Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Batman, Blue
Batman stayed at the castle and looked threw the window, he didn't have time to waste not one bit. But he needed a partner to activate his walk it off pin. He looked in looking at Rocket and Ryu he pulled out his phone and sent a quick text of "Rocket." to win nothing more than a random guess. Then he watched...In deep thought would it be wrong to snatch a partner and force them to be with him after all this would be to the worlds advantage if he won. He looked down and sighed. and watched the battle inside.

@Anyone Still at the castle
I was turning colder than the Split Rock Lighthouse in the midst of a late November storm over Lake Superior. Turning to see Gabe had finished his ice cream only to find him missing. Well, he seemed to be flighty fellow when I met him. Problem was that if I stayed here much longer, I was going to freeze solid, right here in front of the ice cream stand.

I found a scrap of paper in my pocket that was dry enough to write on, and left a note for my erstwhile partner: Gabe, you sweet-tooth idiot, I've stood out here as long as I could without turning into a human icicle. When you want to catch up, I'll be over at the Shop and Spa getting out of these wet rags and into something drier.

I folded the note and hollered at the ice cream vendor. "Hey, Joe . . . when the short guy with the tan jacket and the smary attitude shows back up, could you give him this for me?" I held out the note inbetween two fingers to him. "If he asks, the answer's still yes, and he ought to hurry his ass up."


Trudging through the snow towards the lights in the distance didn't improve my mood any, nor did the shaking of the ground under my feet. "What the hell collapsed?" I thought about exploring the damage - sounded like it had been over at the hot springs - but I was in no shape to throw myself in danger's way, as cold as I was. So, I trudged onward to the shop.

Even the warmth that came through the door was a blessing. I took off my hat as I crossed over the sill into the Wandering Oaken's Trading Post And Sauna. It took a moment before I could find the proprietor of the establishment. I grinned at the well-sweatered man sitting behind the table. "I need some warm clothes - a suit in a size 40, if you got'm, a sweater and a pair of pants will work if you don't."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Ozzie Chanter
@anybody else in the shop
Jenny didn't realize she was sweating so much, she was too involved in trying to help. But of course, she barely knew what to do. She didn't know what lava was, or what ice was, she only knew that it was so damn hot. In fact, she was starting to feel a little lightheaded.

"Ooh... Sure is warm in here, isn't it?" She gave a short smile. "Didn't realize until now..." She blew some air into her face with her hand, but it didn't help much. Eventually, the heat and the thickness of the air became too much for her, and she passed out.

@The Pimp Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

// Just having her pass out cuz I'm going to sleep soon :3
@york @Klutzy Ninja Kitty

With all being said and done, Asha nodded to the shopkeeper before facing Crono. "I guess we head to the castle now. If it's still there."
Seeing as he was getting nowhere with the shopkeeper he nodded, deciding to go to the castle with Asha, he figured it would be for the best to meet up with the others, perhaps they might have found some usefull information or something.​
Chandra's eyes grew wide as she was kissed so suddenly, before Pyrrha collapsed, seemingly dead
"N-No..." she muttered, tears welling in her eyes as her hair grew wild with sparks, it was probably wise for everyone to get out of the castle made of ice as the pyromancer had her moment

"No..." she repeated, her her glowing bright white with a heat they'd never known, the air around her crackling with raw, unchained fire

she didn't have any words to say, she felt broken, more broken than when her whole village was burned alive, more broken than when she'd lost her magic, more broken than ever before in her life, and it showed, as her heat was rapidly melting the castle around her, a pair of blazing wings appearing from her back as she, like a phoenix in human form, started to blaze

She'd ascended...

She stood, looking down at the body of her partner as her wings unfurled, picking her up she closed her eyes, walking from the castle, letting it be destroyed as she walked out of it


"Akibahara" she says, the name forever burned into the Pyromancer's mind "I'll see him burn for this"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Pyrrha lie in her friend's arms, assaulted by a relentless cold, despite the heat that surrounded her. Her heart beat feebly in her chest, and her eyes were gently closed, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.
Pyrrha lie in her friend's arms, assaulted by a relentless cold, despite the heat that surrounded her. Her heart beat feebly in her chest, and her eyes were gently closed, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Chandra rummaged through Pyrrha's pockets, trying to find her Thankx pin

Finding it she would use it to heal what damage she could, hoping to the gods that her theory about the pins was correct, and that she could use it to at least save Pyrrha's life
@Jenny @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @MrDubWubs

"What makes you think I'm innocent?" the young woman replied, looking over at the others. "I'm being punished so I must not be so innocent," she said after a moment, hanging her head. "Save yourselves," she told them, turning her head.​
@Anyone headed for the castle

@Yiyel @Crono @Batman


Currently, it appears you can no longer go inside the castle. Rocket and Ryu are trapped inside at the moment. Batman is the only one who remained in the area, and the rest of the ones hanging around are reapers intending to watch the duel.​
@Jenny @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @MrDubWubs

"What makes you think I'm innocent?" the young woman replied, looking over at the others. "I'm being punished so I must not be so innocent," she said after a moment, hanging her head. "Save yourselves," she told them, turning her head.​
"Innocent or not matters little to me. If you're guilty, I'll be the judge, but if you're not, wouldn't it be better for an innocent to go free? Besides, you're needed to stay alive for... purposes. Of course, if you're so insistent on us leaving, does that mean there really is a way out of here?" She inquired, her eyes darting all over the place, scanning it.
Teresa was admittedly relieved they were settling down for a fire. She sighed in relief, though she was still trembling from the cold nipping at her exposed skin. Even with the fire, she couldn't still her shaking form or stop the chattering of her teeth. "A-at least there's s-some w-w-warmth.." she stammered, arms still wrapped around herself in an attempt to keep warm. She tried to make herself get closer to the fire, but quickly found she was shaking too much to move. "D-damnit.."

Suddenly, the seventeen-year-old became aware of the cold silence between the trio. It was empty-feeling.. She didn't like it. It left her to the darkness of her thoughts.. The dark depths of her mind. So, she decided to try to start up some form of conversation.. Something to keep her mind occupied.


"So... W-where are you two f-from?" she inquired, looking between Ash next to her and Hurley by the fire. If they were going to be travelling with each other through this... They may as well get to know each other. And suddenly, another thing popped into her mind. "Are e-either of y-y-ou.. Hungry?" she queried, recalling some locations given on the map that had likely offered food. Then again.. The last thing the trembling girl needed was a cold snack.

@Ozzie Chanter @Thuro Pendragon
Minato shook his head, "To me right now, you're an innocent! Even if you weren't, you don't deserve to be left to die here! Now then, stop arguing with us and let us save you!" Bigs words from a little kid, but his heart was in the right place.

@MrDubWubs @Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny
Chandra rummaged through Pyrrha's pockets, trying to find her Thankx pin

Finding it she would use it to heal what damage she could, hoping to the gods that her theory about the pins was correct, and that she could use it to at least save Pyrrha's life
Pyrrha's eyes opened faintly, and she blinked, looking up at Chandra. She said nothing, just simply smiled, and a warm laughter escaped from her parted lips, before she began to cough again.
Batman, Blue
[BCOLOR=#000080]He Froze in thought. Seeing as the rest of them were of he hadn't a clue they were off to see the duel he thought it would start. He then shadowed off on instinct to follow the rest of them for the duel, But was there work to be done? He'd text the reapers and send them "Is there another task I could get started on? If not where do I go to see the duel?" he looked at his phone. He shadowed closely to the crowd but didn't stray to far. He was also proud of the fact that these people (Thinking that they know of him.) didn't vote him as a traitor and they saw him as a hero. he looked down and grinned, this grin was the grin of Batman not bruce.[/BCOLOR]

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Story Update

Big Sister entered the Unknown tunnel, finding strange writing on the wall.

The eternal winter will never cease to be. It shall not end unless you defeat the icy three. The first comes from the past and to insanity is she lost. She resides in a castle, and will find her dear sisters no matter what the cost. The second is from the present, a tortured soul of many woes. She waits where heat comes from the ground to obliterate her foes. The last spirit of winter, from the future, is a hero tried and true. Inside a jolly workshop of toys and giving, this hero waits for you. Find these three in the order I have stated. If you defeat them all, this winter will be decimated.

Deeper inside the tunnel, their group could hear a young man crying for help. He was being attacked by noise and could probably use some rescuing!

After Ingrid had been defeated, the castle shook violently. An unknown magically sent all the characters out of the castle and on the ground. This unknown force ended up revealing themselves as the reapers.


"I went ahead and took the players out of the ice castle so we can use it. Do you think that place will suffice?" Kariya asked.


Uzuki nodded. "Yes, now that the freak show ice queen who was inside is gone, we can use it as an arena."

"Great, I'll text the players and let them know what we're up to."

Everyone receives a text message:

We've tallied up the votes and are ready to tell you our plans.

Traitor Votes So Far:

West - 3 (Joker, Pyrrha, Bakura)
Minato - 2 (Asha, Marcus)
Rocket - 4 (Hrist, Ash, Susan, Emma)
Ryu - 5 (Ciel, Minato, P.E.T.E, Rocket, Garrus)
Ciel - 1 (Ryu)
Big Sister - 1 (Guy)

Rocket and Ryu have received the most votes. Either one of them could be the traitor for all we know, so this is what is going to happen... The two players with the highest number of votes will duel until one winner stands. If they refuse to fight, both shall die.

(Rules: Each player will roll the dice on their posts. The one with the higher number will win. You can choose to roleplay out the battle or I will write an update with the loser dying.)

Anyone who guesses the loser of the battle and gets it right will also be awarded the losing players pins when they die. However, each player only has a few pins so it will be first come first serve. Place your votes via text!

After the text message was sent out, Rocket and Ryu were teleported inside the ice castle and the doors were locked shut. If anyone wanted to view the battle, they could peer inside from the castle windows, but it was impossible for anyone to get inside now. A reaper also appeared inside the castle to moderate the fight. "You two know what to do. I suggest you get started," he said.

Meanwhile, at the Hot Springs, the reaper who had been talking the players around that area introduced himself. Taking his hood off, he nodded.


"I'm called Triple 7. It's my stage name. I actually am the lead singer in a band here in Shibuya, but with the snow and ice everywhere, all my gigs have been canceled," he explained to them with a sigh. "So that's why I've been wandering around partaking in silly nonsense, I swear. Anyhow, I'd be happy to show any of you around—"

Suddenly, the ground shook. The hot springs began to implode, the ground around them crumbling in on themselves. Jenny, Kamina, and—even the people just arriving to the hot springs—Ciel and Minato, began falling endlessly through a dark tunnel. Eventually, they hit the ground. It was a soft hit, because the group fell into a pile of black ash. It was so heavy—even in the air—that it gagged anyone who tried to breathe.

As you look around, you can see that you are all on one small piece of land, surrounded by lava. Off in the distance, a woman is chained up…


"Someone help me!" she cries, struggling weakly against the chains binding her.​

@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)
@Verite as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@The Pimp Tactician as Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Dat Pussy Cat as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)
@Joellie as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji)
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger) Immunity for second half of round 2.
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh M as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomyk as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady)
@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright (Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)​
Ryu was suddenly teleported to a mysterious castle, leaving Ryu in a daze. "W-What the hell?" He asked aloud, to no one in particular before he remembered the text message. Traitor.... Was what he remembered and he felt his anger boil. "Traitor?!" he yelled out. "I'm no damn traitor! I have been in one damn spot this entire time!" he shouted out, balling his fist. He hadn't even noticed the girl that was in the castle with him.

@Raven @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
  • Thank You
Reactions: Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@MrDubWubs @Verite @Jenny @Verite

"There could be a way to escape, but I really don't know. I could help, perhaps, there's just very little that I can explain while I'm trapped. It's... up to you whether you free me or not," she said, glancing to the side.​
Yuka decided to head for the trading post for the time's being, all the while she finished her cotton candy ice cream.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
(alright, gonna sleep now. Night everybody!)
@MrDubWubs @Verite @Jenny @Verite

"There could be a way to escape, but I really don't know. I could help, perhaps, there's just very little that I can explain while I'm trapped. It's... up to you whether you free me or not," she said, glancing to the side.​
"Very well, then. I choose to free you," Ciel said, leaping over to the woman. With determined eyes, she went ahead and shot the chains with her Natural Magnum pin, essentially freeing her.
"Very well, then. I choose to free you," Ciel said, leaping over to the woman. With determined eyes, she went ahead and shot the chains with her Natural Magnum pin, essentially freeing her.
When her chains were cut, the woman stood up, rubbing her wrists. "Thanks," she mumbled, looking up at the group with a frown. "But all of you are going to regret that..."


With Ciel being the closest one to reach, Elsa formed a short knife of ice in her hand, quickly sticking it through Ciel's shoulder. It was hot in the room, so Elsa's weapon of ice melted almost instantly after being used.

"I told you it was a bad idea to free me. He has control over me. He took me from my home and threw me in this hell to make me suffer. He is siphoning my ice powers to fuel this eternal winter. He's in my head, I can't stop him," she said, her eyes turning red.


"Kill me before it's too late."

Elsa slapped Ciel aside, causing her to fall toward the lava.

She then took a single step, causing the ground to start freezing.

"I'm going to freeze hell over... and then... I'm going to make all of you feel the wrath of my frozen hell!"

Spikes of ice shot up through the ground around everyone's feet.

@Verite @The Pimp Tactician @Jenny @MrDubWubs
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