Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Melody flipped her wrist again, idly smacking the track piece in two, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD STOP ME, WHO HAS SEEN MAN CRAWL DOWN FROM THE TREES, WHO HAS SEEN EMPIRES RISE AND FALL, WHO SHALL LIVE LONG AFTER YOU HAVE ALL CRUMBLED INTO DUST, NOTHING BUT A MEMORY AND FOREVER AFTER?" Her voice bellowed in double-tones, as if a demon growled at Shiki. Shrink! Given your current powerless state, a barbwire tentacle impales you, lifting you off your feet, as gore spewed from your lips. You gave it a good shot, sweetheart. But not good enough to fight off THAT. However, it appears the demon-child is distracted...
... If she's willing, a certain someone with the alphabet beginning in 'E' could try and take the key.
Will you try and take the key Ellie? Y/N?
Ellie gave the woman a quick and desperate look when she was put on the tracks behind her. She was struggling to keep her balance on the thin platform, almost impossible. It surprised her though, that this woman was risking so much just for her sake, while they never even met. But she also knew she wouldn't be of much use sitting in her arms like that, she'd just hold her back.

But looking back a few seconds later, she saw the woman impaled and suspended in the air. Ellie had to help, somehow. After taking a single step toward Melody, she already fell, but continued on her hands and knees to keep momentum. It might have look pretty pathetic and clumsy, but she built up her speed until she was finally close enough to jump at Melody. Ellie threw herself on her, one arm around her neck and both legs around her waist. She used her free hand to grab the key and break it free from the woman's neck with a strong pull, but...

What she didn't realize quickly enough, is that they were now both falling. Ellie's complete lack of balance caused her jump to be in a slightly wrong direction, dragging Melody down from the rails.

// such a bad idea but hey it's all she can do :(

She smiles, setting up a cup of green tea, "Here, it's delicious, dear." She set the cup upon the table, "You know, there is a way you can get back. But... are you sure you want to return to Silent Hill?" The mystery maid sipped her tea, "... I heard it isn't pleasant."
*she takes a sip as well and sighs* It isn't, but I feel like I have some one to protect. Plus I would like to return to my sister.*she finishes the tea quickly as she is a little stressed*

Shiki was just kinda just hanging there, more annoyed by the fact that she didn't have something to cut this thing impaling her, rather than with the agonizing pain flowing from her body, and the lukewarm metallic liquid overflowing from her mouth (which she kinda needed to live.) Seeing Ellie rush forward, she could only mutter an "Idiot" before chucking the wooden staff for Melody's head.​

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The skin cracked. It doesn't break it, but it buzzes violently. Elsa is able to breath fresh air, oh, and your toes hurt.
Too bad. :)
You're in a loop. The scene replays again.
... You're never going to build a snowman ...​
The meanie Akibahara voice who asked Elsa the question said nothing more. The scene continued to play. Whoever was tormenting her most certainly wasn't going to let her build a snowman with her little sister. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"Not again," Elsa thought, "I don't want to see this scene again. Th-This is just like being in Hell again."

Elsa wasn't sure why, but after a moment she could breathe fresh air again. She couldn't enjoy it though, and she barely even noticed it. She simply continued to watch the scene, the movie reflecting in her blue eyes as she watched it.

@Akibahara @york @Crazy 8 Nate
York takes a look around before sighing and rubbing his temples "I was hoping they'd have a fortune teller here...I always found fortunes to be far too cryptic..." he takes out a smoke, lights it up, puffs a few times before putting it out and replacing it in the pack
He figured he'd take a look around, maybe he could find some runes, or some tarot cards

"T-Thank you." She wrapped the scarf around her tighter. "I'm just Ariel." The amusement park attraction honked, and Ariel jumped backwards, eyes wide. She saw the cart, her chest rising up and down quickly from still being surprised. She furrowed her eyebrows. "What... What is this... Thing?" She was constantly surprised by human inventions daily. She turned to Shirou. "Should we go on it?"
"..." He looked at it momentarily with a wary expression, before sighing. If this was the work of someone watching them, he may as well continue to play along with their little game for now.
"It certainly looks like they want us to," Shirou said, not having a clear idea on what he meant by "they." Walking over to it, he glanced at the woman beside her, "Well, Ariel, ladies first..." He said, helping her in.

A sultry, German 1940s song, recognized as 'Lili Marleen by Marlene Dietrich' plays softly on the speakers above, as you begin your descent into The Tunnel of Love. An uncomfortable 'shtick!' as if a woman was fondling herself is audibly heard as you enter the tunnel. A gust of hot, moist wind hit you the moment your boat slipped into the 'vagina.' Boy oh boy, did it reek of sex in here, too. Big time. You sit back, fluttering your eyes open and closed as you-- WHAT THE FUCK.

You see Shirou intimately... do naughty things to Ariel doggystyle. There's a man trying to flee, screaming at the top of his lungs, bound and gagged by a noose as he's forced to watch his wife get violated by this guy. It's Eric. He's cuckolded against his will, tears streaming down his eyes as he moans pitifully...

Two anamatronics. It's a German female recognizable in paramilitary gear whipping Ariel.

Ariel and Shirou brutally murdering Eric with a knife. Shirou shanks him to death as Ariel moans in ecstasy...

The ride stops. Do you allow it to continue? Y/N?

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York takes a look around before sighing and rubbing his temples "I was hoping they'd have a fortune teller here...I always found fortunes to be far too cryptic..." he takes out a smoke, lights it up, puffs a few times before putting it out and replacing it in the pack
He figured he'd take a look around, maybe he could find some runes, or some tarot cards

Raven nodded. "That's what I thought. So here I am." She sighed and looked around. She wondered if maybe she could fine a book or something. She went over to some shelves and began to look wondering what she might find.

The skin cracked. It doesn't break it, but it buzzes violently. Elsa is able to breath fresh air, oh, and your toes hurt.
Sophie looked a little disappointed, grimacing a bit as her toes ached from the impact; the screen's skin had cracked but it hadn't been enough for to break it. With a frustrated sigh she looked around for something to assist in breaking the screen; a metal bar, a tool, hell even a sturdy rock would do.
Lee decided he needed to help one way or another. He grabbed a concrete slab and backed up, Lee took aim and hurled it right at the screen
BOOM! The television set exploded in a burst of electricity, smoke, and flame.

Elsa popped right out, sending her sprawling across the floor. She breathed in, eyes agap, as if she relieved the worst nightmare in her life again and again and again... a DVD pops out of the DVD player. It reads in colorful, happy Disney font: "Disney Frozen!" It features the entire cast giving off cute little smirks as they cross their arms, followed by a retarded snowman who grins with joy...

BOOM! The television set exploded in a burst of electricity, smoke, and flame.
Elsa popped right out, sending her sprawling across the floor. She breathed in, eyes agap, as if she relieved the worst nightmare in her life again and again and again... a DVD pops out of the DVD player. It reads in colorful, happy Disney font: "Disney Frozen!" It features the entire cast giving off cute little smirks as they cross their arms, followed by a retarded snowman who grins with joy...
@Crazy 8 Nate @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sophie jumped back when Lee suddenly came by and bashed the TV scren with a concrete slab, thankfully enough; it worked and Elsa had popped out of the screen. Something popped out of the TV set too; a DVD disc, a copy of that movie; Frozen. Instead of taking it, she walked over to Elsa, trying to see if she was okay "Are you... Alright?" she asked looking quite concerned, she forgot about that DVD disc for now, but perhaps she'd take it later on if she still wanted it or something.
A sultry, German 1940s song, recognized as 'Lili Marleen by Marlene Dietrich' plays softly on the speakers above, as you begin your descent into The Tunnel of Love.
The ride stops. Do you allow it to continue? Y/N?
"What the... what on Earth?!" Shirou exclaimed, damn near having a heart attack at witnessing the horrifying images before him. This was already enough. He didn't need to see any more of this.

"Come on, where's the way off this stupid thing?" Shirou murmured, getting up and looking around. He wasn't going to allow this to go on for any longer.
Ellie gave the woman a quick and desperate look when she was put on the tracks behind her. She was struggling to keep her balance on the thin platform, almost impossible. It surprised her though, that this woman was risking so much just for her sake, while they never even met. But she also knew she wouldn't be of much use sitting in her arms like that, she'd just hold her back.
But looking back a few seconds later, she saw the woman impaled and suspended in the air. Ellie had to help, somehow. After taking a single step toward Melody, she already fell, but continued on her hands and knees to keep momentum. It might have look pretty pathetic and clumsy, but she built up her speed until she was finally close enough to jump at Melody. Ellie threw herself on her, one arm around her neck and both legs around her waist. She used her free hand to grab the key and break it free from the woman's neck with a strong pull, but...
What she didn't realize quickly enough, is that they were now both falling. Ellie's complete lack of balance caused her jump to be in a slightly wrong direction, dragging Melody down from the rails.
// such a bad idea but hey it's all she can do :(
Shiki was just kinda just hanging there, more annoyed by the fact that she didn't have something to cut this thing impaling her, rather than with the agonizing pain flowing from her body, and the lukewarm metallic liquid overflowing from her mouth (which she kinda needed to live.) Seeing Ellie rush forward, she could only mutter an "Idiot" before chucking the wooden staff for Melody's head.
Melody felt a wooden staff hit her head, "HA HA HA! DO YOU BELIEVE YOUR FOOLISH WEAP--"... Only to be tackled by Ellie, she fell slack, growling in utter rage as this unstable moron sent herself and her off the ledge. Shiki laid there, moaning as blood oozed from her wound and lips, it appeared to cauterize mysteriously as a loud 'thump!' met your ears. Was it dead? Probably not. But what about Ellie?!

Ellie woke up. She had a severe migraine. Oh man, it was bad. The silver key 'REDEMPTION' was held in her right hand. It appeared Melody had fled. Somewhere. And... wait a minute?! She felt stable! The key pulsated softly with the Seal of Metatron, the part of your brain Dr. Arden removed magically rekindled itself, regenerating and creating something anew.
... It was comforting ...
You stood up. There's no wounds on your body.​
BOOM! The television set exploded in a burst of electricity, smoke, and flame.
Elsa popped right out, sending her sprawling across the floor. She breathed in, eyes agap, as if she relieved the worst nightmare in her life again and again and again... a DVD pops out of the DVD player. It reads in colorful, happy Disney font: "Disney Frozen!" It features the entire cast giving off cute little smirks as they cross their arms, followed by a retarded snowman who grins with joy...

Elsa disappeared from the terrible movie world, reappearing on the ground back where she had first started with Sophie and Lee. Her eyes were wide and full of torment before she squeezed them shut and covered her face with her hands. She sobbed silently, her body shaking as she actually had a light seizure. Being inside the TV had really screwed with the electrical activity in her brain. She couldn't reply back to Sophia at first, barely even noticing she had spoken to her. She just lied there on the ground, waiting for her body to calm down.

"Anna, I'm so sorry..."

@york @Crazy 8 Nate
The lunatic looks up, "Please, no..."
He breathed deeply, and raised the cleaver, looking deeply at his eyes "Terrible choice of words..." and be brought it down.


Moments later...

Matt breathes deeply walking out of the room as he began to find an exit. "I need a drop of the hard stuff..." Matt stopped for a moment and looked at the open air of the closed haunted house, a quicj chuckle escaped as he kept walking to find an exit. A pan of him walking away would note the legs poking out of the doorway and a massive amount of blood.
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*she takes a sip as well and sighs* It isn't, but I feel like I have some one to protect. Plus I would like to return to my sister.*she finishes the tea quickly as she is a little stressed*
The elderly maid simply nodded, "I see. Tell me about your sister." She took another sip of her green tea.
York takes a look around before sighing and rubbing his temples "I was hoping they'd have a fortune teller here...I always found fortunes to be far too cryptic..." he takes out a smoke, lights it up, puffs a few times before putting it out and replacing it in the pack
He figured he'd take a look around, maybe he could find some runes, or some tarot cards

You look around. There's a closet to your left. Open it up? Y/N?

Shiki could only wonder what was going on as the wounds that were inflicted upon her were burnt to close them. Ow. This really hurt. Yet Shiki calmly used the barbed tentacles to make her way down the coaster and search for Ellie, uncaring of the scratches she got on her hand. "Yo! You okay?" It probably wasn't a good idea to call out with that freak kid hanging around, but Shiki would feel guilty if she didn't find Ellie somewhere.​

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A sultry, German 1940s song, recognized as 'Lili Marleen by Marlene Dietrich' plays softly on the speakers above, as you begin your descent into The Tunnel of Love.
The ride stops. Do you allow it to continue? Y/N?
"What the... what on Earth?!" Shirou exclaimed, damn near having a heart attack at witnessing the horrifying images before him. This was already enough. He didn't need to see any more of this.
"Come on, where's the way off this stupid thing?" Shirou murmured, getting up and looking around. He wasn't going to allow this to go on for any longer.
"NO, NO, ERIC!" A screech tore its way out of Ariel's throat, and she immediately stood up. A horrible vision of Eric flashed through her mind. Tears were streaming down the face from the sight of Eric in so much pain, and she clutched her hands over her ears. Her throat clenched and her stomach throbbed. "Eric... Eric..." Of course, Ariel had been through a lot, so all of the grief and pain spilling out of her made her look quite delusional. Tear streaked face, mouth wide, face contorted in the emotional pain. She hardly paid attention to Bertha as an anamatronic, although it definitely didn't help that it was one of the scenes.

She knew it didn't actually happen, but she was pretty shaken up. When she thinks she can't see worse, she sees worse. She sat back down on the cart to curl up in a ball and cover her face with her knees.
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Raven nodded. "That's what I thought. So here I am." She sighed and looked around. She wondered if maybe she could fine a book or something. She went over to some shelves and began to look wondering what she might find.
Weird. You find a book, but it's unusual, given where you're at:



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