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After all was said and done, Senna decided to stay with the Wanda group. She felt bad for the young woman, and in the past she had to be protected herself. But this time, it would be Senna doing the protecting!


Although, she found it mildly irritating that Blake had to go and flirt with the girl they were trying to watch over. She grabbed his ear, tugging on it to pull him away from her. "Yeah, jeez, give the poor girl some space! Don't worry, Wanda, he means well he just can't control himself sometimes!"

@Josh M @Atomyk @Verite @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @WandaGroup
Adam eagerly shook Wanda's hand, a blush reddening his face. He was totally stoked Blake had been pulled away. "Your powers seem real interesting... Mind telling me about them sometime~?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mami Tomoe @Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Wanda Crew

"My pleasure. All in all to ensure that we resolve these problems with ease."

He only smiled happily once hearing what Wanda had to say in response to his promise of keeping people safe. He didn't see his interactions with her thus far as flirting like those other times, but he was soon pulled away by Senna.


"Eh? Of course I can control myself, Senna. What were you thinking I was going to say after that?"

Blake was just embarrassed with how the Soul Reaper was tugging him away by the ear.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mami Tomoe @Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Wanda Crew

"I can't be sure when it comes to you," Senna teased, a grin on her lips. "For all I know, you could be overcome with feelings of love and try to kiss someone again. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen," she said with a wink. Although, it would be different if someone actually did want him to kiss them. Then, Senna supposed, she wouldn't step in. It would be kind of weird to see though, she had to admit.

Still holding onto Blake's ear, she glanced back at Adam over her shoulder. "Hey, Blake here isn't the only one I was talking to when I said you guys should give the girl space. I was talking to everyone. Don't make me pull your ear next, bub," she said, giving him a stern look.

@Atomyk @Mami Tomoe @Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Wanda Crew

"I... see," Wanda said, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem to exactly get the full extent of what was going on between Senna and Blake, but simply went with the flow for now. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh though. They all seemed like quite amusing and fun-loving people, noting their optimism and cheer despite the grave situation they were in.

... Well, Wanda liked most of them anyway.

"Perhaps another time... Once I've gotten them back," she said in a somewhat curt manner to Adam, attempting to shake the man off.

Meanwhile, in the background, Riesbyfe sighed and shook her head.


"Children these days are so indecent..."

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @WandaWatch
  • Love
Reactions: Josh M
The door made an electronic beep and opened wide for the group to enter. They would find themselves in an observation area, where clear panels separated them from the urban environment beyond. Chairs and desks sat haphazardly here, lining a long hallway. Scientists milled about on the opposite end of the observation area, looking in at something in the containment.

You hear a distinct sound of a gunshot inside the urban area, beyond the clear panels.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
Jason entered the room quietly, ushering the rest of the group to remain silent as well. At least, that was the plan until Jason heard a gunshot go off in the urban area of the room.

"The hell was that?" Jason asked as quiet as he could. Without a second thought, Todd began to look for a way in that wouldn't attract any attention.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications
Twisted Fate followed Jason stealthily. He also had a few cards in his hands.

He was ready to throw them at the Umbrella employees if they were detected. He responded to Jason's remark.

"Nothin' that we should worry about. It ain't aimed at us."

T.F would follow Jason if he found a way in.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Atomyk @york @Experimental Applications​
"Haha, that's one way to come out, huh?" Shirou either couldn't or didn't bother to hold in a bit of laughter. "So I'm guessing Umbrella tied you up and chucked you in here or something. Whatcha do to end up like that? And what're these little abominations?"

"You look more like you're about to throw up, kid."

@Verite @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @The Myrmidon @Hana @Gands @C.T. @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes@LiveStorage​

"I-I won't... I promise. If I do I'll make sure to throw up away from you."

Giving the group a nervous smile, she would continue to keep silent.

@Kaykay @Hospes @Everyone else​
"Uhhhh--" Adam decided to just wave Cagliostro off with a smile. "That just sounds way too heavy for me, sorry~"

Cullen sidled closer to Blake, keeping an eye on Adam nearby. "Mate, just so you know..." He pointed a thumb at Adam. "I didn't think it was a good idea to leave him alone with her."

@Gummi Bunnies

For those who decided to follow in the direction of Experimental Applications, they would soon find walls made of glass that surrounded large open rooms. A glance inside would see that each of these areas appeared to be simulations of specific environments, such as a forest and urban environment.

Two men in lab coats spoke quietly in the hall, standing in the middle of a crossroads between two hallways. They had yet to notice anyone coming down the hall.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @Experimental Applications

"Alright then, suit yourself~..."

Cagliostro silently smirks.

"... you lowly coward..."

Soon, they were greeted by quite a sight. What was to be done here?
"Hey now," Adam said, holding a hand out. "She needs her space, buddy. A girl like her, you can tell she's intense~"

Cullen tried to ignore this and looked to Doremi. "So, what are you supposed to be?"

@Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Wanda Crew

The two scientists continued on.

"--id she even get here?" one asked, sounding a bit alarmed in the moment.

The other responded a bit lazily. "Who knows? Those SHIELD guys probably tipped her off and sent her to us. Mr. Wesker seems to have a special interest in her-- Er, the new one I mean."

"How confusing is that, huh? We should be focusing on our work down here, not that weird new device. Watch it collapse the universe or something!"

"Hmm." The quieter one reached out to gently guide the other closer to the wall. "Don't talk so loudly. And don't worry, we got her dumped into the trap room."

The louder one was about to speak, but he lifted his head and looked around, just missing the group from around the corner. "I think something's wrong. Did you hear that?"

"I'm not sure..."

The pair stood on alert but otherwise did not move.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

Albert seemed content with this, however short it was. He shrugged his shoulders slightly, though it was impossible to really tell what he was thinking behind the glasses. "That is... unfortunate. And very... strange. Regardless..." He gestured for Alice to sit in the seat in front of the desk.

"I have a task from me personally. You may be his pet project now, but I'm ultimately the reason why you're here. Did you know that? You might as well be useful to me despite your failure. Are you capable of being subtle? Quiet?"

@Yun Lee

Jason had been crouching down, listening in on their conversation. He had been hoping to uncover some info on where the Tesseract had been located, but instead he got some info on something that could potentially be just as important. They didn't have the time to dwell on that now, however. Staying as silent as possible, Jason searched for any air vents or an alternate route they could take to sneak past the scientists. If he couldn't find one then he'd just break their necks instead.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications​

18 had a different approach. Zooming by faster than any normal human could see she'd appear next to the scientists. "Hi." She punched the quiet scientist hard enough to knock him out in one blow before grabbing the loud scientist by the collar and hoisting him into the air. "You have time to talk?"

@thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications​

Well that works too. Jason would simply roll his eyes and stand up before tugging one of his pistols and putting it against the scientist's head.

"Just in case you think about tryin' anything." Jason said. Despite him being hoisted rather high in the air, Jason wasn't gonna take any chances. He knew what people could do even in situations like this. Though his tone might have sounded cocky, Jason was without a doubt frowning behind his visor.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications

"I was quiet." 18 responded nonplussed. "We need information, and this guy seems like he could be useful."

@Atomyk @Otto @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Crow @york @Experimental Applications​

"Uh huh. Y'know there could be cameras around here or silent alarms that we tripped. But what's done is done." Jason said with a sigh before looking back to the scientist that she was holding up. "What do you planning on doing with him when we're through? I saw we kill him. That way he can't wake up and mouth off t'his boss."

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Otto @Crow @york @experimental applications

"Depends on what answer he gives me." 18 was bluffing but the scientist didn't have to know that. "So let's hope he knows what's best for him."

@thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @Otto @Crow @york @experimental applications​


Cullen gave Doremi a bit of a wary look. "... Nice to meet you as well, I suppose." He looked at the others around them, unsure about his company. None of them knew the first thing about him and couldn't even begin to understand. He decided it was best just to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

Adam eagerly shook Wanda's hand, a blush reddening his face. He was totally stoked Blake had been pulled away. "Your powers seem real interesting... Mind telling me about them sometime~?"

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Mami Tomoe @Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Wanda Crew

The scientist blinked in 18's face.

And fainted in her hand.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

"Good. I'll need you to travel to the floor above us. Once there, you shouldn't be seen."

He reached into a drawer and pulled out a key card which he tossed to Alice. "This will get you up there. Don't use it to go anywhere else or I will deactivate your body. The elevator drops you off at an atrium, where the biggest hall will take you to research rooms. Look for the one with my name and break into it. Any questions?"

@Yun Lee

"...." Well, that was definitely an interesting turn of events. Jason looked at 18 behind the cold, dead eyes on his visor. "You fucking dumbass." And that was all Jason said before he began to continue on.

@Jeremi @Otto @Crow @york @Atomyk @Experimental Applications


"Tch. Look at what you've done. You've gone and scared him to death! Not only did we risk bein' detected, we didn't even acquire an ounce of information from them. I suppose power doesn't mean anythin' in the wrong hands..."

@Jeremi @Crow @Atomyk @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

The hall was quiet again. There were two nearby metal doors that went to a forest environment and an urban environment. Noises could be heard from the urban habitat, though both doors were locked.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

"Well I could pull the door off its hinges..." 18 said but figured she'd be shot down.

@Atomyk @thatguyinthestore @york @Otto @Crow @experimental applications

As Jason was knelt down searching the scientist, he simply looked up at Android 18.

"Is the word 'subtlety' just not in your vocabulary?" Jason asked before returning to searching the scientist.

@Atomyk @york @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @Experimental Applications

Jason would find a key card on each scientist.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

Jason smirked behind his visor before picking the each key card up, handing one to A-18. "See? You don't always have to go in smashing stuff." Jason said before approaching the urban door and attempting to unlock it with his key card, hoping that A-18 would do the same with her door.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Atomyk @Experimental Applications

The door made an electronic beep and opened wide for the group to enter. They would find themselves in an observation area, where clear panels separated them from the urban environment beyond. Chairs and desks sat haphazardly here, lining a long hallway. Scientists milled about on the opposite end of the observation area, looking in at something in the containment.

You hear a distinct sound of a gunshot inside the urban area, beyond the clear panels.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

"You search the room. Take note of what you see. It's very simple."

Albert smiled widely.

@Yun Lee

Jason entered the room quietly, ushering the rest of the group to remain silent as well. At least, that was the plan until Jason heard a gunshot go off in the urban area of the room.

"The hell was that?" Jason asked as quiet as he could. Without a second thought, Todd began to look for a way in that wouldn't attract any attention.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications

Twisted Fate followed Jason stealthily. He also had a few cards in his hands.

He was ready to throw them at the Umbrella employees if they were detected. He responded to Jason's remark.

"Nothin' that we should worry about. It ain't aimed at us."

T.F would follow Jason if he found a way in.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Atomyk @york @Experimental Applications​

A lot had happened. Cagliostro enters the urban area.


"Hey, at least let me mercilessly torture them for answers. Well, we're here anyways. I'm not a very stealth person, but let's see what I can do..."

Cagliostro opens a very small rift that was meant to summon Ouroboros, right on the opposite end of the room, behind the Umbrella Employees that were shooting and away from their line of sight. A small hiss and a light roar was released from it, as the rift swiftly closed before anyone could have a good look at it.

"Good boy..." Cagliostro utters under her breath.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @thatguyinthestore @york @Experimental Applications​
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Well, looks like Warpath truly was innocent.

"Well, looks like I was wrong. I'm sorry." Jason said. That was all Jason was going to say on the matter. His incompetence meant that the true killer was still on the loose. He didn't care that he almost got an innocent man kicked out of the group, though. Jason had seen worse happen to innocent people.

As they made their way into the facility, Jason decided to head to experimental applications. When he arrived Jason took note of the two men in lab coats talking among themselves. Jason attempted to try and listen in on what they were saying.

@Atomyk @york @Crow @Jeremi @Otto @C.T. @Gands @EA

The two scientists continued on.

"--id she even get here?" one asked, sounding a bit alarmed in the moment.

The other responded a bit lazily. "Who knows? Those SHIELD guys probably tipped her off and sent her to us. Mr. Wesker seems to have a special interest in her-- Er, the new one I mean."

"How confusing is that, huh? We should be focusing on our work down here, not that weird new device. Watch it collapse the universe or something!"

"Hmm." The quieter one reached out to gently guide the other closer to the wall. "Don't talk so loudly. And don't worry, we got her dumped into the trap room."

The louder one was about to speak, but he lifted his head and looked around, just missing the group from around the corner. "I think something's wrong. Did you hear that?"

"I'm not sure..."

The pair stood on alert but otherwise did not move.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
Jason had been crouching down, listening in on their conversation. He had been hoping to uncover some info on where the Tesseract had been located, but instead he got some info on something that could potentially be just as important. They didn't have the time to dwell on that now, however. Staying as silent as possible, Jason searched for any air vents or an alternate route they could take to sneak past the scientists. If he couldn't find one then he'd just break their necks instead.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications​
18 had a different approach. Zooming by faster than any normal human could see she'd appear next to the scientists. "Hi." She punched the quiet scientist hard enough to knock him out in one blow before grabbing the loud scientist by the collar and hoisting him into the air. "You have time to talk?"

@thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications​
Well that works too. Jason would simply roll his eyes and stand up before tugging one of his pistols and putting it against the scientist's head.

"Just in case you think about tryin' anything." Jason said. Despite him being hoisted rather high in the air, Jason wasn't gonna take any chances. He knew what people could do even in situations like this. Though his tone might have sounded cocky, Jason was without a doubt frowning behind his visor.

@Jeremi @Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications
Twisted Fate had an annoyed look on his face. He wanted to either sneak by the scientists or take them out silently. Android 18 threw all of that out of the window. What a maniac!

"Hey! What do y'think you're doin'? What happened to keepin' a low profile?"

He sighed in discontent and shook his head.

"Whatever, too late now."

He prepared a gold card and joined the interrogation.


"Want to know how it feels to die by a paper cut?"

He had a sinister smile.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Crow @york @Electronic Arts @Experimental Applications @anyoneimissed​
"I was quiet." 18 responded nonplussed. "We need information, and this guy seems like he could be useful."

@Atomyk @Otto @Jeremi @thatguyinthestore @Crow @york @Experimental Applications​

The scientist blinked in 18's face.

And fainted in her hand.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
"...." Well, that was definitely an interesting turn of events. Jason looked at 18 behind the cold, dead eyes on his visor. "You fucking dumbass." And that was all Jason said before he began to continue on.

@Jeremi @Otto @Crow @york @Atomyk @Experimental Applications

"Tch. Look at what you've done. You've gone and scared him to death! Not only did we risk bein' detected, we didn't even acquire an ounce of information from them. I suppose power doesn't mean anythin' in the wrong hands..."

@Jeremi @Crow @Atomyk @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

A shrug before 18 casually dropped the scientist to the ground. "Should probably not leave these laying around."

"Yes, I should've foreseen that the guy was meek." She deadpanned.

@thatguyinthestore @Otto @Crow @york @Atomyk @Experimental Applications
The hall was quiet again. There were two nearby metal doors that went to a forest environment and an urban environment. Noises could be heard from the urban habitat, though both doors were locked.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
As Jason approached the metal doors, he found that they were locked.

"There's noise coming from in there." Jason said quietly. After thinking for a second, Todd would head back to the unconscious scientist and search him for keys or a way into the room.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @york @Otto @Crow @experimental applications
Jason would find a key card on each scientist.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
Jason smirked behind his visor before picking the each key card up, handing one to A-18. "See? You don't always have to go in smashing stuff." Jason said before approaching the urban door and attempting to unlock it with his key card, hoping that A-18 would do the same with her door.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Atomyk @Experimental Applications
The door made an electronic beep and opened wide for the group to enter. They would find themselves in an observation area, where clear panels separated them from the urban environment beyond. Chairs and desks sat haphazardly here, lining a long hallway. Scientists milled about on the opposite end of the observation area, looking in at something in the containment.

You hear a distinct sound of a gunshot inside the urban area, beyond the clear panels.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
Jason entered the room quietly, ushering the rest of the group to remain silent as well. At least, that was the plan until Jason heard a gunshot go off in the urban area of the room.

"The hell was that?" Jason asked as quiet as he could. Without a second thought, Todd began to look for a way in that wouldn't attract any attention.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @Experimental Applications

Twisted Fate followed Jason stealthily. He also had a few cards in his hands.

He was ready to throw them at the Umbrella employees if they were detected. He responded to Jason's remark.

"Nothin' that we should worry about. It ain't aimed at us."

T.F would follow Jason if he found a way in.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Atomyk @york @Experimental Applications​
"Alright then, suit yourself~..."

Cagliostro silently smirks.

"... you lowly coward..."

Soon, they were greeted by quite a sight. What was to be done here?

A lot had happened.


"Hey, at least let me mercilessly torture them for answers. Well, we're here anyways. I'm not a very stealth person, but let's see what I can do..."

Cagliostro opens a very small rift that was meant to summon Ouroboros, right on the opposite end of the room, behind the Umbrella Employees that were shooting and away from their line of sight. A small hiss and a light roar was released from it, as the rift swiftly closed before anyone could have a good look at it.

"Good boy..." Cagliostro utters under her breath.

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @thatguyinthestore @york @Experimental Applications​
Schala Zeal
@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @Atomyk@thatguyinthestore
@Experimental Applications

Schala had followed behind the others somewhat quietly... Not having said a single word the whole thime, even if she did sort of flinch when Android 18 took the liberty of trying to interrogate one of the scientists they encountered in the room after knocking the other unconscious. Unfortunately the one that was supposed to be interrogated passed out to... Oh dear.

To begin with, she wasn't a big fan of... Approaches like that, and well, seeing that it didn't work out so well... She realized there was little point staying here.

Though when Jason opened up a door with one of the keycards, found off of the unconscious scientists... It was apparent that there was a whole lot more to the area than meets the eye. Especially since there was a big group of scientists in the way.

On the other hand, Cagliostro, a recent addition to their group seemed to have summoned up a portal to help, and Schala would quietly wait and see what Cagliostro's distraction might do, if nothing interrupted this whole delicate process. The least she wanted to do, was glimpse what exactly the scientists were so focused on.
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There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

That's it," said Albert. "Of course, if you do get seen, I can't say what will happen to you. Nothing good, I can imagine."

@Yun Lee

"I can't be sure when it comes to you," Senna teased, a grin on her lips. "For all I know, you could be overcome with feelings of love and try to kiss someone again. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen," she said with a wink. Although, it would be different if someone actually did want him to kiss them. Then, Senna supposed, she wouldn't step in. It would be kind of weird to see though, she had to admit.

Still holding onto Blake's ear, she glanced back at Adam over her shoulder. "Hey, Blake here isn't the only one I was talking to when I said you guys should give the girl space. I was talking to everyone. Don't make me pull your ear next, bub," she said, giving him a stern look.

@Atomyk @Mami Tomoe @Bomb @Verite @Josh M @Kaide` @Gummi Bunnies @Wanda Crew

"I... see," Wanda said, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem to exactly get the full extent of what was going on between Senna and Blake, but simply went with the flow for now. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh though. They all seemed like quite amusing and fun-loving people, noting their optimism and cheer despite the grave situation they were in.

... Well, Wanda liked most of them anyway.

"Perhaps another time... Once I've gotten them back," she said in a somewhat curt manner to Adam, attempting to shake the man off.

Meanwhile, in the background, Riesbyfe sighed and shook her head.


"Children these days are so indecent..."

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @WandaWatch

"W-Well... certainly not now. I was more thinking of letting my feelings of love decide where I can go once we get this situation sorted out... you know?"

Blake laughed a bit out of the embarrassing position that Senna had gotten him into. In a way, it was soothing that they were having the time now to ease it a little, and he didn't mind the embarrassment that much compared to earlier... As long as it wasn't so apprehensive and worrisome...

Though, he couldn't help but say one thing, catching wind of Riesbyfe's offhand comment.


"Hey! Erm... I'm a grown man, if that comment... was aimed at me."

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Verite @WandaWatch
There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

That's it," said Albert. "Of course, if you do get seen, I can't say what will happen to you. Nothing good, I can imagine."

@Yun Lee
Just as he was about to take out the scientists himself so he could enter, Cagiliostro's portal did it for him.

"Thanks." Jason said before tugging his grapnel gun and grappling to the other end of the room. Once Jason reached it, he entered the urban area just as the creature slammed against the panels, causing Jason to jump back a bit. As Jason entered, he would turn on detective vision and try to locate the source of the gunshots.

@Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications
There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

That's it," said Albert. "Of course, if you do get seen, I can't say what will happen to you. Nothing good, I can imagine."

@Yun Lee

Twisted Fate instinctively drew a hand of cards in response to the creature's attack on the glass. Noticing that the glass acted as a partition between the group and the creature, he eased up.

He motioned the rest of the group to follow.​
Just as he was about to take out the scientists himself so he could enter, Cagiliostro's portal did it for him.

"Thanks." Jason said before tugging his grapnel gun and grappling to the other end of the room. Once Jason reached it, he entered the urban area just as the creature slammed against the panels, causing Jason to jump back a bit. As Jason entered, he would turn on detective vision and try to locate the source of the gunshots.

@Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications

He used part of his ultimate ability, Gate, to teleport into the urban area. He arrived next to Jason. T.F had cards at the ready in case any opponent decided to mess with them.

"I'll cover you."

@Atomyk @Crow @thatguyinthestore @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications

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"I can't be sure when it comes to you," Senna teased, a grin on her lips. "For all I know, you could be overcome with feelings of love and try to kiss someone again. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen," she said with a wink. Although, it would be different if someone actually did want him to kiss them. Then, Senna supposed, she wouldn't step in. It would be kind of weird to see though, she had to admit.

Still holding onto Blake's ear, she glanced back at Adam over her shoulder. "Hey, Blake here isn't the only one I was talking to when I said you guys should give the girl space. I was talking to everyone. Don't make me pull your ear next, bub," she said, giving him a stern look.

"I... see," Wanda said, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem to exactly get the full extent of what was going on between Senna and Blake, but simply went with the flow for now. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh though. They all seemed like quite amusing and fun-loving people, noting their optimism and cheer despite the grave situation they were in.

... Well, Wanda liked most of them anyway.

"Perhaps another time... Once I've gotten them back," she said in a somewhat curt manner to Adam, attempting to shake the man off.

Meanwhile, in the background, Riesbyfe sighed and shook her head.


"Children these days are so indecent..."

"W-Well... certainly not now. I was more thinking of letting my feelings of love decide where I can go once we get this situation sorted out... you know?"

Blake laughed a bit out of the embarrassing position that Senna had gotten him into. In a way, it was soothing that they were having the time now to ease it a little, and he didn't mind the embarrassment that much compared to earlier... As long as it wasn't so apprehensive and worrisome...

Though, he couldn't help but say one thing, catching wind of Riesbyfe's offhand comment.


"Hey! Erm... I'm a grown man, if that comment... was aimed at me."
Opting to stay in the boat as Riesbyfe, Miku watched the group banter with a rather bemused smile on her face. It felt somewhat strange with how open some people seemed to be with "flirting" with one another. Especially with such turbulent situations like these.

"I think it's hard to blame them..." Miku remarked, her tone and smile beginning to show amusement. "Maybe this is just how they de-stress?"
There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

That's it," said Albert. "Of course, if you do get seen, I can't say what will happen to you. Nothing good, I can imagine."

@Yun Lee
"Believe me, I don't expect anything good." For all she knew, he was setting her up. Why else would he have her break into his own lab? But whatever. She took the key, and headed off for the elevator, going to the floor above.
@Atomyk @Afterlife
When Cookie returned and reported what he saw, I smiled.

"We may have ally," I said as I headed towards 'Leon', who had fell, I pulled out my straightsword and began sawing the ropes away.

"I see you've been grounded for what reason?"

@C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @Hana @Mason Moretti @penguin055 @LiveStorage



Well, lowering her defenses, Setsuna calmly walked up to where Leon was on the ground and lifted the chair with ease before setting it back down and, assuming no one tried to stop her, attempting to break the rope with pure strength. Which, wouldn't really be hard, assuming it wasn't anything special. Regardless.

...or some other guy had it covered. Whatevs.

In any case, that aside, something else caught her attention as the male that had stepped in to free Leon went about his business. A child. She wasn't sure that she had seen her before or not, but she was there, and seemed slightly lost. Or maybe Setsuna was just speculating. Regardless, the blonde carefully debated how to address the child, putting much complex, deep thought into her next words.

"...Are you alright?"

Nailed it, bitch.

@Verite @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @The Myrmidon @Hana @Gands @C.T. @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @CCC Kouhai @LiveStorage​
Then ever so quietly Jaffar suddenly appeared out of the shadows behind Leon. Perhaps stealth was his best skill after all considering he managed to slip in without even being noticed by everyone else.



As Ali went to free the man Jaffar simply kept an eye out for trouble.

Azura's face went pale at the sight of the creatures in their prisons. She had never seen something like those creatures before in her life, and hoped that this would be the last. Luckily she did better than Lucio and wasn't close to being sick.

Azura was going to try and help Leon, but the others had ot covered. So she stood back and took a glance back the way they came, in case of any Umbrella personnel that could show up and cause their group problems.
"Well, this is an interesting discovery..." As everyone worked to free Mister Kennedy from his bindings, Joshua quietly began to hum himself as questions popped into his head. Once the young man was freed, the swordsman finally began to speak up, "Well, pleasure to meet you, Mister Kennedy, though your situation raises some questions. Perhaps you can tell us how you ended up in this entrapment?"

@C.T. @Gands @The Myrmidon @Kaykay @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Archwar @Hana @Mason Moretti @penguin055 @LiveStorage

"I-I'm alright..."

Charlotte was completely lost at the events that had happened. It made her extremely uncomfortable with her surroundings as she knew that she had to follow the rules. It was simple. It would have been simple. However, Charlotte did not vote... which probably could have angered people and give a reason to kill the little girl off. So, she needs to be more careful and attentive when asked to vote and contribute to the investigations.

Alright isn't even the word to describe what Charlotte actually felt.

The little girl thought it was best for her to stay quiet and help the others with whatever they had to do next.

Nailed that one too, bytches.

@Verite @Kaykay @Mason Moretti @The Myrmidon @Hana @Gands @C.T. @penguin055 @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Hospes @LiveStorage​
"Haha, that's one way to come out, huh?" Shirou either couldn't or didn't bother to hold in a bit of laughter. "So I'm guessing Umbrella tied you up and chucked you in here or something. Whatcha do to end up like that? And what're these little abominations?"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Definitely seen better days though," Leon nodded to Setsuna, rubbing his head briefly as he gave his answer, "As for how I got here... Well. Let's just say I was being sort of a bad boy and sticking my nose in places that Umbrella didn't want me in, and yeah, you guessed it. Chucked me in here to be eaten up by the creatures in here, though... Took 'em an awful long time to get some gathered, if they weren't gonna use some of the B.O.W.s already in here for whatever reason," he said to Shirou and the rest of the group, as though assuming everyone knew what a B.O.W. was supposed to be.

He remained silent for a small while, before raising an eyebrow. "Wait a minute... You guys look sorta... Uh, not from around here, to say the least," Leon continued, putting a hand on his hip, "Guess Umbrella's plan really did work if you're all who I think you're supposed to be, though I wonder... Did you all manage to evade Umbrella on your own, or did S.H.I.E.L.D. have to save your butts?" He questioned.

Meanwhile, those with more keen senses would be able to make out a soft, extremely subtle hissing in the air, almost akin to that of a snake or some other animal...

@Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Archwar @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @Gands @Hana @C.T. @penguin055 @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @LiveStorage
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The inside of the containment carried a different atmosphere entirely. It felt warm and claustrophobic, while the lights above simulated a cloudy sky at night. Police sirens sounded from somewhere distant, and the screaming only sounded louder now.


The creature that had splat against the wall shriveled slightly and dropped to the ground. It dragged itself across the ground, leaving a slime trail behind it. Jason would be able to see that the gunshots originated from down the street, but it was that direction that more of the strange creatures could be seen, leaping at unknown victims.


@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

When the elevator doors opened, Alice would find herself in the open atrium Albert had spoken of. Unfortunately for her, two women in lab coats were walking nearby, whispering to each other. Alice was situated at their back and was not likely to be seen unless the two woman turned around. Unfortunately, they were heading forward, toward the big hall that Albert instructed Alice to head down. Four other hallways at the four corners of the atrium. It wasn't clear what was down each hall.

@Yun Lee
Schala Zeal
@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @Atomyk@thatguyinthestore
@Experimental Applications

Schala had followed behind the others somewhat quietly... Not having said a single word the whole thime, even if she did sort of flinch when Android 18 took the liberty of trying to interrogate one of the scientists they encountered in the room after knocking the other unconscious. Unfortunately the one that was supposed to be interrogated passed out to... Oh dear.

To begin with, she wasn't a big fan of... Approaches like that, and well, seeing that it didn't work out so well... She realized there was little point staying here.

Though when Jason opened up a door with one of the keycards, found off of the unconscious scientists... It was apparent that there was a whole lot more to the area than meets the eye. Especially since there was a big group of scientists in the way.

On the other hand, Cagliostro, a recent addition to their group seemed to have summoned up a portal to help, and Schala would quietly wait and see what Cagliostro's distraction might do, if nothing interrupted this whole delicate process. The least she wanted to do, was glimpse what exactly the scientists were so focused on.

There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

That's it," said Albert. "Of course, if you do get seen, I can't say what will happen to you. Nothing good, I can imagine."

@Yun Lee

Just as he was about to take out the scientists himself so he could enter, Cagiliostro's portal did it for him.

"Thanks." Jason said before tugging his grapnel gun and grappling to the other end of the room. Once Jason reached it, he entered the urban area just as the creature slammed against the panels, causing Jason to jump back a bit. As Jason entered, he would turn on detective vision and try to locate the source of the gunshots.

@Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications
Twisted Fate instinctively drew a hand of cards in response to the creature's attack on the glass. Noticing that the glass was protecting the group, he eased up. He commented on the creature's appearance.

"...And I thought Baron Nashor was ugly."

He motioned the rest of the group to follow.​


He used part of his ultimate ability, Gate, to teleport into the urban area. He arrived next to Jason. T.F had cards at the ready in case any opponent decided to mess with them.

"I'll cover you."

@Atomyk @Crow @thatguyinthestore @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications
The inside of the containment carried a different atmosphere entirely. It felt warm and claustrophobic, while the lights above simulated a cloudy sky at night. Police sirens sounded from somewhere distant, and the screaming only sounded louder now.


The creature that had splat against the wall shriveled slightly and dropped to the ground. It dragged itself across the ground, leaving a slime trail behind it. Jason would be able to see that the gunshots originated from down the street, but it was that direction that more of the strange creatures could be seen, leaping at unknown victims.


@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

When the elevator doors opened, Alice would find herself in the open atrium Albert had spoken of. Unfortunately for her, two women in lab coats were walking nearby, whispering to each other. Alice was situated at their back and was not likely to be seen unless the two woman turned around. Unfortunately, they were heading forward, toward the big hall that Albert instructed Alice to head down. Four other hallways at the four corners of the atrium. It wasn't clear what was down each hall.

@Yun Lee


"I could have Ouroboros put that beast out of its misery, but I guess we should stick to our stealth plan," Cagliostro comments.

The beast was observed for a while, before more of its slimy brethren appeared.

"Hmmm... if we don't want to be detected, what if we lead the beasts towards those Umbrella Guys, then put them out of their collective hivemind misery? A lesson to be taken to the grave, I might say."

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
James Proudstar - Warpath

In the live storage room, James had been rooting around any computers and control systems to see what he could find out, which was nothing so far, when the hissing started. He wanted to check and see if it was some sort of gas seeping in or an animal so he used his enhanced sense of smell.

The inside of the containment carried a different atmosphere entirely. It felt warm and claustrophobic, while the lights above simulated a cloudy sky at night. Police sirens sounded from somewhere distant, and the screaming only sounded louder now.


The creature that had splat against the wall shriveled slightly and dropped to the ground. It dragged itself across the ground, leaving a slime trail behind it. Jason would be able to see that the gunshots originated from down the street, but it was that direction that more of the strange creatures could be seen, leaping at unknown victims.


@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

When the elevator doors opened, Alice would find herself in the open atrium Albert had spoken of. Unfortunately for her, two women in lab coats were walking nearby, whispering to each other. Alice was situated at their back and was not likely to be seen unless the two woman turned around. Unfortunately, they were heading forward, toward the big hall that Albert instructed Alice to head down. Four other hallways at the four corners of the atrium. It wasn't clear what was down each hall.

@Yun Lee
When Twisted Fate appeared behind him and said that he would cover him, Jason simply nodded.

"Alright, but what your back too. This place don't seem right..." Jason said before he began to slowly make his way down the street. As he walked, Todd came across one of those.... whatever the hell that thing was. "The fuck are these things?!" Jason said, noticing that a whole damn herd of them was here now. Noticing that they were taking out people here, Jason knew that he had to take action. Not because he cared about these people, but because they could probably tell him what the hell was going on.

"I could have Ouroboros put that beast out of its misery, but I guess we should stick to our stealth plan," Cagliostro comments.

The beast was observed for a while, before more of its slimy brethren appeared.

"Hmmm... if we don't want to be detected, what if we lead the beasts towards those Umbrella Guys, then put them out of their collective hivemind misery? A lesson to be taken to the grave, I might say."

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
"Good plan." Jason said. "Any of you have somethin' on you that can get 'em away from here and towards those Umbrella douchebags?"

@Crow @Atomyk @york @Otto @Jeremi @Experimental Applications

"Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Definitely seen better days though," Leon nodded to Setsuna, rubbing his head briefly as he gave his answer, "As for how I got here... Well. Let's just say I was being sort of a bad boy and sticking my nose in places that Umbrella didn't want me in, and yeah, you guessed it. Chucked me in here to be eaten up by the creatures in here, though... Took 'em an awful long time to get some gathered, if they weren't gonna use some of the B.O.W.s already in here for whatever reason," he said to Shirou and the rest of the group, as though assuming everyone knew what a B.O.W. was supposed to be.

He remained silent for a small while, before raising an eyebrow. "Wait a minute... You guys look sorta... Uh, not from around here, to say the least," Leon continued, putting a hand on his hip, "Guess Umbrella's plan really did work if you're all who I think you're supposed to be, though I wonder... Did you all manage to evade Umbrella on your own, or did S.H.I.E.L.D. have to save your butts?" He questioned.

Meanwhile, those with more keen senses would be able to make out a soft, extremely subtle hissing in the air, almost akin to that of a snake or some other animal...

@Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Archwar @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @Gands @Hana @C.T. @penguin055 @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @LiveStorage
"SHIELD saved our asses. Umbrella inserted some kind of device that got extracted after they saved us," I said as I crossed my arms. I didn't tell him that it was still in our heads though. I did raise a eyebrow when he mentioned B.O.W.s"and we have no clue what a BOW is. I'm guessing it isn't of the archer variety?"

I glanced over to Cookie who seemed on edge. He had shouldered his shotgun and was looking around.

"And we probably shouldn't linger here so I suggest we move our asses."

@Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Verite @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @Gands @Hana @C.T. @penguin055 @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @LiveStorage

"Yeah, I'm... I'm alright. Definitely seen better days though," Leon nodded to Setsuna, rubbing his head briefly as he gave his answer, "As for how I got here... Well. Let's just say I was being sort of a bad boy and sticking my nose in places that Umbrella didn't want me in, and yeah, you guessed it. Chucked me in here to be eaten up by the creatures in here, though... Took 'em an awful long time to get some gathered, if they weren't gonna use some of the B.O.W.s already in here for whatever reason," he said to Shirou and the rest of the group, as though assuming everyone knew what a B.O.W. was supposed to be.

He remained silent for a small while, before raising an eyebrow. "Wait a minute... You guys look sorta... Uh, not from around here, to say the least," Leon continued, putting a hand on his hip, "Guess Umbrella's plan really did work if you're all who I think you're supposed to be, though I wonder... Did you all manage to evade Umbrella on your own, or did S.H.I.E.L.D. have to save your butts?" He questioned.

Meanwhile, those with more keen senses would be able to make out a soft, extremely subtle hissing in the air, almost akin to that of a snake or some other animal...

@Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Archwar @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @Gands @Hana @C.T. @penguin055 @Hospes @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @LiveStorage
Lucio gave an internal sigh of relief that Leon didn't pull a gun and threaten to take over the world or something. It'd be rude if he outright assumed he'd do that, but this whole thing is starting to mess with his head. The DJ smiled regardless, crossing his arms.

He wasn't aware of the hissing.


"Good thing we came at the right time, then. And yeah, Umbrella was makin' us fight S.H.I.E.L.D. for a little bit, but they managed to get rid of the chips in our heads. Now we're tryin' to get back at them for it. S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't say anything about you, are you with anyone, or..?"

"Oh, yeah, another thing; what's a B.O.W.?"

@Kaykay @The Myrmidon @Verite @CCC Kouhai @Mason Moretti @Gands @Hana @C.T. @penguin055 @Hospes @Archwar @Crimson Spartan @Takumi @LiveStorage

"I... see," Wanda said, raising an eyebrow. She didn't seem to exactly get the full extent of what was going on between Senna and Blake, but simply went with the flow for now. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh though. They all seemed like quite amusing and fun-loving people, noting their optimism and cheer despite the grave situation they were in.

... Well, Wanda liked most of them anyway.

"Perhaps another time... Once I've gotten them back," she said in a somewhat curt manner to Adam, attempting to shake the man off.

Meanwhile, in the background, Riesbyfe sighed and shook her head.


"Children these days are so indecent..."

@Josh M @Mami Tomoe @Klutzy Ninja Kitty @Atomyk @Bomb @Kaide` @Mason Moretti @Gummi Bunnies @WandaWatch

Clark's worrying concern about Adam still stood. It looked like Wanda could protect herself, still. Clark turned to Adam.

'Hey look, I don't think you mean her any harm, but I am pretty sure she's just not into you. Just give her some space, fair enough?"

Turning to see how the knight reacted, Clark smirk as the girl bushed. He couldn't help but tease her.

"You haven't been to many collage parties, have you?"

Granted, Clark didn't go to mean. Surprisingly, not his thing.

There was no direct entrance into the containment area beyond one near the scientists... but Cagliostro's portal did short work of them. Despite this, more gunshots echoed from inside the containment.

Shockingly, a strange creature slammed up against the side of the clear panels, splattering slime across it. Screaming could be heard from inside.

@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
Just as he was about to take out the scientists himself so he could enter, Cagiliostro's portal did it for him.

"Thanks." Jason said before tugging his grapnel gun and grappling to the other end of the room. Once Jason reached it, he entered the urban area just as the creature slammed against the panels, causing Jason to jump back a bit. As Jason entered, he would turn on detective vision and try to locate the source of the gunshots.

@Atomyk @Crow @Otto @york @Jeremi @Experimental Applications
The inside of the containment carried a different atmosphere entirely. It felt warm and claustrophobic, while the lights above simulated a cloudy sky at night. Police sirens sounded from somewhere distant, and the screaming only sounded louder now.


The creature that had splat against the wall shriveled slightly and dropped to the ground. It dragged itself across the ground, leaving a slime trail behind it. Jason would be able to see that the gunshots originated from down the street, but it was that direction that more of the strange creatures could be seen, leaping at unknown victims.


@Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications

"I could have Ouroboros put that beast out of its misery, but I guess we should stick to our stealth plan," Cagliostro comments.

The beast was observed for a while, before more of its slimy brethren appeared.

"Hmmm... if we don't want to be detected, what if we lead the beasts towards those Umbrella Guys, then put them out of their collective hivemind misery? A lesson to be taken to the grave, I might say."

@Atomyk @Jeremi @Crow @Otto @york @thatguyinthestore @Experimental Applications
When Twisted Fate appeared behind him and said that he would cover him, Jason simply nodded.

"Alright, but what your back too. This place don't seem right..." Jason said before he began to slowly make his way down the street. As he walked, Todd came across one of those.... whatever the hell that thing was. "The fuck are these things?!" Jason said, noticing that a whole damn herd of them was here now. Noticing that they were taking out people here, Jason knew that he had to take action. Not because he cared about these people, but because they could probably tell him what the hell was going on.

"Good plan." Jason said. "Any of you have somethin' on you that can get 'em away from here and towards those Umbrella douchebags?"

@Crow @Atomyk @york @Otto @Jeremi @Experimental Applications
Schala Zeal
@Crow @thatguyinthestore @Atomyk @Otto @Jeremi
@Experimental Applications

Schala frowned... It was clear that whatever was going on here, was far from ethical, let alone safe; there had to be some way to both free the captives within that containment area, and prevent the creatures from within from causing any more harm.

On the other hand, letting those creatures loose and helping those within the area escape might not be such a bad idea either, since the scientists would likely succumb to the sudde incursion in no time.

Though the decision itself wasn't too difficult to make, it was more of a moral dilemma on her part... But before she proceeded to do anything else, she decided to try and inspect the glass protecting the containment area... Since she wasn't even sure if one of her spells could breach the glass, and free those that were once contained behind it.​
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