Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Lee scowled at the sight and turned away, He had seen some fucked up shit back then, but this was different. He silently said a prayer for the girl and then turned back to the others. "What the fuck are these things, he asked.
Yes, what the fuck WERE they?


Lee's body mysteriously flew into a -hard- right. His body smashed against the metal grating of the U.S.S. Romero. He groaned weakly, coughing blood as his vision blurred. What... the... fuck? Looking forward, he could see it: Ariel's so-called son. It growled, spewing acidic black bile between it's rotting teeth, "GRAAAGH!!" Two massive hands crawled toward the African American convict, as if aching to end his life.

Oh shit.

What will you do?

Option A: Attack the creature with an M4 Carbine. It's equipped on a dead soldier.

Option B: There's a hatchet leading inside the U.S.S. Romero. Go inside?
*I slowly got up from the wreckage, and shook my head. What in the hell was that! Also, where in the hell are we? And what are these damned things with the crosses on their face? I guess their nickname would be "Marked One's" or something like that. I stumbled over the corpses of the dead, hopefully I can find myself a weapon, and some ammunition...or at least a bottle of whiskey to numb this pain.*

An explosion rippled through the air, nearly catching John Wick by the foot. He staggered back, perhaps reading himself for a fight, but no no no... you could see him far, far away: A sharpshooter. You could see him far away, he resembled a human monkey, if there ever was one, aged, possibly in his late 60s, sporting a signature crimson cross on his face, "Ha ha ha! Gotcha Wicky-boy. Gunna fuck you good fuck you haaaaaard~"

No, it couldn't be.

He was dead!


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"LOOK OUT!" Shirou yelled, instinctively grabbing Rin, hopefully in a place where he wasn't covered in flames, and pulled him out of the way, leaping towards cover. He could barely breathe, given the rate at which his heart was pounding, and the unnerving situation in which he found himself in.
Facing Rin with a sigh, he wiped some dirt off him. "Are you alright?"

The helicopter swung over once again, spotting three individuals this time: Shiki, Rin, and Shirou. An anime trio. It's missile pods slung low, as if targeting the three men. Boom! Boom! Boom! You could hear vague chuckles radiating from the aircraft, but you didn't care--'cause you spot three high-ordinance, high-powered rockets launch in your direction! Whether or not you dodge it, they're detonation radius is huge. It'd send clouds of smoke into the air, tearing apart the helicarrier, thus permitting you access deep within it's crew deck...
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*Yang jumps a bit when she was yelled at* I'll go find some... *she jogs off to look for some but can only findo some belt. Luckily they seem military grade. She runs back to the girl and drops five of them* It's the best I could find for now...*Yang sighs as she looks at the man. This diease seems horrible. She'll have to remember not get touched by the blood of the infected*
Ellie took the belt from the girl and sat on her knees beside Joel, putting his hands behind his back and wrapping his wrists together with the belt she was given. She felt another tear on her cheek. Sniffing once, Ellie spoke softly "I don't know what to do now... Where do I take him? Nowhere's safe! It's all just FUCKING useless!" she cried out, punching the unconscious crossed Joel on the back.
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Akibahara
Solaire awoke with his helmet backwards on his head, and trapped under what seemed like a small chamber, he saw a metal door almost ripped off it's hinges but holding on to dear life, when he heard the screams and the shrieking laughter. He knew he was back in the world where he met Elsa, and from the looks of it, the crossed were back. He saw several crazed eyes peeking through the cracks, and some fingers slipping through, trying to rip the door open.

Solaire noticed he had his sword and shield, as well as his chime back, which meant magic! his powers had returned! He would have to put them to use immediately.

"Knock Knock big boy, turn around so I can see that dainty little ass~~ MMMM your asshole must be as fresh as a spring meadow~~!!"

Said a female crossed

"OPEN UP BUCKET BOY, Let's see how good you are at chubby bunny! THE WORLD RECORD IS 8 HEHEHE~~"

They were as unpleasant as ever. There were quite a few lining up in front of his door. The door would not hold much longer. He started charging a large bolt of orange looking lightning, the air in the room growing still and the room lighting up with an orange hue.

"OOOH pretty~"

Said a crossed 9 year old boy before being blown to bits by the ground shaking power of the sunlight spear, the dozens of crossed waiting in front of the door were decimated in seconds, the closest ones being disintegrated while the others blown to bits, abdomens ripped off torso's flying, and faces blown to bits. He walked out too see the chaos and gore that was in front of him. He unsheathed his sword and put his shield up, he was back in this hell.

He heard Elsa's voice and headed towards it, it was rather faint so it was a bit far, but his resolve to stay by his wife's side was allowing him to go in to right direction, right back to her side.​
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
@Anyone nearby

Ah, wasn't it serine? The screams in the air, bullets whirring past you, some poor sap, his intestines eaten away by the Crossed. It reminded you of the good 'ol days, right? In any other case, you're given two options:

Option A: There's a swarm of Crossed heading in your direction. Solaire counted ooooh, somewhere in the high 80s. They're ALL armed with high-ordinance firepower. Enough to render you into paste. I suppose you could potentially fight 'em off, but will you take the chance? Y/N? Oh, and you spot a familiar figure among them. It's massive, sporting bulbous muscles, more grotesque than anything. It's teeth bore widely, it's lips deteriorated a long, long time ago...



Option B: The helicarrier had a gaping mouth-like hole in it's hull, ripped apart by a barrage of missiles heading toward a certain anime trio. It leads into the Crew Deck. But alas, who KNOWS what nightmare awaits you there. Do you decide to enter it? Y/N?
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Ellie took the belt from the girl and sat on her knees beside Joel, putting his hands behind his back and wrapping his wrists together with the belt she was given. She felt another tear on her cheek. Sniffing once, Ellie spoke softly "I don't know what to do now... Where do I take him? Nowhere's safe! It's all just FUCKING useless!" she cried out, punching the unconscious crossed Joel on the back.
*Yang sighed and sat beside the girl* I don't know what to tell you. Was he your dad? *She wanted to just say leave the damn body. It's obvious there isn't a cure and there is no way to get him back. From what it seems... the disease ruins the brain, so even if there was a cure she was sure it wouldn't do much for help. She kept looking around to make sure that nothing else would attack them. She kinda hoped a few of them did, so she could grab Ellie and leave the guy. He is dead weight in his current state*
Sophie poked out from her cover and shot at the creature, the bullet hit it clean through the head... She watched as it's rifle dropped tumbled to the ground from the roof above after teetering for a little, and as she approached the dropped weapon, she realized it's ammunition was the same caliber as her own hunting rifle... Unloading it and taking the 6 rounds it had left, Sophia continued onwards towrads Elsa and the others, she and Raven seemed to be knelt over that girl eviscerated from before, and Sophia couldn't help but feel a certain sense of familiarity about her...
Sophie finally killed that asshole with a rifle! She sighed, relived as her attacker was eliminated! "RAAAAAWGH!!" Huh? BOOM! The poor girl was smacked like a ragdoll next to Lee Everett, a sick audible 'craaaaack!' met your ears. Uh oh. It hurt to move her leg, was it broken or merely sprained? You could see a thin trail of blood seep from your ankle... this wasn't good.Your rifle, fortunately, was unharmed.

But Sepulcher didn't care...

It approached the two of you, acidic bile burning away the metal...



It flipped around, watching Raven cut the umbilical cord. It wasn't happy. She has enough time to watch Ariel snatched from the earth, and propped on it's back. Huh, to some degree it had this morbid care for Ariel.


@The guy who plays as Lee
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Her face frosted over with a new look of confusion and disgust, slowly she made her way out of the piles of wreckage that she lay in, letting out a huff of disbelief. Where was she? This is surely not what she signed up for? Then again, she didn't quite sign up for anything. Getting up on shaky legs, her eyes scan the surroundings. "Oh cod..where am I?"
So much darkness filled Siegfried's mind, yet as everything grew clearer, he found himself standing in a strange place, a glowing platform beneath his feet, a stone walkway below him, and a an evil skeletal being floating before him, poised to strike.
After the grueling battle, Siegfried walked over towards an odd shape in the center of the peer, grasping it in his hand before his eyes flared open, everything around him covered in flames, yet he was unaffected, even to the point of the flaming wreckage being a refreshing change of pace.
"So, the seal is broken, yet I'm still in control." spoke a distorted voice, as he held out his large, right claw, clasping it around the mass on his chest, and removing a fleshy chunk connected to a strange protrusion, revealing the azure armor beneath.
"So, the sword's fragments are still able to come together into a blade. Too bad it's only big enough to be a dagger. I should be horrified by what I've become once again, but this is definitely an improvement if I'm able to finally fight back!"
As he tore his way free, he found the others fighting, as well as more foes on the horizon. Standing his ground, dagger in hand, the Azure Knight screamed at the distant foes.
"Too many lives have been lost! I shall not let you take another, Akibahara, you monster!"
Siegfried and Feferi found themselves side-by-side in the midst of the chaos. The Crossed noticed them, too. Clang! Clang! An assortment of Crossed, formerly U.S. Military, fired G36 Rifles trained at them. You both were huddled behind a wall. Trapped. But hey, at least you were safe! BOOOOOM! Huh? A soft, mechanical whirr met your ears... Feferi decides to look behind her:

It's an M1 Abrams tank, it's decorated in literal decapitated heads, "Hee hee hee! Let's fuck 'em daddy!" A cute, 7 year old girl totting a German Stahlhelm pointed in your direction. It appeared she commandered the tank. Which was weird. She idly chewed on an eyeball, white paste dribbling between her teeth But... but she was so young?!


What will you do?
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Sophie finally killed that asshole with a rifle! She sighed, relived as her attacker was eliminated! "RAAAAAWGH!!" Huh? BOOM! The poor girl was smacked like a ragdoll next to Lee Everett, a sick audible 'craaaaack!' met your ears. Uh oh. It hurt to move her leg, was it broken or merely sprained? You could see a thin trail of blood seep from your ankle... this wasn't good.Your rifle, fortunately, was unharmed.
But Sepulcher didn't care...
It approached the two of you, acidic bile burning away the metal...
It flipped around, watching Raven cut the umbilical cord. It wasn't happy. She has enough time to watch Ariel snatched from the earth, and propped on it's back. Huh, to some degree it had this morbid care for Ariel.
@The guy who plays as Lee
Lee had just came back into the real world when this thing attacked him, he noticed a M4 Carbine on a dead soldier. He rushed over and picked it up and took aim at the fucker. He lined up a shot and fired
@Akibahara @Raven @The Last Outlaw @Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Sophie turned around to see whatever the thing what that caused her this injury; her ankle was completely broken now which didn't bode well, but she was still armed... Backing up as much as she could, she fired a shot at what she thought whas that things head before attempting to back away some more, she only had 7 shots left. This wasn't going to bode well for her but she didn't care too much anymore, she wasn't sure if Elsa had run off during all this commotion or not, but she was going to fight this damn thing to the death, it's not like she had another option anyways; her leg was too mangled to allow her to run. The pain should be bothering her more now, but, she's already managed to "tune it out" for the most part, trying to ignore it's worst effects for the time being.
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@Archmage Jeremiah
@Zadok shadows


The hull beneath you collapsed in a heap of scrap metal. It did this again... and again... and again. Damn, this ship was badly damaged. You fell approximately 4 floors. No doubt, you'd have, at the very least, scraps and cuts on your body. You lost your weapons, too. Shit! You couldn't help but curse at your misfortune. Sitting up, you decide to examine your surroundings...

You're in a medical bay: It's lined by with rows upon rows of medical beds. But that wasn't the discomforting part: There's no blood, no bodies, hell, not even a single living soul on this deck. Wait, I was wrong. There was ONE guy.


"'Evenin' lads... and lasses. How may I 'elp ye?"

A Scottish Doctor grinned brightly at you, sporting a medical chart in tow. He seemed oblivious to the chaos above.
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York looks around in horror, the ship had fallen into chaos so quickly
"This is where someone commits a heroic sacrifice...but who?" he mutters to himself, still emptying into the approaching horde as he retreats to cover, picking up a grenade and sighing
"Hinting at something...are we?" he asks, pulling the pin and throwing it into the crowd, ducking back behind cover so as to avoid any chunks or shrapnel that might come his way

*Yang sighed and sat beside the girl* I don't know what to tell you. Was he your dad? *She wanted to just say leave the damn body. It's obvious there isn't a cure and there is no way to get him back. From what it seems... the disease ruins the brain, so even if there was a cure she was sure it wouldn't do much for help. She kept looking around to make sure that nothing else would attack them. She kinda hoped a few of them did, so she could grab Ellie and leave the guy. He is dead weight in his current state*
Ellie stood up and kept looking at Joel. "No... He's just... my friend." she said. "And I'm not leaving him. He'd do the same for me." She looked at the woman, her mind was set. Unfortunately, a voice was heard from a small distance away.

"Ooooh, two of 'em! Looks like I got jackpot! Hahahaha!" A tall, fat Crossed was making his way over to us.
Lee had just came back into the real world when this thing attacked him, he noticed a M4 Carbine on a dead soldier. He rushed over and picked it up and took aim at the fucker. He lined up a shot and fired

Lee had just came back into the real world when this thing attacked him, he noticed a M4 Carbine on a dead soldier. He rushed over and picked it up and took aim at the fucker. He lined up a shot and fired
I would go all Resident Evil-y on you and say 'YOU ARE DEAD,' but that's an understatement. How about this: "YOU ARE FUCKED."

It appeared the NATO 5.56 didn't do shit to Sepulcher. You could see it growl in annoyance, "GRAAARGH!!" With a single swipe, Lee Everett found himself face-first on the floor. His body was breaking apart, slowly. You felt your ribs. They were broken, a singe of acid ate away at your right leg, too. This wasn't going good. No, not one bit! You tried crawling away, your eyes spotting a Javelin Missile Launcher on the floor...

But that choice is still open!

Option A: Go for the Missile Launcher

Option B: Escape via the hatch.
Sophie turned around to see whatever the thing what that caused her this injury; her ankle was completely broken now which didn't bode well, but she was still armed... Backing up as much as she could, she fired a shot at what she thought whas that things head before attempting to back away some more, she only had 7 shots left. This wasn't going to bode well for her but she didn't care too much anymore, she wasn't sure if Elsa had run off during all this commotion or not, but she was going to fight this damn thing to the death, it's not like she had another option anyways; her leg was too mangled to allow her to run. The pain should be bothering her more now, but, she's already managed to "tune it out" for the most part, trying to ignore it's worst effects for the time being.
It appears bullets had no affect on Ariel's son.
The hull beneath you collapsed in a heap of scrap metal. It did this again... and again... and again. Damn, this ship was badly damaged. You fell approximately 4 floors. No doubt, you'd have, at the very least, scraps and cuts on your body. You lost your weapons, too. Shit! You couldn't help but curse at your misfortune. Sitting up, you decide to examine your surroundings...
You're in a medical bay: It's lined by with rows upon rows of medical beds. But that wasn't the discomforting part: There's no blood, no bodies, hell, not even a single living soul on this deck. Wait, I was wrong. There was ONE guy.
"'Evenin' lads... and lasses. How may I 'elp ye?"
A Scottish Doctor grinned brightly at you, sporting a medical chart in tow. He seemed oblivious to the chaos above.
Sylvanas barely managed to rip the bodies free from their cold shackles of death, the bodies collectively turning with a disgusting explosion of blood and bone. That was when she felt the metal beneath her crumble, her hands and feet flailing and grasping at nothing as she fell, only to land roughly four floors down. The undead she had raised above swiftly went on without their creator, though, picking up anything they could find and use as a weapon. She prayed silently for their safety while she came to stand, seeing this man. She only eyed him quizzically, surprised by his ignorance.

"How can you...elp us? It's chaos up there! We need to get out!"
York looks around in horror, the ship had fallen into chaos so quickly
"This is where someone commits a heroic sacrifice...but who?" he mutters to himself, still emptying into the approaching horde as he retreats to cover, picking up a grenade and sighing
"Hinting at something...are we?" he asks, pulling the pin and throwing it into the crowd, ducking back behind cover so as to avoid any chunks or shrapnel that might come his way

BOOOM! The Crossed blew apart like meat confetti, their body parts splattered the vicinity! Whew! Nice one! You stepped back a few feet, avoiding the initial blast: There's a HOLE in the ground. Do you approach it? Y/N?
It appears bullets had no affect on Ariel's son.
"Damn." Sophie muttered, trying to think for a moment; that thing was holding onto Ariel too so even if she tried to shoot at the thing again, she might hit her by accident. Instead, she began looking around for another weapon limping along with her mangled leg trying to keep her distance from that... Thing Sure she could use he switchblade she had found earlier, the one that looked suspiciously like Simons, but that wouldn't end too well at close range considering that abominations acidic bile... Perhaps there was something laying around that could harm it or smething....
Ellie stood up and kept looking at Joel. "No... He's just... my friend." she said. "And I'm not leaving him. He'd do the same for me." She looked at the woman, her mind was set. Unfortunately, a voice was heard from a small distance away.
"Ooooh, two of 'em! Looks like I got jackpot! Hahahaha!" A tall, fat Crossed was making his way over to us.
*Yang jumped up having her gauntlets ready* Kid. I don't think I can kill this one. We need to leave. *she flicked her fists reading the rockets so she could grab Ellie and get the hell out of there* I can only carry one of you. *that was a lie but she would prefer to have a lighter load*
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