Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Elsa remained quiet for a moment when she listened to Solaire's speech. She watched him speaking, admiring his 11/10 blond sexy self wisdom and kindness. Oh who was she kidding. Elsa was admiring his sexy self too. Her sunlight knight was on fire.
Thank god nobody could read her thoughts. (Except for the people reading the rp post. Sorry, Elsa. >:) )
But anyhow, Elsa did indeed agree with what he said now and remembered the time--which seemed so long ago now--when Solaire had told her the same thing. It changed Elsa's mind a lot and helped her understand herself better. Elsa hoped it would do the same thing for Ellie. They needed to calm her down. Elsa wasn't sure if she was up to no good or not, but she appeared not to be and the least they could do was give her... a chance...
And... things weren't really that bad. Elsa felt relieved. Solaire seemed not to notice that Ellie had said she was pregnant. At least, not at first.
Elsa gasped when Solaire kneeled before her and wrapped his arms around her torso. "S-Solaire, careful! I'm wearing armor. D-Don't bang your face up." She blushed and both teared up at the same time, surprised he was happy. They had lost another baby not too long ago. "You're happy? Are you sure? I-I mean we just lost our first baby. What if we lose this one too? I don't want to fail again..."
Realizing Ellie placed the orange in her hand, Elsa was surprised. "You don't have to go," she told her, trying to keep her voice gentle.
Ellie turned her head, a look of surprise on her face as she thought of something to say. Part of her wanted to stay, but then she realized she had no place there. So far all she had done for Elsa was cause trouble, and she didn't want the queen's hate for her real life self to become justified.

"Well... I would, but..." she paused a little. "Y'know, Joel's probably looking for me, and - "

At that moment, her eyes widened as she was suddenly pulled back by her arm once again, much more violently this time. Joel's face was the least amused face anyone had ever seen. He was basically just tired of Ellie's shit. Walking away from Elsa and Solaire with Ellie's arm tightly gripped in his hand, he eventually pushed her down in a seat and crossed his arms.

"What the hell did I tell you, Ellie?"

"Joel, nothing happened, everything's f-"

"WHAT. Did I tell you?"

Ellie sighed. "You told me to stay away from h-"

"That's right. So why don't ya?"

"I wasn't even gonna do anything, I just wanted to say something!"

"That's probably what you had in mind last time, wasn't it? You're stayin' right in this chair until I figure out what to do next, got that?"

"But Joel, it's fine, they're both -"

"Ellie! You ain't talkin' back to me."

The girl groaned again, leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

Solaire looked at Elsa and said

"You never failed before, it was a cruel twist of fate my dear, but the glorious sun has given us another chance! We will raise a glorious child!"

He looked back to Ellie and said

"We are all comrades dear! Let us have a Jolly group hug!!"

Solaire yawned but got into position for a group hug, spreading his arms wide and gesturing them to come over.

But she left so he hugged Elsa

"Maybe we should find a spot to rest my dear, we should take turns."
@DapperDogman @Archmage Jeremiah
"It's a story."
Suddenly hearing this sentence that someone uttered, Sophie looked over at the person who said it with a frown, he wasn't too far from her. Approaching quickly, she decided to ask a question "What makes you say that?" Sophia asked, curiousity taking over, she herself wasn't sure if these letters were a lie, or if their loves ones were truly alive, but in either case, she was willing to find out exactly what the sources of these letters were no matter what the cost...

Elsa watched as Ellie hesitated to come over to them, almost thinking she would, but realized Joel called out to her in the background. When Ellie rushed off, Elsa glanced to Solaire who had his arms out for a "Jolly group hug." Elsa chuckled and placed a hand on his arm.

"Dearest, I think we will have to postpone that group hug. It looks like Ellie is in trouble with her caretaker. I don't think he's her father, but he watches over her." She smiled. "You can give me that hug though," she added in a soft flirt, sliding over into his arms. She pecked his lips and watched his hopeful expression. Maybe next time they'd get that group hug in if he still wanted it.

"By the way, I heard you yawn just now. Maybe we need to go find a place to rest for a while?" she asked, glancing up at him. He was so hopeful about their new baby, Elsa really hoped he was right. She really wanted this one to live and for things to be different this time.
Elsa watched as Ellie hesitated to come over to them, almost thinking she would, but realized Joel called out to her in the background. When Ellie rushed off, Elsa glanced to Solaire who had his arms out for a "Jolly group hug." Elsa chuckled and placed a hand on his arm.
"Dearest, I think we will have to postpone that group hug. It looks like Ellie is in trouble with her caretaker. I don't think he's her father, but he watches over her." She smiled. "You can give me that hug though," she added in a soft flirt, sliding over into his arms. She pecked his lips and watched his hopeful expression. Maybe next time they'd get that group hug in if he still wanted it.
"By the way, I heard you yawn just now. Maybe we need to go find a place to rest for a while?" she asked, glancing up at him. He was so hopeful about their new baby, Elsa really hoped he was right. She really wanted this one to live and for things to be different this time.
Solaire nodded and smiled, seeing her like this made him happy, not closed off like before.

"Agreed, regardless we are all comrades in this cursed land, we must work together through Jolly COOPERATION"

He let out a loud yawn and sighed

He saw a couple of padded wooden benches, all small but he took the arms of the benches off and pushed them together, and made a makeshift bed out of them.

"Let us rest dear.."

(Im off guys, I'm getting scolded by my girl for not doing my Homework and getting distracted. ;w; )
Solaire nodded and smiled, seeing her like this made him happy, not closed off like before.
"Agreed, regardless we are all comrades in this cursed land, we must work together through Jolly COOPERATION"
He let out a loud yawn and sighed
He saw a couple of padded wooden benches, all small but he took the arms of the benches off and pushed them together, and made a makeshift bed out of them.
"Let us rest dear.."
(Im off guys, I'm getting scolded by my girl for not doing my Homework and getting distracted. ;w; )
"Right," Elsa replied with a nod. She headed over with Solaire for the wooden benches, watching him create a makeshift bed out of them. She rubbed her eyes while she waited, only just realizing how tired they were. Resting would really do her some good. It would help Solaire as well, because who knew what the heck they were going to face tomorrow.

Elsa lied down on the benches next to Solaire, trying to relax a little. It was going to be hard to relax in armor, but she wasn't about to take it off either with how dangerous this place was. "Yes, both of us rest, meaning you as well. Close your eyes," she told him, curling up close to him. She gently stroked his blond hair for a few moments to calm herself before remembering the orange Ellie had given her. Elsa began to peel and eat the orange for a while, losing herself in thought as she rested.

//ooc: I'm getting off too. ><;; I shouldn't be staying up this late when I have work the next morning... so this is my last post for the night! Goodnight everyone! :D
"It's a story." Suddenly hearing this sentence that someone uttered, Sophie looked over at the person who said it with a frown, he wasn't too far from her. Approaching quickly, she decided to ask a question "What makes you say that?" Sophia asked, curiousity taking over, she herself wasn't sure if these letters were a lie, or if their loves ones were truly alive, but in either case, she was willing to find out exactly what the sources of these letters were no matter what the cost...
He looks at the girl, he smiles and points to the projector
"The options...notice the layout, it's almost like they're a series of movies...or books"
He wasn't sure what kind of story they were in, but he sure it wasn't a nice one
"We're the actors I guess" he mumbles, unsure if that could possibly be a good thing

@Archmage Jeremiah @york
@Archmage Jeremiah @DapperDogman
"If it is a story... The least we could do is not break the fourth wall so often."
Sophie said, attempting to make a joke before her face became a serious one. "In either case... I'd say it's top priority we find where this "special place" the letters seem to speak of is so we may at least knowif our loved ones are still alive." She states with a look of determination on her face, she didn't care if they were in a story or not, all the same she figured it was for the best to at least know what was really behind these letters, and these strange events in this town, even stories have an explanation for it, right?
He shook his head slowly as he thought
"It feeds on suffering?" he shakes his head, it couldn't be that
"It needs us to suffer some reason"
He runs the possibilities through his head quickly, every possible motive, no matter how outlandish and silly it may seem, this place wasn't one of logic, it had pointless traps and oddities everywhere...he should thrive in a place like this...
"We're all responsible for our loved one's deaths?" he mutters, shaking his head again, it wasn't that...
What was it? It was right in front of his...something he'd seen...something obvious...
He looked back at the projector and it hit him
"It's a story..." he looked at the way it was set out, as if they were movie titles, he should know about movies, he loved them...
"A...story? That's absurd. We aren' a story...are we?"

It sounded impossible But he'd been right up until now...

"Hmph...but there's not really any other reason we'd all be here."

With a snap of her fingers, she pointed to @DapperDogman

"Tell me, do you know what Azeroth is?"
@york @Archmage Jeremiah

"Hmm...maybe playing along would be the best course of action" he says, although he was unsure why no-one else had noticed how obvious it was, it was right there in front of them...
"Special place...yes...where would that be?" he asks, he tries to think of the whole even like a book now...
Every book has a beginning...a middle...and an end...
"So, if we all got these letters, that is where we start...we have to encounter a problem of some form, then we have to solve this problem..." he frowns a little, knowing it was likely they'd not be able to fix any problems they encountered in the town, this wasn't a happy story by any means
"And then, once we've solved our problem...we'll reach our ending..."
He taps his chin and furrows his brow "My guess is we just have to spend our time in this place exploring, we'll get to this 'Special Place' at some point"

He stops suddenly and looks to Sylvanas
"Az-er-oth?" he asks...rubbing his jaw slowly
"Sounds like a place...Though I can't claim to have ever been there, nor heard of it before this"
He raises an eyebrow and continues "Why do you ask?"
Solaire stayed silent after Ellie spoke her words, the poor girl sounded rather broken, desprate. Solaire let go of Elsa for a second and removed his helmet, his blonde hair being exposed, all golden and shiny like the sun.

He kneeled down in front of Ellie, still at a formidable height but just enough to look honorable in front of Ellie, a proper bow of a knight, one of respect.

"I am in no position to apologize about anything, and I have also experienced what you are experience at the moment, the rush of memories. You feel as if your own body does not belong to you. So whether or not you think I should be mad, or I should be apologizing to you is up to you Ellie."

He looked up at Ellie for a second and said

"After certain events me and Elsa chose to accept ourselves as the people we were before, I am not a hollow copy of my previous self, I am Solaire of Astora, and she is Elsa of Arendelle. We accepted the wrongs and the rights we committed in the past as ours. Because they still belonged to us in our conscious, in our memories. Our bodies may not have the blood that tainted them but our Souls and Minds were plenty tainted."

He stood up to his full stature, He stretched and sighed, processing again what Ellie said.




He decides to kneel once again but this time wrap his arms around Elsa's torso and bury his face into her stomach

(( Wait, wait, wait. Is Elsa pregnant? :) ))
"Hmm...maybe playing along would be the best course of action" he says, although he was unsure why no-one else had noticed how obvious it was, it was right there in front of them...
"Special place...yes...where would that be?" he asks, he tries to think of the whole even like a book now...
Every book has a beginning...a middle...and an end...
"So, if we all got these letters, that is where we start...we have to encounter a problem of some form, then we have to solve this problem..." he frowns a little, knowing it was likely they'd not be able to fix any problems they encountered in the town, this wasn't a happy story by any means
"And then, once we've solved our problem...we'll reach our ending..."
He taps his chin and furrows his brow "My guess is we just have to spend our time in this place exploring, we'll get to this 'Special Place' at some point"

He stops suddenly and looks to Sylvanas
"Az-er-oth?" he asks...rubbing his jaw slowly
"Sounds like a place...Though I can't claim to have ever been there, nor heard of it before this"
He raises an eyebrow and continues "Why do you ask?"
She smiled devilishly. She was catching onto this place's games.

"Hm, well, none of you recognized me, so...I was just wondering if we haven't come from the same world. In you know anyone in this room?"
He takes a look around and shakes his head "Not personally, no, not before I came here..."
He was beginning to see something odd about all this...a blue lady...a knight... these people weren't normal...
Then again, neither was he

@Archmage Jeremiah
Sophia nodded, knowing York was right, she listened with interest in the conversation he and the undead woman were engaged in.
(XD It's a bit awkward typing out my own name and applying it to someone else but meh)
He takes a look around and shakes his head "Not personally, no, not before I came here..."
He was beginning to see something odd about all this...a blue lady...a knight... these people weren't normal...
Then again, neither was he

@Archmage Jeremiah
Her grin only grew as she continued to speak, motioning her hand over the masses that gathered within the theatre.

"None of these people are from the same world! Well, minus a few exceptions, but still...all of these people are celebrities somehow. We have queens, demons, magicians, paladins, knights, you name it. If you ask someone about their life, I can assure you they've done something amazing, at least, for their world's standards. This town obviously doesn't want any old shmuck."
"An all star cast" he mumbles, realising if she was right, they weren't random at all, these people were all elite in some way...
"So...if I may ask, who exactly are you?" it just occurred to him they'd not been introduced properly yet, even though they were trying to figure this place out together
"An all star cast" he mumbles, realising if she was right, they weren't random at all, these people were all elite in some way...
"So...if I may ask, who exactly are you?" it just occurred to him they'd not been introduced properly yet, even though they were trying to figure this place out together
"Ah, right."

She cleared her throat.

"I am Sylvanas Windrunner, once leader of the elven military, now the leader of a rebel force of undead."


"It's a long story, but basically I'm an undead elf who's looked to as a saviour. And you would be?"
"And undead elf..." he murmurs before realising the question "Ah, yes..." he coughs and adjusts his tie, force of habit at this point
"Francis York Morgan, but everyone just calls me York, I'm a Paranormal investigator..." while he felt a little inferior if what this women said was true, he knew he had to be of some importance...why would he be here if not...she made sense, everyone seemed to have been hand picked now that he looked at them all, there was a slight air to everyone that told him of some kind of connection between some of them, the man and the girl knew the night and the princess...

Perhaps they had met before? York had met with Sebastian, Raven, Torque, Claire and a few others before he'd met perhaps they'd just met during the time he was with them
"And undead elf..." he murmurs before realising the question "Ah, yes..." he coughs and adjusts his tie, force of habit at this point
"Francis York Morgan, but everyone just calls me York, I'm a Paranormal investigator..." while he felt a little inferior if what this women said was true, he knew he had to be of some importance...why would he be here if not...she made sense, everyone seemed to have been hand picked now that he looked at them all, there was a slight air to everyone that told him of some kind of connection between some of them, the man and the girl knew the night and the princess...

Perhaps they had met before? York had met with Sebastian, Raven, Torque, Claire and a few others before he'd met perhaps they'd just met during the time he was with them
"A paranormal investigator?, you look into things such as hauntings, possessions, that sort of thing?"
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