Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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"Does it matter? Introductions won't change if we die here or not." Aside from that, there was something rather annoying between her and this man. Well, literally. In a flash her knife screeched through the darkness, and the dildo in Shirou's hands fell apart into a triforce on the ground. "You seem especially dense... you are, aren't you?" This was no time or place to be rude, she knew, but it was also no place to make friends.​
((Watch out folks we have a BADASS DILDO KILLER over here.))
@Zadok shadows

With a quick flicking of her wrist, her claws ripped her trachea clean open, a thick, green, balmy fluid burst from the wound. She still gasped for her final breaths, her legs collapsing beneath her from the crippling pain. She could see her own corrupted blood covering her right hand completely, and staining her skin and clothing. Her eye-lids began to flutter, her senses numbing, it was bliss.
Even as the grip of death coiled around her,
she thanked it. Welcomed it. Praised it.

No longer would she be able to cause others pain.
No longer would she be able to receive pain from others.
No longer would pain exist.
No longer...
Would she exist.

She returned to a familiar landscape.
Or perhaps...a lack there of.

The Void...
You haven't changed at all.

She noticed only a boy standing there.
And a colt, and a father.
They were happy together.
The Menethils, finally reunited in death.

But who stood by her side?
Sylvanas, the Dark Lady?
She was surrounded by her family as well.


Alleria Windrunner stood there as well.
The one she came looking for.
A champion of the Alliance.
A symbol of elven bravery.
Her sister.

But what was Sylvanas?
A slave of the Horde.
A symbol of fear, and of contempt.
She was not known as a Windrunner anymore.
She was known only as a corpse.

Death is meant to be the end...

Then why do I still feel...
Why do I still long?
For redemption...
For love...


Death is not the end.
Nothing is ever the end.
Just as the Sun always returns...
And the leaves always fall.
So does the Moon return...
And the trees be reborn.
So must I never pass on...
And live forever on in anguish.
In fear.
In despair.

This is my cross to bear.

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*Yang sighed as she found a nice big piece of concrete to cover the other side the rubble. She sat down and kept her eye on Joel and Ellie. She worried that Joel would wake up and infect both of them. She had her gauntlets ready just in case*
Ellie had been sitting still for a long while. She had her knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs, deep in thought. Staring at his now deformed face, she tried to find solutions. But if this infection was anything like the one she was used to, she knew there was no way out of this. "Fuck you, Joel... Why'd you have to go and do that..." she mumbled. "You can't leave me alone, not now..."

She knew that as soon as he woke up, she'd probably have to shoot him. But she didn't want to, not as long as she didn't absolutely have to. After a few minutes of silence, Ellie looked at the woman again. "Ellie... That's my name..." she simply said.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven @Akibahara
Sophie felt the pain suddenly disappear from her body, looking up she wsaw a figure sitting in a throne... "Perhaps this really is just a story..." She thought, but it didn't matter if it was one, she was just happy this was all over at least for the time being... She knew some sort of judgement was coming, even though she wasn't religious herself. Hearing Elsa's name being called, she gave Elsa's hand an encouraging squeeze just now noticing that she had still been gripping it. She looked towards her "Good luck... And don't worry... Whatever happens, I'll always try to stay with you." she said quietly with a determined look on her face. Sophie was determined to be here for others, something Simon had always done, even though he himself was feeling along, in a way it made her feel less alone doing so... Was this why Simon had helped her?
He bites back a string of insults, and just about holds himself back from shooting her in the back with his revolver, but she wasn't worth it, the thing Ariel had spawned would kill her, it wasn't worth it

Crawling to the door he keeps his revolver at the ready, as best he can, it was his best chance to defend himself after all
"Damn...German...bitch...I ever...see her...again..." he hisses as he moves

"Does it matter? Introductions won't change if we die here or not." Aside from that, there was something rather annoying between her and this man. Well, literally. In a flash her knife screeched through the darkness, and the dildo in Shirou's hands fell apart into a triforce on the ground. "You seem especially dense... you are, aren't you?" This was no time or place to be rude, she knew, but it was also no place to make friends.

((Watch out folks we have a BADASS DILDO KILLER over here.))
"!" He suddenly blinked in surprise as the object was instantly cut into pieces before he knew it, "Uh... you lost me..."

From his perspective, Not-Mitsuzuri was one scary gal. Maybe he should go back to worrying about the real objective here.

"S-So uh... I guess we should look around for a way we can get this place up and running again..." Shirou said uneasily.

@Rin Okumura
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Rin stood there awkwardly, his flames weren't as bright.. He clutched Ariel. "Um. Y-yeah.." He said, shuffling away from them so he started to look.
Claire - Medical Bay - Sylvanas/Aiden
"We don't want to hurt ye, lass."
She paused at this, honestly surprised by this sudden change in demeanour. They just wanted to help? No... it didn't seem right, but Claire couldn't deny that something was wrong with her. She was remembering events and people that she was, at the same time, positive she'd never met. She'd thought maybe they were trapped in someone's diseased brain, like Sebastian had described, but it could have been entirely possible that she was simply trapped in her own insane reality. She didn't recognise anyone around her, but how did she know for sure that what she believed to be real wasn't a lie?
... Had Raccoon City been an illusion as well?
Still, surely these doctors and patients couldn't be real. Just more fevered hallucinations of whoever was going mad around here. "Is that so?" Claire asked, her voice wavering. She gestured toward Sylvanas and Aiden. "Explain them, then. Are they insane too? They've been with me since this all started!"
Sylvanas looked over the group of medical staff over with bloodlust, her claws held defensively at her sides. She witnessed their fear; basked in it, even. A familiar voice went though her head, the sound booming and unrelenting. Only a demon could possess such a voice, but, it sounded so much like...hers now.
You sound more like one of us with every passing day, my lady.
Her vision turned red as the voice passed, and in its absence came nothing, leaving her with nothing but those familiar words ringing in her head., this place was toying with her! This ship the musician, and herself the fiddle! But she could not pull through as her strings were tugged so finely. She looked down to the bodies of those she had slain, one's head completely erased, and the other's bowels hanging loose and falling to the floor. a demon. A manipulative...bloodthirsty...power-mongering...demon. She had become what she hated most. Another voice broke the silence within her.
What difference is there between you, and the Lich King now?
Sylvanas screamed and held her steel claws to her throat, feeling the points already begin to dig into her skin. This is what she wanted...this is what she wanted all those years ago.
A clean death.
Aiden took the and put it to the doctors neck. "Doc if you don't mind me asking a couple things. Where did you find us. Where are areally we at. And finally why is the room decintigrating the more we kill you and when I try to leave I get put back in this damn room."
Well, Sylvanas killed herself. You could see her body vanish into thin air...

... Only to re-appear on the ship's hull.


Dr. Carson Beckett had trouble trying to convince Claire and Aiden this was all a psychotic delusion from the two. In his professional opinion, these two were absolutely batshit insane, "Listen, I don't wan' ta do this, but I'm going to call security. What you're doing is highly illegal and I'll be forced to move you into a maximum security facility. Please, Claire, Aiden, think of the human lives you're wastin'!"

A squadron of 6 security guards crawled in, sporting MP5 sub-machine guns, anticipating your next move.

... You couldn't help notice the good Doctor avoided your question, Claire and Aiden.
Lee was shocked how easily the Crossed went down, he paused a minute to look at nobody in general with a look that showed the amount of sheer craziness this whole situation was.
Lee silently walked passed Dolphin that the Crossed went ...... never mind. Anywho, Lee noticed a door and opened it slightly, peeking out.
Oh shit! It's another Crossed!

It was raping a Great White Shark. The shark struggled, trying to bite it's assailant--who was an 88 year old man--into submission. All to no avail. Poor sharky. ;_;

"Well at least you're not a coward. Lead the way, sir. I myself have no idea where we would begin with that." Stop being mean. He's just trying to help. Ah screw off. All's fair in war, right? She didn't have to worry about appearances. Especially with that dumb Mikiya having run off somewhere... She was here looking for him and he hadn't even shown up at all. What a rude bastard.

@Rin Okumura
Ellie had been sitting still for a long while. She had her knees pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around her legs, deep in thought. Staring at his now deformed face, she tried to find solutions. But if this infection was anything like the one she was used to, she knew there was no way out of this. "Fuck you, Joel... Why'd you have to go and do that..." she mumbled. "You can't leave me alone, not now..."
She knew that as soon as he woke up, she'd probably have to shoot him. But she didn't want to, not as long as she didn't absolutely have to. After a few minutes of silence, Ellie looked at the woman again. "Ellie... That's my name..." she simply said.
*Yang smiled weakly finally getting some interaction with her that is at least some what positive* I'm Yang. It's nice to meet you. *she would shake her hand but the space is a little small to move around. She looks back to the man* So his name is Joel huh?
*That's when I spotted it, a heavy .50 caliber sniper rifle. It's not what I was expecting, but I suppose isnhouldnt argue with what I just found. I reached out for the rifle, and pulled it towards me. I placed a hand on the grip of the rifle, and propped it up against the shipping container, and checked the magazine. It was fully loaded, thankfully. I inserted the magazine back into the rifle, and pulled the large bolt back, sending the large caliber bullet into the chamber.*
*I inhaled, and exhaled. I didn't want to do this...but I sure as hell know only one of us are going to walk away from this. Right? I took another deep breath, and popped out from my cover, and looked through the scope of the rifle. I spotted Marcus. I compensated for bullet drop, and wind resistance, and squeezed the trigger... I'm sorry Marcus.*
BOOM! Marcus fell slack, the sheer kinetic force, speed, and velocity of the bullet rendered your ex-friend's brain into liquified jelly, "WICKY WICKY WIC--" Boom. His head popped like a pimple, spraying brain and bone fragments everywhere. It was horrible, but it had to be overcome. You glanced at your .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle--there's 7 rounds left. Make 'em count, John.
"Well at least you're not a coward. Lead the way, sir. I myself have no idea where we would begin with that." Stop being mean. He's just trying to help. Ah screw off. All's fair in war, right? She didn't have to worry about appearances. Especially with that dumb Mikiya having run off somewhere... She was here looking for him and he hadn't even shown up at all. What a rude bastard.
"Right, right..." He mumbled gloomily, leading Shiki and Rin forward through the helicarrier, hoping he'd have to deal with as few Crossed as possible, for a myriad of reasons.

But knowing the God that watched over this realm, that probably won't happen.

Ain't that right, Aki?

@Rin Okumura
@Cres @york @Raven @Akibahara

When the pain left and the fiery Hell subsided, Elsa's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't react positively or negatively though. The torment she had been through had traumatized her. She was quiet, and almost emotionally impassive. She didn't even really notice Solaire, Raven, or Sophia.

When the crowd parted, however, and Elsa was beconed to step forward by the big man upstairs himself, Elsa obliged. She fearfully obliged, body shaking as she walked. Why was she being judged? Elsa didn't feel as if she had ever really done anything bad.

She walked toward the "heavenly father" anxiously and just stood there, waiting quietly to see what would be said. Poor Elsa just wanted the suspense and torment to end.
"Right, right..." He mumbled gloomily, leading Shiki and Rin forward through the helicarrier, hoping he'd have to deal with as few Crossed as possible, for a myriad of reasons.
But knowing the God that watched over this realm, that probably won't happen.
Ain't that right, Aki?
This region of the RP you're in is in the midst of Silent Hill and Hell combined. Hell is the absence of God's grace, glory, and manifestation. You're all alone. PLEASE BURN IN HELL NAO.
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"Well at least you're not a coward. Lead the way, sir. I myself have no idea where we would begin with that." Stop being mean. He's just trying to help. Ah screw off. All's fair in war, right? She didn't have to worry about appearances. Especially with that dumb Mikiya having run off somewhere... She was here looking for him and he hadn't even shown up at all. What a rude bastard.
Oh shit! It's another Crossed!
It was raping a Great White Shark. The shark struggled, trying to bite it's assailant--who was an 88 year old man--into submission. All to no avail. Poor sharky. ;_;
Lee rolled his eyes as he gripped the dildo of death with with his right hand. He silently opened the door and snuck up on the crossed. Instead of bashing his skull, he wrapped his arm around the man's neck and put him in a sleeper hold. "Night night asshole"
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Claire - Medical Bay - Aiden

Before Claire realised what was happening, Sylvanas had stabbed at her own throat. Claire let out a scream at the sight, jumping away from her in surprise. "Oh, god!" Why had she done that?! Had these people compelled her somehow? Or perhaps, maybe, she had seen that as the way out. It was taking your death into your own hands, not allowing another to take that right. Claire desperately hoped that Sylvanas was back on the ground.

Neither the doctor or his patients reacted to the suicide much at all, convincing Claire that yes, she was insane, and yes, these people were also insane.

The doctor then brought in a security team, and a pit formed in Claire's gut. Talking wasn't going to get them anywhere, and they couldn't possibly take on men armed with guns. Rushing back to the ship's windows, Claire figured there was no choice left to them. She grabbed a chair and tossed it at the window, yelling as she did so. "Last chance!"

@Zadok shadows
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*Yang smiled weakly finally getting some interaction with her that is at least some what positive* I'm Yang. It's nice to meet you. *she would shake her hand but the space is a little small to move around. She looks back to the man* So his name is Joel huh?
Ellie sighed. "Yup... That's him... We've been through a lot of shit together, but..." She looked to Joel again. "... I guess everything's got an end."
When the pain left and the fiery Hell subsided, Elsa's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't react positively or negatively though. The torment she had been through had traumatized her. She was quiet, and almost emotionally impassive. She didn't even really notice Solaire, Raven, or Sophia.
When the crowd parted, however, and Elsa was beconed to step forward by the big man upstairs himself, Elsa obliged. She fearfully obliged, body shaking as she walked. Why was she being judged? Elsa didn't feel as if she had ever really done anything bad.
She walked toward the "heavenly father" anxiously and just stood there, waiting quietly to see what would be said. Poor Elsa just wanted the suspense and torment to end.
The Lord God of Heaven, Yahweh, the Creator of Heaven of Earth glanced down at Elsa, "Review her life!" Magically, a screen appeared to God's right. It was like a projector, with an invisible camera recording every bit of Elsa's life. It was frightening, really.

The city of Arendelle. An 'eternal' winter is present. We see cold children frigid within the icy realm Elsa created. We SWITCH TO a mother, she freely weeps as her child died of hypothermia. Of course, the Queen of Arendelle never knew this. Oh no, she couldn't contain her emotions and sent the city into an ice age! The people are suffering, sickness is subtly growing, and people, whether recognized or not, perish.


God is not pleased.

"Elsa, I loved you. I gave you this gift to glorify my name, yet you used it to commit manslaughter and suffering. You could have called upon my name to help you, but instead, you did not. Why?"​
Ellie sighed. "Yup... That's him... We've been through a lot of shit together, but..." She looked to Joel again. "... I guess everything's got an end."
Yeah... Eventually... *she sighs* So what are you going to do about it?... *she felt the remorse that Ellie felt. She didn't like it at all*
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