingTheEnlightened @Savvy Savant

Odd = Hit
Even = Miss
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