Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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"Meh, I'll think I'll be alright, Actually, What I REALLY wanted to get at was the Sauna! How much for a pass?" Claptrap requested with Great interest
"All it will cost is... um... one of your pins, yah! Would that suffice?" he asked Claptrap.
Chandra, as if looking through the woman glared at the ice queen "She tried to hurt think I can just forgive her..." she stopped and blushed a little, nodding "O-Okay...but if she tries that again...she dies" Chandra says, her Shock still ready to be cast, instantly striking the lady if she attacks again
Pyrrha whispered, "Chandra, it's alright," she said, blinking, continuing to stare until Chandra looked away, standing down from her assault. Pyrrha breathed out in relief.
Marcus Wright looked at the action figure of... Marcus Wright? He couldn't believe it, the resemblance to himself was uncanny.

"Hey," he said to the store clerk, "did you make this just now, somehow?" He looked around at anyone else at the Trading Post, hoping to get answers that way as well. "Does anyone know why there's a toy figure of me?"
"I'd say the reapers probably did it to mess with you. That's their job. They can't hurt players, so they find other ways to get on their nerves," he replied with a shrug.
Chandra growled and ran at the woman, her body almost engulfed in fire as she melted the icy daggers

And for a moment, it seemed as though she'd incinerated the queen too...

But no...she'd attempted to grab her by the arm, her shock spell hopefully incapacitating her as applied a small but steady current to the lady's body

She was lucky that Pyrrha was there, because if she wasn't...oh boy...Ingrid would be a blackened outline on the wall right about now

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I'd say the reapers probably did it to mess with you. That's their job. They can't hurt players, so they find other ways to get on their nerves," he replied with a shrug.

Marcus looked at Oaken. "Those reapers are sick bastards then, if that's true." Marcus took a closer look at the action figure. "I don't know what use I could make of this", he said to himself.

He looked around the trading post. "Is there anything else you could offer here? And don't say bathing suits again."
@DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk

"Nobody can help! It would take someone special to help find my sisters and none of you can do it!" she cried, charging at Chandra. She acted strangely, as if something had possessed her, and her eyes continued to glow red. Under her breath, she whispered, "Stop me," before shooting icy daggers at the group with her bare hands.​

"Eeeepp!" Yuka cried out as she scrambled away from the icy daggers that were being shot at them. Not wanting to be hurt in any way, Yuka hid behind one of the support beams of this castle. Of course, she had forgotten that she had her pins to help here, but she was too frightened by this to even do anything.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Batman
@DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk

"Nobody can help! It would take someone special to help find my sisters and none of you can do it!" she cried, charging at Chandra. She acted strangely, as if something had possessed her, and her eyes continued to glow red. Under her breath, she whispered, "Stop me," before shooting icy daggers at the group with her bare hands.​
Chandra growled and ran at the woman, her body almost engulfed in fire as she melted the icy daggers

And for a moment, it seemed as though she'd incinerated the queen too...

But no...she'd attempted to grab her by the arm, her shock spell hopefully incapacitating her as applied a small but steady current to the lady's body

She was lucky that Pyrrha was there, because if she wasn't...oh boy...Ingrid would be a blackened outline on the wall right about now

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Pyrrha turned, surprise on her face. She raised her shield, and ran towards the Ice queen, ready to take her down. But before she reached her, she felt a dull feeling begin to spread throughout her body. She slowed to a stop, confused as to what happened. She realized what had happened, and the dull feeling rose to a sharp, piercing agony. She grunted in pain, stumbling back, her eyes glued to the dagger embedded in her stomach, and the other dagger, sheathed in her lower leg. She grit her teeth, biting her lips to restrain herself, as she raised her shield, approaching the Ice queen incase she tried to do something else. However, even Pyrrha noticed how slow she was going, and blinked, blackness crawling amongst the edges of her vision. "Ch-chandra," she groaned, stumbling forward, reaching out a hand, before her weakened leg collapsed, and she fell onto her side.
Pyrrha turned, surprise on her face. She raised her shield, and ran towards the Ice queen, ready to take her down. But before she reached her, she felt a dull feeling begin to spread throughout her body. She slowed to a stop, confused as to what happened. She realized what had happened, and the dull feeling rose to a sharp, piercing agony. She grunted in pain, stumbling back, her eyes glued to the dagger embedded in her stomach, and the other dagger, sheathed in her lower leg. She grit her teeth, biting her lips to restrain herself, as she raised her shield, approaching the Ice queen incase she tried to do something else. However, even Pyrrha noticed how slow she was going, and blinked, blackness crawling amongst the edges of her vision. "Ch-chandra," she groaned, stumbling forward, reaching out a hand, before her weakened leg collapsed, and she fell onto her side.

Chandra stopped the shocking and turned, her hair going out in an instant as she saw Pyrrha, peirced by two daggers

She hit the ice queen with a sudden, huge shock, the kind that hurt like a bitch, but didn't actually do any damage, like a tazer

She dropped the queen and ran to Pyrrha's side, examining the wounds with a worried look "I'm here, Pyrhha...just stay calm..." she narrows her eyes as she considers cauterization of the wounds, but that wouldn't be necessary if someone would be able to heal her

"Can any of you heal her?" she asks, looking to her own pins, all offensive, and none based around support...

That'd always been her weakness...she could never help others, only kill the wicked in the hopes they'd never be able to hurt the innocent...

She should have killed that queen the moment she laid eyes upon her...

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


The queen let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground after Chandra's attack. She could barely move, her body twitching after she was stunned. She didn't give in, however. "I won't stop until I find my sisters!" she cried, her eyes turning entirely red for a moment. She lifted up slightly and shot out icy daggers with a second wave of daggers behind the first. She hoped that Chandra would try to dodge the daggers and--distracted by them--she would get hit with the second wave.​
Chandra stopped the shocking and turned, her hair going out in an instant as she saw Pyrrha, peirced by two daggers

She hit the ice queen with a sudden, huge shock, the kind that hurt like a bitch, but didn't actually do any damage, like a tazer

She dropped the queen and ran to Pyrrha's side, examining the wounds with a worried look "I'm here, Pyrhha...just stay calm..." she narrows her eyes as she considers cauterization of the wounds, but that wouldn't be necessary if someone would be able to heal her

"Can any of you heal her?" she asks, looking to her own pins, all offensive, and none based around support...

That'd always been her weakness...she could never help others, only kill the wicked in the hopes they'd never be able to hurt the innocent...

She should have killed that queen the moment she laid eyes upon her...

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty


The queen let out a cry of pain and fell to the ground after Chandra's attack. She could barely move, her body twitching after she was stunned. She didn't give in, however. "I won't stop until I find my sisters!" she cried, her eyes turning entirely red for a moment. She lifted up slightly and shot out icy daggers with a second wave of daggers behind the first. She hoped that Chandra would try to dodge the daggers and--distracted by them--she would get hit with the second wave.​
Pyrrha weakly raised her shield, blocking the next several ice daggers from her and Chandra. "N-no!" she choked, blood gurgling from her mouth. "Chandra.." she murmured weakly.
Susan - The Ice Castle

Not a reaper and not a player-- but a parasite it seemed, nonetheless. However, as the ice woman's assault progressed, it became apparent that she wasn't in her right mind. Fearing her own safety, Susan floated upwards, hoping to avoid the concentration placed on the two other women in her group. "Rhyme," she said, the little noise still perched on her shoulder. "I want you to stay away for now." She wondered briefly what happened to the small creature while not around, but Susan figured it didn't hurt her. She'd ask later, once the situation was safe.

Willing Rhyme away, Susan approached through the air, throwing up blasts of wind to misdirect the daggers flying Chandra's way. "I'm afraid I can offer no healing!" she said over the raucous noise.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Batman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Chandra didn't flinch, hearing the queen's ramblings she stood, seeing the daggers she didn't move, letting them hit her as they all melted, inches from her body as it was clear, she'd put a wall of white hot fire around herself and Pyrrha "You've made the biggest mistake of your life" she says, her eyes growing orange with an inner fire as she pointed a palm at the woman "Let me Reiterate" she says, using the spell of the same name to copy her previous shock, hitting the queen with a series of 5 sharp shocks, all nonlethal

"You will burn for your transgressions" she says as a bolt grew in her hand, building to be the size of a melon "Explosive Impact" she said as she slammed it into the ground, causing the ensuing burst to engulf the queen, searing the flesh from her bones in an instant

She turned back to Pyrrha and knelt beside her, all the rage in her eyes, gone again, as she teared up a little, her hands working to remove the daggers, much as it hurt her to do, she cauterized the wounds closed with her hands, shutting her eyes and trying to ignore the sounds of pain her partner no doubt made

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Susan - The Ice Castle

Not a reaper and not a player-- but a parasite it seemed, nonetheless. However, as the ice woman's assault progressed, it became apparent that she wasn't in her right mind. Fearing her own safety, Susan floated upwards, hoping to avoid the concentration placed on the two other women in her group. "Rhyme," she said, the little noise still perched on her shoulder. "I want you to stay away for now." She wondered briefly what happened to the small creature while not around, but Susan figured it didn't hurt her. She'd ask later, once the situation was safe.

Willing Rhyme away, Susan approached through the air, throwing up blasts of wind to misdirect the daggers flying Chandra's way. "I'm afraid I can offer no healing!" she said over the raucous noise.

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Gummi Bunnies @DapperDogman @Batman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Chandra didn't flinch, hearing the queen's ramblings she stood, seeing the daggers she didn't move, letting them hit her as they all melted, inches from her body as it was clear, she'd put a wall of white hot fire around herself and Pyrrha "You've made the biggest mistake of your life" she says, her eyes growing orange with an inner fire as she pointed a palm at the woman "Let me Reiterate" she says, using the spell of the same name to copy her previous shock, hitting the queen with a series of 5 sharp shocks, all nonlethal

"You will burn for your transgressions" she says as a bolt grew in her hand, building to be the size of a melon "Explosive Impact" she said as she slammed it into the ground, causing the ensuing burst to engulf the queen, searing the flesh from her bones in an instant

She turned back to Pyrrha and knelt beside her, all the rage in her eyes, gone again, as she teared up a little, her hands working to remove the daggers, much as it hurt her to do, she cauterized the wounds closed with her hands, shutting her eyes and trying to ignore the sounds of pain her partner no doubt made

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @DapperDogman @Gummi Bunnies @Batman

Thanks to Susan stopping the knives, the others were not further harmed. The only one to be harmed, however, was the false queen herself. Chandra's attack exploded around the queen, melting her flesh in an instant.

"Akibahara... I... failed," she said, her bones slowly becoming visible as her skin bubbled and melted away. Her body slumped to the ground, continuing to melt away. Eventually, the rest of her body dissolved--just as the bodies of all the other murdered players had. They were only souls, after all...​
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Emma Frost listened to Ashabel's story of death. "It seems a sad end, to die slowly from the effects of poison," Emma replied, "but the way at the very end, with your daughters and the scenery, sounds so beautiful." Emma thought a little more about her story. "Was the poison effect, a slow and painful death, or was it much less than it would seem?"

Emma found a face cloth that looked clean in the corner of the sauna. She picked it up and would use it to wipe away the dirt and sand that had attached to her body under her clothes while they were out in the watery areas earlier. After that, she would close her eyes and relax, this was much better than being in the snow. Every part of her skin cried out in joy with the steamy heat of the room, compared to the cold earlier. "I can't stay in here long enough," she quietly whispered.
Ashabel, the Dancer
Ashabel had hardly noticed that she had slipped into poetic verse while recounting the experience of her death, which would account for Emma finding it to be "beautiful." Ashabel agreed, it had been rather beautiful, if a tad cinematic. It was a death fit for a dancer, filled with elegance and emotion. Emma inquired about the effects of the poison itself.

"The poison was a variety that had progressed extremely quickly. My daughters and I had always carried a leather pack filled with antidotes to all of the poisons we knew, but this was a variety that we had never encountered before. If it had been slow-acting, we might have had a chance to examine the wound and formulate an antidote, but alas, fate is not always a kind mistress. With that being said, the poison was intensely painful, but I tried my very best to mask the pain. I had always taught my daughters to face pain with grace. How could I have cried out in pain when I had taught them that this was a sign of weakness? No. My daughters deserved that much." Ashabel said, remembering the two girls fondly. She had always been extremely hard on them, but it had made them strong; it had made her proud.

@Mari @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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It all happened so fast... you could see that Yuka was quite scared and frightened from it all, but she peeked out to see that the queen had been burned away by Chandra's attack. While she had no knowledge on anything else but what just happened, Yuka immediately saw that Pyrrha was in critical condition and needed healing right away!

"O-Oh no! I can help!" Yuka seemed to panic by how bad it all looked, but she immediately rushed over to the older girl and tried to get her healing pin doing it's job at healing. It wouldn't take long for the healing pin to take effect, since she had done this once for Minato earlier.

@DapperDogman @SirDerpingtonIV @Batman @Atomyk @Ziogen @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Chandra didn't flinch, hearing the queen's ramblings she stood, seeing the daggers she didn't move, letting them hit her as they all melted, inches from her body as it was clear, she'd put a wall of white hot fire around herself and Pyrrha "You've made the biggest mistake of your life" she says, her eyes growing orange with an inner fire as she pointed a palm at the woman "Let me Reiterate" she says, using the spell of the same name to copy her previous shock, hitting the queen with a series of 5 sharp shocks, all nonlethal

"You will burn for your transgressions" she says as a bolt grew in her hand, building to be the size of a melon "Explosive Impact" she said as she slammed it into the ground, causing the ensuing burst to engulf the queen, searing the flesh from her bones in an instant

She turned back to Pyrrha and knelt beside her, all the rage in her eyes, gone again, as she teared up a little, her hands working to remove the daggers, much as it hurt her to do, she cauterized the wounds closed with her hands, shutting her eyes and trying to ignore the sounds of pain her partner no doubt made

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Pyrrha bit her lips, restraining the shout of pain which ended up sounding like a dull groan. She looked up at Chandra, and blinked, the blackness in her vision closing around her friend's face. I-i'm dying. G-gone forever, she thought to herself, losing track of her thoughts, her time spent in this realm passing before her. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to flow freely, mixing and dilluting the blood on her face, as she suddenly reached up, placing both of her hands on the pyromancer's cheeks, pulling her close as she pulled herself up, and she pressed her lips against those of her friend, holding her there, before she lost the strength, and her hands dropped back down, and she lie down upon the floor again.
Story Update

Big Sister entered the Unknown tunnel, finding strange writing on the wall.

The eternal winter will never cease to be. It shall not end unless you defeat the icy three. The first comes from the past and to insanity is she lost. She resides in a castle, and will find her dear sisters no matter what the cost. The second is from the present, a tortured soul of many woes. She waits where heat comes from the ground to obliterate her foes. The last spirit of winter, from the future, is a hero tried and true. Inside a jolly workshop of toys and giving, this hero waits for you. Find these three in the order I have stated. If you defeat them all, this winter will be decimated.

Deeper inside the tunnel, their group could hear a young man crying for help. He was being attacked by noise and could probably use some rescuing!

After Ingrid had been defeated, the castle shook violently. An unknown magically sent all the characters out of the castle and on the ground. This unknown force ended up revealing themselves as the reapers.


"I went ahead and took the players out of the ice castle so we can use it. Do you think that place will suffice?" Kariya asked.


Uzuki nodded. "Yes, now that the freak show ice queen who was inside is gone, we can use it as an arena."

"Great, I'll text the players and let them know what we're up to."

Everyone receives a text message:

We've tallied up the votes and are ready to tell you our plans.

Traitor Votes So Far:

West - 3 (Joker, Pyrrha, Bakura)
Minato - 2 (Asha, Marcus)
Rocket - 4 (Hrist, Ash, Susan, Emma)
Ryu - 5 (Ciel, Minato, P.E.T.E, Rocket, Garrus)
Ciel - 1 (Ryu)
Big Sister - 1 (Guy)

Rocket and Ryu have received the most votes. Either one of them could be the traitor for all we know, so this is what is going to happen... The two players with the highest number of votes will duel until one winner stands. If they refuse to fight, both shall die.

(Rules: Each player will roll the dice on their posts. The one with the higher number will win. You can choose to roleplay out the battle or I will write an update with the loser dying.)

Anyone who guesses the loser of the battle and gets it right will also be awarded the losing players pins when they die. However, each player only has a few pins so it will be first come first serve. Place your votes via text!

After the text message was sent out, Rocket and Ryu were teleported inside the ice castle and the doors were locked shut. If anyone wanted to view the battle, they could peer inside from the castle windows, but it was impossible for anyone to get inside now. A reaper also appeared inside the castle to moderate the fight. "You two know what to do. I suggest you get started," he said.

Meanwhile, at the Hot Springs, the reaper who had been talking the players around that area introduced himself. Taking his hood off, he nodded.


"I'm called Triple 7. It's my stage name. I actually am the lead singer in a band here in Shibuya, but with the snow and ice everywhere, all my gigs have been canceled," he explained to them with a sigh. "So that's why I've been wandering around partaking in silly nonsense, I swear. Anyhow, I'd be happy to show any of you around—"

Suddenly, the ground shook. The hot springs began to implode, the ground around them crumbling in on themselves. Jenny, Kamina, and—even the people just arriving to the hot springs—Ciel and Minato, began falling endlessly through a dark tunnel. Eventually, they hit the ground. It was a soft hit, because the group fell into a pile of black ash. It was so heavy—even in the air—that it gagged anyone who tried to breathe.

As you look around, you can see that you are all on one small piece of land, surrounded by lava. Off in the distance, a woman is chained up…


"Someone help me!" she cries, struggling weakly against the chains binding her.​

@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)
@Verite as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@The Pimp Tactician as Minato Arisato (Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Dat Pussy Cat as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)
@Joellie as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji)
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@york as Crono (Crono Trigger) Immunity for second half of round 2.
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh M as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomyk as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady)
@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright (Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg (Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)​
Minato stood up and dusted himself with his jacket sleeves. Already, he could feel sweat building on his brow as the heat from the lava overwhelmed them. Seeing the woman in danger across the lava, his eyes grew wide as he tugged on Ciel's pants' leg, "Ciel-chan, we need to help her!"

Digging out his pins, he handed the blue-haired woman his Onikiri pin, "You can use it better than I can right now!"

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MrDubWubs @Jenny
Marcus quickly pulled out his phone to enter a guess that Rocket loses.

"Hope I get lucky," he said.
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