Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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There are no weapons. This is a chapel. A priest smiles at you as you step down the ladder. He doesn't appear to care, "Ah, enjoying the view, my children?" Father Jonas Smith, aged 56, idly crossed his arms behind his back as he lit a few candles, "Oh, don't mind me, my children. I'm merely doing the Lord's work. Feel free to do as you wish!"


@Zadok shadows

Though, since you were searching for weapons, I bet you expected to find this!

*she cooked her head in confusion. I guess he is apart of a cult or something. Never understood those... * Um excuse me. Do you know if anyone else is around here? We are quite lost... *she asks hoping he knew something*
Not long after Ellie left Elsa's building, she heard a man honking his horn. Looked like yet another visitor for Elsa. Ellie slid her hands into the pockets of her jeans and smiled a little bit. It looked like Elsa was going to be busy, plenty of people wanting to see her. Maybe it was her own fault, she thought, maybe she shouldn't have waited so long. On top of that, she chose to have no friends, so there was no reason for her to be upset? But then why was she? Was it jealousy? Probably.
Anyway, she realized that seeing the little kid would have to wait for a little while. For now, it would probably be best to head back to the orphanage and be bored there. She was suspended from school for a week, so obviously homework could wait. It was probably going to be a long and boring night yet again.
If anyone needed her, they'd visit. ;)
Well, she was needed alright. A 'knock, knock, knock!' erupted from the orphanage door, revealing Officer Leon S. Kennedy and Officer Heather Mason, giving Ellie a ":/" expression. Had this occurred before? Maybe. Most likely. Ellie found herself with blonde pretty-boy Leon Kennedy, "Ellie, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in court..." she felt cold, hard steel encase her wrists as she was lead away into the Ford Crown Victoria police cruiser.

Officer Heather Mason sighed, glancing back at Ellie, "You know, you didn't have to hurt him, Ellie." The rain fell upon Raccoon City, washing over the police cruiser as you looked outside the window... it was going to be a long, long day indeed.
*she cooked her head in confusion. I guess he is apart of a cult or something. Never understood those... * Um excuse me. Do you know if anyone else is around here? We are quite lost... *she asks hoping he knew something*
"Well, you're in Saint Michael Cathedral in the north of Raccoon City. Are you looking for someone specific?"
"Well, you're in Saint Michael Cathedral in the north of Raccoon City. Are you looking for someone specific?"
*she scratched her head as she thought about Ellie* Small girl. I think 14 or 15. Comes up to my shoulder. Brownish hair. Her name is Ellie. Would you happen to know where she is? *she really hoped she did. All she remembers of Ellie was her barely being able to move*
*she scratched her head as she thought about Ellie* Small girl. I think 14 or 15. Comes up to my shoulder. Brownish hair. Her name is Ellie. Would you happen to know where she is? *she really hoped she did. All she remembers of Ellie was her barely being able to move*
"Mm, is she an orphan?"
Well, she was needed alright. A 'knock, knock, knock!' erupted from the orphanage door, revealing Officer Leon S. Kennedy and Officer Heather Mason, giving Ellie a ":/" expression. Had this occurred before? Maybe. Most likely. Ellie found herself with blonde pretty-boy Leon Kennedy, "Ellie, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be used against you in court..." she felt cold, hard steel encase her wrists as she was lead away into the Ford Crown Victoria police cruiser.
Officer Heather Mason sighed, glancing back at Ellie, "You know, you didn't have to hurt him, Ellie." The rain fell upon Raccoon City, washing over the police cruiser as you looked outside the window... it was going to be a long, long day indeed.
Ellie wanted to stay quiet the entire trip, but now she decided against it. "Fuck that, he punched me first! You can't keep arresting me for stupid shit like this without even knowing what happened!" She groaned and leaned back against the back seat, her hands uncomfortably behind her back as she looked outside. "It's just because he's a little bitch that thinks he's so fucking cool. He asked for it."
*Yang's eyes narrowed. She didn't know but guessing after Ellie killing Joel. She would say yes* Yeah she is.
"Oh, there's an orphanage down the street. Check there, perhaps?"
Ellie wanted to stay quiet the entire trip, but now she decided against it. "Fuck that, he punched me first! You can't keep arresting me for stupid shit like this without even knowing what happened!" She groaned and leaned back against the back seat, her hands uncomfortably behind her back as she looked outside. "It's just because he's a little bitch that thinks he's so fucking cool. He asked for it."
Office Leon Kennedy interrupted, "... That's why he's the station, too, Ellie. We're going to get to the bottom of this. Now, Chief Irons wants you to stay overnight. I don't really have a say in all this. So you're going to receive a cell in which you'll reside in."
York opened his briefcase, looking at the documents and records on this company...


"What is their goal?" he muses
He'd been reinstated into the FBI, though they didn't trust him at first, they saw his ID, and listened to what he'd had to say, they knew he was really from the future, and let him back on the force, though he wasn't sure how this would affect the events of his life...he wasn't sure if Emily would survive to due a lack of involvement with the Red Tree...
"But never mind that...I have work to do" he muses, reaching for his pistol, slipping it into his holster
"Time to find out just what this...Umbrella up to"
He takes a step out his rather smokey office and into the hallways of the house he and Raven shared
"So, sense anything? I picked up on a little supernatural activity, but then again, it's possible it was just you"

He and Raven shared a house for now, to help them care for the child...while he wasn't sure if the deadline for their "Marriage" had passed, he didn't much care...he'd been too busy with the whole Umbrella investigation to bother with romance...
That and he still felt a little unsure about the whole thing...
He still had feelings for so many women...he was sure they were just because they reminded him of Emily in one way or another...
Raven had finished her tea. Carefully picked the little boy and washed the cup. Then she saw York and gave a small smile. She walked over to him and answered his question. "Not really. But I could be wrong." She then thought a moment before asking but decided to anyways. "But Um... I have been having some strange visions lately have you? That could be what the supernatural activity your sensing."

She was glad that she had made friends and was living with York for without him she wasn't sure how she would manage especially being back in time so it seemed. She wasn't use to this sort of thing alone and she didn't know how she would have copped otherwise.

@DapperDogman @Akibahara
Office Leon Kennedy interrupted, "... That's why he's the station, too, Ellie. We're going to get to the bottom of this. Now, Chief Irons wants you to stay overnight. I don't really have a say in all this. So you're going to receive a cell in which you'll reside in."
Ellie didn't even realize she wouldn't be back for the night until Kennedy told her. She was planning to revisit Elsa that night to try and see her baby again. "Ugh, I have to stay there a whole night again?! That's bullshit! That fucking chief guy has a grudge against me, I swear..." As she always would, Ellie tugged on her cuffs, as if they would come loose that easily.
Claire - Umbrella Research Center - Shiki

She almost wanted to scream and slam her fists against the keypad in the face of its stubbornness. It was looking to be beyond her ability to access as it continued to dodge her like a slap in the face every time. Sooner or later, they'd be caught, or an alert would be sounded, where--


Oh, shit. Red emergency lights came on, prompting Claire to duck down out of instinct. Her heart began beating against her chest, and Claire spun around to face Shiki. She couldn't even begin to convey how wrong this all was. A biohazard leak could only mean the worst; It could only mean that they had failed to stop the inevitable.

Above them, the cameras shut off, and the door behind Claire opened to reveal Sector C-4 in its entirety. The victory against the door felt hollow now, as if it was getting one more last slap in before everything was over. Still, Claire was able to get a good look at the people inside now, and she instantly recognised Annette Birkin. It was hard to forget someone who'd threatened you with a gun. It was strange now to see a supposedly dead woman standing in front of Claire safe and sound, but nowhere near as strange as seeing a man she had previously only known as a mutated monstrosity. Her stomach flipped at the memory, and it only felt worse when she realised how fragile and human William looked now.

It made a lot more sense now why he would inject himself with the G.

Speaking over the alert, Claire said, "Shiki, we can't let that man go. We can't." None of this could be real, but Claire couldn't let William become a monster all over again. For the Sherry of this world's sake, she just couldn't. "But we can't hurt him. We can't give him a reason to infect himself!" She shot forward as she spoke the last sentence, the MP5 in her hand out and ready to threaten William and his wife. Claire didn't notice the third person in the room-- A guard, it looked like-- until she'd rushed inside. Claire's eyes went wide at the sight of them and pulled one of her pistols out with a deft movement, so that she had both arms extended, one aimed at the guard, one aimed at the two researchers. "I need William to come with me!" she cried, her face conveying a calm that Claire internally lacked at the moment.

"Perhaps...I've always had visions...but...the people I normally see are in Silent Hill that what you mean?"
He wasn't sure why his dreams had changed...was Silent Hill that powerful that it could so easily twist his dreams?
Even after what he'd been through...the trials he'd faced
The horrors he'd witnessed
The things he'd done


"I have no idea if Silent Hill is still affecting us...but we seem to have escaped...even if just for now..."

@Raven @Akibahara
"Oh, there's an orphanage down the street. Check there, perhaps?"
Thank you sir... *she leaves very confused. It's only been about a day to her. Why would she be at an orphanage? Better safe than sorry. She though. She began her walk to the orphanage*
"Perhaps...I've always had visions...but...the people I normally see are in Silent Hill that what you mean?"
He wasn't sure why his dreams had changed...was Silent Hill that powerful that it could so easily twist his dreams?
Even after what he'd been through...the trials he'd faced
The horrors he'd witnessed
The things he'd done


"I have no idea if Silent Hill is still affecting us...but we seem to have escaped...even if just for now..."

@Raven @Akibahara
Raven nodded. "That's exactly what I mean. Normal I would ignore my visions or not ask just meditate on them but the one I've had of late. On Silent Hill well bother me." Raven replied she was use to nightmares especially those of her friends and nightmares that don't even seem to be her own but when ones seem to be constant she usually begins to worry. Raven sighed. "Maybe it is but in a different way for each of us. I mean we didn't necessarily go through the same things so maybe there is a reason. I just thought..." She trailed off not sure how to explain. "I thought maybe if you where having the same visions in a way there must be something up." She looked at the little one making sure he was still secure like what mothers usually do when holding there children. "But I guess maybe where fine for now..."

@DapperDogman @Akibahara
Ellie didn't even realize she wouldn't be back for the night until Kennedy told her. She was planning to revisit Elsa that night to try and see her baby again. "Ugh, I have to stay there a whole night again?! That's bullshit! That fucking chief guy has a grudge against me, I swear..." As she always would, Ellie tugged on her cuffs, as if they would come loose that easily.
You arrive at the Raccoon Police Department HQ, it's filled with officers arresting convicts, writing reports, and hey, Ellie receives a few nods. She's a celebrity here, I swear. Chief Brian Irons glares at Ellie, squinting menacingly before he continues paperwork. A cell door opens, revealing a relatively comfortable bed, toilet, and sink - your best friend is there with you, too, he appears bruised and bloody. Strange though, considering he's male. It obviously breaks protocol... but who would pair up a male and female prisoner?

Leon S. Kennedy jots a few notes down on a clipboard, "Now, what's the story..." He glances at Ellie first.
Siegfried's eyes flared open as soon as the small chamber was emptied.
Curiously viewing his surroundings, he spotted strange motions not far from him, doing his best to peer out through the transparency before him.
As he fell through, all he could make out where a few distant shapes moving swiftly and quietly as they went on their way.

Rolling to his feet, he looked to the chamber, seeing the remnants of his year-long prison, the outline appearing as if it had not been broken, but cut from without.
"We can't be..." he trailed off as he pricked his finger with one of the shards, writing a message on the floor before quietly following the dark shapes' trail, trying to shake the lingering thoughts from his mind. "We can't still be in Silent Hill, can we?"

The bloody message lingered behind him, seemingly burned into the ground upon which it was writ:
"Beware, Arch-Demon, for now the Hunter becomes the Hunted."

As the alert sounded, Siegfried made it to the location of the group, walking towards them with his hands raised, showing he meant no harm.
"What's going on here? And does anyone know why it looks like something's going to explode?"

@Akibahara @Atomyk @Ziogen
"It's been a year, and I don't remember any of the survivors having died since then...the last to die of suspicious circumstances was Aiden...who...we knew from the start..." he shook his head slowly and sighed...
How many that he knew hed died?
Raven, Claire, Sebastian, Aiden, many of the people he'd met, he hadn't seen again...come to think of it, he'd only seen Claire, Aiden and Raven afterward, he'd seen Claire and Aiden speaking back in the amusement park...he wasn't sure if she was alright...they'd never really spoken..

He'd not spoken to Sylvanas since the theatre...He was wondering how she'd fair in everyday undead elf like her must have some trouble with human life...He wondered if she'd gotten married, and had kids, settled down with a nice guy, perhaps
He'd not spoken with Seb for a while...he figured he'd be his partner in this investigation...but he seemed to have dropped off the map suddenly, like a lot of Detectives York, he had to stay undercover, lest he be snatched away in the night, and silenced to stop anyone from finding out about Umbrella's plans

York's inside man had beem quiet for a while...but he had been speaking of some kind of...experimenting, something about a new virus...
It didn't make any sense to York, but he got a bad vibe from the whole thing, and so he'd gotten himself a little more protection, should Umbrella try and kill him to keep their activities hidden

@Raven @Akibahara
You arrive at the Raccoon Police Department HQ, it's filled with officers arresting convicts, writing reports, and hey, Ellie receives a few nods. She's a celebrity here, I swear. Chief Brian Irons glares at Ellie, squinting menacingly before he continues paperwork. A cell door opens, revealing a relatively comfortable bed, toilet, and sink - your best friend is there with you, too, he appears bruised and bloody. Strange though, considering he's male. It obviously breaks protocol... but who would pair up a male and female prisoner?
Leon S. Kennedy jots a few notes down on a clipboard, "Now, what's the story..." He glances at Ellie first.
As soon as Ellie saw the boy, she couldn't hold back a small grin. "Looking good, buddy." The kid, we'll just name him Steve, glared at Ellie but remained quiet until officer Kennedy joined the two. Steve was obviously nervous and uncomfortable in this place with officers surrounding him. Ellie however didn't look too troubled.

"Well this little bitch thought it was necessary to punch me, so I taught him a lesson. In self defense."

Steve interrupted her and spoke up "She's lying! I just came up to her and asked her what was up! I was being nice!"

"Oh shut the fuck up, you know you hit me first!"

"It's not true! Ask anyone, they'll back me up!"

"Yeah, because everyone's scared of your ugly face, you fucktard!"

Good luck to Leon :)
Claire - Umbrella Research Center - Shiki
She almost wanted to scream and slam her fists against the keypad in the face of its stubbornness. It was looking to be beyond her ability to access as it continued to dodge her like a slap in the face every time. Sooner or later, they'd be caught, or an alert would be sounded, where--
Oh, shit. Red emergency lights came on, prompting Claire to duck down out of instinct. Her heart began beating against her chest, and Claire spun around to face Shiki. She couldn't even begin to convey how wrong this all was. A biohazard leak could only mean the worst; It could only mean that they had failed to stop the inevitable.
Above them, the cameras shut off, and the door behind Claire opened to reveal Sector C-4 in its entirety. The victory against the door felt hollow now, as if it was getting one more last slap in before everything was over. Still, Claire was able to get a good look at the people inside now, and she instantly recognised Annette Birkin. It was hard to forget someone who'd threatened you with a gun. It was strange now to see a supposedly dead woman standing in front of Claire safe and sound, but nowhere near as strange as seeing a man she had previously only known as a mutated monstrosity. Her stomach flipped at the memory, and it only felt worse when she realised how fragile and human William looked now.
It made a lot more sense now why he would inject himself with the G.
Speaking over the alert, Claire said, "Shiki, we can't let that man go. We can't." None of this could be real, but Claire couldn't let William become a monster all over again. For the Sherry of this world's sake, she just couldn't. "But we can't hurt him. We can't give him a reason to infect himself!" She shot forward as she spoke the last sentence, the MP5 in her hand out and ready to threaten William and his wife. Claire didn't notice the third person in the room-- A guard, it looked like-- until she'd rushed inside. Claire's eyes went wide at the sight of them and pulled one of her pistols out with a deft movement, so that she had both arms extended, one aimed at the guard, one aimed at the two researchers. "I need William to come with me!" she cried, her face conveying a calm that Claire internally lacked at the moment.
U.S.S. Operative Four-Eyes trained her MP5 sub-machine gun at Clare Redfield and Shiki with a look of mingled hate and curiosity, "Are you the one who did this?" She had short raven black hair, oriental by appearance, sporting a blue-tinted gas mask flickering against Umbrella's failing power grid. The lights fluttered on and off. The T-Virus was wrecking havoc in the Umbrella Research Facility - and no doubt, Four-Eyes was on edge. Big time.


William Birkin slooooowly reached toward the G-Virus, "You're from Tricell, aren't you?" He smirked, clasping his wife in one hand, a metal briefcase in the other. An Umbrella symbol plastered on it's hide, "You're here for my precious G-Virus, aren't you?!" Uh oh! He darted behind a counter, disregarding Annette, and began flipping the briefcase open...

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