Murder Game III: Welcome to Silent Hill

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Ariel gasped in shocked, reeling back as her daughter shoved her tongue into Ariel's mouth. Melody broke away, and Ariel stumbled, tripping over a tendril of barbed wire and falling back. Her head hit the ground -hard- and everything went black.


Ariel blinked awake, head throbbing. Her vision was fuzzy, but from laying down, she could see clear silhouettes of people.

Blue silhouettes.


The power rushed through her veins, and Ariel felt... Hydrated. She was thrilled. The water filled her from head to toe, and she could see the water, the liquid, pumping through the people around her, the battle raging on as people spilled blood. She felt refreshed, and it didn't take any effort at all to stand up.

Her blue eyes glowed. A smile found itself on her red lips, a healthy blush filling her cheeks. She took a step forward, and a gown of water began to pool around her, twisting its way around her body. Water droplets appeared in hair hair, not making it wet, making it sparkle with the dew. A trident of water appeared in her hands, solidifying into a sharp silver. Her crown rested on her head.

Make way for Princess Ariel.

Bullets tore through the paradise, people yelled, blood poured. The blood was enhanced for her because of her power making her extra alert. She saw tall, lumbering creatures walking around, made out of frozen water.

Ariel knew who had that power.

"Elsa?" She spotted her in the distance, along with two of the traitors. Ariel grew angry at the traitors, the adrenaline running through her making it spike immediately, without thinking. Using the water molecules in the air, she made a ball of water, it spinning at deadly speeds before splitting into two. She pelted them at the traitors, fast enough to make them fall on impact. She glided over, anger at the traitors in her glowing eyes.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Claire - Paradise - Sylvanas/Aiden/Sophie

Then there was Aiden, pointing a gun at her. Her heart sank at the sight of him, but she was too far gone now for the him to get to her. He planned to kill her, it seemed, but she knew he'd never succeed. "Okay, Aiden. Fire, and you'll see how hopeless it is." Her hands balled into fists and her eyes flashed red once again. "I really did want you to find your sister."

Her gaze then shifted to Sophie, who Claire knew was trying her best to get to her. The other her was sickened by her, unwilling to listen to her gross monologuing for much longer. It was her that smirked. "We all became her slave the moment we stepped into Silent Hill."

@Zadok shadows
@Archmage Jeremiah
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Raven looked at Claudia. "Make fun of your god and well go to Hell. Ah I was damned since birth. Your threats mean nothing." Raven felt Rage once more wish to take over. "They promise the same thing I probable could. I a freaking bridge between Earth, Heaven and the seven levels of Hell. I wouldn't dare believe another demonic worshiper." She let herself feel every form of her emotion Raven's powers growing more and more as she felt. "Let me guess you call her your savor too. Just like Brother Blood calls Trigon's precious Gem." Raven moved closer to Melody. She had a challenging look within her eyes.

@Akibahara @DapperDogman @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Dallas
@DapperDogman @Akibahara @Xibilation @Raven

"Careful with your taunting, York. She's very dangerous," Elsa warned, glaring at Claudia. "If you and your god were truly a merciful bunch, you would let us go. It was us who helped fulfill your plans. You should be grateful enough to at least let us go home."

Elsa shook her head, opening her mouth to say more, but cutting herself off when Raven was suddenly pelted by water. Elsa's eyes widened. "Ariel?" she turned, seeing her friend for the first time in so long. "Ariel! You're alive!" She moved over to her friend and hugged her, also trying to calm her down. "I-It's all right. Raven left the order. She's one of us now."
Claire - Paradise - Sylvanas/Aiden/Sophie

Then there was Aiden, pointing a gun at her. Her heart sank at the sight of him, but she was too far gone now for the him to get to her. He planned to kill her, it seemed, but she knew he'd never succeed. "Okay, Aiden. Fire, and you'll see how hopeless it is." Her hands balled into fists and her eyes flashed red once again. "I really did want you to find your sister."

Her gaze then shifted to Sophie, who Claire knew was trying her best to get to her. The other her was sickened by her, unwilling to listen to her gross monologuing for much longer. It was her that smirked. "We all became her slave the moment we stepped into Silent Hill."

@Zadok shadows
@Archmage Jeremiah
"That's why I'm not afraid to die anymore..." Sophie said with a wry smile, every moment she spent here was just another moment to watch Claudia's mess of a plan unfold. "Wake up already... If we were all her slaves, why does she want you to kill us?" she added defiantly. There was no way she was giving up, she started to look around for another weapon, crawling amongst the floor looking for anything that might at least halt the progress of their current aggressor.
@DapperDogman @Akibahara @Xibilation @Raven

"Careful with your taunting, York. She's very dangerous," Elsa warned, glaring at Claudia. "If you and your god were truly a merciful bunch, you would let us go. It was us who helped fulfill your plans. You should be grateful enough to at least let us go home."

Elsa shook her head, opening her mouth to say more, but cutting herself off when Raven was suddenly pelted by water. Elsa's eyes widened. "Ariel?" she turned, seeing her friend for the first time in so long. "Ariel! You're alive!" She moved over to her friend and hugged her, also trying to calm her down. "I-It's all right. Raven left the order. She's one of us now."
Ariel hugged back, happy to see Elsa. "Elsa!" She frowned when Elsa said Raven left the Order. Oh.

"She still deserved it."

Pulling back, she grinned at her friend. "Look! We have our powers back!" She pulled a droplet of water from the air, letting it spin a bit.
Zach shakes his head and levels his magical SMG at the so called god
"I'm an athiest, bitch"
With that he fires a shurt burst at the god, knowing it would do little but piss her off

He did wonder, however, if his guns not being enchanted by the same magic as the others, would have an effect on the ammo?
Perhaps the magic would be different and therefore allow him to hurt her? It was possible, but he doubted it

He was in her "Domain" after all


(Oh, y'all wanted to talk? Too bad!)
@DapperDogman @Akibahara @Xibilation @Raven

"Careful with your taunting, York. She's very dangerous," Elsa warned, glaring at Claudia. "If you and your god were truly a merciful bunch, you would let us go. It was us who helped fulfill your plans. You should be grateful enough to at least let us go home."
Claudia grinned, "You shall never return home. Your sacrafice, however, will not be in vain, Elsa of Arendelle. You shall witness the power of a wraithful God eternally..." What could she possibly mean by this? She crossed her arms, still anticipating John's response. It was strange, did the Order have power to revive deceased loved ones? They did so in a freakish way with Anna aka "Alison." It kept one thinking...
Ariel hugged back, happy to see Elsa. "Elsa!" She frowned when Elsa said Raven left the Order. Oh.

"She still deserved it."

Pulling back, she grinned at her friend. "Look! We have our powers back!" She pulled a droplet of water from the air, letting it spin a bit.
Melody glared at Ariel, "M-mother..." She stepped forward, extending a hand, a tear rolling down her cheek. Only to have a hand pressed against her chest; Claudia stopping her, "Even a God requires a motherly figure at times. Such weakness must be supressed."
Zach shakes his head and levels his magical SMG at the so called god
"I'm an athiest, bitch"
With that he fires a shurt burst at the god, knowing it would do little but piss her off

He did wonder, however, if his guns not being enchanted by the same magic as the others, would have an effect on the ammo?
Perhaps the magic would be different and therefore allow him to hurt her? It was possible, but he doubted it

He was in her "Domain" after all


(Oh, y'all wanted to talk? Too bad!)
... And the bullets phased through the Order members. Claudia and Melody were peeved. She was 99.99% close from cutting your wang off.
Claire - Paradise - Sylvanas/Lee/Sophie

She choked and sputtered under Sylvanas. Claire thought she could easily throw the woman off, but her increased power was giving her an edge over Claire. Sylvanas could cut off Claire's oxygen if she wanted, but Claire's body sustain herself even without. In fact, it would take a lot more than this--

Claire grit her teeth and her eyes shone a fierce red. One hand grabbed for Sylvanas' arm and managed to lift it an inch away. Her other hand snaked underneath the woman and formed a fist. Claire then yelled and plunged it deep inside Sylvanas' stomach. Though this wouldn't hurt someone who was undead, it gave Claire a better grip to shove Sylvanas further off herself. "I don't think I am alive either, not any more." She then grunted and threw Sylvanas to the side, giving her enough time to get back to her feet.

"I'm something so much more. Something that scares even me. Claudia might not stick to her word, but it's a better hope than all of you have."

@Crazy 8 Nate
@Archmage Jeremiah
Claire - Paradise - Sylvanas/Aiden/Sophie

Then there was Aiden, pointing a gun at her. Her heart sank at the sight of him, but she was too far gone now for the him to get to her. He planned to kill her, it seemed, but she knew he'd never succeed. "Okay, Aiden. Fire, and you'll see how hopeless it is." Her hands balled into fists and her eyes flashed red once again. "I really did want you to find your sister."

Her gaze then shifted to Sophie, who Claire knew was trying her best to get to her. The other her was sickened by her, unwilling to listen to her gross monologuing for much longer. It was her that smirked. "We all became her slave the moment we stepped into Silent Hill."

@Zadok shadows
@Archmage Jeremiah
Sylvanas shouted from the punch, her body writhing once she hit the ground again. She looked up from her low ground to see Claire with her eyes set on Aiden and Sophie. With a wicked smile, she slowly slid her bow out from under her, and drew an arrow silently, her green, balmy blood already oozing out of her wound. The arrow was as black as night. The treants still loomed around Claire, though began to converge around and beside Aiden and Sophie, furthering the distraction whilst protecting her allies.
Claudia Wolf shook her head, clearly... displeased, "No mockers of God shall enter paradise..." She then focused on John Wick, "... Anna was returned, wasn't she? At least, as far as God permitted. WE shall keep our promise Mr. Wick: You can either recieve salvation, return home, and live with your wife and dog, OR... you can rot with the rest Mr. Wick. The choice is yours."

What will you choose?




"No...I choose to stay at the side of my fellow comrades. To hell with your offer, to hell with your god, and to hell with you. My cold, black heart can never be fixed. Even if you brought my wife and dog back." *I said, in a low voice. After witnessing the many horrors of Silent Hill, and what I've done to four, innocent people, I'd rather not have my wife back...or my dog. She'd never forgive me for the things I have done.*

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Raven got up from Ariel's encounter with the water. "Ah and I was just about to challenge the Bitch who brought us here." She stood up and looked at Ariel. "No worries I know I did deserve it." She looked at Melody. And saw that York had shot the first bullet. She looked at Elsa and Ariel. "Looks like we might be in for a fight. But the bigger they are the harder they fall right?" She looked at Melody and the church worshipers. (Yep she's going to start calling them the church appropriate for Raven right?) Raven looked at Melody. "You are much like me child." She stepped forward. "You can stop this. They will harm even Ariel I'm sure of it just like how my father made me harm my mother Ariella." Raven knew that obviously there was human well mermaid inside of this girl. Raven breathed. "You don't have to give into the darkness. You can fight it and be good."

@Xibilation @DapperDogman @Akibahara @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Dallas
Ariel hugged back, happy to see Elsa. "Elsa!" She frowned when Elsa said Raven left the Order. Oh.

"She still deserved it."

Pulling back, she grinned at her friend. "Look! We have our powers back!" She pulled a droplet of water from the air, letting it spin a bit.
Claudia grinned, "You shall never return home. Your sacrafice, however, will not be in vain, Elsa of Arendelle. You shall witness the power of a wraithful God eternally..." What could she possibly mean by this? She crossed her arms, still anticipating John's response. It was strange, did the Order have power to revive deceased loved ones? They did so in a freakish way with Anna aka "Alison." It kept one thinking...
@Raven @Xibilation @Akibahara @DapperDogman

After hugging Ariel, Elsa left her hands on her friend's shoulders. She didn't reply to Ariel's comment about deserving what she got. Elsa wasn't entirely sure if Raven deserved it now. She was on their side. She was going to suffer just like they were.

"We do have our powers," Elsa said with a small smile. "But there aren't many left to fight now. Raven is with us. I think John will be joining us, and as for Claire... she may be a lost cause..." Elsa shook her head. "After that it leaves... Melody, Claudia, and their followers."

Elsa flinched hearing Claudia speak, her heart sinking a little. "I'll never give up on returning home. Of that you can be certain. Even if it kills me, I will get home. I won't stand being treated this way. I'm a human being, not a pawn."
Claire - Paradise - Sylvanas/Aiden/Sophie/Lee

Her expression turned serious. Enough was enough. "It's not just Claudia who wants me to kill you." She then appeared before Sophie and stomped down on the girl's hand. "I'm not me any more! My life has been completely destroyed! There's no coming back from this for me!" She then reached down and grabbed Sophie by the collar of her shirt. Claire then ran forward, running the girl into one of the trees that hadn't been turned into a treant. "If all I can save is Chris' life, then that is okay. Hopefully I'll die with the rest of you."

@Zadok shadows
@Archmage Jeremiah
@Crazy 8 Nate
"Well, as I expected, you've resorted to becoming incorporeal...not surprised"
He chuckles a little and puts the gun away, he wasn't exactly scared of dying any more, he'd lost too much to care if he died
"People like to hide behind the power they hold when they're scared"
He didn't seem to be going for the subtle approach here, but there was a finesse to his words, maybe one the others would never see
"But killing us is no fun without a challenge...right?"
He chuckles a little more and grabs his SMG
"I've killed great demons, and I've killed many of their underlings, show me that you don't hide behind petty magic to make yourself untouchable...prove to me that you won't use a doll to stop me hurting you..."
He pauses, a dead serious look on his face
"Prove to me, that without using your can beat us...then I'll worship you"

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"No...I choose to stay at the side of my fellow comrades. To hell with your offer, to hell with your god, and to hell with you. My cold, black heart can never be fixed. Even if you brought my wife and dog back." *I said, in a low voice. After witnessing the many horrors of Silent Hill, and what I've done to four, innocent people, I'd rather not have my wife back...or my dog. She'd never forgive me for the things I have done.*

Claudia nodded...

[Congratulations! You will receive EPILOGUE: IN DAMNATIO MEMORIAE].

Claudia and The Order walked away; they honestly didn't appear concerned! But why?! Did they attain their goal? Will they bring upon "Paradise" across the realms? Melody, on the other hand, clenched her fist. She WILL be worshipped, and disobeying Claudia Wolf, she charged at the group...


Aiden looked at Claire. "It's not hopeless... so long as I am still breathing I will continue to fight. I will never give up... I wanted you to find your brother... that's why I won't kill you Claire. Your still my friend that's why I won't give up on you. We can still get out of this I know we can." He looked around figuring that Claudia could hear him. "Claudia if you can hear me somehow just know this. I refuse to be a player in this sick game any longer. If your not a coward I challenge you now to fight me. No guns... no weapons... just an all out brawl. Come out now unless your just a chicken."
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