Murder Game V: The Reapers' Game

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Pyrrha bit her lips, restraining the shout of pain which ended up sounding like a dull groan. She looked up at Chandra, and blinked, the blackness in her vision closing around her friend's face. I-i'm dying. G-gone forever, she thought to herself, losing track of her thoughts, her time spent in this realm passing before her. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to flow freely, mixing and dilluting the blood on her face, as she suddenly reached up, placing both of her hands on the pyromancer's cheeks, pulling her close as she pulled herself up, and she pressed her lips against those of her friend, holding her there, before she lost the strength, and her hands dropped back down, and she lie down upon the floor again.

Chandra's eyes grew wide as she was kissed so suddenly, before Pyrrha collapsed, seemingly dead
"N-No..." she muttered, tears welling in her eyes as her hair grew wild with sparks, it was probably wise for everyone to get out of the castle made of ice as the pyromancer had her moment

"No..." she repeated, her her glowing bright white with a heat they'd never known, the air around her crackling with raw, unchained fire

she didn't have any words to say, she felt broken, more broken than when her whole village was burned alive, more broken than when she'd lost her magic, more broken than ever before in her life, and it showed, as her heat was rapidly melting the castle around her, a pair of blazing wings appearing from her back as she, like a phoenix in human form, started to blaze

She'd ascended...

She stood, looking down at the body of her partner as her wings unfurled, picking her up she closed her eyes, walking from the castle, letting it be destroyed as she walked out of it


"Akibahara" she says, the name forever burned into the Pyromancer's mind "I'll see him burn for this"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
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Right after Jenny fell, she needed a few moments for her eyes - and lungs - to adjust to her new location. The air seemed to be very thick around her, and on top of that, it was hot as hell. As she got up, she was coughing and gagging, squeezing her eyes shut for about half a minute, until... she heard a woman calling out.

She looked around, trying to find where the voice was coming from. There were ripples in the air because of the intense heat, but off in the distance she could see a silhouette. After Jenny's eyes had taken their time to adjust, she could see it more clearly: the woman was chained. "That's... h-horrible..." she whisper-coughed.

She turned to Kamina and Ryu while taking off her Cornered Rat pin. "Kamina, Ryu, let's be partners... maybe I could burn through her chains with this thing... At least, I hope so." It seemed to be the best she could do, but she wasn't sure if it would work from this distance.

Oh and Jenny also voted for Gabriel because she didn't like the man much for how he spoke to Ash back in the Hog's Head. // I know my vote doesn't matter anymore, but this is just for the sake of having voted and not getting killed

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Ryu Keiko
Meanwhile, at the Hot Springs, the reaper who had been talking the players around that area introduced himself. Taking his hood off, he nodded.


"I'm called Triple 7. It's my stage name. I actually am the lead singer in a band here in Shibuya, but with the snow and ice everywhere, all my gigs have been canceled," he explained to them with a sigh. "So that's why I've been wandering around partaking in silly nonsense, I swear. Anyhow, I'd be happy to show any of you around—"

Suddenly, the ground shook. The hot springs began to implode, the ground around them crumbling in on themselves. Jenny, Kamina, and—even the people just arriving to the hot springs—Ciel and Minato, began falling endlessly through a dark tunnel. Eventually, they hit the ground. It was a soft hit, because the group fell into a pile of black ash. It was so heavy—even in the air—that it gagged anyone who tried to breathe.

As you look around, you can see that you are all on one small piece of land, surrounded by lava. Off in the distance, a woman is chained up…


"Someone help me!" she cries, struggling weakly against the chains binding her.​
Minato stood up and dusted himself with his jacket sleeves. Already, he could feel sweat building on his brow as the heat from the lava overwhelmed them. Seeing the woman in danger across the lava, his eyes grew wide as he tugged on Ciel's pants' leg, "Ciel-chan, we need to help her!"

Digging out his pins, he handed the blue-haired woman his Onikiri pin, "You can use it better than I can right now!"

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MrDubWubs @Jenny
"Tch... and the adventure begins again, eh?" Ciel murmured, hesitantly taking Minato's Onikiri pin for now. Whether it was temporary remained to be seen, but maybe that didn't matter just yet. As she examined Elsa from afar, a memory from her life clicked.

She could remember reading the Crossed Testimony, a report that supposedly detailed the first "Murder Game," as dubbed by the Mages' Association. It, along with Aoko Aozaki's Gotham City Incident Report, quickly became the hot topic of the Association. The talk of the town, so to speak. From what Ciel could recall from the Crossed Testimony, two notable figures stuck out; an ice princess in a blue dress, and her lover, a knight who kept yelling "JOLLY!" and "PRAISE THE SUN!" Though no actual pictures were there, some sketches had been provided in the Testimony, and this woman looked just like one of the sketches. If her hunch was correct, she could continue the job that she had worked on while she was still alive. She had not forgotten about the Murder Games, nor the anomaly that was Arch Demon Akibahara. Maybe this woman would know something about it...

"Remain calm! Everything will be alright! Help is on the way!" Ciel called out to the woman. She glanced briefly at the others; Kamina and Jenny, though they seemed to be doing their own thing for now. Quickly, she scanned the environment, looking for some other pieces of land, or any other way she could find to navigate over to the bound woman.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @MrDubWubs @Jenny
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It was in Susan's best interest that Ryu wins, though he was hardly free from her suspicion.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Tch... and the adventure begins again, eh?" Ciel murmured, hesitantly taking Minato's Onikiri pin for now. Whether it was temporary remained to be seen, but maybe that didn't matter just yet. As she examined Elsa from afar, a memory from her life clicked.

She could remember reading the Crossed Testimony, a report that supposedly detailed the first "Murder Game," as dubbed by the Mages' Association. It, along with Aoko Aozaki's Gotham City Incident Report, quickly became the hot topic of the Association. The talk of the town, so to speak. From what Ciel could recall from the Crossed Testimony, two notable figures stuck out; an ice princess in a blue dress, and her lover, a knight who kept yelling "JOLLY!" and "PRAISE THE SUN!" Though no actual pictures were there, some sketches had been provided in the Testimony, and this woman looked just like one of the sketches. If her hunch was correct, she could continue the job that she had worked on while she was still alive. She had not forgotten about the Murder Games, nor the anomaly that was Arch Demon Akibahara. Maybe this woman would know something about it...

"Remain calm! Everything will be alright! Help is on the way!" Ciel called out to the woman. She glanced briefly at the others; Kamina and Jenny, though they seemed to be doing their own thing for now. Quickly, she scanned the environment, looking for some other pieces of land, or any other way she could find to navigate over to the bound woman.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician @MrDubWubs @Jenny
Jenny turned her head and looked at the other two who had joined them. She didn't even notice them until now. "Is it?" She asked her in her British accent. "Is help on the way? I don't think it is, because as I see it, we're the only ones that can help and we can't get to her..." She looked around, confirming yet again that they were surrounded by lava. She wasn't trying to argue, she was only genuinely confused. "Why are you lying to her? We're going to help her, but we're not on our way..." She crossed her arms and looked at the woman, head tilted slightly to the right.

She was then quiet for a few moments and let her arms drop at her sides again. "... Sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just... wondering. I'm Jenny by the way."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Jenny turned her head and looked at the other two who had joined them. She didn't even notice them until now. "Is it?" She asked her in her British accent. "Is help on the way? I don't think it is, because as I see it, we're the only ones that can help and we can't get to her..." She looked around, confirming yet again that they were surrounded by lava. She wasn't trying to argue, she was only genuinely confused. "Why are you lying to her? We're going to help her, but we're not on our way..." She crossed her arms and looked at the woman, head tilted slightly to the right.

She was then quiet for a few moments and let her arms drop at her sides again. "... Sorry, that was rude. I didn't mean to be rude, I was just... wondering. I'm Jenny by the way."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Ciel," she introduced herself with a shrug, "It is fine. If you want to be technical, I suppose it'd be more accurate to say that we are in the process of getting on our way if possible. Just rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it?" The young woman asked, before clearing her throat, continuing to examine the place.

"If there was a way to get closer, if only just by some modest degree, I could probably free her by destroying her binds with my Natural Magnum pin, but I imagine it'll prove to be very difficult from this range..."

@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny @MrDubWubs
"Ciel," she introduced herself with a shrug, "It is fine. If you want to be technical, I suppose it'd be more accurate to say that we are in the process of getting on our way if possible. Just rolls right off the tongue, doesn't it?" The young woman asked, before clearing her throat, continuing to examine the place.

"If there was a way to get closer, if only just by some modest degree, I could probably free her by destroying her binds with my Natural Magnum pin, but I imagine it'll prove to be very difficult from this range..."

@The Pimp Tactician @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny @MrDubWubs
"That's what I was thinking!" Jenny smiled, taking her Cornered Rat pin and showing it to Ciel. "This one can control light and possibly burn things, so I thought I could burn through her chains... If they're even chains, are they chains? ... I can't tell. Anyway..."

She took off the rest of her pins and showed them to the woman. "This one can summon a big golden shield... And this one can heal anyone other than myself. That's all I have. Not much that's going to be of any use in this situation, but... Better than nothing." She shrugged, still smiling. "What do you have?"

@The Pimp Tactician
@Ryu Keiko
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"That's what I was thinking!" Jenny smiled, taking her Cornered Rat pin and showing it to Ciel. "This one can control light and possibly burn things, so I thought I could burn through her chains... If they're even chains, are they chains? ... I can't tell. Anyway..."

She took off the rest of her pins and showed them to the woman. "This one can summon a big golden shield... And this one can heal anyone other than myself. That's all I have. Not much that's going to be of any use in this situation, but... Better than nothing." She shrugged, still smiling. "What do you have?"

@The Pimp Tactician
@Ryu Keiko
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"I also happen to possess Cornered Rat," she answered, "And as the little one said, I have his Onikiri pin, which can summon a sword. I'm merely borrowing it for now, but I'm familiar enough with it since I used to have an Onikiri pin of my own before I had to give it away for... ah, reasons," she said, clearing her throat with the last part.

@MrDubWubs @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician
Chandra's eyes grew wide as she was kissed so suddenly, before Pyrrha collapsed, seemingly dead
"N-No..." she muttered, tears welling in her eyes as her hair grew wild with sparks, it was probably wise for everyone to get out of the castle made of ice as the pyromancer had her moment

"No..." she repeated, her her glowing bright white with a heat they'd never known, the air around her crackling with raw, unchained fire

she didn't have any words to say, she felt broken, more broken than when her whole village was burned alive, more broken than when she'd lost her magic, more broken than ever before in her life, and it showed, as her heat was rapidly melting the castle around her, a pair of blazing wings appearing from her back as she, like a phoenix in human form, started to blaze

She'd ascended...

She stood, looking down at the body of her partner as her wings unfurled, picking her up she closed her eyes, walking from the castle, letting it be destroyed as she walked out of it


"Akibahara" she says, the name forever burned into the Pyromancer's mind "I'll see him burn for this"

@SirDerpingtonIV @Ziogen @Atomyk @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
The castle crumbled, however, the reapers--who were now using it as the arena for Ryu and Rocket to have their duel--used their powers to quickly reform it.​
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Yuka was saddened to see that her healing pin seemingly didn't work on Pyrrha... She tried to help, but apparently her efforts were too late it seemed. Overhearing that there was going to be a battle inside the ice castle, she didn't want to see it, because she never liked it when people were forced to fight each other. All of left her without anything to actually do. All of this made her feel really weak and helpless, that she was only a child thrown into unfitting circumstances.

"I...I tried..." Yuka sniffled, beginning to walk away from the castle grounds, not sure where to go exactly. In an attempt to lighten up her mood, Yuka took a few licks out of her cotton candy ice cream... she was almost finished with it anyways.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @anyone that wants to comfort poor Yuka.
"I've got Lightning Strike which does exactly what you think it does. Ciel-chan has my Onikiri pin since I can't really use it right now," Minato said with a bored tone as he waved his sleeves at Jenny, "My name's Minato by the way, Minato Arisato."

@Jenny @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MrDubWubs @Verite
"I also happen to possess Cornered Rat," she answered, "And as the little one said, I have his Onikiri pin, which can summon a sword. I'm merely borrowing it for now, but I'm familiar enough with it since I used to have an Onikiri pin of my own before I had to give it away for... ah, reasons," she said, clearing her throat with the last part.

@MrDubWubs @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @The Pimp Tactician
"Right, a sword won't really be useful either... But for now, let's partner up! The three of us!" Jenny proposed, looking at the man who just spoke to her. "Hello by the way, nice to meet you, love your hair." She shooked Minato's hand with a smile. "... What does Lightning Strike do though? I'm sorry, I really have no clue." She admitted, biting her lip awkwardly. She didn't even have a clue what lightning was.

@The Pimp Tactician
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
"Basically, it shoots out bolts of electricity. Didn't you pass elementary science?" While not as recognizable as usual because of his age reduction, the deadpan tone carried his expression well enough. However, the woman's voice broke him out of that attitude, "Come on, you three, we have to help her! If you guys don't do something, then I will!" Heading in the woman's direction, Minato began to look around for anything he could use to hop over Elsa, "Don't worry, miss, we're going to get to you!"

@Verite @MrDubWubs @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny
"Basically, it shoots out bolts of electricity. Didn't you pass elementary science?" While not as recognizable as usual because of his age reduction, the deadpan tone carried his expression well enough. However, the woman's voice broke him out of that attitude, "Come on, you three, we have to help her! If you guys don't do something, then I will!" Heading in the woman's direction, Minato began to look around for anything he could use to hop over Elsa, "Don't worry, miss, we're going to get to you!"

@Verite @MrDubWubs @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Jenny
Elsa squirmed a little after hearing Minato speak. "A-All of you shouldn't stay here! If you can leave, you should! This place is Hell... none of you will be able to escape if you stay too long!" she exclaimed, looking toward them nervously.

@Jenny @Verite @The Pimp Tactician @MrDubWubs
"People told me I shouldn't sacrifice my life for my friends before. If I didn't listen then, then what makes you think I'll listen now, miss?" Minato yelled back, trying to calm Elsa down, "My name is Minato Arisato, and I never back down from helping an innocent in need of assistance!"

@Verite @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @MrDubWubs @Jenny
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