Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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); The man walked off...

//ooc: This is my last post for the night. Goodnight everyone! I'll be back tomorrow! :)

Elsa watched the man walk off and moved out from behind Solaire before giving a soundless sigh. She felt more comfortable NOT taking the pills, but what if she was wrong about them? What if they really were something helpful or something useful to have, at least? Elsa stood up and left Solaire and her friends for a moment to get the pills from the man who walked out before turning to head right back to them. She sat on the bed, in front of where Solaire was sitting, and put her chin on his shoulder.

She wiggled the cup, looking at the pills inside it. What if it was something to make the pain go away? Or what if it really was poison? Elsa felt her face start to sweat and her heart beat faster. She looked at the cup almost with a lust in her eye.

"What if I took this and it killed me? Then I could be free from this... pain... inside my head."

Quickly realizing her own thoughts, Elsa sat the cup down and touched her forehead.

"N-No, I can't die. I can't die and leave the one I love behind. I can get through this."

Elsa felt her head start to pound and she closed her eyes. At least, she hoped she could get through this. She hoped those around her would keep encouraging her. It's what she really needed right now.
"I see..." He nodded at the part about having regular meetings, though he wondered how long he'd actually be in a place like this, "No, I'm sorry. I've never heard of this Feferi. Is she missing?"
The Doctor nodded, "Well, she's scheduled for her first appointment. I'm sure I can trust you. Can you look for her for me?"

Ellie opened the profile:


The first thing she immediately saw was her old picture with Riley. How did they get it? Why did they have it? Thinking about Riley made Ellie frown and even more confused. Reading on,the questions kept building up. The year wasn't 1961. She wasn't schizophrenic or demented or any of the things suggested in there.

And then Joel was mentioned. Staff coordinator. She started shaking her head slightly in disbelief, mumbling "No... no, no...". None of it made sense. None of it was true. But she only got really scared when she read one of the last words: lobotomy. She looked at the doctor for just a little while, then threw the folder at his head as hard as she could, turning around and sprinting out of the room.
Stupid fucking door. Gotta be stronger than me... If I had myour gauntlets ohhh. *Yang stormed away after trying to knock the door down. She didn't try to hard though. She walked around ignoring all the.... unusual sites that she thought she would never see at this age. She some how ended up at the room where Elsa, Solaire, Sophie, and Raven where.(If there are more I am sorry.) She poked her head in making sure everyone was ok* Hullo? *She also REALLY FUCKING HOPED no marine life are being raped. Why that poped in her head she has no idea. Though nowe she really does hope so*
@york @Cres @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Raven
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Sophie looked up seeing that girl again, they never really got to properly introduce one another "Hi." Sophie said awkwardly waving to her, she wasn't sure what she was doing here but she didn't mind a little more company either, it was always nice to have more people around in these crazy times... Even if that usually wasn't her thing.
Claire - Cells

It was an unsettling sight to see someone pushed to the edge like this-- Add this to the list of sights Claire held against their unknown chess master. Running a hand through her hair, Claire had to wonder how she was still going at all.

As Elsa continued to communicate through writing and seemed to calm down slightly, Claire felt less like she was needed here. Once someone who Claire imagined to be Elsa's lover rushed into the cell, Claire knew she was just being a bother. She gave the group-- and Elsa-- a smile before leaving the cell.

Outside, Claire let out a sigh and put her hands on her hips. Thankfully nothing crazy had happened to her here, so she decided sticking by the cells was the best option. She moved to the cell she'd woken up in and took a seat on the mattress. It was dirty and disgusting, but Claire felt strangely safe here. She curled up into a ball and put her arms around her legs. The thought of Chris only made her upset, so she instead thought of Leon... of Sherry. Thoughts of that boy she'd met (yet had never met), Steve, entered her thoughts as well. She'd cared about him, once, but he was dead now. She'd never met him, but his death brought tears to her eyes.

She felt so alone.
Ariel shook with terror, her voice, breath, and everything unable to escape her. She wanted to cry. It got really close to her, and she turned her head, tears threatening to spill. Slowly, her hands shaking, she uncovered her nipples.
//Aki you sick perving bastard

Ariel's son glanced at her areola for a split-second, shortly before going to work: An elongated black tentacle erupted from it's ruined mouth, like a fleshy suctioning tube, and hungrily feasted on her nipple. It felt... oooh, comforting. The pain subsided as a loud 'sluuuuurp!' erupted from it's sickly, black lips. It mewled in delight, which sounded like a low-pitched elephant blowhorn, kneading it's overly-large head against Ariel's body.

It loved mommy.

She felt it's corpse-like body hugging her, like an infant who hugged it's mother out of love. :3

He was still hideous. :)
Sophie looked up seeing that girl again, they never really got to properly introduce one another "Hi." Sophie said awkwardly waving to her, she wasn't sure what she was doing here but she didn't mind a little more company either, it was always nice to have more people around in these crazy times... Even if that usually wasn't her thing.
Hi. I'm not interrupting am I? If so I can leave. There are others I should go look for anyways.... sorry... *she closed door really hoping she wasn't interrupting. There were to many odd faces at once anyways. She began walking away. She was about to turn a corner, but Ellie ran into her almost knocking her over* Woah there! Slow down kiddo.
@Joellie @york
Sophie ran after the girl to catch up to her "Wait!" she called after her, but sighed a little when she bumped into Ellie, which impeded her progress long enough for her to catch up. "There's someone else I want to look for before we do anything else." She said, remembering that girl that was in the room a moment ago, she was unsure where she went off to, but she figured she'd talk to her a little before they did anything else, that's presuming this sudden meeting with Ellie doesn't take too long of course.
Ariel's son glanced at her areola for a split-second, shortly before going to work: An elongated black tentacle erupted from it's ruined mouth, like a fleshy suctioning tube, and hungrily feasted on her nipple. It felt... oooh, comforting. The pain subsided as a loud 'sluuuuurp!' erupted from it's sickly, black lips. It mewled in delight, which sounded like a low-pitched elephant blowhorn, kneading it's overly-large head against Ariel's body.
It loved mommy.
She felt it's corpse-like body hugging her, like an infant who hugged it's mother out of love. :3
He was still hideous. :)

Ariel was grossed out.

It felt nice, though. Gross as hell. She awkwardly patted her son's back. This... This was natural, right? It... It should feel... Okay? As Ariel looked down at her son, the maternal instincts plus tiredness was getting to her. A little something sparked inside her. He was like a misfit child, right? And you should love your child no matter what? Ariel began to realize something as her demon baby's weird ass tongue wrapped around and squeezed her nipple.

She could accept him. A warmth spread inside her. She started to hug his cold body against her. She cringed, still. But she had been through hell already. Why not have a memento?

//Okay, I was tired as hell when I wrote this and a little high. See you all on Saturday! :)
Feferi is just sort of chilling in this secret place, her stomach churning. All of a sudden she became, nervous and confused. "Oh sheesh, I'm just..I don't feel to well. You uh..have fun?" She questioned once or twice, before nodding and heading back to the day room. Was there a bathroom around here or could she just puke in a...waste bin or something?
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Ward woke up once again. He felt desperate. He felt hungry. Bullets ripping through his chest, knives piercing new wounds, nothing was as painful as waiting for a sign of Skye and being unable to find anything at all. He got up, still a bit dizzy. All the madness that had happened in the past days had apparently a nasty effect over him. Visions were taking over his head. He felt a connection with one of the man who showed up at his visions. A man who seemed to have witnessed an equal series of misfortunate events.


Ward wasn't familiar with that face, but that man raised his hopes a little bit, although he had still no idea why. A thought came to his mind. "Don't forget why you're here, Grant. You made a promise to Skye and one to the devil. Might as well keep both of them". He thought the best way to get around would be to search for more info, so he decided to head to the Administration Office. Maybe there he could understand what was happening.

@Anyone at the Administration Office
Sophie ran after the girl to catch up to her "Wait!" she called after her, but sighed a little when she bumped into Ellie, which impeded her progress long enough for her to catch up. "There's someone else I want to look for before we do anything else." She said, remembering that girl that was in the room a moment ago, she was unsure where she went off to, but she figured she'd talk to her a little before they did anything else, that's presuming this sudden meeting with Ellie doesn't take too long of course.
*noticing Ellie continued running after getting back up. Yang pouted. Oh well I'll see her later. She seem fit enough. She then Turned back to Sophie who had followed her* I'm sorry. What did you say?
Raven noticed that Claire seemed to have left. She was realived that when she saw Elsa with the pills that her friend decided against taking them. Raven then noticed that someone else seemed to know Sophie and wondered what Sophie seemed to plan to do. She decided to sit down and think like she usually did for her friends at the tower when they seemed to need time alone. She closed her eyes as if going to meditate but she didn't trust that in this place not unless she had a better idea whether or not if it was safe. She cloud still here Elsa or Sophie if she was needed but at the same time she would not really be a bother. She let her thoughts drift it paused on the voice and she realized it was Donna. 'So I'm getting close. Good...' She then let her thoughts go to her friends for she felt that she need there convert or at least the convert that some could give her. She thought of Rose and realized the time similar to a few moments ago with Elsa. She heard Azar say "See you don't always result in your friends deaths. You usual result in them still living." Raven rolled her minds eyes and replied only in her thoughts. "Whatever you say Azar." She then thought of Gar and the others hopping that they were okay without her. She then began to wonder if Elsa would really still want her company now that Solaire was there. She let out a sigh and realized it wasn't within her mind so she opened her eyes hopping that no one paid attention and then looked to the door thinking what she would do if she was no longer wanted. She understood of course sometimes she would wonder why the Titans seemed to want to keep her around.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @york @Cres
Ellie kept running away, as fast as she could. She didn't want to be in that room for another second. Everything that doctor told her was just plain impossible, she was absolutely sure that yesterday she was still with Joel. She hadn't been here for three years, it simply wasn't possible. After a little while of running mindlessly, she found her cell again, going inside, closing door and sitting on the floor with her back against a wall. With teary eyes, she pulled out the picture of her and Riley that she stole from her profile just before running off.


Her thumb traced over Riley's cheek. At least she knew this picture was real. She could remember the exact moment they took it. That day would never leave her memory. The day when she and Riley were together for hours, just laughing and having fun, as if the world were back to the way it was before the infection spread. The smile she saw on that picture took her back to that day, and made a single tear fall from her cheek onto Riley's cheek, like she was crying with her.

"I'm not crazy..." she told herself. "I'm not fucking crazy, no matter what they tell me..."
@Anyone with Walter White

Lee frowned as he looked over the chemicals and elixirs that was in the room. This man sure knew what he was talking about, he must of been some sort of Chemist or teacher or something. He gave Walter White a serious look, why should he trust a total stranger, then again, he trusted those he had been with before all this happened, besides what did he have to lose. "Fine, I'll help ya, but cross me and you're a dead man." Lee said coldly.
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*noticing Ellie continued running after getting back up. Yang pouted. Oh well I'll see her later. She seem fit enough. She then Turned back to Sophie who had followed her* I'm sorry. What did you say?
"I said I wanted to go find someone else before we start looking around... Is that ok with you?" Sophie repeated, asking her again, she wasn't entirely sure where that other woman had gone, but she had a feeling the cells were a good place to start looking.
"I said I wanted to go find someone else before we start looking around... Is that ok with you?" Sophie repeated, asking her again, she wasn't entirely sure where that other woman had gone, but she had a feeling the cells were a good place to start looking.
Yeah that's fine. Where do you think she is? *she asked while looking around. She didn't want to get surprised rape*
Will you help me? How could she say no! Feferi really wasn't someone to hold too many grudges but she also wasn't one to think deep in thought about things most times. It takes her a long while for her to conclude most things in her own mind while at other times its simply a flighty response. Very fast paced and upbeat, or strong and determined. It just depends on the question handed her way. She furrows her brows, before nodding. It couldn't be anything too bad, and she sure did like helping people who were nice. "Okay sure!"

Walter was pleased, but he didn't show it in his face. A simple nod, followed by a two-second shot of a serious expression on his face followed by a commercial break met you, "Good, let's get to work." He stepped into the secret laboratory; it's filled with multicolored concoctions; some bubble and sizzle, while others are thick like milk, and while some actually look pretty darn tasty!

Lee Everett was the first to be called upon: You're handled a milky-white elixir. It bubbles violently, but it's incredibly cold upon touch. It's held within a glass beaker bottle. Do you decide to drink it? Y/N?
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